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I. A cry of a wolf echoed from the outside.

Tulo Mattis went on to her sister’s room to check if

Jaana is ok. He told Jaana not to worry that the cry came from a wolf which his Uncle Varno
shot to protect their reindeer and them. Then he returned to the kitchen table and pulled
out a paper from the ledger on which he had written on his birthday that according to him
was the saddest birthday he’ll ever had because of what had happened twelve months ago.
Then he returned the paper on the ledger. Then he picked up an old from of her mother’s
photograph and he remembered his mother saying something about God’s plans for him
and on the gift of words that God has given him. He also remembered how he misses her
mom so much. After that Tulo together with Nikku his dog went out into the dark and cold
village kalvala leaving their cabin. They went on to a big tree which have been a village
landmark. The big tree had become a symbol of hope to both young and old of Kalvala, a
living example that it was possible not only to survive but also to grow and flourish, even
under the worst conditions. Tulo wondered if it is true that according to their ancestors if
one whistled at the northern lights one could call the dead. Then he softly began to whistle
to the tune of lullaby that his mother used to sing to put Jaana off to sleep.

II. Pedar Mattis the father of Tulo taught his son skills on how he should live. Their family
including his wife Inga Mattis takes care of reindeers to make a living. They depend on this
family business on raising reindeers. Pedar and Tulo have a very close relationship between
one another. Until years Tulo growed and now starts too many questions to his father that
his father can no longer answer so the couple decided to send Tulo immediately to school to
learn things and the new means of life. Pedar became sad because Tulo will be far from
them but Inga said not to be because soon they’ll have a new member in the family.

III. Arrol Nobis, the young school master of Kalvala called the couple to his office. Pedar is
wondering why they were called to the office. At first he thought that their boy was giving
Arrol headache but Arrol said that Tulo wasn’t. It was all because Arrol wanted to inform the
couple that Tulo is a gifted child that his mind thinks too much for what a child under ten
years of age should be thinking and that the child needs support from his parents to develop
his wisdom and for them to provide him books to read. Pedar was lad that it was true of
what he had notices before with Tulo of his asking questions. The couple, Pedar and Inga
agreed with Arrol’s idea to buy him books and to fly kites then thanked him for making
them informed of Tulo’s situation. Though Pedar thought o that Tulo wasn’t going to handle
the herd like he does someday he agreed because he knows that this will be for Tulo’s good.

IV. Every summer the reindeers mix with other herds and moves freely. At the end of summer
the fathers and sons of Mattis family catches their reindeers with the use of lassoes to
separate them to different herds. Inga is nervous because it is the first time of Tulo to
participate in the separation of herd and that he heard her nephews teasing that Tulo was a
kite boy and that he only reads books. He told Pedar about this but Pedar is confident that
his son will do it right. Tulo proved everyone wrong and did not fail his father they lassoed
the reindeers all day and just went on a break to eat food. The last reindeer is to be caught
and an accident happened because of a misplaced calf the reindeer bawled that made Tulo
jerked and his small body was driven away. Pedar run to save his son’s bruised body and
covered it with his own until the reindeer’s hooves pounded on both of them. Tulo woke
up, Jaana is excited to see him awake innocent about his father’s death.

V. After his father’s death Tulo cannot walk because of the numbness in his injured knees and
legs. Inga applies oil in his son’s knee twice a day and massages it. Inga prays so hard that
Tulo will walk soon and she cried until Tulo felt something cold on his knees he felt the tears
of her mother. They rejoiced because the numbness was gone but still he couldt walk or
stand without falling. Uncle Varno and his cousin Erkki visited Tulo and his cousin gave him
a diary but according to Tulo it was a Bookkeeper’s ledger. Arrol Nobis also visited his
favorite student but refused to enter the room but instead he stood from a far talking to
Tulo about a newspaper named Sambelas from where an article from his student about a
man’s love affair with kites. Tulo emerged from his bed and headed towards to embrace the
schoolmaster. Then Inga realized the purpose on why Arrol didn’t want ot enter the room it
was because he wanted Tulo to walk. Tulo now felt that his life was restored and started to
make the bookkeeper’s ledger his diary

VI. A year passed after Tulo learned to walk again. He wrote on his ledger all the things that
happened to his life specially the ones that give impacts on his memories. Her mother
worked hard for their family and put up a new business on crafts still the materials are from
the reindeers their herd is now taken care of by their uncle Varno. Their mother has been
coughing for weeks and grew thin. Whenever Tulo would ask her about her health she
would only ignore them it was hard for their mother raising the family. Until one day his
mother died during her sleep. Inga’s last words are “Tulo, I love you. Take care of your sister
but remember that your destiny is beyond Kalvala. Look up. Reach out. God and the star
tree will help you.” After his mother’s death their uncle and aunt offered them to live with
them but they decided to stay on their cabin and take care of each other.

