Individual Service Project Report

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NHS Individual Service Project Requirements

All senior members of the Maple Grove National Honor Society are required to complete an
individual service project or chair a NHS sponsored event.

An individual service project is a project that you create on your own that expresses your
individual talents and interests. This project must involve other members of National Honor
Society as volunteers.

In order to receive credit for the service project/event, you must:

1. Turn in an “Individual Service Project Proposal” to the NHS mailbox to be approved by

the advisors and officer at least three weeks prior to the service project. (Only for
individual service projects)
2. Contact the Vice President at least two weeks prior to the event to have your service
project placed on the “Event Information” sheets that are given to all NHS members at
3. Contact the President at least two weeks prior to the event to have it placed on the NHS
4. Verbally inform NHS members of your upcoming event at least two weeks prior to the
event at NHS meetings during “Chairperson Check-In.”
5. Organize needed NHS volunteers.
6. Attend the entire event.
7. Turn in a “Service Project Final Report” to the NHS mailbox to be reviewed by the
advisors and officer within two weeks of completing the project.

All needed forms may be found at the NHS table in the media center or at the NHS website
NHS Individual Service Project Proposal

An Individual Service Project is a project that you create on your own that expresses your
individual talents and interests. This project must involve other members of National Honor
Society as volunteers.

Complete the following information and turn in to the NHS mailbox three weeks prior to the
project date. The project must be approved by the advisors and officers for you to receive credit.

Name:_________________________________ Grade :______

Describe your leadership project.

When will this project occur (dates and times)? _________________________________

As a leader, what will you be responsible for?

Why are you taking on this project?

Who in the community will this serve?

Create a timeline with the steps for putting your project into action.

What resources will you need to use (including people)?

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