Wire 312 February 2010

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WE Nf Zen and the artiof space exploration be Ea aaquiatts NEC MIeu Occ leTe GEN este wm UR ere ke) Pt Sauter) >) CoC m Cems) Nicolas Collins on Alvin Lucier THEE SILVER MT. ZION MEMORIAL ORCHESTRA KOLLAPS TRADIXIONALES LIMITED EDITION DELUXE CD & DELUXE 2x10” INCLUDE 16-PAGE PERFECT-BOUND ART BOOK + 2 POSTERS THEE SILVER MT.ZION ON TOUR IN EUROPE MARCH/APRIL 2010 EVANGELISTA VIC CHESNUTT PRINCE OF TRUTH AT THE CUT F DO MAKE SAY THINK THE DAY QTHER TRUTHS LAND OF KUSH NST The Masthead 4 Letters 6 Bitstream 10 News and nore fromundethe rar Trip Or Squeek 11 Cartoon sry Savage Peel Bites 12 ka Vain, ite Ray arti, Groupshow. Tapeworm cassettes and more Charts 48 Out There 91 Ftval, concerts siand ei stings Bolow The Radar ies potmghey com Cla Wee Reviews Index 49 Soundcheck 50 Wis mons else say! and oneioads,ieuding Alan Loman Blanks rosetions, Another Timbre’ Fook, cel bats, db, bacon, hip, jze& pe, noern competion, ‘utr, uous fata and ees ‘The Inner Sleeve 75 Robert Asheyon ison Automate Mitng Print Run 76 New muse books a Galati Ramble ‘hough the UKundergroundrevisonat ‘+The Wire Tapper 96 Froedounioads and CDs Subscriptions 97 On Screen 7 Watkins's Prvfoge on DVD OnSite 60 (Gabler andi mei overt, intcing Bob And Roberta Sits Factory Qutet On Location 61 tinal and concert reviews, ekg Huddersfield Contemporary Music tial Calin OUtOF Conte one ‘Cluster & Torte nL ancon Yosh Wada Inside The Wire 312 | February 2010 Moon Wiring Club 16 lan Hodgson’ imagined vilage takes in British audio ‘ephemera ad hiphop beats. By Josoph Stannard Pangaea 1a Joe Muggs eckson tothe Woes Audio founder's ‘experimental ncemotional dubstep sound Raymond Dijkstra 20 ‘The Dutch Noise maker converts nsf into portal of energy’ via automated tecriques. By Mik Cain Global Ear Madeira 22 ‘Tony Herrington reports fromthe Canary island's annual DIG festival of ital music and at Cross Platform David Grubbs 24 ‘Tha former Gastr Dal Sol member has extended his ‘outputinto film and installations plus work with poet ‘Susan Howe, By David Stubbs Invisible Jukebox Eliane Radigue 26 ‘The Parisian pioneer af the hypnotic drone mediates over Tho Wire's mystery record selection. Tested by Dan Warburton Mattin 30 Improv, post-punk with Bly B30 ané radial dlalacties areal ful to the Basque provocatour’swaron Capital 8y David Keenan Mark Ernestus 34 Celebrating 20 years of pacemaking Europe's lectronic heartbeat with the asic Channel producer land Hard Wax store funder 8y Derek Walmsley Wadada Leo Smith «0 Phit Freeman meets a fee music cosmopolitan who hha explored free space with Anthony Brarton Jha Zorn, Spring Hee! Jack and more Epiphanies 92 Participating in Abin Lcier's Vespers helped composer Niolas Collins to find hms? The Masthead Itiswith come corto that Tho ir report the stn ‘romliver cancer of Rowland Howard (1959-2000) (Gitsteam, page 0). He willbe best remembered as ‘guitarist in The Birthday Party. When the Australian {70up Fetched up inthe UK, cea 1980, oly to iscover the post-punk scene had setted into a cosy, mddlebrow molanchaly, they took ut thelr isappointmentn performances of unparalleled rock {orosity wrenened from aiffiult ves oracorbated by hard drugs and poverty But, a Tny Herrington underinesinhisraview of The Stooges’ You Don’, Want My Name You Want fy Action: 1974 The Missing Link (page 59), the greatest ack often energed rom amoral souls locked into cycles of self-destruction, and glo moralsing ist gong to stop people ‘sneaking glimpses inte the abject states plumbed ‘and hercicall overcome. The Birthday Party wore «stunning spectacle of ruin, with Howard's guitar "ping openyamning abyssesaits heart, Many ‘ofus ar stil raumatised by the tsunam of dense noise he generated at the start of har single “The Friend Catcher” (1083), out of which ho song slowly lumbored and back nto whichit returned ‘When the car crash happened in 1983, Howard right have crated free from the wreckage but he rover wally fully recovered. Resembling a startiod Nosferatu atthe throat of hiswctin,hecuta haplssl tragiconic igure adrift in London. The break-up lofthima guitarist search ofa portfolio for nisfieny blend ofraw poner, uy noise and unabashes Ici. is doldrums were temporary rosolved when hiscoleagueMickHarveyreccuted him for Crime & ‘The ity Solution but he was eventually tron out by vocalist Simon Bonney, reportedly bocause is guitar occupied the same spaces the voice Howard's postion wasnthopes by his inability to cope with ‘everyday demande, which eeriovely ted hi ability ‘twhead his own group. | recall interviewing Crime a ‘Amsterdam. Everybodys thor excopt Howard, who isstilin London sorting out passport problems. He misses one, wo, three fights more before finally arriving 20 minutos before showtine. Later we retreat Distribution Semone tocrine's hotel whore, except for Sonny who ‘sappoars to get wastd, Howard andthe thors change into their pyjamas and conduct proceedings bottuprghtin thei beds, Meetings with Howard wereinvarably marked by astark contrast batween his gentlemanly, dandified demeanour and hs michy shelshocked aura of helplessness, as ihe stil hadn't 3¢p¢d te debilitating enormty of i hand to mouth fistence After Crim, he lec on group These Immortal Souls trough two albus that came too far apart, 1987 and 2992 to generate momentum, but they contain some fie saloming songs, ike the ‘mordant "So The tery Goos": “The story gous ve been setdestructive/Everybody knows hat steeped in sin/Everybooy knows ve got no sense of hnumouri'n foo morose and toe damn peculor/And the vwealmess shows.” ‘ung in is logubrous, snared slur, it encapsulates why ony he coud sing the songs he wrote, despite the eudent silo their construction. Outside These Immertal Sous, he often worked wth Lydia Lunch, ‘raton version of Lee Hazlewood & Nancy Sinatra's "Some Velvet Mornin”, where the era's two most rmonotonal voices trade vows wth passion verging fon the pornographic Later they recorded ae Shotgun Wedding, but thn Howard returned to Australi, where he belatedly nade two slo albums, Teenage ‘Snuff Fim (1898) and Pop Crnes (2008). Despite their unpromisng titles, their wonder tawdry bulady cloves to Howard's belie, as hai his utar's volume and PX podals, that tho groatst rock isbirthed from equal parts intligence and stupsit. Listening to thea returns eto the Canned Heat ong "Tine Was", as covered by ACMavias on her 1989 album One Of Our Giri (Has Gone Missing on which Howara played gitar. Draning back