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~v~ns19S~ volumt 11

Saudi Arabian International School Riyadh - American Section Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Title Page 1

Journey With Us .. ·

Table Of Contents

Board of Education 4
Administration 5
Business Office 7
C.A.P.P. Office 10
LMC's: An Oasis of Knowledge 12
Caravans Between Classes 14
Spring 1987 18 His Majesty

King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz

His Royal Highness Prince Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz

Student Activities 24
Caravans Toward Excellence 30
Junior High School 32
Intermediate School 76
Primary School 122
Newcomers Join Our Caravan 186
Parent Volunteers at SAIS-R 190
Support Staff 191 Cera vans, cere vans, cara vans Travelers moving forward Swaying over ageless shifting sands Carrying precious cargo Spices, carpets, jewels, Developing,

Trading, sharing, caring

Sharon K. Prescher

Opening 3

2 Contents


SAIS-R: The caravan moves on ..


(Above); Board of Education 1987-1988; Robert Eichfeld, Vice-Chairman; Gudmund E. U. Bergqvist; Glen C. Kraatz, Chairman; Susan Rooney; Deborah Spitler, Secretary; Frank Crump; Peter A. Christie, Treasurer.

4 Board of Education

Taking a positive and active interest in every aspect of the school is a key to what makes Board members such valuable people.

(Left and Above): Mr. Glen Kraatz and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eichfeld attend Parents' Night.

CARAVANS, the theme chosen for the 1987-1988 school yearbook seems particularly appropriate for us at SAIS-R. The ancient caravans which once crossed the deserts of Arabia carried not only goods but ideas and knowledge from one part of the world to another. Like the early wanderers who accompanied those caravans, we are all travellers on a journey as well. For our students and staff, it is a journey measured not only in miles but in a wealth of shared experiences. In an international school community such as ours, we come close to the ideal global environment. We meet new people and learn from their ideas and diverse cultural backgrounds. An appreciation of different values and beliefs help us grow personally. The 'caravan' that has brought us together will ultimately take us apart, but we will move on enriched by the time we have spent together.

Daryle Russell, Superintendent

(Above); Administrative Team; (Standing) Robert Tinney, Coordinator of Personnel; Grant Fiedler, Director of Administrative Services-Curriculum; William Roney, Business Manager; (Seated) Tim Hansen, Intermediate School Principal; Dr. Daryle Russell, Superintendent; Don Shoemaker, Primary School Principal.

(Left); Carol Walker, Secretary to the Superintendent

Administration 5

Business Office

Grant Fiedler, Director of Administrative Services-Curriculum

Robert Tinney

Coordinator of Personnel Services

William Roney, Business Manager

Marcella Hernandez

Secretary to the Personnel Coordinator

Karen Price

Secretary to the Business Manager

6 Business Office

Shahid Ziadi

Coordinator, Computer Services

Margie Tager Computer Assistant

Jhonnie Dedmon Bookkeeper

Gail Barilka Receptionist/Operator

Sayed Saad Accountant

Matar AI-Zahrani Expeditor

Business Office 7

(Top Left): Nancy Patlan, Registrar (Middle Left); Ellie Al-Idriss, Procurement

(Bottom Left); Adnan Chlouk, Liason Off/Assistant Registrar

8 Registrar's Office/Procurement


(Top Right): Nan Toner, Buyer

(Middle Right); Hassan Poona, Warehouseman (Bottom Right); LoU: Astriah, Assistant Registrar


• • •


Computers, Activities, Placement, Publications


Left: Maxine Tinney, Coordinator of Computer Instruction.

The high computer-literacy rate at SAIS-R can be greatly attributed to Maxine Tinney. She is not only responsible for computer instruction to students at all levels hut provides in-service computer workshops for teachers to sharpen their skills as well. She also maintains an impressive library of computer software.

Bottom (Right): Jim Ryan, Student Activities Facilitator.

Students at SAIS- R know that their interests and talents can be reinforced through a variety of exciting after-school activities organized by Jim Ryan. During the 1987-1988 school year, the Student Activities Program will offer over two hundred activities to students in grades one to nine. These activities are held four times a week, Saturday through Tuesday, from 2: 45 to 3: 50 P.M.

(Right): Dannie Russell, Placement Office and Communications Liason,

The Placement Office provides a wealth of information on boarding schools abroad. Transferring students and their parents can depend on Dannie Russell for help in preparation of applications and letters of recommendation. She also organizes recruiting presentations and an annual Boarding School Fair. Mrs. Russell, as Communications Liason, publishes the weekly News Flash and the annual school calendar.

Bottom (Left): Jane Crawford C.A,P.P. Office Secretary

Bottom (Left to Right): Christine Brignoli and Claire J oanisse, Yearbook Editors

C.A.P.P. Office 11

10 C.A.P.P. Office

Sharon K. Prescher, Head Librarian

Library Media Centers:

An Oasis of Know-ledge

Moving, moving, moving

Together journeying across desert sands Searching for timeless truths

Reading precious words

Books, magazines, maps


Seeking, sharing, caring

Libraries, libraries, libraries

Reconfirm an ancient scheme of things Bearing testamonials of all ages Anticipating the future

Computers, laser discs, interactive video Wisdom

Continuing, sharing, caring

The Library Legacy

Top Left: Mary Wright, Primary Librarian, helps Jim Egge and Jay Mitchell.

Above: Nyle Wiren studies about ancient Egypt in the Junior High Library. Left: Mrs. Rawlings helps a young visitor choose a book.

Bottom Left: Nadine Ghosn, student aide in the Junior High Library.

Below: Frankie Morgan, Intermediate Librarian, reads to class 5H.

Lisa Lewis enjoys the Primary listening center.

Right: Julie Garrett and Paris Panayiotopoulos work with Mrs.

Recess can be a good time to visit the Primary Library.

------ <1;" \, _ >.

Faces at SAIS-R:

Caravans Between Classes

14 Caravans Between Classes

Caravans Between Classes 15

Top: The bleachers are a shady place to meet after lunch for Jr. High kids.

Who said there is free pizza for all JuHigh kids?

Above Left: Pre-schoolers join the "kinder caravan!"

(L-R): Things are looking up for Serna and Camilla Ancidei.

Left: Happiness is 9th grade for Brian Dymond and Lorne Oickle

Right: William Chiang. One ... one a half ... two?

Above: What's Patrick Shannon smiling about? Recess!

Eighth graders really know how to together!

Top Left: Mr. Isle and Mr. Wentworth must sometimes take drastic measures!

Top Right: Mr. John Terry gets caught up on all the news during lunch.

Right: For Julie Stoyka, Tiffany Craig and Niki Souellis, lunch is a cabaret!

Bottom Left: Terese Olsson would even look good in a flour sack!

Bottom Right: Cindy Palmer surrounded by fellow teachers Lindy Smith, Pat Nixon, Gretchen Passons.

16 Caravans Between Classes


Mimi Kashawagi sits this one out!

Melissa Mezick and patient

First day jitters?

Christina Martin slides into a new year _ ..

Caravans Between Classes 17

During Track and Field Day, running for fun takes on new meaning for these sprinters.

Herculean effort shows on the face of a participant at the Intermediate School Track and Field Day.


(Bottom): Mrs. Betty Martin helps organize children for the Walk-a-thon.

(Below): Hiding behind' a creative mask can be fun for elementary children.

David Smith demonstrates skateboard wizardry!

Madhani Patnana's "Pointillism", Fine Arts Fair.

Sahar Mahmoud enjoys the Friendship Day feast.

Friends join the Walk-a-Thon!

The girls are off to a running start at the Intermediate Track and Field Day. (LR): Karin Ayers, Lidra Arouni, Amy Bennett, Jennifer North, Elvin Yuzugullu.

Spring Activities 19

18 Spring Activities

~t~-~tde ~t~ ~tdt.PU~ (')nee /ltJailel

20 Spring Activities

Riyadh Riyadh Riyadh Riyadh

Softball Tournament in Jeddah

4 Yanbu

15 Jubail

21 Dhahran

7 Jeddah


Welcoming new members to the National Junior Honor Society are (L-R): Cathy Lifeso, Mylene Magpili, Andreas Nyberg, Shadman Riaz, Sophia P anayiotopoulos,




SAIS-R 1987 All Kingdom Band participants. (L-R): David Smith, Jake Turrell, Andreas Nyberg, Fatima Elnigoumi, Gi Hyon Ahn, Stephanie Farley, Natalie Burton, Advisor: Ken Meisinger.


Winning is wonderful! "Final Dress Rehearsal" scoops the awards in Yanbu, March '87. Melissa Edwards, Cindy Jungers and Michelle Blansit join Dhahran friends in celebration.

Spring Activities 23

i\bove: Coach Dave Haas really knows how to turn on a volleyball team!

Right: Could this be a future Captain of the U.S. Olympic Volleyball Team?

.. .


Above: Fielder Eric Rasmussen is poised to catch whatever comes his way.

Right: 7th grader Ted Horan hopes this next pitch will give his team the gamewinning run.

24 After School Activities

Above: Mrs. Martin demonstrates mounting the uneven bars.

Below:Tawni Galanti masters the splits.

Mrs. Betty Martin spots Kristi Shields carefully as she attempts a on the uneven bars.

Above: Mrs. Carol McGonigal helps Anjali Venugopal maneuver on the balance beam.

After School Activities 25

Left: Need a new winter sweater or wooly socks? Mrs. Gemayel's knitting students might be able to oblige! L-R: Faeza Javed, Ann Cone, Hamod Abu Eid, Lynn Fister, Aline Aprahamian, Marwa Shammas.

Above: Matthew Hawes, Garrett Ford, Bob Liang and Pascal Matta enjoy Mr. Derby's 2nd grade after-school Board Games activity.

IIr. Meisinger's Guitar class with (L-R) Gulin Gursory,·Jay Price and Andrew luff.

Above: Mrs. Zieman introduces her fifth grade Board t?ames participants to Backgammon, Chess, Operation and Life, as well as the ever-popular Bingo.

><--,,-. •• Mrs. Kopel helps Second graders begin activity. L-R: Abdullah Khan, Raheel Amna Khawar, Mustafa Pasha, Deena Abd El Razak, Alisa Reid.

For Fifth grader Michelle Emery, eating hummos with a bit of fresh Arabic bread is a great way to end a day!

Mrs. Barbara lise helps Beth Horton learn basic pen angles and strokes in this Grades 5~6 activity.

Jenna Hustead and Cindy Martin get some expert help from Mr. Krech as they work on their rainbow name paintings in this First Grade activity.

Left: Movement and Dance for First Grade girls is just one more way for Mrs. Diane Parks to involve students in Music. Popping up and down, they dance to the Jack-in-the Box song.

28 After School Activities

Above: Mrs. Marjorie Eringis demonstrates the art of creating three-dimensional work for the children in her Paper Arts and Crafts activity.

After School Activities 29

Left: Cristina Koerber, Sean Liddick, and Ann Buch are hard at work cutting out the pieces they need to create a three-dimensional picture.

With our aim of providing quality and successful educational experiences for our entire student population, SAlS-R is fortunate to be staffed with outstanding teachers and specialists.

Enrichment Center Aide Joann MacLachlan helps teachers locate materials.

ibove. Mrs. Wentworth shares the poem "Never Go To Lunch With A rinosaur!"

tight: Teachers gather for an Enrichment Center sponsored Reading Vorkshop.

Raye Wentworth and Barbara Ilse keep students and teachers challenged through activities they organize in the Enrichment Center.

The Enrichment Center staff enhances learning experiences for all students by providing materials, activities and assistance to teachers. To meet the special needs of gifted and talented students, stimulating and challenging resources are available.

Above: Junior High School Resource Team

Back Row (L-R): Melberne Mansfield, Mary Morton, Clare Ensenat, Kay Bast.

Front Row (L-R): Linda Selkirk, Steve Wentworth, Tjiske Hunter.

Enrichment teachers visit classrooms to work with students and teachers on a variety of topics designed to promote thinking, discovery and problem solving.

