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A re You'Comlog
· ? "T W'h t?" MAIN LINERS AT
Every citizen 01 Narberth who is inter-
ested In the move to have Essex Avenue cut
through under the railroad, should stop -at
THE WASmNGTON SOCIAL Followers of Sports Enjoy Sport. I
ing Writers' Banquet
once in Caldwell & Coo's office and sign the
petition lor this good cause.
Over one hundred and fifty names have
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, FEB. 18th and 19th, ofslonAthenunlber
on last
of the sporting fraternity
Main Line enjoyed the occa-
evening of the I Thursda~·
already been placed on the list.
Under the Auspices of the Public Schools I base ball peace dinner or the Phila-
Entertainment, Supper, Social) Refreshments, Washington Souvenirs 1 ~~~~~h~~ ~1~zr~~~el\V\~~~;~;I.Associa~lo~l, i VAUDEVILLE AND IMEN'S CLUB BANQUETERS -
I It was u t rul~' characterIstIc ~

WHAT'S WHAT? i "peace" event. The worlhy poten- I

! late, President John K. Tener, of the I
• • •

I?rlda\', ;•. :W to S.OO-Supper a-Ia-I'arte, The menu will consist of suhstan- i :-.=ational League, who has been given I
tial food. 'with touches of the "appeti;r,ers." Oysters In three styles, catered hy I credit of estahlishing the world-wide i I,'riday ni!?;ht, i\lareh :lrd, Is to be
Campbell. I You all Imow the reputation for Camphell oysters), The re-, peace in hase hall, was preseut a 11(1 , thc one hig amusement night for :-'=ar-
malnder of the menu will be prepared hy co.mpet.ent adults ~nl} girl~ of Thc : a'.ldressed the assemblage, Percy herth. The latesl comedy Plcture"'1
Domestic Science Department. 5.:W-10.:1,0-Relreslnll~nts,~onslstJllg ot Hom~-: Haughton, who recently acquired the so funny that Charles Chaplin lu his Fifth Annual Dinnel' Held at
made Cakes and Candy, Coffee, Ice (ream--surpnses Irom the DomestIC ". . ., ., . '
Seience Department. S.:lO to !).OO-.Informal entertalnn~ent. Lantern sli~les. ! Boston. Braves, \~ as lI1, a talk~tl\ e mosl l,udH :ous .m,ood ,~eems. hke an Poor Richard Club in
Saturda\', :!.:JO to 10,::o--Durlng afternoon there WIll he what we hke to' mood and told em how he Vi ould nnderlaker, refined HlIHleville, b e s t : . . ,
term "Little' Tots' Bour." :-'=0 one should miss their outhursts of patriotism. come through with a winner in Bos- aets ohtalnable. Miss Helen Wilson,: PhIladelphia
All departments of the sodal will he In full swing all afternoon. Supper from ton, a la Harvard varsity style. Pres- with :-'=urherth's juvenile talent, wili;
5.;)~-S.OO. S.:lO~Short .program hy pupils, ~neludlllg s~nglng, hy high school g~rls. Ident Hempstead, of the Giants; Jim- present a playlet o[ exceptional merit. ~ The firth llllnnal hallljuet o[ the
Relreshments that WIll touch the spot WIll be r,eady for George and Martha. my Callahan, of the Pittsburg Pirates, Remember this one date, Friday night,l "'I' '. CI I . I ).,'
Ye:s, the ,;odal Is on the lip,; of e\,ery pupIl and patron. Who w01I~d not and the representative of the ex- March "rd You will not onlv enjo I., en s ' U 1 o[ t Ie I res h) termll
he happy at the thought of a jolly informal evenlug at th~ ~chool, anwl the _ . , . .: .'.', :. , ~ (hurdl was held last Monday evening
heaming faces of eager children? There iH no better medlcll1e than hapPY F~dS Joe Tmker, \\ho tins season 01 splendId evenll1g, !Jut you '~Ill con at the Poor ltieharr! Club In Phila-
youngsters. And they'll he there In full force--especially on Saturday WIll hav~ comm~nl1 o~ the Chicago tril~u~e .to , a m~s,t. w~rth:: cause, ., rlelphia. Therc wel'C thlrt)'-elghl
afternoon. CUbs-ex-whales, Conl11e Mack and }.n.HI~)ourself, get ) our IlIonI') ~ Illelll hers and friends present Pr 1-
. '.
can l'Ollle, because ."
there will I)' he :'\0
I I co,;t of AD!\'lISSIO;l;-no
' II tl' k I'
, Moran
, naturally " were in the worlh. nl~ It l'ull)·I1I11I1I. HII..ris' 'fbI" Ilellt
. Ge'IJJ'p' ,.,e> .1\'1. ('01
, e~U\'\ 0 rtl I), .presl'desd
e .
. ticket
' . fee" lor supper. On Wasillngton . I s I Jlrt H 'ay·no" one S 't' \~OU I .. 1111 f', I'0 . 11I1Iehght and receIved strong oV:t- alrl'. l"rlthl)', nlghC :Ullrch
. :h·,l. I''0 IoWlIlg
I' t I IC II'IIlner, 1te\·. John
rl anvtlllng
'd hut an honest artlc e at an IOnest PrlCl. 0 I IS a Ha e I ,I~ tions. lInni!>!'
' 'I'helltrl'
" " ]o'rillu)' night· , \an :"eHs , and Mr. Bruce I l\'!)·er:3
or every JO y. The 300 or more fans and Jlnrch :h·d. An l'U,'o~'lIl1le I~"enlng of I brie!l\' referred to th> wo k f tI
, followers, of the. ganIC were stirred rdhu"l Ylllllh~,'lIIe ltull nJ(n'~ng pic. I i\lcn< Clnh allli the fa~tor f:r :OOd II~
('(lrVI'\, 'I'.\X UATE. to the highest pitch when George lurl's. l)ro(~eNl!>! fur IIl'Jlelit o[ \\,oul1(l. i was in the I:omlllnnlt\'
NARBERTH ASSEMBLY , \ Graham:, alwaYs a talker of th: high- I'd ElII'(~I1l'lIn !>!uldil'rs. nlrect mnnllg~. I John Denis Mahon~;', head of the
('Ulllllllssiolll'I'S ~'lx.1t lit 2 JliIls 101' cst l'ah l:e, came thr?ugh wI~h the 1II1'~lt, ;'o;1II'1I('I'lh nrllJlelt (!uet'n ::UIII")"8 Department of Jo:n!?;lish o[ the West
LARGELY ATTENDED TIllS 1:('111'. longe~t Ill.t of the e\',enll1 g , a drt\'e for l;lIlld.
'fhe tax rate for l!llli on all properly the, clrc~llt, thre.e times around, b)' - - - -----
Philadelphia High School for Bo\'s,
gave a :stirring and very nentral t~ll,
'I'lle F'
'lllce ot' ourtI
I ~ I tI A
I "ar Jer 1I eld ssel
ubly I in the I'ounty snhject to taxation for calhng tor a still hetter peace; :I
at E l them count'· ' purpose::; will he 2 mills, Ilrot Iler.!O(){ I I 0 f 1)ase)a I II men, regaTl.- I
YOUR OPPORTUNITY on the Huhjed o[ "PrelJaredlles,-'I'lle
Price We Pay," 'rhis is a "er" ~ wI'lle-
]), t Ie season was I the same as last "car. The rate was I t I \) 'l'l D "
Hall, on FridaY evening, February fixell hy Ihe County COlllmlssioners at ess 0 ereel. r. I~mas. llV~S Iy llisl~nHscrl IOJlie to-day, yet. Mr.
11 til. spoke along the llIl~S 111 1115 The hip" mo\'III" pidnre and vande- Mahoney hrought the question hOll1f;
their meeting, following It considera- nSlllll strong al111 llnpressn-e man- ...,., , . , ' .
The hall was decorated with red tlon o[ the hudget of the estimated \'ilIe attradion of the season WII! he III <In entirely new light to many of
streamers and red hearts in honor of reeelpt::; and lixed charges and estl- ne':J'\('k I app this year with the at Harris' Theatre, l~ridaY night, his hearers, The keynote of his reo
St. Valentine's Day and a feature that . mated expenses for the current ,.·ear ('I II'ca~o
I'aused mucll laughter was the strmgs suhmittel1 h.\' the Controller, I
'\~'I"lite Sox, . amI CI, lar Ies Mareh ::lrd " Plent" of up-to-date COIll- . lll11rl{s was, truthfnlness
('II" reels· latest war pletures· relinell III all filings, anlI Ins many ll!ustra-
. . and honest~'
})nr lorow, the "Polar \Jeal' sWlInmer,!" ' . . .
of olll-fashioned comic valentines t hat All three of the Commissioners, in IJot 1I ~lalii ' I,lIle
' etlc pro d uc t S. \'alllleville·' 1ll{)(lerate prices
.. oj,.;; ' . The prO-I' tlOns of • .the ' ll11s,'-statement
., of. factti
extended across the entire room. M u- voting for the rate fixell, stated that I 'I' L' t II I eel'l1s for Ihe henefit of wonnded ~u, d" tlk~ I"ady eXI::;t In the :SOCial, I''''
, graced fIe 1\ a1l1 me a) e, a ong . I't' I 'I . 'I'f II d
sic was fnrnlshed by Mahoney s or- they were opposerl to an Increase, hut ~\'ith Presirlent Frederick L. Rose, Iropean ::;oldlers, given under Ihrect I Ica OJ )\~SllWSS I e we rove
dlestra and dnring the evening a in making the . rate the . ' same a::;• last S ,
• ecretal''' CI lar I es A . 1\1'c C,rea, R ay-I' management of the Xarbertll Branch home.the , jlOlnts .. he had to present.
"lucky numher" contest was held, the ..."· ear they dId so WIth the (listlnet ' I 1I10n(. I (,' J ones, preSH ·1 ent 0'f 1N'ar b er tl1 IOf Qneen Man"s • •
Guilll. Reterrlllg hrlCfl~ t,o the ,great Euro-
prizes going to Mr. and Mrs, HI 0 me. understanding with the people that, CI CI 1 B k tl 'I t \lean war anllthe quesllOn of our
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. there will be availahle onl\' a limited I ,llallllPs'f '1Iar1\'ls, a/. er, }ll}e) s,I.;n own preparellness, Professor Mahoney
~ T B du t f I' .1 I i hc I er 0 t te aliI ,lIle; . \,. ,va lt 1II1 I '" I tl e I' t tl t tIl· 1 I t
tezo roo s, 1\'1 r, anII 1\'1 r". . , amonn ~ money or genera anr per- i llllll Terl 'Vendell of the Jrospectl\'c el J ~l Sl"el I ~e la. IS COl S S -
I B k
"Iarias, }Ir. and :Mrs. C. P. I~owler, manent Improvements over and above I I . ' YMr A
.' I I I A A ell 01 more than llH:reaslllg our arm)'
:'IIr, and :i\lrs. AnrIrew Green, MI', and what has already I)een contracted for: "ral(n L~ne ~)()whng c'IIRmPfs'lllnl",' , . , \I.. and navy. Physical preparedness of
"'Irs. A, T. Grugan, Mr. and Mrs. H, or nnder way through requirements I 1- .'al11;r,arlCs, a seT! lC 0 tIe ayne onr men, physical preparedness 01
n, Hilligas, Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Hen- or the law.
(Ierson, "Ir, and Mrs. John C. Holme, It was suid that there are alrea(Ir'
: suhurh, "') S'1l "
r Ie •. CI le. ,
our railroads, onr puhlic highwa)·s
anrI inland waterways; trans-conti-
''1r. and }Irs. Lewig D. I-Iess, 1\lr. ani'! so 1ua11Y delnands heing lllade upon --------- nental railroad Hystel11. and the de-
., ('0:\0[(""1'1'\ ('um.
:'.Irs Ra)·nlOllll C. .Tones, Mr. and Mrs, ,the new board of worl, involving large,
\\" J. Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs, A, A, sums 0 f money, that it is apparent the
The results of the article about the THEATRE MEETING veloplllent of the interlOl' were far
more essential In his estimation than
Llewellyn, Mr, and Mrs. Carl D.•M etz- CommlSSlOners mnst. IIe very caret' n I Conlll1unity Cluh in last week's issue merely a few hundrell thousallll ad-
. I I f 1 of Our Town IllLve heen most gratify-
g-er, Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Noel, Wit I t Ie \III( s. dltional soldiers.
Sunday Afternoon at
Mr. ami :i\Irs, S, S, Shryock, Mr. anll
Mrs. Harr\' Weller, Mr. and Mrs. F.
G Woodw~rth, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. II
.... • ".. \N, . \ , SI'('('L'S.,
' .... i"
A donatioll of live dollars was re- I 3.30 o'Clock
Legislators and politicians received
their share of criticism and praise,
Churchill, Mr. anll Mrs. CllTrol1 tll'r
The annual winter ('oncert of the eelvell frolll one of our prominent
~ , II se asOl,~ ~J I· tl.1 e .1\'_1 all. I .•lIle
,lOra,' I citl;r,ens who wished to show his ap-
as did husiness men and the wealthy
who sit supinely llY, unwilling to do
Downes, 1\'11'. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- gl\:n on I TIlla~ IIIght, 1ll ~he al~dl- proval for sudl COlli mendable worl{ their share of the actual work of
Clellan, }Ir, allll Mrs. H. 'V. Benja-I torllllll of the Lower Menon HIgh as helping the llOYs at the front. I FEBRUARY 27th, 1916 properly administering the govern-
min, Mr. and Mrs, Quinn, Miss 'Wipf, Sehool at Ardm~re, \Va,; one of the Three new members llave joined ment or the United States.
Miss Smith, Miss Young, Miss Turner, most ~ue~essful 111 the hlstorr of the the ('Iuh this week, attractell llY the Professor Mahoney impressell upon
Miss Durbin, Miss Haas, Miss W Ingate, orgalll;r,aUon " ' \ . sewing, and we are havin~ quite a l Not a person in Narberth, man or his hearers the faet lhat they s h ou 1II
Mrs. 'Wlnne, Mrs. Drinker, Mr. Well- . A;, carelu,l r chosen ;ro~ram, 1I~ number of requests for worI{ to do at 'I woman. young or old. should miss hate wrong in all forms and fight it
MI'. Durhln Mr, Lewis Winne, \\ l~ll.h the d~ora I hall been ngorousl~ home. to the limit, hut he also impressed
ster, , drilled hy MISS Anne McDonough the There is a ~reat dcmallli for slings,' hearing . . .
l\Ir William Jeffries, Mr, Stewart Tur- I'
• .
ncr , Mr . Peed Mr, Rohert 'Iowne, Mr. I I'e

