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FINAL MATCH IN DOUBLES dl'tl' for SI'],O,>I ,lirl'C'fol' on tlie
1it'all prilllary hallot.
.. \VI' 1"',,1," ~aicl )[r~. Gibbous, "thnt,
TENNIS TOURNAMENT About the Prettiest Section in the U. S., \\'" III't'd WOlll"U Oil Ih" s .. hool iloal'll.
Aviator Declares. WI' han' tri,'cl ~"\'I'ral tillll'S befor') to
TO BE PLAYED SATURDAY <,Ic'['( a wOlllan, hut fail,'(!. Th~ de-
1II0t iou of ~I is~ Pit<' brollght lila ',Lers
Sl'l'n from an aiql]an(', thl' )Iain LillO to a hl'a,1 a'lId IlIau.\· I'itizeus fecI that
BIG CROWD EXPECTED OUT TO SEE THE CONTEST BETWEEN SHAW s('dion is ahout th,' prl'1til'sl in the if illjU~ti"I' was clOIlI'. it mig-ht hl1vo
'AND WARWICK, AND KIRKPATRICK AND STAPLES-BOTH 1"lIit"cI Slat"s. This is th,' opillion of bel')) ,:tvL'rt.",1 hacl 1IIl'rl' hl','n a wOlllan
TOWARD SINGLES FINALS, WHICH MAY BE -Cllpta~n ,10" Dawson, IT. S. A., attaeh· )rrs. Gihholls is "OJ'I'l'sllClJltling seere-
,'cI to the a\'iation supply de!",t n,'ar tary 'r;(ti'i('Wolllan's Cluh of CyllWytl,
THE FIRESIDE ![arri~hnr~, paic! an airplane visit to hh a IIC!,' 'I;as -'t'al{ell a II ad h'e I'a 1'1 in war
fl'i('nds, Mr. and )rrs. l3urk" HakeI', \"bl'1i ~l:J~':c1 i-t:.l \.i v'ic lll()\'(ltnelits,
AI"," ;\'arherthill' who wants to Sl'l' a ('CHillI,\' Lille roacl, )rawr, Illaking
\\ill win tlleir' way to the semi,finll]s V~l(·:ttioll day:-< Hrn 0\"1'1'.
first "lass tl'nnis mateh .had bettercomc and finals. th,' trip in about all hour 8atllrcla~'
to the co~rts of the ~arberth 'f(·nnis The l'on>'olation maf('hl's an' also gP(- afterlloon alld lalldillp: on the BrYIl FORCED TO RAISE PRICE.
Earl Ili .. kil' j,; hon\(· fl'om Frallt"'. )[1I\\'1' Polo Cluh pIa~'ilig fielc!.
Assoeiation. at ElllIwood 1I1HI Essl'x ave' ting under way an,1 ought to n'a('h the
"] han' travcl"d 0\'1'1' a goo,1 hit of
nnes, this 'S:, tu]'(la~' It I't.ernoon, , Sl'ptelll- linals in a couple of weeks. The sum- AlItIn'.'" iCook(i b ,"i:"i~i;lg ~Ii:-,:-: )~thl·1
.... &. Electric Company. Make
bel' 1il, at :l 0 'clock, and witness' the ('ounlry ill th"s" Cniled _Stat,,~.·· (':1\" ,.-

lIiary of the matches playl"] follows:- ,; Small, Increase.

