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OHAP. XI. 28-XIII. 25.

P1·inlecl on tile occasion of the E'ightl. Inte~'rwtional Conqreee of Orientalists held at Stockholm omd Oh1'ist'i(mi(~, Sept. 1889.


([nmbribllC: DEIGH'fON. nnr.t, AND co. 'IL"p~i!l: F.,~. UROCKHAUS,



CHAP, XI. 2B-XIII. 25,







[All Rioht. n<uvefl.]

([nmbtib"gc :



In Chap. XII. 26, for ~:tm read ~~m.

Page 8, line 6, for 'Diatesseron' read < Diatessaron '.

" 25,


8, for 'and TOWVTO<;' read 'and TOcr01J'TO,'.




To face the .Title


Collation of ~fSS. with White's edition of the Epistle Extract from a Massoretic MS. of the Brit. Museum Notes

KfcJ>6AaUl of Euthalius

I;Iarlpean version of Hebr. xi. 2B-xiii. 25 Subscription


'Y1ro8£(Tt~ of Euthalius (Syr.) KfljlaAOUl of Euthalius (Syr.) Lessons .

Notice on the history of the M~

In chap. xii, 13 for ~ .A division should be marks


IN editing the latter portion of the Harklean or so-called

Philoxen ian version a Prof. White had tA ... 1 , -t ••

Ridley MS. (No. 333, Library of New CVU'::;5"" VAW1Uj, Wl.lU';U breaks off at the end of verse 27 of the eleventh chap. of the Epistle to the Hebrews. In spite of the large additions which have since been made to the stock of Syriac MSS. in European Libraries, this MS. remained the only authority (if we except certain Lectionaries not yet accurately examined) for the Epistles of StPaul (including the Epistle to the Hebrews)", In 1876, however, the University Library of Oambridge purchased at the sale of the books of the . late Jules Mohl a complete copy of the Harklean version c, from which I now publish the concluding chapters of the Epistle to the Hebrews. This MS., now classed as Add. 1700, is in oriental binding of red leather and consists of 216 parchment leaves, 9t inches by 6!, with two columns of 37 to 40 lines on each page. The text is clearly written but without vowels, asterisks, obeli or marginal readings. At the beginning of the volume there are three tables of lessons, one for each of the three Classes under which the books are grouped, VIZ. :

a Actuum Apostolornm at Epistolarum tam Catholicsrum quam Paulinarum versio Syriaca Philoxenisna ex Codice MS. Ridleiano in Bibl, CoIl. Nov. Oxon, reposito nunc primnm edita cum interpretations at annotationibuB Josephi White, S.T.P. Ling. Arab. apud Oaonienses Prof. Tom. I. Actus Apost. et Epist. Oath. Oxonii 1799, Tom. II. Epist. Paul. Oxonii 1803.

b The eDstence of MSS. where the 1;[fl. version of the Gospels is followed by the Pesh. of the other books (a.e in MS. 334, New CoIl. Oxford, and Add. 17,124 Brit. Mus.) seems to indicate that there was, even in early times, a difficnlty in procuring copies of the Hkl. version of the latter portion of the N. T.

• No. 1796, Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Orienta.le de feu M. J. Mohl, Paris, 1876.



1. The Gospels with the customary subscription, gIVing the date of their translation in the days of Philoxenus, A.D. 508, and of their recension based on three MSS. (as in the case of the Cod. Angelicus. Vat. 271 and 272, and Add. MS. 1903, Univ. Libr. Cambro a) by Thomas of Harkel at the Enaton of Alexandria A.D. 616. This division concludes with a Diatesseron of the Passion of our Lord b.

II. The Acts of the Apostles with the seven Oatb. Epistles and a subscription similar to that printed by White. Then follows the unique copy of a Syriac translation of the two epistles of Clement of Rome, which was probably made in the

school of Jacob of Edessa. .

III. The Epistles of St Paul (ending with the Epistle to the Hebrews). Then follow, as here printed: (1) a subscription referring to an autograph of Pamphilus as the original textual authority for this division, and to two Gk. MSS. as the basis of the present revision; (2) the Colophon which states that the MS. was completed A. Gr. 1481 [A.D.1l70J in the little convent of Mar Saliba on the holy mountain of Edessa at the expense of Rabban Basil called Bar Michael of Edessa, so that he might have it for study and spiritual meditation and profit both of soul and body. The name of the scribe is Sahda of Edessa.

a A copy made by H. Petermann from a MS. dnted A. Gr. 1521 (A.D. 1210), who states in his' Reisen im Orient' (1860), vol. I. p. 127, tho.t the Matran of the Jacobites in union with the Church of Rome at Damascus lent him this MS. to make a copy, not being allowed to sell it, because a similar MS., about a century earlier, described (in vol, II. p. 12) as containing the New Test. in the J?J,r1. version, had disappeared during the persecution of the Christians at Aleppo, in 1850, having been either burnt or sold to an Englishman. If we consider the great mrity of J'tISS. of the J?1~1. version containing more than the four Gospels, it seems not improbable that this Aleppo MS. is identical with that which Iorms the basis of the present publication. This presumption is strengthened by comparing the dates of the two MSS. A.D. 1170 [IUd A.D. 1210. How Professor Mohl became possessed of our MS. is not known, but 0. auggestiou has been made that it was presented to him by a traveller.

b Beginning thus: 'Eut when it was evening ( xxvi. 20) he sat down and the twelve Apostles with him (Luke xxii. 14), and as they were eating' etc. (Matt. xxvi, 21). It differa from that contained ill Add. MS. H103, Univ, Libr. Cnuibr., which begins with' Now the feast of unlcuvened bread drew nigh' etc. (Luke xxii, 1-7).


It is interesting to record here an incident ill the history of this MS. about a century after it was written: On fol, 11. r. there is a notice, partially obliterated, the substance of which is repeated on fol. 1. r., to the effect that this .M.S. after the capture of Cilicia by the Tatars (or Huns) came to Sebaste or Sebastia (Siwsa), the city of therYlartyrsa, where it was redeemed and set at liberty like a slave by Rabban Daniel bar Hannun who presented it to the Church of Mar Theodorus in that city A. Gr. 1595 (A.D. 1284)&.

To give a certain. completeness to my work I have printed the 'T7i08e(T£<; and the Keq){lAa6a of Euthalius in Greek and Syriac together with the lessons as rubricated in the text.

I have also collated the Epistle as edited by White with the two existing MSS., and chap. viii. 3 to ix. 10 with a Lectionary in the Brit. Museum.

To this I have appended an extract from a Massoretic MS. of the Brit. Museum bearing on the ~~l. of this Epistle.

The main object of my notes is to determine as accurately as possible the readings attested by this version.

a A view of the interior of the monastery of the 40 martyrs at Siwiis is given in Traoele and Researches in Asia ,'1Iinor etc., by W. F. Ainsworth, voL II. p, 1.

See also; llIissionary Researches ill .d.rmcll'ia, by Eli Smith and H. G. O.

Dwight, p. 45.-Notes from Nineveh, by J. P. Fletcher, vol. r. p. lOB.-The Nestorians and their rituals, by G. P. Badger, VO!'I. p. 29.-.Asia 1l!illor, by H. J. van Lennep, vol. II. p. 57.

& In a. later notice written over the foot of the obliterated col. (fol. 11. r.), Yul).annan called also Stephanos of Beth Severin a, bar Yeshua', bar Behnam claims to be possessor of this MS.





C=Add. MS. 1700, University Library, Cambridge .. 0= No. 333, Libra.ry of New College, Oxford.

L=Add. MS. 12,139, British Museum, London (for Cha.p. VITI. 3-IX. 10). Wh.= The text as edited by Jos. White.


+ r<' ".\y .l:lO~"'~:1 C.


3. ~:1 inserted above line O. 7. ~alo 0 Wh., ~C\ O.

9. ~:1~ 0 Wh., ~ O.


1. .k..r<;"~:1 c Wh., ~r<-i..~ O.-~cN .-=?t\~

o margo (given incorrectly by Who as ~&u).

2. r<cn~~"do 0 (7TapaKo4) ..

3. ;ichLr< 0 Wh., C\;i~~ O.

4. r<~~:1ch....::.o a, r<~~:1~O (~ added above line) O.

5. r<~~~ 0, r<~~~ O. 7. r<~~o 0, r<~..<C\ 0 (cf. ver, 9).

9. ~mlr<:'I 0, :t inserted later III O.



10. m~rC'_::)a 0, m:\.I.:JO a.

13. r:,'Jr< r<'m 0, ~r< f'C"CT.I c. 15. .:~:t 0, : t"r<'-a.~:t C.


4..< 0, f'C"...Llr< a (us Pesh.).

8. .::I ~ t<..l~:t, A blank space at end of line is 80 fillet!

IIp in O.

10. .J....:t 0 Wh., om. O.

15. f'C"~~ 0 cf. ver. 8, f'C"~C\..:Jl O.

16. . .. ~ ~ ~rc" a (Ttv~> 'Yap ... ), !W!I.:t ~ ~r( (\rC' written above the Lst word) 0.--..2.....:~ r<.lt< C O.


2. t<.l~ 0 o.

3. m~'~ C.

7. ~a... before ~a~ 0, om. C.

14. ~ ~~ i:u..:t C, rC'~ ~rC' O.


4. cn..l ocr C ws., oCf.l O.

5. ~rC' deleted before rc' a# oX ":130 0.-"'-t:J.:. (r< prefixed pro m.) 0, \~~ C.

8. rC';::, ack.r< 0, ... CI?O~rC' rC',~ with signs of transposition O.

11. ~:t margo NWOPOI 0 (not Nw4)01 as Wh.).

12. .:. _ (1,0.\ .~~:t 0 ma1'g. (not ~~~:'I as Wll.).c<....:o.~ 0, ~ .. ;;. '\1» O.

14. ~:'IC.

OF 1I1S5.



2. ~:'I(\ C Wh., ~(\ O. 4. ~(\;:t 0, ~(\~ O.

7. 1<'c\,~:'1 C.

8.'I C O.

11. ~rt'..a~ 0, ~.< .... ~ c.

13. ::a;'l..!::O 1<'1" C, ::a~ f<'..l:'l 0 (the :t seems to have been originally e}.

16. f<'~a..!:::1l O.

, .

19. f<';C\..D.lf<'C,Add. MSS. 7183, 12,178,*Bal' flebl'., t f<'~f<'


O.-~:'I 0, Add. MS. 12,178, Bar Hebr., ...:'T 0:,,'= 0.f<';~(\ 0, f<';~ C.


3. t<..::::r.I r;:! t:d:'l ~ r'!f r:d:'l 0 (0:1rIJ:rwp, o.p.~rwp). 12. ...:'..AU f<' C.

H. ..aCe r<~i.L C, ro(~;.x. 0 Who

17. ° on margin, late hand, (sic) P1f.. ~~~~.

20. ~:t Wh., ~ al:'l 0 C (au xwp{,).-.f<'~a..!:::1l

.'~f<' ro(~~ ~ ~ ~ ~a, C.

22. ...:'.J:1..~:'I C.

26 .• ~~ ~ .~ ~ 0 (a.KaKo<;,o.p.tavro,).

27. ~ro( O.-.:Ii.a 0 margin.

28. ~ C, am. 0, [:;a~ ] Who incorrectly.

