Citing Sources

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Citing Your Print Sources in a Bibliography

Book with one author

1. Author.
2. Title of book. (italicized)
3. City of publication:
4. Publisher,
5. Date of publication.

Cohen, Daniel. America's Very Own Ghosts. New York: Doubleday, 1985.

Book with two authors

1. Authors. (in the order they are given in the book)
2. Title of book. (italicized)
3. City of publication:
4. Publisher,
5. Date of publication.

Smith, Elizabeth, and David Wright. Rocks and Minerals. Chicago: Macmillan,

Encyclopedia and other familiar reference books

1. Author of article. (if available)
2. "Title of article."
3. Title of book. (italicized)
4. Date of publication.

Eiselen, Malcolm R. "Franklin, Benjamin." The World Book Encyclopedia. 2005.

“France.” Compton's Encyclopedia. 2002.

Article in a Magazine or Newspaper

1. Author. (if available)
2. "Title of article."
3. Periodical title (italicized)
4. Date of publication:
5. Page numbers.

Haverkamp, Beth. "Bad Women and Bandit Queens." Cobblestone 15 May 1996:
Citing Your Internet Sources in a Bibliography

World Wide Web

1. Author. (if known)
2. “Page title.”
3. Site title. (italicized)
4. Organization that created site.
5. Date accessed
6. <full http address>.

Mayfield, Eleanor. “A Consumer’s Guide to Fats.” Federal Citizen Information

Center Homepage. Federal Citizen Information Center. 8 Sept. 2007

"Marfan Syndrome." Your Genes Your Health. Mar 2002. Dolan DNA Learning
Center. 21 Mar. 2007 <>.

Periodical article from an online database

1. Author. (if known)
2. “Title of article.”
3. Periodical title (italicized) date: page.
4. Name of database. (italicized)
5. Date accessed
6. URL of database homepage <http address>.

Powell, Joy. “Hanging out at the Mall? Bring Mom or Dad.” Minneapolis Star
Tribune 10 Mar. 2007: 1A. Proquest Newspapers. 22 Mar. 2007

Peterson, Robert W. "Teddy Roosevelt: The Conservation President." Boys' Life

April 1994: 28. InfoTrac Junior Edition. 12 Nov. 2003.

Online Encyclopedia
1. Author. (if known)
2. “Title of article.”
3. Title of online encyclopedia. (italicized)
4. Date accessed
5. <full http address>.

McKeen, William. "Rap Music." World Book Online. 21 Mar. 2007


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