Briefing Material On Lebanon Evacuation, Foreign Affairs, March 29, 2008.

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HE frcian tare Canaca enc Afes rangeros Canada ot International Trade Canada Commerce international Canada Lester B. Pearson Building 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario KiA0G2 Fax: (613) 995-0116 Mr. David McKie CBC News - Investigative Unit 181 Queen Street Otte 1, Ontario: Benoit MAR 2 9 zoo? Dear Mr. McKie: Our request N%. Al-2006-00081 / ag This is in reply to your request, under the Access fo Information Act, which was received in this institution on January 23, 2007, for the following: “Briefing book prepared for the appearance of the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the House of ‘Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development on August 1, 2006. Release package of file A-2006-00369.” Enclosed are the documents that respond to your request for the release package of file A-2006-00369, ‘Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Annie Guimond at (613) 944-0352 or by email at: Ue celyne Director ‘Access to Information and Privacy Protection Division Enclosure: Pages 1 to 71 inclusively. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur#acesé a l'information. ek ‘Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development ‘Tuesday, AUGUST 157 10:00 to 12:00 - 13:00 to 15:00 Room 308, West Block Table of Contents SPEECH .. CHRONOLOGY OF EVENT ‘SECTION | - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON ‘Sub-Section A - Coordination of Evaluation Efforts + Why did the Canadian govemment take so long to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon: Does Canada not have the capacity to protect its citizens abroad? ..... 3 + This evacuation has clearly represented a significant consular challenge How many Canadians has the Goverment been able to evacuate? Wat obstacles nave you feced? What can we do fo assist ou in reporting better next time? * Wy di ttake Canada so lng 1 evacuate chiens from southem Lebenon? Why were only 14 Canadians aboard the ship sent to Tyre? Geeta ‘+ How did you contact Canadian citizens to advise them of evacuation efforts? .... . + What measures were taken to ensure the security of our ships? .... 0.0.2... + What has been the role of the Minister in responding to this crisis? . .. . * Why are you ramping down your operation as a large number of ‘Canadians still remain in Lebanon. ‘Sub-Section B - Identification of Canadian Citizens . {tat seps have been taken fo ensure ft Hezbolah embers were net on board Canadian ships? .......... + Was anyone denied access to Canada? ........ Se eeepsnaea * One person evacuated to Canada has already claimed refugee status. What steps were taken to ensure evacuees were Canadian? Why were Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'aceés @ l'information non-Canadians evacuated to Canada? ........06esee0e : + Why are we paying to evacuated people who have not been resident in Canada ‘and have not paid taxes, in years? . 13 * How did the Canadian government ensure that tonly Canadian ni eltzone received Canadian passports? .......cecececeeeeeeceeeeseesestewereesu encores 14 + What travel documents were used by the evacuated citizens? ...........-... 15 = Why were over 40 000 Canadians in Lebanon? How many were tourists and how many residents? 7 : + Why has Canada evacuated permanent residents alongside Canadian Citizens? .. 0... cece eee ee Sub-Section C - Cost + How much has the evacuation cost? + Will Canada seek feimbursementfo for non-Canadians evacuated ‘on our vessels? . ‘Sub-Section D - Future Preparedness + If this conflict broadens, what steps have you taken to ensure your ability to protect Canadian citizens elsewhere in the region? .. .. + What steps are being taken to protect Canadians in northem Israel? ...... 124 SECTION Il - RESPONDING TO THE HUMANITARIAN NEEDS IN LEBANON Why has Canada not responded sooner to the humanitarian crisis? eed + What are Canada's views on the humanitarian situation in Lebanon? . ..... ‘SECTION III - CANADA'S ROLE IN RESOLVING THE CRISIS + What has Canada done to assist in bringing about a resolution to the crisis? .... 24 + Why has Canada failed to protect civilians in Lebanon? Why has. ‘Canada not insisted that Israel respect international humanitarian law? ........25 + What is the role of Syria and Iran in this crisis? What steps is Canada taking to address the real support of Hezbollah? . 000002 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divuk de la Loi sur laccés & Finformation, + Would Canada contribute troops to an international force/stabilisation force in 2 * What do you think of a possible role for NATO in the stabilisation force? . . . + Doyyou think the stabilisation force's mandate should include humanitarian assistance? 29 * Do you consider the Israel response to the kidnapping of two of its soldiers to be ‘measured’? How can Canada be an honest broker fhe region wen we have clearly sided with Israel? =... : ease. SECTION IV - OTHER RELATED ISSUES + Why was a Canadian soldier posted in southem Lebanon, which was clearly an an extremely dangerous area in which the UN played no helpful role? ..........31 * Louise Arbour has described the Israeli actions in Lebanon as war crimes. What is the Canadian goverment doing to pursue this accusation? ........... 32 * World attention is now focussed on Lebanon. But the Palestinian people are stil suffering constant attacks from Israel, What is Canada a ding to enest in the West Bank and Gaza?......... = 33 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur laccés l'information, Text of speech by Discours de THE HONOURABLE —_L’HONORABLE. TEE UEEEEEEEEEEaneneT Peter MacKay Minister of Foreign Affairs STANDING COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFARIS AND INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUGUST Ist, 2006 Please check Comparer au against delivery _discours prononcé ooo0e4 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divuigué en vertu de la Loi sur acces a l'information. Protecting Canadians + The safety and security of Canadians is of utmost concern to the Government. Put simply, there is no higher priority. * For this reason, extensive efforts were undertaken to meet the urgent needs of all Canadians seeking to flee the deteriorating security situation and return to Canada. + I’m very proud of our work — and the work we continue to do to see this evacuation effort through to completion. 