'* See below, p. 17.

t Gregorii Abulfuragii Bar Ebhraya in Epistulas Paulinas Annotationes Syriace edidit Mnximilianus Loehr. Gottingre, 1889.




1. ~~C.

3. ~,~o C (Ilwpri. TE), rI!.1::::»'~ 0 L.

4. !J.,::3 C OL, ~ Wh.-r<oCYJ ~~ (signa transp.) L.

5. ~~~L.

6. ~c\,""'--:t:t 0 L, r<:...c.a~:t:t C.-~~ C L, r<;"~

O.-~:tO~:t 0 L, ~:t~:t C. 7. ol~ C 0, ol~o L.

s. .<...c....\u:t (bis) C, .a.D..a~:t (1") ....\,~ .... :t (2°) L.

9. -£'~:'I ~:\-a~ 0 L, -Q_~:i...o~ C, ~~~ ~~:t Wh.-~ch..~ 0, • .a..a....~:1-=l L.

10. ..a,. ~ch..:t C, .,aa,. .a.D..a~~~ 0 L. 1.r<'~r<;1 C L-~~ L.

11. ~~ L.-~:to L.


1. .• ~~m c O' L (TO TE was read as TOTE).

3. ~;c\, C L, ~;c\, ~;c\, 0.-

!"'I!.s..;1Q.a:t ~:tC\D C 0, on margin : OI~1P t!i1P O.

4. t'I'1-=:I COL, cO._:, Wh.-r<'~~ r<.Da C L.~c\,~:t;1 0 L, r<''I:'I C.-

~a..1:::J'l~ 0 L, Add. MSS. 7183, 12,178, ~~

Ct CTb.MNOC on margin 0 L.- .

J:Wl~a C 0, ~~~o L.~~:t:t C, ..a..a....~~:t:'l 0 L.

5. ~::ia:'l 0 L, rt' \'='l a.-om. 1:... L.r<'..:L.m .\ur< a L, ~r< O.

10. Om . .h. L.

12. .' r<.!i..:'1~ 0, .' ~:tC\.Q C.


13. ~~ 0, ~:'I ~:t 0.

15. r<'~~:U C.-~~=:t C.

16. ~r< .. ...a...CI..a~~:'I:t 0, ~r< '. ~c\,~:t:t 0.~:tCO.

17. rc'~;U:.= ... CD r<~ ..L... ~ t<.c..a~:'I C, om. 0.".o~ ~ ~ ~o 0, ):Io~ rod .,d ... O, ".o~ rod[:'! ~J Wh.-.~:1 0, .tr>;,..aA:1 0.

19. ~; C, d. Add. JllISS. 7183, 12,178, apparently ~;


altered to ..t!'r<; 0.

20. rC..n..~~:1 C.-~:'I C 0.

22. ~:1.k..::o (..aom deleted) 0.

23. ~r< O.-~:'I ~C!' C O.

24. m...S!.0..s~ C, t<....9.~~ 0.

26. ~u 0, ~, C.-m~'c\, 0.~\ r<:..u 0, r<:1.aa O.

28. f<'~ C 0, i<~~ Who

CHAPTER X. 1. ~~:'I C, ~~ O.

6. ~ O.-r<~ ~:'I(\ 0, r<r:rJ.r< ~:'I(\ O. 9. ':u:s om..1 C 0.

12. ..r<~.!!!S..» .:iis? 0 (with points marking the order of the words as they stand in 0).

14. ~ C, :1.aa:'l O.

16. 1'!!.A.a ch.:t C.-

-, ~~C\l 0, "_~~ol C.~~OO.

19. km C, om. O.

22. t"~'~; 0, ~; O.



23. ~f<'(\ C.

25. ~~ 0, '.t,·Mo.. ":r.I O. 27. ~:t 0, ~(\ 0.

29. r<..s:u.~:t:t C.

34. ~1.D margin '/rpa~tv 0 (a mistake for lJ7rap~tv). See margin, Acts ii.45.-

f<' a..a.....::73:t (\ 0, f<' a..i;a..!:I:I a O.

35. .<l 0, f'I!la C. 37. Om. lJ.a 0.


6. .. ee 0.
7. :t~ OWh., om. O.
8. :t.aclu...:t ..m 0, om. O.
9. ~ CO.
10. ...CTl:t 0, ... CTl O. ~~:t am Who incorrectly,

11. ETEKEV } r<am ~ l

.:. ln~ EUTI)KY (sic) J 0 margin (thc latter omitted

by Wh.).

13. (~mU.) ~m C, ~~ written below tho line O.

15. acOl 00 (a evanescent in 0), cal Who

16. ~ 0, ~ ~ 0.-

.\"C'~u~ ~m.l ~ ~ .t<'i-a~ C, .:. f<'~~ ~..:s.~ .. t<'oj,oclu O.

20. 'O~ 0 margin.

T ..

te:1:» ~)01 «1' 24. t<'am "'=-'; ~ C, t<'aCf,l ~; ~, margin MEr A C

\i.. iI

~l'\') tt::tDro-


25. t<'~:t 0, ~:t O.

26. ~ 0, oiu, C.



rc"cka~C\ rc"~'l< ~al:1 ~C.i:I rc"~~:1

Philem. 2 Hebt·. ii. 9

~CD:1 ~o __ ~ f"6, ~ ~c.U:t ~ ~ ~'!:13~..lCl

c 0

vi. 19

=: ~ ~a:Clcka-<:t ~:t r<;ru:ur<


vii. 23

~ "0" ~\~ '-. __

. ~c:uc:::r.u Clom ~ cn..:::::I'J


ix. 4


. .

~:t ~CD


ix. 19

xi. 37

~. ~ \ _ _:, ." ~

"-!Io. ~cn"", . '\..!:iO ~ :\:.

o 0

~ .~~CI~


* From Brit. :Mus. Add. 1IIS. 12,178, fo1. 216, Y. col. 1.

AcId. 1I1S. 7183, fol. 101, v. col, 2, contains 8 of these passages in an abridged form (all exc. ii. 9 and vii. 23). The variants

o "71 '9'0"" v P

are xi. 37 C\.!!I.~~rc", xii. 21 ~mb:t, xiii, 19 .l..~:t;

o .... - r' 0 0

The Commentary of Bar Hebrteus contains ii, 9 (beginning with

~rc", as quoted also in the Com. of Bar ~alibi Bod. Or. 560), vi. 19, xi. 37, xii. 8 (omitting ~~rc") and xii. 21 (with the Ethpa, form as in Add. MS. 7183).




xii, 8

xii, 21

••• Ii:

xin, D

xiii, 19


..... l: , V

~CQ r<ir<


. t<..a.b re:l (\

. ~char<

- 0

(\~r< ~:t ~1!

~ o? I" v

.~~~:t ~ Om

o 0

nO'" D JI

.t<2~ ;a..i.t; 1"'C!.l,

~Ai~4:' ~r<

." 0 0

r<~~ . __ ~ r(' ~ '11 c\u.:.. or<-




Tischendorf has' syrP ep. Pauli ad Hebr.' This ascription of the authorship to St Paul is merely taken from the Latin title in White's edition. It is not found in White's Syr. title, which is correctly printed from Cod. 0, but it now appears in Ood. O.


3. rpepwv TeJ ~!1 r<'~. Examples of ~:t for -re (where 8~ is not recorded as a variant) are rare. Of. Acts ix. 29; xv, 4; xxi. 30: r<'~ margo -'I2.l~-= ~;..:,~ O. Of. margo 8WtKwV, KV{3EpvwV, olKollofLwv. Euth. val'. lect. ed. Zaeag.

8t' £o.VTOV (o.VTOli)] ml.a!1 ~. Of. Nold., Syr. Gram. p. 158.

It is the usual form in the Hkl, In 2 001'. i. 19 we have :..a.= .s:Dc.u r<' ~:to m!....:1.

14. In the F.llf.l. UWT1lP{o. = .<.1D;c.\SI. (exe. J ude 3), UWT~P = ~oi2:a,. always.


1. 8Et == ..Q:t\ always in ~IP. except Mat. xxvi, 35 and the parallel passage, Mark xiv. 31. Of. margo in Luke xxiv. 7. The equivalents in the Pesh. are generally r<'.~o and ~~ but in this epistle .::u.u.

TOt~ aKouul1EtUW] ~~r<':1 ~=, not, as White, 'ad en. quae audita Bunt' but' to those who have been heard'. . ':'O;U 4~ 0 margo Of. Clrrys. 'M7j-7I'OH, rp1lui, 7rapappVw",ElI,' TOVTEU'I't, fL~7TOTE a7ToAWj-LEI1a., j-L0 €K7I'EUWfLEV.



2. Cod, 0 gives here and in Chap. vn. 3. 26 (of. the various readings) instances of the accent called ~~~ (from VCP~I), aecording to its COlTBCt etymology) 01' ~;a..c\ (from a fancied derivation of V¢EV from V¢o.{IIW). See Phillips, A letter by Mar Jacob, Bishop of Edessa, &0.) pp. 25, 55, 82, 83, 92. Bacthgen, 8y1'. Gram. des Mal' Elias von Tirhall, p. 53. Duval, Gram. 8.y1'. p. 158.

3. oern, = ';'1 ~r< oCo generally in I:D~I.; sometimes we find the curiously Iiteral translation ';'I .lLlr<' oro, c.g. Mat. xxi, 33; Mm·k viii. 34; Luke xiv. 27, xxiii, io , .Jac. ii. 10.

V71'O ,-OU K. V7T() TWV, I:(]~I., cf. Pesh. In the Syr. of the 'Y71'Oe£erL~ V1TO TOU K. SLa TU;V.

o;;c\u-..r< 0 and Syr. of the 'Y71'OO£UL<;. The erroneous pl. is probably a reminiscence of the Pesh., where there is a pl. subject.

4. 7rDLK[AOS = t<.~c\,.~ I:Il;:I. always;:, ~L!:7J Posh. (exc. 1 Pet. iv. 10).

8. 'Td lI'avro.: syr"lr. ante Vll'OTuto.t pon.' Tisch. This is incorrect with regard to the I:IJp. which observes the usual order.

10. "O~;'I--;-. The addition of this expression shows that the translator referred &' 01) to Christ.


6. We roily safely assign the reading iallll'€p (not €a.v) to the J:I1;d., although Tisch. and 'I'reg. have not ventured to do so. For ';'I cee ~ is never used in this version for the simple U~, whereas it stands for U.V71'€P in Hobr. vi. 3 and for £t71'£P in ROUl. viii. 9, 17; 1 001'. xv. 15; 2 Thess. i. 6; I Pet. ii. 3.

14. 1'EYOVUI'-EV ,-OU Xp!UTOV, I:Il~1.

16. C supplies the correct reading ;J!I. (hut Hot the misstug negative). In consequence of this emendation rLr<' = TiVES (not 'TLV(C; as Who and Tisch.).


2. White's rendering of the I;I1~1. 'cum non admisti esseut fidei qui audierant ' adopted by Tisch. if! erroneous. The 8Y1'i:1c is a ~iteral translation of 1'-0 UVYK£Kpo.l'-lvo1J<; TV 71'tU"T£t TOt<; aK01J(To.uW.

3. m~,~ with pl. points = K('Taf30A~/' here and chap. ix. 26; Mat. xiii. 35; Luke xi. 50; John xvii, 211, in COlI. O. Oomp.

