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You’re so ugly, I can’t take it

Everytime I see you, I just wanna vomit

Those dark-sickening blackish lips that resembles the dark
Often shows teeth like the ones from a shark

Those idiotic retainers and that frizzy hair

Reminds me of you looking like a grizzly bear
I hate those tarsier-like zombie eyes
If you’ll join the Ms. Ugly pageant, you’ll win first prize!

You are so not pretty and elegant

You definitely look like an elephant
Everyday you looked like you just stepped out from the salon
Looking like a stupid moron

You deserve an award for being the best horror movie star
With your face that had just been hit by a sexy car
Every feature and your bodily physique is such a mess
I thought you’re wearing a garbage bag but, it’s your dress!

You’re ugly big, humungous nose is like that of a witch

Everytime I see you, I can’t help but shout, “you bitch!!!”
You look like shit, you came from hell
You suck, you stink and you smell

Your voice reminds me of Frankenstein

Your face lingers where the sun don’t shine
You remind me of a rat, I don’t know why
When babies see you, they can’t help but cry

You think you’re so pretty but you’re so not

You look like a monkey, an aswang and dot dot dot
I’m so pissed you broke my heart
Now you smell like Dominic’s fart

I hated it, I hated you that’s why I wrote this

Forget about me, you smell like piss
This is nothing, it’s all my fault
My heart was just pierced by your thunderbolt

I just cant believe I fell inlove with a whore

All I have to say is that, I just don’t love u no more

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