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-Rajendra Ahuja
Roll No. 111
Ahuja Synfab Pvt. Ltd.
 ASPL was established in 1992 with handloom
textile business.
 In 1997 the company upgrade the machinery
into power looms.
 In 2004 diversified into Embroidery Fabrics.
 Presently 3 members involved in the business.
 Current turnover of the Group into 50 cr.
Organization Strategy
 The company is moving for downsizing(as
planned of 2009) i.e. yarn dying process which
is already into the process and will be in action
by mid 2011.
 The company has planned to upgrade the
process from grey to finish product.
 Upgrade into ERP process
 As all the process is being managed by my one
person only we think of fitting the process into
a proper structure.
Growth Plan

 Existing (2010):- 50 cr.

 Planned (2011):-70cr
Manpower Planning
Existing Planned Required
(2010) (2011) Addition
Increase %

Managers 20 30 50%

Supervisors 50 85 70%

Accounts 10 15 50%

Labour 1000 1400 40%

Total 1080 1530 Approx

Any Other Factor
 Competitors
 From paper work into IT
 Many of the labour are on contract basis so we
consider as about 10% to leave the org in
 To moving from an grey mfg to and finished
fabrics the company need to outsource and
even need about 10(manager) person to
managed the whole think.
 Followed by and addition efforts of 450 labours
and 35 supervisors the company can grow upto
1.8cr/ month
Thank You
-Rajendra Ahuja(111)

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