THE J;II~L. VERSION. also White's ed, Mat. xxv. 34 j John xvii, 24; Eph, i. 4. It is always marked as pl. in the Pesh. N. T. ed. Lee, also in the edition of Unn. 18,1,6 and ofN. York, 1886.

11. '.::1 cC:::I ~ en:,. Similar! y .l is repeated in this con-

st.ruction, but in the case of ~, it is ;, which is prefixed to the noun ill the 1;Il~l. (cf. Rom. ix, 21 j Jae, iii. 10, 11).

ar.LuT[a<;, Vulg. J;fJP. (text), (omitted by Tisch. and Treg.).

12. p.v",\wv + KaL oCTTiwv, Pesh.Tlkl, (omitted by Tisch. and Treg.).

'- --;-

13. ~cy:)~:Ul O. The obelus seems out of place here and


should probably be transferred to the preceding ... m.


2. p.ETpW7raBetv = -<~ ~~. White's proposal to emend -<~ must be rejected. The language is evidently derived from the paraphrase in the Pesh ... cnx2.l ~:1.

3. 'U7T€P ap.apnwlI .•• [Syr. Hcl.]' Treg. There can however be but little doubt, especially in view of the rendering of U7TfP afL. in ver, 1, that I<'~ ~ = 7TEpl afL. For in the 1;14:1. U7rfP with gen. = ~ always, and 7TEpl with gen. = ~ with but few exceptions, as John xii, 6 and 1 Pet. v. 7 (in which places the translation is varied because ~ precedes), Mark i. 44 j Luke v, 14- j 1 John iv, 10.

4. dUO. KaAOV fL€VOS, J;!.4:J.


2. (3a7TTLO-p.wv 'T€ StSams, Hkl.

6. "ch:\~ .. .::1 Och:1] Instances of this mixed construction are found in Olem. Epist. II. 17, ~.,:::I3:'1 _~m.~ .9.-<:1 I<'~ chcJ. ~, Oeriani, Mon. sacra et prof, II. 1, pp. 12, xvi., Nold., Syr. Gr. p. 198.

7. If the points are correct, our translator has taken EvA0'Y{a~ for ace. pl. instead of gen. sing. Similarly in 2 Pet. Ii. 14 ap.apT{a') has been taken 1'01' LL pl. in Loth versions.

9. dOEA¢Ol = ~r<. The prononn is often suffixed to vocatives in Syriac when it does not occur in the original. This fact has not



been sufficiently recognised by Editors. Dr Lee, for iustance, htU! •

frequently in such eases printed ~t< for ~t< (cf. Acts i. 16,


ii. 29,37, vii. 2, xiii, 15, 26, etc.).

14. The fact that White render'S _~ ~r< hy eerie is not sufficient reason for claiming the support of the Hkl, for the reading ~ p.-q)l, as against Ei p.-q)l or £1 p.~. We have the same phrase in the Syr. Hex. for el p.~)1 (with variants) iu Ezech. xxxiii, 27, and for ~ p.-q)l (with variants) in N 11m. xiv. 35 and Job i. II.

16. 'Syru1r• avnAoy, allT.' Tisch. We cannot, however, always determine the order in cases where b is involved, cf. Tit. iii. 2,



II, T{, lu xpda J Tl, [ + lu margin] ~II xr- I~[]~l. No Greek authority is recorded for ~v, cf. chap. ix, 2, 9 and Luke xxiv. 17.

The verb lurl is regularly translated in the I:[)~L by ~r<, its tenses being ekecl out by r<OC'll, ~ytV£TO. E.g. EUTl = .... C1"lack..r<, ~v = '<O<T.I ... tT.lock....<, fi = ... C1"la~r< r<am..l. Both ;urat and YEJIljuETaL -= '<OCl'1l, and in the rendering of imperat. and info the two verbs also coincide.

17. Both Tisch. and Treg. add the I;1l~1. to the authorities for /LapTvplLTat. This passive form however is always represented by a pass. in the I_Ilp. TIle text implied is Jlaprupe'i * aVTtfl/ yap. For the asterisk we should probably substitute an obelus,

20. III this verse the negative must be restored to the fil'st clause, For Ka()' dUO)l, instead of ';, ~, we have cnl.:.. ~c:r.I, the common translation of 'TOO'OUTO. or /LEV Y: X. O{JKOIJlOO'tU<;, omitted by homoeot. in 0, is now found in O. J!ltO'lv is detached from YEYOIlO'TES (as in vel'. 23) and here translated as though i~ were ~CTav. This last change however is probably not due to a various rending but to the fact that, when Jewish ceremonial is spoken of us still going on, our translator is accustomed to throw it back iuto the past. Of. chap. ix. 6, 7, 13, 25, xiii. 11.

22. Kat not exprossed in 1]1~1.

26. "E1Tpmev '= ,<oq) r<'~. In tho :r:[J~1. 1"<'~ is ulwaya

used in tmnslatillg 1TP~1TE!, us r<'~ is, wibh tho exception of this verse, in the Posh.




3. 8wpd. T( ~~l. (0).


1. In the phrase '~ ~Ocr:l ~r< "" Erx~V, ~oCD A, .. !<, is 1l0L affected by the gender or number of its subject. Of. chap. x, 2, xii, 9; Mat. xix, 22; Mark iii. 10, iv. 5, xii.H, etc. (Mat. xxi. 21; is an exception in ed. Who but not in Ood. 0.)

, T6TE Arm.' Treg. j add J:I1!:1.

2. ~1P. Iiterally « lv il 1jv ~ A1JX'

4. m= ~~:1. The classical construction of the relative, it

variation of the more usual form, A".r<:1 o~ vel'. 2. In 1 001'. viii. 6 both forms occur. See T. Skat Rordam, Libri Judioum ot Ruth sec. vel's. Syr. Hex., p. 31.

9. I,rlj::l. prob, Ka{)' o3v referring to Katp6V (but the reference to UK'1vl7S is grammatically possible).

28. ~~ 0 O. This correction does away with the form ~~ (Wh.), a pl. which, according to grammarians, docs not exist.


1. ats C, om. O-a! ouo. 31l'vaVTat C O.

2. w£l [OUK] ~v wa1l'uavTo = a..».al~A,r< .. mo.n..t< ~ _r<o.

The difficulty of accounting for this translation maybe measured by the fact that Tisch. cites the 1;£15:1. for the omission, and 'l'l'eg. rOt· the insertion of the negative. The former seems to me correct, since .<l ~o is the regular equivalent for {1I'd = alioquin. There seems to be some corruption in the next word (possibly of It construction similar to that in Mat. xi. 23 ~Ils:I.).

7. d @€6, at the end of the verso I:lI~l. 12. olhos oe:-(V o.b~ J:I1s:1.

16. &&vOto.Jl according to both MSS. as in viii. 10.


11. ::?appa. + un'ipa o~uo. Hkl,

13. ~ may stand for either l(op.tUd.p.£VOt or 4{3&II7'£' Imt not for the third variant 1I'pOU3E~d.P.EVOt.



14. 1TaTplr; = t<";~.<' wihh It possoasivo prononn ; ill one pas. sage (Mark vi. 1) I1n etymological translntion iH attempted, I'C';A,,,, ... CD oro.= t<" ~ .

US. ~JivYJfL6vEliOV I:[]~l.

19. '£he I:ll~I. has SuvaTat (.<'_s":1l), not 8111'U.T(» (t<"-1~~) -Kat before Ell 'Trap. is not expressed.

20. TrUT. 'TrEpl TWV /.lEA. ];1]51.

26. The authority of the J:I1~1. should be transferred frcm TIDV Alyu1TTov (Tisch. Treg.) to 'TW" J" AI.YI;7r'T.[l.

29. Bd{3YJuav + oi vtol >I(1ptl~A ( xi.v. 22, 20)-&0. ~YJpa~ yi7S-KaTE1ToBYJuav In:l.

31. ~ l1TtAEYOJiI:v'tJ mJPvrJ I;[J~t., and so our MS. in the Epist, of Clem. Rom. § XII. supported by the Constanbinoplc MS.

Elp~VYJ = ~ al ways in Hkl.; "" ~ generally in Peah, (but translated ~ in Pesh. of Mat. x. 3{; Luc. xi. 21, xii, 51; Acta xii. 20, xxiv. 3; Eph. ii. 14, 15; Jac. iii. 18; cf. Acts vii. 26 i 001. i. 20). ~ is also the rendering in the four disputed Oath. Epistles now printed with the Peeh., and in the Fragments of Isaiah published by Oeriani from Add. MS. 17,106, Brit. Mus., and assigned by him to the Philox, version (Mon. ~IWrl1. at prof, v. 1).

32. Kat Tl] Kat is not expressed in I~l~l. nor in Pesh.-yap fL€BapaK T€ (or Ka~ Bap.) Kat ~rlJ.t. K(~l 'I Hp. .:lll. TE J:I I~ 1.

T(;;V d:AAwv 1TpOrpTJ'TWII = ~:'1 ~!).:t.L J,IIFl. and SO tho Pesh, (cf. 1 001'. xiv. 29, Pesh.), But elsewhere in the I:I1~l. o[ArJl7rot and not 01 dAAot (~'.ur< ~~) ia \·l'.mh.IIT!ll hy ';'I ~i.L 01' ~C'D ~u.~ (~cD).

34. CTT(lJio.m].-<..::T.IC\2i, is without 1;110 pl. points both in the I;I~l. and Pesh., cf. nciern Vulg.

35. )'VvaLKE~ J:IlFl.

(TlIJ.t1Tav{(T{jTJuav] Translated 1>y a.\~~r<. Of. TUJi1TILPr'ETUl, lI'A~rr· UE'Tal, £.K8i.PETUI, l(TXvpw~ rull'TETCU, Hcsychiua ; TllJ.t1l'CWt'£'TI1l, ~VA'(l 7rA~UUETal, b<O((J(Ttll, Kat K(J!~J.t(tT(U, 8uidnfl. Thoso extracts tlrrow Rome light 011 tho l;Il~l. rendering,

37. l1TEl(lrfCTOYJUflV, f:1t(){{rO~)CTClII I:J]~1.

:38. I'C'O(T.I r<C\.i.;'I (0011.), tlwHI! WClI'IIH Hllnnlll 100 tranaposed.v-



probably ~v ~pWd(u~ 1;Il:c1. (' ~ being repeated before each of the following nouns, as in the Pesh.},

39. ~CT.U (Cod.), we must read ~CT.IO as in the Pesh.-nlv bra yy€ll.tav I;l~l.

40. wEpl '1!'-wv Kp,'iTrov TL I;[4:1.


1. TOUOU'TOV. r<':'Im ~:'I. It would have been a convenient practice to translate TOWVTOS by I'<'..lm \1"(':'1 and TOWVTOS by cnl~ ~m, but there are several other instances of the correspondence which is found here (e.g. Mat. viii, 10, xv, 33; joh. vi. 9, xii, 37; Acts v. 8 j and also Apoe. xviii. 17).-Tp~"'!,-EV I;Il:cI.

2. UTal/po> = ~...s J;[~l. always; = ~\ Pesh, generally; but in this passage, in Mark x, 21 and Luke xiv, 27 the Pesh. has


3. Eis awoll, (or eaUT( II) J:[1~L

7. EL., 'lTalotav :Ur.oj-tlllerE (imperat.). T{S yap lO'TtV J;Ifl.


8. v600!= ~m, Arab.~. So Dm-ius Nothus e ,LC\..a;:'I


~m, cf. Payne Smith, Thes. Syr. va (lo! €O'H Kat DUX 1)10 i I;Ifl.