he belt midway through the frst verse, he desist punctuabng heres before unleashing a ising metalic shee of ‘bruised molancholy that oozes the pained otherness of aman outside the window condemned tobe alnays leaking in. Subscriptions Fat oie eminent Issue 312 February 2010 fatto reso Foxe ez Ty erent rte gen cost ica i eo FrrE ar ance jae aga ne ict satin ‘Seca rate tre Sano nn Pens cost ia on ent ceva ener sk {fm upc encom Coy An os ia re Lee nate ‘Seonpara Orn toby Sr re Rod ii casa man nny Sen ‘etn emer eter ps tard at apes, ‘on a tata Sp, (tent Ove tick ican en ‘eu ai ie tees Undone Spe re jay ees Joy te a, a van ees ay Staten pt a Subscriber specials Coming soon with future issues of The Wire - free music for all subscribers 23 ate conerate cO (Maren isie 23), Cate Concrete isan oxperinertal ound dfn colctie bed Plymouth, arte mace espone to Phot lable xcuiey to evberbre The Wire Tepper 2200 (pniiesun 338) ‘The atest volune a car orgal era of (Mayas 85) Thothirdvolumsin curses of now muni ownions. Werge co (Mayu t8) Acampiltion showcasing te new generation ot European composers. he ohms bron peucad by the Geran contemporary lassi abel ergo rat eli ta ubscribore To subscribe to The Wire go to thewire.co.uk/subscribe thewire.co.uk Each month The Wire's website is updated with new and exclusive content. Here are some of the items that will be going up on the site this month: bir the unedited transcript of Pa © Excluse musieby David Grubbs Amite, MPs and atmo 1 Avid stay by Mies Coline 6 Avensis rack by Matin «© Cipetrom Ph Wibock’s Sic Fne @ Steams of coma ofthe ats The site's regular sections are updated on a daily, weekly or more ad hoc schedule. These include: «Adventures in Madern Music Exchedion of The Wie's show on Stowe fetus pnt ies Dylan Ryoukis (Chocolat ont ardFian Johannsen aco Recordings) angadizcusion on te Stata ot ruse ertesem with Mark Updated monthy:an err-xsanding Nvary of arte ul ron back Iseuee of te magazine many wich srenow aoc) Tre ire beg, updated whenever ne getround tot Pontyour browne to Shon oh tene or sone ota {ine musings on made mle matters ThePortal Updated daly ou picket the wab with f Theconcuit For updates on what's happening Inthe onine worl of The Wie, 0 up toour fortnight walt or ‘etteerie tour RSS teed, both at Signuptocur digest offrthconing Ihe eons and atin happenings covering tho net seven day, cod ‘rom ou regular month istgs Fellow hat ne are stning tointhe fe as we save aay producing yt Subscriber Spocae | theniv.cou |The Wa | 5 Letters End of an era, Theonding of adssadeisinuitaby ating foriat. from ur nortan vantage pie thetolowing ave Dee contander fone fost tng msl phenome ‘Storage, Hey Com 40th Aoiversary (40scO),Feut The Wane Years 1070-73 Nog Cimon In The Court OF Tho Grnsen Keg 4h danversory (CD) + Rotomtions My Bloody Valentine Pes, Tha Raincoat, Van Der Graaf Generator + Sud Pasings: Drak ally Sy Bret Mex Rosen gh Mopper sah Cah, + Most ettectin channeling of he spe of ‘ha Door Wooden Shive ‘+ Most periang i: Sur 0) a the Sogo Gatesnoas (ate ony bute + Mai ie The Macs (ice) lb ta Tanaka att Wend a ‘modern music continues ote The Hive. The art of noise Incegardtothe Furst Noe ntones ‘cancer rein (On Leoatio, The Wire 33) plese rate that Luciano Choees enown enacting ito accomparying pote) nat ‘ny supervised the reconatuctan of the andthe gorforor ako waerling around sary othe composer n asapting tar ling vei Futursta Noe, Vet ares nd lb plished ty Ye Unvraty.o sion tet the anion deeereg inthis reve for pollo th renarasievent, butts OF Atartion il come Dead rock stars club Reading Justin Yoko's tar (The Wire 11) as anuncanny experince ant in falig rosa My dad to was an ald ‘eae of The Wir snes zz ae, hl! being pretty mpertant. teratraggling with ‘would never be closed again alo wrote in Netatngtorant about fos wre don't Lennon Soundcheck sue 310) at {ity too. Me gular plying on Poste Oro Bondand Fyfe remarkable, qual to Sonny Sharoe’ beating reedom. t's shane Stannard hast infor dadock tas, a (tho Pine, Tn Wie 296), Anyhon in ‘nmany eff act ed eto bands eh The Raises ang Sone Youtn hat adoned my mp as you sida couple of ryan every dnnatin ar contrvo way This menth youve connced eto track ‘Adventures the word Toe theides of to yma Nal andstrunn or my thay. respond tothe erthsiasm of your wes, {( uct have read Moritz von Oswald's forthe seer plesut time ms Hawtin Loo di’ ite bu that al Fight never stop hoping. nested sone oF thathope in ighning ,Linvestes luminesent oblong copie al with taking cara of what you create, but the paragon hat tna tan 80 pop fretting notes then must ap. Tikes of Leanan or Radiohead? Obviously | ‘plain why the cheap shots sting me so cht aan atib ering that cot be sung "Bone Bil ‘opped than Revoher elgoed tha year? dont thin threes, and bollve we, ho Rigsby leokng vine’ so suspits abet ting triton than Ania ar, xcept perhaps ‘Aloe Wonderland. woul love thon fry aor ores toy ha el ever infor tar, Jap? eithad of The Boredons and went bckto lennon tonight you places, Tim Buckley ar Robert Wyatt Tesh Keenan Sandy Dey bit whi. {slot enaradle one, 0 step poking stiks in my ean Stannard: mt tring pleasutebeore|goback to work Tito tions ard two date fours sustain career inmosie makng? Resour. Close but not quite there ‘of Fontirs (On Location, The Wire $30) writes about ode Landes ander orsenbl's performace of ages Ryo ‘the aaenble's members wrest cute notes cssipatig te any." ndetense Of eardrand yoo. I musty that ie ‘espaten wick Sper, covovaly rtaly Isroforing ois notg elses so-calea ‘ot proceay ogee. That's 00 percent Jota tates op) The apathy and the ecstasy The Mute Grace (re re s30) ton ‘rom plays -apathetic mu and hat thoy aoa mies a th atk toy theyre mane afer actually sad that they war "neandering” ret "ames ‘nd that they were "plriusy apathetic. Furthermore, stand aly by what was feaingeboat te grav at tb tine as througha usoof language hat ot nas ongrous nth that iverson. ty points, The Hunter Gracohue don't nas crescendo inthaway that 0 ay, vat tas ome, iso renarsig souk it esr sont seneningencng towards cacopenicmd: ports that hen sinnor foun quterangs re igoeurfor ‘ry oe inerestog proce What 30 hsrbing about The Hunter Grachus and (hora ar Part Wid Horses Mane On Bot Se, blow, ss) that tar aschewng the purser recanaa otters te lsteraraitinct sna of nee tat is Initlped thoughout te perfomance The aati linfered nas towards lina, the snlsanes ate ofthe chanted. Unie heightared nonets of bombast and ‘xplosiarass ay oer the musician and stern aie aviserl