1 000005 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur l'accés @ information Canadians were in need of help — and our government was there every step of the way. As you are already aware, this involved putting in place the requisite mechanisms and capabilities to accommodate over 40,000 Canadians. The evacuation of Canadians from Lebanon is by far the largest such effort ever attempted in our history. To put this into context, 500 Canadians were evacuated from South East Asia in the aftermath of the 2004 Tsunami; 200 Canadians were evacuated from Céte d’Ivoire when crisis 2 000006 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de Ia Loi sur !accés @ l'information erupted in West Africa in 2005. Even fewer were evacuated from the Cayman Islands and Haiti in 2004. The evacuation of 13,000 Canadians to date from Lebanon represents an initiative several times larger in scale and scope than these prior four operations combined, and was conducted without having access to military vessels other nations have in the area, such as the US. 000007 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur l'accés a t'information A series of inter-related factors compounded the considerable challenges this huge operation presented. These included: The Israeli sea blockade, while basic road and airport infrastructure had been seriously damaged, including the Beirut international airport; the deterioration of communication network in Lebanon; serious capacity shortages in Lebanon’s port infrastructure; Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'accés l'information > high international demand for the limited commercial maritime capabilities available for immediate use in the Mediterranean Sea; > — the distance between Canada and Lebanon; » — the relatively small size of our Embassy in Beirut (9 Canada-based staff) in contrast to the large resident Canadian community, one of the largest of any Western country in Lebanon; and 000009 » Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de Ia Loi sur !'acc8s I'information no Canadian Embassy in Cyprus, only a Honorary Consul, while Mersin/Adana is half way across Turkey and far from Ankara where our embassy is located. Qui plus est, en méme temps que les Sfonctionnaires canadiens déployaient un maximum d’efforts pour coordonner une opération de grande envergure, le contexte en matiére de sécurité changeait rapidement. Certains secteurs de Beyrouth, du sud du Liban et du nord d’Israél devenaient de véritables zones de guerre. La crise s’amplifiait dans des proportions imprévisibles. 000010 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur l'aceés 8 l'information, Dans ce contexte, les représentants canadiens au Liban, en Israél et dans Vensemble du Moyen-Orient, de méme qu’& Ottawa, ont été mobilisés pour réagir de fagon aussi efficace et efficiente que possible, The following chronology of events serves as a useful outline of the actions undertaken and the issues — logistical and otherwise — involved. On July 12, Hezbollah attacked Israel and kidnapped two soldiers in a cross border raid. Israel responded by launching air, ground and naval offences. 000011 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur "'aceés a Vinformation. Less than 24 hours later, on 13 July a Travel Warning for Lebanon was issued and information was posted on the internet to apprise Canadians of the evolving situation on the ground. The following day, on July 14, a Departmental Task Force was convened and on July 15 a crisis call center and a full inter-departmental task force were established involving departments across government, including DFAIT, CIDA, DND, CIC, PSEPC and CBSA. 000012 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur accés a! information At that point, repeated “Messages to Canadians” were already being conveyed from multiple channels, both in Beirut as well as back home, in Canada. On 16 July, airplanes were chartered and contracts signed with evacuation vessels harboured in ports on the Mediterranean Sea. With the requisite capabilities identified, an evacuation plan was activated, with Turkey and Cyprus acting as staging points for onward travel. 000013 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de [a Loi sur laccés l'information On 17 July, the Embassy in Beirut began to contact individual Canadians to inform them of the evacuation plan. By this time, the number of registered Canadians had doubled from 11,000 to 22,000. Both the Prime Minister and I were actively engaged throughout these initial stages, including through direct consultation with our Israeli and Lebanese counterparts to ensure safe passage of Canadians being evacuated from Lebanon. 000014 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divuigué en vertu de la Loi sur 'accés f'information. > — Initial evacuation of Canadians began on 19 July. Over the course of the next week and half, over 13,000 Canadians would be moved to safety. * — The following statistics demonstrate the sheer magnitude of this operation > Our call centre received and responded to more than 35,000 phone calls and over 12,000 emails. > At the height of the evacuation efforts, 5,000 phone calls per day were being made by Canadian officials to our citizens in Lebanon. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'accés 4 l'information To support the evacuation, 358 officials were either redeployed from Ottawa or reassigned from abroad to Beirut, Cyprus and Turkey to assist Canadians in transit, including 174 from DFAIT, 150 from DND and 34 from CIC and CBSA. Many of these officials remain on the ground, in the region, to support ongoing efforts. For DFAIT only, this deployment was more than 5 time larger than for the Tsunami crisis, where we deployed 28 DFAIT officials in 2 weeks. It was done during a period of rotation and vacation. It required a large number of officials flying out to the region with few hours notice, R 000016 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur acces & l'information and people working around the clock on locations. To support the 24/7 Operation Crisis Centre, 175 DFAIT employees have volunteered their services. 3 000017 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'accés & l'information. En plus des départs par bateau de Beyrouth, nous avons mené une autre opération pour faire sortir des gens a partir du port de Sour (Tyr), dans le Sud du pays, ou la situation demeure trés préoccupante. Malheureusement, seul un petit nombre de Canadiens (14) ont pu se rendre au port, et ce 4 cause des conditions de sécurité. 000018 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur faccés & l'information, Canada was also instrumental in evacuating others such as Americans, Australians and Ukrainians who wanted to leave Lebanon in what is indicative of the role our Canada is playing on the international stage. When others asked for our help, we were there for them The success we’ve achieved in mounting this tremendous undertaking is due in large part to Canadian public servants, who responded to the call of duty with remarkable professionalism and dedication. 000019 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur accés 4 l'information I would like to express my gratitude to the hundreds of members of the Canadian public service — including those in my department — who continue to work tirelessly for the safe return of Canadian citizens to Canada. Their diligent efforts, under challenging and often volatile conditions, merit our utmost respect and recognition. Canadians have every reason to be proud of the work they did in helping fellow citizens to safety. Canada is also tremendously grateful to Cyprus and Turkey for their invaluable assistance in supporting our evacuation efforts. 