9. o€ not added J;IIFI.

11. warm oE I;Ilj.1.

wpos j-t£v TO wapav. Translated freely by J;Ifl. as if it were wpo>

Jlf.V TOJ.' KaLpov TOV wapol'm. 15. ilL' av~s 11~1.

18. op EL I/r'1AacpoJldl"lJ.

Kal y-,01>'l! Ka1 UKOT'l!l or ~6cp'l,) I:Ilfl. (The Pesh, seems to have the order of the LXX. in Ex .. x. 22; Deut. iv, 11, v, 22 (hebr. 19), Kat 17K. Kat I'll.).

(lvEny/ is rendered in l;[fl. by ~, which has the sense of the original word S~jl' Deut, v. 19, (in the Pesh. by 1<';0;:"', as in Bar-Hebr., eel. Urm, and N. York, not I<'ia.:a..;:'" as Lee and earlier Editors).




No'rES ON THE 1;1l~[,. VEIlSION.

20. JLyyaVELV is here rendered by .~~ (~ho constant rendering of a:/r't£rrOaL except in Murk iii. 10) anll'not; by .LC\...~ as in the two other instances of its oCCnrl'Cllco.-).."Oo!3. without nddition I:I1~1.

21. Mw(nJ~ yap 1:11.d.

22. KalmJAEL ]:T.I~l.

23. 'lTUV'lyvpEL is oonstrned with 'btu.! pruceding WOl'Us.-a7royeyp.

EV ol!p. l:Il,d.

24. 7rapo. 'TO 'Toil "A{3. ];11 . .1. as in Posh.

25. 7rupat'l'. TOV bTL yfj, XrIYJJA.. l;[]~l.

28. EXop.Ev-AuTpev0JA.Ev-<li.i),JI;<; KIll El!All/1{{(l<; ]J.I~1.


4. Our translator Ims nndorstorxl EV 7n1.(rt.l' III a neuter sense. 7r6pvotJ~ 8€ I:ll~ I.

6, Kat OV c/>()f3 • .IHl.

9. 7Tapacp€(}ErrBE, V. 1. 7TEPI.CP· Hkl. ~~ .. ~c\"A,. There is [I similar variation and Hkl, rendering in Jude 12, where Treg. doubtfully assigns 7rapacp, to the I;I1~1., but 7T€f)(CP. is translated 118 here In the Hkl. of Eph. iv. 14. Cf. also 2 Cal'. iv. 10 and Mark vi. 55,

Ot 7rEpL7rary(J'aVT€~ T:Il~ 1. 10. itOl)(J'{al' ~'I1~1.

II. The verbs are rendered by pnat tcuses, as in Peeh. Soe note on chap. vii. 20.-70 aip.a 7TE(ll alt. I:n~l.

t<'m.\.u] It seems IH!CCSSi1l'Y to 111l1ko the word plural. Cf. chap. X. 6, 8, 12, 18, 26. t<'ro\»:= 11 spneial sill. See 1 J olin v. 16, 17 :tI~l. t<'ch~:= sin.

13. l~€PXil;,uOa l;[]~l.

15. s: avmu o~v I~[I~ l.

17. V1I'EP 'TWV tf. U. uk AfJy. {t7J'()8. ];[f~1.

18. 1I'E'lTote'~JA.EV ... lXIlp.w ill 7J'(!rTI.Jf, 1<111... l}.l,d.

20. Tr)a'oiJv Xp[O''TOII Hkl.

21. EV 'lTav'Tl. eprr:, dS-7TlltOlT! lv VJA.t.II (without ClvTrp)-omit TWV

alwllwv. :Hl~l.

22. o.v€xerrOe J;fJ~l.

23. ~p.';;v r;[)~ 1. 21). 'Ap.~v I,ll}!.

Subs, Finit« CRL EpisLula ur] :!:rolu'ilIos (111m scriptn os!. ox Itulin perTimothouin. .


'H oE 7rPO~ 'Ef3pa.{OV'; e.7rttTTOA~ OOK~;: P.EV aUK &Ut IIuVAOU oui TE Tall xapUKrYjpa, KaL TO p.v 7rpoypa¢€lv, ,,;, iv a.7ratTat, 'TaL, £7rttTTOAaIS, KaL 'TO AeyftV, r.w,, €K¢f1J;6;.(Ja T'1A[KaVT'I}~ ap.EA17tTaVTf, tTwn7P[a" 1iTt~ apxy;v Aaf30uaa AaAELaBat oui" TOV Kvp{ou, U7rO TWV aKot!aavTwv d, .ryp.os €f3ef3au:'(J't}, alJ1lfmp.apTt!polWTO' TaU @€OU tT'I}, TE, Kal Tepaal; TOU p.Ev oDv ~AAa.x(Jat 'TOV XapUK'Tqpa T-;), €7rttTTOA1], rpaVEpo. ~ alT!a' 7rPO> yap 'Ef3pa!ov~ TV tT¢WV OLaAEK'T<P ypa¢Elaa, vaTEpav p.E8ep/1.'t}I'WeqvaL AlYETat, w, P.EII TWE<; b inra Aot!Ka, w, of: Ot r.oAAoL c V1TO KA1/l.eV'TO" TOVTOU yapd Kat aw'n TelV xapaK'Trjpa. TOU OE p.i; 7rpoypdrpeLV TY;II €1TLaTOAY;VC, arTtOv '1 aKoAov(J{U' 'A1TI)<T'TOAO, yap i(Jvwv vrrqpXfv 0 IIai)Ao" dAA' ouxL 'Iovoa{wv, €1l"d 3€~Ul:' i%JlKf T«l II€TP<P, KaL TOt, 'A-rrouT6AOt~ KOl.Vwv{aS', iva aVTd~ }LEV rrvv Bapva/3Cf €l~ TO. ~fJJI'I], o] oe 7rEP~ TOV IIETpov fl, TY;v 7f£PlT0f1.1v· inno';; oE KOtVwv{a TO K1Puyp.a, Kat KaT't}Xl)eEIITf, V1l"rjpxov ot l~ 'Iot!oa{wv, .us d7rOtTTa(J'{all OlOU(J'KEl IIavAo" fiKOn» TOU yvwp{rjat xaplv TY;v lJuf1.cpwv{av, 'Ef3pa{o,<; i.1TUTTEAAfL· ypa.¢ovTa OE npO'i T01J'T01J" 1f'pOypa.¢HV 'A7roO'ToAov ou (JEP.t,. p.apTUpEtTa[ oE Kal €V TOL" E&i, ~ €1I"ltTTOAY; v.".apXo1J(J'a 11a11A01J, Tr{) )'pa<!mv, on Kat TOt, oeuf1.o1, f1.0t! (]'1)Vf1f'ae..j(J'aTf. Kat EK TOv A£)'ELV, 1f'EPlUUQTfPOV €{jXe<T(Jf, iva Ta.XWV o.1f'OKaTaaTo.(Jr,J vf1.I.JI. Kal! iK TOV A/yEw, YlYVW(J'KETE TOV aoe'Acpov -1fLwV TtPO(JEOV D.1T'OA!.AVpivOll, p..e(l ot;, €UV TaXLov epX')7TuL, 6>/10}-,o.[ OUOE~> yap ,'lv,, dnEAt!uEV etc; OtaKov{av TtP.OefOV, el p.~ IIavAo'i, Kat TOVTOV TaXwv 1I"pOrrOOKWV, T¥ llltav aUTOZc;, rJ, Hio. 1f'o>..Aaxov, mJ].< (tune napouu{o.v ~1I"ayy€AAfTo.t. 1ToA.>ta O~ Kat r1AAo. yvwp{toualV 1f1.LV aUTOV TUYXa"€lV TY;V l1f'tUTOAY;V, ~, Kat ~ o."ayvwa[, auTY; 1I"potovua OlOa~fl.

* Laur, Alex. Zacagnius, Collectanea Mouumeutorum Veterum Ecclesim Grrecre ac Latiura, Vol. I., p. G6!J.

Tit. om. IIauAov Syr .

• 1rfP' Toil K. c5td. 70;V ZIlC., il,c, TOU K. U1I"0 T';;II Mill (Nov. Test. Gl·.), MattlHlei

(D. Pauli Epist. ad Hebr, et Col.), "11"0 TOU K. ill'" TWV Byr. b + AI-rollO'Lv 8yr.

c o. AO'1I"0' Syr,

d TOU 'Yap Zae., TOUTOU 'Yap IIfill l\Iat. Syr. e + TO avolLa Mill Mat. cr. 8Y1·.

, om. xaj iK Tau Af'Y<LV ... €Jfa'Y'Y€Al\fT(lL Syt·.

®EoAoy{a XPUTTOl) Ell 06~TI Ilarpo<;, Kat ;'/;OVa-{',l 'TWV 1TaV'TWV, (J-E'TIi. T1js Ka80.paEw, 'TWV .11T1 yr,<;, aq; ~s aVf/3Yf d. nIlI E7!'OVpavtOlI ilo~all.

"On ou AEl'TOVpy!Kr/ ~ Ml;a Xp!(f'TUl), and O~i:K-ij, Kat 7!'OU)TtKr/, OLO O~K £1l"t 'T01) 71'apOJl'TOr; alW1/()~, (V cP OL A€LTOVP),Ot, d'A'A.' E1rL 'Tijs JL€AAOVq-t)<; OtKOVJL€lIry>.

"On irrapKW()ry KaTtt 8LdBw'w, Kilt rrvj-L7rd.8€tav, Kal olK€LoTrJTIl, nIV 1I'pO~ ~JL;;S, bTl. a-wrryp{r,L all()p"l1TWV, -rfi iK BallQ.rov, .hr' 'T~<;

\ ,., ~ I

TrpOS alJ'TOV OlK£LW(},£W,.

·On ou 1I'tCF'TW'TtoV XPUJ"TIf, ..;, Mwv(}'ji ETr{CFTwa-av' Ka8' U1I'EP' 0Xr/V il€ nIV ®wu TrPOS dll8pw1l'OIl.

'Ev ~ on cpO{Jf}'TEOV nov 7ra.>-'at -riJv ~K1I''TWrrw.

ITpO'TPwr/ rrll'OVSo.rraL ds 'T0v 1T-pOOry/"OVj-LEVryV Ka-ra1l'aVCFW.

To rpo{3ep-dv TrIS Kp{UEWS 1I'apd 'T41 >-'01''(>, 'T~ oui, 1Tavrwv, Kat Td XP'Y](],TOV Tijt:; XaptTOt; T~C; i.cpaTtKij~ 7ra-pa T~ op.Qr.07ra(}~(J"aJITL

~j-LIV a"Bpw1I'{vws.

VII. 'E7!'I'rt,ury(},L> w> ~T! Oeo/J-€votS €t(Ta1'wyi]<;.

(1) 'Ev ~ 1TPO'TP01l'r} E1, E1TtoOrTtV, W. OUK oua-'Y/' apxi]> oEv-rEpa,. (2) IIapaK>-'1)lTL, uVv ElI'a{v"j.

