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The adult however is

less frightened Children add effect in thriller movies in terms of their

which shows he is positioning in a shot. For example in this tilt up, the child
less likely to receive is clearly shown in a lower height than the adult. This
sympathy for the could reflect his low levels of strength and his low levels
reader. However his of independency
expression is one of
curiosity. This is also
The child’s expression is
an essential element
one of worry. This
of a thriller
presents children as
character in that in
vulnerable and frightened
order to create an
which makes them ideal
for a thriller as one of the
feeling for viewers, a
main attributes of a
build up to the thrill
protagonist of a thriller
is necessary in all
movie is that they are
thriller movies. If the
vulnerable to danger and
main character is
show fear to make them
not curious of the
more accessible to the
abnormal then he or
target audience and also
she will never search
enables the viewers to be
for a thrill and a
more sympathetic
thriller plot would
towards the main
not exist.

The adult’s position against

the child’s head suggests
power over the child. This
gives the impression that
children are weak and can be
easily over powered.

Over all, both these movies were

competitive in that they generated
a lot of profit. I feel the mutual
essential element of this success
was the involvement of a child in
the movie. Children create more
tension for the target audience
because they symbolise innocence
and purity. When innocence and
purity is placed in a corrupted sinful
position, feelings of isolation and
threat overcome the viewer. This is
the objective of a thriller movie.

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