16 000020 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divuigué en vertu de fa Loi sur l'accés & Finformation. * We also thank the Governments of Israel and Lebanon for their efforts in allowing safe passage of our citizens out of Lebanon. Responding to Humanitarian Needs + Depuis le début des hostilités, le Canada a exprimé ses vives préoccupations concernant les victimes civiles, la destruction des infrastructures civiles et le nombre croissant de personnes déplacées a Vintérieur du pays. 000021 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur l'accés a l'information Nous avons joint notre voix a celles de nos partenaires du G8, & Saint-Pétersbourg, et a d’autres, plus récemment, 4 Rome, pour lancer un appel a des efforts urgents afin de régler les répercussions humanitaires de la crise et la crise elle-méme et presser Israél de faire preuve du maximum de modération et d’essayer d’éviter les pertes civiles et les dommages a Vinfrastructure civile. We have also been a strong advocate for the safe and unimpeded access of humanitarian personnel to facilitate the delivery of immediate humanitarian relief to Lebanese in need. 18 000022 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divuigué en vertu de la Loi sur l'accés @ l'information One of our vessels was used to assist Doctors Without Borders to ship urgently required medical supplies and equipment to Lebanon on July 29. To date, Canada has announced that it will provide 6 million $ to respond to pressing humanitarian needs. My colleague from CIDA/officials will be addressing this issue in more detail. 000023 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divuigué en vertu de [a Loi sur laces & l'information. * The international community’s humanitarian response however must be accompanied by parallel efforts to achieve a sustainable and permanent cease-fire. Promoting Sustainable Peace + In this regard, Canada fully supports the G-8 Summit declaration which emphasizes the importance of a cessation of actions which destabilize the region. 000024 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Documient divulgué en vertu de Ja Loi sur laccés a linformation. We have called for the return of Israeli soldiers unharmed, an end to the shelling of Israeli territory and to the casualties Israeli civilians have suffered. We also believe that the utmost Israeli restraint is needed to avoid as far as possible civilian casualties. Responsibility for the protection of civilians and humanitarian workers is an obligation that must be fully respected under international humanitarian law. Document Released Under the Access to information Act / Document divuigué en vertu de la Loi sur Pace’s & l'information Canada is participating in multilateral efforts to put an end to the violence, to find a diplomatic solution that is fair and equitable and to encourage dialogue. We are in close contact with our allies and other countries who are seeking a solution. 000026 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act ! Document divuigué en vertu de la Loi sur 'accas @ l'information A notre avis, tout cessez-le-feu doit étre permanent et durable. Les citoyens ordinaires d'Israél et du Liban ont déja assez souffert. Leurs désirs sont tout simples, presque Sondamentaux, la liberté de vivre leur vie sans crainte, la capacité d’aller de l’avant, enfin, avec confiance, de méme que la sécurité dont Jouissent et auxquels s’attendent les Canadiens. 000027 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur Paces a 'information Le peuple du Liban ne doit pas étre V’otage @’actions extrémistes d’une organisation que les Nations Unies ont désigné comme étant un groupe terroriste. Le Hezbollah et ceux qui le soutiennent doivent reconnaitre le désir de tout un chacun, au Liban, de vivre normalement et en sécurité, We realize that the violence that we have witnessed in recent weeks is part of a more complex and challenging scenario. Any lasting solution to Middle East tensions must be regional. This principle was recognised in Rome, and has been the basic premise underlying u 000028 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'accas @ l'information efforts directed toward resolving the conflict and building peace in this troubled part of the world. Alongside our Allies and partners, we continue to call on all regional actors to contribute constructively to achieving this objective. In particular we have urged those with influence over Hezbollah and their backers in Tehran and Damascus to persuade them to heed the international community’s appeals. 000023 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'aco’s & l'information The Way Forward * While we believe that the bulk of the evacuation operation in Lebanon has been completed, we remain fully committed to facilitating the departure of Canadian citizens choosing to leave. * We will continue to support efforts to address both the immediate humanitarian situation as well as Lebanon’s longer-term reconstruction and development. 26 000030 Document Released Under the Access to information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur accés & l'information, The G-8 statement reflects exactly our prognosis and our valuation of the situation and what got us to this point in time. The cease-fire is one element of the action plan that is called for in the G-8 statement but is not the first thing called for nor is the only thing called for. An eventual cease-fire is part and parcel of the resolution. The statement of the G-8 leaders calls on all parties to take a series of actions to resolve the crisis. 27 000031 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur Paces & l'information * Let me be clear - We will not shift blame from the extremists who caused this violence, and who want it to continue. * — They initiated the violence, and they oppose peace in principle. * The recent Rome meeting, of which I attended, confirmed the commitment of the international community to resolve this crisis ...... Thank You. 28 000032 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divuigué en vertu de la Loi sur l'acces & l'information. EVACUATION CHRONOLOGY ISRAELI-LEBANESE CRISIS Suly 12, 2006 Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah kidnaps 2 Israeli soldiers. Israel launches military ‘operations. ‘Lebanon Travel Report updated. Current Issue posted on internet web site. First “Message to Canadians” sent to registered Canadians advising them against all travel to the south, as of Tyre (Sur) and especially to the areas near the border with Israel. July 13, 2006 ‘The situation between Israel and Lebanon has further deteriorated, with Israel initiating a blockade and Jaunching a widespread air, naval and artillery attack on Hezbollah units and civilian infrastructure in order to pressure Hezbollah to surrender the two Israeli soldiers kidnapped on 12Jul06. Hezbollah has responded with rocket (Katyusha) and ‘mortars attacks on northern Israeli communities. Lebanon Travel Report upgraded to Travel Warning (advise against all travel). Current Issue on Lebanon updated, Current Issue for Jordan and Israel, West Bank & Gaza posted on internet web site. DFAIT Emergency Ops Centre takes overall calls and e-mails for Beirut Embassy. CRISES consular case file opened, tracks al calls, etc. related to Lebanon crisis. Second “Message to Canadians” sent to registered Canadians (also used in standard response to e-mails) asking them to stay put until further notice. July 14, 2006 Israeli military action has intensified, especially in the neighbourhoods of the south of Beirut (Heabollah's strongholds); however, bombings of the main Beirut airport, of an electricity plant and of water storing facilities have also been reported. Certain parts of Beirut are without electricity. Hezbollah has continued to fire rockets and mortar. ‘Current Issue for Syria post on intemet web site. 5-Countries Consular Conference Call re Lebanon crisis. First departmental task force meeting. July 15, 2006 Israeli military action intensified even further, with broader bombing inside Beirut Page | of 7 000033 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur laceés a 'information (Gncluding the downtown of the city), the targeting of four ports (Beirut, Jounieh, Byblos and Amshit), and the destruction