Right: Primary School Resource Team

One of the special events sponsored by the Enrichment Center is SAlS-R's weekly Poetry Break. Oral presentations of poems are shared by students and staff to develop an appreciation of poetry in grades 1-6.

Left to Right: Louise Sayles, Laura Halvorson, Marianne Thomas, Frances Pietschmann, Janet Rehman, Karen Gundlefinger, Joan H. Miller.

The SAlS- R Resource Teams are composed of specially trained professionals. They include teachers, counselors, the school psychologist and speech therapist, and teachers in the English as a Second Language (ESL) program. ESL teachers work to prepare students whose first language is not English to be able to understand, participate and contribute successfully in communication and written work using standard English. Remediation of specific academic skills is offered by other specialists. Working together, the Resource Teams attempt to help our varied school population from grades I through 9 adjust to the demands of a large schooL

Left: Intermediate School Resource Team

Left to Right: Torgun Austin, Debbie Duke, JoLynne Sutherland, David Scanga, Jean Reboli, Jan Benson, Karen Niswander, Paula Pariseau. (Although shown pictured with this team in particular, David Scanga and Jean Reboli work with students from all grade levels).

Caravans Toward Excellence 31


High School

32 Junior High School

Junior High School 33

Principal: Eddie Miller Assistant Principal: Tim Ilse

Top Row (L-R):

Steve Wentworth, Counselor Kay Bast, Counselor

Middle Row:

Gayle Jones, Junior High Secretary Judy Earl, Junior High Secretary Paula Shockey,- Junior High Supply


The Junior High School offers a strong academic program to students in grades seven, eight and nine. Required courses include English, Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education and Health. A variety of elective subjects is offered, including foreign languages, speech and drama, instrumental and vocal music, art, mechanical drawing, computer science and keyboarding/word processing. A comprehensive English as a Second Language program completes the curriculum. It is the staff's goal to meet the needs of all students and to prepare them for a successful high school experience.

Bottom Row:

Sarah Lawrence, Library Secretary Debbie Lewis, Junior High

Audio-Visual Aide Sharon Prescher, Head Librarian Edie Truett, Library Circulation Aide

Above: Tim Ilse, Assistant Principal

Eddie Miller with 9th graders Kasey Cummings and Jay Blansit,

English, Reading


SL, Forei

n Lan


Mr. Bruce McMillen 7th and 9th grade English Mrs. Mary Morton Learning Center

Mrs. Cindy Palmer 7th grade English, Reading

Mrs. Gretchen Passons 8th grade English

Mrs. Clare Ensenat ESL Levels 1,2,3

Mrs. Michelle Hinck French

Mrs. Tjiske Hunter ESL Levels 1 and 2 Mrs. Sharon Lee French

Mrs. Gloria Shoemaker Department Chairman 9th grade English

Mrs. Lindy Smith 7th grade English Speech and Drama

Above: Writing epitaphs in Mrs. Shoemaker's class has some students thinking seriously!

Above: Mr. McMillen is a popular guy! Zina Kadhim and Vikram Hora compete for his attention in class.

34 Junior High Staff

Mrs. Melberne Mansfield ESL, Junior High

Mrs. Linda Selkirk

ESL, Junior High

Mrs. Kitty Wilcox 8th grade English, Reading

Mrs. Aida Shammas Arabic, Junior High

Above: What could be written on that paper that so intrigues Mrs. Palmer, Jacob Ortiz and Bryan Sawyer??

Hunter seems to have Jung-Won and Jung-Keun Kwak's full atlesson.

No giggling in class, Angela Lin!

more involved in Arabic culture can you get than by mak-

Junior High Staff 35

- Social

- Studies

Computer Science, Drafting P.E.

Mrs. Martha Brewer US History, World History

Mrs. Jeri Bushala Geography, 7th grade

Mrs. Sue Buch Physical Education

Mrs. Colleen Goodwin Physical Education

Mr. David Haas Physical Education

Mrs. Sheryl Jones World History, 9th grade Mrs. Pat Nixon Department Chairman 1S.S. World History

Mrs. Connie Johnson Computer Science

Above: Mrs. Buch gives Lashon Aultman and Samia Bhatti some helpful pointers about gymnastics.

Mrs. Bushala brings an intriguing element of drama to 7th arade Geography.

Mr. Dan LoCascio Computer Science

Mr. Gene Prescher Drafting

Mr. Jim Ryan Physical Education

Eighth grader Michael Thorpe loves the way Mrs. Nixon peers over her glasses.

Above: "Look guys, the plane, the plane ... "

Bottom: "O.K. students, today we're building a house ... "

Above: Jeremy Butler in Mrs. Dunn's Geography class studies the ecosystems of the world.

Right: Mrs. Martha Brewer casts a watchful gaze over her budding historians.

"It's my turn!" "No, ies mine]"

win this friendly debate?

Computer Science is not so hard with Mr. LoCascio around.




Mrs. Alice Burkett Mathematics, 8th grade Algebra I Mr. Justin Eringis Mathematics, 8th grade Algebra I

Mrs. Jenny Fiedler Department Chairman Mathematics, 7th grade

Mrs. Carol Wigle Mathematics, 7th & 8th grade Algebra I

Mrs. Barbara Abeling Life Science, 7th grade

Mr. Reg Lee

Earth Science, 8th grade Mr. Robert Miller Department Chairman Physical Science, 9th grade Mr. Terry Orcutt Physical Science, 9th grade

Mr. John Terry

Life Science, 7th grade Earth Science, 8th grade

Right: Does this have anything to do with the pound of feathers, pound of lead theory, Mr. Lee?

Mr. Eringis unravels the mysteries of algebraic equations for his students. "

Left: Now, on this overlay you will see a fine specimen of paramecium arabian itis ...

Above: Algebra never looked so good for these fellows ... could Mrs. Burkett's instructions have something to do with it?

Right: Is it possible that 9th grade Physical Science can really be pleasant? So it would seem, judging from the smile on Helen Blackmore's face.

38 Junior High Staff

Above: A team of eager 7th grade scientists surround Mrs. Abeling during their unit on insect classification and display.

Junior High Staff 39

Mrs. Debbie LoCascio Junior High Chorus

Mr. Kenneth Meisinger Junior High Band

Mrs. Cindy Odorn Junior High Art

Music is as old as Time in the Arab world and has always played an important role. Almost a thousand years ago specialized percussion instruments, forerunners of those in today's modern orchestras, were developed by craftsmen throughout Asia Minor. Other instruments evolved with pleasing reedy sounds or clear chiming notes. When the Crusaders spread eastward into Arab lands, they discovered a people whose arts were already ancient. They were fascinated with the great variety of instruments they were seeing for the first time. Particularly impressive were the large drums mounted on camel-back and played with a pair of sticks. To the booming cadence of these drum beats, vast Arab armies bravely marched into battle. Music is an endless source of expression. In its long and rich history, it has always provided inspiration, enjoyment and a sense of meaning. Today, at SAIS-R, music still comes from the desert ...

... and music comes from the desert.

. J

Above: Mrs. Odom helps 7th grader Venere Nenna with the messy business of making an October papier-mache pumpkin.

Right: Invited to perform in an LMC sponsored mini-concert, Mr. Meisinger huffs and puffs and blows us away with a great tuba sound! Encore, maestro!

Above: The Concert Choir, under Mrs. LoCascio's direction, presents a program of holiday favorites at the American Embassy.

Above: Scott Wigle really knows how to make his bass clarinet turn out a great tune!

Above: Jonas Abelssohn, a natural with a trumpet, is another Louis Armstrong!

High Music program is designed to meet the needs of all interested students. The department offers different instruction and exciting musical challenges through the Blue Band, Gold Band, Concert Band and Duets and Trios, the baton of Mr. Meisinger and Dr. Melton. For those whose forte is vocal music, Mrs. LoCascio directs the Concert

40 Junior High Staff

Junior High Music Department 41

S.A.I.S. - R Student Council


:lection of officers to the Student Council got the 987 -88 school year off to a great start. Posters and peeches wound up the campaigning and students ushed to the polls, casting their votes electronrally via computers placed in the Student Council :lection Headquarters. With Mrs. Bast as sponsor, he Student Council leaped into a busy year with iany activities geared to boost school spirit and lake SAIS-R a great place to be for Junior High tudents, Pompoms, pennants, stickers and butons were sold before Pep Rallies, special events rere planned throughout the year, and everybody locked to the Student Council-sponsored cookutsl

Too Hot To Handle!

There is absolutely no doubt!

The Eagles Team is really mean, They're gonna knock you out!

Too Hot to Handle!

Watch out!

Right: SAIS-R's 1987-1988 Cheerleaders:

Back row (L-Rl: Ruxanna Oosman, Shela Hall, Olsson, Brandee Nunley, Em Jeffords,

Edie Truett.

row (L-Rl: Tiffany Craig, Marie-France Rachel Crawford, Liz Eggiman. Not Desjardins.

1l@l1D ((ffiI~r1r' ~~~~

wOul}{] " ' ~ ,


For SecretJr~

. . . and the winners are:

President Robert Jayme

Vice President Ruxana Oosman


Kris Gundlefinger


Joey Gelineau





SAIS-R's Hall Of Fame

We've Got The Best!


Top Row: James Meadows, James Lewis, Hans Gartner, Mark Hooper. Middle Row: Brian Seto, Lorne Oickle, Dominic Des Rosier, Kelly Simmons. Front Row: Coach: David Haas, Ara Aprahamian, Michael Hartman, Jae-Hyung Cho, Trevor Kruse.

Back Row: Tanya Sandburg, Kristy Lagle, Stacey Russell, Mrs. Sue Buch, Mayda Chavarria, Star Miller, Lisa Conaway. Front Row: Michele Blansit, Julie Stoyka, Karen Smith, Dianna Larsen, Jody McDonald.

Soccer Team

Top Row: Coach: Bruce McMillen, Brad Gleichman, Jim Meadows, James Lewis, Craig Butcher, Kelly Simmons. Middle Row:

Ammar AI-SaHh, Brian Seto, Hans Gaertner, Jae-Hyun Cho, Jonaton Loukvist. Front Row: Ara Aprahamian, Adnan Mousavizadegan, Lorne Oickle, S1- Hong Jin. Missing: Nikklas Hansson.

Back Row: Llanos Serna, Sev Defooni, Mrs. Emily McMillen, Kris Gundelfinger, Prachee Kulkarni. Middle Row: Nadia Issa, Kim Worley, Dawn Lorenzen, Nadine Ghosn. Front Row: Jean Herman, Kim Millspaugh, Val Lemieux, Samantha Ashley.

Girls' Gymnastics

Top Row: Alison Welch, Collette Welch, Nadine Ghosn, Karen van Dantzig. Middle Row: Mrs. Sue Buch, Anna Vandermeulen, Jennifer Miller, Mary Hobart, Monica Maurer, Sonal Shah, Julie Vandermeulen, Mrs. Linda Scanga. Front Row: Molly Burkett, Nathalie Lindqvist, Francesca Segura, Claire Bird, Kristy Lagle.


An Evening of Mime

On October 4th and 5th, ninety of SAIS-R's Speech and Drama students inaugurated the Junior High's new Drama room with "An Evening of Mime" under the direction of teacher Lindy Smith. Students presented

original, humorous solo and group scenes in the classic mime tradition, relying only on their white-gloved hands, black and white faces and clothing. No props were used as the students silently communicated the magic of mime to their audiences. Mime was first used

• as an art form by Etienne Decroux and was < popularized by his better known student


) Marcel Marceau. Drama students at SAIS- R .•..•.••••.• study mime as their first introduction to > character development.

Above: StarMiller applies make-up to Jennifer Zanella while Aalia Khan watches' Frank Gibson "Shaving." , ,

Left: "The Marionette." Trey Coggins (top) and Ian Morrison (bottom). Below: Period 5's Speech and Drama Class performs "The School Bus.

Mime performers (L-R) Tanya Sandburg, Star Miller, T. Olsson.

Mime Show 45


Ed Opus (Rex)

Fall Drama Production

Left: Lovely Hee Won Lee delights the audience with her performance of Valse, Opus 64, No.2, by Chopin.

