I. Use Your Literature Book in Order To Answer The Following Questions

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English II – Conflict

I. Use your literature book in order to answer the following questions:

1. Define conflict.

2. Compare and contrast the different types of conflict found in literature.

II. Read “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker (or re-read it if it’s been a while!).
Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. What conflict exists between the sisters even before Dee arrives? How do you
know what the conflict is?

2. On pg 73, 2nd paragraph, left column, (Don’t get up…) what is the significance of
the House? Why does Dee make sure and get the house in every picture? What
does it say about her personality/character?

3. What differences do you notice about Dee and Maggie as they talk about the

4. What do you think Mama hopes to accomplish by giving the quilts to Maggie?

5. Do you think Dee appreciates her heritage in the same way/at the same level as
Maggie and Mama? Why/Why not?

6. List all the conflicts found in this story. Are they internal or external? How do
you know? Explain.

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