of several bridges (With 40 bridges now reportedly impasseble). Hezbollah has continued to strike at numerous Israeli targets. ‘Current Issue for Lebanon updated. DFAIT Emergency Ops Centre activates Crisis Call Centre (call out to trained volunteers, up to 175 volunteers will come forward and support the 24/7 operation of the crisis call centre). First Interdepartmental Task Force meeting, DFAIT personnel division begins identification of employees (from embassies in Europe, in the Middle-East and from HQ) to be sent to the theatre of operations to assist with evacuations efforts. ‘Third “Message to Canadians” sent to registered Canadians, CRISES caller registry, e- ‘mails) and indicating that we were looking at “departure options”. Consular contingency plan for Lebanon reviewed; planning and evacuation agreements, ‘MOUs examined; and contact with shipping brokers in region re availability of vessels. July 16, 2006 ‘The Israeli military has raised the alert level in northern Tel Aviv, fearing that Hezbollah Tocket capability could reach beyond the originally estimated 60km range, In addition, the Israeli Defense Forces warmed all Lebanese living in Southern Lebanon to evacuate the area immediately. Hezbollah rockets hits as far south as Haifa. ‘Current Issue for Israel, West Bank and Gaza updated. ‘Second Interdepartmental Task Force meeting. Contact with charter air carrier agent (Skylink) re airlift availability. Reserved/chartered first three aircraft charters. First contracts for evacuation vessels signed - 6 vessels for arrival in Beirut Wednesday, July 19. Evacuation plan developed - identify Cyprus and Turkey as “safe haven” destinations for vessels and aircraft. DFAIT personnel division begins extemal and intemal deployment to send reinforcement to Beirut, Cyprus and Turkey: up to 140 external deployments (from missions in Europe, in the Middle-East and from HQ) and 35 intemal deployments (form mission in Turkey) will be effected in the course of the next two weeks. To these numbers, DND will add 150 personnel and CIC/CBSA will add 24. Departmental financial needs/arrangements for evacuation costs reviewed. Significant increase in ROCA - from just under 11,000 prior to July 12 to almost 22,000. July 17 ‘Current Issue - Israel, West Bank and Gaza -Lebanon Border Area updated. Page 2 of 7 000034 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divuigué en vertu de la Loi sur acces & information. Interdepartmental Task Force meetings now twice a day. Ops Centre activates Crisis Call Centre and Response/Family Liaison Centre due to large volume of calls, registrations and e-mails. Embassy in Beirut sets up call centre to contact registered Canadians concerning evacuation details for July 19. Fourth “Message to Canadians” sent to registered Canadians indicating thatthe first departures would start on Wednesday July 19 and Canadians wishing to leave should prepare for departure. PWGSC Contract Experts and Justice Dept officials join Consular Task Force team to provide contract support. Financial coding and resources confirmed. First contract with Skylink signed. First contract with Turkish shipping company signed. Cumulative Totals: Phone Calls - 10,132, E-mail - 5,984, Registrations 30,047 July 18 ‘Current issues for Lebanon updated to provide details of evacuation. DFAIT Ops Centre assists Embassy in contacting registered Canadians re evacuation details. Chartered vessel contracts signed with Cyprus-based shipping companies, port and logistics support organized in Beirut, Cyprus and Turkey. Additional air lift capacity confirmed and contracts signed with Skylink. IDF safe passage certificates requested by TAVIV for evacuation vessels. Contract signed with Lebanese marine contracting company. Cumulative Totals: Phone Calls - 14,417, E-mail - 7,964, Registrations - 35,203 Suly 19 Israel has continued its offensive today and BERUT has reported bombings in the Christian quarters of the city. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has announced that clemnents of their Golani brigades ground forces have entered Lebanon in order to conduct “pin-point” attacks on Hezbollah positions located close to the border. Hezbollah ‘continues to fire rockets, First evacuation boat from Cyprus to Beirut and return (261 passengers). Additional Turkish vessels dispatch to Beirut delayed because of late delivery of IDF safe Passage certificates to owner of vessel Contract signed with Air Canada for airlift capacity out of Turkey. Fifth “Message to Canadians” sent to registered Canadians providing information on the evacuation, (Cumulative Totals: Phone Calls - 17,563, E-mails - 9,251, Registrations - 38,200 Page 3 of 7 000036 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'aceés a | information, July 20 + Israel carried out air strikes early Thursday, dropping bombs on southem Beirut (Bourj al- Barajnch section and Bir Al Abed); Srfa; the road network around the northem areas of Beirut; Tyre; Sidon; and several villages close to the border with Israel. Later Thursday, IDF dropped leaflets and made announcements over louder speakers to notify residents in areas of south Lebanon to evacuate immedietely. Hezbollah continues its stikes against northern Israel. + 6 chartered Turkish vessels carry out evacuation of Canadian citizens from Beirut and take them to port of Mersin in Turkey - number of evacuees 1145, + PM's aircraft (DND) and one charter aircraft leave Cyprus with first 261 evacuees. + Cumulative Totals: Phone Calls - 20,429, E-mails - 10,044, Registrations - 38,626 July 21 + Israel has called up thousands of reserve troops, told civilians in southern Lebanon to leave immediately, and moved three to four ground divisions that are now operating along the Blue Line. Hezbollah continues its strikes. + 3 chartered vessels carry out evacuation of Canadians from Beirut - 2 to Turkey, 1 to Cyprus - number of evacuees - number of evacuees 847, + PM's aircraft and charter aircraft arrive in Canada with first group of evacuees - total evacuees arriving in Canada 781. * Contracts signed with Skylink for airlift capacity and with shipping company for vessel from Cyprus. + Sixth “Message to Canadians” sent to registered Canadians providing information on the evacuation, July 22 + Current issues for Lebanon updated to provide details of evacuation + 3 aircraft depart Adana, Turkey and 1 aireraft departs Larnaca, Cyprus and arrive in Canada with evacuees - total evacuees arriving in Canada 770 evacuees * 2 chartered vessels depart Beirut for Cyprus - number of evacuees 1844 July 23 + Current issues for Lebanon updated to provide details of evacuation + Contracts signed with Skylink for airlift capacity + Seventh “Message to Canadians” sent to registered Canadians providing information on Page 4 of 7 000036 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de fa Loi sur 'acoas 4 |'information the evacuation, including the one from Tyre on July 26. 