Above: In their lively skit, Lena and Dima Hashweh remind us that "Nobody's Perfect!"

Right: When Harold and Mable Benchly take their family on a world tour, watch out! Here, T. Olsson, Denis Vezina and Lorne Oickle prepare to assault another culture!

Above: If you can "Walk Like An Egyptian" and sing up a storm, Mrs. LoCascio is looking for you for the Jr.HL Choir!

Right: A talented pianist, Robert Jayme plays Valse in E flat, Opus 83, No.1 by A. Durand .

• hove: Nicki Baker sings "Those Nights," song of her own composition.

Right: In mime tradition, Rachel Karr and Samia Bhatti act out "The Artist."

Far Right: In "Naughty Girls," Nadine Ghosn presents an arrangement of acrobatic dance.

46 Talent Showcase

Left: Ali Rizvi - Shep Hurd - makes the important call to Dr. Soph indicating possession of key fingerprints while Anika Zabokrtsky - Yo Yo - enjoys the sugar from Ed.

Below: With Robert Jayrne wheelchair-bound, Riika Turunen - Ty Reesias - predicts the future for West Thebes High.

JHS Turkey Trot Fun

It's A Race To The Finish!

National Junior Honor Society CARAVANS '88 Mini-NESA Day


First semester ended with the running of the annual JHS Turkey Trot races, a great way to begin Winter Break! It was an afternoon of fun, craziness and all kinds of surprises! Fueled by delicious pizza, students and faculty cavorted their way through a variety of events, culminating in the finals of SAIS-R's famous Trike Races! Contestants frantically pedalled toward grade-level homeroom championships. The winning classes were: 7th grade, Mrs. Ensenat's 7-8; 8th grade, Mrs. Odem's 8- 9 and 9th grade, Mrs. Hinck's 9-5.

1987 - 1988 National Junior Honor Society

Shahira Abdelrazak Ara Aprahamian Anne Austin

Paul Briz

Molly Burkett Beth Bryson

Jae Hyung Cho Samir Elshihabi Elizabeth Eggiman Junaid Hasan Nadia Issa

Aamir Jawed Ernest J ayme Robert Jayme Razan Kadry

Advisor: Mr. Steve Wentworth

Year book Staff

Rajan Kapoor

Kulsum Khan Prachee Kulkarni Feisal Maroof Jennifer Morris Andreas Nyberg Anders Olsson

Kirsten Ostrawski Bassim Riad Karim-Walid Sadik Karen-Michelle Smith David Smith

Jon Worley

Bulem Yuzugullu Lena-Atef Zahnan

Left: Yearbook Staff Claire Joanisse, Andreas Nyberg and Christine Brignoli face the intimidating task of identifying over 2200 panel pictures!

Above: Mr. Hume Horan, United States Ambassador, addresses teachers during the Mini-NESA In-Service Day.

Left: Talented staff photographer, Andreas Nyberg "on assignment" for CARAVANS 1988.

Honor Society, Publications 49


ibovee Mrs. Kay Bast, SAIS-R counselor, helps parents locate materiIs in the Boarding School Library.

i\.bove: Mrs. Lindy Smith and Mrs. Louise Rawlings were on hand to present Canadian school choices.

Above: U. S. Ambassador Mr. Hume Horan and Mrs. Torgun Austin help parents and students learn more about U.S. schools.

... the caravan moves on

For Ninth graders at SAIS-R, this is a special year, a bitter-sweet year, for it means the certainty of moving on. In compliance with the guidelines of the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education, curriculum at SAIS-R terminates at the end of grade 9. Most graduating students will plunge head-on into meeting the requirements for entrance to boarding schools, sitting for the SSAT Exam and writing those allso-revealing essays about themselves. They will spend hours with their parents learning about possible schools and completing applications. Certificates and awards earned by the students are gathered together, recommendations are written by teachers and transcripts are prepared. It is an important year for the student and his entire family, a year when some serious choices must be made. While some students welcome the opportunity to have a boarding school experience, others prefer to stay with their families, a decision which may necessitate a move to a new location or returning home to live with relatives. Mrs. Dannie Russell of the SAIS-R Placement Centre coordinates all application material, counsels students and parents, and organizes a very successful and informative annual Boarding School Fair.

Above: Dr. Daryle Russell discusses the International Baccalaureate and the SSAT Admission Test.

Jonas Abellson Kholood AI-Huraimel Haitham AI-Sayed Ammar Al-Salih

Drew Angeloff Ara Aprahamian David Archer Samantha Ashley Nicki Baker

Bassel Bastawi Dag-Stefan Berg Claire Bird

Helen Blackmore Jeremy S. Blansit

Elizabeth Bryson Craig Butcher Paul Carr Brenna Casey Charissa Casey

. I

I .. '

Tedrose Charles Samir Chaudhary Mayda 1. Chavarria Wei - N ien Chiang Jae-Hyun Cho


Shahid Gazi Nadine Ghosn Aisling Gibbons Bradley Gleichman Michael Grenier

Maria Grieshaber Kristin Gundlefinger Gulin Gursoy

Shela Hall

Scott Halvorson

Michael Harakis Dima Hashweh Jerald D. Henderson Jean Hermann

Mark Hooper

Denis Vezina

Jon Walters Hsiao- Heng Wang Joshua Waters Nicola West

Niki Soulellis Shannon Stecher Julie Stoyka Jin-Young Suh Fawad Syed

Rania Tarazi

Mia Tedesco

Mark Tercero Robert Tichy Catherine Tremblay

Holly Turner Riikka Turunen Orner Unal

Ricky Willis Nyle Wiren Bridget Y okoff

B ulem Yuzugull u Aleffiyah Zainnuddin

Grade 9 59

Andrew Huff Sharif Ibrahim Nadia Issa

Dawn Itani Anne-Marie Jaeir

Shahnaz J amil

Shafaq Javed

Ernest Jayme Mary-Emma Jeffords Brookie-Lynn Johnson

Henrie Johnsson Zyad-Manuel Kadri Razan Kadry

Reza Kaleel Hee-Yong Kang

Rajan Kapoor Aalia Khan Irfan-Zarek Khan Nadia Khan Sabreena Khan

Mona-Liza Khmur

Hyun-Jeung Kim

Grade 8 63

Jesse Park Jiyung Park Sarah E. Pearson Brandy Piper lain Pitman

Jennifer E. Miller Niamh Miller

Kim Millspaugh Jennifer R. Morris A. Mousavizadegan

Anntriniece Napper Daydemona Nasser Zain N emazie Oskar Nilsson Hadija-N. Njuki

David O'Sullivan

Sung-Min Oh

Tiina Okkola Anders Olsson Soha-Sayed Omar Kristen Ostrawski Can Ozcan

Grade 8 65

Malin Stenburg

Samer Tabbara Michael-John Thorpe Audun Tornquist Scott J. Vanderwell Jason J. VanLeeuwen

John J. VanLeeuwen Scotty Vanschaick Wendy Wang

Robert R. Wilberding -, Siobhan Williams

Kyung- Yoon Woo Jon-Robert Worley Chang-Kim Yoo Eun-Yung Yoo Cheri-Renae Young

Farooq K. Y ousaf Anika Zabokrtsky Lina-Atef Zahnan Gina-Renee Zaouk Barbara Zijlstra

Grade 8 67

Burak Borahan Cedric Brasey Josefina Brismar

Buzan Broukian Joy Busch Jeremy Butler

Kathleen Carberry Roy Cardoso Chia-Li Chang Jinnam Cho Yoo-Wang Choi

Eric Christiansen Aaron Chris Cole Christopher Crook Amanda Dedmon Zen ita Dhalla

Vijay Doraiswamy Robin Dua

Aliza Eba

Bradley Edwards David Ekstrand

Mohamed El- Prince Barny El-Hammady J annie Elias

Said EI-Shihabi Sairne Eren

Grade 7 69

Mary Hobart Vikramjit Hora Jonathan Horan Timothy Horton Amy Howell

Marcus Isshak Angela Ives Ammar Jamil Robert Jurgens Visnja Jurkovic

Ayesha Khan Zainab Khan Ilyas Khattak Byung-Kwan Kim Jae-Hyun Kim

Hakan Koriech James Kupfer Walid Kutayli Benedict Lack Steven Larson

Grade 7 71

Basar Ozkan Alastair Padmos Rebecca Palmeri Ju-Mi Park Jason Patterson

Monica Maurer Natalie McLaughlin Nadia Mian Christopher Mielke Dat Millspaugh

Mohammed Mohammed Ida Moho-Nor Emily Moriarty Hilal Nakiboglu Venere N enna

Flavia Recchioni ... Jason Roney Adam Russell Wassim Sabeh Dina Sabra

Daniel Nolan Sven D. Nordlander Ulrika Nyberg Jacob Ortiz Tarek Oubari

Riad Sahli

Youssef Saikali Leland Sa10 Christopher Sayadian Connie Scaia

72 Grade 7

Grade 7 73

Alison Welch Collette Welch Laura Whyte Scott Wigle

Edward Williams Tarquin Williams Terrence Williams Kimberley Worley TommyWu

Brande Wulff Heidi Y okoff Mean - Young Y 00 Tanya Young Elvin Yuzugullu

Rabih Zahnan Farhan Zamir Cristina Zampieri

Jennifer Zanella Mustapha Zoya

Grade 7 75



Top Row (L-R):

David Scanga, School Psychologist Jan Benson, Counselor

The Intermediate School is comprised of grades four through six representing forty-one nationalities. Similar to the title of this year's yearbook, Caravans, students have been engaged in an exciting and challenging journey where they have grown mentally, socially, emotionally and physically. The instructional program emphasizes the explanation of new concepts, the mastery of basic skills and the promotion of the idea that learning can be enjoyable, rewarding, long-lasting and life-changing. Throughout this year, students have travelled a diversity of trails to discover and to demonstrate their talents, abilities, and leadership qualities. Above all, students have encountered a myriad of experiences that have enhanced their self-esteem and have helped them prepare for their caravan through school and life.

Bottom Row:

Principal: Dr. Tim Hansen Assistant Principal: Joan Miller

Middle Row:

Marcia Ruderman, Secretary Frankie Morgan, Intermediate Librarian Cindy Lagle, Nurse

Supply Room Staff (L-R): Dianne Michelson, Jennifer Edwards, and Darlene Christensen

Sue Heindel, Secretary

Joan Miller, Assistant Principal

Brittany Tobiason, Rick La Pointe, Travis Williams and Rylan Smith start the day with a smile from Dr. Hansen.

76 Intermediate School

Intermediate School 77

Mrs. Marj Koerber Art, Grades 5,6 Mrs. Mary Anne Marx Instructional Aide, Grade 4



Mrs. Rima Aad Arabic, grades 4,5

Mrs. Torgun Austin Intermediate Resource Mrs. Christina Carney Instructional Aide, Grade 6

Mrs. Elizabeth Meisinger Music, Grades 3,4,5

Dr. Ellis Melton

Music, Grades 5,6, Jr. High

Mrs. Kay Melton

Music, Grades 4,5,6

Mrs. Marie Derby Art, Grades 3,4

Mrs. Debby Duke Intermediate Resource Mrs. Sharon Griffiths Instructional Aide, grade 5

Mrs. Frankie Morgan Intermediate Librarian Mrs. Karen Niswander Intermediate ESL

Mrs. Jean Reboli Speech Therapist

Mrs. Linda Scanga PE, Grades 4,5

Mrs. Sandra Slater Intermediate Computer Lab

Mrs. Jo-Lynne Sutherland Intermediate E8L

Left: Staff.Appreciation Time! Sue Heindel and Joan Miller cut cake for SAT testing-wearied teachers.

Mrs. Carol McGonigal P.E., 5th grade

Mrs. Odette Zakharia Arabic, Grades 5,6

Above: Mrs. Meisinger performs in one of SAIS-R's mini-concerts. Left: Mrs. Niswander's ESL students love to use the computer!

78 Intermediate School Staff '.

Above: On Saudi Arabian National Day, some students of 4G go native in Mrs. Aad's Arabic class.