pera estar ‘perience, hey at nnvertwleassonenhat Sai mororsatory methods ar itwas nly ith cance of ome tat ound Iso taking tie a laern tho moments OF tamph win Th Hater Grats” recoding because they rest 20 ‘shique and wondefly ron ferent Tha’ why Lensep releasing CD-R by thom, ta pars release form ea inane hn allt ear fr 897008 of mprovioretojustgoful tin some uphoric pur The Hunter Gracchue proves us with aglowng aerate tet (rans us sony in and tours our senses. ‘isis truly amesone ‘inp understood, thon porraps | ook {ho gun's tenons arangh, Hoube, "genta To Hin Gracehu ay ferent today. Theyrsti amet tothermar chches,organnely fasted cantengraies. he ilu pondered ‘denna coast Interestmgavticion the cron bans wothingn Shei Itseans tat as soon ‘snore up north ny attra dr 40 ‘Any chee of part two toyour wcelont W-Tan Clan Prima (The re 210)? Sine tat les tor ave Bean ne Clan sto tame, onelve sbum, a Upeethaking ref casiccututtron Ghostace, te suger On But For (aban Lins Pore REA suing ith (FA Prince, posthumous 08 otput ard sono curpangh seléworcromiots ‘evlopar ints il, wo a tort ot Intarertingetracuriculr at us, forays int acting and scuntack war love thea The Wie current best thing on aarcup thas constant oe vapor Positive feodback lad you pint stephan Tower's pesoon es Epptones, Tee 310, tho isto poopie ve sen moon an Dende Maras Kah Levene, Nar ale, Nobuo Vent, ral Pink Tod Funagren, Thurston Moore ane Bates (butthenuence realy obvious thes). orcas band that you arent alowed {oll ind themmaoneny sais ard frustrating bacaves leo pena hour rpuingwth fone anders wo woul tay ‘uot, bt all Boni Prine’ ily hat Enna. have asa muse fans fing bands wth Abad reputation ut withthe promise oF Something itorestg ve teeing teeing enbaratsagolatento mise Charhaving iturin understanding and vocalists who are annoying ane et ist they usa ord up boing my ‘vourtes thinks ans ehuls looetortat tension tween sracton tn epuion, so hope Te Wire's about {opritartieschanponing bands at fn have aha tie aceating. Fars of Challenging mie tau le thao have theitases and prejoses clones Hove stepnen Tones Epiphany: twas baal wit and provided Ue are Soncation coin Tos eat wel i pit Fantasie to so petro Jo derton {am happily drifting teaugh the reviews secton, nen se Anderson mentones gain Now o'sin Dan arturo revien Of The By Deal. Tecan one sue, how ‘bout that? Bu Dans avon ating inetocalltomind anderson's sey Silly asin anesomety So, jst he tat themood dipeig How agile te Tanke alot Dan ‘Scratching an itch ‘nate to be anag but in Derek Waasiy's ‘even of to Prt by Ean Soundcheck, The Wire 310} he states that Ean he rang simanoue, Haig soon ‘Tvelnvo mip ties eating back 0 tig “Bragg ws” cays, can ay hat edt na Edn beat onthe app front ands po sauch on th dacks whe needing Bad debts InEonin Pouney's review ew oy To ‘Pay Oe Deots (Ie re 309), ill Orea's ‘laying i compared ta Cal Taylor, Ove Behey an Glen Gould withevidence ‘that soto ighy specious ottaly non eitont ‘One ofthe most saboteurs ot teabumisthelonphyeson tb pen ete sath string of Outs guitar I's hart mis. He return tots ote every {er seconds on ey single ark Thee srt anyother notes intl rape on thslum Orit set the nino ‘antec eae ort maj oie Tks on strings oto and thes 28 oupointedcutard one can obser rom {ta idoo posted on To e's webpage. (ret has anved ating fouran ve womb gutar) tte ond of as of guar fngeces, you ane Dre Bley nag {hatte nfuarcn echoes loudest bre” Notutberexanaton ofthis iene ven inyourravew.but t's examin what Deve aly hae done forthe guitar ard ee ‘tw caning ary sinlattas to Ort. Boley took Anton Veberasachigue of canrtacting singletine of mend oof cepa timbre and app ote ‘tar Ratha than ang meee 3 Iturpst cline and voi forexanpl, Ne tintropions merlin torts, ‘pen notes and arnoncs, Baily woul pek Sestoftr-chords andinpronee on tee tore afer option. ee. es =imore to Derak satay coeur ten Us, buLTIS Is Baley's most abous contribution othe oanylhiogesenng ths. There sent ny chorde. Ort etc toa portatonic fealo.Ter'eno an eroton ot Ptes among etted nates, open ntae End harmon on A New Way To Pay Ok Debts: The oa sity cn fd between Derk iy and Billet that thy both Pouncey gee ntoa it more depth in thera stint aybardclonont to Out's st, and that he inne can be plan heard mona threugh “Lp ich, ware the reverbrating utr sags aso the peep are stained othe pint sere they sound in aor stated Piano keye" Prt ofa the mila of Up Fok sounds tha resto UR Thos nothing Cel noe er aD ston hat cane “pany ear also funds ie eat other ackon the album withthe xcepionof last Second ta Tea you to name one Cac Taye slbu Next month in the March issue of The Wire ihr ha tus tthe ane ped pint ‘ver ar oer aan every ow seconds Uroopnt every piece Pounoty supers thei tha inn Gouldisan noone onthialbun by porting out that toy oth sig along wth ‘hornets You meron Gabe in tne heclne, out ti stony onnectin ‘ohimyou posit enditisasupertia! ‘annaction fc meaningless ne. toteot intranets, classe and ‘nasal, favo recrded albums where ‘ei singig song eae. Wy nt camoateOreittoajaz musan ah ‘ngs long ath he musi? Ales han ‘hey Ye beth mprvisors The conparson ‘nghtbe slighty more neuingfu fit tion made to another gitar, bt then Xvouldundarine he equal tenuous andursupportes contention tat Orcat's plying sounds ie yoo. ‘As forthe Gould quotation, "Nopiaro ead fel ty bound to aay sud ibe {ane the Wut tha A Mow Wo) To Pay ‘la deots coe sound he guaran ‘Anyone nho knows anything about he ‘he cmipreset open ow Chat Oct ‘stun to agin and again ik acrateh and ‘ho eso tho minor pentatonic sale Iedectnteeundanting he aplaro, aninctrunen tat dsr thavecpen or {eette tings ad doesn tal or tat partial tec sgh of Rand also lovee sound anything te Dv Bay shoe have writen the revo. ou ve ‘oady demonstrated alackfirarstin {or pamaps aptitude or) serosal rigour No oes to scaly review the muse ‘ee cn gripes ith academe ‘theory's that ts proponents sere oration wetings paper. publishing bork, oF feachig a class that contin it andlot of eadere ana no pnt Nowring prov. | ‘orton town sone ratlson about ‘amen anal of Wagers Titan Andis hat ara tooig to The Moodios by AdeanUinitakor& Michal Bracewell 13th Assembly Howard Mende Giacinto Seeeity Andy Hanon Pus morsin-dpth underground musioneas, Intervene arrows than any other sne leas to anything about Wagrors cual crnstorcalsinfianee ihyour ren {tA ow ay Poy Od Dats you hare one the opposite You've made a series ‘ofastarion aout anor ssigneace ‘etheut rovdingone if ra eden, Ghrseper Rasengan Sk Straight