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Naming Cells and Ranges

Sometimes when you constantly refer to a single cell or a group of cells it is easier to
rename it (them). The advantages are that you do not have to keep remembering the cell
reference and also the named cell or range automatically becomes absolute so you don’t
have to remember to click on F4. If the original cell(s) are moved the name will stay with

In the following example we can name cell B3 to VAT. Thus whenever we want to use this
cell in a reference we just type VAT instead of having to remember which cell it is in. A cell
or range name is unique to a workbook and you can use it on any sheet.

To name an individual cell do the following:

1. Click on the cell you wish to name

2. Click in the Name box – this is the box immediately above Row A.
3. Type the name you wish to give the cell – e.g. VAT and then press ENTER

IMPORTANT: You must remember to press Enter after typing the name in the name box.

To use the name in a formula do the following:

1. If you were using the name VAT in the above example you would click in cell E6 and
type =D6*VAT

2. When you copy the formula down the name VAT will remain thus pointing always to
the correct cell.

Deleting Names

If you make a mistake when naming a cell or range it is necessary to delete the name and
start again. To do this:

1. Click on the Formulas ribbon and choose Name Manager from the Defined Names
group which is in the middle of the ribbon.

2. Click on the name you wish to delete and click on the Delete button in the Name
Manager group

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