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Featured Artist:

Gary Grimshaw
A graphic designer from
Detroit who has designed rock
posters since the early 1960s!
Grimshaw started making poster art
in 1966, and over the years, became
a leader and legend of the Detroit
rock’n’roll scene. One day, a couple
friends saw the unique talent that
Gary had and they encouraged him
to get his work out there!
Eventually, Gary
Grimshaw had the
gig of creating poster
flyers for music
artists like Jimi
Hendrix, The Who
and Detroit bands
such as The Stooges
and MC5.
The really amazing thing is that Gary
was able to make a living off of
making Psychedelic and gnarly
concert posters! Who would have
guessed that?

Unlike the events, bands and torn-
down venues he helped to make
famous, Grimshaw isn’t ready to
cash in just yet. He’s still exhibiting
his poster art at solo-shows around
the Metro Detroit, and he’s also still
creating posters.
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They include the following
Art Elements characteristics:
Art Principles
•Line- The way lines are shaped can •Rhythm-a regular repetition of an
help express how the artist feels within element to produce the look and feel of
the artwork. It also helps carry movement.
•Transition-how colors, shapes,
•Color- Combinations of color can sizes and form occur in the scheme of
create variations in intensities and things. Does the shape move from one
moods. edge of the paper to the other edge?
•Shape- Some shapes are
organic/symmetrical. They way they •Balance- Visually distributed
interact creates a compositional dynamic weight. It can be radial or symmetrical or
within that space. any other shape such as triangular.
•Size- How does the size of an element
effect another, especially on poster form.
Your Assignment
• Your assignment is to create your
very own concert flyer using
Photoshop 7.
• By doing this, you will be able to
obtain life-long techniques in
creating flyers as well as general
advertisements for garage sales,
birthday parties ect!
Hang on!

• We will now go through the

demonstration/ assessment together.
• You may also follow the hand-
out/tutorial which will give you the
steps in which to complete the project.
• When finished, go over check list and
hand in via drop box.
• Project is due next Thursday!
• Good luck

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