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 OakMeds

十二/八/二一 九:二六 八十二/P 十二

M y name is Caitlyn Oak and I am

a sophomore at an
international school in Seoul, Korea.
formal doctor at a little bit bigger
hospital, where I can actually take
action of what I had learned over the
I am involved in different past years. By that time, my ultimate
extracurricular activities such as goal would be to have my own
speech/debate and basketball. I hospital either in America or the
enjoy being at school and learning to streets of Korea that are very well-
prepare myself for my future in known for their cosmetic hospitals.
college and also as a career woman.
Like many other students my age, I Settling In…
have a dream. My dream is to After I have settled into my new job,
become a successful plastic surgeon, I will be fulfilling my mission
who can give beauty and confidence statement and living to make others
to those who want it. happy through my career and skills.
I would be able to provide beauty
After Highschool Graduation… and confidence to everyone who
My journey of finding the right obviously deserves it. I would be
school to go has already started. My using the skills that I have to help
college goal is not an Ivy League, but others and also provide for a family
rather a school where I can build of my own.
experiences and knowledge that will
help me later on when I need to live
on my own. I will try to go to a
school that has a strong medical field
and also a good environment to
learn. My goal is to be able to attend
medical school after my first two
years at college.

Finding a Job…
After full education from college, and
even during, I would like to explore a
few internships. Of course, since I
would have studied medical, I would
be interested in the internships at a
hospital or any type of health
department. The first job I would
like to have is working at a local 18 Scholarship to a good college
cosmetic surgery hospital and build 21 Medical School
experiences through assisting the 23 Residency
main doctor there. 27 Working at hospital
30 Become official plastic surgeon
My Own Position in Society 35 Well-Known plastic surgeon
After building experiences at a local 38 Own a prestigious cosmetic
hospital, I want to attain a job as a hospital

Qualities to be successful

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