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Collage_ digital

Assignment 2
+ assigned 02.01.11
+ due 02.08.11

Lyse Masion
Collage_ digital
Assignment 2
+ assigned 02.01.11
+ due 02.08.11

Assignment 2 is an analysis of images of one particular object you were to analyze (30-40 images). On picture can rep-
resent many dialogues consistent with that particular scene or environment. A picture can host several different events,
objects, environments, and so on. This particular assignment will examine how these pictures formulate a relationship
with the prescribed object and its connectiveness with each segment the object inherits. Then the assignment will
direct its attention to a new visual abstraction assemblage in a form of a collage. There will be two parts to this assign-

Now that you’ve taken pictures of a particular desired object, this part of the assignment will required close attention to
detail and arrangement of photos for a type of collage/photomontage. This process will explore how certain qualities of
the image can play a role in arrangement and connection to the next image or images. Certain aspects of the image
such as straight-edge conditions or linear projections can help develop the collage so that each image has a connected
relationship to the next. The first phase will be arrange the images will little editing to the originals in digital format on
your canvas. Arrange the photos so that is become the original but in an abstract way. The second phase will be a re-
arrangement of images (here you can copy one or two) so that it begins to illustrate a new dialogue about the original.
Collage_ digital
Assignment 2
+ assigned 02.01.11
+ due 02.08.11

You will be creating two different collages; one the is traditional and the other that is a substrac-
tive collage.
Phase 1

1.Take your arrangement of images (photos your took with your camera of the one object) and begin to import them
into Photoshop.

a. Please note, your images will be set to a certain resolution so go to Image>Image size to read this information
before copying this image into your 11x17 page layout.
b.You will need to scale down/up your image to fit in the canvas and have enough room to fit more pictures to do
the collage assignment.

2. Analyze your 30-40 images.

3. Use about 15-25 (the amount is up to you) to re-arrange the object your took so that is look similar to the original but
by this time you will have this abstract visual image. Do not connect everything so that the images are perfectly aligned
to one another. Be selective in the image position. You can rotate the image(s), in fact we encourage it.

4. Go into each image and take away little things that distract the image from the object.

5. You can have the entire assembly fit the entire 11x17 page or take up a minimum of 10x10 area space on the
Collage_ digital
Assignment 2
+ assigned 02.01.11
+ due 02.08.11

You will be creating two different collages; one the is traditional and the other that is a substrac-
tive collage.
Phase 2

1. Now that you’ve done phase 1, you have a clear idea of how to arrange photos and do some editing. This still will
require you to use 15-20 images.

a. Note, you can use a copy of one image to count toward this required number.

2. Once you have a general idea of the images you’ll be using, begin deleting all background clutter. You will want to
have the object in place only, no ground, sky, people, or anything else that distracts the object.

3. Bring your images into a new 11X17 layout in BLACK and WHITE.

3. Arrange the images so that each on is connected by some means that flows to the next image. This process is not
about aligning your images so that you re-create the object. This process is to examine a new image whole that begins
to illustrate how or what that image can become. Remember the Windmill Collage? Some techniques like mirror help
bring the image into a “reversal order” giving two visual perspectives to the whole quality.

4. You can have the entire assembly fit the entire 11x17 page or take up a minimum of 10x10 area space on the
Collage_ digital
Assignment 2
+ assigned 02.01.11
+ due 02.08.11

You will be creating two different collages; one the is traditional and the other that is a substrac-
tive collage.
5. On the lower right side of the page you must have the following:
a. Your name
b. Title of assignment (not digital collage, make one up).
c. ARCH 1352
d. instructor/TA’s name


5. Save your PHOTOSHOP file in .PSD and .JPG format at a 11x17 layout at 300 dpi.
(save file as: 02.01_FirstNameInitialLastName_dCollage.psd

6. Print out your work using a high quality printer (HP 7760) and have it pinned up ready for class to start.
a. in Photoshop, save the overall image as a new JPEG and reduce the RESOLUTION ONLY to 150dpi.
b. Must be printed on the printer specified.
c. Must be on 11x17 page.
d. the position of the page can either be in landscape or portrait mode.

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