Sl'III('\, of )l.t. " .. mOil, :\. Y. taill ]lawson saicl yestel'clay, "hut]
,Ionbles finnl" in the annnnl tournalllent.
Men's Singles. 11:1\'e nl'v,'r seen anything so Iwantiful
The III a t ch will be played bet ween
!\II'. :Inti ~[rs. ,IIIIIIl'S ('. 8illlp~on arC) as this )rain LillI' 'Iistrid. '['h,' plnl"'s The Connties Gas & Eleetl'ic COlll-
l\fl'ssrs. Shaw and \Varwiek and Messrs. First nOUIII] - Whitll"y defeated
at Sih'er Bay, Lake Georg... IIH,l,cd sO nil''' that ] wante,1 to lawl pany anndliliiolJll" to Ihe public a raise
Kirkpafril'k anll Staples. These two Fenno, (j~, 7-5; :\!,\\'l'11 defcatl'e1
teanls to~dl)('r ha\'l~ eliminate,1 the fifo Hartl!'y, 6-1, n-I; W. H. D. Hall ,Ie- at al1 of them." in the priel' of gas of 10 ('l'nts pOl' 1000
)fr. allll :'Ifrs. Albert Stl'pht'IIS011 an' "lIhic fl'l'!. The IIt'W ratcs will go into
tel'n othl'r kallls fhat started in the f!'all'tl Donn!'lIy. (;~, H-O; Phi11,'r e1e-
sojoul'Jling in "h'aloll, :\. .1. I'frl'et. 011 Septemher 15,: and will bc
tournnJllPJlt. aud :t~ p:l('h has hnd a g\)od f('a tc',! Thomas, 8-6, G-:1; Silllpson de·
fl'atetl Ba,ile~', H-4, G--I; Kirkpatriek
OVERSEAS HERO VICTIM OF $1.20 1"'1' ](lO(lunhi,' fl'l'l 'for th,' first
deal of tOtlrlHlIII,'lIt ,'xlwril'nee, A :\0. 1
)Ii~~ )faizie Sillqlsoll allc! )[iss :-;adi .. RECKLESS AUTO DRIVER 10,000 f(",t anll II ,Iis"ollut of 10 ccnts
tennis Illay 1)(' "xI"'clt',1 from start to defl'at!'d Scanlcm. G-I. G-]; \Val'ller
Simpson have returlll'c! 1'1'0111 Ot'l'an City. 1"'1' 1000 fl'l'l is :-6n'n frolJJ paymcllt
finish. ~rol't'o\'l'r, both teallls arc win- c!t'fl'ated Gracl', H-:l, (j-]; Shaw de-
1]('rS of forllll'r tou rnalllents. f!':tl"cl He,lifl'l', .Jr., 6-1, H-Oj Patti- within tl)(' dist'ouut p,'riod.
:'If]'s. ,John DIl 131''''' anc! tlaughtL'1 1'1", fonrth antomohil" :lI'('ident in Thl' "on'pauy nlaiutainl'cl its old rafl's
son tlefl'ated Kruse, (;-:1, 2-6, 6-0;
Last Snt1ll'day, Shaw and \Varwi"k ~rllJlIly an' at Oceau City. Iwo w,'eks at Bryn :'Irawr a\','nu,' and ,llul'in~ thl' "lItir" war period allc! wlieu
Warwic'" e1pf('ale(l 'l'ollJl'kins, (i-n,
,YOIl tl1t il' "':t,'" to till' ~(\llli·fiIlal:-- agaill~t
Old Lan('ast,'r Hoad, Bryn :\1:1\\'1'. s('nt . th,' eountl'~' W:l~: slIfT.l'l'illg from short-
f1---1: Town cll'fcated Bnrkhal'llt, G-:l,
};'('well an,1 I'hiller in one of IIll' 1Il0st :'Ifr. allcl ~rrs. ,J. \\'. ,Joy"" ar,~ spt'l1t1. ,Ial'oh Bo~ .. h, in,,; H~lilroacl a\'l'nul' BrYIl II~I' of ('oal, wilh ,'ost~ s(ill lIIountillg,
(i--II: Willia:ns tid'eatecl Hedifl'r, Sr.,
exciting lilalt·hl's sel'n on thl' ('ourts in iug a ft.' \\" w(\(lk~ at ChpI:"C':l. \fawl'. to th,' 131',\'11 ~rawr lIo~pita\ with th,' (·olllpany.ha~ 1I1'I'u eOllllwlkd to take
li--O, (i-O; 'Cowin ,Ief('at"d ])ll 13rec,
a long tillle. In the fourth set, wh,'n ", "ru~hl'd ankh'. Bos.. h, \\'ho n'e"llt- a l':Ii~1' of 10 ('I'nts [It'r Hl00 ,'ubiI' fel'l,
;i-i, G-~, G-I; Staples ddt'ate(1 :\[u,-
Sha w a n,1 \\'a nl"i" k It'll by a set score )ri~s Frie(!a Sehllhel has st'vcrec] h .. 1' y rt'lul'lled from military st'rvil'e iu . ancl it i~ Illll' of the \"'r~' 1','\\' plIJdie
('h:llnl', G-I, :l-G, (i-4; )[l'l\:ell cl,'f"at-
of 2-1, and "'eJ't' "'ithin a few points I'elatiolls with the ""hools to pursue h .. r :"r:llll'(', wag riding' a uloton'Y<'1p alld IItililil's c'ompauil's that ha~ alone borne
1',1 W. Hal'ri~, (i-:l, :~,-(i, (i-O; Yan
of thl' what lIli~ht ha\'l' b(','n thl'ir third Illusit' work in New York. "·'"HS ~tl'lI('k hy a largt' ttHlrilll-r t'ar, th,' illl'I't'a~l'tl eosts of 1Il1lI1IIf:\t'tnJ'(' dill'-
Aukt'll, (j~O, 6-2.
set and the lIlat,·h. :\l'well and I'hillcr ,.rhf)~'(l dl'i\'('J', 11(' s:!i(l, hurried fill. Sp\,- in,!! f hI' wa I' p(']'iod.
S""ollll HOlllll! - Ne\\'!'11 dcfeatl'd
]'l'douhlell t11t'ir l'trorts an,1 b~' the harll- An' you intL'rt'st,',1 ill t'l'ap? If so, ,'1':1] silllilar erash"s ha\'e 0('('urrcc1 nf ./ohll L. :'I[;)lh,'I'. nlana.:!, I' 1'01' this
\\'hitll"~', i-;;, (i-Oj I'hiller dl'feat('d
est kind of uph ill playing won by a you shollld hav" 1"'l'lI ill thl' An'a,I" 'h" '1"11,' "oI'lIt'r l'l'(·enfl.\'. as Old Lan-
W. H. n. Hall, i-;i, 0-:1; Kirkpatri('k di~~tril·t, t'xpI:lilll'd tJI,' li!'{·" ....:~it.\- for
seore of D-i. This ti",1 fhl' Sl't ~col'e last Slllltla~' aftl']'lIoon ahout 5.15. ::htCt' Hoad is ,:2,°l'ttill;": a lot of pxtra
d"f"afl'll Simpsou, 6-:1, G-4; \Yal'wi,'!i. thi~ in('l'l'a,,' tn 111'11' tIll' '·"lIl1'an." kt'"p
2-2, allll ('\'l'l'y point in fh(' fifth sl'1 ':afli,· ~illl't, all tra\'('1 has h"l'n Llin'rt- 'it~ equiplll,'nt ancl I'lallts in C'Ollllition
clt'f"ate,1 l'atti~on. G-4. (;-2; 'fOWll liL'-
was cOllt('sh',1 b~' thp sharpest Idnc] of ArdlllOrL' l'r:Jnc·h of thl' Y. )r. C. A. I,ll 1'1'011' Ih .. Lanl·ast .. r turllpik .. through to maintain it~ uSllal safisf:Jt·tory SI'I'\--
f,'ate,1 \\'illiams, (i~, 6-1; Cowill de-
playing right up to th(' "1111. plans to opel! a "]lI(]gillg ('xc'hung'p" to "arnl) ..l roa,l~ (lllI'ing J'('pairs. i('e. Thl'Y waitocl pat'il'lItl.v for si,!!n~
f,'at,'c! Staph,s, 6-:1, 4-6, (j-2; "an
Not SO Hllh'll progre~.::i 11:: ... 1)('(11 Blade a~sift v;sitor~ to t'I,' 'rllin LillI' town. of a ,11'('I'easl' ill thl' l"lst of nwtl'rin!
.:\lll{PlJ \ll!ft~Ullltl ~rcl(l'lj, G-4, 4-6,
in the singles mat<·IJ('~, hut it is hopl'd 6-0. :\Jltl oils, but as no (lrop "aull' th,'y \\'C'I'"
)[1'. Waltoll ,r. W('lItz allll falllily MOTOR CAR ACCIDENTS.
that during the two ('omin~ wcek~ thc Th ii'll Hound \Va rwick ddea h'C! forl'L'd to takl' st('pS fo inl'rl'as,' thl'ir
playing will haye progTes~l'd far enough Town, (i-4, 6-.1. han' returned hOllle fl'olll a visit to revenue.
to schedUle the final match for Saturday Sprillg Gro\'e, Pa. Even with Ihl' in('J'('asl' we are ('n-
Men's Doubles. Lower Merion Police and the Hospitals
aft<'rnoon, Sel)tellJbl'r 20. Practically ,io~'illg 10wl'I' rat,'s than those ehargecl
)[1'. :11It] )[rs. William ,J. Pl'ehles arc Are Kept Busy.
all the hl'~t pla~'l'rs arl' still in the run- Preliminary Rouud--8haw and \Var- hy oth"r sllhllrhan "(lInpanil's.
n,;ng, and no onl' can safl'ly predict wllo (Continued on Page 3.) SI"'II,lillg th"ir \'I1t'atioll at Tholbantl
Islands. TIlI'('" serious autolliohill' at't'i,]ents,
oecun-ing within twenty-fonr hours, THE ENROLLMENT.
Dobson Captures Boy Scout News )[i~~ Edith Sladelman, of St. Augus.
till", Florida, is dsitinl! :'1[1'. anll ~frs.
k"pt tIll' Lower ~Ierioll poli('e hu~y all
W.. ,lneStlay. One of th,' injul't'tl, .la-
Main Line Title By a Good Scout.
,"a 1ll1l,'1 Dickie. eob Friedman, ]5 years olt!, ;;11;1 Co-
lUlllhia a\'ellUe, is ill the Br~'n ~[awr
The total H"pnhliean I'llro11l11l'lIt of
:'I[ontgollll'ry COllllt.". as ('onlpikcl hy th,'
County ('ll'rk's offi!'c, is :lS,i:I:i. Thl'
)Irs. '1'. :\0L'1 Butkr, a,'c'ompauie(1 h~' Hospital in n serions eon(litioJl from
Demoernti(' \-otel's I'uroll,'cl 1'01' the pri-
.YEABSLEY'S TEXAS LEAGUER DE- :ll'l' c·hilclr"II, is ~1)('lIdillg lire mOllth of what lIIay he a fractnre of the skul!.
\Vell, our ;\'arhOl'th '1'1'001' cl'rtaiul~' ma 1'.\' l'led ion tot-al !l,~!li, \\'h ill' tht'
CIDES THRILLING DUEL .\II,~IlSt at O"ean City. Another ho,\', \\'inforL\ Bilwlo\\', Hi years
hacl a good tilll!' at Callip IJl'llIlout tiUI'- SOl'ialist ranks numl)!'r :1:1:l. Thl're arc
old, of Anl,no1'(', is in the salll(' hospit'al,
BETWEEN GREVELL AND hig tlip "'l'eli: eOJlIIlH1lll'ing l\Ugll~t D is prohihition ists :JJIlI 8] melllhers eaeh
S .. ,·tI]HI LiL'lItL'nant Earl lli,·ki .. ha~ hut is recovering frOIll llumerous nIts
DURBIN, 1 TO O. allli l'nelillg- Au~ust 16. in th,' \\'ashingtou anll III(lepenc]ent
1','tlll'lI ..d froll1 Frallc'e, aft('r sixtl'CII an,] hruises. Leon Smith, of 1Ian'rfol'd,
all April 2;'j we guve a lIlillstrl'l ~ho\\' )};ollths' serviep o\"prS(lu:-:. was trt'ated thel'l' \Voclnescla)' for II ,'ut
Thl' I'nl'Ol1ml'nt in thl' 1'0111' legislath'c
fo raiSl' thl' mouey to ,Il'fl'lly thl' ('x- on th" h.'ad.
NARBERTH DIES HARD. clistJ'il'l~ follows:
peuses 01' the ho....s at .. allip for Oil" Pri,'dnHln was struek I1"ar th,' :\ar·
_\[ I'S. G. !Iowanl He,'se all,1 ,laughter
\\'",'k's illstl'lI(,tiou ill SC'ollt work at 0111' h"rth ra,'(' trat'l, hy th,' aulolllohilt, of BPI'. nl'm. (-;0". PI'. \\'. [JII!.
t I'ailling ..:lIl1p.
1·;] :;lIl, I' ~Oli \\'00,1 hi Ill' a \·,'IIUl'. :lre
Ill'. Willialll :,,;. Wrll,\'. or ~~~,I Waynl'
STARTS BRILLIANT RALLY IN ~IIl'lIdillg a \\'el'k at \Vi[(lwCHHI, X. ,J.
1st D. . . . !I!IS:l 1!l(i!I ;10 I:! Hi ~!l

NINTH INNING, ONLY TO 0111' tolal rl'('l'il'ts W('I'(' $lS!I, out' of 11\, .. 1111", who also has 1111 offi,'" lit :lOlli :!ntl P. .. S~:l~ ISi:l IS (i -,
n- ,t
whil'll "Xpl'US"S wen' as follows: Cos- l'III,~tnnt strel'!. He was !,I'rmittetl to :~r(l D. .. i61 i 18:lfi 51 ;q ;;4 2fi
BE REPULSED. The hoys at fh,' 1Il'\\' BrYII :\r:l\\'l
tUlIll'S, ,'HI; ol'l'hl'stl'a, $:lS.;i;;; relit of gil hOllll' on his prolllis.. to apl't'ar jf ~th D. ...2!l] 1 :JS:ll ~:;:~ ~n ~ .,
.... hool did "ollsi,lt-rahll' poli('e work ill \\·ant!'c!.
Elm Hall, $1(i; priuting of ti,.kl'ls,
l"1t.'anillg uJl thl' g'J'Olllld:-< 011 t.he 0IH'Bing
orO,:!;;; II111Sic', :f:J.;itl; make-III', $1; total, Bi~"low WllS hurt whl'n hi' !'ode frolll Tlltals 28i:1;; !l4Di :I:l~ i8 8] 81
A nifty T"xll:' Lea~lll'r b~' 13"l't day.
Yeld"ky, ,'nabling Crufhers to ('I'O~S the ,j;!I,I.::tI, 1, a\'illg a el"ar I'rolit of $lH.itl. Ill'hilld a wagon 011 his hi'·.Y('h', on th,'
plate, slll'lIed tll'f,'al for :\al'b,'rth in th,' \rl' ]lad IlIHdt.' :lrl':lIlg'1. IHI'Jlt:-; to tal~l' Lanc'asll'!' pik .. at B!'yll )(a\\'r, an,1 was
.:\rainLiJ1l L~':q,~ol1l1 ;,!:lIlH' pIaYI·tl oil Puh-

sou ('Iuh dialllolld h"I'(' 011 :-;aful'day, th,'