VII. The northern lights had once again served as the dreaded omen of bad weather. It was Tulo
and Jaana’s first time to experience bad weather since their parents died. It was a heavy
storm according to their Uncle Varno and this storm is different like the ones that had hit
the village before. They went off to LaVeeg’s store to buy goods and stocks. Upon arrival in
the store, they saw all the villagers inside panic buying until all the goods are gone.
They only got a small sack of rice and three pieces of candles. Their uncle and aunt wants
the children to stay in their cabin but Tulo and Jaana always refuse to their invitation but
this is a different situation so their Uncle got mad at them and had raised his voice telling
them the probable things that are to happen to them during the storm. Still Tulo and Jaana
refused to leave their cabin and tried to convince their Uncle that they will be safe so their
Uncle just left them and promised to check them the following morning he also told them to
pray that they’ll be safe.
VIII. On the third day of the storm Tulo made a gigantic kite. When Jaana woke up the kite is
almost done she said that it may have been the biggest kite in the world but Tulo answered
that there were kites that are twenty times bigger than what he had made. Jaana asked him
where is he going to use the kite Tulo said that he will only answer Jaana after they have
gone to LaVeeg’s store to buy ropes as many as they could that will be used upon flying the
kite. The night before, Tulo dreamed of his mom watching him fly a kite through a thunder
and lightning and his mom was happy about it. In his dream he also saw the tree shining as if
it was on fire right after the storm had ended and his mother was gone. After telling the
dream to Jaana they went to LaVeeg’s store to by rope for the kite for he believed that her
mother came into his dreams to make a kite that will save them and that it will be their net
for fishing a star in the sky that will give them heat and light when the spring comes.

IX. In the early hours of the fourth day of the storm the children hauled their kite into the
sky. The children flew the kite and when they cannot see the kite anymore because of
the storm they waited for two hours until the pull of the rope from above stopped. Tulo
tried to pull the rope towards but it was too heavy for his small body until the rope
started to fall down into the land. Jaana called Tulo to tell him that she can see a light
from the kite. Tulo saw the same thing and realized that what was happening is almost
the same with what was in his dreams. The light landed on the tree and they cannot
believe what they saw that they’ve caught a star. Tulo climbed the big tree and removed
the kite from the star. The star was already within his reach he can feel it’s warmth but
he dared not to touch the star.

X. The children woke up upon the loud voice of their Uncle Varno calling Tulo’s name.
Varno is wondering about the star on the tree on how the children got it so Tulo told
everything to his uncle. The villagers also came to see the star and so Tulo spend his
whole day explaining on how the star got into the tree. Many hours later after the
villagers have departed while Jaana is asleep. Tulo went out to see the tree and he
heard someone calling his name. It was the star. The star told Tulo his purpose of
coming into the land and it was to help tulo overcome his hopelessness and loneliness.
The name of the star is Acabar he is thousands of old star, he is the guiding star of Tulo,
he knows everything about Tulo. It was his second time to go on a mission here on earth
and his first time was when he shone in the sky for seven days to be a guide in

XI. Jaana wanted to share the star to the people who are also in need due to the calamity
that struck their village. Tulo acted as if he did not hear anything from Jaana for he
wanted to keep Acabar for himself. Tulo shared this to Acabar and he agreed with the
idea of Jaana for the star said that we should not be selfish. He also said that we should
share and enhance the gift of talent that God has given us. The star told Tulo that life is
not about fame and success. Acabar told the child that those who have shared their
talents and passed away are now in the sky in the form of stars. Tulo was amazed that T
XII. Tulo came into the mayor’s office to offer the star to the villagers and of whom the star
will be given. The mayor decided to wait for the whole council to come before he makes
any decision. At first the mayor wanted the star to stay with its real owners but each of
the councils wanted the star for their own reasons. LaVeeg wanted the star to light his
store, Pastor Bjork wanted the star for the church, Arrol Nobis wanted it for the school
and lastly Dr. Malni wanted it for his clinic. They wanted light for different important
purposes that’s why the children found it hard to choose on whom to give the star until
the council thought of dividing the star into four to give everyone it’s needs little light
but still will provide a light for everyone. The children opposed the idea until Jaana
thought of an answer that the star will be shared by everyone, it will travel every two
weeks on each of the council’s shop and they all agreed.