outta Brooklyn Ragaring te roviw fC Forays new UP Oreom Soundenac, The ire 909), hich makes passing reference tom ‘ough dimerion hat happy say ‘hat am ro lenger wating the Beoyn ‘ede fg, moved aay closet eee or age now. aero ben eau Northwest Nee review bythe ay! Brain workout Aoyour magni! rod normale noreraysuplonart nao to thea, at Fda unng that tom Fre ‘on sxlring te mary colert arenes ‘thatyou mapzzne provides ich ans {or your recommendations on Sunn), ‘Sun dram, he Morand Richard Young pales, toes chose ad atmospheres ‘hat theqymis non conpietly abl. Aline about line-ups ‘Ths may soon obvious but why dont you avoyourantereinckige he group ne Sinsrmets ved onteracering ou ‘even each month lam shay wondering ‘matinstruments Fear tok out Uheseracordings anda fen estat [bout the ine-p.Forme tere are iy woo want he die Neary al CDs ara\ Ps giv some kindof base 0-9 Information and hav oan snoinas Snaceasin ater making apuchare your Sitar falstomanton av aspect tht wn bea dealer (rence for wait len ‘record store checking tout Tudor genealogy Forth conplaton fy biography of tho ans, composer and tectonic arte David Tor (1926-06) 1 would sppreciat nearing tom anyone wie has corespanderee,pagrammes, ‘ecalctons, recipes nd other cords of Tudo’ te work, character, conestont tozmtropocopy andthe terest ‘speci aftr 2060! nou be particu (atu theron tose who knew Tudor Guring nis wits tania and apr. ‘594 USh bacon Corrections Kirby's Say Th otros No Longer Wat Tes above) was atu the tec te Krys omorss i Longer Tham reo itt: eters, Te re 29 Jack's Plc, ‘atet Place London ENN, UK fan 8 (0/20 742251, eterstbenr co.uk ‘The March sue cf The Wire ib onsale fromsi February For upésts co what's happening inte wise oAbot The ire, signup to The Const, Durfortnightynmasiatn or subset (ur RSS Teed, both at younaveproblon nding copies ot ‘me ve nie step, pleasotetus kon yang substi cok Or better ail tae out assertion for deta torn to page 07 or pint your ‘romor at thanir.co Usevbeerbe NEW RELEASES FROM PORTER RECORDS OUT NOW ON Aco: AU VERSIONS FATHER MURPHY ...AND HE TOLD US TO TURN TO THE SUN OKIE DOKIE S/T 10” ‘OUT NOW ON SWILL CHILDREN: LUCKY DRAGONSMWEEKEND: SORROW | JUBILANCE PT.2 T.E.: SUNNA 1/3 & APES BLOOD COMING MARCH BURTON GREEN “Live...1965 KYLE BRENDERS "WAYS" aGo0.co H ‘SWIMLCHILOREN.ORS WWW.PORTERRECORDS.COM Bitstream News from under the radar. Compiled by Nick Richardson Rowland § Howard soon 30 Decanber intletsoure, Ata, fter x prtractes "atta thor cancer The teonages Howard ned ek Cave an ek Harvey in Bogs Met Doo in 497, tresforing the 1's sound wth is cause etwas tue Prayers On Fie a. Jano bere the group aar during the making of ther -MatinyEP 298. nthe following years Howard undertok several eolubeetions ‘ethLja Linen not amounting 4987 stam Honeymoon nes. 3990 Lunch and Honard again ecrde togother and tute as Shotgun Weaig. ease layed i Sno Map Wa Sudden ape’ pie Soundtrack. Troogh th te 198De ar ory 90 Hoardlod Toes Inmet Sut afour ove post punk ‘Shut in hs re soo lb car out ‘32000: his econ Pop Cine festa cktiaroy once, was raed shorty beforetsuntnaly rath ‘uote last December, Anrcan singer= arty 19008 Ho was ost recently aflated with onda’ Coretelation abel who ‘elosed the suns Neth Star Desert ft at The Cut i 2007 ard 2000 Norman Westberg ard mi pario Sans ‘tare Christ Hab. ootfost the ‘rete of recording the new Swans iba e ts unchedyanou iitauvesineuding @ handmade CO/DY0 packagest Gre mata [ot om ung rcmda cam ‘Ths Mare, Carton Maa (aha note) crater th hia Paral Voices Inthe {ormidabi Siobtan Davies Stvdios in South ‘loan aber, anda perormarce by yo of i Txt atara a we Nicolas am ight oe ietlaton Honor Gast pate nclo Mehl Bon Borthwick sothandaris com ely tilogy of ambien solorcords On One by Herter ands the fiat recrd to feature Nimsinpag feat which he ada, oon took raring ina utedo an nat abot wine to get verte ares” One Oe i Harber teokal hs spies from angle ‘venn|e recording a the Robert Johneon bn cudbers ana recording chat, ses, Pabeing eres slsogtored and eaten itthonberber.com Fan of Prin rick'sKosmaee out Popol Va wil have the chance ta ear soe oftheir casi recerdsn te aosphere Disb ining highiahes rom Vu backestaloge ~ Afnstndo, In Don Goren Pharos (25 Februar) Hesonna Iona, Agare (toi): Nosferts, Se Sl Wisse eh Bi (15) Cava De Vor, ‘Agapedgope (2) Simi celerations of “angwrineDreamand Ash Ra Tempel are de Inter ts yenrsonci.co8 eins Domine festival ns announces awd crates Aight OF Doap Nose on hatch, Rea Napa, Sbdaycttatic naan Jfnstons pce Sak ‘reba As va The Wie Sound Sytem wills be prviig a sutaby wacoing oundvackona date tote arranged 9724 Al at Anleane Belgique, ree per and Wark Fle transormng he ‘rope garcons of Sheff’ Millannam Galery ino atourtful aus casi on 2 February os prtot the 2010 Lovebytes Festal Te evening isa gightina ‘here uee of open aur software ‘awoke Golan evn CEB Rea ana Natmet tan, andthe We Love Teoholgy conernce ed by arts and designers fromaround he wert owt pe ‘The revo uelesed asl atu by {hostor-lvedo Wave graup interference Ine been anesthe by tho Socal Ronit Inbal Tealtum ae rsorensn 2082 Dis inten, Jo Dana anaensa Grown who had played togeternvaraus ys Chatham ensembles ~ and Anne Denains, io hae an sry incaation of Sake ‘uth tberolacd by Loe Rana StowswihThuston Moore tan oily ‘edule for reat on Joan Brand {Glenn Branca’ Nevtal npn. ut the be backed ovat thet minute Tha Sock Regist edition cones witha torus LPof ajar QP and-btenptune tag eum Bobbin Gling. thesccaregty com Twoevents stand otin London af toe aay excel ppd. rst, Otome perorman aFetruy when Otomo wi Improv commonty = Yuen Coo Wa (Stronore Ry Hark (Seo an Yan ‘un Baling). Te eosin willbe te ‘uarte'sfretinthe Uk. Seoon, lant Matthew hig les with snl tr cast fimprovaore oer th course catne Mar Sandor (2 February) J Spacoman, ‘hn Conon and Stovtt (3) and Jobe Butcor 8 cates coh Finds ofthe Worm Shap ead earn This aplestonenabisyou to commit il ula n-froning each of Yourcontacts natalower on ySpace, Faeebooand witer Wrst mks t atclary ata that te name each contact flashes upon sean as the ogra deletes alorngyouto ‘aveurby arenes the retin 9 woot ‘Acallacton of unthshad songs he ate dete Le Pires Gun Cub nave been tated out for lease by deotes suchas callabrator Cypress rove foundabeg of ‘caeette nhs atte marked “IP cong Peco ping trough the bares outlines of asetofalinen Count ana eues pcos ‘oo imeonpleteané oa saturate wth ape Mtotked up tn repute ae compiadon Were Ony drs leased Jay by Cleaves gitarhoves com ne forthe