The Lucky Seven:: How To Improve Rahway, The Right Way

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RWJ Rahway 1

The Lucky Seven:

How to Improve Rahway, the Right Way
(focus from the inside out and the outside in)
RWJ Rahway 2


Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital at Rahway has invested significant amounts of
human and emotional resources. The following program elements are designed to capitalize on
this investment, maintaining and building on the momentum that has been established. These
elements are designed to establish a new marketing campaign that reflects the strengths and
conveys overall message of Robert Wood Johnson Rahway Hospital. To do this effectively,
three major points must be addressed:
Boosting employee morale: In order to increase affective commitment to the hospital and
improve patient outcomes, we plan to engage employees in the marketing campaign by
involving them in the creation of a new tagline as well as the implementation of Rahway Rocks,
an employee satisfaction program.
Increasing patient satisfaction: Happy patients are more likely to come back, so Rahway
needs to do their best to make itself comfortable and inviting to patients and their families. The
addition of an around the clock volunteer staff to welcome and visit with patients and their
families will do just this.
Cross-promoting the fitness center and the hospital: The Health and Wellness Center is a
major differentiator for Rahway, for this reason, we plan to make it the central part of your
advertising campaign. By promoting the hospital at the fitness center and vice-versa, you should
see increased traffic in both facilities.

In the programs outlined on the following pages, the quoted costs represent a “ballpark”
estimate of BMG creative and account management fees; unless otherwise noted, they do not
include expenses for printing, outside production, media and photography.

In developing an integrated campaign, creative concepts and graphic resources may be shared
across a range of media platforms (e.g., using the same design graphics and headline in a
newspaper ad, billboard, postcard and web-banner). For this reason, the total costs for
producing a multi-element campaign is likely to be significantly less than the sum of the quoted
costs taken separately. We would be happy to provide detailed cost estimates and timelines for
production of a specific combination of program elements designed to maximize your return on
investment while meeting your strategic and budgetary needs.

Target Audiences:
• Rahway doctors, nurses, and employees in general
• Rahway patients
• Members of RWJ fitness and wellness center
• Surrounding community

Business Objectives:
• Engage staff to develop tagline for Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital at Rahway.
• To improve the practice and outcomes at Rahway by increasing employee satisfaction
and morale at RWJ.
• Promote the quality of the professional staff and the involvement in the community to
build community awareness of RWJ.
• Create an external marketing campaign that will cross promote RWJ Rahway with the
RWJ Fitness and Wellness Center.
RWJ Rahway 3

Programs/Execution – Internal:

Focus: Engaging employees in developing tagline that showcases Rahway’s strengths

as a hospital and active community member

The best way to create a tagline that reflects the overall message of any organization is to
engage staff in the process. Part of our inside-out focus, this will ensure that the employees are
on board with the message that Rahway wants to send to the community; if the employees do
not believe the message that is being conveyed, it will discredit the entire marketing campaign
and reduce its effectiveness. With this, t is essential to create the internal capabilities to deliver
on your promises.

Food for thought--We believe the best way to engage the staff in this process would be to hold a
brunch or luncheon--free food will undoubtedly get their attention! At this luncheon, a multimedia
presentation would be played in the background while staff socialized and ate; this presentation
would show pictures of employees doing their jobs and highlight the things the staff at Rahway
does well.

Once employees are done eating, everyone will sit down for a quick presentation on what it
means to be a Rahway employee and what Rahway means to the community. Employee and
hospital strengths, recent awards, and current media about Rahway would also be included.

Get talkin’-- Ask some employees to share some of their favorite experiences of being a
Rahway employee and to share how they think they could better serve patients and their

At the conclusion of this meeting, tell staff they are the most important asset to Rahway
announce because of that, all Rahway staff members will have the opportunity to help create a
new message and tag line for the hospital.

Survey says—Hand out a survey (sample survey included in Appendix A) to all employees. Tell
them if they complete and turn it in by a certain date that they will get a $5 Dunkin’ Donuts gift
card and t-shirt. The shirt could have some sort of internal branding message—something like
“Rahway Rocks,” to improve employee morale (in turn increasing employee satisfaction, which
would ultimately lead to better patient outcomes).

This may seem expensive, but trust us, its worth it to engage your employees in your marketing
efforts—plus the incentive will mean better and more thoughtful answers from your employees.

