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Asian Economic Journal 2009, Vol. 23 No.

1, 119 –120 119

Editors’ Report

doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8381.2009.02005.x

I. Acknowledgments

The Editorial Board would like to thank all of the referees who generously
assisted us in 2008. They are:

Shigeyuki Abe Ding Lu

Takamasa Akiyama Ruperto Majuca
Edsel L. Beja Jr. Alex Mandilaras
Win-Lin Chou Chris Manning
Julan Du Colin McKenzie
Robert Elliott Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi
Tomoki Fujii Francois Molle
Manabu Fujimura Oleksandr Movshuk
Nobuhiko Fuwa Bhanupong Nidhiprabha
Byron Gangnes Seunghyun Oh
Ujo Goto Hidenobu Okuda
Noriko Hashimoto Tsunehiro Otsuki
Kenjiro Hirayama Craig Parsons
Mazakazu Hojo Michael Plummer
Hikari Ishido Eric Ramstetter
Nazrul Islam Jim Roumasset
Ken Itakura Hiroshi Sakamoto
Seiro Ito Kiyotaka Sato
William E. James Yasuyuki Sawada
Jang Cheon Jin Fredrik Sjöholm
Dongho Jo Jungho Suh
Chen Kang Asep Suryahadi
Kentaro Kawasaki Shandre Thangavelu
Soyoung Kim Mun Heng Toh
Kozo Kiyota Eiichi Tomiura
Kwan Wai Ko Hirofumi Uchida
Akira Kohsaka Shujiro Urata
Kai-Sun Kwong Pei-Ing Wu
Donald Larson Zheren Wu
Chang Jae Lee Li Yang
Hiro Lee Feng Yao
Keun Lee Josef T. Yap
Chawin Leenabanchong Zhaoyong Zhang

© 2009 The Author

Journal compilation © 2009 East Asian Economic Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

II. Some data of submitted papers for 2008

220 papers were submitted in 2008. Twenty papers were accepted for publication
in 2008. However, many submissions from 2007 were published in 2008, and
some papers accepted in 2008 will appear in the first issue of 2009.

© 2009 The Author

Journal compilation © 2009 East Asian Economic Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

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