VIII. "On {3e{3ata ~ l1l'aYYEA{a 'Tal. ®mu, Kal 'mura uVv bpKf(J.

IX. ITepl Me>-'x!a-e8E:K, 'TOU £Is XpLt)"nlv n),ruv Karu. 'T(; ollop.a, Kat -n}v 1I'0>-'!V, Ka, rrJlI tWr/II, Kat 'T'Y1l! te(lwrnJlI'Y/rl•

'Ell ~ on Kal 'T01) 'A/3paaj-L 7rp0ETl.j-L¥hl.

"On 1I'aVE'Ti1! ~ 'T0l) • Aapwv kpwrrvv1), -1 E1I'1 y~<; ovo-a' iCF1'aTal aE: r} ovpallLO~ V XPUT'TOlJ, i~ hEpOlJ YEVIlU';, o{, KaT~ o-a.PKU, ouae

Ola vop-ou rrupK{I/OV_






(I) V.


(1) X.

'. L. A. Zo.cagniUB, Oolleetunea Mon. Vot., Vol. r., P- li71.. Tit. om. IIav;\ov KfJ' Syr.

III. E1!'! -nJ~] ~,ct r~~ Mill MI~t. Oramm' OI~tOUlt, SYL·. IV. am. 0'\ Mill Mltt_ Ornm. Syr.

VII. dO'a-yw-y~s] + cls IiLOUXU! Syr., 7ij! 0'70'XC'WDOI/, dO'a-ywY?I! Crnm. (1) €V 0] Kul 8y1'.

(2) Kal 7ra.I"tK. SYl'.

VIII. Kul roiJ-ro Syr.











2. 3.






'YTr€POX~ T~S OW·ripos OtaO'ljK"1S Trapd T~V 71'pOTEpUV ~V tAUO'fu(i, Kal UYLacriJ4.

lIEpl Toil afp.aTOS XptCTTOt!, fv <ii ~ VEa 8taO~K'i}, on roilTo aA'i}8f.> Ka8d.powv Eis 0.1£1, ou Ta iv ar.p.aO't ~wwv TOtS TrOAAaKt'> TrpoO'ayop.EIIOtS.

MapTvp{at 71'Ept rij. P.OV"1> Ka8a.pO'f;ws, Kat TrpoO'uywyij, 1TPO, ®EOV.

'Ev at, r.pOTP0ml rij<; ill TrLO''T€t 1TpOOOOV.

TIporp0m1 0'1TOV01» KaTd cpo{3ov r~s €Y')'t~ovO"l'/,; Kp{O'€W<;. TIEP' rot! KaA~v apx~v d, KaAov rEAo,> 1TpoO"ayayiiv. TIEpt 7r{UTEW,>, rij, Kat TaU, 71'aAatO,J<; 8o~aO'aO"i}'>.

TIEP' VTrOP.Ovijs ~v aKOAovO"O'Et Xpttrrot!.

lIEp' O"CtlcppoO'VV1']S €Ctl'> KaLpa, KaTOp8w(uws, p.~ a.1TOnJXWp,EV uUn]" ws 'Huat!, p,~ EVPWV T07rOV p.ETavo{a<;.

"On cpO{3EpWTEpa TWV £1T' MWVUEw> Til P.€AAOVTa, KaL1TA.etwo,> {{~to. O'1T01!OijS ret vilv.

TIEP' cptAaOEAcp{a<;, Kat CPtA.O~Ev{a<;.

1. 'Ev ~ rrEpL O'wCPpocnJv"1'>. II Ep 1 a UTopKE[as.

ITEpl P.LP.~U'EWS rrarpwv.

ITEP' TOt! p.r} uwp,aTLKW<; ~iiv Kanl. VOP.OV, a.AAa 7I'Vwp.a'TtKW<; Kara XptU'TOIl iv dpErfi.

EvX>7 1TPO'> ®EOV 1TEP). rij<; .1<; ap~v aywYl7<;' Kal OiKOVOP.[o.<;. ~T[XOL 0{3'.

XIII. - EV fll~ / Iefl1 8yr. (0).

xvn. ~v aKOX. 8yr. margo (0). 8yr. text in puritate.

XX. 7rEpl ¢,Xo~. Ka1 ¢,Xao. 8yr.

x.TI.I. 7rep1 * TijS !,w~r Kal" T~~ .ls Syr. (0). om. Kal olKovop.las Syr.











r<"~~t'I'l:) * * * XI. 28

.' ~~ ~O;,..a.L..,do ~~ ~ r<'ocn\:l .,=t';, oeD ..,d;, ~r<"

f. 215. 1'. 1.

.: •• :. ~CI'1-::3 .%~ r<"~L\:3 r<'~ o~ r<'~~CI'l:3 29 r("_n::nNll) ~ l..r<'~r<":w am:1 : r<"~ ~';r<" :\~!1 \f'!I! r<~~:;Q ~ ~ ~:t

~ .. ;c.\L r<"~~t'I'l:J ':'. ru....\=-~f'!I! 30 ~i,!..~r<' ~ .. ~" a...u..i..r<"!1

. ... .

Cambridge University Library, Add. MS. 1700, fo1. 214. vel'S. col. 2.

~Cfl!:) .rC::t.3Ci.a ~ ~I"t'.l 31

.. I"t'c\\, •• n r<';'~r<'b:'l ~; rd:'l ~m ~ "~~t< rd r!..x..~ "~:'I f'C!;'l.:s ~;.a ,,~ ~ .I'<'...l r<' ~ r<' ,::) o~ ~ • r<':tc:ruiCI:'l 32 :\!I. ~\ .J. ~ ~=

.. ~~ ~ .'~r<' rC..~

,' • .u~o ," ~o ,,' ,sJ;:,o

t<~'iLo ,," .Lr<'~o ~O:'lo

r<'~ CI..l!:n.a CTl ;'l.&::I:'I ~CD .. ~:'I 33 ~ ,," t<~~ ~\

":. "~ !'IoC\i. al..;a..a .. t<~c:.\J:1.a:" ~:. .. r<'~a...'r<'!'1 ~M C\~ 34" t= C\.D~ .' t<;o..u ~

~ ~~t< "~:'I rC::I:I~

: ~~ ~~ "C?m : r<'~~ ~ .. ~uOJ:'I r<'~~ o..\s 35 ,,~aJ...:'I r<'~ r<'~ t= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r<' .~:'I ~.1.»r<' r<'~:'1 ~f'f! .~;~

~!'I ~:Wr<' ":" .-.f\~~ r<'~;b= 36 .;, ~ ~ r<~~C\ ~~:'I ~:'I" r<'1Q.Q)1<:'I ~:'I .::a,,~ .Q.&jU1~r<' .~~f'f! "r<'~;~l 37

34, Cod, r<:.J~.


~:1 r<'\\ n... .oim.s&r<'

y. •

r<'''! =.r<'~a~ ~~~r< .a~

.: ~~t< .' ~'!s:u. .r<'~!1

.. ma~t< r<1.!1 _a.Jall .~~ 38

rC'-::31C\.#::) ~ .~ t<am t<o.X;,

r<'~a t<:;~a " A ~m!1 .: .• ~;r<':'1 d~a 39

~ a:'lm~r<' :u. ~mh .~:'Iaa.L ~ rod. .~~"'l! ;~:1 ):1:'1-= _~r<'mlr<' ~ 40 ~~ ~:'I ~r<' " i,.u. ?3:u;. ~ '""'

.!!J,.r<' km ~-= .:. , __ c.U.=~ XII. 1.

f. 215. r. 2. ~ ~r<' t<:'It'Q ""t"r<':'1 ~ ~

',r<':1~:'1 r<..1U.. ~ t<i-:'I-»:'I

; r<~a\.a'~ b ~ ~' ....... Q, ~ .kat<" ·Y9,,:. rC'~~ ,9,,1'<' t<~a.J;" ,M'" ~ "~ t<';";'I..p ~m ~~rod ,.am~m~ ~ia..» ~ "~ :xus» ~~:'I 2 1"'C': h\=Y ..... 0 t<.%.a; om:,

am .:' ,~Q..Ta t<~c.u....::a...CD:'I ~:u;I:'I r<'~a;'l..p ..s.L.!'I

.. ~_s ~ ml.~om ~ ~o . '.~ r<~~tn..:J k ~

.: •• : •• .::I~ r<mlr<:. ~;~!1 r<:'IC1') ,\rC':'I:'I oml ~ a.=u:.u~rC' 3

~~ c\,c:J.!'I

~~ca.~ ~ ~~~ ,~ t='" ~ .. mab... _~!'I r<'~ ~~~ rd~ ~r<' ~'i.a

• __ ~~f< ~;b.::o ~ I ~

~\!'Io ~:'I\ -=o .. t<;, ~;':"o~

~~ k~ rd ,r<~;:"1 4, ~al~ rCJ~~ ~~'_::~U:l ~~

.. aulo~(\ ,t:C'~ 5 \,r< ~:t ~r< om "",,..,.;~\ ~~ r<~ ':"~ ~'!'I

m~(\~i...== 1 ~~~ ~ [CQ.l..!:13 !'l ~ <;k~ ~r< .' ~;':":'I [~oJ~ ,0 eNr<' ~b 6 ~ " r<:;; ~~ ~:"I

\. '...J0, ,

, , , _-.0=:' Otr.l .,.~ ~ .~~

~:i \,t< ,o~ r:<~O!'l~ 7 ~ ,r<'colr<' ~ .=;.ab r<.l~ OtO r<;:, .. mo~r< ~ ~ ~ ~:\lr< ,~r<' ml r<~; 8 ... in:"l : ~~r< r<~o:ti..= r<ir< "~ o~m ~~c.\i.:"I ,~ alo ~~r< ~m r<~~ ~~ ~ r<m5r< : r<-\ar< 9 ~~bo : ror!..aO!'l1 ~ r<OCTl ~f< ~r<;"ck. ~....s» al : ~om .~""(\ r<Aw01:1 r<.=rod. !'l~c\u:....l

f. 215. v. 1.


~ ...d..~::1 ~ ~ -5UcO 10 r<i::J~:1 ..,a, \r< ,~,

~:I oeD .oaco ~:..; ~ml

... ~ ~:1 .am .h..