Once all of the surveys are collected and reviewed, we will develop several sample taglines. At
another Rahway meeting or luncheon, have staff vote for their favorite and have it approved by
the board.
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Focus: Create an internal campaign that will engage employees and increase employee

Happy employees mean better employees-- Create an internal campaign called Rahway Rocks.
Give all employees a t-shirt that says “Rahway Rocks” on the front and the new Rahway tagline
on the back. Employees will feel included in the changes occurring and will have a sense of
involvement, especially when they see the tagline they helped develop in action!

Another suggestion for the Rahway Rocks program would me to have bi-weekly brunches/
meetings (have three in one day in order to include staff members of all shifts) to engage
employees in the marketing process and allow them to socialize together.

Under the Rahway Rocks program, if patients or staff noticed any employee going above and
beyond the call of duty, they would be encouraged to fill out a comment card with the
employee’s name and what they did to deserve the nomination. At each bi-weekly meeting, one
comment card would be randomly drawn and the winner would get some type of award. A tally
would be kept of these nominations and at the end of each quarter the employee with the most
nominations would be given a reward of some sort.

The camaraderie encouraged by the Rahway Rocks program will cause employees to have a
more affective commitment to Rahway and lead to better employee satisfaction, better retention
rates, and ultimately better patient outcomes.
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Focus: Create a campaign that will increase existing patient satisfaction and overall
patient experience.

Keep ‘em comin’ back for more--Patients and their families notice the little things when they are
at the hospital, and it is usually these little things that determine whether or not a patient will
return to the hospital for their future medical needs.

The patient experience is something that begins in the parking lot and lasts far beyond the
hospital visit; patient experience can be the deciding factor when people have to choose what
hospital to go to for their medical needs. Rahway Rocks will help improve such patient
satisfaction, because happy employees mean happy patients, but we’re going to suggest the
implementation of a program that will undoubtedly makes patients happier.

We suggest hiring a volunteer staff to meet and great emergency room patients and visit with
admitted patients and their families. Volunteers would be staffed around the clock to create a
consistent and comfortable hospital environment.

Volunteers could hand out general and age/condition specific items to patients to further
improve their visit to Rahway.
• Teddy bears with Rahway t-shirts for children in the ER
• Magazines for teens/adults in the ER
• Coloring books and crayons with Rahway branding for children visiting patients or
waiting for a patient in the ER
• Gift Bags for admitted patients (may include items already given to patients, but
presenting it as a gift will make it more meaningful)
o Pen, note pad, a book, snacks –all branded with Rahway
o Slipper socks with Rahway logo
o T-shirt that says something like “Rahway got me back on my feet” or “Rahway
Rocks” (when discharged)
o Rahway branded teddy bears, crayons, and coloring books for children
• Parking validations for outpatient services
• Free meal tickets for people visiting patients
• Bottled water (with a Rahway label) to visitors

Volunteers could also hand out surveys about patient care and satisfaction. Patients who
complete this survey would be entered to win a prize.

From past experiences, we know that by creating an inviting and comfortable atmosphere, you
are laying the foundation for happier patients. Add in volunteers who give special attention and
gifts to patients and their families, and Rahway won’t be able to keep patients out of the
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Programs/Execution – External:

Focus: Promote Rahway externally through the Fitness and Wellness Center

The Fitness and Wellness Center is a strength that must be highlighted in order to differentiate
Rahway and make the name memorable. Cross-promoting the hospital and fitness center will
make the most out of the advertising campaign and help send an unforgettable message to the
target audience.

The first thing that must be done is to ensure that Fitness Center users know that the center is
affiliated with RWJ Rahway. With this, employees of the fitness center would be required to
wear t-shirts with text and images that further enhance the partnership between the two

More importantly, a series of brand-consistent advertisements (print, electronic, television, and

radio) with Rahway’s new tagline would be developed and put into action.

Each advertisement would begin with the same message: Rahway: the place to get healthy and
stay healthy, however, they would be distributed differently based upon the advertising medium.
All advertisements will establish a solid connection between the fitness center and Rahway.

Print Ads:
• To be placed in fitness center handbook/newsletter. Could also include information about
certain conditions and how they could be prevented/improved by exercise. Another series
could include information regarding specific symptoms one should go to the hospital.
Please see appendix B for potential topics.
• Posters to be placed around the fitness center. Potential text could be “You’re doing your
part..let us do ours.” Posters could also have exercise tips compliments of RWJ Rahway.

