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Lecture #4: The Road to Revolution

(7) Boston Tea Party and (8) Stamp Act

Part I: Colonial and British Perceptions

A. Colonial Feelings After the French and Indian War
a. British Patriotism
b. The Loss of a Common Enemy
B. English Perception of the Colonies
C. Colonial Reaction to the English View

Part II: Conditions in 1763

A. French Out of North America
B. British War Debt
C. Colonial Growth
D. Differentness
E. Republicanism
F. Virtue in Governance
G. Colonial Self-Rule
H. No Need For Independence
I. Loyalty to the King
J. Salutary Neglect and Smuggling

Part III: British Governance/Acts in the Americas

A. The End of Salutary Neglect
B. Taxes in General
a. 26 Shillings vs. 1 Shilling
C. The Proclamation of 1763
D. The Sugar Act of 1764
a. The Tax
b. Side Issue
E. The Currency Act of 1764
a. Hard Money vs. Soft Money
F. The Stamp Act of 1765
a. The Act
b. Reaction
i. The Lack of Consent
ii. Who it affected
iii. Formation of the Sons of Liberty
c. New York Congress of October 1765
i. Provisions and Thoughts
d. Virtual Representation
e. Repeal
f. Declaratory Act of 1766
G. The Townsend Duties of 1767
H. The Boston Massacre of 1770

I. The Tea Act/Tea Party of 1773

a. Justification of the Tea Act
b. Colonial Reaction
i. Samuel Adams
c. Was the Destruction Just?

J. The Coercive/Intolerable Acts of 1774

a. Boston Port Bill
b. Massachusetts Regulating/Government Act
c. Administrative Justice Act
d. Quebec Act:
e. Quartering Act:
K. The First Continental Congress of 1774
a. Letter to King George III
L. Second Continental Congress of 1775
a. Olive Branch Petition
b. Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”
c. Declaration of Independence

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