.:. . cal...:1 r< ~G\.%&;, .!I."'-Oc\u:u


~, ~ c\,al r<~0:1;~ ~:1 b 11 r<i::J ~ r<.l .. .,:,...;.o:t oeD

. r<~:1 ~ r< '. c:n.. ck.r< ..<c\,O:1-»:1:t ~'!:1:1 r<;~ .t*:t ..<~-i»~ ~-i.2.. c\'%;';:1~r< a,~rC:I:1 ~ml I ~ .!I.r< " r<c\,~:1~;.o .r<~Q..I:La:tU Y

r<:1m ~ .~;r<:1 ~;a.a:1 12 ~

~,~o r<~i...=a r<:a~r<.l ~

.r< S--,c\, ~i.o .~;Nt r:<ck.~ 13 r<.l:t ~r< . __ ruJ...:t~;..l o~ ~r<~ ,.~ ~:t oeD ~;.h::, .: .. ~~ ~:1 14 I'"CL :ta..aa , . ~ 4.9.0:1;

r<~ .lLlr< r<.l ..,(oo~ t=":t am

~ -. ~r<~:"'= ~ .~~ 15

.: .. r<cnll"<':1 r<c\,~ ~ ;"'oc\uu Llr< r<~o;"; .. :,u r<~ ,,~ ~ .:.

m:\.a.::l a .' ~ ...,a.i. hl ~ .lLlr< ~ .: .. r<~ ~~ 16 0(0 , . ~ =: ~ ar< re:.[~, ] e' r<~ r<~~~ [~:tJ


~~ ~al~ ~~ . mL. ~ ~~[ ,,~~ ] 17

:IA ~;~ ~ ..2.r<':'1 .~

. ...l~~ ~~;c.\::I ~;ro!.1:'1 re::,~ _

.. ~r< ~ r<~"~. ~ r<'~~~:'1 ~

rod. .: .. ~ ~~ ~ 4 ~" 18

.·r<)YT~b ~;~ ~~iil~r< ~ ~~o .' ~~~ t<';a..Uo ~o . r<'\ -,u.,l" ~rut»l" 19

. V

"m~ : r<.l:;o ~ r<.l.r:J. 0 r<; C\..2I..a.%..:'I

alr<ch~~ ~CD~~ ~~~ 1'<"1 .r<~ ~~ .2o..Q)o~~~ rod~ 20 ~ ooJ. ~ OO('D t"~

r<...1.Z.. ~"""*' ~r<'~ ." o~~r<':'1 r<'.1! .~~~ r<;~.l.r ..2.~~ 21 r<'-='3 am r<om< ~:'I ..~r< ~ ~c.\:::o .~m~'!7.I:'I" ~r< .r<'ch.a~;o "!,~r< rod..t»~:'1 22

•. ~cr:J_5"~ ~;~ ~~jD~r<" ;alL;or<" ~ r<cnlr<~ r<"~:1-~O ~~ r<~C\.:):;..lo .r<~.,,'::in. ~b~ r<'~c.\::I~ r<"~~o .~r<l::Q~ 23 h:1 ~~ r<ml~o .T< ....... Y ..,

f. 215. v. 2.

.~~r<":'1 ~~\:'I r<ch.uo";lo .r<~~ r<...c..a~~~ r<~~ ~~" 24 " ~ ~ 1"'C'..mtI);:1 ...en:.l 0

.:. • .lC::::IC:D:'I "Co f7.! 4 I"'C'-\

."" .

Ocr.l t:7.1 ~r<~~ rod ~w 2ti : CUI~ rod __ ~m ~r< . ~:7.I:1 .!l..=...'='!I:t am t= alr<~~rc.' ~

.: ~ .h..r<"-~ ~ ,~;rc.'.h. ~ t=:1 r<..la3 t=:1 _~m ml..c:1 Ocr.l:t .' ~r< ~~ 2G ~:t ~cr.l : ~:tcr.l ~,r< ~;re1. rc.':w .::Ja~ : ~r< ~ ... !tc\~1'<' :ta....J.:, al :.<.lr< ~~ ~r< r'

.... 03 .: .. r:' • .".. \ .s:..1'<' r"lr< .: ~;rd 27

~ :u.\':7.1 .. r' rc.':\» .::I c\~:'I ~:t ~~:t~!t ~CT.l:t ~~ ~m -...f'.~.D.U r<~r< ,r:<~ ,,\r< t<.l~O:'1.:3 ~ i.e . t"~~:'1 \!:'l rod.:1

. .- 0 rc.' t<.::n &l ~ r:'.zaia rc.' ~ca:;r<:t I ~ e Y '"'0»0 rc.'t<.::n:t 0 , 1'<' ....... In"..,:t

~~C'\ a\'\OOCU~:1

~:tC\ • .tD~~0 ~~rc.' ~ ~ omho .ao",.\" OOC\J:l;

. ---- v V

!\A r<:tm ~ .~~ ... _S",~ 28

.. ~~ r<~':"':t~ rd. I'<'~~

.... m ~ r<~~ ~ ~r<

~ " r<aJ.re1. i.9.i.:1 \rc.' ~~:t ~...2I.1'<' .r<~aA:.lO r<~C\~ 2~ r<~"n'\"'" r<;cu .. ~:'I r<~r< ~.a .!Ii. .;b~ r<~a.ur< .~»; .:. ,C\m XIIl. I

f. 216. r. 1.


~'-=u. ~al:'l

. __ ~~ 1'<'.1 ~~~ 'b~'il 2 .' ~I'<' ~ ~ f'<"~m ~ '~~~~~~~:'I

ocT:! =: .~~~ O:'l~~r< 3 ~~ .~~r< t*~~ ~~:'I _o~r< ~r<:'I ~ ~r< .. ~'i\.b:. am r<~ .:. ,I'<';'~ ~~r< 4

r<l ~.!:':13C\ ~~ ~O\ ~:, ~=i.o.~o t":'I r<~U' .~~ .~ :n,;.,; ~\ r<.1 .:- ,r<~r< 5

'r--~:'I ~m _0Al ~~ rodo ~;t< rd:t .. ~r< ~ ocp

. ~~ :\!I.:'I ~f'<" ,~r< 6

rdo ..p;~'::1.1 ~ I'<' ... ~ .i...::r.I~

,K.%.l;':1 ...l ~ ~ .l.i,:'If'<" "'""'-.CU m : ~\ ':'1 ~:.a O:'lt'l1!o.. ~ r< 7 .r<~~:t r<~ _~ alb:. ~r<

~~r< t"w:. ;":":'1 ~m:1 C\....::i:,:'!~r< .~om:'! ~ f'<"~ ~cu:.. .r<~cu:na~ 8 o,m :\!I. o!=", .~~C\ ~~r<

~ ~~~ .: .. ~o 9 r<...!I.

rod r-::~r<o r<b~

~ ... m r<~L ':'. ~~~~~

rodo ~...::Ll ;;~ r<~~:'1

C\;~ rod:'! t~~ .: r<lli~:I



~Lc\,;, rO..aiD .rurlau ~~m ! t

: t<c\,~.&J:I\;' r<'bo~:1 ~L )(

cr.L1:::I:I:1 . ~ :t...::1l ~ ~ r<' 10

: t<1\.~ a.x. -e_~ ~r<' r<.l ~~ .~~;,~ail ~ er.,:1 ~ r<' c\,~:1 11 chd r<'M\» ~ ~:'I r<'oro

-, ~a:u . ~m~ .x.a; ~::J ~:'ICi.a

~ i:::Il ~om ~~ f"'I.";~

'. ~ru:.. ~t< r<' ;,mL\!:1J . r<'ch... ~ 12

cnL:'I r<'..::1l:'l ~ .L;,..C.J:1 ~t< . .x~ ~;~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ m~a.l km ...c~ 13 mL:1 r<;J~ ~ . r;(ch... U-=r.I

r<'..:l>.;m ~ ch...r< ~ r<'J. .~~ 14

... ciJ.. ~r< . ~~:'I r<ch.t..a!'l-::r.I km m;J.t.::I .: .. ~ r<:t..a~:'I·15 t=J ~ a.:u.~:1 r<' ~#:?;, ...nta:U

f. 216. r, 2. r<c\,a.~:'1 r<~r<'~ ~:1 rum .r<'~t<.l

.: .. cnL:1 ~ ~:1~:'I

~ r;(cn~cnC\S.lo ~:'I r<c\u:a:ul 16

~~a3 ~r<:\-:) . _~,:"\,cn r<'-1.a'~ r<ml r< ~N..::rl ~:'I I a C\..Q4~\a"r<' .r<..J~:1 ~~C\:= 17

11. Cod. r<~.

,O~.:::I..!:..~LI<" ~~:'I t<'.aa=i.l ~ ~;tI'1i. ~ ~m t<'~:'1 ~t<' ,._d..:'1 I<~ r<'~O:\» ~:'I r<l:wl< ,~ab

:t..:Io. ~" "~ r<':'ICO

~m r<~;~Q.:7.I r<l ,~~b

, ~ ~ ·:·,r<:tm ~ ~18

r<~ r<~;t<'~:'1 ~ ~~ c\..a~ ~ ,??~~. ch..r< ~r<;"~ ,~er.,~ ~_i 19

t<':'Im:'l t<'.Jr< ~ ~:'I r<~~r< ~:'I rc.'_~t<' "~~


:~:t r<c:r:J..r< t"1I ~CD -; •• _~ 20

~-iJ. r< ~ ~ ~r<:t om ~:\= :~; oro.\ : r<-=~:'I ~~~ :;nl~:'I r<'I:'I

[ __ ~ ~ J.u .,:"", ,UT:""l ~a.x.. ~:'I :11

[~_sJ :\~ r<:ci:.... b

[ ... cO] -E-? ~ ~ ,'c:nL:'I [:\.&!:I] : ~ma...=r.I:\-D r<~:'1 [c:r:J..:'I] om .'r<~ ~~ [~J ,t"=r.I1< ~ ~~ 22 a.~\~r< "..J.;r< ~ r:'l r<.lr< ~ -i...~ ~t<' ,r<~:'1 r<~ ru...:t ':', _~ ~~ r<cha:;",:...,\ 23

, ... ;~r<:'1 ~"t<'~ ~:t ~r<J.

f. 216. v. 1.< r<~ r<~t<'..l 4...~ ~:t aCo ~ ~m.h:t r<~ al~...l:.. -: .. __ ~ 24 .;. r<-x.aic ~m.h:'fa ~\ .;, ~; ~m _~:1 ~ ~t<..L ~ ~~a..:u\, .: .. ~ .. r< t=":1 25

~c\~:1 r<~i~ ~\x. .t""::7.Ir< .~ r<-~~ ~ ·bch:..~r<:1 rG'~

~ ~~:t .: .. .tI:)ar<~ ~

~~ ~r<.l..§...o .r<~~ ~iJl r<:\.pa ~~~ ~~a:tm.a, .~;~a .r<~~O ~~..!::Q:..::u. ~~

.J:Dal ~:1 ..<..l CT:! ~ b ,::) ~~r< t<'-»'»_s ~ . ~~r<a r<: u'\ y ~ C\..::L.!::II!L r< aCT:! ~b:t am ~~~ a.CT:! .2I.r<:1 om : t<'~~ r< am [..omo ] ~ t<':t ro:'...u.»..s r"l r< OCT:! : r<. \ .\01 \0",:1 t<'~~::7.1 ....,!..i-1l:l~ :.J:D~ ~~:t ~b ~ .: .. CT:!~r< ~~ r<OCT:! .:::Lob:t ch..r<:t .Uw,.,b;~ r<~~t<' r<OCT:!:1 .rd. .r<-1.a~ .r:<~r< ~cnh::, .~ r<~a:tc:n...A:) .\.,..!:I'3.a r<~

al_s ~lr< ~;r< .~~~

r<'b; r<'~"~~ ~;, .J:1L~c\,r<' ~c.\.a r<'..l...%..l ..!:r.S r<'c\,C\\.~ =-..,,, ,- ,

.r:t~~ ~~ ~[;~J .m,,;:u~I"C';, _\.0,,[;, r<'~J

r<.....o:w ~~ .r<[.a.l"~J .m~~ r<'...h;'~ ..... :f<'bu..~~ ml..;, ~a.[~I"C'J .: .. cnL:t r< 1,\ \ "T" I"C'~ .....


