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Age of Jackson

Directions: Use the following sheets to organize the events of each President during the
Age of Jackson. You must describe in detail the major events that occurred during each
Presidency. You must also explain any impact their Presidency had on the development
of the United States.

Andrew Jackson:
Describe the election of 1828. What was the strategy for Andrew Jackson? What was the
campaign like?

What changes occurred during the age of Jackson to make elections more democratic?
Make sure to explain. Describe the new ways for choosing candidates. How did this
make our political system more democratic?

Two new political parties formed during the Age of Jackson. What were they called?
Who did they support? Does either still exist today?

Explain how Jackson rewarded political supporters

Describe how Jackson handled the following events:

• The Second Bank of the United States
• Tariff of 1828
• Nullification Crisis
• Relations with Native Americans

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