211 of tilt'
i,·j;-;h"s to go nt
troop who
:t.}..")() 111'1"
si~lIifie,1 their
S{'Otlt', lIlak-
'1'11(· :--trl'l'ts (If Otll' Borough :lrl' hl'illg
pUI ill l'x,·,'lll'lIt l'ontlifioll. \V,' ha\'l~ a
sfrll"k b.\· a IlIa .. hillt' clriy,'1I b.\· H.
\\'illl'l'. of ll~ :\orth ('lIrli~l,' stl'l'l'l.
Notice to all
homl' "Iuh willllillg' I 10 II.
Fau~ IIUIU""l'ill~ e1o~e '10 ntltltl tra\"
ill~ a total of $110, whil'h 1II',','ssitatell
dl':lwill~ 011 0111' t I'('asu 1'.\' of $15.:111. At
good :-:;tn'l't ('olllluis:--ioll('l', :llltl wlty not
11'11 him so.
\\'illt']' also \\'IIS 1I0t aITl'sfl"l.
SllIifh was thl'owlI 1'1'0111 II li,!!ht lOllI"
Property Owners
: h" lasf Illiullte allotht'r lIIelllht'r of the ill~ ('ar ill a :-;idt.'-oll ('ollision with a
l'll'<1 10 lJohson Park to wit'II"ss th,'
~ l'llO}! ~i!.!llifi(ld his wi:->Illl~ to jfJiU tJ~ and .JUdgl' and '\[rs. :\. )1. '1'a.\·lol'. of III' 1II111'1i h"ad,'r ear at BI'~'II .\rawl' IIV"UU!'
~all1l1, \\"11 if,It \\"a~ for thp sllprPlllal·.'~ of Writ" til ,John H. Hex, County Treas-
look th,' .. hall(',' of IH'illg' tlll'lI('cl <1own diallapolis, Ind., an' visitin~ th('ir son allcl th,' old Lau,'ash'l' road, Br.\·n )fawr,
the last half of thp "'a~oll. Thl'.\· \\'('re urer. Xorristown, I'a.. giving :rou ad·
hy I'a.\'i 1Ig' his OWII wa.\·, au(1 if thl']'(' . :l1Icl tlang'htl'r-in-law, )[1'. and ~[rs. ill whi .. h till' slllall lIIaehiue was tossl',1
r(l\v:l1'llpll h.,- 01ll\ of thp lIHlSl' :->l'Ul":\- tln'ss autl ask for l'onuty tax bill send-
I';d,~a I' 8. Taylor. 0\"(\1" tlu' !·;illC'\Y:tll( and tIl(' ht':l,"il'l' Ollt'
tioll:11 twirlillg tiut'ls stag';'d ill th,'s,'llIi- \\'a~ 110 \'a('anl'," he \\'ollid rl'l II I'U at iug 2-('l'ut stam]> for rl't'1I1'1J Jlostage. Or
professiollal ranI,s. 01J(~1'. 'Pitt' l'('p.istl':ltioll was ouly paid \\'I'IIt' sO 1111' ,Iistall(,l' up Oil thl' lawn of Sl'utI cheek for 2 lIlills ]Jer dollar all
1'01' :lll :-kouts 1'1'0111 :\~lrh"l'fh, allll whl'1I A cI('nlonstratioll supper will he held till' 131'.\'11 )Iawr I'lIh1i,' 8 .. hoc>l, hilt was
Mauager Calhouu plal'e(1 hi~ faith ill aSHl'SslIlt'ut, iueluc!iug :;,ct'nt stump for
• Wl' arrive'! we ha,l "nul' clilliculty in in th,' Y. :'II. U. A. (luring the lattel' part nllly sli~htly ,Ialllagetl. I't·('eipt.
"'\Vih! Bill" GreYel! 1'01' pilt·hl'l" while
lalldillg :ll. hut, as 0111' of thl' :lO" WIIS or ::-il'I,t('nlher, nnLl"r the din'ction of the
Bill DUl'hill \\'a~ ~Iaft>d to 0PI'0s" hilll. A ftt'r S"l'h'III!IN 15th bills will not
0111' littl,' 1I1a,,'ot, thl' SC'Ollt llIaster 01'- Wonll'n's Anxiliary.
DUl'hill work .. d ,iust :IS eal'lI,'st.\· as III' ht' ""Ilt, hut will he gh'en to lIc1iuquent
fl'l'l'd to dOllhl1' up wifh thl' IlIasl'ot. so WOMAN A CANDIDATE FOR
dit] wh,'n lloillg his ,. hit" ill BaSt' ]los- tax eoll(,(·tor for collection with 5%
WI' pulll'cl that off O. K. Bryn )[awl"~ husilll'SS men ahall,llJlI· SCHOOL DIRECTOR. I,,'nalty acl,led.
pital :20 O\·l'rs,'Us. GI'l'\'l'll wa~ ftiJ't'('11
Thl' 'lul'stioll of trallsportatioll start';1 ,'cI th,' 10"al tOWII \V"lllll'",la,r allll Wl'nt I'a~' yonI' pOllnt .... taxes earl:r.
to exert hilll""lr ill 11101'(' strl'lIU'lllS fash-
Oil their lil'st annual outing, whic'h was
iOIl thall he pos~ihl~' elicl with ('oullie lIS ill tllt fu(·p., as W(' ",isllPcI to go ill n
Mrs. Henry J. Gibbons on RepUblican
~[fi('l,- ho'I.\', :llIcl as our re~ourt'l'~ Wl're sluall helcllll the 1'I,\'Iuoufh ('oulltr.\· ('luh, near 'filE Wr\ It CHEST t'UND
:\ orl'istown. Ticket in Lower Merion.
DUl'hiu I'itl'ht'd slt'ad.\· hall auc! al- aud OUI' alnhi!iou was to llIl'.. t all c'x- Your pl~dge for the War Chest
.Iow('(1 till' no,,~ hilt· foul' hits for a total Ill'IIst'S from Our treasur.\', SOli\(' of OUI' Fund is due and payr.ble to the
)rajol' A. II. AI1('n, of Washington, Dl'UIOtioll of ~Iiss Sa rah FitI' as Treasurer, Chas. V. Noel, or the
of six has!'s, a like JIlullber I)('ill~ St'- fri"II,ls ,'a 111 I' to our :tssistall('" hy 011'.. 1'-
illg' to tal,e ns up to t'amp iu th'eir pri- D. C., r(~l'l'J1tl.v I'l\tlll'I1etl f1'OIH ll\"t'l':-:l':l~. prilll'ipal of Ihl~ Bala S('hool hrollght Merion Title and Trust Company,
cllr('(1 h .... Narl1l'rth 011 fi\'e hits off Gre-
nttL' t'ar~, for whieh Wl' thallk them was n yj~i tor to our town Inst \\·,'l'k. s"hool matt,'!'s to a l'ri~is iu LO\\'l'r ~[el'­ at Narberth.
V('I1. name FOl'tulle smile,1 Oil Gr!'\-I'II
)rajor Allen is a hwthel' of )fl's. Ikn· ion towllship, al','ordiu~ to the WOIIII'II If you pay by check, make
to t1H' I'xtellt that his tl'anllll:ltl'S llIOSt heartiI~'" Thl'Y were ~fe~srs. Curl
j::nlin T. "'hitl', of Dutlley a\·l'nu,'. checlts payable to the War Chest
brought the OIlP hig rUII 0\'('1' the ruh- nr~t7.ger, George ~L Dayi~, Ode:lJ1, T. of that ('0111 III IIU i t.", aud they III1\'l' in-
Fund, or mall direct to Chaa. V.
dorsl'<! :'I[j·s. Hl'lIry .1. GihhoJls, of .I.W'
(Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 5, Supplement) 'Noel.' Treasurer.
(Continued on Page 4.) Br~'n Mawr avenue, Cynwyd, as caw]i"
2 :
Of course, we

'1'0 the Editor of Our Town: ndify you that 1. hn ve this dn~' appoint· Telephones,
deliver - an,
OUR TOWN The Borough :;eellls to be a little slack
l'li you to sen'e for another term of five
years as a IlI('IlIIll'r of thl' Board of
1267 place - an,
in l'erfornting sUllie of its dutie:;. Cul- 1268
Ar. EXIl~riment in C(\-operative Health, the appointllll'nt to date froIll
leetion of lI:<hes thi:; mon th was omitted,
Journalism-No Paid Workers. thl' rC·USOIl given heing pressing wllrk
~lay 1., ] !Illl. The Brightest Spot in Narberth
1. han' also I'l'appointed Ill'. C. T.
on the ro,\(ls. But a:;h collection is more
Owned and Published every Saturday important to many hou:<ehol(lers thau
Faries for the five year term to ex' A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
pire .i\Iay ], 1112;1, hb appointment lu
by the Narberth Civic Association. road wurk, l'sl'eciall~' \I'hen it is due.

(Inte frolll ~1.ny 1, l!I1S.
ollly ollee a nlollth. J)c"pite the in-
Section 1 of the Ad of April ~, 1!IU:I,
Subscription price one dollar per crease,1 u:<e of ga" stoves, there arc
P. L. 138, ulllenrling Section 20 of the
year in advauce. still many l'oal ranges in usc, anti ashes
Act of .J uue IS, ]8H5, 1'. L. 2tl:l, reu,b
aeeumu!ate iu four weeks. 'fheu, too,
some of our people were away at last
CIVIO ASSOCIATION. "olleding time.
"X a justice of the pc-ace, llIelllber 01 TREAT YOUR
April 24, 1919. Speaking of roatl work, we notice that
Council, or other ollicers, exeept schuul
directors, canst ahles, or ('I('dion ollieer's,
the e!l'aning of gutters is not atteuded
shall, a t the samc tillie, be a n1('lIIher
President-Mr. Joseph H. Nash. to as in 'Squire ~[cClellen's time.
of the Bonrd of Hl'alth of ~;uch lIIuniei·
Vice-President-Mr. James Ar.tman, Some ,eetion" of our streets have gotten
pality, or hold uny ofiice or nppointment
Mr. A. J. Loo&, Mr. R. J. Dothard. lill('d with weetls llnd coarse grass. One
nn(ler the sallie."
Secretary-Mr. R. J. Edgar. does not yet Sl'e thl' sign on strel't eor-
Corresponding Secretary-Miss Frieda I have therl'fore remon'd Charle,; V.
ncr" lending from the two pike" to Nar-
Schubel. Noel as a lIIember of the Board of
berth, the need for which wa" so forc-
Treasurer-Miss Maizie Simpson. ibly ,;t'f forth last month hy ~[r. Free- Health, effective this date, and have
Director&-Mr. J. J. Cabrey, Mrs. C. appointed in his stead E. C. Grisll-old to
P. Fowler, Mr. H. R. Hillegas, Mr. Chas. sene the unexpired portion of the terlll,
CA~fOLE~. F you want to receive your share of auto joy pro-