XIII. The storm subsided on the eight day. Tulo hurried to Acabar to tell him that he did want
the star wanted and that is to share him to the villagers. Acabar haven’t started yet to
tell Tulo about the gift of credenda when the villagers already came to transfer Acabar.
Tulo is worried about moving Acabar. They tried to pull the star from the tree until they
the star accidentally hit the grounds and its light dimmed. Tulo and Jaana knelt beside
the star and said that the star was dead. The people all got sad because of what
happened and felt sorry for them as the mayor said that they now got to look for other
means of light source.

XIV. On the following Day. LaVeeg came to the children’s cabin to tell Tulo to fly a kite again
and catch another star, he promised that if the children would put the star on his store
the children would benefit from all his sales and that would provide Tulo an education.
The second visitor is Pastor Bjork who also said that Tulo should catch a star again and
put it in the church to provide courage for the people and he will repay the children
through prayers. Third visitor is Dr. Malni who came for the reason and offered his free
service if the children needs medical assistance. The last visitor is Mr. Nobis who asked
for the same thing and offered Tulo an education for he has friends on the university
who can give Tulo a scholarship. He spoke to his uncle varno about this offer and then
he made a decision that he’ll fly his kite once again and catch a star.

XV. The villagers are around in the meadow to support Tulo for his second attempt to catch
a star from the sky. They all waited for hours and they all almost lost hope until the rope
once again stopped and so his Uncle helped Tulo to pull the kite towards the ground
until the villagers’ starts to see the light from the sky. The new star is named Lirra a
female star. The star told Tulo about Acabar’s journey that Acabar is Tulo’s guiding star
that Acabar knows everything about Tulo and that when Tulo got depressed about his
being a crippled the star insisted that he will go on this mission even it will be impossible
for him to get back. Acabar said that Tulo is a great child and that soon he’ll bring a
change to the people of earth so Lirra came to finish the mission of Acabar and that is to
give the gift of Credenda to Tulo and to be written on the green ledger.
XVI. In this chapter is the message of Credenda. A message that’s full of wisdom, love, hope,
unselfishness, reflection and more of God’s lessons. One is to love your family and count
your blessings. Love everyone even those who deny you, for hate is a luxury you cannot

XVII. Jaana and Tulo will now deliver the star to the villagers on who will use it first. Their first
stop is at the school but Arrol Nobis refused and apologized for being selfish because he
was supposed to help the children but he didn’t. Second to the pastor but the pastor
also refused for he said that what belongs to Gpd must be returned to God. Third is to
the doctor and it also refused because someone gave him more oil for light and lastly to
LaVEeg’s store. LaVeeg at first accepted it due to his greediness but when he learnes
that everyone refused he also refused because he thinks that the children were hiding
something from him that the star might bring him disaster to his store.

XVIII. Since everyone refused to use the star on their place. The children brought it back to the
meadow where in the villagers all went and it served as a park for everyone. The people
learned to share and all their business are back and they all do it in the meadow. The
pastor preaches at the meadow, the teacher brings his students at the tree and even
LaVEeg brings his canned goods at the meadow. Everyone now is using Lirra’s light
without being greedy. Until one day the lights got back in the village and now it’s time
to bring back Lirra into the sky. They all prepared for the attempt. Before Tulo started to
fly the kite again to return Lirra back into the sky he gave his last wills to her sister
incase something happened to him and that is to bring the ledger where the credenda is
written and to give it to the pastor for he knows what to do. The kite flew and together
with it is Tulo, the rope took him away that only his uncle and Jaana noticed.

XIX. A year after Tulo’s ascending to the sky Jaana have given the green ledger to the pastor.
The pastor knew exactly what to do with it and he shared it to the people although
when he shared it to other places no one believed him. In the end they put a stone
monument for Tulo with its short message and for people to remember his greatness.
Years after Jaana got married and had a daughter, while Jaana was with her family
outside their house they were watching a sky to see a star formed as a kite at its end
was a small star named Alcor which means the rider. Then on Jaana realized that his
brother Tulo was up in the sky together with the stars.


The story is full of inspiration on believing of what is impossible, on doing things

that are hard to do and to sacrifice is to. The story teaches a lot lessons on fighting
adversities of life that we should not be carried away by our emotions and that there a
lot of reasons to live. No matter how big our problem is there will always be a solution
for everything that is happening. And most of all we should learn how to be unselfish for
it is our only way to the heavens. We should learn how to share our talents the proper
way and how God wants us to use it. We should live life to the fullest as if everyday is
the last. Life is wonderful so we should take care of it but if we need to sacrifice for
others then we need to be selfless as Tulo did in the story to give the people a living

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