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Statement from Alberta Liberal Party President

Erick Ambtman on David Swann Stepping Down as Leader

“On behalf of the Alberta Liberal Party and our membership, I would like to extend my sincere
appreciation to David Swann for his contributions to our party and to our province.

“Under David’s leadership, the Alberta Liberal Party has secured its financial future,
modernized operations, and adapted a forward-thinking attitude. David’s work in caucus and in
the legislature has provided us with exceptional policies on everything from clean government
to the oil and gas sector.

“He has held the government to account, and he has championed a culture of change in the
Alberta Liberal Party. His efforts will continue to pay dividends long after his tenure as our
leader. He has been – and will no doubt continue to be – a model of selfless civil service.

”With the Progressive Conservatives about to embark on their own leadership race, not much
looks certain in Alberta politics. But the Alberta Liberals will continue to challenge the status
quo, adapt to changing demands of Albertans and offer better solutions. By embracing the
opportunities David Swann has created and afforded us, the Alberta Liberal Party is
remarkably well positioned as a focused, moderate voice for all Albertans.”

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For further information please contact:

Jody MacPherson, Communications

Alberta Liberal Party
Phone: 403-560-9369

Alberta Liberal Party

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