,II en,t s I '
tl f
malI e I)y tl10 elOra,
, I Iree or, was Ie reuson or Ie ex- so that by Tuesday we will have one
I I hundred yards of muslin cnt up int::l
Madam Layya bABara kat . thelll WIth the faetlhat 111 so d01l1g
It ,;hould he the wrong and not the
G~~~I.:- Geo~e Iand Its previou~ splendill ~;~~:~il~~~~~el~la~l::\(~I~JI~~~:~~~:d~Vh~~
" lOW1l1g I ' , ' .
Edwarll Mr.. Rose, concerts as- slings, anrl anyone unahle to IJe pres- '_ Who Will Speak On
,IN,'T (11" r~('r.Ann:]) I,}:TTf:US \'1' sured the lar!?;e attendance. ent l\llll wishing to make slings <\t i I I I b ttl I·
]. ' A lar!?;e SIll11 of money, the proceeds home may obtain the same 11Y calling Jlred etel I. Ie liar w len a es liP",
NAUUEU'I'I1 ]>O!'\'1' O}'f'I('E. of the concert, will go to the country up Mrs. Downes or Mrs, Stlckne~'. "Palms of the Desert" I'annon and all llnplements of war
Miss ::'IIar~aret
Grove, Miss Lillian hranch of' the Children's Hospital, of Come over to the club Tuesday anel would he unlmown.
Hohhs, ::'Iliss Mary Zell, Miss Mattie Philadelphia, which was the benefi- see what pleasant socIable times we ..----,-- . - - - -
Smith, )lr. Lea Smith. l'iarr. have, sewing, maldng packs, SpOnges )1 E WI'I~t; en- '1'1": ~,\ UU':U'I'II
}:IIWlll'll !'\. llln~·s. 1'. )1. ---'--'--- and bandages, ami incidentally partak· Srn'It.WE eO~n:~TIOX. JlHA"rH Of' '1'111': ~}:f:nI,};·
y,\!,.: "'1'1 ,,}; 1',\ Wry. ing of refreshments served by the The Women,; Suffrage Party of WOnK GFH,n.
=- -.,
On Saturday evening Mr. amI l\Ir:3, ladles of the cluh in turn. Montgomery County held their first The second monthly meeting of the
: Clement Booth, of Woodside and Nar- I Mrs. David Stickney, membership convention on Wednesday last at the ~l\rherth ~eedlework Guild, for sew-
WAH ! herth Il\'enues, gave a Valentine Card manager, wearR a perpetnal smile county seat, Norristown, A business ing, will be helll In the Community
Part)" .in h?nor o[ Mrs. Bo?t1~'s ,sis- these days; she says it is because session occupied the morning, follow- HOOlIl of the !'\arberth Y. 1\1. C. A" at
ler, 1\hss ]'Iorence L)'on, o[ Sprlllg- of the dollars coming in so steadilY, ell by a "round table" luncheon serv- :!.:IO P. M., Wednesday, Febrnary 2::.
ueld , Mass, She is present at every TuesdaY ed at the Hotel Hamilton. Addresses 1916, All the directors are requested
The house was \'ery prettily deco- meeting, so if you wish to save your- were made by Mrs. George W. Dibert, to come, prepared 10 sew during the
ralerl with hearts and cupids, anll eV' self the trouble of sending your dues chairman of the Pennsylvania State afternoon.
erythlng, even to the refreshments, by mail, just drop in Tuesday anr1 Suffrage P arty; M rs. G eorge
AP . 'ler- JIJ"H. A••T. I,oos. SecI·eI41ry.
carried out the valentine Idea. Those pay your dollar then. sol, Philadelphia County Chairman;
youn Ol)l)OU'I'r~)'l't When mailing parcels containln;~
, present were: Mr. anll Mrs. Lester Mrs. Dolhard says this is fine Mrs. Lewis I.... Smith, Chester count)';
W. Nickerson, Mr, and Mrs, Wll1lam weather for "~ym" work, Visitors are Mrs, George C. Martin, Delaware eoun- anythIng fragile, patrons will so ad-
'1'0 Alll"v)ule SIII'il'r)ug', It. Parker, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph H. Always welcome to come in Wednes- ty, and Mrs. J. Claude Bedford, ex- vise the clerks or postmaster so that
"'ash, Mr, and Mrs. Charles A, Ver-
'1'0 Urlllg Sunshine na, Mr, and Mrs, C, P. Fowler, Mr.
dllV l'110rnlngs at 10.30 and see what
f\ fine lot of athletic women Narberth
chairman of Delaware county. . tIle parcel may IJe properl" luarkell
Narberth made a sp IelllIilI s IlOWlllg, for transmission through the' malls, '
a'ld Mrs. Frank Stone, Mr. and 1\'Irs. has. having live representatives in Mrs" . - - .._----.-
William LIvingston, Mr, and Mrs, A. K. WaIter Dolhard, Mrs. W. H. Pugh,· CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
Hllrris Thl'llh'I', ]o'rltlll)', Jlllrch :trd I
I Siler, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart McClel- Sav'. ])Id you know •
the Junior Miss I'-annle Loos, Mrs. Edwin C,
TIM Ch 1 A V Two ,,,'nts I·...r word In o,h·on"... ; minimum
lan, Mr. ami Mrs. C. T. Moore, Mrs. Klnll"s Daughters are golnlZ' to give a own alH I'S.· ar es . erna. I teD words,
Robert E, Pattison, Jr., Miss Lyon, rattling, snappy, sometJllngl.doln'. I ,,-xv person wishing n. good thermometer
]loors Olll'l\ j .no
Shllrll and Mr. Percival Nash, of Narberth, every.mlnute minstrel showT Well, Well, obscurity has its. compensa- I 52~nnN~~~:rt~ne p~ addressing P. 0, Dox,
(!hlIdren, tile. Adults, 2;;1'.
and Mr. and Mrs, John Young, of thoy are! "WatclJ your step" nnd flee tlons, Had one been InVIted to the 1--'----'----------
president's wedding one would have 1-·01( fUf,E-Hru •• crlh, h"h~· Ilnnlln""k, etc.

I Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. John I that It 1('111]11 TOll tJlere! Date will be
~l, J. Byrd, of Wayne, Pa. ,l nllllollll"ell
... Inter. IIud to buy I
a Iand some presen
' t, :-:llrherth, I
Addre.', Mr•. Slone, ~14 Forre.1 u",'nu,',
N A HBE ltTH. P !\..-OUl~ ".rOWN--FEB1:lU.. .\.R1.T ] 7. ~ ~'l()

Mr. Howard Hoffman and family, of
Wayne, Pa., have decldell to make
Narberth their home, and will reside
Owned, and Published every Thurll-I at 233 Essex avenue. OLD TIME FORM Prime Meats
day by the Narberth Civic Assocla.-
tion. Miss Mayo has been spending- Home Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs
the week-end witll Mrs. AldinI' K. Trim Norristown. Schuylkill Val- and Game,
HAnRY A. JACOBS, Siler, Wynnewood avenue, Narberth.
Editor. ley Champions, to the Tune Fancy Fruit and Vegetable••
Mr. Hobert McCaig, of Philadelphia, of 25-11
"Irs. C. R. Blackall G. M. Henry
Mrs. C. T. Moore A. J. Loos
has moved into 111 \\roodslde avenue. I "A Store for Particular People"
:\Irs. E. C. Stokes Henry Rose The Hev. Andrew S. Burke and! LARDIE DAVIS STARS NARBERTH, PA.
Miss Adah Durbin W. T. Melchior
Earl P. Smith O. L. Hampton THE FIRESIDE famil)-, of All Saints' P. K Church I
are spending the month of Februar~: i
Associate };ditors.
Hettr Hllxter's Gosslll. at Pinehurst, X. C. i In one of the best games of the
:'IIAIZIE J. SIMPSON, : season, the Main Line champions ot IT IS BETTER
Cashier. i
When the gusts of midwinter have Dr. and Mrs, Clarence T. FarIes an· basket ball trimmed the Norristown
______________ I whitened spending a frw weeks in Florilla. ,quintet, the champions of the Schu)'I-
The graves of the flowers ,kill Valley, by the score of 25-11.
H. C. GARA, Whose warm fragrance and beautr Honorable: Howard G. McGowan and,. ' 1'he"I I on t ,:1'
camip d . ~he old- Fill Your Prescriptions Than
aye \~Ith Wish You Had. .
Ad,'erUslllg "Ianager.
I once brightened
Send all letters and news item to sh~ft ~~p~~~ts~lO~~IS' one .
his son, Preston McGowan of Berks: tI!ue pep and with Captam BIll Dur-
Countr, were the guests of Postmaster! bill and Larllie Davis in the line-up
P. O. Box 404. pleasure memoned Haws over the week-end. Mr. Mc-I soon '!egan ,to ~core. Ina~llity to
Send all advertising copy to P. O. And mourn for Its death? I GowaJ~ has been twice elected a mem-: Sh~ot t~Ul gOa,ls. cost ,the vislt~rs sev-
Box 820.
."a I\C a 11 rem 'tt
"a" my love l '
I ances t 0 P • 0 • B ox -"" measure-
f her of the Penllsvlvania State Legis- eral pomts, \\ lull' Narberth m the
, lere IS measure or lature; he . IS now' a candidate for the : mean ti me started to score fielll goalK
Contracting Painter
118. Here's a home and the Ileartli State Senate in his district. and led at the end of the first half Narberth, Pa.
Our Town is on sale at the depot . 16-6. Estimates Telephone
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. T. A. DaIr· 1\ lr. Howard C. Fritsch and family At the begilming of the secolld Iialf
Davis. i\lr 1 1\1 W'II" B have returnell from St. Augustine, the gallery was almost vacated by I M·lesen's Bakery
_ .
lober ]fi, 1914. at the Post Office at. ~hestllut
:"arberth, Pennsvlvama, under t h e '
Entered as second-class matter, OC-I I . lUll I'rs.
tor a fewavenue,
I lam artlett, of Florida.
days are at Atlantic Cit)'
TI t fl' '11 b I
the sound of the fire bell, but the I
plarers stuck to their task and eas-
ily outplayed their opponents anlll NARBERTH ARCADE
Act of March 3, 1879. . --- . Ie pos 0 Ice WI. I' c,' os~rl after 'I BUILDING
MISS Grace 1'urner, a teacher in the lIIne A. M. on Washmgton s Blrthdar. soon had the game tuckell away Dr ad C k
F1'~BRUARY en~
THl;nSDA Y, 17, l!lHi I
High School, is also at Atlantic Cit).. !
___ I ---
Mr. and Mrs. Vincencennes Wether- tire team
much to the good playing of the lI
e ean : Y.e.IceRolls. Cream
_ _ _ ._ '11 . I dl It ]ook~ very 111uch a if tile local,! CATERING FOR PARTIES

