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Cloze test.

The squire wanted so much to be like (1) …………..……knight he served. He

observed the knight daily (2) ………………….tried to follow whatever he did.
The squire was lucky to be able to serve the best knight of the Round Table,
Sir Lancelot. Sir Lancelot was brave, honourable, kind (3) …………..……..
humble. The squire did all that he was told and was (4) ……………..
…….ready when Sir Lancelot needed him.

Sir Lancelot and the other Knights of the Round Table were in the service of
the legendary King Arthur. He was the lanky lad who had managed to
pull (5) …………..……..the sword Excalibur from the stone and thus claim the
title of knighthood. Now, after winning (6) …………..……battles, this knight,
Arthur, had become the King.

King Arthur was humble and honourable too. He was kind to the people in
the castle of Camelot. He had sworn to be their protector. Many (7)
……………………the people in his kingdom loved him dearly.

However, there was one man whom Sir Lancelot worried (8) ………………... It
was Sir Modred, King Arthur’s own nephew and also another member of the
Round Table. He had shown signs

of treason and Sir Lancelot feared (9) …………….…….he might harm King
Arthur. He did not want to alert the King yet as he did not want Sir Modred
to escape. Sir Lancelot had to think (10) ………….……….a way of exposing
Sir Modred’s plot.

Cloze test.

1. the
2. and
3. and
4. always
5. out
6. many
7. of
8. about
9. that
10. of
Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech, avoiding as far
as possible the verb say. You could use these: hope, explain,
protest, beg, ask, congratulate, warn, greet, give, introduce, invite,
point out, insist, offer, refuse, accept, advise, assure, answer,
agree, admit, wonder…
℘He said, “Don´t walk on the ice, it isn´t safe”

℘“Miss Brown, this is Miss White. Miss White, Miss Brown” he said.

℘“Here´s five pence. Go and get yourself an ice-cream” I said.

℘“Please, please, do as I say” I said.

℘“Could you show me how to work it? I´m not used to electric
typewriters” she said.

℘She said, “I´ll give you 5 pounds to keep your mouth shut”

℘“Let´s wait here till the rain stops”, she said.

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