3 chartered vessels from Beirut to Cyprus, 2 vessels to Turkey - number of evacuees 2488, 3 charter aircraft from Cyprus, 2 from Turkey arrive in Canada with evacuees - total ‘evacuees arriving in Canada 1410 ‘Cumulative Totals (21-23 inclusive): Phone calls - 24,835, E-mail - 11,108, Registrations 37,039 July 24 ‘The situation continues to worsen with reports that Israeli forces are pushing north and are clashing with Hezbollah fighters in some Lebanese villages. Current issues for Lebanon updated to provide details of evacuation Contracts signed with Skylink for airlift capacity Eighth “Message to Canadians” sent to registered Canadians asking them to go directly to the port of Beirut as of July 25, There was also a reminder for the evacuation from Tyre. 13 Canadians leave the port of Tyre on a German-chartered boat | chartered vessel from Beirut to Cyprus - number of evacuees 607 9 flights from Turkey and Cyprus arrive in Canada with evacuees - total evacuees arriving in Canada 2032. Cumulative Totals: Phone Calls - 27,612, E-mails - 11,482, Registrations - 35,972 (decreasing as evacuees taken off of ROCA) July 25 IDF and Hezbollah have continued to clash around the southem Lebanese village of Bint Toail. (Current issues for Lebanon updated to provide details of evacuation ‘Contracts signed with Turkish-based shipping companies 3 chartered vessels from Beirut to Turkey - number of evacuees 956 4 charter sircraft from Cyprus, 1 from Turkey arrive in Canada with evacuees - total evacuees arriving in Canada 1471 Curnulative Totals: Phone Calls - 29,107, E-mails - 11,621, Registrations - 35,957 uly 26 ‘Current issues for Lebanon updated to provide details of evacuation 14 Canadians leave Tyre on the Canadian-chartered vessel “Princessa Marissa”. The boat carried a total of 367 passenger from 13 countries including 173 Americans and 42 Australians. | chartered vessels from Beirut to Cyprus - number of evacuees 858 Page 5 of 7 000037 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur f'accés a l'information 2 charter aircraft from Cyprus, 2 from Turkey arrive in Canada with evacuees - total evacuees arriving in Canada 1075 Cumulative Totals: Phone Calls - 30,825, E-mails - 11,887, Registrations - 33,991 July 27 ‘A decision is taken to suspend evacuation after Saturday, July 29%. 2 chartered vessels from Beirut to Cyprus, 2 from Beirut to Turkey - number of evacuees 1724 5 charter aircraft from Cyprus, | from Turkey arrive in Canada with evacuees - total evacuees arriving in Canada 1564, Cumulative Totals: Phone Calls - 32,422, E-mails - 11,945, Registrations - 32,781 July 28 3 chartered vessels from Beirut to Cyprus - number of evacuees 1005 3 charter aircraft from Cyprus, 3 from Turkey arrive in Canada with evacuees - total evacuees arriving in Canada 1466 (Cumulative Totals: Phone Calls - 33,811, E-mails - 12,048, Registrations - 29,796 July 29 2 chartered vessels from Beirut to Cyprus - number of evacuees 639 (includes 7 staff’ members from Beirut) 4 charter aircraft from Turkey arrive in Canada with evacuees - total evacuees arriving in Canada 828 uly 30 Israeli strike at Cana, which kills more than 50 civilians of whom half are children, provokes international outrage and condemnation by the UN Security Council. Israel declares a temporary halt in bombing to establish to establish a humanitarian corridor. no chartered vessels depart Beirut 2 charter aircraft from Cyprus, 1 from Turkey arrive in Canada with evacuees - total ‘evacuees arriving in Canada 1096. Cumulative Totals (29 and 30): Phone Calls - 35,447, E-mail - 12,107, Registrations - 29,524 Page 6 of 7 000038. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur l'accés a l'information. Jaly 31 + No chartered vessels depart Beirut + 1 charter aircraft from Cyprus arrives in Canada with 194 evacuees and 1 DND aircraft anticipated to arrive late today with a further 84 evacuees - total evacuees arriving in Canada 278 Totals to July 31 + 13,052 evacuees from Beirut; ofthat, 12,577 will have arrived in Canada by 31 July 2006. + This will have required 32 ferry passages (31 out of Beirut and 1 out of Tyre), and 50 flights back to Canada. Page 7 of 7 000039 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur laccés a l'information SCFAID PRESENTATION JUESTIO! ID ANSWERS SECTION I - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON Sub-section A - Coordination of Evacuation Efforts 1. Why did the Canadian government take so long to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon? Does Canada not have the capacity to Protect its citizens abroad? * The Canadian government responded as quickly as possible to the largest-ever evacuation of Canadians abroad. * As indicated in my presentation, my Department initiated activities to support Canadians in Lebanon from the outbreak of the conflict. Let me reiterate: © On July 13", my Department issued a travel warning to Canadians. * On July 14th, my officials held a departmental task force to evaluate the situation. On the following day, a crisis call centre and full interdepartmental task force was established, and DFAIT began identifying employees from missions around the world and from HQ to be ‘sent to the theatre of operations to assist with evacuations efforts. * By July 16", officials began locating and chartering aircraft and shipping vessels in the region; the next day, consular officials began contacting Canadian citizens in Lebanon. © The first evacuees left Beirut on July 19". NEXT PAGE — contd 000040 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'aceas & l'information Virtually no other country was called upon to evacuate as many citizens as Canada. By July 30, we had evacuated 13 052 from Beirut. To this end, we: © Coordinated 32 ferry passages out of Lebanon and 50 flights to Canada, © issued more than 425 emergency passports, © responded to over 45 000 enquiries by phone and email © most importantly, over 12 000 Canadians have arrived safely in Canada. ¢ In order to support an embassy in Beirut of only 9 Canadian-based Staff and evacuation reception centres in Cyprus and Turkey, my Department deployed 174 staff to the region; DND sent 150 personnel; and CIC/CBSA have provided 34 employees. Furthermore, 215 DFAIT employees volunteered their services to the 24/7 crisis operation centre. 000041 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de fa Loi sur 'accés @ l'information. SECTION | - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-section A - Coordination of Evacuation Efforts (cont’d) “2. This evacuation has clearly represented a significant consular challenge. How many Canadians has the Government been able to evacuate? What obstacles have you faced? What can we do to assist you in responding better next time? Thank you very much for your offer of support. * This has been our largest-ever consular operation. We are relieved to have reached a point at which Canadians who wish to leave Lebanon have done so, and we can begin to draw down our evacuation effort. * As | have outlined, our two biggest challenges were the number of Canadians in need of assistance and the very rapid escalation of the conflict. The task at hand was great; and our window for response, ‘small. We were, nonetheless, able to respond to these demands. As of July 30, 12 000 Canadians have arrived safely in Canada. « Although | am proud of the work of this Department, | know that we will benefit, as always, from a review of our efforts so that we can continue to improve our service to Canadians abroad. This event certainly underlines the importance of Canadian representation abroad; your support of greater resources for the consular Programme and missions abroad, would be very helpful. 