Left: Fun is making papier-mache masks in Art for grade 6A.

Right: Mrs. Sutherland knows how to put a smile on her ESL students' faces.

".~" .. " .. - - -----------------

6th Grade Activities Day

Intermediate Moments

• • •

Who ever said that school was all work and no fun? Our sixth graders know first-hand that learning is always an enjoyable experience. One special day teachers plan is Activity Day. Each student participates in six activities. This may seem easy, yet selecting six out of forty great activities becomes a lesson in prioritizing and decision making.

Activities include cooking, leadership training, computer activities, juggling, swimming, educational games, drama, aerobics, geometry, oragami, miniature aircraft, mini-book making, basketball, writing time, scherenschnitte, kickball and art activities, to name only a few.

Students pass from one activity to the next every forty-five minutes. They gain an understanding of Junior High scheduling and have an opportunity to experience various teaching styles. Guest instructors give the day that very special touch. Imagine a class with the Superintendent. Many administrators and specialists enjoy sharing their expertise.

At the end of this special day students are filled with excitement and have gained a real education!

Left: Mr. Scanga watches delight as 6th graders take their first step in learning how to juggle!

Left: Debbie McDowell, hem Pora and friends are about to learn something new in the art of "Scherenschnitte," German paper-cutting from Mrs. Ruderman.

Intermediate Fun 87

<-.c,,_.,_ •••••• _. •••• _ •••• _ .•• • __ •••• __ ._ •• ~ _

David Ayling Ashraf Ballan Rolly Bixler

On October 24,1987 the United Nations celebrated its 42nd birthday. In recognition of this event, Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations, sent a message to the children of the world asking them to take a few moments to think about the words of the U.N. charter signed in San Francisco in 1945. In part, the charter says: "To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war" we will " .. practice tolerance and live together in peace .. as good neighbors."

John Burkett Danielle Carrera Erin Dixon

Above: Shown here with U.N. representative Ms. Nada al-Asaad, the winners of United Nations flag kits for writing the most thought-provoking and insightful letters are: Front Row: Ms. Nada al-Asaad, Wendy Abbott, Skye Fiedler, Wasana Manamperi, Asma Ghani. Back Row: Hsuan-Ti Feng, Debby Prespare, Erin Nicole Kelly, Kristi Shields, Saba Akbar. Not shown are: Sophia Ali, Blanche Fehlberg, Nairu Tokumasu.

SAIS-R, with 56 nationalities represented, is a mini-United Nations and a living example of understanding and appreciation of different cultures. Mrs. Frankie Morgan, Intermediate School Librarian, invited students in grades four through six to participate in a series of events focused on the role of the United Nations and the remembrance of its 42nd birthday. The children were encouraged to write letters to the Secretary-General and to attend a special presentation given by a UN representative, Ms. Nada al-Asaad. 197 letters were collected from Intermediate students and were forwarded to the United Nations in New York. Twelve of the best were chosen for special recognition and those children received UN flag kits containing flags of all the member nations. It was a special event and one in which Intermediate students learned a great deal about the U.N. Happy birthday, United Nations!

Andrea Duke Ashley Froats Ayesha Ghani Irfan Halim Jason Hannan

Zeshan Khan Michael Loveland Jennifer Luby Deborah McDowell Sun Mi Moon

Won a Park Irem Pora Tara Rizvi

Mrs. Nancy Hansen illustrates her lesson on liquid measurements.

Rania Shammas Patrick Shannon

. '~.

/; ... ~.

Mrs. Hansen has cleverly devised a way to keep David Ayling, Irfan Halim and Jason Hannan quiet for an afternoon.

Kinan Atassi Brenda Barbosa Marijke Buhler John Corcoran Mike Costello

Cynthia Davis Hena Hamid Tahir Zafar J afri Wendy Kennedy Fatima Khan

Chung Lee Riikka Leminen Andrew Melton Kelsey Orcutt Linn Pihl

Eric Rasmussen Rick Roberson Adnan Sarfraz Hythm Shibl Hyun Sook Song

A most important goal for Mr. Barber's students is learning how to stay on target.

"Who says this Social Studies is so difficult?" asks Chung Lee.

Shahd Al-Azzawi Greg Durbin Tiia Ettala

Erin Ewer

Suha Farsoun

TirnFeng John Gibson Bassem Girgis J enny Jansson JoyLynn Karr

Jenny Killpack Seon-Ah Lee Valerie Lindquist Nader Lutfi

Tim Meyer

Haider Shareef Samira Tariq John Turner

Use Van Dantzig Farrukh y ounus

Intermediate School 91

Nita Anderson Faiza Arain Ronald Aultman

Tamer Abouelsoud Sadaf Ahmed Aamer Akhter

Jackie Broom Amy Bryson Brendon Butler

Amy Baker

Kelly Bartlett Pattraranya Bhoolsuwan

Kyung Won Cho Richard Coduri Robin Debnath Mitra Delany Yavuz Eren

Stefanie Halvorson Daniel Hickey Andrea Hogel Heather Huard

So- Young Jin

Isabelle Farly Pelin Gursoy N azilla Kami

Billy Mezick Devin Miller

Jennifer Leckenby Louay Mansour Erik Nilsson

Riaz Oosman Darren Pouliot

During "Dinosaur Comeback" Day, a joint PS-F/6-D activity, David Aboudiwan tunes out Mornen Mirza and Dean Soulellis.

Malin Pettersson Nader Salman

Bernardo Segura Gustaf Sjoblom

Bobby Smiley Suzanne Wahab

Billy Welch Dina Zaghloul

"Is it an A or an F, Mrs. McKinley?" asks Robin Debnath.

92 Intermediate School

Planning a group project proves to be fun for Dean Soul ellis, Sammy Khmur and Usman Alvi,

Usman AIvi K. Antonopoulos Hatem Bakr Rola Bdeir Stella Birkett

J ayeta Chakrabarti Samad Ghani Jason Hermann Tiffanie Inglee Omar Jan

Sammy Khmur Baran Kilical JacIyn McLachlan Sally Mickhail Saba Salim

Alfiya Salim Litha Sara Dean Soulellis Caroline Vezina Sonya Y okoff

Farhan Ayubi Adam Blanchard Amy Buker

Jayati Das Munshi Norman El Bakri

Sonya Harris Ramon Issa Polly Johnson Burju Karakaya Joon Kim

A.C. Latreille Joans Li

F. Martin Roales Robert Morrison Philip Mwashe

Berk Ongan

George Summersgill Anjali Venugopal Bernice Willlis Tania Zampieri

Intermediate School 95

Jennifer Bennett Elena Cavina Yoon Choi

Cherine Abu Eid Nana Ashong Stefanie Herr

Phillip Donald Irene Garcia Erika Gullon

J afwan J aafar Marilou Jones Jack Kline

Jason Gundelfinger Garrin Jackson Frida Jacobson Omar Kadri Erin Kelly

C. Klonczinski Doug Knox Rick Lapointe Sun Joo Lee Maise Li

Michael King Charles Martin Deina Rabie Robert Rizk Tobias Rubing

Sarah Liu

Kamran Muhammad Debby Rashed

Mira Sadik

Marc Schlecht

Anthony Sayadian Kristi Shields

Rylan Smith Rami Tarazi

Kieran Taylor Nairu Tokumasu

Lynn Wallington Travis Williams

Top Left: What would a mystery be without a body? Jason Gundelfinger happily obliges during "Pick a Pirate Plot".

Bottom Left: It's nice to get Mrs Ryan's help for a special project.

Mejd AI-Huraimel Genny Andrawis Robin Campbell

Tanvir Amanullah Qasim Ashraf Karen Bartlett

Cassandra Carberry Tara Cuddihy Eder Delos Reyes

Michele Emery Anthony Gonzalez Annelie Hellman

Dalia El Prince Nadine Gagnon Chris Hernandez Ammon Kashiwagi Naji Mansour

Natalia Hernandez Farah Khan

Brian Kruse

Anna Lamb

Sadia Leghari

Making classroom decorations for the holiday season is challenging for Smitha Rai, Nandita Sinha & Dalia El Prince.

Momin Mirza Steve Pearson Rebekah Peresich

Orner Mian Miltos Pistof Jason Ryan

Debbie Prespare Smitha Rai Ernest Ross-Magenty

Philippe Shapiro Henning Sittler

What has Tony Gonzalez discovered in his Math book?

Nandita Sinha Sun Woo Soon Swapna Tamhane

Shane Smith Tandy Truett

Anna Lamb, Tandy Truett and Orner Mian work on creating papier-mache globes.

Heide Baer A.J. Brillantes Nancy Bryson

Shareef Abd Elrazak Oscar Berlin

Sumit Bothra

Monia Codeca Ekin Erbatur Jonathan Etter

Michael Davis Thomas Gray Jennifer Griffiths

Michael Fakhri Rania Hago lad Hamdan Wagdy Hanna Elizabeth Horton

Asad Jawed

Shazia Khan Kyung-Hee Kim Michael Patlan Funda Pehlivanoglu

Luke Jackson Oscar Jacobson William McMaster Adila Mustafa Jaime Patterson

Robert Pelton Ralph Piper Amanda Rase

Tom Sapienza Kimberly Simmons

Zaffer Qasim Hani Sabra

Sarah Sykes Christin Valley

Emily Van Der Meulen

Tara Vanderwel Christopher Worley

Asad Jawed and Mrs. Thurston solve the mystery!

Rania Hago and Michael Fakhri get serious when it's time to take a test in Mrs. Nelson's class.

Kaoru Tokumasu Jaime Wilson

100 Intermediate School

A budding Agatha Christie? Funda Pehlivanoglu writes an original mystery story.

Sophia Ali Yanki Aricioglu Olof Bergqvist Chia Chin Chang Imran Eba

Eric Auclair Shaina Christensen Jessica Custer Kristofer Ek

Nadine EI Bakri Hesham Elalaily Blanche Fehlberg Daniel Garcia P. Goonetilleke

Abuzar Ekkery Zohana Farooq Siama Ghani Suleiman Jacir Farahnaz Jamil

Christina Greiner John Grgurich Matthew Grice Mark Kremer Kalene Onikama

Allen Jones Aaron Kopel Gulru Kutluk Zaid Marar Farahnaz Maroof

Sheetal Patel Cameron Russell Altay Sendil Ana Serna Jessica Williams

Daniel Seto Birju Shah Yousuf Siddiqui Kashi Tahir Ayman Yaish

Intermediate School 103

Muna Ahmad Nitirath Ake-Uru Mehnaz Asghar

Jeffrey Albright Uyra Albuquerque Pete Bhoolsuwan

Victor Berlin Mary Furr Gavin Grant

Thomas Gallagher Emily Gikaara Stephane Grenier

Fadi Hatoum Adam Hogel Mahvish Khan Mysty Martin Tanya Mathia

Joseph Horton Jacob Hustead Aisha Khan Lea Koerber Amy Kraatz

Ronan O'Mahony Ghazala Sheikh Karan Shetty Monica Terzani Serene Wafai

Michael McNeely Marston Morgan Dina Saad Fatima Sami Modassar Sharif

Hassan Yaqub Khalid Yusuf

Sowsan Simon Tiffanie Sowers Ryan Spourgitis Daryn Sutherland

104 Intermediate School

Intermediate School 105

Left: Jacob Hustead: "Isn't this Mrs. Orcutt's yodeling class?"

Mehnaz Asghar and Fadi Hatoum seem to say: 'But, it's elementary my dear Mr. Watson."

Right: Mrs. Orcutt bewitches her class at Halloween!

Sonia Abraham

Mrs. Ziemann helps her students get organized on homework assignments.

Aisha Ahmad

Roland Abou Atme

Kwabena Amoah Gyampoh Steven Clyne

Jean-Francois Des Jardins Mounir El-Amraqui

Saad Bhatti Anna Blomberg

Food friends till the end: Muniba Zulqarnain, Clauiane Stein, Rania Shibl and Jessica Waters.

Francis Okura has his mind on his English book even though his head is in the stars.

