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Tract Consultants is proud of own involvement since 2006 with Whitsunday Regional Council (formerly Bowen Shire Council) on the redevelopment of the Bowen Foreshore.

It has been rewarding to see the vision evolved into reality with the creation and completion of Stage 1.

This document has been prepared for Council as a concise overview of the project to date and as a record of the opening celebrations on November 14, 2009.


As It Was - Bowen Front Beach 7
Vision For The Future - Design Development 9
Realising The Vision - Foreshore Stage One 13
Catlaina Interpretive Centre 19
War Memorial Wall 31
Bowen Soundshell 37
Australia Pavillion 41
Dalrymple Plaza 45
Sinclair Place 51
Play Area And Bike Track 55
Foreshore Promenade 61
Morrill Skate Plaza 71
Place For The People - Opening Celebration 51

as it was _bowen front beach

visions for the future_design development
In April 2006 Bowen Shire Council approached Tract seeking to investigate
opportunities to revitalise the Foreshore and provide greater interaction between
the coastline; for its residents and visitors key elements highlighted as needs
• Celebrate rich history and heritage of the region
• Acknowledge local diverse industry
• Encourage the use of the Foreshore for events and festivals
• Cater for wide range of water and recreational activities for all generations
• Be a safe and attractive place for all ages

Tract commenced a detailed and thorough master planning concepts process –
based on a 12 point redevelopment plan.

In summary, primary elements of this plan included:

• The Catalina Commemorative area and war memorials
• The Festival Lawn / Event space include soundshell and pier precinct
• Santa Barbara Park and Promenade development
• Santa Barbara Parade upgrade including Plaza spaces
• Swimming facilities – Rock Pool Playground, Bowen Baths

A program for staged implementation and delivery was formulated. This work
formed the basis for Councils funding applications set out a clear path forward for
the project.

With funding secured and priority “Stage 1” works identified, Tract and its consultant team
proceeded to work closely with Council, stakeholders and artworks with the development
of the design and facilitation of the complex planning approach.

Primary elements of the site responsive masterplan that have evolved in stage 1
• The Catalina Interpretive Centre; including the consolidated war memorials and
hardstand area
• The theatrical precinct including the Soundshell, the Australia Pavilion; movie
interpretive centre and festival space
• Dalrymple Plaza, Sinclair Place and Morrill Street Plaza
• Santa Barbara Parade redevelopment, increasing parking and shade trees
• Santa Barbara Park include the promenade and shade / BBQ and amenity facilities
• Playgrounds, bike track, and skate park
• A unique unified suite of furnishings, artwork, signage and lighting that responds
closely to the Bowen Foreshore environment
• Retention of almost all existing trees

This process continued from late 2007 to mid 2008 with the completion of documentation.
The works were tendered mid 2008 and the construction contract subsequently awarded
enabling commencement of Stage 1 works on site in late November 2008.

With the November 2009 completion of the Stage 1 works the “Vision” is now realized
and with Council’s key objectives now met Bowen Foreshore is the major public domain
providing the Catalyst for development and consolidation of the local identity and meeting
the growing recreation needs.


3 realising the vision _
foreshore stage one

Aerial Series

The Catalina Interpretative Centre has the dual purpose of providing visitor information about
the former historic Catalina Flying Boats and accompanying base that was in operation on
the site during WWII, and a War Memorial Wall commemorating those who served in various
armed conflicts from The Boer War through to recent Peacekeeping missions.

The roof has a dynamic wing like form, alluding to the giant steel shapes of the flying boats
which once dominated the site. Underneath a series of large curved ceramic printed glass
panels show the Catalina Flying Boats in their historic context; taking off and landing on water,
and being serviced on the concrete hardstand. The viewer has a unique ‘cockpit’ experience
of being able to visualise the images juxtaposed with the real landscape in the background.

A large timber deck area, a land jetty, provides for seating and wind protection and allows for
large gatherings for memorial events.