H. A. Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H. the same eft'ective as of this date. Mr.
A. Jacobs, Mr. F. A. Lanahan, Mr. Griswold '5 term will expire May 1, vide your car and yourself with the sundries
Daniel Leitch, Mr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R. If120.
To the Editor of Our Town: that make autoing worth while. Give your car
J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. Muschamp, Mr. I would advise you that under tho
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wahlert, My impression, after my first attend- prol"isions of the Ad cited above, tho the benefit of our advice. Give your purse the benefit
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M. ance at a meeting of Council, on IIIon- continuation in ofJiee of A. P. Redifer of our prices.
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, Mrs. James dlly, September 8, as a representative as Secretary of t·he Board of Health is

Foote. of the Narberth Civic Association, is illegal and I would suggest to you that

that the Borough is to he congratulated he be replaced at once. I have called
HARRY A. JACOBS, upon the thorough and busiaess-like this to the attention of :Mr. Redifer.
methods of our municipal authorities in

Editor. The reasons why Messrs. Noel and
dealing with the questions relating to Red'ifer arc not legally holding their
Mrs. Roy E. CIRrk,
W. T. Melchior
Henry Rose,
A.•r. Laos,
t.he Borough and its citizens. The prin-
cipal matter:; brought up at the mcet-
iug were as follows:
Mr. Eo ·C. Griswald was appointed a
places with the Board of Health arc
that the forllll'r is aa otticer of the Bor-
ough Council aad the lu tter is a mem-
ber thereof.
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, mellliber of t:he Board of Health, vice Very truly your,.
Oashier. ~fr. Charles V. Noel.
(Signed) W. R. D. HAUL,
The Finanee Oommittee presented
Send all advertising and news items to bills aggregating $2,994.36, which were I're"ident of the Council, Borough of
Xarberth, I'a.
E. Freyer, dOlllcstie science and art;
~r. Loui"e Boyntou, English; I. .June
It]IIll'O\'l'd for payment.
P. O. Box 966.
Our Town is on sale at the depot Oflicl'r Hill again reported the park-
Cross, drawing and music; Etlith ~L Real Estate
M:lI'tin, seil'nce and mathematic:;; Elya
newsstand, and at the store of H. g. ing of sen'ral curs at very lute hours NARBERTH SCHOOLS. S. B1ake~', scielll'e and English; Etlna
Davis. of the night without lights. SUllllllary
. Entered as second-class matt~r a(,tion lIlay be takpn if owner,; tlon't
Eo Ca:;:;el, mathenllltics; Hclen Au- s0u..:~.;'~d~.aUon NARBERTH. PA.
I!nsta Bek,,('d, Latin; ~[ildrctl L. lIa·
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at ta ke hee,1. Seyeral changes in the faeulty of the
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act
of March, 1879.
Our g'uar,lian of the law is also \'l'r~'
k"!'lI on wrong,loers, l':<ppciall~' those
:\'ar.berth High School, which Opl'Ill'lI
TtH'sday, 11ave been announced hy 'Vil-
z,'n, Freneh anti Spani"h; An Ill' D.
/'khe!Tl'r, hi,;tor.I' and l'ivie:<i IIeIPn II. NARBERTH GARAGE
Ilho an' guilty of that minor offense of liam T. ~{clchior, principal. ~riss i~ril',la
Ha hh, h istor.l· a nIl English; EI ton B. Raymond Weils, Proprietor
]~lli:<, physil'al ,lire('(or (also phy"ieal

OUR TOWN will gladly print

.. .ioY·J'itlill~'~ in another ll1an '8 eaf Bansch, of tIll' ])(>partllll'nt of ~rodern instrnl'lor at till' Y. ~L C. A.); Frj(',la GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
any news it'lm about any sUbject
"'ithout notifieation to the owner. 1\11'.
Ilill ha,1 a pl'rsonal conferencp with
La nguages, gal's to Sh i ppen:<hnrg ~ or-
llIal School aftpr spending only 11 year
Sehul)('l, sl'cretar~' to principal; ~[rs. EXPERT REPAIRING
A. R . .Tu"t.i!'c, luneh rooll1 supcrvisor, Telephone Narberth 1633
that is of interest to Narberth thn'(' "'It'h parties during the mouth, in ~arhcrth. .:\[iss Adeline 'V. Lat'· :11~<1 .Jdl'l'r:<on D. Yowell. jllnitor.
folks, but in order to meet the hnt hI' ,1i,1 not dil'ltlgc thl' outeollle, out- zplpr(' has Ill'C'OllIe ~[rs. \\'illialll .1.
printing schedUle, all I I copy"
-manuscripts-must reach the
editor by 6 P. lVI. Wednesday each
sid!' of t h(' fad that Ill' arre:<ted thelll.
$1!1:2ii was ('ontrihutl'tI to the Poliee
K,'Il~' an<1 will he "at hOllle" at \Var-
rington, ]>a., after Scptl'mber I. Shl'
The elelllental)- 5('1:001 facnlty of
:\'arherth consists of XelIie M.Weth.
crill, Annp L. Cooper, A,luh C. Cla~-ton,
l'!'nsion l"ullll for s"I"\'ic('s l'l'n<lt']'!',1 hy was h":lll of thc IIi:;tory Departnll'nt
t11I'l'e yl'a rs, haying previously ta ugh t Hosa K. Salllpk. ~rargarct r. Duncan, In the following up-to date homes:
th!' I'hiJ:llklphia poli"e (luring" th!' re-
ill till' I!nlllllllar sehool. Ella 11. Sna\'el~', Anne B. Hnsll'orth,
"ent ra,·!' nll'!'! at Belmont traek. 5 Woodside Avenue
= As h,'fon' intilllat!'(]' SOIIll' ]lropl'rt~· Th,' fa"lIlt~- as it 11011' stanll:< ,·on· Etl:pl \'. Wat!:', \\'illifn'll \\'illialll" alld
14 Avon Road
own,'rs will ]lrohahJ~' rl'g"r!'t tIll',\' ,li,1 not si:<t:< of :\11'. ~[plehior, prineil'al; AlIlia .'pall Ii'. Ston'~-.
SATURDAY, September 13, 1919 16 Avon Road
eo,olll'nltl' with the ('olllmittl'e on High-
I\-a~',; an,1 S!'wers in (,ollnedion with the OTHERS BEING BUILT

Fire, 350
,;id!'walk:< allll gntt!'rs, for whieh th(',\'
Police, 1250
a I'l' r('~IH)Jl:"ihll\.

TIlt' l'OJlllllitfl 1
on Fin:llll'(' is al1th()t'~
The Hack Service Man Has Changed

it." for thl' stat!'lIIent that as ,;oon as

Tax Collp{,tol' .J(lll(l~ ('an l'l'lllit SO)lle ot
Editorial thl' 1!ll!1 taxI'S jllst that ,oou ean sOlne His Phone Number to Narberth 377 If You Want Good Baked Goods
of our Joaus Ill' rt'duee,1.
"ote th(' impl'll\'('d appl'arau('c of the or Narberth 1605.
Aftt\1" an ah~l'tlt..·t\ of thl'l'e welll\~,
"Our 'rowl1 ,. again grl'l't~ ,VOli.
sh:lIll-' tn'tlS aftpl' tht~ r('('{lllt pruning. NBRDElIH BSKING GO.
Duriug' thl' dull llIouth of August, :\11'..John Auk!'r is noll' a 1Il!'lIIh!'r of t.h!'
Sha(Jp Tree COlllmittee.
Please do not call Narberth 1633 FOR
with :<0 ulan~' of our to\\'u"I"'O]'ll' aW:I.\-,
For my serVice. Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Pies
it W:I'; ,l,'ellll'd lllh-i>::lbl,' to puhlish thl' SOllle l:\xpa~'ers at Pri"e anll Con way
Visit our store in the
paper ollly where sufliei"lIt Ill'W'; allli a\"('lluC's ~pel1l to 111HIC'1' t11l' illlpre!o'sioll
suHi,·iellt jlll'onll' warrautl',1 gl'ttillg' out Ihat th,'y shou](l han' lIIore li!!ht in N. E. Cor. of Arcade Bldg.
thl' I'al,,'r from wel'k to wl'l'lc How- that Sl'etiOIl. Couneil was agreeahle, ';0
CYl'r, plan" arl' ulI,ler wa~' at thl' pres- 11011' th('J"(' will ]ll' Illore light on the sub- E. J. HARTZELL & SON
ent nlOIllCllt to ullderwrit(' th,' I'al','r 1'01' jl',·t in that vicinity.
a periotl of OIlP ~-ear, allli till' E,litor An oscillating Washing Machine
'rhe COlllmittt'l' on Highwa~'s all,1
sillcen'ly t ru"ts t ha t all thos,' Oil II'holll
Sl'wI'r" will h:n'e the 1I('el's:<:lr.V sun'cys
of unusual merit. Phone for
the cOlllmittl'e will ('a11 will li,;tell to the demonstration in your home.
pxee1h'lIt plall outlilll'd b~' thl' Chair-
1(':"Il' au,1 plans pJ"('paJ"('<1, all<1 also ob-
taill l':<tilnatl's for :Il!llitional ,;eWl'r, to
Cotter's Market
man of thl' Filla IIl'l' Co III III it tl'l', au,l do Phone NARBERTH 1255 W
take ('ar<' of propl'rtil's 11011' heing l'rl'et-
:Ill. that call hl' doul' to assi,;t u" ill kl"'P- Prime Beef, Spring Lamb,
l'<1 ill the Borough. .
illg this little papl'r Iwfon' our rell(l-
Country Dre~sed Veal and
ers frolll wl'l'k to week. 'I'hl' St rel'tCOln missionl'r report" that
Ill' has a t last ,,('(·.ure,1 a horse that is a
E.Q. SMEDLEY Pork, Sugar Cured Hams
Electrical Devices for the Home.
pl'rfel't III a tch for the one gootl one we Bnd Bacon
Thc qnality of ha"l'ball plaYl'<1 hy our alrl"llly ha\·e. PHONE us YOUR ORDER TO·DAY
iocal tl'alll at the Dllbsoll groullds last
A,l,litional ruhbl'r hoot,; :IIHI ('oats You will find our prices right
Saturday was of the best, and there is
w!'rl' anthorizl'<1 to take care of 'Hlr
onl,\' hOllor dul' e\'er~' llll'lll'lwr of th(,
t!'am for thc wonderful showillg lUade
against the strong Dobson nggn'gation.
When one eonsiders the fad that our
firt~Jllcll during iJlclf:llnl'nt wpathei·; aiso
a ('hain jal'!_ for the fire trucks.
C. II. A. CHAT:\'.
Montgomery Garage Groceries and Provisions •

team is rn:\(lc up'lllly of Xur- looa A"enue South -of Montgomery Pike H. C. FRITSCH
berth hoys, anti also ('onsith'ring that Pr tpertle8 For Bent and ~...
they ha\'e played agnins! n grcat lllllny A copy of the following letter was Fire In8urance
professionals in th(' galllcs during til\'
past season, the s('colHl half of the
,;ent to us for publil'ati'on and we sub·
III it it accordingly:
Tires Storage BeU Pbone 169 If.
pr(',ent series proved that Narberth un-
doubtedly hnd one of the strongest ama- Mr. Charles E. Kreamer,
Repairs Accessories ,,_aU Building.
----- - - - - - - - - - -
NarberUl, Pa.

