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Training session Break down Devi Rambaran

The session that I would be delivering would be based on one of the fundamentals of

Aim: To provide students with the fundamentals of Cell Biology.


(i) Discuss how the structure and properties of water relate to the role that water
plays in a plant cell.
(ii) Explain the relationship between the structure and function glucose and
(iii) Illustrate the structures of glucose and fructose.
(iv) Discuss the types of bonds within a cell structure: in particular reference to
Van de Waals bonds, Hydrogen bonding, Hydrophobic and ionic

The above are the objectives that would be completed over a period of 40 minutes
sessions which would be held approximately seven times a week. Also to be
incorporated would be practical sessions that are usually carried out at the end of the

Introduction- the beginning

After outlining the aim and the objectives, I usually ask the students what they know
about the topic, whatever little it may be. This for me usually sets the bar on where I
have to start or how basic I have to teach the topic. In this case I would start with:

(i) Defining what cells are and identifying the components of the types of cells.
(ii) Introduce the structure of water.
(iii) Relate the structure of water to its properties- boiling temperature, melting
(iv) Then discuss the importance of water in living organisms.

Training session Break down Devi Rambaran

Development stage: the middle

At this stage I delve more into the topic. In this case I would tackle the more technical
aspects of the topic, since the students would have already been exposed to the basics of
the topic.

(i) Introduce the structures of glucose and fructose.

(ii) Relate these structures to the functions of the cell.
(iii) Discuss the various types of bonds found in cells.

Concluding the session- the end

Usually at this stage I ask for any questions and clarifications that need to be made.
Also at this stage I refer to syllabus so the students are aware that we have covered
the topics required by CAPE.

After this usually I assign a past paper question that has to be completed and
handed in by the next session and time permitting we discuss a Multiple Choice

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