l\lIss Mildred Harris was hostess at I ,of )11 ey a venue, will celebrate ~
E:\IERGE~CY PHONE CALLS a Valentine tea at her home, on Sat-I their sixtieth weddinA' anniversary in team had begun to regain their form I
Fire 350. I \~rday. Her guests included Miss ~far<:~I. Mr.. W~therill is very active whieh heretofore has been lacking, TO ELIMINATE PUNCTURES
! I..dythe Humphreys, Miss Margaret In spite of hIS elghtr-five years young Larllie Davis was the individual star,
Police 1250.
I Mayes, Miss Margaret Eyre, Miss and may be seen on the streets of Nar- of the game, having scored fourteen' USE
Mari~n Hild~ ~?rE" ~Iany
Cold davs but weren't the trees! l\ladeleine McCoy, Miss Marian Haws berth any pleasant day, stepping along of the team's points
pretty? .' ! Miss Trotter, Miss hrisklr than men of middle Captain Bill DuriJin also played, \l
Smedley, MISS Dorothy Durbin, Miss life. l\Irs. Wethenll has not been in well and instilled much life into his I AUTO
The Fire Companr's appeal for new IAgne~ Rose, Miss Jean Justice. Miss· s.UCh good health recently, but has, teammates,
Svdllle Bol' I 1\1' \T' . . I) I like her Ilevotell sp I l'v d Xext Saturlla v e\'elll'llg tIle local
~ I'
IIGuaranteed 5000 M'II es Servlce
members should have your support, if ". IC I,. ISS. Irguuu ownes,. • 01 se, an " .
you have 110t already joined this MISS Ja:ne LaIrd, MISS Estelle Cohic, ~c.tlve and. che~ry lIfe. TheIr manr team will play the Overbrook team
worthy organization.
and MISs Augusta Witherow. Miss i (nends WIll Wish them health and which promises to be a good game:
Helen ])uff assisted in receiving. continued good eheer for many moons. al~d It is hoped that a good crowd
The move to have Essex avenue cut --- I --- WIll be on hand to root. The score: .
through under the railroad, is a most IMr. an~;
Mrs. \V. L. Henderson, of . The activities among- the bowlers of Xarberth.
important one, not only for safety's Chestnut avenue, entertained at din- 'I Narberth h~ve
been. such recentl)', that Durbin
Norristown. I
forwarll .. Ashenfelter I
sake, but for convenience as weILl ~Ier at the ;Bellevue-Stratford, on the alleys III the "\. M. C. A. are n~t (Captain)
Then, too, the town has grown so Thursday e\'enmg. adequate t~ th~ demand and there IS J. Jeffr.ies .... forward ., ... BicklngS,' llupl~" til'eR, lin' Illa,I,' of Ih,' he'l or nlll-
large that there should be closer and
I l\iiss Y
A t f \\'
talk of trying In SOllle way, to secure L. DaVIS
t\\'O a Idit" 1 1 11 Tl" t t.;., .
center .. , . Gallagher lerlal Irolll "1,IIl,lan] lin'", ThlR me"n" 111"
~)pr (.'('nt. lIlort' ,,"PHr'jllg' :-iul"(at·p, which nlp;ln~
qulcl{er communication between the, ' . 'era r man, o· ynnewood l 10 Ill. a eys. liS III eres L. Dav}!; guard Robesonl,"I'~Pd IIf': t.. Ih" lil"', alld Ihoro I, no chall""
Dell· ;'~ 't PI'~~HI,ulro. ,!ur """"Inwtloll /(i\",," fr"lll
:\orthside and 'Southside. : avenue, entertained at bridge, on i is naturally bringing out the best in Fleck guard
, Wednesday afternoon. Her gnests Ithe fellows Who bowl, and It is getting (I{irk) - Ii I··or
0 Jl ,,"('lIulltry
- t1~1' lIlt' Dt"PLI';X til-"
"I fal"'I,'
were Mrs. W. R. D. Hall, Mrs. L. 1'.1 quite common for manr of them to ji'ield goals: Jeffries 2 L. Davis 71 "a"n(~l. hI', .. ~"('II(',1. .\11,1 11ll'~' are as ('''".''
('(DDI C\)('.l '1'10 X. , Drinker, Miss Linda Kirk, Miss Marl' I pass the 200 mark in the seoring. , " rl,II"" ,," ,11'~ .. n II... lna'·k,'!. The 'tlr "pa,'"
To the J":ditor of Our Town:
I t' . I I. I" f
I Howand Mrs. W J DuB
I '
, no Ice 111 ~s wee {S Is.sue 0 your l\1argu,erite, Kirk and Mrs. \Vatt.
.. ree.
1\1' •
Miss McMenamin will have a meet-
I·leck, Ashenfelter, Gallagher, Dell. I IInoi pl·"""ur.' I" Ih" ""IH' a" wilh P'1<"II-
FOUl g-oals: Durbin 5, Dell 5. Ref-! 111~!I(':": ,'~I.'I("h Illal'''' 11""n very reslll"II!.
' . I ,J h. ~ .I" thl' 111,,"l """'H"nl"al for thl' ,"'"
paper 1 the artJele concerumg the tax i I I
iug of the children's dancing class at ereI': McCarter, Brown, W.,S,P. Scorer:
N. H. H. S. ' Umpire:
Earl F.I. !!r:,
'''' '1«r,lroUhll'~-,"o
"1101 ''''',. thue h)' tl... ellml"..t1"n ..r
"tnpplll>: I" OX pUncIurf'".
on l O g S . .
'Ve have been lla)"llg dog t lX ver
, ' < lIt I'
IMr. and Mrs. Edward Bolich, of her home, 104 Chestnut avenue, on
lona ~venue. are spending a week at Friday afternoon. February 18th. This utes
Snlith. Tinle of halves:
'l III' x "r Ihl, I) p" a ...· U"I·tI h,' til<" l" S C '
20 lnin- PI"rl11}pnt <llul IHrJ..:"p (.'nr)l:lI"atil;uN_ ' ••• ,0\·
11",: 111(\'(' a 11,"11,,01 xl· ... I' \1"" will offer al
smce we moved to Narberth, • over Atlantic Cit"J . 1\'
,,'I'11 1Je tl Ie fiIrs t meemgt' 0f t l '
Ie sec- Iho 1"11"11"1,,,," I,r!<-,,":
a",:: '. , ... $ i'."" :::,'~

:F':Ot~'i::,\~::; ~::~~?'~o~n;::;~~;:: >l'~i~;:dJ~:'~i~~~n;~.~:~::::hi~;:c1:";'~Ii ~g 1m ~ >~H~

twelve y.ears ago. ThIS year the as-I ond term. ------ ._- $17 ,,"

tie ago Ie reeClpt came, U no for their minstrel show and plav " •at f 011'
W. ""
owmg mem 1Jers of. tie
J JoY," .n,,,t,h... tho
1 cub,
1 oC
'' \ All
ml\ j
Olin.',.' "1,,,,,1,,,'01 "1%,·" al"';' r~r'n'1.::11':,,'1,
' • ',~
I I I" "' <
tag • the Xarberth Arcade Theatre Re- . ' . " IH" e'·nl. fnr ""n-"kltl,
I am under the impression that b .... \llllch she IS a member, to a lunch- : ,'."rm": Xel "Il"h III III IW" c,'nl. .lIsen""1
here •arc •'t lot of llogs I'n ·"'arbertll
_ , on
mem er the date, for tlns promises to
i 1Ie one 0 f t IIe best shows ever given G eon,Ton
) rll ,a~.
F'l ' F I t
1\ I' Jruary
r .11 h: 1\{rs.
Method.·st Sunday '-
School Boys'i 'r\". tll,'"e ' t!t·,,"
tlf'Il,·,...)" "011,1 . '1"
n'. ,,,tlay.
1l1ll 'n ax,un' prnmpl
making T,'mll-

twhich no tax is paid Our last dog I. 1\ b I . . . I orse), frs. \\. Atkmson. Mrs. Banquet Next Monday Night I: '." "C',, 10)' 1'. C ". ~Io",.), "rtl.·... lIrafl. or c1,<.
'c tllree year'c old and' has never beell jltnk' ar ert I. An1\lo~lg those who will E. Cockrill, and Mrs. Jones.
II ~old ,1I .. el"\ 10 """""11I"" ""I~', De"""!Jltl\"_-
0.' . II e part are lIss Ruth Prescott, --- I f..I<I .... "pon rt"I"""1.
Io •

' Akron Duplex Tire a d R bb

on the street slllce we had 11lSm'
• D• 1Miss Maude Wipf, Miss Achsah Wentz,
I Miss Maizie Simpson Miss lind' \\, I j' --d
e earn rOIlJ goo au IOTlty t lat
tl . I
Like their fathers, bor love good
i n u er Ce.
: Jaeob", M'" II I '\"'1 ' . a Il\lr. A. I"~. Wolhert has been success- things to eat and happy fellowship. AKRON. OHIO.
~ ISS "Ie en
! Augusta Witherow Miss Carol"l
,vi son, MISS I L . It t t l " . T" a b'
To the Editor of Our Town:
I .. ' ,<" I A
ful in procuring the services of Mr. .o)a S. 0 Ie. gang spIn
J Jen II g C th lactor In the hfe of every boy. SO
.l . consHler the enclose~ news item lrwlll, MIss. Adah .Durbin, Miss Mary G~rd~n N~r~r~' s as 1\~anJager. 0 ) e fortv boys repre:~ilting four classes
of IIlterest to every reSIdent of the Peebles, MISS HIlda Smedley Miss 1 1', . r. ennmgs las
('ommunity and will appreciate verr Evelyn Harris, Miss Florence jacoby, been actively engaged in the horticul- Of the .JUllIor Department. or
. . .
t1~e entist
much if rou will be kind enough to Miss l~dythe Humphreys and Miss MiI- tural profession for lUany years, ant! Metholhst Sunda! School, WIth th.elr
puhlish it in your Issue of the 17th, dred Harris. In its purSUit has traveled extensive- pastor am: superll~ten~lent,
are gettlllg 202 Narberth Avenue
Instant, providing )"our space it not I, ly In this countr)' ~nd in Europe. We, t~gether tor a. IJlg tlllle around the I'HOl"E JH Y.
filled up for this date. I further' SOllie of the youug men of :\arherth wekome Mr. Jenlllngs to our com- hanquet table ~n the lecture room I
think it would be well to have a are giving a dance at Elm Hall, on llJunity, and hope he will take an I
Patriotic Committee appointed b). our I Friday evening, February 18. A great' active interest in our civic associa-: So~n~hodY 1Il.~erest,;d III them IS
Monday.mght.. . I not; TAX.
The law requires that a diligent in-
officials to look after such matters as many guests are expected and a very tion and loeal affairs, as. no doubt, provllhn~ the eats, ,and the .teach- qulry be made from property owners
this and to promulgate all things that pleasant evening anticipated for all his interest would prove of value t(l ers Will serve. 1here ~Ill be 01' occupants of any property as to the
We congratulatu speeches, s~ng~ aIHI everythmg else number of dogs owned, harbored or
are patriotic in the community.
Very truly )'ours,
i who attend. The committee in charge the