Tarek Elalaily Catherine GrimIer Karen Jeffords Cherry Mammen Arun Matthews

Richard Campanaro Nesrine Ghosn Natasha Haque Sharif Hossain Sameera Khan

Haifa Olsen Amr Radwan Robert Scaia Rania Shibl Antony Shroff

John Larson Omar Mughal Nate Nigro Francis 0 bura Umran Ozer

Claudiane Stein Larren Stoyka Jessica Waters Kiko Woelfel Muniba Zulqarnain

Austin Raynes Mohammad Sarhan Hyun Joo Song Shannon Stokes John Topaktas

Saba Akbar Stuart Butcher Irshan Chaudary

Samaa Al-Azzawi Joon Yong Choi

Chad Conaway Hina Gazi Philip Glass

William Henderson Nathan Jahncke

Ahsa Javed Sean Jones Bassam Kadry Albert Kwon Kerstin Lindberg

Ceylan Ozcan Raghu Patil Aislinn Schmersahl Dawn Summersgill Anitha Swamy

Pernille Tandrup Hakan Tarhan Hassan Tirmzi Vickie Wu Ronnie Young

Travis Yunis Kimberly Zenz

Right: "And what did you get on your paper?" seems to ask Dawn Summersgill.

Far Right: Stuart Butcher puts his brain into high gear during Math.

Mrs. Barbara Cypher

Zeinab Malik

Wasana Manamperi Ruwani Somawardhana Suphawat Soontorn

Neil Tabor Brittany Tobiason Tunca Toprak Katherine Vidicek


Bows and freckles brighten up the already pretty smile of Mandy Mihalik.

Nothing could be better than being in Mrs. Cypher's room for Wasana Manaperi.

108 Intermediate School

Intermediate School 109

Mrs. Elinor Pouliot

Asir Afifi

Sobia Ahmed

Emil Aghaby

Atif Asghar

Mrs. Krech helps Stephen Eichfeld review the spelling words for this week's lesson.

Mrs. Pouliot helps Jono McLachlan work on his longitude and latitude project.

Sonia Bedikian

Kevin Cardoso Richard Davis

John Prettyman makes up story problems for other students to solve.

Courtney Flick and Skye Fiedler really can get involved in Mrs. Krech's lessons!

Brian Briz Kathryn Burrows Daniel Butler Chia Chen Hanna Dastigir

Stephen Eichfeld AsH Elmasli

Skye Fiedler Courtney Flick Meghan Gallagher

Brigit Fehlberg Michael Hooper Rahul Jain Kamran Javed Afia Khan

Mark Guile Loren Jackson Zainab Khattak Berk Osgen Vibeke Schultz

Min Seon Lee Jono McLachlan Kwang Jo Park John Prettyman Scott Vanderwielen

Phyllis Tartt Jonathan Tekeste Shailey Vora Chinar Yuzugullu Miguel Zakharia

Mahmoud Abu Eid Phillip Adams Orhan Ayanlar

Katie Acker Farhan Ahmad Sana Ayubi

Tiffany Barnett Ricky Bixler Linda El Bakri

Kamil Dhalla Devlet Furrow Philippe Gascon

Mohammed Fayed Suhan Hannan Trean Harrison Shadi Hashweh

Jody Herrington June-Min Huh Reena Kapoor Patrick Norton

Irene Riad Hussain Rizvi Kristina Sjoblom

Syed Shahid Greg Whyte Ciara Williams

Tiffany Barnett's efforts in Math and Orhan Ayanlar's sunny disposition make for the right kind of' attitude in class!

Jennifer Smith Sadia Usmani

Ashley Worley Jiany Wu

Fokion Zervoudakis

112 Intermediate School

Kyle Ghan Dina Ismail Aif Johnsen Yara Kazan

Harun Koriech Sonia Kwon

Conrad MacDougall Carmen Serna

Imran Akbar Catherine Crump Zachary Elias

Ahmad Al Khader M. Al-Huraimel Juvvad Baig

Robin Emery George Farah Diana Girguis

Jeffrey Cohen Andy Dunn Adnan Farooqui

Nathan Ilse Shirin Kaleel Jason Michel Saad Nasim Anup Palkar

Juliette Raad Brendan Rooney Emily Ross Magenty Kwesi Sackey Tammer Salem

Mrs. Horton's 4th graders are in another world as they study about the I solar system.

Johanna Stangenberg Bobby Tahir Chi Yang

Sebastian Gelderblom Asma Ghani

Robert Jackson

Dori Kanaan

Aaron Kashiwagi

Sherif Mahmoud Julie Martin Melissa Marx Sarah McNeary Kimberley Naegele

Katrina Najjar Shehnaz Patel Jonathan Pearson Karen Pietschmann Meredith Turner

Far Left: Pretty Sarah McNeary relaxes as she enjoys a good book.

Left: Julie Martin and Aaron Kashiwagi narrate the Hawaiian play, Kamehameha.

During 4-E's Planet Watch ty, Mr. Rawlings shows how spot Jupiter and Saturn and good look at the Moon and stars.

Intermediate School 115

Wendy Abbott Rizwan Ahmed Sarah Aleem

David Asadi Stacy Carter Nesreen EI-Onsi

Lawrence Buhler Adam Carrera Alexa Carson

Lerke Evers Stephan Isshak Rabia Khan

Kieran Cuddihy Morgan Dyer Michael Garcia T. Garcia Tapia Stephannie Guessow

Erin Harris Soe Soe Hia Stephany Morton Satoshi Motegi A. Mousavizadegan

Sae Park Jasmine Samara Omran Sheikh

Mustapha Zaouk Nadia Zerka

Haroon Yacob Amgad Zaghloul



Daniel Lariviere Kyle Loven Christopher McAree Saud Naqvi

Andrea Pouliot

Abhar Rizk

Evan Selkirk Makda Tesfazghi Pierre-Paul Vezina Jimmy Wu

Guest speaker Mrs. Kathy Cuddihy gives 4-G students pointers on successful writing.

Lerke Evers and Jimmy Wu put the finishing touches on their Science project about insects.

116 Intermediate School

Intermediate School 117

Shadi Al-Tarazi Nadia Armbruster Beau Bender

Sandra Bisordi Ryan Cook Ishmeel Daniels

Iresh Abayasinghe Sukhatai Ake-Uru Ellen Alger

Blue Alday Weiss Attar Martin Beally

Katherine Bullock Peter Di Giorgio Imrana Ghani Rizwan Iqbal Faraz Khan

Faris Faraj Erik Halvorson Nadia Hazratji Marie Horton Fahad Ismail

Shireen Khan Zaidoon Khouri Tea Lindeburg

Janel Kobza Tahani Mansour Alejandro Martin

Akullo Obura Madiha Qazi Thomas Stensrud

Sandy Mickhail Suzanne Pietschmann Patrick Purcell

Mrs. Pearson had the class' attention until the photographer came in.


K wesi Walters Mohammad Zamir

Rabiah Qureshi Mobashar Sharif

Looks like these kids have been eating Smart Cookies!

Intermediate School 119

Reading class also means listening well for Suzanne Pietschmann.

Anoushka Afonso Yasmin Ahmed Fahad Ali

Adeel Ahmad Aline Aprahamian Dalia Dabbous

Alexander Allen Jeremy Beddingfield Tobias Boogh

Tarek EI-Assra Jordan Ewer Karine Gagnon

Meram El Ramahi Tuomas Ettala

Amira Ghanam Marwan Hajjar

Caroline GrimIer Lisa Hamilton

Thomas Henderson Majorie Huff

Above and Below: Longitude and latitude come alive for Marwan Hajjar, Assad Jamil, Rima Moussa, Tarek EI-Assra and Jordan Ewer.

Tuomas Ettala, Yoon Chung Kim and Mae Paul make a happy trio of workers in 4-K.

John Jones Pelin Kilie Y oon Chung Kim Benji Loveland

Assad Jamil Rima Moussa Connie Neshewat

Kevin Loven Tamara Lutfi Mae Paul Andrew Rasmussen Jane Speed



Jad Saikali

Sakina Salim Rebecca Sandberg Rodger Teiehmannn

Intermediate School 121


Principal: Don Shoemaker

Assistant Principal: Marti Wittnebel

Learning is a life-long process. The foundation for this progress is developed in the early years of a child's education. The goal of the Primary School is to provide each child with the necessary skills and tools to build a strong foundation for learning. We strive to achieve this goal by providing our students with an enriched curriculum, excellent materials, a comfortable learning environment and qualified, caring teachers. Our students discover that learning is exciting, challenging and enjoyable. In the Primary School we are aware of our important task and are prepared to successfully attain our goal.

Top Row (L-R):

Cindy Estes, Primary School Secretary Karol Harper, Primary School Secretary Mary Wright, Primary School Librarian

Second Row:

Barbara Ilse and Raye Wentworth Enrichment Center, Grades 1-6

Third Row:

Karen Glindlefinger and Janet Raymond Primary Counselors

Louise Rawlings and Leslie Gemayel Primary Library Aides

Bottom Row:

Kathy McMaster, Nurse

Joanne McLachlan, Enrichment Center Aide Jean Reboli, Speech Therapist

Above: Marti Wittnebel Assistant Principal

Right: Don Shoemaker always has time for his Primary School students.

122 Primary School

Mrs. Debbie Bradley Pre-School Activity Room Mrs. Elizabeth Childers Physical Education, Gr.1 Mrs. Carolyn Clark Music, Grades PS & 1 Mrs. Linda Froats First Grade Aide

Mrs. Betty Martin Physical Education, Gr.3 Mrs. Carol Meyer Primary School Librarian Mrs. Paula Mezick Kindergarten Activity Rm. Mrs. Joan Miller Primary Resource



Mrs. Betty Horn Grade Two Aide Mrs. Laura Halvorson ESL Reading Mrs. Sue Ibrahim Arabic, Grades 2 & 3 Mrs. Joyce Kelly Kindergarten Activity Rm.

Mrs. Cora Noel

Art, Grades 1 & 2

Mrs. Patricia Oakley Primary Computer Lab Mrs. Diane Park Music, Grades 1 - 3

Mrs. Frances Pietschmann Primary ESL

Mrs. Martina Kopel Kindergarten Aide Mrs. Agnes Lo Pre-School Aide Mrs. Catherine McDowell Grade Three Aide Mrs. Emily McMillen Physical Education, Gr.2.

Mrs. Louise Sayles Primary Resource

Mrs. Peggy Scible Primary Reading Aide Mrs. Marianne Thomas Primary ESL

~ .. Il'


Above: With a bright smile of enthusiasm, Mrs. Pietschmann encourages her ESL students to perfect their English.

Above: Speech screening for all Primary students is an important of Mrs. Reboli's job at the beginning of the year.

Mrs. Cora Noel's innovative bulletin board of the city of Riyadh teachers back to begin another school year.

124 Primary School Faculty

Right: Mrs. Diane Park helps dress Adam Saad for the class 3"J hula performance.

Th The T k

e turk - u r ey

H. ey IS q f

I shead unny 61 rd

.And QII hegoes wobble. wo6'ble

G Ibl says IS . t ' OD e g 661 JUS one w: d , 0 e, qobble." or,


F is the fighting Firetruck That's painted a flaming red. When the signals blast

It follows fast

While the chief flies on ahead. And buses pull to the curbing At the siren's furious cry,

For early or late

They have to wait

When the Firetruck flashes by.

Phyllis McGinley




Zuri Brooks Ann Buch

Shannon Dixon Andrea Gemayel

Top: Everyone in Mrs. Liddick's Kindergarten class enjoys playing fire chief, especially Justin Snyder!

Middle: Decked out in their firemen hats, Mrs. Ghani's KG-D class climbs aboard the firetruck.

Bottom: Principal Don Shoemaker joins Mrs. McNamara's IH class for a ride around the school.

132 Primary School

Mrs. Marjorie Eringis

Bassam Aad Sami Abbas David Abbott

Nicole Barilka Tam Boyar Michael Bradley

Mrs. Eringis captures the attention of her class as she models a handwriting lesson.

