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YLTC Advisor Application 2011

Advisor Application DUE Wednesday, February 9th – NO EXECPTIONS!!

Please email this saved form to

Mandatory advisor meeting Sunday February 27th at 3:30-5:30pm at the

Northbrook JCC

SECTION I: Personal Info

Name: ______________________________

Grade:___________________________ Number of years in BBYO:________________

Chapter: _____________________________

Home Number (____) __________________

Cell Phone Number (____) __________________

Email Address: _________________________________

Have you been to YLTC before?________ Been a YLTC advisor?_______

If you are unable to attend as an Advisor would you come as a participant? ________

SECTION II: Personal Info

(161 Words or Less for each question including the optional question)

What Board or other BBYO Leadership Positions have you held?

What BBYO leadership training/programs have you attended?

Why do you want to be an advisor?

What can you contribute to the participant's experience?

What do you feel was your defining moment in BBYO?

What would you want the YLTC participants to get out of YLTC?

(Optional) If you want to share something that you have not already, please do so here.

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