Warren Anderson.
indudes Mr. William Jefferies and Mr. IMr. Wolhert in securing so proficient tI~at goes With It that m~kes for hap- i kept by such persons, who shall pay
,'an assistant, pllless on sUcl~ an occasIOn. I
a tax on such dogs, the fee being
l The article was very intereSting" The school IS justly prou~ of her I I1xed hy the County Commissioners
indeed, but you failed to sign your . The Chi PI Sorority girls are mak- hoys and the bors of their. SCh~Ol.l as follows: Each male dog, 50 cents;
nallle to it and we, therefore, could not jlllg pl~ns for a Leap Year danee on
pUblish it. Of course we will with- Friday evening, !<'ehruary 29.
Many of these hoys are wearmg pms each female dog, $2. Every per'
for faithful dltendance during the keeping a dog about his house or
I s~~
hold the name of any contributor, if )·ear. A few have not missed one lowing such dogs to stay about tl
he so desires, but all articles mnst Secretary O. L. Hampton is attend- session of the school for several same shall be' deemed as' the 0'" lie
. ., 1 b .
gIve the wTlter s name. We sha 1 I' III/!; the State Y. M. C. A. Convention rears.
I "1 er
of sueh (log and be liable for the
glad to hear from "ResilIent" before at Reading, Februar~' 17-21. And what abl'ut the girls? Their I license of sllch dog. When the as-
our next issue.-Ed.) turn is coming. I
sessment is made the owner must pa '
I l\lrs. Lester Xicl{erson. of I<:::lmwood ,'the tax, and in return receive a ta:Yr
What is mentioned as the boom In avenue, entertained the "Thimble
poetry llIay be attrlhuted e!ther to het- ClUb," at her hoUle on Wednesday af-l
" which mllst be WOI"II on the collar
nOJIESTIC RATES OF POSTAGE. ,t];e dog. Otherwise, When the author-
r tpoetry.
Ie as e.
t or less dlscrinllnatlng pub- ternoon.

IVllss Helen Wingate, of West Phlla-

I - - - --,' ------
lIusket lIall Schcllllle 191;;.16.
U III't I' d Sta t es, Cana da, t
; ounce, first-class.
ts l
wo cen
an Hies send around I'n tIle sprl' n g any
Magazines and dog not wen ring the tag, shall be taken
: newspapers one cent for each Cour up. 1'ax on dogs must be paid at the
delphia, spent the week-end with Miss , : ounces or fraction. I
time inquiry is made.
IU I"I'IS'I' nll:U('H I~velyn Harris. of Price avenue. February 18th: Doylestown H. S, ~'oreign Countries. I., ,----
OF 'rHt; t:VAx(a:J, home. I England, Ireland, Scotland and! ~ARnF,RTJ[ cn
X EX'I' snu,\ Y
Miss .Tean .Tustice spent the week- February 19th: West Chester 1 Wales two cents an ounce first-class. I
Presldent--George 1\1. Henry.
end In Atlantic City. :'\ormal (second), away. " O t h e r Countrfe;. I Vice-Presldents-Augustus J. Laos,
1I1-llliul lUblt- Stllll,. ., . .." I February 25th: Conshohocken H. S., I Five cents first ounce; three cents A. C. Shand. Dr. O. J. Snyder. I
Sermon I
1\lIss MIldred S. Smith 01 l~lm 1er- away. for each addition ounce first-class Secretary-Treasurer-Sam'l T. Ath-
"Is (~od J,Imltetl"" race, had as her week-end g,uest, Miss MarcIl 3rd'. Ablligton H . S ., lome I , mall. Newspapers and printed mat-. ,r ~ I'olt
- . I
YOllllg l'eolllt·,S Senfce Marthy Ackly, of Logan. March 10th: Bryn Athyn, away. ter, one cent for each two ounces or I Direclors-W. Arthur Cole, Mrs.
"The Jlrstlc Wean'r"
Mrs. G. K Elliott, of New York is home.
visiting her 'daughter, Mrs. Fr:lIlk
March 17th: Conshohocken H. S.. fraction.
Purcels Post to All Foreign Countries. Wm. D. Smedler, Robt. H. Durbin,
March 24th: Villa Nova Prep., (sec-' Twelve cents per pound, limit Mrs. Geo. :\1. Harrie, E. A. Muschaml',
! A. C. Shand, Fletcher W. Stites,

(;osl»el Tellm Xo. }'onr (Ill' Stone, of Forrest avenue. ond), home. eleven pounds.I Ship all' parcels, John B. \VlIllams Mrs. C. R. Blackall,
Charles H. McCarter, Jr., Manager: foreign and domestic, by parcels post. \ E. S. Haws. H. C. Gara. James Art·
Sundur E"enlng, ;Unrch i)
WE IXVITt: YOU Mr. William Livingston has been 111 William H. Durbin, Captain; William. Safe and reliable. rates low, man, E. P. Dold, A. E. Wohlert, Mrs.
lit his home, 415 ~arberth avenue. L. Eshelman, Coach. 'Edward S. lIaws, Postmaster. Edwin C. Towne.
Mr. John Van Ness, whose subject ~------,-.;.-------
wlIl be "Some Bible Curios."
.HI, SAIX'I'S' 1'.

Un•.\ ndrcw S. Bllrkt', Ul'ctor.

The services at Ali Saints' P. E.

The prayer service this week, Wed-
nesda)' evening, at 8 o'clock, will con-
sider as its subject "The Prlest.hood
of the Believer," 1 Pet.. 2:9. The ser-
vice next week will be the monthly
missionary meeting, and Dr. J~dgar T.
Church, Montgomer)' anll W)'nnewood Shields will be the speaker.
road, for next SundaY are as follows:
S.OO A. M.-Holy Communion.
fJA5 A. M.·-Sundar School.
11.00 A. M.-Mornlng Prayer Wltll
We are pleased to be able to an-
noullce that we have been able t.o se-
eure Gospel Team No.4, of the Penn-
sylvania Hall road Y. M. C. A., for
an eVllngelistic service, SUllday eve- SCHOOL EDITOR'S
Cold Cream
4.00 P. M.-Evenlng Prayer.
The Rev. A. D. Heffren, professor of
ning. March 5.
The committee 011 t.he "Every Mem- WEEny NEWS ITEMS
languages at the Philadelphia Divinity her Canvass" have obtained Hev. F. Made in our own laboratories, good
Sehool, had charge of ali the services A. AyeI'. New York City, director of seHOOI, :XO'l')o;S.
at AIl Saints' last. Sunda)', during the this work of our Northern Baptist Theil view Columbia's favorite son. for chapped hands, lips and skin sores.
ahsence of the rector Mr. Heffren
will also officiate on the 20th and 27th
('onvention, as speaker at a woman's Her father. savior. frienll and guide:
meeting, for the afternoon, Friday,j There see the immortal Washington!
Will not grow hair on the face.
of this month. March 10. and a general meeting in: I1is countr)"s glory, hoast and pride!
The pews at AlI Saints' are free.
and a cordial invitation is extended
to strangers as well as the residents
the evening.
Another musical service has been

arranged. to be held Sunday evening, I l!ndouhtedl)", everything is in full

Also a Full Line of Face and
to attend the services.
Bishop Hhinelancler wiJI visit All
MardI 12. Remember t.he date. ,SW1l1g for the Washington socia1.
However, preparation is going on so Talcum Powders
Saints' on Sunday. May 21st, at the
elcven o'clock service to administer
the Apostolic lUte of Couflrmation.
Any persons desiring to enter the
confirmation clasR kindly g,ive their
names to the rector.
As the church has provided the
~1F,lnON l\1F,1-;TING 1I0USE. quietly that school work is in no way
disrupt.ed. HoI\', when and where the
Merion Meetin~ House Is opened for many sehemes are being worked out
worship every First-day at 10.30 A.,we do not know, but we have con-
M. Visitors are cordially welcome. lidence that by l<'rlday evening we will
A registry book is kept for visitors. all realize that some people have heen
All are hslted to register their names I "on to their job." For details of the
FIEDLER'S Drug Store

free hus transportation to and from Prof. "I.