Lisa Horn Jennifer Johnsen Faye Johnson Shannon Kelly Cristina Koerber

Sean Liddick Jaclyn Norris Marwa Shammas Adam Shannon Eric Shoemaker

Primary School 133

Above: Mrs. Jones leads her class in a demonstration of estimation in Math. Sure enough, they really are "On The Ball!"

Sahar Sadaf Joel Sahli Maria Valencia Ayman Wafai Courtney Zenz

134 Primary School

Imran Ahmed Samer Batal Shani Brooks

Samih Beydoun Melissa Bowen Yasemin Caglar

Orner Choudhary Simon Ekstrand Dina Hafez

Catherine Chang George Chlouk John Egge

Michelle Horton Farah Hussain Sherin Ibrahim

Ryan Groce Karin Gullon Soraya Husain Jami Hustead Aimee Jarvis

Ruth Karr Ahmed Khan Sirine Matta

Yong Mok Kim Kimberly Knox Christopher Lee

Mark Oblanca David Outcelt Robert Russell

Patrick Matta Kamelia Najjar Brendan Park

Kojo Sarfo

Ali Sheikh Stephen Thorpe

Above: Catherine Chang zeroes in on Social Studies in Mrs. Barber's busy room.

Primary School 135

Above: A smile and a great attitude help make Imran Khan successful in anything he tries!

John Sykes Hina Taher Shahan Tendjoukian Omar Tariq Jaime Wooden

136 Primary School

Mariam Akhter Khalil Attiyeh Wisdom Beyhum

Christianne Abou-Saab Lisette A tiyeh

Karim Atiyyah

Richard Bliss Ranjit Doraiswamy Carlos Jayme

Chi von Baker Lindsey Baker Rafael Barsoum

Imran Khan Katherine Maldonado Marie Maroun

Stephen Burgess Victor Fehlberg Shelly Garinther

Priyanka Mattoo Lucia Maurer Paige Moriarty

Brandon Jager Faisal Jaswal Fahad Khan

Top: Mrs. Saad works with Karim Atiyyah. Above: Victor Felhberg really enjoys reading!

AHa Nabulsi Ellen Prespare Miguel Risco

Saadia Khan Sheilla Kibanda Jenny Lindberg Ronnie Rifai

Rania Salem Marianne Spourgitis Holden Williams Rehan Yacob Mustapha Zaidi

Primary School 137

Nina Arnir Joseph Batarseh Juan Pablo Biet

Maha Aziz Bentley Bender Chris Brown

Dana Christensen Ziad Haddad Maaria Halim

Chevelle Burton Priyanka Dube Cern Erol

Jeffrey Hernandez Andrew Johnson Pheroze Kerai Wael Kutayli Asha Mathews

Below: Mrs. O'Connor helps Carolin Sedky while Asha Mathews examines a class Science experiment. Jai Yang is the "Math Master"!

Clinton Maurer Johan Petterson Rebecca Rubet

Moses Njuki Alper Ozer Shannon Perry

Sean Samet Carolin Sedky Aysha Syed

Rick Van De Kamp Jeremy Wallington Nadia Younus

Rhonda Saad Daniel Shockey Joyce Tsay

Ellen Wang Jai Yang Zehra Zaid

Mrs. Barbara Outcelt

Faeza Javed Sharif Khashram Adil Leghari Alison Moffatt Rizwan Moorji

Below: Challenges and a series of exciting projects keep Mrs. Outcelt's students working hard. When it is time for Math, Chevelle Burton really knows how to stay on task.

Graham Atkinson Sarah Awan Katarina Barsk

Radin Ahmed Sandra Alkhori David Bedikian

Neils Cotter Bryan Crawford Leila D'Ambrosio

Siema Chaudary Elaine Duranceau Mubasheer Ekkery

Wesam EI Ramahi Lynn Fister Robin Griffiths

Caroline Farley Oussamah Gandour Khurram Ghori

Melissa Grimshaw Nausheen Hasan Kds Jensen

Khairiyah J aafar Resham Kulkarni Cathy Lamb

Above: Neils Cotter holds Mr. Derby and classmates enthralled with a story, especially Mwanatumu Mbwana and Friedrich Mwashe.

Mert Kayasu Aliya Khan Charles Khoury Daniel Leinweber

Mohammad Mirza Tasha Nickodem Olcha Oktayer

Mwanatuma Mbwana Friedrich Mwashe Leigh Nestlerode Shimaila Rais Ian Thomson

140 Primary School

Mrs. Wendy Watson

Below: Caroline Farley shares her creative writing story with the class. Khurram Ghori and Jason Onikama act out "Oh my darling Frankenstein" for Halloween!

Jason Onikama Michael Parsons Korhan Sevin chan Nadir Sharawi

Primary School 141

Mrs. Diane Poirier-Shapiro

Above: It's Hawaiian hula time for class 3J. Study partners Nickolaus Schroeder and Joseph Whaley.

Reem Rifai Heather Ryan Adam Saad Mona Sarhan

Andrea Schroeder Nickolas Schroeder Kristina Vidicek Joseph Whaley Joo Ohk Yi

142 Primary School

Daniel Alexander Daanish Ali Saimah Ashraf

Rania Akkad Selim Aytac Stuart Bird

Sherif Azary Patrick Burgess Angela Emery

Tony Broom Brianne Chappell Jane Gikaara

Farah Gazi Irum Khan Rishi Kushawaha

Kathy Hares Zaki Hasan

Soha Hawili Martin Hugosson Amber Javed

Amit Nayak John Norton Baris Ornarli

Rahman Kumar Robert Kwon Claudia Lariviere

Samer Maalouf Kassim Mbwana Randy Price

Hina Saleem Lucy Saurwein Torstein Vik

Above: Practice makes perfect as Brianne Chappell discovers with her cursive hand writing lesson.

Primary School 143

Above: For Paul Zohovetz, English takes a back-seat to dreaming of being airborne like a bird!

James Whitaker Lindsey Worley Jae Ohk Yi Virginia Zampella Paul Zohovetz

144 Primary School

Ida Blomberg Daniel Crawford Gina El-Hamady

Otto Gonzalez Natalie Jibreen Mireille Kidanian

Khurram Farooque Angela Johnson Christopher Kidd

Salah Malik

Ranya Mshaiel Magnus Stangenberg

As the yearbook went to press, Mrs. Nickodem's class was newly formed and growing all the time. Welcome, 3M, to the 3rd grade teaml

Lance Kobza Ebru Kutluk Kyle Orcutt

Hannah Lack Sean Lang Khalid Radwan

Right: In 3M, everything is a team effort, even designing creative artwork. Magnus Stangenberg, Ranya Mshaiel, Dolly Osoba, Irem Can and Mireille Kidanian know how to work together well.

Shwetha Rai Geoffrey Taylor Annika Vogt

Left: Salah Malik has the look of a serious student about him as he puzzles over an English lesson.

Primary School 145

Fahad AI-Rashid Joshua Biedermann Alexander Capel

Edward Christie Michael Froats Evan Godfrey

Left and Above: Joey Santoro as Christopher Columbus leads his class on a successful voyage to Hawaii and Polynesia, celebrated by native dancing !

Quinnlin Isaacson Joshua Jackson Kathryn McNeary William Odom Katie Patlan

Reem Akkad Amy Albright Katy Baker Adnan Chaudhry

Maliha Qazi Karima Rizk Koby Sackey Wael Saleh Jason Santucci

Suvir Dhar

Ali Dogan Sung Mok Kim Katie Laws David Mielke

Nevzat Senocak Sarah Siddiqui

Tamasha Njuki Shireen Quli Khan Roberto Rubet Joey Santoro

Saad Shahid

Daina Sutherland Michael Sykes

Baber Sheikh Hannah Singh Karim Tarazi Maria Tsiridakis Angela Wilson

Primary School 147

146 Primary School

....) .

< {

Abdullah Khan Mohammed Khan Sabina Khan Tareq Khashram Matisse Lorance

Jennifer Mowbray ldil Pora Sam Riesland Ama Sarfo Wafa Sayeed

Eleni Spourgitis Adam Vanderwielen

John Whitaker

Rachel Carson Talisha Clark Edward El Yazigi

Jamil Al Jasir Treez Andrawis Laurence Appleby

Katherine Fennell Laila Gerace Saowanee Kawpholy Sara Keiswetter Abdullah Khalid

Alexander Gerace Bilal Ghosn Desmond Jack

lnhe Barng Salem Chaleby Gareth Dyer

Areej Khan

Ben Kopel Brendan Liddick Donnie McMaster Alisha Reid

Above: Mrs. Gilbert helps Edward El Yazigi use the puter as a part of a Social Studies project. Left: Sam Riesland and Ama Sarfo have learned to source material to help them gather information.

Dan Sapienza Ann Thomas

Rebecca Wulff

148 Primary School

Primary School 149

Above: Mimi Kashawagi discovers an exciting new world inside the covers of her Science book.

Mrs. Rita Gallegos

Ronni Bateman Fuad Bhatti Joon Woo Choi Hisham Ghori

Louai Abu Osba Ali Ahmed Jonathan Blalock Jeffrey Coykendall

Mathew Hawes Hadi Hawili Abid Kagalwalla Omar Kayani Hanan Koriech

Michael Lamb Siama Muhammad Ivy Nigro Leo Ostrawski Joy Patterson

Sophie Rosenlund Bilal Savsar William Srite Shabana Syed

150 Primary School

Monica Duggal Roula Eid

Stephanie Hornback Fadi Kanaan

Marie Kashiwagi

Bob Liang Dalia Mohamed Awot Negash Daniel Padmos Nadine Samara

Shewta Sethi Archana Sridhar James Stair

Jonas Von Bismark Robin Wilson

Primary School 151

Tracy Aboudiwan Waleed Abuzeid Ola Andreasson

Lauren Corcoran Cagla Eskicioglu Ayman Fakoussa

Aisha Awan Robert Blalock Mark Edwards

Celine Gaudiello Aysha Ghani Geoffrey Guile

!\.bove: Math wizard Allen Spitler hard at work!

Dina El- Bakri Jason Harrison

Amal Hanna Darine Matta Melissa Mezick

Above: Jason Harrison works independently on his Math while Mrs. Barlag gives a little extra help to Ola Andreasson.

Judy Hermann Laura Hickey Alexander Hinck

Isben Onen Wonu Park Mustafa Pasha

Dana Ismail Kris McCrary Tonya McDowell

Bryan Purcell

M. Redondo Sanchez Noah Saad

Veronique Page Jeremy Price Rani Salman Allen Spitler

John Wu

Adam Tannir Joshua Turner Amanda Worley

Top: Could mischief be hiding behind Lauren Corcoran's innocent look?

Above: What devilish plans could Joshua Turner be cooking up for those Math counter chips?

Primary School 153

152 Primary School

Leone Bissett looks like she can tackle anything that comes her way as you can see from the determined look on her face.

Natasha Afonso Leena Akhtar Theresa Allender Leone Bissett

Zeeshan Chaudhry Janelle Dodd

Rami El- Boghdadly

Tabinda Burney Kurt Campbell Garrett Ford Matthew Goodness Ronnie Hassanen

Maria Gulraize Mazen Hajjar Eman Hammad

Yasmin Iqbal Fatima Khan Justin Lacey

Omar Masri Pascal Matta

Surea Njuki Nida Saleem Shireen Sabeh Grant Sunada John Touma

154 Primary School

Deena Abd Elrazak Faysal Abdul-Malak

Raheel Bukhari Richard Chang

Mandi Welch listens intently to what Mrs. Simmons has to say.

Naser Jan Zula Mirembe

Abe Mousavizadegan Kelly N estlerode

Shri Patil

Louise Ring-Larson Shery Salama Mandi Welch Sabah Yusuf

i I



I' I:



Primary School 155

Michelle Abboud Shaun Ali

Hiyasmin Dimaranan

Michael Farah Fadi Faraj Mario Garinther

Above and Right: Nora Williams counts her way through a Math lesson while John Crossett gets a little help from Mrs Aultman.