__ ~ r<'.::I ~c\ir< .!:I "c\, ~ . . . .

~r<':1 ~I"C' r<'b~ '<-"';~I"C':I I"C'~~ ~..s ~;~ 1:.. .::a~c\,r<'

C\~I"C' ....cnOr<~~ 1"C'~C\.2r...a~ .~~

~ ' .... m"1.:::a.u~" ~~~ "-=?~~ : M'M ... ~" _~of<' .....E__~;, rO;c\,c.\.aO ~"~:I \r< ~ .s:.l~ ('\.0" .. " r='_i:t ~_crJ:lO rd.!i.~:to rC'~:I r<c\i(\~~ ~" ~;, .::a~c\,1"C' . .<-...~r< baf<' r< u .\. \!II. _s. . r:c'~\ rC':t~a ~c\irC''' ""'"='; rC':t rO~;,lrC' ...m 0; ~ rC':t .;. . a.i...l ~ t<':t r< 4 ~ rC''ia:\:l

f. 2l(>' Y. 2. ~ or< r<~ ~:t ¥

~ ~ rOm r<..!:I~ ~C\.T, M'O? .... ~:t" : -E-~"t<':1 ~ c\i; ~ t<' c\i ~ rC'" :.<1.:\J:I r< ;' .. \y ~ rC'c\ia.~b ~ :~:'I

r<'_s;o~ ",\r<' : ~.,.,.J..x.. .J:DcJ.."'~:1 .. cD r<'<klL::, . ~i.» r<'..::1.Jor<'~:1 t" r<'..l...::IO~o r<' ~; r<'o ~ r<':1

... i_':::1J :I r<' At.u 0;'" :\::1 . ~.t.l ~:I r<':\.uO

.~~ :1.....»... ~:::3:t .... ro ~ _s 1"<'~1..:t.=a .... m;or<':1 ~x..:I.e r<';~., ~~ t":1 .::I~~r<' -; .. r<'~~i.=s....':::1J : t<ch...~~<k~ rod. r<'~.;~:1~.»;0 I"<'~::;I; cn':::1J t<~~m ~o...!:7:1.'&'_'-='1»O .r:<~ ~ t<~~_':::1J ~l ~;"':t r;:1 ,":;' ~:\.o~:1 .~Cf.I\ ~...cO . r<' ~ ~ ... CY:I; 0 r<' t='l:l 1 .. ~a::7.J ~;q.Jo ~~('f'J.~ ('f'J.~ r<'Oml.1 ~r<' .l"<'i~.2t.:1o r<'_L9..i.1 r<'J; ~a...::no rC'-.a.1..uo; ~~:l::;l r<';'" S r<':1m..tD t":t m.....=b

~C\,u.::) r<J.r< .: .... m;or<':1 m.~:1 ~cn..=:o ~I"<' 1::J. ~ ~f<" ~~

~~.e..:1 : ~.,.,.~ ?1»;0

t-'::T.I·' f<"~r ~CY:I 4'~

r<'..::J~ 0!l"3 .9,.r<' t~ rodS:1 •• .b.l

oCe ko ... =?ch!..:1 ~ k bo .: .. .::J~~~r<' CT)~~~:t

I"<'~ • r:<~cJ.. _s ..uUlo...~ ~ ~ . .,.::):1

... CY:Ii:\.:::,~0 ~ ~A2.»J r<mlf<":1

r<'~ ~~;~ ..aC'Do~a ,.~r< t"~ ,~r<o ~r!

~,=II"'" .. r<hl~ .h ~ ..<.~(U. ~~c\, ,r<..L~o.c ~o;o r!,=,o ~~ ~ .. ..c:la..U ~

.. ~:\~r< ~~:1 .:. ,~~r! ... ~r<:1

" ~:p~ ~a.l~ ~~ ~~~r! ~~r< rod!1 ~ r<~~ ' . ..u~",,%_::13:1 ~ ~ " .J:IDcU.o~:1 r<.!:r.lL Cn..%..'=' ~ ...d.:1 ~o . r<~~r< ~cnb.::u =: r:nL.:1 ~ ~r<a : ~r<:1 ... ci:a...::la r<..l,o; a..2t. .b... ~~ ~ ..po'~ t<_.;a.x. .~ ~~ oce .. r<.Jm ""'\r<:t ~ro:u= .. ~~ ~ ~~ ~cnQ, ~ : o;~~~ ~ ~:t,

-:' r<~'-::::r.I:t6a r<~a~r<'..= .r<"cnlr<' ~_~ ~ km ~ ~~:t

* New College, Oxford, 1'118. No. :3;33. t cfu..c~ on margin.

" Hebr, ii, 3.


: r<~ .am ~~ r<~~:1 r<~ -f\mL:' t<1J.!7.l~ ~~ ,,~~~ "r<;_':I3r<~o -. ~=?~~r< ~ \r< .~~r< r<~".ul:1 ~r< . r<..J:I~ ~ .t"i.!:1Jr< ~r<:1 .. ~.J.n ~ ~iL:1 ~m t"':'1 .~ .=l\C\~ ~r< ~ t<..lm:'l . ~ ~ l~ r< :1 t<.%.a i::J cn.:::r.u:.. ~Q:) t"':'1 rod :1 .r<~a..2u.J:U ... cp ma~r< r<~ ... CDOch...r<' r<'~:'1 ,,~ "' .. ,h .. r<..a:'la...:'1 0.1 r<_lr< . .,c.,cJ.o~ r<om .::JC:p .. r<~C\.2r.~ru:..:'I r<..1~:'1 b ~':13 ~r<' .. t<..»...ltio ~o~ .. ~.~ r<'...:ui::J ~ ~ O~:t ,r<~;o~ .,c.,o;~ ~., ~:'I ~m ~~m r<~a..!!I.~c.\:L::I:1 ~:'I .llq'!n ~~r<' t<_=H~~O .. r<~o\a~ ~ : ~:'Ia... t='3:'1 ~~ r<'om .~ r<~CUI1»;c\,,_'!n:'l am

~ ~ ch... t<..J:I :" " .llCI olat<.20

cnL.:1 r<~C\.~ .l\'!n ~:'Ia.i:1 .::J A,.; t"' :I ~ . r<'..a:;.=u.l .::J ~ r:o!...,..h. .::Jo~ ):1a:'l,~ " ~~~o.l

« \r<' deleted at the end of the line.

Gal. ii. 9.


r<:tCD~a .r.(OCl? ~ rc1.

~.CD ;~:t ~m--= ..!!I.r.( t":t -. dbch.. r.( .J:D al "r<'~:t r< ~~ r< r<, C\.tD r<-=:;) .!!l.r<:t b .!? ~ :t ~ ~

~m f1l" .. --E_~» ~ .....L;,

~rc' : ~S ch..r<~ck.c ~rc';, .:. ~~~ ~~r(' ~;, ~;, oi..:::Il rc' ~ 1.»1<0 t":' r<' ~...6..~ '. rc'~~< mL:t;, ~ ~ ~i.a ".CD ..!!I.r<;, ""'f"r<

~ .::3~~

C. f. 208. v.l. .~'=u... ~~;, rc'~~rc':. rc'~d* ~~ ",,. aX =n:t ~alorc'~ .. b 1:...;, ~~C\ ~rc':t ,h.:. ~m;, ~O:'l ~ ~:t ~m ~ .. ~;r< .: .. rc'~r. rc'~c.\.:U:..~

r< [I. 1]

. ~ CT.l rc' ~ , ),. ..,.,,..., c:J. :t ~~

rc1. r< .. "' au" =:tJ:. CD ~C\:LL ~ (l MS. r<!'untl:l~.

r, Rebr. x, 34.

c Hebr. xiii. 19.

" University Library, Cambridge, Add. MS. 1700 (C), New College Oxford MS. No. 333 (0).

d r<ml~~ o.


,-< c\, '4.... r<:1 r< r<.b..c ~ .t<c\,:1~a r<~ .. ~r<

~~ .. r< r<'..lro ~:;) al a r<:1CD< .~~..::1.l ~ .. r<:1 ~r<

.: .. r<!1-ack..:1 r<ch.a.l~c\,.-=::J

~(\...».:J u ~ c\,r<:1.llv:n ~

r<..%.» c\,C\.~c\,~a [u. 9]


\r< -, ~Q.~:t r<c\,o...~a t="';, a cO r<_lI:~1.:):1 r<_l.l:I; ~ :1

. CDc\,al :1 r< c\, Q..a~.L::J ~ : r< c\,Q!:7;J

C\.l..! .C:1t:1 ~ .:. [r<] :1

~ ~ .. , [III. 1]'l~...... .~

~:'I r<c\,C\.~::J:1 ,,\r< .~~

rod":'1 c • CI'l..:3:'1 • t<..L1 i= ~cJ. r< ml r<:'I [.:;)] r<~~~ t_!7.I .lu~

,-<c\,Q.1.\g..,. '7.1 ':'. r<..c.:;c\,:.. ~.cO:'I CD

.. , [rv. 1]

... m r<~:'1 .2I._sr<~

C. f. 208. v, 2.

r<c\,l,.,:'1 -: .. r<_:....:\.s.b t<=~:'1 ~:'I am r<~6 c\,ol r<.;a:1:'1 r<c\,a...::u\:'I r<c\,~_::3a " b

a [rv. 11]

r<~C\.~:\:) ~:t am c\,o.l rl .' r<c\,a..uC'l'lA.:'I ~~:1 \r< r<c\,~ .:' .~t<Llr< ~:'I r<'~ h en.)"" k:\-:....:t

\ [v. 11)

" a.l altered to ~ 0.

/0 r<c\,o...~ " a .. , 1<'...::3C\..u.:1 * 0. c !"'!l":1a CO, originally ~"a in C.

~al:'l O.


: r<~\L~:1 a !<'~ CU~_:nCl . ~~a...l:1

r<'t<-..C\:lCI ~..l.a;~ t<-..;C\:L. ck ... b t= \r<

~ .. C'IC7l:1 1\'='3 .: .. rt-m.~C\D ~ -»

[VI. 13]

~ ~;'IroCl : !<'~~:1 ~:1C1(U. Clm

..c;'l~ ~ .: •• r<~a.'='3 ~

[VII. 1] ..<..~ : ~ b ~~ ... mock...<.:'1 Clm

.r<~C\lC"l'U::30 ..<"""""':;0 ~~~o ::a C'Q;':' r<' ~ -i.a ~ .2. r<';, .. ca::I ;,

~:1 ~ .: •• ~.~I"<' ?l:tJ? ...

[VII. 11] ~;!<, h:'l ~i CD r<':t r<' ~ C\l cn:..

r<:,,, ... 'a .... m t":'I r<'..O:1:l.L.c '. ®ch..r<' r<'<' t='l:'l : m... ck. r<' r< ~:'I

:u= alCl : r<';'~ c.l r<'~

!<'~~ .: .. ~-i£n..= ~Q.O:1:ll ~

t= -i.a~:1 r<~.J.h;~ ~~:'I:'1c [VIII. 7]

.: .. r<AIC:u: .. .a,:'I..CCI ~C\~ r<'~:t.a

m.:::I:'I ClcD I'"'" JJI% ""'., cn.!:lO;'I ~ ~

[IX. 11] ... C'QC\~r< ~m;'l . r<'~:\.u 1"'!;'Id

~o .. t=~ r<i,.;'L ..<.....:"0:'1

~_rn r<~a.....;.;:1 r<'.!:lOi..=:t ~CD

.:. ·tl.:l-i.D~ _~ ~u r<'~:'IC\.u1 ~C\:'I ~ ~~o:t~ ~ ..