Russell Green, of the Uni-. social Ree the first page.
the church, you should show your ap- versity of Penlls~'lvania, expects to!
preelation by using it. Bus leaves be with us on Sunday, Fehruary 20.' On Thurscla)', }<'ebruary 17, Dr. Gen. I
Xarherth station at 10040 on Snndav Kussel, President Wilson's dentist. I PHONE, 1284 or 625. We Deliver
___ ~_
Early Mass on Surdil-Y from April. menl.
wiII address the High School depart- ="..,.,.....,.---....,.,..,---.."~-...,,,......,.---------------
I . .. -
'rift: ]'Ut:SU\"I'EnU ~ curunr. ! I<;t to October 31st at. C.JO A. :\1. From i ---- I:'t"n.'te' FUrI'I'heJ Heatin;: ApplianC"s J A MILLER
Un. ,John JJlnlsh'I'.
"1111 ~t'N". i~~;~e~I~~:,l~~3~0 :a~~.nt~~~tu:~Ju·~·t~1~ ze~~01~~~=:th~~~rl(\~T~;~ iJ~v~~~tef:~~ ~I;)~ I ' El
! R. W. CASE (succ:sso; to E. J. HOOD)
___ ,year. Masses on holydays, 6.30 anJ : scenses and tewer pupils tardy; the . IC HEATER AND RANGE WORK
The meetings in this chnrch for' 8.30 ~. l\I. Weekdays a.t 8. Bvenllll;, I hUil.din g \~'~s ve~y warm al~d com-I ectnca ontractor
next Sunday will he as folIows:
10 A. l\t.--Sunday School.
11 A. M.-Puhl·!l' worshill with
times. I
I deyotlOns and other servIces at regular fortable. I hanks to the ja11ltor.
i The Alumnae of the. "arbe~th lligh
I I~er",nn;:

lOt Forrest ATenoe
Tell'phol1l' Jobbing a Specialty. Narberth, PL

patriotic sermon In' the pastor on I 1'OS'I' O}'FICE xO'rI-:s. School gave a most dehghtful Informal
the theme: "The La'IHI Where Hatred Stamps are on sale of every de- social last Tuesday evening in Asselll- rLEAN···S~FE···WHOLESOM~ Contented Consumers Commend
gxpires." !lcJmination from one cent to fifteen hly Hall. All members of the II ifill Cook's Coal
7 1'. M.--Young People's Meeting. cents. except eleven alld fourteen; Faculty and Senior Class were gnests. OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
LeacIer, Hohert Mueller. also a plentiful supply of cards. The ~n~ertainment was rather original, UNDER BAcrERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
S P. M.--Evening worship. The pas- stampell envelopes and newspaper conslst11lg of two gUess.i,n g ~a~~es ~nd
tor will conclude the series of ser- wrap.pers.
mons on the Fighth Chapter of Hom-
' ~
ans. The theme for next Sunday eve-
!ling wiII he: "To Them That Love
PrIces of st.amped envelopes:
2"" 1 I
c enve opes
100 lc envelopes
$ ~
a parody on tbe opera LucI.a.
10f the alumnae took the vanous parts
in tl c st 1'1
Ie .a..
0 t
GIrls Pasleurlzed Milk I
. II
Ie c s umes, as \\ e as,
IOryoclovls Cerlilled WEST PRILA
the actmg, were clever. There was (PedrlaUeSoelety)
• ,
God." 25 2c envelopes........ .5:1 much laughter and applause from the Special "Guernsey'· MERION COAL, WOOD AND
On account of the faet that the dare I 100 2c envelopes 2.10 ,audience. which gave eVi.dence that I Milk WYNNEFIELD I
or the regular All-Da~' Meeh'ng of the the play was well apprecIated. Re- II (Roberts· & Sharpless· BAU-eYNWYD BUILDING SUPPLIES
ladles falls this mon'tll on Washing- wno's wno IX NARBERTH. freshments. were served: after which Dairies) NARBERTB I
ton's Birthday, the meeting will be ,ther~ was mformal. dancmg. It was a CreamButlermllk ARDMORE I
postponed on~ week and wiII be held
on Tuesday, February 29.
Burgets-Geo. l\i. Henry,
;'0~ISI11lg good SOCIal from start. to Table _d Whipping WYNNEWOOD
mlS I. Cream.
II - PoweLL
srOII· Ii 0tIRIRleIiS
Treasl1rer-Ellwln P. Dold. --
)J W]'I101HS'l'
};PIS(~()J>AIJ cmJR('u.,
Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. Noel.
Tax Collector-James F. Sherron.
.'. TI~e
semester reP?I·ts have heen !
I (h~tr~buted to the pupIls of all grades. I
Prompt Deliveries Assured
nt',·. c. (~. KOIII.t'l. 1'nstol·. Ila;: reet commissioner-W. S. McClel- i ~~; ~;~a711:~estoat~I~: :I~~l ~~l~~~en~I;::~ I
Suulhl)' St'nicl's. Buildin~ Inspector-J. Howard: half of the year. This ·is due largely I 45th and Parrish Sts. I MAY I PROVE.
,..:. 4~" _ - S 11111I"ay S'I
c 1O~ I • . Ii Smedle"J ' '"
CI asseH. 'j 01 . , in
: to the special
hehalf effort
of the
u t forth
which is Iland
delinquents the: " T 0 you w hat an a dvantage it IS
~'llIldr~~I, .youths, maIdens ~nd adulls' gounts~lfr-:le~ch:;V, Siltes. individual given them. The teachers II~ --: to own your own home:
fhe 0 er1l1g for the day g,lven to the ons aJ e- re. a zero are untiring in their efforts to help I WM. D. SMEDLEY
~ethodist Hospital allli 'fhe Home
or the_Aged.. T • .'

11.00 Mormng ,'\ orshlll. '1 he pastol,

,I . , l COUNCIl,.
l'l'eshlent-Harry D. :'>arrigan.
those Who need special help. Eliza-
: heth I\liesen, Elizabeth Miller, of the
'Freshman class, and Quinc)" Yowell,
Try a Pound of
I At the CNabinb, ,
ar erth &: H averforrl A Yes.
h~s heen reql~~ste~l t,<>. sp;ak. upon the I
\\'i1liam.1. Henderson.
VItal. t.h, Chrrst s "\, ork for lIu-, Charles Humphreys.
of the Sophomore class, are the three
pupils of the high school who have
H E DAVIS I Telephone-Narberth 368.
mamt). ' A. P. Hedifer. 'missed no half day nor heen tardv ••

GA5-By spedal arrangcment Miss It )bert G. Savill. ·onee during the fir~~ semester Ther~
I~inn, a deac?ness o~ the Home 1\Ii5- '~'m: D. Smedley. I are a large number of pupils who
slOnary SocIety, WIll address the,1 bd\\ard C. Stoltes.
Young People's Service. I - 'have heen absent or tard)' but once
or twice.
DO YOU THINK Plaster and Cement Work
Estimates Furnished Jobbing
7.45--i\Iiss 7-elIa Linn. a deaconess ~n:~nn:ns O}' TIlE NAItBEItTJI --'
from Iowa, will he the speaker at SCHOOL BOARn. J...ast Friday we celehrated Lincoln's of B~i.lding a foIome? We have the lots,
this service. Miss Linll is one of the I
President-C. Howard McCarter. B'J1·tlIII ay ,·tl
1,'1 1 tl Ie f 0 II owmg
. program: Iand'Id IfforYOU
yo WIsh WIll get plans and I HARRY B. WALL
ablest workers of the Home Mlssion-
ary Society. She is a pleasing slleak-
Vice·President-Carroll Downes.
Treasurer-Will K. Ridge.
Thellwell n. Coggeshall.
First Grade--Redtatlon hv two boys. I llll
Second Grade-Memory g~m. '! U.