Desaneads:Gratatl Dead-opolyisa psyched remicof the tlasibnardgane i wich you gel toglay The GratefulDead on ou ~ th tokens nar. rum npr bos, sd Otis Payor il the oar, attepting to ae am themed Properias. Aloe ney they might fateh aor at Winterland; hangin the baila oreren get town thebus Te artnork tothe game iby conic box ingetratrTnoty Traman inthe yt ‘he asl Grate Dead album oer. The Iiars ronan authori oe 0 iperenc” grsteflieadopsy com Fer ecues Jando ply 2ne-off ‘ho wth Thurston ore inPortand, Oregon ange Teverue, he Hotpweod Theatres were Jando ga his Porta Tharsis, st ow years ge Meare as rat pled ine wth nde ‘buthecldeover te ong Palned forte 2000 Janek trout pried $20, ae sealable ron Jorkpot therecentronot Jando oy rsa. [acipoveconecom Tworare ns by 1920s Soviet mantage poner Dzige Vertovhave ben suedon Ev threw stundracs composed ty reached itsapecwth the sunning Mon {itr Te Movie Canora. Thay aasbe Trip Or Squeek By Savage Penci 1 covbe OVD trom Eaton Fnmuceu, fine com dota Cale wil be peering his 2973, ‘tum Por 1999in Rs entity at Condo's Royal octal il on Src, sceanpanodtoy Te irtageOrhaet No 721 he Wires 100 Records Tat Set The ord On Fre Gee issue 178), Cals oblique medtatan onthe consequences ‘ofthe rails Conference fone of Oe ‘he Festal tial show alews ae parormane ot Pos 1910 st November Inari That start a 22.50, ‘sufbancante 0. Pars bate Anticon att Cameron iterations Pan esta tr Shortdocuentary soot saint ona ‘en‘rom rl nara who practise an Iran frm oro np ncn, ‘himingheneees ita stat ot anced stan sania ere Comicoperandeis ounce orsonble deat tothe workof Robert \yat Fatring arts such as his Cate Joba Edwards and Dagar fuse, sot by Wyatt ron Sat Machine boon seed ford arch atfetro Conurae Modena tly it tebe the producer bhind legendery 2970s sul impi i Records, (Gedo aaa atlackonS Jann. Orginal a urge ana big bandieaer, luk ook oer aha fH Recor in 1970, yhorobesastominde ht yA Groen, Jomaeon ane may ators. One ofthe mst sampled artists of alin, WU Tag Clan’ The ZA based countess tracks ‘wourdhis wadenark purty drum sound BBC Radio PA programme an aropect last moh on he tensiesancs ineaseette utr Reader of Te Wr wil onthe tapas never rely want any. thay ost want underground ~ ss remarkable tre Iainteam madi ai ary attention tape labels tal 80 journalist Nge Wrench foouse parte on ha ocety founded Tapeworm abel Tapaworm releases by in Te Wire 28, and see Bes, Unsurprisingly aed Nols mainetayHosth Moan’ Fa 038 label wnorelatet batch of eloses|urthit {hehigh stot Tose include new nto bplloeane's rou ek wel 05 3 Payne of Fosse myepace.com/agtao ‘ig reweorhphop fens: DOOM nas sen mneuneed aon of headline at for ‘Taste Of Sonar at Londo’ Roundhouse. asst evr Erape ie date Hei dae piayon 5 llreh A arto Soar ica {nc ACorurs Therastof tha bills yet b> toned. sna ‘Some intriguing tes ertneanng tom “nwbone Books. Fe, nn arson s se, Forever Changes which das on {o's journal dives an unpublishos sitstoorapy Thon sarin th ea Feed Tour oad'Son ronson = Paytodale ‘ck evo ana Jeanette oneh= ‘Sosons They Chonga, ich charts the evelopment of acd fo in ain ara the USR tough the must of The needle ‘Sting Band Peal Betoe Swine re cer lft foes For the fl Bt Sem ofthe foster tom Cac Sharp topsychedla and beyond say urd forUect Eden: Uneorthing Brian's \ionary Musi y Te Wire's Rob Youre duein Agua fom Faber javbonepese Books ty two ctor contributors to The Wire aes rling of te prese= ‘nina: Bruce Rusel's clon Uefttanded Bows tings On Sound £882-2000 forthcoming onthe Cds Ing ile Dave Tompkins’ opus How ‘ublhed inven by Maule Huse Inari working win Buri ‘of Karniraané Opus. t's out tls Ai. eboceconvahestocerdings ere Sane pie ty Vik House MAKES to cet MGHPORTABLE READINGT PO_ YoU Rwow w at Tan DO OU with wy MIND?” Bitstream | TripOr Squodk | Tho Wie | 4. Bites Groupshow Original Unsoundtracks Making the unatchatle enjoyable. M's har the woe entcingmison atonal, iccuns up the viking behind tarthon prtomance due abe stage in fant Leichman ana Andrew Pele “hay lb prong aie sountrack for ak ‘igh hour of indy Warr lio fm, Ene monalioi,aceanc hits octage ofthe Epes State Bung hot ver one ‘context forthe Empire performarca ls he Ureaund Wao Series acertra gato ‘among other events willaiso present War's hot ln, ow Jb. ‘Unsound founder st Schl, eins thelgenerefersto ara som etenshe soot pre-estignateral to crete “imething neato Te Epodng ‘onto The Veet Underpround when they ‘ss umatchabe susiny acess. ges teo-ajumbin of ofects pedals ot ae nom atalegue sith and percussion nodues, Sampler atabe-top puta, agutaret 2 fyab-bag of ard percussion, snare drum pace wo aro lyingin so that rw sone anne sand stand round ane 80 that ns andovrtabe ta of paoge= fectng to wate the band asad of tke conpling mutica ‘Receding to Peter, th musi ie, on the Fst woos or 03 ‘et. thinetbat because am by blayng and antral fle on what have ban doing fore pas fon Nore Sense of ine gets Stewed an ave the Uneaund Feta Now Yoram om Billie Ray Martin Someone somewhere cracks down “Ifeol that Cabaret Voltaire’s musics he sexiest Imusicever corde,” says Billa Rey Marin. “But then Thnow Tm weird" Thie month ees the self styledice > club and sioved to Leeds the following yea, the tro quickly setup Hesse Audio, intending as Alay say, “to reflect ome ofthat feling we got when we fast nent toOMZn Leeds, and to ty and ive ongoity to that” Hessle Aud aunened in 2007 with "roken Heart by Romanian procucer TRG (Iter to boca ‘scene anthem when reninedby Martyn), fllonad by MeAuley's first Pangaea tracks, Both these releases had a rhythmic ightness ef touch that was out of whack wth the doony, alf-step emphasis of {he dubstep scene of the tise, ana the lead rack ofthe Pangaea E, “Cold” particular showed hatural fee for the woody sounds, soul influences nd hip-ttching shuttle of dutetop's UK Garage roots. Astoundingly, McAuley says that tthe time hehad noknonledge of Garage a all beyond having heard Burials South London Boroughs EP, which made hin *want todo a suung beat” -buthis subsequent release, n particular the 2009 ite abe! "Memories", hich fused samples cf two separate Gladys Knight vocals over atwo-stepshutl, capture both the greoving physicality and the yearning churchiness of Garage so wel fels he must have tapped into sone atavstic connection. Intenge and articulate about most topic, Netuloy becomes suddenly hesitant han comes ‘te expaining the mechanics ofhis own records He constantly comrects himself nth agrinace, siggesting exch word he tress grotesquely Inadequate regulary pausing