Placement Cell Student Achievement

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SPORTS (International):

 tennis player at ICG coventry, London

  international swimmer
 Martial Arts Champion at Belgium and Russia
 International Hapbi Federation Black belt holder

SPORTS (National):
We have students who have participated and won medals at the national level in the following games:

 Javelin
 Table tennis
 Football player
 Athletics
 Basketball
 Equestrian
 swimmer
 karate
 cricket player


 A level certificate holder in NCC

 Lawn Tennis Silver medallist (only guy toput up a medal :P)

SPORTS (State):  

  Judo State champion

  State level volleyball players (Karnataka and MP).
 MSSA cricket
 State level throwball

MISCELLENEOUS (International):

 Harvard MUNC participants

  South-East Scholarship winner.
 Indian representative for SAARC event
 Finalist, Business Plan of Singapore India Chambers of Commerce and Industry
 GYLC, Washington, DC participant


 Core committee member of National level Indian Parliament Simulation, CII-YI,

 Owner of ‘Social Quotient’, online marketing firm.
 Columnist for Pune Mirror,
  National level fastest drummer
 National Level Piano player
 St. George College national debate silver medallist
 NTSE scholar

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