teur tl'ams in this seetion. I'n'siden! of th(' Bonrd of Henlth,

The game to he playc<l todny, with Borough of Narberth, Pa. Open 'Day and Night
Strnwhridge & Clothicr, a.t Sixty-third
Denr sir:
and Walnut "tn'pts, will he wn!l'.hl'd AT
with interest, :Ind Wl' enn only trust Undl'r tlH' nuthorit~· vpsted in mc. as Bell Phone G. A. HUHN, 3 ..d
that ample ~upport will be givca our President of the Council of the Bor- 1624 P .. op. DAVIS'
boys in shaping up their plans for next ough of Narberth, b~' the Act of ;June CIGARS ICE CREAM CANDY
Bl'UBon. 12, ]913, P. L. 4i1, I have the hOllQr to

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. dip :11111 setting up I'xel'('jsl's. a nd I 0111.\' had logo O\'l'r to \\'h"re t.he ahou\. TII1 frallk about it aU'll I'll sec
1 A. M.-Haising of tlw flag. boal' I',,'rl' alld I would always be surc \l'hnt l. CIlII do for you."


"The Little Clmrch on the HilL"
1.I;j A. M.-Bl'eald'ast.
!I A. :\f.-Sick call.
to lilld hilll.
./0" I·'ultoll "'l'llIl"] to ,'ujoy hillis,,]f
"Oh, ,l"al'!" s(}blw<1 ,Mary,
lik,', "\\'hy an1 you so nice.
Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor. !l.1ii A. l\[,-S"hool, \l'hern Ilw :-,.'out, II", 1II0si II'h.'11 s!'arrillg \\'ilh SllllWOlle lw-<1 isa-gT",'a !Jle. .I f YOII'ro nicc, I
Merion Meeting House, Merlon, Pa.. took lip Ilatlll'l' stIHlil'S, hoating, l':l(dllg :11 I'rollt: 01' his tent. "all-Ilc\'-er tell you."
all,1 t"sls of :til kill']", Willllillg I'0illts \\'illi:11I1 ~tallk,\' \l'aS \'"ry St:II,liolls The III an looked 0\·crc01l10. lIe was
SlIlIday, S,'pl"llllll'l' 1·1, l!11!l: during' tlll' cJllirl~ wl,pk, takiug' up lIa-
1'01' \1'11i,'h sIJeei:l1 hal'S WUl'e gi\"'11 10 Ihe IItterly at sea.
Merion Mccting i~ open for worship n.,I" A. l\r.-Sllllda,\' ~,,11001. Classl's :-->"Ollt" I't'a.·liillg 1'1'011I ILIO poillts III" 111I'" silltly dllri11g- I Ill' 11I'ill, \\'hi"h hc III' sllap!,ed at 11l'r; s'he hllr"t. into
('\'ery First-day morning at 11 0 'clock. COl' all ag"s. 'rIll' ;\11'11 's Clas" will 1'1'- \\'n,; IInl \'I1ry 1'011<1 of. You ('011],1 al·
JI A. :l1.-i:'willlllling. lI'al's.
Wc cordially w('lcomc allY \'isitors who SUIIIl' it:--; :-iC'ssioll:-i aud IIII t:1I1,~'ht h.\· till'
1 ~.::O 1'. :If.-Lllneh. \\'a,\'s fill'] William ill th" woods li"t:l'lI- HI' l'onso]e<! hpr; she' hl'ggp<! hill1 t.o
desire to worship with us. 1I0II.]o'lpt('hel' W. Stiles.
~ I). ~1.--~I·oIl1 galll(l;-;~ (·ollsbt illg' of ill,!! 10 t I", ha rk or th,' tl'<'"'' wlliil' I he hI' ,] i":Ig-Tepa blc.
1] A. M.-:'Ilorllillg Worship. B('rlllol1
1rt'a:-iII n' II1Iilt~, hili(ls, h:t:-'I·lt:tll, hoating, oth,'1' ~"(\lIls \\"'1'<' drillillg Ill' aU11 dO\\'11 Ill' had al\\':lYs kno\\'n that WOI1I('n
h.\· 1h" H,'\', H. :'II. :\ ,'i II, "01'1'1'''1"111'] iIIg
8'1'. )URGAltET'S CHURCH "II'. 11", "1III'I'IIS. • \\','1'.' '111"<'1' t.Ilillg·s; bill: this littl,' wail-
SI'('I't'lar,\' or tlat' HI'aIl1PIl's ]~I'il'lId Ru-
1'. ~1.-:-;lI'illllllill~. (;nal" "'I"I'I',\', thl' troop '" pl'ill"il':11 illg' tllillg hllddJ<od in Ihe (,hail, 1)('al; "'1\1
,·i .. t\', II,' is :I \\':11'111 I'ri"11.1 01' th., pOl';'
li.1;; I'. l\!.-SuI'fl"1'. outdoor t'lJllll'diall, hnd till' going' OIlC all.
R01. n. F. Cowley, Rect.or 1111' 'all,1 all "x,·,'11<'1I1 !,1't':I ",h "I'. Li,'II'
1.::0 I'. :\I.-lll'ill all<l [oll,.'rillg 01' lIig'l,l 1,,\' "allillg' I'apa from hi" 1"lIt So, kllO\\'ill1; 1I01hill~ hl'Uer to <10,
tPIUlllt 8parJo~, who W:I:-i ill 1111'1'1' 1II:l.itJr
f1:q,,~. ;lltt'l' all :--;,'o1l1s Wl'rt' in lIpti. rrllinking .\I'lloid 1>a.\' \"'\Ilained silent nntil the
Early Mass on Sunday from April 0l'l'l'ali01ls in 1o'rall'·". will si1l~ at thiB ,"i.I,; I'. :'I!.-(':lllll' fin'. il lI'as 1Il.\' 'Oil, Holll'I'I, / 11'1'1 Ihe otlll'l' \\,,"'ping Ital] suhsi,!t,a all,1 :\[ary raisl"]
1 to Ootober 31 at 7 A, M. From SPt'\·i('('.
!I I'. ~r.--( 'al! 10 '1IIal't"I'''. :-;I'oul nla"I.,I." to !ool; art"" IllY huy, h.,,· h{':11! alld "lIIi].,,] up at. hi\l1 t.hl'ollg'h
Novemiber 1 to March 31 at 7 A, M. 1 P. :lL-EplI'orlh IJPagal'. A li\'c !I.I-; I'. :'If.-1\lI 'p!ip!. Ihilll;ing 11('rhal's h" \\'as "i"k, \\'h"lI, 11,'1' t ('a \'s.
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout thc 1It1't'l iIIA' for young l'eop11'. :'Iriss Li II ;:11I
year. Masses on holydays. 6,30 and !I.::O I'. :'II.---I.i;.:hls Ollt. lOll' alld hl'holil. th"I'" ,,-as a snicl;cl' "I kno\\,-]'III-a 1'00]," sh" half
('OInptoll will ha\'l' charge,
8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening Y01l {':Ill illl:lg-iTlP h~' going through ":Inll' fl'onl all lh" l""t,,, and I foull'] g:l~p('tI, half l:tn~l11l(l, da;o;hing' tllp 1'(,:1I"S
;.4;") P. nL-Evl'l1inp,' Rt\l'vi('l'. Chap-
devollons and other services at regu- \I·ilh Ih,' S..JII'dlll., thal 0111' lilll(' Il'as il 11':1:' our eOIll"dian I I',"illg to pull oil' a 1'\'0111 h"I' \1"'1 ,·11t'"1;,,. ""\n,\'ho\\', ,\'011 'I-e
1:Iin W. W. E.kl, oj' th,' IT. S. S. S1.
IlIr t1me.~.
LOllis, will speak. Ifl' has hl'l'n 1\1'0
]lI't'l I,\' \1'1'11 lak"11 III' :111.1 lIot :I IIlilllll,' ,iol;.' al Illy ,'xpensc. :-;('('11 111(' at. Illy "·Ol":-ot. I,