task, “Does that make any sence?” This is pechaps unsurprising, as Imuchof his working methods unconscious: i start outwith abeat anda picture of what | want to do," he says, “but do manage to emotionally ack font andes then hous willpass an i'l be seven in themorning and ve made something without quite knowing how t's alvays about the eration, though something lean't express in words ~elther seeing where ean go from or itching up the track lleva it or remove fem te equation Ho sot teehncally mindod, favouring atria and ero approach with whatever tools are tohand ‘ver detailed knowledge ofthe latest gal signal processing plug-ins. This might expan some ofthe counterintuitive use of space within is musi, where echoes are applied to echoes and rovers toreverbs inobtucoly inventive and transporting way. ind Imsatf going off on ene," elaborates, processing 2 ound int something really weird, an have to remind myself that itis fora sound system and For dancing, fandrenitia. | angsea records romain entielyroatd in that sound eystem mentality, and more epecfealyin Netuleyseriginal 2008 epiphany at DMZ tough isnew double EP on Herelonaselamonts of UK rage and Techno, and hints of subliated but Funky ponerfull melachoke ues oul and gospel, al sx {wacks remain essentially dubstep runing atcloseto 2140 bpm tempos, ana showing the clear invence of Dis fearsomeymininalet Losfah and the soul Nala. t's thie total deciation tone form that ets him apart from Ramadanman, TRG and flow Hessle artist Untold, whohavelatery expanded variously to-encompass House, Jungle and Grime tempos and rythm and which suggests he wl only go deepar on successive explorations of that form. C1 The Pangoea CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF NEWFANGLED AND ARCHIVAL SOUNDS JAILBREAK (chs isa, igh The Racker LP The Lost Harmer LP (is Soet otek Friendly Pants CO/MP From 2003. ALAR LICHT YMCA LP RACHEL SHEARER Fokerie OVD LOREN CONNORS & JIM OROURKE Two Nice Catholic Boys CD {OREN CONNORS The Crse of Midnight Mary LPICD (reson) Upnee. HUMAN SKAB Thunder Hips and Saale Bays LPICD pes rosue) ‘ALAN LICHT & LOREN CONNORS Int The Night Sky CO SUIANNE LANGILLE & NEEL MURGA!. Wid & Foolish Hart LP ‘DOW JONES & THE INDUSTRIALS 7-inch sot ese) PAUL FLAHERTY & RANDALL COLBOURNE Distant Rear 21? \WnLFHMIL-MNEVRD COM o CARED, VOLCAC TONGUE, METAMKNE CD, NAIL MNAROGLL Lure kaeuny SR AS © @ LEO RECORDS NEW RELEASES ee = DUR SSA LULL The Zener Ulin Fre ind tes ot Raymond Dijkstra By Nick Cain The frag "personally don't ike to analyse my work too deeply,” Rayon Dijkstra explains. Isinply work and follow my ont taste an not intrested in building ‘consistent ceuve. am lee not intrestedin Understanding deeper meanings inside my own work, explanations or psychoanalysis. am interested in connecting withlfe, opening paths, removing bares. ‘What comos out then comes out spontaneously.” ‘Ase-described autodidac,Ojksta has spent ‘the past seven years documenting his experiments in spontaneity on dezene of mtd vinyl editons on ie {Us Souttcur abel, 2000 releases ike the De Fazont (ie Phoacont) and De Sehroot (The Sere) albus and aslen of "and 3 records scund so spontaneous that listening to them is abracing, anost cathartic oxporence. Disa chants short burst of energy Into rau, primitve blasts of organ and seraped strings noley and improsiced, bu some aitance from thor Noise or improvisation, 3termbe eschews. "I prefer ‘the term automation, since improvsation suggests certain playulnes. The pisces came ito boing through an automated process, which allows the suboonseius to speak out. The proces abstract, without theinterference of tho il” That process is Dijestra'sattamptto detach hig from his Sef, which he oot defines ac his subconscious othe inner cor of his being in order toopen previously blocked “ereationel pathways" ‘The goa. he says, is to genrate “unmodiatos sctons. short-circulting his own thought processes, he hopes to access the “cosmic enorgy” hie Self contains. "The aretas a portal of energy,” he continues" seeitas expressionistie musi, freed ‘rom musical dogmas ie melody or ‘evoltionary lings within the piece. detach nyse from mysel 35 well ss froma music, workin the moment, ting Spontaneous impulses guide my hands and body. The mentedh: self ‘ears are not complotely excluded, but they function ‘ona subconscious level. My musics only action only Impulse ~ whon m detached, things start to happen.” Le Soutfcureleasae are oftan packaged ornately and acornee with Dykstra’ painting, pints ane ‘collages; e also works asa sculptor. Dijkstra regards ‘temas art editions and prices them accordingly. In 2006-07 they nereprlced at upaards of $90 for some limited runs. Sines than thay have cold for anywhere between 850-20. Guta couple of his recent altums sro more obtainable: second, affordable version of 2000's LOpus Chwas recent published and ‘Opus {Eade for ainent release on Dekorer, making his first eal above-groue release. The two launch a new strand in his work, a series which hehas dubbed “The advantages of schizophrenia", areterence tothe ‘fragmented collages ofthe albuns" artwork. They are also ve approachable, working up slow, “iting concoctions of what sound ike pump-org3n, scratched metal and suiting echo effects ~Dikstra Inreluctnt to identify any of his instrumentation. 0 both albuns he insistent) explores and re-explores ‘small range of sounds, conjuring fom then Ieiosyncrate soundwords, as obsess and insular as they ae primitive and outlandish. The process bymbich they're producedis quite aitferent. "They ston from ny efter side, which ony likes to droam and olay," he relates. "Instead of detaching myself ‘rom the music, asin my oxpressionistc work, simply bathoin the wealth ofthe atrosphere It's another way of connecting myselt Two sides of the same con.” Dijkstra whe grow up inthe Nothrlands and is now based in Tri, has been making music since the ate 19003 ~ "Noise recordings wth overloaded input and broken tape-echo, exprimonts with able feodback” = but oly launched Le Souter in 2003, after a ‘ar-yar break from music between 1996 and 2002. "Trealice that ator years of inner esearch thore was ‘a need for consolidation instead of further journey and ‘@perinentation,” he explains. “From 2002 on my work Issoelycccupie wth gaining depth staying on one {xed point and going deper instead of moving on." bis creative process requires solitude. "When ‘resting muse oat work within four wal, alone. don’ tal about the project mworkng on ata specie moment, because when you talk