Saadia Ahmed Ebow Amoah Gyampoh Sherry Barsoum Saleh Bdeir John Crossett

Stephanie Iacobucci Eva Klonczinski Melissa Kwong Miranda Melton Sarah Molokhia

Sally Elishihabi Habib EI-Assaad Nissrine Habash Jeffrey Jackson Sheraz Khan

Munir Johanzeb Johan Pihl

Maebel Ross Magenty Jason Schrum Qurratul Ain Sheikh

Amna Khawar Risham Majeed Nina Leu Jed Nigro Khateeb Qaiser

Tarek Soubra Grant Valley

Hasan Qayyum Radziah Radzi Ayman Rizk Nora Williams Jamia Wilson

Arjan Van De Kamp Rabia Yazdanie

156 Primary School

Primary School 157

Above: Sourosen Joardar delights his classmates with Pis storytelling, even sharing the pictures for an to see.

Left: When it is time for Math in I-C, Mr. Krech knows how to excite his students into becoming eager participants!

Rania Aghaby Sayed Abeer Magnus Blom Ehren Buchanan Kimberley Court

Jacques Appleby Omar Arafat Morgan Benson Megan Boyar

Mohammed Dastigir Omar Farsoun Jared Flothe Nancy Izydorczyk Jared Jager

Colleen Conwell Jeremy Cotter Gorka Garcia-Tapia Ozge Girit

Sourosen Joardar



Gaute Johnsen Usman Khan Tanja Kiiskinen Nadine Maalouf Justin McPherson

Laura Jurgens Enrico Labella Kristine Marigomen Jamil Musa

Joshua Pearson

Moiz Mustafa Sameer Nemazie Anna Pistof Chelsea Redeker Niren Shetty

Christine Prettyman Zameer Rizvi Wessam Simon Jamie Sutherland Adam Whaley

158 Primary School

Primary School 159

Charles Howard Evans Amir Halim Betty Hwang Stelios Kelaiditis Ayesha Khan

Lisa Lewis Cristina Martin Faizan Minhas Kanchan Phalak Ali Qureshi

Deepa Rattehalli Martin Rosenlund

John Speed Shereen Syed

160 Primary School

Noah Adem Omar Ali Bishoy Ashem

Maha Aad Robbie Acker Kelli Biedermann

Vikram Doraiswamy Nicolas Duranceau Laila Elguindi

Peyton Bowen Jim Egge

Sharif EI Gammal

Above and right: "If I had four stars and took away one, how many would be left?" Stelios Kelaiditis joins his classmates in response to Mrs. Jones' question during a Math lesson.

. Above: Brock Fiedler takes his Math seriously, pausing to consider his work before writing it down.

Brock Fiedler

Rose Gilbert

Dana Hatoum Christopher Hudson J enna Hustead

Noor Javed Deborah Johnsen Matthew Kennedy Morgen Kobza Cindy Martin

Jay Mitchell Maaz Qureshi

Sara Sadik

Craig Thompson

Primary School 161

Below: Mrs. Logan helps Cheryl Haines and Nada Ahsan get a closer peek at one of the class gerbils.

Tara Aultman Adnan Bannout Wei-Chi Chiang Ahmed EI-Hammady Fadi Elias

Above and Right: Thomas Mammen begins a follow-up activity for his reading story, "Help! Help!" while Fadi Elias sees his work through rose-tinted glasses!

Above: Studying a model of the bones of the body seems fascinating to Tai Won Kim and Sebastian Varghese.

Rania Afifi Nada Ahsan

Yasmeen Al-Shubaiki Ely Delos-Reyes Douglas Gascon

Rebecca Fur Ramzi Ghandour
Sami Gorrafa Cheryl Haines
Gina Governale Rasheed Hamdan i'!'
Rawi Hago Uzair Hazratji II
Fawad Khan Andrew Horowitz If,
i ~~

Michelle Lee Akram Husain
Thomas Mammen Victoria Jessee
Alex Nickodem Emma Keiswetter
Robert O'Mahoney Tai Won Kim 'r
U sman Sarfraz Edward Patterson
, . Cassandra Spradlin

Trine Tandrup Clay Thomas Gunnvor Vik Tarek Yassin

Farid Khelfaoui Sulman Sheikh Karly Simmons Oliver Singh Sebastian Verghese

162 Primary School

Primary School 163

Mrs. Sharon Macnamara

Mrs. Linda Bickerdike

Ida Andreasson Tim Allender Geoffrey Bird

Amin Ahmad Derek Anderson Khaled Antar

John-Henry Bruner Peter Chappell Souvik Das Munshi

Faizan Awan Norman Carbury Mohamed El-Bidewy

LeAnne Delany Casee Eoff Raed El Ramahi Mustafa Haciomeroglu Siv Hollup

Ujala Farooque Maryolga Gonzalez Mona Ilahie

Nazia Iqbal

Feroze Hossain Nadia Jamil Erlend Johnsen Michael Jordanou Juma Mbwana

Eric Jarvis Yvette Khalil Haysam Mansour

Evette Riad Omar Rifai

Taha Sheikh Sonya Singh Ian Smith

Above: Nathalie Westman concentrates on matching the pictures with the beginning sounds.

Eva Schroeder Bindu Yalamanchili

George Soeters Ginny Song Nathalie Westman

164 Primary School

Above and Right: Omar Rifai works on his fish bowl of spelling cut and paste activity. After lunch, Mrs. Macnamara's students hearing her read a special story to them.

Right: Reading is serious business for Taha Sheikh as he begins his activity booklet.

Rabia Ahmed Nedah Al Anbar Fady Aziz Fahim

Marwa Hamouda Yasser Malik Elif Orhan

Nathan Barilka Abby Beydoun Arpita Debroy

Rasta Ramacandra Loucine Tachdjian Max Zubairi

Joseph Eseet Loode Evers Liem Fister Claes Gartner Kevin Harney

Sheena Jain Bilal Khan Faryal Khattak Andrew McAree Nazish Naqvi

Nancy Nouh Jimmy Obura Jennifer Pariseau Travis Parsons Zeeshan Taher

Right: Mohammed EI-Haji shares a story with Gursoy Bayraktar, Marwa Hamouda, Zaphreen Minkas and Arjun Krishnaswamy.

Being new students in a new class is no problem for these kids! Just being together is fun!

Left: It's alphabet mix-up time for Andrew McAree.

Above: For Nathan Barilka, eating alphabet soup is a reward for learning the alphabet - and making soup!

Right: Which witch is which, Jennifer Pariseau?


... And the caravan of First Graders continues! As the Primary section of the yearbook was being completed, Mrs. Nelle Burgess joined SAIS-R to teach class l-K. Welcome!

Left: With bright-eyed eagerness, Elif Orhan looks forward to a wonderful year!

Primary School 167

Mrs. Kausar Khan

Mrs. Judith McCaughey

Mrs. Marie Sandberg

.bove: Students in KG-A already know all bout the five senses and apply their sense f touch to a creative art project with Mrs. 'lcCaughey's help.

Joseph Kadhim Nasir Khan

Marimar Moreno Kyle Rich

Nicholas Samara Angelique Sande Andreas Schaefli

Nanette Welch Ain Yousuf

168 Primary School

Kirstin Ball August Bateman Katherine Beimler

Matthew Carbury Alex Edwards Jonathan Goodman

Shruti Arora

Lara Batal Shant Bogharian Keith Burgun

Muhammad Ashraf

Rochelle Burris Lee Campbell Karim El- Kaissi

I )

James Eoff III Steven Neshewat Mahwish Qazi

Noura Radwan Lauren Reid

Above: Working on Math for Mrs. Sandberg is something to smile about for Rochelle Burris and Lina Al-Bitar!

Jonathan Rohan Ibtisam Sharif Shaun Thomas

Matthew Tobiason Taher Tufenkeji Sarah Youssef


Above: Karim El-Kaissi and Taher Tufenkeji enjoy identifying beginning sounds in Getting Ready To Read time.

Primary School 169

bove: Julian Cox practices handwriting hile Jennifer, Sima and Rachel get ready r individualized reading time.

Esam Al-Khader Jennifer Archer Caroline Carvalho

Julian Cox Sheba Dundulis Meredith Goodness

Andrew Gray Sima Habash Rania Haddad

Nicole Hornback Matthew Jordan Sanaa Khan

Brent Leinweber Derek Lubega Rachel Manske

Karim Masri Stephen Santoro Hjalde Wulff

Left: It's "S" for snowman as Mrs. Brooks helps her students with sound-letter associations.

Diane Anderson Sabrina Appleby Meitra Hopkins

Faisal Ilahie Sarah Khan Jacob Kashiwagi

Alisa Khosrovschahi Sarah Machlab Faryal Maroof

Jeromie Mellinger Tanguy Mezzano Seema Qadri

Blake Quinn Betty Sadikian Ayesha Sarfaraz

Neil Vora Henry Yip Danish Yusuf

Above: Following up on a Science lesson on "Our Amazing Bodies," Jacob Kashiwagi shares his work with Mrs. Ghani.

Above: "Turkey Gobbler! Turkey Gobbler!" Ayesha Sarfaraz carefully cuts out the pieces for her Thanksgiving turkey.

Primary School 171

Kristina Barsk Robert Boctor Vahojeh Brooks

Shakeel Ahmed Adriana Alves Tariq Audeh

Richard Dillard Don Marc Dimaranan Sarah Hatoum

Merhan El-Ramahi Erik Ettala

Naila Farooqui

Zahid Jafri Manal Kadry

Omar Hafez Nauman Kazi

Banafshe Kermanshah Rishi Kumar

Hisham Moussa Yasmin Olsen

.bovei Rishi Kumar practices writing short "a" words while arah Hatoum looks on ..

Shamiran Loven Mohammed Maharali Syed Ali Rizvi

Shaila Rais Siegrid Roesch Nadin Sedky

Above: Yves Valle and Shakeel Ahmed build fanciful Lego creations while Adriana Alves would prefer a good book!

Jeremy Rood Yusuf Sheikh Sarah Weiler

Rami Tadros Yves Valle Nina Zantout

Left: Working with a small group to give extra attention to each child, Mrs. Rizvi reinforces some beginning sounds.

Irfan Ahmed Burcu Borahan Arshia Burney

David Dillard Andrew Elgar Jessica Hinck

Samira Khan Linda Knobel Rumali Kulkarni Danny Lozier

Above: It's time for a pause between lessons for pretty Bonnie Upton.

Lou Patricio Adib Samara Robert Searcy

Justin Snyder Kimberly Stokes

Ryan Sykes Bonnie Upton

Above: Developing good handwriting is a skill which sometimes takes an extra bit of attention. Here Mrs. Liddick gives Justin Snyder some helpful advice.

174 Primary School

Lindsey Baker Dallas Benson Jennifer Bradley

Patrick Bradley Alisha Derby Adam Dixon

Amanda Duke Michael Elgar Nicolas Fontaine

Glenna Godfrey Brian Hannon Hannah Jackson

Kevin Koerber Mirna Khouri Chris Poules

Inga Small Richard Thompson Elizabeth Wilson

Above: An eyes are on Mrs. Thomas as she demonstrates how to turn Wanda The Witch's straight hair into curly locks!

Above: Amanda Duke explains all about Bentley Bat to Mrs. Susan Godfrey, a Parent Volunteer in KG-H.

Primary School 175

Caroline Bigger Holly Butler Sammantha Elias

Abraham Ali Rockwell Allen

M. Allison-Gardner

Stephen Grimshaw Ramzy Hafez Guy Hawes II

Herenvi Biron Alia Hussain Malick Islam

Rana Kakati Arsala Khan Bobby Kremer Kathleen Luby

Mark Marigomen Wissam Matta Jeremy McDowell Basil Qunibi Shereen Patel

Ryan Vanderwel

Taylor Stair

Noha Zerka

Robert Wooden

lbove: Mrs. Pereaich uses a picture to stimulate discusion on the subject of a Science lesson, the sense of ouch.

Above: For Rana Kakati and Ramzy Hafez, being good friends means having a good time together.

Above: Only the best will do for freckle-faced Taylor Stair as she concentrates on completing her art project.

Above: A picture to cherish! Baba Madami is captured by the camera on his way to the bus!