! Plumbing, Gas Fitting

er llnel will thrill her hearers with Fifth Grade-Recitation hy Morgan
the recital of heroie work done hy Hobert H. Dothard. ' Smith; HooseveU's address on Lincoln, II and Heating
these noble women in the slums of by Leslie Smith. Seventh Grade-
America. A bright, heart)' song ser- nO.,nUt O}' nEAI,TJI. "Lin~oln," by Francis Keirn. Story CHESTNlTr.Bel.16lh SI NARBERTH. PA
vice will precede the address. If you President-Chae:. E. Kreamel'. of Lmcoln's first reading, h~T Mary Flnesl Pholoplay The-
Ilesire Sunday evening to he one of Secretary-A. P. Hedifer. Chalfont. Sixth Grade-Warren
profit amI happiness you will find a
eorl1ial welcome always.
W.'tlUeHt!lI)· :Xlgllt Jrel't.!u!t'.
Health Officer-W. S. McClellan. Speakman, Death of Lincoln. Fifth Pholoplays-ConlinuClus lOA. M. to 11.30 i
Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies, Gralle-David Casey, story of Lin-
T. n. DII Marias, Carden 'Warner and' coIn as Postmaster. Quincy Yowell.
8.00-The young people of the EIl- Chas. V. Noel. Lincoln's address at Gettysburg. Oh
P. M.
PhDa., Pa.
PROGRAMME Week Commencing

worth League will conduct the meet- Captain! My Captain, Mr. Melchior. I
TllUrsdny, )o'rldllY nud Saturday
Select Dairies
ing,. They will have entire charge of }'IIlE COl'IPANY. --- }'ebrullr)" 17, IS nnd 19.
the service. Come out and help t.hem. President, Chas. E. Kreamer; sec- Everybody out this Frida~T after- Courtesy of the Paramount corpor-I
Xext week the Woman's Foreign Mis- retar)', Charles V. Noel; financial I noon for the big game with Doyles- ation and the Stanley Com pan!. I Special Nursery Milk in Paper Car-
sionary Society leads. secretary, E. C. Stokes; treasurer, t.own High School, and then go up to I > MARG~ERI~E CLARh. ton Filled at Penhurst Farm.
Carden Warner', chief engineer . ' i sehool for your supper. I In a llcturizahon
Rvley's Bxqulslte?f. Madeline
Homance Lucette n e II PIlone_Y..,arb erth 669 D.
l:YAXm;I, ]HP'I'IS'r (,HEllcn. Chas. V. Noel: first assistant engm.,·
eel', I~dw. Willf; second assistant en. On alarch I, Dr. Cameron. of Nar-
"MICE AND MEN" 100 Narberth A venue
1-:1111'1'''011 IJ. Smlt.h, ]·UHtor. glneer, A. P. Redifer; third assistant I berth. will give a talk to the l o w e r . . NARBERT
engineer J h G W It . f th 'grades on "The Teeth." ThIS week we omit Triangle Plays H, PA.
, o n • a on, our as' owing to a fire at the Ince StudlOS'j
Sunday, 9.45 A. M.-Bihle School. sistant engineer, A. W. Needham.
The Men's Class elected officers last
MondaY evening. It invites every man UOAUl) O}O' lrANAGERS OF
: BUILD UP YOUR IOWN They will he resumed beginning
)Ionllll)', }'eIJrUllry 21st,
with first showing of
W"e Handle

not attending Bible Study elsewhere WOUEN'S COMMUNITY CLlm BILLIE BUHK ,
to join with us. Chairman-Mrs. C. T. Moore. In ROLLS, PIES AND CAKES
11.00 A. M.-Morning worship. SUh,:
ject of the sermon: "Is God Limited? Clark.
Financial Manager-Mrs. Roy 1::. BUt'ld Up Your Hom p
"PEGGY" Th p Impprt'al Procpry
7.00 P. M.-Young People's Service. Lihrarr Manager-Miss Grace the entire weelt U U b U
Group 3, of which Emma Mueller is Haight. ])on't forget that this Is II. com·
ehall'man, will he In charge.
House Manager-Mrs. Alexander munIt)· of home makers and home
keepers and tllat one of YOUR
GODFREY Howard F. Cotter
7.45 P. M.-· velllng wors 1 p.
use the revival hymnal. Suhject of tbe
llermon: "The Mystic Weaver."
e Chamhley.
Social Manager-Mrs. F. W. Stites.
Membership Manager-Mrs. David
keell It so.
You can aid mnterially by do.
The Real Estate Man at
114 Woodside Ave.,
The Ushers' Association will meet D.· Stickney. Ing your shopping and marketing wUI be pleased to assist you In get· QUALITY
MondaY evening at the 110me of Mr. I Athletic Manager-Mrs. Walter with the advertisers In this paper. t1ng a home.
R. M. Hanks. The Elpeaker will he Dothard. I Telephone-Narberth 685 A. Y. M. c. A. BUILDING
NAHBEI{'rI-I~ PA.-OUH, TO'VN"-FEBJ1UAllY 17~ 1916

We Carry Everything
You Expect
I WALTON BROS. P:72 The Japanese Floweringe

to finll in a thoronghl~' I'eliable allli

IIp-ttl-flate 1l1'1I!t' l-iCur(·. HAULING FREIGHT, ETC. ALL KINDS OF WORK DONE Cherry Trees
1'1'1'~I'I'iJlllulI~ compOllJ1llel1 1'1'0111 the
)lnrest of drugs, just as your doctor
Automobile lor Passenger Service. Enclosed lor the Stormy Season I Are the most attractive of all the orna-
wants you to have them,
You shoulll be as partieular in se-
mental trees. They are Our Towns
lecting" ~'our Pharmacist as you are
in selel'ling your Physidan.
Our fifteen years of experience is
$1.25 Each, 3 to 4 ft. high
always at your sen'ice.
It iE more convenient to bank. at home, and more I 12 Trees, $12, 3 to 4 ft. high
HOWARD'S DRUG STORE profitable, too. I
vVe allo\\' 2% on balances of Fifty Dollars, 3/-,( on i 25 Trees for $20, 3 to 4 ft. high
ARCADE THEATRE Savings Fund Accounts on balances of One Dollar. i
The supply is limited. Order now if wanted.
'I'hllrsduf, l'(·II. lilh.
EIl'VAIU) J. ('OXXI~LLY lillll IH:Ssn:
co. 1

,\ bo ('hnrlit, l'hnplin ('011I1'11"
IoinCurdn,-. F"h. IIllh.
FIL\:\,('IH X. BI'8II:\I.-\:\'. HEYERLY Open from S A. M. to 4 P. M. Friday Evenings, 7
IL\ Y:\,!-: anll .J Al\IES ,I. ,J EFFIU I·~S.
to 91
"1't:'~I'(;'I'O"S l'lWH't:'·
'l'uI'slll,,'. Jo'(·h. ~~nll. And she said:
IWIlEI{T I~DES()X anll \\':\1. S, IIAHT '
"0\ Tilt: \WII'I' :-i'l'.\(a:" "Why don't you ?"
-'InC 1111'('. SntnrdnJ :1 Co ;, ' "See, I've bought more
(·hihlJ'('n. :ic•.\lllIItS. W('.
things than you. They
En'lIinll·s. i.I;, Co 11.
---- --_. ---------- came an hour ago; and, be-
sides, I've spent a happy,
comfortable day at home. I JIllkl' )'lllll' llllpliclltiOIl 1m' cOlltl'ilJl;Ung JlU'lIIbl'I'Sltlll to.dur. tosC. $:1.00 llel' )'ellr
How's Your Kick? did it by Bell Telephone.
Hr Chis mellllS t1w tOJIIllllllr is sUPllort('d, k('llt UI' to stlilldllrd, Illlli elerr
"Really. the cost is much less \ OWllet' 01 propertr. 01' OWJl('r of )ulUsellClltl !-l"oods g('b )ll'otectioll 11'011I !'el'lo1ls
than carfare, to say nothing of loss lt1ld helll·tits br lowC/o iIlSUI'lIUC(' rllte~.
It' t he feet have a tenllency to go on : the time. You should try it!"
a strilH' anll growl with pain. feeling
hot al1l1 uncoinfortahle. you can take And the othe/" said: IImiltl'c or to BOX 2.
Cut this C01l11011 ollt, Cill in Illld Jl/Illi to 1111)' olle 01 thl' Jl/l'mhel'shll' ('oJII·

them he fore a hoarll of a rbit ration

that will restore them to sure anll'
dleerflll \\'orldng )lower at one",.'
"I will!" XlIt'bel'Ch, I'll•.................. l!n ..
Herp's the waY. First. a hot foot hath 'l'nl~ 111';1.1. '1·1·;I,I·;I·II(1~I·; ('0. 01' I·A.•
in w-hil'h has l;een dissolve(1 at least 4 ' m'Kll"I';KK ()(o· ... W[·;.
tahlespoonfnls of 20 :\lule Team Pow- l~:tO AUCII S'I'.. I·JIJJ ..\J)EI.PIII,\. 'J'o the ~ lIrbl'rth l'ire <.'0.
dered Boric. You cannot use too much
of t.hl' Boril'. The l1Iore the merrier., 'I'hl' IIl1d('rsignl'd 1111plie~ lor lIu'IIII){'rsltip in the X.\.JWEJtTH
When Ilressing. shake a little 20 i }'Im: (;0.
i\lule Team Powderell Borie into the!
foot of the stoeldn/i; aud also sprinlde I Signnhll'e 01 AII)IIit-nnt , .. , ,.·
a little in the shoe. espedall~' on the:
sole anti in the toe. Then you are I
realI)' to walk, worl" dance. or just 'I l'rOIHlsel1 hr .. , , , .
merely kid,!
All leading llrug/i;ists sell 20 Mule
Team I'l'wdere'l Boric. :


Paper Hanging and Painting I •J. I10WAIW WJI,80X

l:nw. WJI'}'
(;llA8. Y. ~o}:J,
I:. I'. DOLH
Woodbine Ave. and Williams Ave. : ~ext husiness meetlllg 01 (;00111111Ir }'ebrllllrr 29, 1916. Hlll'C )'OUI' 11111,11.
NARBERTH, PA. i ClItion in helore thnt dllte. O('It I'JtESI':~'r ADI is II Ju:mJ}:nsIlIP UF ;jUn.
Phone, Narberth 1203 W.
Essex gives Southside, Colts allti
Fresh Fish :NARBERTH Y. M. C. A. - Xarbrook teams 58 pins.
SOllthside. ~arbrook anll tht~ Colts
And Oysters , NEWS OF WEEK 1l1a~' 011 even terms,

:-italHUng of til(! Clubs.