000042 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur l'accés a l information. SECTION I - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-section A - Coordination of Evacuation Efforts (cont'd) 3. Why did It take Canada so long to evacuate civilians from southern Lebanon?. Why were only 14 Canadians aboard the ship sent to Tyre? ¢ Because of the security situation and port facilities available in Tyre, it required several additional days to mount the evacuation operation in southern Lebanon. The port of Beirut was more readily accessible and Israeli Defence Forces provided more quickly assurances of safe passage. ¢ We cannot be certain why the number of evacuees from Tyre was small but we suspect, as we acknowledged before the ship's arrival, that the security situation in southern Lebanon would make reaching Tyre extremely difficult. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur !'accés a l'information SECTION I - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-section A - Coordination of Evacuation Efforts (cont'd) 4. How did you contact Canadian citizens to advise them of evacuation efforts? ¢ Beginning July 12", my Department updated travel advice and issued instructions to Canadians by emails, updates to our website, telephone calls, and announcements on Lebanese TV, radio and newspapers. Between July 12 and July 27", nine separate bulletins were issued to Canadians in this way. At the height of our efforts, 5 000 phone calls per day were being made by Canadian officials to our citizens in Lebanon. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de fa Loi sur faccés & l'information SECTION | - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-section A- Coordination of Evacuation Efforts (cont'd) 5, What measures were taken to ensure the security of our ships? We were in contact with both the Israeli and Lebanese governments to advise them of the movements of ships carrying Canadian evacuees. We obtained from the Israel Defence Forces ‘Certificates of Safe Passage’ by which their forces were instructed to facilitate safe passage for our vessels. The ships themselves were advised of the precise timing and route to follow. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur laccés a l'information SECTION I - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-section A - Coordination of Evacuation Efforts (cont'd) ***6, What has been the role of the Minister in responding to this crisis? ¢ Ihave been very engaged in this crisis from its onset. | have been in contact with my counterparts in Lebanon, Israel and the United States, both to coordinate the evacuation efforts and to offer support for a long-term solution to the conflict. * Ihave also been present for most Task Force meetings and have made regular visits to the Consular Crisis Operations Centre. ooo04s: Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur l'acc8s @ information. SECTION I ~- EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-section A - Coordination of Evacuation Efforts (cont’d) 7. Why are you ramping down your operation as a large number of Canadians still remains in Lebanon? * While we have no exact number, we believe that a good number of Canadians in Lebanon do reside there. We also believe, through interviews and comments received that those Canadians who wanted to be evacuated and could find there way to Beirut, did so. 000047 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur faccés @ l'information, SECTION | - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-Section B - Identification of Canadian Citizens 1. What steps have been taken to ensure that Hezbollah members were not on board Canadian ships? ‘© The majority of the citizens evacuated travelled on valid Canadian Passports with only 425 Emergency Passports being issued. Every application for an Emergency Passport was checked gainst Passport Canada's security database. Before travelling to Canada, all evacuees passed through a criminal and security screening process. The same security procedures were in place during the evacuation as would be at any point of departure for Canada. 000048 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur laccés a l'information. SECTION | ~ EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) ‘Sub-Section B — Identification of Canadian Citizens (cont'd) 2. Was anyone denied access to Canada? ¢ Ahandful of individuals were denied access. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur |'acoas @ "information. SECTION | - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-Section B — Identification of Canadian Citizens (cont'd) 3. One person evacuated to Canada has already claimed refugee status. What steps were taken to ensure evacuees were Canadian? Why were non-Canadians evacuated to Canada? * As | indicated, the vast majority of those evacuated travelled on valid Canadian passports; Emergency Passport applicants were screened against Passport Canada’s security database. + Because our policy is not to separate families, we permitted immediate family members, even if non-Canadian, to accompany Canadians. * Any questions on refugee claims would need to be directed to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, 00050 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur |'accés a l'information. ‘SECTION I - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-Section B - Identification of Canadian Citizens (cont'd) 4. Why are we paying to evacuated people who have not been resident In Canada, and have not paid taxes, in years? © Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada is mandated to Provide, on behalf of the Canadian government, assistance to all Canadian citizens abroad regardless of their country of residence. 000051 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de {a Loi sur I'accés a l'information. SECTION I - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-Section B - Identification of Canadian Citizens (cont'd) 5. How did the Canadian government ensure that only Canadian citizens received Canadian passports? © Ofthe over 13 000 Canadian evacuees, only 425 emergency passports were issued. Requests for passports made at the mission were checked against the Passport Canada database. Passport Canada staff temporarily assumed the passport entitlement function for the embassy in Beirut to allow personnel on the ground to assist with the consular work. Passport Canada provided expert advice on cases to Beirut, the DFAIT Operation Centre, and security partner agencies. As well, they analysed the data of incoming manifests to verify identities. 000052 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de [a Loi sur 'accés & |'information. SECTION | - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-Section B — Identification of Canadian Citizens (cont'd) 6. What travel documents were used by the evacuated citizens? © The majority of the citizens evacuated travelled on valid Canadian passports with only 425 Emergency Passports being issued. Every application for an Emergency Passport was checked against Passport Canada's security database. The immediate family of a Canadian citizen, or the designated person accompanying a Canadian child, has obtained a visa to enter the country 000053 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur l'accés a l'information, ‘SECTION I - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-Section B — Identification of Canadian Citizens (cont'd) 7. Why were over 40 000 Canadians in Lebanon? How many were tourists and how many residents? « We are not in a position to know why 40 000, or perhaps more, Canadians were in Lebanon. Because 35 000 Canadian citizens in Lebanon registered in the last two weeks, we have not been able to review the registrations based on current address data. 000054 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur ‘aces a information SECTION | - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-Section B — Identification of Canadian Citizens (cont'd) 8, - Why has Canada evacuated permanent residents alongside Canadian citizens? ¢ Canada has evacuated permanent residents as a third priority, after Canadian citizens and Canadian minors. Permanent residents often accompanied minor Canadian children, with the permission of their parents. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de fa Loi sur I'acoés a information. SECTION | - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-Section C - Cost 1. How much has the evacuation cost? Many departments are involved in the effort and the evacuation is not over yet as we continue to monitor the situation. When we have a final figure we will announce it. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de fa Loi sur l'acoas a I information. SECTION | - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-Section C - Cost (cont'd) 2. Will Canada seek reimbursement for non-Canadians evacuated on our vessels? © Firstly, the vast number of those evacuated were Canadian. ¢ Of the small number who were not Canadian, most were immediate family members accompanying Canadians. We will not be seeking reimbursement from these individuals, as we are not from their Canadian family members. * Regarding nationals of other countries, please note that this operation was undertaken as part of a broader international effort in which all countries assisted, where space permitted, citizens from other countries. We will not be seeking repayment from the countries; nor will they be seeking repayment from us. 000087 Document Released Under the Access to information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur l'accés & l'information. cava |- EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON (cont'd) Sub-Section D - Future Preparedness 1. If this conflict broadens, what steps have you taken to ensure your ability to protect Canadian citizens elsewhere in the region? * Inthe event of further insecurity in the region, the Department will immediately update its travel information for Canadians. * All missions have in place contingency plans to respond to crises in their areas of accreditation which would be activated to respond to heightened security concerns. oo00ss Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur f'accas @ information SECTION | - EVACUATION OF CANADIAN CITIZENS FROM LEBANON: (cont'd) Sub-Section D — Future Preparedness (cont'd) 2. What steps are being taken to protect Canadians in northern Israel? © The Canadian Embassy in Tel Aviv has already been in contact with registered Canadians in Israel to advise against travel to the north of that country. The Embassy is ready to respond should the situation deteriorate further. 20 000059 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur accés & l'information ‘SECTION I! - RESPONDING TO THE HUMANITARIAN NEEDS IN LEBANON 1. Why has was Canada so slow to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Lebanon? Canada has responded quickly to help the UN and Red Cross Movement meet the urgent humanitarian needs emerging from this crisis. ‘Canada provided an initial pledge of $1 million on July 20, within 24 hours of the first $10 million Appeal being launched by the ICRC , and in the absence of a UN appeal yet having been issued. This contribution reflected the needs identified by agencies at the time, through the initial assessments conducted under difficutt circumstances. Canada provided an additional $6 million to the UN on July 28th following its, Flash Appeal. The Red Cross and UN have expressed strong appreciation for Canada’s timely and substantive contributions. {tis important to note that our allocations to the Red Cross and the UN for Lebanon are in addition to the core funding that we provide annually to these, such as to the UN's the Central Emergency Revolving Fund (CERF) to help them respond urgently to emerging crises. These core contributions allowed agencies like the UN and Red Cross to respond to immediate and critical needs in the health, water and sanitation sectors in the days following the July 12" commencement of hostilities ven with the rapid allocation of funds by Canada, it is important to recall that agencies humaniarian agency partners require safe access in order to distribute ‘the aid to affected communities. In this respect, Canada has also been focussing considerable attention to finding ways to encourage the parties to facilitate safe sccess for hamankaran personnel and has supported cal for humeniterian conidors. 2 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur !'accés a l'information. SECTION It - RESPONDING TO THE HUMANITARIAN NEEDS IN LEBANON (cont'dt) 2. What are Canada's views on the humanitarian situation in Lebanon? * The humanitarian situation in Lebanon is deeply troubling. With over 500 reported civilian casualties, 750,000 displaced people, and ‘severely damaged civilian infrastructure there is no doubt the Lebanese people are suffering as a result of this crisis. Canada is very concerned about the far-reaching impact on civilians of the ongoing conflict in Lebanon and Israel, with many reported civilian casualties, displaced civilian populations, and significant damage to civilian infrastructure. Canada has been quick to respond to the humanitarian need by committing $5.5 million to ICRC and UN funding appeals for Lebanon. All parties to the conflict have obligations under international humanitarian law which must be fully respected, including taking all necessary measures to avoid civilian casualties and damage to civilian property and to protect humanitarian personnel who provide assistance to those in need. * Canada welcomes Israel's agreement to establish safe passages to and within Lebanon to allow humanitarian convoys and relief items to reach those in need. This is despite the ongoing volleys of rocketfire hitting northem Israel from southern Lebanon. ¢ Ensuring safe and unimpeded access for humanitarian personnel is critical, But for Canada the humanitarian response must be accompanied by a political process that will lead urgently to a cease- fire that puts an end to the violence and hostilities. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu dela Loi sur accés & l'information SECTION Ill - CANADA'S ROLE IN RESOLVING THE CRISIS ** 4, What has Canada done to assist in bringing about a resolution to this crisis? * This government has worked actively with international partners to resolve the current crisis since its onset. While in St. Petersburg, Prime Minister Harper worked with G8 colleagues to develop a strong message that outlined the steps required to create conditions to end the violence and stabilize the situation. « Last week { attended the Rome Conference on Lebanon. | joined like-minded partners in agreeing to work urgently toward a cease-fire and to provide immediate humanitarian relief for the Lebanese people. We also called for an International Force to be urgently authorized under a UN mandate to support the Lebanese Armed Forces in providing a secure environment. Efforts are ongoing to realize this commitment. « Finally, | have been in regular contact with my American and Israeli counterparts to discuss these issues, and have spoken to the Lebanese Foreign Minister as well. 23 000062 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'accés a f'information. SECTION Ill - CANADA'S ROLE IN RESOLVING THE CRISIS (cont'd) 2. Why has Canada failed to protect civilians in Lebanon? Why has Canada not insisted that Israel respect international humanitarian law? * Canada continues to insist that Israel exercise the utmost restraint in its military actions and take all possible measures to protect civilian lives and infrastructure. These are core tenets of international humanitarian law. * [have been in regular contact with my Israeli counterpart and have consistently pressed for the protection of civilian lives and infrastructure. « Furthermore, we have been active in trying to bring about a sustainable ceasefire that will ultimately provide lasting protection to Lebanese and Israeli civilians alike. Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'accas & l'information. SECTION Ill - CANADA'S ROLE IN RESOLVING THE CRISIS (cont'd) 3. What is the role of Syria and Iran in this crisis? What steps is Canada taking to address the real support of Hezbollah? © Syria and Iran are both recognized supporters of Hezbollah, which is why, at the beginning of the current conflict, | called on both Syria and Iran to cease ail financial and other assistance to Hezbollah. My officials and | reinforce this message both in Damascus and Tehran and with these countries’ representatives in Canada. 25 oo0064 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divuigué en vertu de !a Loi sur l'accés & I'information. SECTION Ili - CANADA’S ROLE IN RESOLVING THE CRISIS (cont'd) 4. Would Canada contribute troops to an international force / stabilization force in southern Lebanon? « Canada is looking at all ways to support peace in the Middle East and help bring about an urgent end to hostilities. + Canada supports the establishment of a multi-national force for Lebanon with a robust mandate if it will assist in ending the current conflict and contribute to re-establishing Lebanese sovereignty. + The Canadian Forces are heavily committed to operations in Afghanistan and Canada would prefer not to contribute to multi- national operations in Lebanon. 26 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'accés @ l'information SECTION Ill - CANADA'S ROLE IN RESOLVING THE CRISIS (cont'd) 6. What do you think of a possible role for NATO in the stabilisation force? + Canada is prepared to discuss with NATO partners a response to a request for the Alliance to participate in some way in a possible Multi- national Force in Lebanon if NATO participation is considered by parties in the region to be constructive in ending the crisis. 27 oo006e Document Released Under the Access to Information Act ! Document divulgué en vertu de fa Loi sur taccés & l information. ‘SECTION Ill - CANADA’S ROLE IN RESOLVING THE CRISIS (cont'd) 7. Do you think that the stabilization force's mandate should include humanitarian assistance? + The protection of civilians should be a core element of the mandate of ‘such a force, in particular in facilitating safe and unimpeded access of humanitarian personnel to affected populations. * Experience has shown that for humanitarian corridors to be effective, all parties must agree to their establishment and they must remain civilian in character in order to effectively facilitate aid delivery. 28 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur laces & l'information ‘SECTION Ill - CANADA’S ROLE IN RESOLVING THE CRISIS (cont'd) 8. Do you consider the Israeli response to the kidnapping of two of its soldiers to be ‘measured’? How can Canada be an honest broker in the region when we have clearly sided with Israel? * Canada's position on the Middle East remains principled and fair. We ‘support the Lebanese government and its people. We are engaging in diplomatic efforts to broker a sustainable ceasefire. We are working toward strengthening the Lebanese government and army to be able to take full control over its territory. We are providing humanitarian assistance to Lebanon. We have already announced $5.5 million in response to an ICRC appeal and a Flash Appeal. * At the same time, we understand that Israel is responding to a real and active threat, Hezbollah. Israel was attacked, unprovoked. Its soldiers were captured and killed. Its cities in the north face hundreds of indiscriminate rockets attacks that are killing Israeli civilians and damaging infrastructure in the north. We understand its need to respond and bring an end to this threat. 29 oo006s Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur 'accés @ information SECTION IV — OTHER RELATED ISSUES 4. Why was a Canadian soldier posted in southern Lebanon, which was clearly an extremely dangerous area in which the UN played no helpful role? * The Canadian soldier tragically killed was posted to the UN Truce ‘Supervision Organization that has offices in Lebanon as well as in other Middle Eastem countries. © On occasion this organization is called upon to support the work of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). It was a UNIFIL post that was hit by Israeli shelling. * The UN Security Council mandates of these operations are helpful in monitoring Israeli and Lebanese actions along the border, and reporting on those actions to the UN. « The exact circumstances surrounding the tragic incident, including measures which were taken by both the UN and Israeli forces, are the subject of investigations by the UN, Israel and the Department of National Defence. 30 000069 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divulgué en vertu de la Loi sur l'accés & l'information SECTION IV ~ OTHER RELATED ISSUES (cont'd) 2. Louise Arbour has described the {sraeli actions in Lebanon as war crimes. What is the Canadian government doing to pursue this accusation? ¢ High Commissioner Arbour did not describe Israeli actions in Lebanon as war crimes. Instead, she warned, and | quote, that "the scale of the killings in the region, and their predictability, could engage the personal criminal responsibility of those involved, particularly those in a position of command and control." International humanitarian law applies both to state and non-state actors engaged in armed conflict. Therefore her warning is as applicable to Israel as it is to the terrorist organization Hezbollah. The Canadian government recognizes Israel's right to defend itself; however, we urge Israel to exercise the utmost restraint and protect civilians. We have raised these concems on numerous occasions with Israeli authorities. 31 000070 Document Released Under the Access to Information Act / Document divuigué en vertu de la Loi sur !accés @ l'information SECTION IV - OTHER RELATED ISSUES (cont'd) 3. World attention is now focussed on Lebanon. But the Palestinian people are still suffering constant attacks from Israel. What Is Canada doing to assist in the West Bank and Gaza? ° We certainly have not forgotten about the people in the West Bank or Gaza. | have been in contact with Palestinian President Abbas to emphasize Canada's support for him and his efforts to bring peace for his people. He has assured me that he is working hard to secure the release of Israeli Corporal Gilad Shalit and bring an end to the Qassam rocket fire into southem Israel. ¢ Ihave also been in regular contact with Israeli Foreign Minister to urge her to take all necessary measures to avoid civilian casualty and protect civilian infrastructure, including in Gaza. * Furthermore, Canada continues to provide humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people. We will assess the needs and respond as necessary to any further in-coming UN appeals for funding.

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