about something t's already broughtinto eistonce and theres no poner let to actualy make" But Dijkatta’s ow profile has ld to him being wisperceved 36 com cor of reclue, “leolation i conmactod to ny way of working, nto the way ve sciay. ln fact lve boing with people. And have voy doar ‘Fiend, he laughs. One of then is Tine van Li, of Noise-Mokers ifs, Onde an in arsera lth whom hha worked forainoat te decades. The duc plan ‘toralease tree albums in 2010, ono of them a ple LP: they have aso played a couple of session wth Keith Connolly and Dave Nuss of No-Neck Blues Band Inlate 2006, Attributed tothe moniker Dendosh, the ‘collaboration was documented on an LP and released by Alga Merghon offshoot label Panam, without the noaladge or perission of Dikstra, who dsounsit. His enphation the unmediated geeturhae something in common wth the surelst dea of the “automatic gesture’ ache acknowledges. “t's trie my work has surelstic elements, but how they get nis. for me a question It's also nat important forme. [do not see myself nly or mainly asa musician, nor do ‘ee myself only as a visual artist. ike tomake ay own personal creation, my own porsonal way. am not interested in how things are generally done, or what is the general consenaus of hw things should be dene simply make what ik," he concludes. “Making Imusic and art shouldbe as natural as tying your shoos, 1 ding the shes." CL ‘Opus Ch ison o Souter, opus Lis on Dekordr. wna rl NO FUN ACID / ONEOHTRIX POINT NEVER EUROPE MARCH 2010 TOUR Distributed by Darla, Cargo, A-Musik, Melamkine & Volcanic Tongue (dala! ‘nofunproductions.com PRODUCTIONS e heal a RECENT INTERVIEWS Monolake / Sours Ree eel .) [ TEM EST rhe 2 " ESIC ke AO emt ae Kotchy / Distance CATs PTs ee ng _ CS ST Oe Sana Cheah aa edt ee Pee ee oy Shor tn Evo nan Te il IEEE tenes Ta eo rae err ete ete eer Global Ear A survey of sounds from around the planet “Thoroare seven of us siting down tolunchin this restaurantin the Estalagem hol, avertiginous terraced comple of two-storey apartment blocks, patios, pels, cafe and bar areas bit nto the sida Of acl face overlooking the village of Ponta Do Sel fon the southern coast of the stand of Maia, My, lunch companions comprise four Africans, 2 Cuban and a German, The ican and the Cuban are Joking witn each ether and giving meals inthe kind of tense relationships that can exist between island communities and their mainland hosts, They arealin fact Portuguese, a is Maderia set ‘Apparently the mainland Portuguese refer othe Maseirans a Africans due tothe island's locaton, 500 kilometres of the coast of Morocco, but moe ‘than 900 lilometres from Lsbon tse The islanders ‘efertothe manlanders as Cubans fora rather less Brosaicreason In 1974, Portugal slong standing Fight wing dictatorship was overthrown by ale wing niltary coup, the so-called Carnation evlution. Intriguingly, the current Madeiran ag bears an Uncanny resemblance to that ofa defunct ght wing terrorist garaniitaryorgaisation styling itself the Maseira Archipelago Liberation Front, which once ought an unsuccessful campaign fr independence from maining Portugal Taolated from continental drifts and trends, eect Island states can become enclaves of entrenched tration. Over tho years Madeira has acquired a reputationfor being s suitably conservatvelocstion for tho mambers of Europe's bourgonisiotlive out their etirements. And so this lunchtime nesting is part of another ongoing coup attemgt, one which Tooks toreboot the ila cultural identity along more progressive lines. With he exception of your correspondent, allot thoee around the table are invelved none way oF On the paradise island of Madeira Tony Herrington discovers a utopian nother with Mair DG, one ofthe more unusual and utopian, not to say ulkely anit known, ‘events on the global electronic music calendar. ‘Styling soi as “an avantgarde trip through the world of serious new and contemporary mise” this festival fr sgital music and art “aims to beng International op level artists from muse, i, vdeo, ‘computer art and photography tothe island), and feo to motivato Madeiran artists to eeate new works in these fils.” What that has meant practices that since 2004 the likes of Vndistn Delay, Burnt Friedman, Jaki Liebezelt, AG, Tira Frank Fonaesz, Frank Brotschnoider, log, Philip “Je, Seanner and Ove have travelled to te lan ‘operformintially at venues located inthe capital, Funchal btin more recent years atthe Casa das des art centre, low-rise slab of concrete and ‘lass that ts out ito the Alantic afew kilometres further along the coast from Ponta De Sol. The decision to relocate the festival toa venue outside of th capital ie just one aspect ofa mission to ‘extond access to vanguard digtal culture, and not just with regard to Madeira, ive years ago, when Rafael first had the idea ‘or the festival, teame fom him going to electric inusc festivals Europe tat were always presonted inurban areas, northern citi,” says Mauricio. Marques, Madera DG's co-producer, refering to Rafaol ecto, the festnale unassuming creative ‘drector. Rafal has joined us for lunch, but ts ‘ie atthe far ond ofthe tab threughout the discussion, cing his poor English as the reason he Ishappy or others to proseltize on Ns behalf. "The idea," Mauricio continues, “was why cant we use this kind ofenvronmant, that very frianaly and nat nd produce a digital arts festival ia Madeira, to mx ‘lectronic works withthe environment, withthe sea, vith the landscapes, with the forests? Wo can offor Aatrulyunique experience. Thewheleconcopt isto create something unique" Incecent year, Madeira DIG has taken place over the ‘rst weekend in comer The format for exch ofthe ‘our nights of the festival has remained consistent: @ ‘concat at Casa das Midas folloned by an after show part atthe Estalagem. By all account, up unt! 2008 the audience for this rope sland mc of arts centre ‘electronica, VI culture and Ambient DJ sets was ‘comprised of curious local youth a superannuated winter sun sockers with aot muchelsetodoon a Friday or Saturday right in Madeira. Enter Michael Rosen, a Beri based consultant for Design Hots, the chan of boutique establishments of which the Estalagomis apart. Itjustso happens thst Reson also runs the Digital in Berlin website, which hosts and publcises events that feature the kind of advanced ‘electronic sound and visual art tht the organisers of DiG are so hoon to transposo to the island. ter tending the 2008 ection, Rosen started promoting iG heavy through his website selling it to Bart's ‘lectronica community 