llllllg: hl':l\'y (III 0111' h:l 11 tI:",. Thollias .\I'·'\lIlill'., was all 01,1 \'l't- _'\\'lIoltl slllil.,,] :11 h,'I' kill,lIy. "Poor
'''I':II'S O\'('I'~(':lS :llld 11i~ \"(':-,:-,('1 is now
1';I"'l'y da.\' a dplail 01' :-;,'0111' had to t'1':11I :\t this 1':IIIJjl hl1:-;illt':"'~, thi:-; It('illg' l,iddi,'-h"I'l', tllkp llll' your hat al\(l w't
ALL SAINTS' P. E. OHURCH. ;l! thl' L'hiladl'lphia :\n\·.\' Yard. Thi,
Ii" dl'all'l/ (01' fab],' ",'n'j('(, (t,\\'o I,o,\'s ilis s('eolld 3·,'al' at ('WIII', and \I'as tlll' "'''11 1'''''1 a hi,,; 1. h"11 Il'f 's h:l\-c it out."
is :l I'UI'(' tn'at to hear n litH' ~'Ollllg
at .'a..J1 tah],,), illstigator of all th., ealllp jokl's, sneh as :-;0 :'lIar,\' 1'''l1lo\'ell hl'r hat alHl heg-an
Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector. ,·1I:1plain. )[on. Fldel,,'r \Y, :-->1 it", lI'ill
S:lllil:II'.\' dill,\' (1\1'0 :-;"ollis 1'1'001 ":I,·1t s('lldillg the l'ollldps to tlll~ IIH';";S tent :111 I'xplalla 1iOIl of 11,,1' astounding pro-
pl'l'si<ll' al thp IIll'l'ting. All "ddi.'r,
lahl .. ). nft,'r :l It'nt wlt'II,·h, bnl, n"\','r lIlind, posa!.
all,] sailors all<l war \l'or!;l'rs arp spe,
From now on llnu inrlu,ling' thl' first, Kitl'h .. n dill,\' (Ol\(' ~"01l1 1'1'0111 p:l('h old ho.\', I. I'orga\'" ~'Oll wh"11 yon alld " I '11 lit' h\'i"f, alld i I' I'm 1]('I'I'OIlS,-
"iall~' ill\'ilp,1 10 h., 1'1'<''''01.
Sunday in Snptcmher sl'nices at All ::lIdl')' Ilolla]d Jo'ail<' alld U"l':Ild :-;1'''1'1.'' ,'anI" pll'asC' forgh'c 1l1l'.
\\'l',]nes,1a~·. S p. :If.-Pra~','r
:II p,'l ill;':,
Saints' will be unucr the auspices of '1''1 h1l' "1'1'\'i,'e "ollsist ",1 of t\l-O 81'0111, ha('k fl'om Sl'lIdin,~ ('hl'i" 11"l'l'on alld ":'II~' n:IIUI' is :lmry Carter.
ill ,·llal'g" oj' :'Ifr. lI"IIlY :If. n. nO\l'pn.
the TIl'\'. Gibson Bell, rc(',lor of :lTont· "I,tling Ih .. lahl .. :111.1 pl:II'io~ :llId SI'I'\·· lIarnld Haulll hOIlI" fl'Oll1 (;It'.'!! Lalle "Oil" ypal' ago m~' l'atlll'l' ,lip.], ll'a\'·
Thp pastor will hp :I\\':I,\' fro III ~at 1II'.]n.\-,
~onll'ry SelIOO!. ill;': Ih" I'ood, all'] :11'1"1' till' 1Il1':d" 1I':I,h- :111.1 pl't'st'nt illg: 1111' \\ ith 1 \\'0 1:1 \'t'1'1I ill;":' \11.' alld III." .·\'il'l'll,a hrot 11t'1' :1101'"
SI'I'I"lI1hl'l' 1::, to I"", S"ptl'lIl1','r 1!1.
Any memhcr of t hl' !,arish \\'ish in~ i·!,!..:.' :llld drying llll~ tli:,llt':'" and JI10pping ill tilt' \\,01'1,1.
his ;,lm in ist ra tions will I'l,,:\sl' not i fy I III' 1:1 h It- a 1\(1 1100r. (To hc Continued Next Week) ":\ 1I10llths 1:11,,1' 0111' S""ll1'ilil','
him. '1'111' :--:llIit:ll'y dllty t·oJl:-,i:..d t'd ot' :1110Ut t':li!I'd. .\1101 lin\\' \\'1' h'I\'" nothin~. 1
Ser\'iel's will hc: S A. :IT.-IToly "Ill' 1Iollr ';-; \\'(111-: pil']'; illg' I'll Jl:lJlPI'S :ll1d 1':111 '1 go Ollt to \\"lIl'k~ J):tl lH'l'll:-; 111('. T
Communion. 11 A. :lL-:lforning SI'I'\'- .. it':I I'; II,~: t Ii,' .':: "'1 'II" "I' :III 1'1\ hi ,i,,1I. (':lII't :111'01'1/ ttl ha\'t' anyolle llllJ':-'/' hiut.
icc. Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. I\.il('ht'll St'I'\'it,t, ('ol1=--i:·.;t('d or lll'l'ling', THE LOTTERY writ .. : hili IllY ~torit'.", art' lIOt- :H'-
On thl' first S\Il](la~' of the month IToly "I' 1':lIIIt'r st· ra !,i ";':'. '"It'
11111'1;,,11'111 "I' l"'- ""I't "'1.
Communion will hr hl'l.l at both the 1:11"."". Bya Rising Young ":'III', n1lY. ] hl'li,'\'1' yOll aI'<' to hI)
S 0 'e!o,'k and 11 0 'rlock scrd"cs. :'If"l,tings for n,'xt SlIn,]n.v: i':I-rl'y :-->""lIt 11:ld I" d" hi, till'll. a:ll] :Ill :l\'into1':"
Narberth Authoress
8\1lu1ay S"llOol \\'ill o!,,,n thl' thir.l 10 A. ~f.-Sllnda.\' H,·lioo!. A pl:l<'l' ] lIllI,t say lli"." did it \I·illill;.:ly, so .I" 'I'll., Ilia n no,].1",1 silent Iy.
SlIu,]a\' ~f this 1I10nth. A ~oo.l1y nlllll- alld :1 1I'l'kolllC for all. 11,,1 l,nil,t1., ttl :1,,1; tli"111 1" h,'lp "lit :It "TIIl]ny I ]',,:',,] tllnt lh.' :1\'''l'ag'' lif.,
11 A. :'IL-:llol'llin).: Worship. :-;,'1'- illlll:'·. J,lIt 1'11':ISI' d" 1101 Id:III1" t 111' i'Thl' :I\'l'r:lgt! lift' ot' an aviator i... .
1)('1' of ('lassl''' will hl' forllll'<l an'] I'ar- of 1In a\';ato]' is thirty days.
111011 1hl'llIl': "'fIll' Kil1~d()1l1 ASpl,\·t 01' :"'011: llUlslt'l' if tlll'y should }1:llk at it. Illlt tllil'l.\' days," I't'ad ~lal''y Carlcr,
Ptlts a 1'(1 l'l\qll('~h\{l to hl'illg or ;-.1'11,1 ,. You a1'(' "lIl'l'os"11 to he a e'lJi'firnll',l
Popnlar E,luralion." Till' (,lltiJ'l' wI'llk p:I:"Si't1 "'i1l10111 all
1111.1 \\'itll thl' I't'adill~ of tlll'St' \l'IIrds
thl'ir "11i1l]l'l'n wh"JI th,' ,·I:I""es 01"'11. ,,"n'1l n-ha (Pr.
I.-Li p, :lr.-EI,.'II;lIg Worshil', \\';ih W:i:-i 1101'11 j () Ill'1' tIlt" gl\1'I11 uf an ill(~a.
::l,('idt'llt Ill' ;..;kkllt';-;:' wit11 111t' I'Xt'I'I'- ,. You lIn\'t ' JlO 11(':11' t't'!ati\-t's .
~1'1'1I101l 011 till' tht')I,p, 4lChnllgillp: ~:l1l1 i:OII (,f:J sligllt hl'lIis(' l'I,(,(,jYPllllr ~I'(It11 .. :'11:1 1',", \l'ha,1 's, t hI' IIlattt'I'?" sa ill
,. III all !,l'i>b:l!lilit.\- ~'()II \\'ill lint lin]
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE III 10 I'a 111. " IllJII:t]ll F'I:l'ilt' ill :l g:lll\(' lIr dl'1't'llIl tllt· Ii", plaillli\'I' \'"i",' "I' th., "i..l; ho," :11
ltll:g', \fill yOl1 11l:ll'J'y Tlle to ~i\'c me