Electronic Ads:
• To be placed on the fitness center’s website
• To be e-mailed to fitness center members

Television and Radio Ads:

• To be aired at certain times at the fitness center. Either on the fitness center televisions or
over the fitness center sound system.
• A continuous commercial, with a television program kind of feel (with different story lines)
to promote Rahway and solidify the connection between the two facilities. This would
beplayed on a television at the main desk of the fitness center.

Although these ads are targeting Fitness and Wellness Center users, the message will be
general enough so the ads could also be used in the external environment, if needed.
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Next, the connection would be solidified by different promotional events/items at the

fitness center.

Educational event series: We know that Rahway already has educational forums, but we want
to use these types of events to encourage partnership between the two facilities. People that
attend the events would not only receive important information, but would be given promotional
items that further establish the connection between the two facilities. By using the same topics
as the print ads, a consistent message will be sent to the users of the fitness center, making the
advertising campaign as efficient and effective as possible.

Promotional items: By handing out items that portray a connection between Rahway and the
fitness center, fitness center users would be constantly reminded that the fitness center that
they know and [hopefully] love is part of Rahway.

• Sign-up program: Promote Rahway by giving t-shirts, pens, and magnets (include facility
hours and phone numbers on them) with the Rahway logo and their new tagline on them
for anyone who signs up for a new membership at the fitness center.
• Rewards program: Reward frequent fitness center users with different items that are
branded with the Rahway logo and tagline.
o Water bottles
o Gym towels
o Gym bags
o Gym shorts
o Sweatbands
o Moisture-wicking t-shirts
• Pain-free program: If a fitness center user is experiencing exercise-induced pain/
symptoms, have a trainer or any other employee give them a referral card for the Rahway
department that could help them. This card would entitle the new patient to some type of
discount or incentive to see that particular specialist.

By fostering positive feelings at the fitness center, fitness center users will subconsciously begin
to think more positively about Rahway. In theory, by establishing a positive connection between
the two facilities, traffic will increase at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital at Rahway.
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Focus: To promote the Fitness and Wellness Center through the hospital

Due to the differentiation the fitness center brings to Rahway, we believe cross-promotion
between the two facilities is an integral part of the entire marketing campaign.

The promotion of the fitness center through the hospital will closely mimic the promotion of the
hospital through the fitness center.

Advertising and Promotion:

• On specific departmental floors have posters connecting conditions with the benefits of
exercise programs that are available at the Health and Wellness Center.
• Give certificates for a free trial week at Health and Wellness Center available at
hospital’s reception desk.
• Have a drawing at desk for 1 free month at the Health and Wellness Center.

Fitness Center as treatment:

• Doctors can directly advise patients to visit the Health and Wellness Center as part of
their treatment plan.
• Provide informational brochures that show how exercise can improve and even eliminate
symptoms of particular diseases. The brochures would be an expanded version of the
posters that would be placed in the fitness center.
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Focus: To promote Rahway externally using differentiating characteristics and overall

hospital strengths

External advertising to be directed toward the surrounding community needs to reflect

advertisements placed in both the hospital and fitness center. The consistency of the advertising
campaign is crucial to establish Rahway as a specific brand of medical care.

In our past experiences, brand-consistency has proved to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of marketing campaign. In other words, good branding techniques lead to better
community awareness and ultimately increased business traffic.

A series of brand-consistent advertisements with Rahway’s new tagline would must be

developed and put into action. Each advertisement would have the same base message:
Rahway is THE place to come for any and all of your medical needs.

 Print Ads (internal and external)

o Local newspapers
o Newsletters
 Coffee Break
 The Rose
 Rx
o Mailings
 Billboards
 Internet Ads
o Banner ads of external websites
o Informational e-mails to patients/potential patients
 Television Ads
 Radio Ads
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Appendix A

1. How long have you been a Rahway employee?

2. What is your current position?

3. What do you like about working here?

4. What can we do to improve your satisfaction?

5. What do you see as strengths of Rahway?

6. If you had to describe Rahway in 5 words what would they be?

7. If you had the opportunity to make the tagline what would yours be?
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Appendix B

1.Come to the hospital for health screening get 1 free training session at fitness

a. Foot Screenings
b. Blood Pressure Screening
c. Cholesterol Screening
d. Glucose Screening
e. Pulmonary Function Screening
f. Oral Screening

2. Promote good health and wellness by tying together the hospital and wellness
center through topics such as:
a. Diabetes and Exercise
b. Heart Disease Risks
c. Hydration! The Importance of Keeping Hydrated
d. Pain or No Pain: What to Do Before Starting an Exercise Program

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