A long tapering knife-like wall, The Memorial Wall, cuts through the site. The street side is clad
with industrial weathered steel panels. The sea side is contrasted with smooth white limestone
tiles and a timeline series of vertical grey aluminium panels containing information on each
armed conflict. This is a side for reflection and contemplation.

The Centre is partially concealed from the Festival Lawn by an earth mound planted with
Casuarina Trees. This is to create a sense of destination and privacy from the rest of the
parkland. The turf grassed landforms integrate and respond to the shapes of the relic of the
coal loading facility which serviced the active port operation until the 1980s.


The War Memorial Wall with its rusticated steal and white tile cladding is designed as large scale “Monument”; a symbol of solidity and strength, onto
which the contrasting black panels with the fine details of images and descriptions of the conflicts are placed.

The War Memorial Wall at the Catalina Interpretive Centre does not replace the ceremonial function of the existing cenotaph at the top end of the Herbert
St for official. It focuses on the involvement of the Bowen Community in Wars and conflicts and provides both a place of reflection and contemplation,
and source of visitor or tourist information.

The wall brings together into one location what was previously a disparate series of memorials around the foreshore precinct in various states of
The information on the 8 panels represents the joint effect from representative of Whitsunday Regional Council, the local branch of the RSC, Bowen
Historical Society, National Servicemen’s Association, Tract and Dot Dash. An extensive investigation, review and vetting process was undertaken to
ensure accuracy of the information presented, with final authorisation sought and receive from the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

The war format allows for future panels to be added should this (although hopefully never) be required the lighting provides for striking ambience when
the wall and interpretive centre is seen at night.

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Bowen Soundshell is a unique multipurpose structure incorporating a state of the art
performance stage, backstage facilities, public amenities, information booths and a
pavilion dedicated to the movie ‘Australia’. This is the largest building on the site.

The large Performance Stage (14m x 8m) has been orientated together with the
Viewing Terraces and Festival Lawn to accommodate both small and large crowds.
3 rows of lighting bars, speaker hanging points, and terrace lighting poles allow for a
variety of performance setups and are connected through a backstage patch panel
for remote lighting control. The Backstage provides for discreet Stage access and
contains preparation, amenity and storage areas.

A courtyard separates the Stage and Public Amenities which can be used for backstage
loading and by the performers for preparation during events. The rooves of each
structure slope down to the courtyard allowing roof rain water to be gathered into a
large underground concrete tank for use throughout the building.

Timber batten screens have been used to allow filtered breeze into the internal


The Pavilion is a roofed shelter addressing Darlymple Plaza that has space for a
future Cafe, and displays 3 glass panels depicting scenes and information about
Baz Luhrmann’s movie ‘Australia’. The arrangement of these panels allows the
visitor to view towards a location on the site where actual scenes of the movie
were filmed. A feature red painted lower curved ceiling alludes to the traditional
movie opening red carpet walk.


Hollywood comes to Bowen B owe n be com e s Da r wi n B owe n’s com m uni ty c hi ps i n
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The plaza provides an important forecourt arrival to the Bowen Soundshell,
Australia Pavilion and Festival Lawn Precinct, as well as being the entry
to the operational jetty and port facilities. The challenge being to make
this significant “people” space both function and safe. The design of
this plaza, named after one of Bowen first European settlers, is based
around Bowen’s industries and national attributes.

The striped pavement ribbon elements and “rail tracks” represents

agricultural and produce growing and past industrial coal loading use.

Planter beds through the plaza are in the shape of the famous Bowen
Mango cheeks and Palms and Pandemics tree rows are planted as
alternating “agricultural” stirpes. Custom designed stone seats in black
and white granite symbolise the “viewing” in the local naturally occurring
rock along the nearby foreshore zones.

Imagine glass mosaic artwork on these seats and furnishings represents

the 4 main Bowen Industries: fishing, mining, agricultural and tourism.


Sinclair Place is named after Captain Sinclair and acknowledges
the importance of the existing memorial commemorating the
settlement of Bowen and its location at the axial termination of
Herbert Street.