2s an exaticnen destination ‘festival Hels cbviusly an fective campaigner, because this year the bik! Did's audence was made up of punters whohad traveled to Madeira ‘romvarious points across Germany, busing into the prospect ofa total island experince that as implicit Inthe kind of package deais being aere bythe ‘confluence ofthe festival, venue and ote. "came here forthe first time in 2008 and saw the possiblities,” Rosen explains. “Sots year help these guys with making a whole corporatoidentiy, vith the artairetors, making awebste, tying to ‘how the people whats special about tis place, what ieunique about ecauee normaly afectial ike Jasna th Ete ota this exists inctesncllarsn dark places, Weare ‘ona pecilisland that has more characte, more adventure, than an iland ike Majorca The festa snot about Techno, Here we eeateaaventure for sorous music na beautiful place.” Tf that sounds ite the kindof rhetoric used by the turism industry to sell vanguard destinations {0 jaded world travllars, i fits with he philosophy of mevent that neacs torevire perceptions of t= host sland it to doveiop the kind fintarrationa audiences that il guarantee its future viability. The decisionto stage the festival in Decenber as also strategic, as Mauricio Marques explains: “The festival used tohappen in September. We moved it to December fortwo reasons, because teres nat ‘puch happening in Europe then, but alo in Europe In December co, there ie snow, and we can ‘ay to people, ook, there ths thing happening in Madeira, andthe climate is ike spring and also because that's when fights are cheapest “We can never bea big festival, thisisa small Island, we cannot bring $0,000 people ere t's Inpossibie, so we dont want tobe a new version of ‘Sonar. But we don't have an audience here that can ‘support the festival swe have to attract people to come hare buttokoop it intimato at tho sam tno.” ‘il theliteatur produced by 06, Casa das Modas and the Estalagem emphasises Maderis's unique floating garden ecology ts spectacular volcanic landscapes, the paraciseislnd’ ‘nvtonment. Meni, the festival and its content ischaracterisd as an cranple of sophisticated sustainable development within adeiate and ‘oxquisite ecasystam. But the orgarisers also look to expt the Easyjet effect which has had significant, little commented upon, iapact on the nap of experimental music in Europe Budget artines open routes that connect hub cities such as London and Berlin wth otherwise obscure destinations, from Tampere in Finland to Madeiraitsof, andl of aside the cultural tafe rerouted down rovously eeclased channels and now contres of ‘nergy and excellence are established Tho poople who coms here ae the opinion makers, ‘they effect what ean happen or doesn't happen, suggest Vitor Joaquin, the sole Cuban at tis particular fear. He refering to theknd of hyper-networked artists that perform at DIG, whose line-up this year included Murcof, Carsten Nico FelicKubin, Jason Forest, Zavooka, as wells local (le Portuguese artists igantn, Jerome Fara ana Huge Olin. Like Michael Rosen, Joaquim, musician And educator nho als run te EME (asin Encontos «de Musica Experinenta) festa in Lisbon, has been drawn to the island by th possibilities offered by the DiGinitive, “There may only be a small number of people here but verybody has connections that can eallyefec hing He information education. Soyou are dealing with peop that ean realy change opinion." Vitor Joaquin deans of bringing the Brtish lan artist Anthony Geldsworthy to tho island of video mapping the blank exteriors of Casa das Mudas of building a programa of lectures, workshops, seninars, expanding the discourse around the ‘music, changing ves” as he puts I Fo his par, Michael Rosen soos the potential for DIG to become a creative babe fr companies to come and brainstorm and workshop ideas." This would have the add effect of boosting off-season trade for this particular Design Hotel, ofcourse, whichis now ‘core component inthe infrastructure ofthe whole Nadeira IG project, as Michael explains: "The hotel is homebase fr everyone coming tothe festival This is where the aftar shows happen, llth artiste arohere,allthe people are here." “Its the perfect Place to make connection,” eda Andre Diogo, the Estalagon’s doctor gonoral, ‘and to cone an find coutiore about Madera” ‘nd sure enough, onthe Saturday of this year's festival, party of musicians, delegates and punters take aeaach from tha Etalagen tthe ‘Yast platoau at he top of tho fland, 2000 metres upinthe mountain, inorder to walk the lovada, ibyrinthine network of rgation canals and quaduets that has been eut int the iving rock. Upon the plateau, forests of wind turbines churn ‘through the ow ying mist. nd think ofthe cloud sculptors in J Ballas Vermilion Sond, and of how Casa das Mudas might soften the col, hard surfaces of ts lassie Brutal arenitocture byntegrating the kindof singing statues once imagine by Ballard. As isthe case wth Lanzarote, Its easytolose yoursel inthe fantasy that this island a Verilion Sands nth here and now. The read mood might be issipated, but spend afew dayshero and you coon start to sense that peculiar end of ennui that paradise bring on. ‘Some of the things that happen here ike the lovada walks, they are spontangous, they are not calculated,” insats Mauricio Marques, as re near the end tis long lunch. "Our idea snot tolose that spontaneity, bt to engage nore peoplein this ing ofstutt When artists come hee me encourage thom to sty forthe whole festival to soe the sland, tomeetwith the suience other artists, exchange ideas and experience, Sonetines itis not possible, the have other agendas, But they do stay they see hats unique about this place” Ationa research by Rocan Key Cross Platform Sound in other media “For mo," says David Grubbs, “the success of soundirack's 0 often inthe gap between sound And image ~ ina space of contradiction opened Up between the two." Th loaded near quay of Grube’s music has led to an increased demand or his soundtrack work, “When ruse of mine hasbeen teed nfl," he cboerve, "i's often matched to some knd of smi-barre andeeape ~ the Nambian desert [Doug Aitken's Diamond Seo] an Alaskan fishing village Braden King & Laura Moya's Dutch Harbour: Where The Sea Breoks is Bos], or endless bus des inurl Brazil [august Contenta'sOnibus and Stree Tosporant]" never Grubbs ragards is ole as more than ‘provider of Ambient stmospheries, o electric Clousseapes for widescreen consumption his recent

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