11.,1' ~id,'.
EVANGEL. Church Notes. 1l:lg',
y01l1' :':liary 1111.1, at'1l'r YOllr d"1Ith, :1
0111' 11:1,\', 10 1/\11' ~ql'l'o\\'. tllf'('t' of ollt'
,. Oh, rOI';..:,i \'e III", llal ~ 1-.1 was
wido\\' 's )HllI:--:ioll.l
:'Ifr. \'an ;,>pss III" f('llIrll,'d 1'1'''111 Iii, Il'1lOP Wt'l'l' Ilt il:llizl'll
1'\)1' l'OJllillg' 10 l11t, tll't':lIl1illg', I. gUl':-;:-i. Alld :-o.lJe Wt.'llt un
. 'It SOllllds "I'llel-hr-arill'ss-any-
Avcry S. De1l11l1Y, B. D .• Pastor. \,:l/'atioll :O;Pl'llt at ~t(lll,\' Hrooli, Lot1,~ d:llili;! i1:dl 1'(J1'~..!;,'tliJlg io hrush tltt'il' i'l':ldillg' 111(' Ill'W:; til 111'1' hrotiier. A,lltl
I hillg ,\'011 lI'anl to "all il; bllt it '" lil'.,,"
J:->l:Jllti. nJ1I1 \\'a:-: ~T('I'I('tl 11." :1 l:lq~'i' :11111 h'l'~h. Tlil'il' I'llllisilllll'llt \\:\:-; 10 t':lffy :" ,lit' I"'ad IlIl' idva rul' lI"hil'll ,h .. had
-JI., 1'111]".1 "illiply.
"1I1hllsi:lstic andi,,",'p !ast :-->l1l1da,\'. li\"\' Illlt·kt'ls or t11 1' l'rl'l'k
S:llItl frotH to ht'('11 gToping caJlle 1n ht'r,
~t'I'\'il'P:-; as follo\\':-;: "\I'I,old had li,'I"llI'd 10 hl'l' "'OI·.]S ,,,ith
Till' IIll'lUl)(II':O; uf tht' ClltlJ't'h :-iI,:-;:-:inH : Ill' i'O:ltlway. 1)011'1 think it wisl'
tll :-->111' 1'''1';'':'01 11al; fOl'gol, th:d sh .. was
;";III1<lav: hi, h":ld h"111 so as to S:l\-" 1",1' nll
alld Ih,'ir \l'i\'cs W,'I'<' "III.'rtaill"d al thl) !,lIidi,1I 1III'il' 1I:lIl1l'.", fol' th.,." IlIig].1 1101 1'1 :ldill,~' al\)utl; foq,,~'\lt t'\'lll'j'thillg', ex-
!I.·J;i i\.. :'II.-Bihlt- ",·hoo!. hOlllP of :lTr. all'] ~11's. l1<'all.\' la,,1 ]"ri- lik!' it, :Illcl I lillo\\' oj' :-i('Yt'ral u!ill'l' j'!pl illg ht'!' ~TI':I,1 idl':I~ :111<1, jUIlll'illg
t'lllharl':I:-i:-'IlII'II!; hilt HOW, as :..d ll' fiIJi:-;h-
I'd, lit' jookl'i1 up stl'aight illio hcr
]1.00 A. :lr.-:llol'llillg WOl'shil" :--;1'1'- tln.\' "1'l'n ing. IHJ,"s \\'ho l'oJ'g'ot :u,t'idl'jJtall.\· 011 }l111'l1l',"'I~ Iii'. "Ill' ni,'d:
f\.\"t'S •
IIIUII ],y thl' paslol'. ~lIh.i.,.'l, "Thl' At· AI a I'l"'ent III1'pling of th.' fllliidillg I Il I. I'IIs11 I lit, iI' !t',,1 h, 1.11 I 11:,<,01 ;":11111 III
.. J I; II Ill\' \l11:t1 I'll .10; I'IJ ;":0 to hilll
"I 1"'li.,\',, yOH," h.. sa id 'lllipllr,
taillllll'lIt of 1'011"'1'." Ads 1: S. ('OIl1\11iltl'e plans 11'''1'<' fOI'II1I1I:l!.,.] 1'01' 1::,,1 I "I IIsk him to-"
,~I'1 :1 \" n.\· \\" il1J it. .. :lIld / :IIIi,IiI'l' ,\'011. Y"II 1I1'l' a "hl.·I;,\'
'i ..J;i P. :l1.-E\'('lIillg \\'ol',;h ip. ~"r- Ihp "ldargl'lIll'nl 01' Ih., ('hun·h l'l:ildill;':' Lill :1' .Johllny <ludn\\ II tldd liS :111 Ill' .. :d:try, :11'\' yOIl {'lazy ('xl'la illlt,tl
,~il'l. "
to tlI tIl' I thp t1(l('li." of IIJI' growing' :--\\111- Il:J! (',,, I II'. .. \\'hlll j" 11." 11<:111.,1' lI'il11
111011 hy thl' pastor. :-->llh.i(,.·t, "Tho I'llll:d S\\'illl, hilt \"hl'll lit' ~'1I1 ttl tilt.' II., :11'0,"1' alld "100.1 l",rol'l' 11l'1'. "1 'Ill
Path of thl' ,Jus!." 0"11. :i: :!~, 'l'h" tlay Hehool. jI\lld hI' fOlllltl uut. that, S\\'illllll!l\g ill
g'llillg: flllt to lhillk 1his tIling' 0\"('1"-
:'Ilalt' qllal'tl'! \I'ill a""i"l lh,' "hoir ill Thp WOII\t'U'S Hiltl., ('Inss h,,1<1 l'I.,il' \\:Itl'r 0\,l'1' hi:-; llt':lll W:I:-i diJ1't,l't'll1 ill:lll 1,',,1' :I 1;"11111'111 tilt' g'il'l "I:II','d h,'ll"
\\'111'11 1'.'1111'11 ,\'011 ,h:1I1 1Ia\'l' III~'
Illis sl'J'I'i,·e. I'Pgular lllnllthI~· hu,... illtlSS 1I1t'I,til l g':l1 tIlt' "~I illlillillg ill thl' hath tllh. .\1'11'1' i", II > .... ly :II 11(']' J"'tJthl'r; 1111'11 =--!It~ lal1~~Jll'd.
:, ""\1'''1'. :'11:11;" yUIII':'I'1 I' 1'0111 fol'i alth'.
110111" oj' :\[rs. II. ,\. Hall"s ::Isl '1';; II rs- ; ;'s, I ~II""" I 11111 n:lz.", illd.·'
:'II 011 day, S.1I0 1'. :'IL-Thl' ~f,," 's As- It"d ,lI'allll\\'I'd a 1"'11' 1I1011lhfllis 01' I\a- "il'!, 11111 a J,ollk 1111.1 h.,I'I'·s a llt'x of
da.\' a ftcrnoon. :1'1' he was grahht'd I,~' ot1l1'1':-; lIl'at' \1.\' * * *
sol'iatioll lI'ill 1111,,'1 at Ih" hOllll' of :'Ill'. "lIl1d,\' fill' ,\'011," h.' '"lil,'I], "I 1... li,,\','
~rh{' Blf'1Il1H']'s of th<, \rt':-'1Illill~1pl' ('il'- TlJ:Jt 1'\'('lliIlg, :tripI' thl' disht'~ W(lre
\\'illialll S. :'Ifaddox, :lti:i WOI,,!:'i,11' ave· and \fa:; ~ati~1il'd afll'l' :l good l"l'ig'lli \,\','11 :1 'piJlt'k,'" ,~""dl'l likl':' 1,llllt'o}:dt':-'.' ,
1111". ~Ollll' of th" hoys who W"l'l' ill
(,11' \\','rl' p1I'asalltl,\' "III,'rl,lill"d :11 lh., I .. ,1:1,1' ill ,hallow \I"ll"r. .1",", :"Id Iii., lil II., hoy IIl'xl dool' ha.1
~IIII'." lool;,'d ::1 hilli. Sll IIl'al' til I,"th
Il1l1llP of :lfr". A. 1'. ,\11.1"\'''"11 1:lsl Thll\'''- II II':IS :llsll fOlllld 0111 lal,-r Iltal :-;,'''111 1""'Il h .. il ... d to sl"y \I'ith Pal, ~f"r,\'
Fl'all"1' \l'ill It'll thl'jl' "XI"'l'i"II"". 1,':1 I'," :I lid !:I1I;..:h f,'1' tll:l t shl' ""lIld
,la~' "\'I'llillg, :III',. :\lIdl'\'Sllll :11101 ~Ir'. !'t'lers l'ould Hot SWilll, \\"llit·ll \\";1:-' tiil' i'l 1,.,1' 0\1 II h"II'I' alld st"I'I.'d 10 Ira]k
TIII'S']ay: SI':1 nOt'}.'" SI'I':II\.
III1I'P hl'in~ hOste~sc~. 1'l':lsoll of his lIot ~'llillg ill ihl' \\:\tt'l' Ull· :,I\r:trd til<' utllt'r ('lid of till' to\\'I!.
](1.::11A. :'Ir.--Th" 1:1I1ks of I h,' \\'0111- • 'TlI:lr],k~," :--lIt\ 1I1:lllagt'd to :-,1:lltll1lt'l·.

