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A disease of the thyroid gland, goiter is a condition which causes swelling at the back of the neck. The size of the
swelling ranges from being very small to a visible one. It might turn out to be a very large one. The major causes of
goiter are deficiency of iodine in the diet and physical and emotional disturbances. The most common symptom of
goiter is the enlargement or swelling of the thyroid gland. Other symptoms include loss of concentration, mood
swings, emotionally upset, irritation and even depression. The treatment of the goiter depends on the size and cause
of the goiter swelling. Inflamed goiter is painful but if the enlargement is too large, it may also cause difficulty in
breathing and swallowing. Goiter can be treated at home. In the following lines, we provide the natural treatments for
curing goiter.

Home Remedy For Goiter

 A simple remedy to cure goiter would be to use dandelion leaves and ghee. Smear the leaves of dandelion
with ghee. Warm it and bandageit over the affected area. Repeat this procedure for about two weeks.
 Ground the seeds of flax in water and heat it. Apply this on the swollen area. Then, bandage the leaves of
the tree over it. it is a useful remedy for curing goiter.
 A simple way would be to do the neck stretches and exercises daily. These help stretch the muscles that
are attached to the thyroid gland. Aerobics and jogging also help relieve a person suffering from goiter.
 Include barley water in the regular diet. Have it at least once every day to as it proves worthwhile in curing
 Take 1 tsp of the juice of the leaves of swamp cabbage with tea almonds. Consuming this combination once
or twice a day is beneficial in treating goiter.
 A change in diet would be helpful in treating goiter. Include iron rich food in the diet such as guavas,
strawberries, citrus fruits, egg yolk, sea food, whole rice, tomatoes, oats, onion, garlic, carrots and lettuce.
 Prepare a decoction of Kachnas (Bauhini variegate). Have 30 ml of decoction of bark two times a day
regularly in an empty stomach.
 In case of an infant suffering from goiter, mother's milk is the best home remedy to treat goiter.
 Cool showers every morning and evening proves beneficial in curing the thyroid malfunction.
 Go for four to five smaller meals a day instead of having two to three large meals. This helps digest the food
 For people who cannot avoid rice form their diet, consume the old variety of rice instead of the new one.
 Watercress a very good source of iodine. Make a paste of it and apply on the affected area. This would help
reduce the swelling. The other method would be to take 2 tablespoon of watercress juice diluted in water
thrice for six weeks.
 Regularly intake of water nut (shingara) lotus reed, stem to the lotus tube of Plancuperous tuberosus and
pineapple. This would help treat goiter.
 Take equal parts of sorrel leaves and olive oil and mash them. Spread this paste on the goiter. It would help
relieve a person suffering from goiter.
1. 1

Eat a diet rich in natural iodine, which include ocean foods such as seafood, fish and
kelp. Including these foods in your diet can ensure that you are digesting sufficient
iodine to prevent and reduce goiter and iodine-deficient hypothyroidism.

2. 2

Increase your vitamin and mineral intake by eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and
vegetables. Fresh raw fruits and vegetables are the most important part of any
natural medicine treatment. Research shows that people suffering from goiter lack
Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and beta-carotene, so eating a well rounded diet
that includes a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables can insure that you are
receiving adequate levels of vitamins and minerals.

3. 3

Drink three cups of green tea daily. Studies have found that green tea is high in
natural fluoride, an effective natural medicine for thyroid problems and goiter. Green
tea is also high in antioxidants, helping to eliminate toxins and free radicals from the
body that can speed the growth of tumors and goiter.

Read more: How to Treat a Goiter With Natural Medicine | eHow.com


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