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Manufacturing process for production of wholewheat Atta

Cleaning section:

Intake of Raw-material i.e. Wheat is proposed to be taken from godown to the plant
for processing and production.
At first, the wheat is shooted to the cleaning section of plant through Elevator and
pouring into the Hopper Pit over the net to separate bulky materials viz. Sootli,
Boulders, Big Stones, etc.
The process starts of cleaning continuously in the following manner.
1. Reel machine with diverse mesh size nettings separates the impurities in
the wheat by size i.e. smaller then wheat viz. dirt, dust, small round seed,
etc. and also the bigger then wheat viz. Chalff, Straw. Big sized seeds,
pulses etc.
Wheat from the reel machine are feeded to Vibro Separator through
gravity, as the vibro separator is being installed beneath the reel machine.
2. Vibro Separator is also used in the further line of pre-cleaning with Reel
machine to get the impurities separated by size. Purpose is to get the wheat
cleaned to the maximum extent.
3. In process of pre-cleaning, light impurities those are lighter than air,
separation of dust, dirt etc. are done by system, of air resistance using
aspiration channel with vibro separator.
4. The pre-cleaned wheat is now taken to De-stoner Machine through
elevator where the stones of same sizes of wheat kernel are separated by
the principal of gravity classification which connected with another
aspiration line where are again separating light impurities from the wheat.
5. The cleaned wheat is taken to the Intensive scourer where the scouring of
wheat is done by rubbing the kernels between the rotor and special mesh
fitted outside, in order to remove dirt from the skin of wheat, dirt from the
crease of wheat and bruise the skin of the wheat.
The bruised wheat is passed through the Aspiration Channel where the
light dirt and fine bran paticles are removed through air aspiration.
6. The cleaned wheat is thereafter taken to Intensive Dampener through
elevator to add a little bit moisture as may be required as per climate and
condition of wheat, to get the moisture penetrated to the endosperm
portion of wheat kernel.
7. The dampened wheat is now stored into conditioning bins for the period
varying from 8 hrs. to 12 hrs. as per variety of wheat absorption of
moisture into the endosperm portion and to allow the wheat to swell.
8. The conditioned wheat are then passed through the Intensive Scourer no.2
where the wheat kernels are scoured between the roll and wire netting and
the upper layer of bran is removed from the wheat kernal and polishes the
9. In the above process of cleaning, a system of Aspiration using medium
pressure fan is used by allowing pipe connections to the various machines,
the purpose of which is to get separated from the wheat in whole process
from the lighter impurities those are in the process alongwith the wheat
and also that are generated in process itself viz. lighter skin layer of wheat
(lighter wheat Bran layer).

10. All the vertical conveying in the process are done by using elevators and
the horizontal conveying are done by using worm conveyors.

11. Magnets are installed in between few lines in order to catch the iron
particles present with the wheat.

Milling Section:

1. Conditioned wheat is first taken to a storage bin over the Roller Mill by
2. Roller Mill are fed with uniform and/or required loads to allow grinding
3. Roller Mill is used for cutting the wheat kernal with the help of chilled rolls
having the grooves with certain angles according to the required flow .
Wheat is being cut in smaller particles and are being conveyed to planshifters
Through pneumatic conveying for shifting.
4. Planshifter is used for shifting and sieving the stock as desire by size through
mesh fitted in it.
The stock of 1st break is being shifted and graded here and then being
distributed to the 2nd, 3rd & 4th side of the roller mills.
5. The stock of 2nd, 3rd & 4th side of the roller mills are again being conveyed to
other section of planshifter which is again graded and fed to Horizontal
Grinders according to the size of the stock
6. In course of grinding process through Horizontal Grinders, main extracts
remain in form of ground fibre/cellulose with flour which is called Atta in
range of sizes that may be passed through the desired cover size and the other
form is flaked fibre that is called Bran.
7. The ground mix is then again taken to the other sections of Planshifter for
separation of uniform range of Atta and the Bran.
8. Collection of Atta from all the outlets of the Planshifter is done by using
worm conveyor.
9. Conveying of ground mix from the Roller Mills & grinders to planshifters are
done by using Pneumatic Conveying system which convey the material
through air to destination and helps the process to not generate heat and effects
the products.
10. So Milled, separated Atta and Bran are then packed through packing spouts in

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