176 Primary School

Sarah Ismail Marco Kobaisse William Laws Baba Madami

Amanda Reid Andreas Ring-Larsen Sherif Saad

Yasmine Said

Kevin Schell-Clipper

Primary School 177

Mohammed Al-Shubaiki Mina Ashern Ziyad Aziz

Yasir Al-Azzawi Mirella Habr Hakim Khan

. Ragi Elias Aman Gazi Fouad Jan

Solomon Krotzer Benish Memon Karim Nasr

Nicolas Jouannem Dawn Khoury Jennifer Morton Remi Patricio Linda Paul

Jawad Qazi

Sarah Rasmi Faraz Rizvi

Lilly Tahir Jennifer Whitaker

........ 1#1.

Alvaro Risco Jason Saad

rbove: A desert tapestry reflects the interest Mrs. Shannon's stuents have in learning about their host country. Dressing like Saudi iris and boys is a fun learning experience.

178 Primary School

Above: Mrs. Shannon uses small group time to reinforce facts learned in class. Here, Nicolas Jouannem, Mohammed Al-Shubaiki, Jennifer Morton Unair Chaudhry practice counting from number cards.

Above: Having Mrs. Morris there for encouragement and help makes even the most difficult of work seem like fun for Sarah Rasmi, Mirella Habr and Karim Nasr.

Above: Puppets, beads and baskets of toys are only a few of the things which are fun to play with for Karim Nasr and Mirella Habr during free-time activities.

Primary School 179

Nabil Alanbar Owasis Aziz Umair Chaudhry

Majed Akhter Samer Audeh

Najwa Datuk Mokhtar

Marwa Fayed Saleh Malaeb Abeil Sultan Redai

Omar Jibreen Adnan Kagalwalla Kimberly Karstetter

Danna Yunis

Hasmig Kar kouzian Robyn Lacey

Anuja Palkar Sameer Phalak Andrew Pouliot

Left: Playing with the Teddy Bear toys brings a gentle smile to the face of Abeil Sultan Redai.

Karishma Sumathi Musa Zaghloul

Right: As the yearbook went to press, PS-C was the newest formed pre-school class at SAIS-R. Clearly, Mrs, Krotzer is a big hit with Baris Can and Nabil Alanbar!

Above: Pushing tiny shopping baskets loaded with goodies from the shelves makes playing house fun for Anuja Palkar and Kimberly Karstetter.

180 Primary School

Above: Future artists are being born here in PS-D! Hasmig Karkouzian and Samer Audeh find that painting is creative and offers just the right amount of messiness to really be fun!

Primary School 181

David Aboudiwan Sarah Ahmed Kareem EI-Onsi

Above: For Reymon Hanna, painting is not only a colorful experience but a sticky one, too!

Salma Hussain Wajahat Hussain Amanda Jackson

Above: Bears get cuddlier, softer, more loveable. they even corne to lunch! PS- E hosts a picnic for bears!

Zain Jafry

Bruno Mezzano Michael Pietschmann Karim Poona

Aamer Abbas Moudhy Al Rashid

Below: There are big bears, small bears, fat bears, skinny bears, polar bears, koala bears! Everybody has a favorite bear!

Amanda Sangiorgio

i\bove: It's never too early to learn how to use a computer! I'ariq Alameddine and Lauren Lee know that playing computer ~ames can be a great way to learn beginning sounds.

Tariq Alameddine Valerie Gilbert Reymon Hanna Huda Jangda Lauren Lee

Aaron Schmersahl

Ellie Logan-Terry David Mitchell Benny Palmeri Luuck Soeters

Ali Syed

Divya Yadav

182 Primary School

A day in the life of the little people of SAIS-R ...

Mrs. Linda Bryson Day-care Aide Mrs. Ruby Poirier Day-care Aide Mrs. Nora Patterson Infant-care Aide Mrs. Sherry Hudson Infant-care Aide

Raymond Benson Healey Cypher Christopher Dunn Kai Hansen Luke Hansen

Kristen nse Sarah Kadhim Monica LoCascio Samuel LoCascio Laura Saad

Tarek Saad Abrahem Samara Yusef Samara Micah Scanga Jordan Selkirk

Meghan Shoemaker Nicole Tager

Right: Luke Hansen and Healey Cypher are the best of friends in the Day-care.

184 Daycare

Mrs. Sandra Scott Intermediate Librarian Mrs. Paula Hustead Primary P.E.

Mrs. Sandra Moss Kindergarten Teacher Aide

Mr. Graham Ferguson Maintenance Supervisor

Mrs. Debra Vaughn Speech Therapist Mrs. Marie Claydon Intermediate P.E.

Mrs. Brenda Jarvis Receptionist

Mr. Robert Krech Gr. 1 Department Chairman


Back Row, L-R: Lana Subaiti, Benjamin Riesland, Alexa Riesland, David Tomlin, Rehab Fayed.

Front Row, L-R: Nader Fawaz, George Thomas, Afifa Ahmed, Madeeha Ashraf.


Back Row, L-R: Lina AI-Bitar, Matthew Quenneville, Ayan Farah, Sameer Ismail, Sennay Tewolde.

Front Row, L-R: Kimberly Fehlberg, Margaret Bedikian, Baris Can, Ali Iqbal, Molly Moreau, Kevin Vander Weilen. Missing; J ohan Mathew

186 The Ever-Changing Caravan

First Grade

Back Row, L-R: Gursoy Bayraktar, Mohammed El Haji, Zafreen Minhus, Miriam Parker, Obah Farah, Nathan McArthur, Lea Ghandour. Front Row, L-R: Rachel Prieth, Arjun Krishnaswamy, Tristan Gillan, Brandon Lawson, Ranya Zeineldine, Edmund Dafler, Tariq Huq. Missing: Makayla Wilde.

Second Grade

Back Row, L-R: James Broxon, Adil Iqbal, Leslie Wilson, Michael Gould, Tommy Gibson.

Front Row, L-R: Halah GabAllah, Tahsin Turkmenler.

Third Grade

Back Row, L-R: Sako Kouroumlian, Ali Jaffery, George Rodenberg, Stanley Cruz, Khalid Beidas, Connor Gillan, Eve Moreau, Benjamin McArthur, Mats Jilek.

Front Row, L-R: Sophia Khan, Sonia Ahman, Oludolapo Osoba, Tina McNeill, Chip Mihalik, Brandon Wilde, Irem Can.

Fourth Grade

Back Row, L-R: Maliha Jaffery, Amir Ali, lmran Ali, Shihab A-Shami.

Front Row, L-R: Esteban Smits, Maheen Beg, Karen Zorzi, Jerusha Yoder, Aaron Biggs. Missing: Vikram Mathew.

Fifth Grade

Back Row: L-R: Diana Wakiini, Mehreen Ahmad, Faiza Khan, Eyob Daniel, Omar Soliman, Dylan Emery.

Front Row, L-R: Mandy Mihalik, Farheen Minhas, Jasmine EI-Khatib, Denise Densmore.

Sixth Grade

Back Row: L-R: Maryam Farah, Tanvir Huq, Lisa Eddings, Luke Moreau, Rebecca Baker, Farheen Mirza, Edenguenet Daniel,

Front Row: L-R: EI-Wathik Al-Alami, Christian Yoder, Lealy Telquist, Robert Wilson, Stephanie Sternberger. Missing: Teresa Gould.

188 Intermediate School Newcomers

Seventh Grade

Back Row: L-R: Valerie Cruz, Choong Duk Lee, Robert Korth, Suha Mustapha, Johan Selbing, Ho S. Choi. Middle Row: L-R Amanda Emery, David Taylor, Jason Gibson, Tyler Pieron, Yasmin Ali, Leila EI-Khatib.

Front Row: L-R: Nysa Telquist, John Dafler, Ahmet

. Turkmenler. Missing: Eric Ardidsson,

Eighth Grade

Back Row: L- R Christian Booher, Lori Stone, Warren Betts, Keith Barron, Ji Woon Lee, Martin Jilek, Kristi Bullock, Samuel Brown.

Front Row: L-R Brent Biggs, David Dinsmore, Aline Kidanian, Catherine Dafler, Yasntha Rajapaski, Fredrik Egelsted,

Ninth Grade

Back Row, L-R Jessica Austen, Jung Yoon Choi, Karin Arvidsson, Brett Wilde, Juan Egelstedt.

Front Row, L-R Gavin Smith, William Sternberger

Junior High School Newcomers 189

I Volunteers




Rosalind Acker :'ayla Albitar Rosemarie Atassi )aphne Ayling }uzim Ayonlar '>amela Azzeh

lam Baker

l'eri Baker

;indy Ball

;armen Barbosa Glizabeth Batal long Beally

Iulya Borahan 'rank J. Brignoli Jebbie Buhler llizabeth Bullock anelle Champagne .udy Chang

'erazi Chantal Iarie Claydon labriela Clipper :dith Cohen

.nna Conwell

nn Corwell

errine Cotter

ore Eichfeld .imana El-Onsi etty Fadon

)anne Garinther usan Gascon

usan Godfrey

asan Goodness .isan Gorgis

.isan Gray

ebbie Hamdan

'a Hannon

aria Harakis

anne Jacir

ancy Jackson ~enda Jarvis ohammed Javed iaheen Javed

10 Jesser

aire J oanisse mnette Kadri

'in Karr

argaret Karstetter ephie Kelaiditrs fia Khan

vienne Khatt.ak

ra Khoury

lay Koreich

orgia Kraatz

sry Lorenzen

Paulette Luby Clara Lutfi

Bernice MacDonald Mila Magdaraog Suzi Manamperi Sandy Mansour Margaret Martin Marian Mbwana Sue McAree

Mollie Mihalik Nazlin Moorji Martha Moriarty Nisia Morton

Sandy Moss

Abdul Mousavizadegan Peggy Neiman

Heather Nickodern Mary Nunley

Mary Jean Olger Nancy Onikama Deborah Patterson Joanne Peterson

Joyce Piper

Cher Prettyman

Phyllis Purvis

Jan Quinn

Mona Radwan

Donna Reid

Judy Reid

Elaine Riad

Emilia Risco

Donnalee Rood

Dale Saad

Naglaa Sabra

Sally Sansorne

Jenny Lou Santoro Peggy Scible

Karen Shields

Judith Shroff

Era Singh

Pam Sittler

Ro Sloan

Nicki Spourgitis Joy Strong Martha Sykes lciar Tapia

Tica Thompson Uzma Tirmzi Kalpana Vora Stevie Wilberding Lupe Wilson

Fran Wraith Patti Zabokrtsky Nicole Zenz

At the Volunteer Appreciation Tea, Mrs. Era Singh accepts her certificate from Mr. A.E. Kadri, SAIS-R PTA, and Mr. Grant Fiedler.

Parent Volunteer Perrine AbauzitCotter is a big help toclass IC.

Whether it's the Yearbook or computers, Fran Wraith can handle it!

In great part because of parent volunteers like Nisia Morton, SAIS-R children get lots of extra help!

190 SAIS-R Volunteers

We at SAIS-R are fortunate to have a large group of volunteers, men and women, who give generously of their time and talents. Their presence means something very special to staff and students - fresh perspectives, boundless energy, new ideas. Our volunteers are greatly appreciated! Thank you!

With our appreciation ...


Son Pae Pak

Compound Maintenance

Arthur Migano

Junior High School Custodian Supply Room Aide

Narong Keatprichar Supervisor of Maintenance

Top Row (L-R):

Prudencio Vite

Junior High School Custodian Supply Room Aide

Romy Cainag Carpenter

Romeo Ancilla Custodian, Primary and Intermediate School

Far Left (Top-Bottom):

Sayeed Obeid Driver, Mail Clerk

Mohammed Hassan Assistant to Student Activities Facilitator


Rudy Contreras Printer

Victor Llapitan Gate Guard



Saudi Arabian International School Riyadh - American Section Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

PHOTOGRAPHERS Frank J. Brignoli Christine Brignoli Andreas Nyberg


Warren Carlson Curtis Johns



YEARBOOK EDITORS Christine Brignoli

Claire J oanisse

192 Colophon

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