. . t" cn::I ;'I e •• r<' r:r:J. r< ~ 01 :1 r<' Al.h:::..! 0 [x, 5]

n : r<.¥- C\ ru:J.:t O. c ..a..c..a~~;'I;'IO.

c '.' t"cQ"=!;'I-:- O.

b~O,om.C. <I ..a.c..a~~:'1 O.

r<~~ I'<':'C r<'t"~12.i3 ~('\o.L:ta I'<'~(\l.~ .2.r<

r<c\,,,,\o,,U'"7.1 -: .. r<c\,~tn..::J:t :1..0

\ \ [x. 23]

• .!:L.o i.e:. t<'~ !1 :'C r< ~:1=1 :'C T<' c\,c:\.2u. _$" :'C

_J' • -:« \,_.

~,C\L:'C ..c:'C\!1 ~«:Q ~ .. '.' ~

[x. 32] .a...~~ T<'~ ~lcul T<'i~

.2.1'<':'C ... m I'<'~~m ~ .:. a...

.l~ .:.:~~ ~blc [XI. 1]

'"" T<'~a.~:1=I:'Cd ~cD r<~C\l;"'01::>'3 [XII. 1]

k I'<'c\,(\~ ~ .: .. ~.LX.!:7.I:t ...u.a

.\ . \\ \ \_ [XII. 12]

~ ~:'C -. I'<'..s'oou T<'..l.::J\ ~ ~I'<':'C

~I'<'~:'C : ~ e ,:,\1'<' ~

1\'!7l .: .. r<~~~:'C r<~(,\:t -\a

._" • • L \.:~ [XII. I8J

.......... a,.,.:,:'C ~m ~ ~~ ~:'C:t

r<~~~lo .. ~~:'C ~m

C. f. 209. r. 1. .: .. ~Lm:'C ~mf ~a.X- r<~~

~;o r<~c.\.L1.Q2:!'T<' ~; ~u[~l~] .1'<'~C\.9.~ .l\,'!7l .. tTl:I:'C .1'<'~CI.»r< [= ] ~T<':'C ::a~ ~ ..c.~l:'C ~ [~J

.:. r<~m:;rd ~:'C~:'C ~ .~ [:tJ

u r<-\:r.oa.:r.:t margo .:. ~'::;"':t O.

I, "..D!1\:'C ... m--:- O. e ~~~~ marg, T<'t<'..I.~ O.

,j r<c\,"-a.:r.:1=I:t margo r<c\,~1.::I:'C O.

• 0 f' 0

:~. ~m.

g o has ~~o r<~C\.9.~o r<c\,~Ula!Io.r<~; ~ r<~a..ur< ~;C\ : r<~~~!1 r<~~:to ~om co.-A::! U.l\,'!7l .:. r<~~ ~ .:. m::::I:'C

-: ~r<'-1~.A ~rC'-l r<.\:t ~ .~

_J \ ...J. __ • _J\ _J [XIII. 9]

\~ ~~O, ~:..l~ ,.rC"-toC\!:l1l

r<~al_sa .: .. r<'~o;~ t< JUT"':'l .!:I..!I.

.. b \, _ \ \_ \ [XIII. 20.]

~ ~.. r<cr::u. r< c;nc\l:t

~ r<~o;~:t r< &rui:;,3-"':'lO . ':' .... : ... ~;~o ~~ r<r<~

~ . r<'~ :1 r<'-X.:1l ;:1 r<'..l..a u, Hnnn. l. 1.

roO.o .r< r<'ck:,ai:!l..:1 r<'_jl:t ~:\.D r<'..l~:'I r<'_uu, Henn, II. 5 .

.=un . r<' m~ r<' ~:JL;:t CI"1l ~ a:\:l ~ i.e HEBl~. II. 14.

~.D . r<' ~:I r<'~::l "r<'~:1 ~':1.l ~:11 r<'_u'i.e

HElm. III. 7.

• \._ \.__ 2'

. -, ~~:t .:.:::J,r<'., r<'cn.::a.L:I r<'c;n..:;LL:t ~~:t ~1.D

fhBR. IV. 11.

These titles of the Lessons are taken from the body of the text ill the Cambridge MS. (C). Some various readings are found in the Table of Lessons fOI' the Epistles of S. Paul r<'-J.., 1.o:t .n;, ~ :'IC.\JJ ) (""'~:t, which stands at the beginning of the same MS. These are denoted by T.

1 r<'~ ):Ia..a:t T .

. ~:I r<' ~ r<'~.::J.L::I r<'~ ):I~:1 T.

cnl.JJ . t<-1U:1 ) r< ch::, a ~ :1 ~ :1 t'" ; ~:1 ~;J!o..:1 t<..l... U, HEBR. IV. 14.

CI.ln . t<_:t»:1 t< ch.::u:.:1 ~ t"; ~:1 r<'-.Jl:1 1"C"..l..a U, HEBR. v. 12.

\.UI . t< cal r<' ~;,l.; :1 au -i!lo. O:\,:j t<..1.a u,

H EBR. VII. 1.

HEBR. VII. 18.


t<~~ .L:tC\n:tO t<~t< ~~:1 ollUC\~ ~i-n

. r<',..u.:::I :\,.!::lO 0 HEBR. VIII. 1.

~ . r<' ~ C\..2...u:l \:1 r<" ch::, o;':"':t ~:1 r< ~ ~:t ~ ~:1 t<..1.a U, HERR. IX. 11.

~ .t<\r<';:t ~:E...::I "~m.~:'1~ r<'_l.ou, HERR. IX. 16.

1 • r<~C\.2u..c\:t T. r<'-L.'!:a.u:'l r<'..L::I'3;., T.

·r<~ ;b!1 r<.hl~:'I ~ :W:'l ~~ HEBR. IX. 24.


.~~~:'I~:'I~i~ HEBR. x. 15·.

r<~:'1 r<"...1.!:14l r<~:'Ic\'~ k" r<.L.i~ .r<~ ;b" ~~" HEBR. x, 26 .

.m~~o .t:D~::Io..a .~i.c:'l ..<..s~o:= ~ia t<.uo~r<:'I r<;"u.; "r<;~r<o .t:D~olol HEBR. x, 32.

t<.l~O"o "~,, r<...::ut..::I ~ ~;~:'I r<~_s:'l ~i-c

. r< ~ m.::. r<!!

HEBR. XI. 1.

"SlIln t<.l~O:'lo ."~:'I ~~r<.hl~:'I ~;" ~~ .~.l:'I HEBR. XI. 8.

I . .t:DO;~r<O .t:Dru..a.~olo T. ~ ~:t r<ck:u..." ~ T.

~ .r<:t~:'I I<'~:'I I<'..l.a;.c REBR. XI. 23.

:~!:W:I . r<':'1 en,&,:t r<.l ~ 0 :\::) r<'..l.a i.e REBR. XI. 32 .

• r<'~O;:t ~UC\ r< .!:) c.u r<':t ~ U C\!\:J ~ i.e HEBR. XII. 4.

~ . "~;I'<':t ~;c.\.a:r ~r<'l ,r<~~:'1 1"'C'..L;'.c REBR. XII. 12.

~ ~C\ r<'~~c}, ~:iD~ 1"'C'~m.:,I'<';, ~\!l.C\:J::I r<'..l.aio ~~~~aJC\.C.::I:'I ~o I'<'~:'IC\ .I'<'~:'I .£\.a ~~:'IC\ . JX)~I"'C'...!:)C\ ~~r<

.~a.s.. .... _r:;c}, ~ ~cnhC\

REBR. XII. 28.

~ .r<'~~u r<6ou-:'I ~ ~c},:'1 ...o..i..c REBR. XIII. 10.

~ • r<'..l (.QA:'I ~~ C\:t=I r<'..l.a i..c HEBK. XIII. 17.

I .~;I<':'I r<bC\~:t ~(\..a:'l a::t.L:'I ~;",.a:'l T .

• • ~~c.\.a ~:'IC\ .£QO:'lcucu» ~l. b:'l rC.L~ T.

B. 4

~~Clr<' ~~~~r<' r<'-1:J\ ~a...~ \r<'*

c\u:,;'j r<' cN... :c:::r1:J • r<'......u.~..!:7.1 . r<' ~ ~;1 • r<';'1 cO

r<' ~ m!:7.1i..~ 4s:o r<'..:LS:O m.a ~ r<' ..a q;J :I . r<':w cYis:o r<'~CD .<..a:;~~ !\.a.::;):1 ~~:w r<'_.c;u. ~:t ~m.a~r<' ~ .c\u!:,;'I\r<' ~~ ~ ~ ~~ rc'..lm .r<':1~ ,:,,\r<' '. ~;'i»~r<'O t=';:'1 .m~~m ~~\!\.L:J .r<'..aaJ.r<' CltpCl ~ ~ ~..;. -i,:, . .Lrc'..l:t ~ .r<'~CI; r<'~;~~l ptO ~~

rc'...LtDa..u.lo CDCI~:t ~~l:'l r<'~

rc'..l..c CI p' C'DO~:w rc'..1.c.::I c:\.LO ..a ceo.:;, o....,:t

!\JJ r<'~~ ~O ~:t ~<hl6 ~r<':w C'I).:J C\..u ~ ,mCl;:t Or(~ ... i....=n;'l ~c\ur( ~~:t ~:'I oj'';'?J-i,:, .r<'~:P:. 1~ r<'OCD .h. _,,::,,=0.[.u.:J a.l _so] ...d.J.:, ~ CD 4; run::, . .lr<'...l:'l:'l Ci~:1 r<'~l

r<':tm r<'~:w ~..:L---\~r<' r<'..l..:;" ~O..a~ ,,\r<'t

~\M'S:O m~~r<:t r<':tms:o:t r<'~~:J ~ ~ : ~...lClm ~ t'::1J rc'... n .\ ,o:t rc'...o......:;u:. ~ r<'~~

. ~ ~:"f'C' .~m_\» c\J..~ t..=o:l:t r<'...a:;A,.~ _~m;'l !\..L:IO r<'~ ,,\r<' rc'..:J~ rc'..lm ;'i»~r<'CI ~_m.a~r<' __ ~ -i:J ~rc'..l:'l t=';:'1 r<A,.o.l::1.Um ~C\.!:lCl.a!:Q..uO ~ t<'_~ r<_:J~ ~m.l t='\CI A_s"" ~mCl .t<',..».l..!::I3~.D

'I(. Ood. O. f. II. 1'.

t Cod, O. f. 1. r,

~~a ~mo~:t r<~:t r<ch.u.a.l ~ ~ r<~~ ~a ~:t ~~ch::, C'Il.l.J:Ia r' m.-\»:t ~" • M ,.M t<~~::::J ~ .m,,;:,,<,~ ~~:1 .:t-D

r<~:J-:... ~ ~_2.-i:1 .Ll ~ f<'cnJ. f<' t.:::r.J ~\l C\.1. r<~:t ao,a .r<"~~ ar<' r<'cl,a.~ ch6 r<\.....:::r.Jt<:1 r<'~a<' chu:.. ~m ~arn .ro:'...J:la.u~ rc'1 ~"".l:1 k ,..dr r<i-D:t ~a....:1--= ~-!.)a ~L~c\ l..::uu CQ~ol_s ~r<' ~a ... ma~;':':t r<'~ .b."

.~r<' ~;_~ \~

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