Uesene These llllteS.
)<ight. colts
' Ii
Lost. Pet ,
0 1.ouO
--------------------------- "Xuf sed." Come.
Illu~h octter il is In
hy II I.:ul~' iirc·,!loldc,' lind think
hnw mm:h hcUt.'r it 1!O to !OIl h)' a
2nd 3rd
game. game, game. Ft:l,tuary 27-Men's meeting, Nar- Essex
herth Theatre. Special attraction.
Southside " ' ;:
Karbrook 1 .2
~n~y flrc-,:;,id-: thon tu ht.o un the
rllnf. c.:lcnnll1Jt the snnW tiff. think· Smith . , .. 159 155 UO)'s. Karberth 1 fi .167
in~ how l11u..:h "c:ttcr It l!o tn b~ The Wayne howling quintet of the 173 1'J~ lOur Bov Scout organization is thriv- o :l .000
:o.lttll1l{ h~ n ~nn· fire-side..' than Main Line League paid our borough McKell , 150 11"'~ ~ ing. Fifteen of the boys have passed Plugs , .
dean!n): lht.· sun'" off the roof.
wt another visit last week. much to tho Haws ' . . 139 149 I
14(' the Tenderfoot Test and are earrying
15~ ; their certificates with them, eompris- I High single seore--S1l1ith. 211.
Allt. &I'fQW "t~OY[RS
dismay of our brigade, the visitors Sean lin . . . 127 159
RoofCI& __ _ 23 SOUTH 17tH STAt£T
eo. heing somewhat provoked over the Humphries 132 128 __ : ing a most attractive and useful little I' High single team seore-l'~ssex, 796.
loss of the match at Ardmore the 71" article. This organization meets at
P revlO IS wee, mac e a c ean sweep I
. l k 1 I Total 677 768 .) tl Ie '" '. 1\1 . C. A . every F' 1'1'day evening,
. 'I'lIt: ~AHln:U'I'1I .JI"WUS (X• •\. f'.)
George B. Suplee of the mateh, our own howlers no~.
even getting a glimpse at a victor~': WA YXE CLUB.
Yo Jl. C. A. Howllug I,engue.
The 'match on Monday night, .feb- We lost again. This time it was to

Steam & Hot Water Heating in any of the three games. Whib: rnary 7. between the Plugs and Nar- Northeast B. B. C. of Philadelphia.
we do not like to claim excuses, yet 1st 2nd 3rd brook was postponed, On Tuesday- ]<~veryone of our hays played a good,
Plumbing the hox score shows we were minus game. game. game. night, Essex took two games out of fast game and the score was close.
Bell Telephone, the services of our star anchor man, Walt '" 171 156 143 three from the Southside team, C. Most of the rooters left because of a
_Sa viiI. the new addition, Gifford, an<l Heim . , " .. 144 204 160 Smith rolled the highest single game fire. but the boys stuck and then were
119 that has been rolled in this league, defeated h~' a score of 32 to 25.
Frank Cl"ist Captain Ward. This hurt to a certain Hart .. ,
extent. MeCarter
, .. 154
163 164 seoring 211. in the first mateh, Northeast bo~'s played a good game
MEATS & PROVISIONS This victor~' gives the Wayne Club I10tz , . . 154 153 178 I
also, but we nlust say something of
a seven-game lead over Ardmore Y. ESSEX. the fine playing of Frank Winne. As
Hiah Grade Butter M. C. A.. (the runner-up of the Total, , .. 795 816 76-11 1st. 2nd. :~rd. 'usual. he made most of the points.
Telephone-Narberth 644 A. league), who lost two out of three ·1 Game. Game, Game. Again Jaek Jefferies was used by the
at Ihe Hosemont Mell's Club alleys, S1'A:'\DIXG OI~ THE CLUBS. C. Smith , .. , .. ,.; .211 134 1l;;~ first team. and Colwyn Humphreys
and with hut twelve games left on I Won. Lost. Pet. Bradley 135 16;~ 107 was out side, so two of our stars were
TEACHER OF PIANO the sehl)(lule it should be an easy Wayne. . , 30 12 .711 MeKell 168 166 119 out. Owen Humphre~'s exeelled at
Accompanist 111 a tter for them to win the champion' Ardmore .. 23 19 .548 Laird " .. , 150 171 146 guarding, The line-up:
ship, the gilded silverware and tro. Narberth .. 18 24 .429 Rainellr , 132 123 126 i':arberth Juniors, Northeast n. B. C.
MISS FALV1VY H. LaOS phies that a hunch of champs annex Rosemont . . , 13 29 .309 ~(:carter.. . .. ~orwa1'(~ .. ,.~. tll\rdi~
417 Haverford Ave., Narberth, Pa. in this leagu'O'. "The Sorlbe." : 796 7G7 661 I_
1I1no....... lorwar( . '" s Iwort I
Phone, JI6 0
The eoming dlampions have playell I I Downes ,. center Hughes
a steady, consisient game througholll
I I I't
2 I
' O. H.umphreys .. guard
'~I I RedIfer. . . . . .. guard
,. W. HardIe
H. C. FRITSCH and ean on y justly be given worl8
of praise for their work.
G s. G nl. G ,1'(., Field goals--McCarter, 2; Winne, 2;
ame.,' amer:' ame_. .Do'''lles, .", ,. O. Hunlpllreys. 3', A.
Properties For Rent and Sale Our own quintet is now twelv') I 'J'IIE Sf,DIS 0J0' .nn:Hl('1 Ludovlci , 1L 14" 80l I H .•di 2 A I tI '> H I r:
Fire Insurance games away from the top and prac. JIlSS ZJoJ I \ LI~~ Orr 120 119 14S ar e, ; 81wor I.~; ugles. ,,:
CI . :1'i'II'" ... " .. "111 15S 16'1 Grasmick, 2; W. Hardie, 1. Foul
Bell Phone 862 w.
• •• , : , JJ , •

ticallr taken the "count" out of the Deaconess from Iowa S'IIUI~(. I .. , , .... , '158 145 137 goals-Winne, 7; A. Hardie, S, Referee
race, but this will not keep them from Ie "Oil •. , •..•• , •• , 'L D I
Wan Bnlldlng. Narberth, Pa.
giving their rivals good tussles in the 'I'hrlllillg' Ad(lr('s!' I
Eyre .,.' .. ', .. , ... 149 136 119 - \\;e ~:;. the strong Haverford B. C.
eoming games till the curtain falls. A story of the noble worl, of I 680 703 650 of :'\orth Philadelphia next week. One
SAVILL ··SWAN NECK·' FA1JCET Seores: these women fighting in the midst ' of the biggest games of the season.
Non.Splllhlnl Pullin THE "SAYlll"
Quick Acline Shul.O« RlI, U. S. rll, Ollici of America's sin and vice.
SPECHI, NOTICE. The following handicaps are con-
Rlcommendld IR~ In. Pli. When mailing parcels containing SlTxnA Y XWII'I' ceded the dilTerent teams: One encouraging thought is that
,1111. ~URl
Id br 18, '12 lln~'tlting fragile, patrons wll1 so ad- JU:'rIlOIHST (:Ul'It('J{ The Plug and Narberth teams. alloW Fncle Sam will never have to go out
All Thomas SavUl's vise the clerks or postmaster so that 1.,1i) 88 pins per game to the Southside, of the eountry for II billion dollar loan
Plum· Sons jhe parcel may be properly marked I A Cordial Welcome Colts and Narbrook teams, and 30 pins as long as the Pullman porters are
bert 1310·12·14 Wallici SI. for transmission through the mails. ! ~ • to the Essex team. 'o\"er here.

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