The memorial sits central in the paved plaza on the “time line”, with
radiating images listing significant events in the cultural history of
Bowen. On one side are engravings of important event in Aboriginal
history and thon the other side pose settlement. Unused images
in the paving allow for future significant events in Bowen to be

The formal palm plantings within and around contemporary plaza

intersection further reinforce the importance of this locality and
provide contrast to the informality of the retained Fig and Casuarina
trees that have been retained as part of the design.

Stage 2 works will include the completion of Sinclair Place

comprising the generously proportioned beach front boardwalk
and access stairs to the rocks and water.


The Amenities building caters for the Playground and future Rock Pools. It has
been designed as a garden wall, long and thin. This allows it to carefully fit
within the existing Casuarina Trees, whilst keeping open the view up and down
the parkland.

The long edge has a tilted roof that captures the breeze from the sea and
shelters pedestrians on the street side. Timber batten screens whilst giving
a regional aesthetic have been used to allow filtered breeze into the internal
spaces. All rain water is collected from the roof to an underground tank for use
throughout the building.

Various Picnic and BBQ Shelters are scattered throughout the parklands. The
roof forms mimic the other structures on site. Timber batten seaward screens
provide shelter from winds and give privacy. BBQ benches contain an all-
in-one cooking facility including electric hot plates, washing sink, garbage
bins and drinking water fountains. Picnic tables have been custom designed
including wheel chair access. The arrangement of each shelter allows use
either collectively or individually.


The promenade provides a strong visual and physical link along the Santa
Barbara Parade linear park.

It has been sensitively sited to provide strong legibility to the pedestrian

network has ensured that all existing trees have been retained.

Both the prevailing on shore breezes and need for shade and throughout the
year, the retention of these existing tress which have have established over a
long period of time was a fundamental design consideration of the highest
importance. The amenity provided by theses tress as part of the completed
works can not be underestimated.

The new avenue tree plantings that have been carried out along Santa Barbara
Parade will in time provide further valuable shade and contribution to both the
foreshore park and the frontage of existing and future development properties
along the street frontage.

Banding and masses of low groundcover species plants, combined with the
furnishings and integrated art components provide a locally responsive, high
quality and richness to the finish.


This plaza, named after Captain James Morrill, one of Bowen’s first European settlers,
is located on the axial termination of Brisbane Street.

The skate plaza is a world class facility that has been custom designed to both integrate
this use with the overall foreshore Matserplan and respond to its Bowen Foreshore

It provides for a wide range of ages and abilities of skaters and bikers, timber deck
seating elements and shade for spectators with the retention of significant existing
tress and planting of new pandemics.

The wired fence provides “baffling” of the prevailing breeze for users protection and
comfort. Signage, artworks, custom furniture and lighting all add to this as a vital “hub”
for the youth of Bowen.


On November 14, 2009 after 11 month of construction, Stage 1 of the Bowen Foreshore
by Councillor Mike Brunker, Mayor of Whitsunday Regional Council, was declared open.

In a clear demonstration of the Bowen communities enthusiasm and desire for an

foreshore events space to call their won, an estimated crowd of 4000 (around half the
total population) flocked to the Opening Celebrations.

Throughout the day the events rolled:

• The skate park was given its true test by the professional riders as the Mayor officially
opened the facility – staying true to council’s commitments to the youth and urging
them to “own” it
• Local performers
• The Seafood Festival and refreshment tents were providing local flavour and

As might fell, the great lighting and events installations become evident as the new rich
ambience and mood change and the anticipation grew.

The Bowen “sing sing”, as part of the Queensland Music Festival and including local
talents and cultural representative of the region was a most appropriate to celebrate the
opening event.

All involved are enormously proud of what has been achieved with the completion of
Stage 1 and look forward to seeing it being well used and enjoyed by residents and
visitors alike for many years to come.

Stage 2 and the completion of the Foreshore Redevelopment notably the “Water Park”
are also now eagerly anticipated.


We look forward to seeing the Foreshore enjoyed by the Bowen Community and visitor to the Region for many years in the future.

Tract Consultants, December 2009


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