all'~ 1\Lh.::-;iotlar,\" Cir(·lt 111('('t

ill tll{\
Th,'\'(' \I'ill ]", all illlpo\'lallt 1Il1','lillg
nl' Ih,' RllIltlay 8,,11001 tl'a.·I,,'\'s 11I'Xt ],'ri·
Iii tl,,' lIIiddl,' 01' I hI' 1"".,1;, a,"1 1;«'11
oilly h.\' "OIlI!,lllsioll of his kilt 111:11"".
:--:111' \\'a~ g;l:ld Iht' \\':llk was:1 long 0111'.

J~ \\11l1i.1 g-i\'p ht'" I ifnt' to pft'pat'l' hpJ'

.' .,
('hlll'<·h to ilia I", h:llldag"s for hO,"pil:1I TIll' olltl'J' dOlt}, h:lll:,!;I"1. II \\':1S
.Ia.\· I'\-ellill~ at thl' Chu\'t'h. LI':-,lt'l";oi Wlll'l'.Y "':1:-' about thl' t\\'o ra- ."': :Illgl' :-;1ll'(~t'lI :l11d ('OIll":Ig"I' III di'li\'1'1'
.\rll,dd Ilay 1'I'llIrning.
\\'01'1" Th" Sl'rl1lon tOlllonnw mnrllill~ \\'ill zors 111 h:l<l brought, to l':llI1p, 11,'i'Sdll'
1 it.
:!.;:II 1'. :l1.-:'Ifolllhl.v 1\I,'''ljll~ of th., 11:\\-(' !=')u't·ial ]'('ft't't'IIC'P to ih.' (IJlt'nil!,!"! (If 1,'11" :'Ilal',\', tilt' 1"1'1 liolll' ha.) 1"'1'11 "II
:Illy I 11.,\,1'1' 'all' hilll lise 11tL'1l1, 1'111 Ii,' Hill 1 \"1'11 t hl l IOllgl, . . . 1 \1.":l1k 1I11I:-lt l'lli!.
\1!(·l'llity. At 1:1:--:,1 if \\'as O\'{'r a1ll1 slit'
~ris~ioll:lr\' Cil'(')p. Kuh,il'l'l 1'01' SIUI:,\", lhl' s,·honl ~'I'ar nlld shollid It., h,,11'1'1I1 to IIIl.] ~I:.I',\'
at I:ls,t fOlilid 111'1'''1'11' ill a
\I':lS ahl'ay~ la]kill~ aholll 1:t1;ill~ a ""l1ld ];1l01\",
,. Th,' AU;"l'i"an Indiall." 1.":1111-1', :'Ill'''. all l'an'lIt~, Il':\I·h.'r" alld " .. lltllar". shan', an.1 1 slll'lHl"l' Ih., I'l'asoll h., LI!I~', luw-t,pilill,!.!l'd rOOIll, li;..dJt('{l o1l1~~
'I'. O. Lanl'. E:Il·h UII'lId,1'1' is asl,,"] to '1'1", 111:111 ""mp slowly in.
brought two razors \\':l:-i ill t':I:-'I' lllll' 1,." :1 ,,1t:1.],'d 1:11111' :11111 lh., 11':11'111 glo\\'
hrin.~ :ill ('ents lo\l'al"] Ih" support of a
"\\'I'i!, :'Il:il'.\' C:lI'I"I·." II., p:IIIS,,<I,
\\'0111<1 11ll! 110" dOli'll tIll' fllzz II<' had 1.1' :111 Upt'll firp.
SCOUT NEWS :hl'lI W(':11 fill, "1'111 g'oillg tu 111:\1"1'.'"
\I"di('al Missionary. :-->h,' !lad li'III' 10 gi\'l' onl~' 0111' ne1'\-'
allolh,'1' 10 fall ha"k Oil. I 1",li""I' (Il' .\'0 II. , ,
\\'''I]nl'"da~', S.O(l 1'. :If.-:lfissional·Y ,'allghl \\'illi:lIl1 :-;Iall],',)' Sh:II'I"'llillg a o:h ,~1I11' J,,,I'OI'<' Ihl' Illall \\'h""1 she h:\(1
(Continued from Page 1) Till' gil'! 's tallt, nl'l'\"'S rl'lax,"1.
I'l'ayl'l' :l1,'''lill~ ,·on']lu·I".l hy Ih,' pu,;- 1"'II,'i] willt 0111' of Ihl' I'a I." 1'';, I',hi,·h l.'dlllt' to S{'I' stood ht'fon~ h(\I'.
"TIt:lIl]; (:"d!" sh., 1""':lIh",] fl'1'\'l'll't1y.
tor. 8pe('ial llIu,;i,· all<l a \'I'IY in(.,~· 1.:\llIh.'rt :1I11! S\\'arlz, \\,1'0 aI',' al\\'ays o(,l'asiolle,] qllil" an 1I1'I'0al' for a Inin- "\\,.,11. \lJI:ll ,'all 1,]01'01' ,\'''II!'' he
., \\'"il, ,\'011 11:1\'1' 1I0\. h'~ll'd al!. I :un
"sllllg lIlel'!ing- llIay hI' l'XI)('('t",!. COIllO n'ad~' to assist in th" floy :-;"0111 1110\'l'- nle. d"lll:llld"d ahl'lIl'tly. :'Ifa1',\' stoollllJl and
;j,.... I\illg' Stllllt,tlring' ill }'{ltlll·ll. Ji. is 1I0t
to this llIectillg. IlIPJlt. All'xallder HlIl't was allo\l'l'd to 11'11i! I':Il""] hil\l "'IlIal'l,J.\'.
1I111"h :111.1 I Illink yOIl will (,ol1lply wilh
\\' I' 11Il.1 a spJ<on<1 ill t I'i P all I hI' wa.\' :t1ollg \l'ith a 8l'olll IlIasll'l' OIlP day \l'ho ., YOII ":I II lila I'I',\' Illl'," shl' sa ill.
Ohurch Notes. 1Il,\~ \\' i:.;.h(':-;.
In "alllp an,l "njo~'p,l {'\'I'ry lI1illnt" of \\'as \'t'ry fon.] of jishin~, alld. aft<'1' "\\',,11, 01' ,,11 thl' "on rOlll1'l11'11 ner-.
Thl' Young Pl'oplc's 80eiety will rl" Ihl' ~l'lI1ilr dri\'(' without an,\' lIIishal"" (To be Continued Next Week.)
\I':IIt·hing Ih,' Sl'ont lIt:lsl.'r lish 1'01' st,·.. · \\'h:1I is Ihi", hl:II'lullail?" sll:lpl'eil
organizl' and ],l'gin \l'ol'k uexi SlIlHlay On :11'I'i\'ilig at "al~lp, aftI'\' thl' 'III"S' .\ 1'1I0]<1 na.\'.
"I':t1 h'l\lI''', A],'x sillillg ill Iht' slt'1'1I of
l'\'l'lling, -8l'pll'lu],1'1' ~l. Our prpsilll'nt linn of the pxlra 8('01/1 Il'as sl'\l],'(l, WP 1]11' boat an'[ not :lIlo\l-,'d to lalk 01' 1'11"11 "111].11'111.\-, \l'ilh 1.'0 apl'al'''1I1 I'<'a-
reports havillg a ph'asant anti pl'ofit, Wl'I'(1 as:-iigtl('(l to onr qn:trt"('l'S, whll'h AFTER TillS DATE, THE
IIll1\''', what h" 11'II',;Ii'1 kllow aholll 1i . ;]I- :-;011, all of 111(' .uirl':-; ~pll'n{l!ill t'ol1r:tg'('
a]'lc tillle at thl' Baptist SUlllmer As· 11'1'\'1' thp first four h'lIts. Xos, 1, ::, :i iug no\\" iSH 't worth knowiTlg. sel'I1l('il to 1(':\\'(' lIt'l'. For OllP il1~tant SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF
s('lIIhly at Collt'gl'villP. Plans art' hl" all.1 I, III'Xt to hl':\(]qual'tl'r" as \\'c \\'1'1'1' Pi,·k O<!,'Ol'1l \\'as as quil'\. at "alllp as sh" lookl"] abollt for SOI\lC \\'a~- of es- "OUR TOWN" WILL BE $1.50
ing completl'll fol' tIl(' year's work anll Ihe fi\'''1 troop to pay 1'01' our n'sl' 1'\'11- lip is :t,t hOlllll , hut he alw:l.\·:-; ~l~llIIlS to I'ap(': st'('iIl~ UOllt', ~hl' hurR!' into tf'ars PER YEAR, IN PLACE OF
indications point to an enthusiast.ic he- lion for that \\'cok. !~'('t hi:-i fUlI out uf (l\"pr,\'thing, an.] sallk lin'pl,\' inlo thl' Ill'al"'st chair.
~inning. ,Yt\ wen' tht'll (l:lph g-ivPlI a 11 11111h(' 1', $1.00, AS FORMERLY CHARG-
GOl'dllll Hlldolph didll'l III is,; llIu,',h Al'lIol,1 na~- st:ll'l'.[ at the w""ping girl
nally Day in the Church lind Bihle as 111:11' \\'as thl' l'asiest \\'ay to ha11l1l1' that \I'as going lJlI. lIis plPasure \\':lS h"l'ol'(, him. ED. OWING TO OUR PRINT-
Srhool will he hrlll thl' Sl"'OIIl[ SlInllay 0\'1'1' ~;;Il hoys :1111] kl"'p tr:wk of t h,'ir h():ltill~ :111(1 swinlllJing, :ifnI h(' ('C'l't:tinly "'oml'n h:lll 11l11'Snl'<1 him, to ho sllre; ER'S INCREASE IN COST TO
in October. B~' that tilllP nll forces will \\'nl'k. knOll'''; hoI\' 10 s\\'illl. !lis Illain o('cllpa· ,,'onll'n hall l!infl"] at marriage; hut US, WE ARE COMPELLED TO
he hack from \'a('ation nn,l n ~I'eat 1'lllly tiot! \\"l\S elu'witlg' :,!lllll, for I lll'\"pr :--aw IIl'HI' lw 1'0 1'<' in all of his twent~'-ei~ht
AftI'\' that \\'1' IIl'al'll the hugl<' ('all MAKE TillS ADVANCE, AND
will ],e hl'l,1. h illl \\'ithollt it,
fnr nll'SS, wh ieh was a "p\,y \\,cl('oll1c yca r" h:ll1 a woma 11 ,1ropp<'d from tho
\Vc arc llcrl' to sel'\'c the eomml1l1ity ('1111, so, aftcr hi,],]ing our tl'llnsl'nrtl'\'S Chrislophl'r }f"l'I'on \\'as a ~an\(' sport, ,1;~' an<l e011lmlllH1pc1 him to 11Iarry ireI'.
ant! stnntl rcall~' to rally all onr for('es this bpill~ his first e:llnp. His \\'orry AI\I] fh"I1, se(-ing wlrat a trllly pathetic
goo<1·hyp, \\'l' mal'l'hpl! to tlH' nll'SS ,·ahin.
to bnek up all'] co.op,'ratl' with a]] pf. 'Po expla iu pv,'ry I h i ng- as i I ha 1'1"'111"] \l'a,; on'r a box oj' ('an,ly that his fat.her Httlt' fi;':lIl'l' slle was, his ]ll'art smotl.\ WILLING TO STAND THE
forts to mnkl' Narlll'l'th n gooll placl' in in rotation \\'oul<1 nl'(','ssitatl' all "xtr:- hall Mnt him. Iinaginl' :t hunch of him for his ahrllpt,nl'ss nntl his voi,'t' SLIGHT INCREASE WIllOn
wllich to lin,. Do not hesitate t.o I'all four \lagps 'H],lell to "Our Town," so 8,'out,.; ill Oil" tpnl :In,1 Christophel' be- t link 011 a 1II0rc' gcn'tle tone, WILL HELP US MATE-
for our s('I'\'i,'p if then' is anything '1'0 will ('Olll]pnse my story as mlll',h as pos- ing the onl~' IHlS,;l'S"OI' oj' a hox of "1'(,11 1111', child, w]lat iR h'i" he
('an do. "ihle. entIl1~·. It took SOIllP s"hpming 10 llIalw a~k('o'l. ,. I kno\\' ~'Oll mus,t lw,ve some
We invite ~'ou to worship with us and The Seouts spellt thc ,lay 011 II rl'~u­ that box: last a wcpl;, 1)('J.iP\'(~ ml', hut ho rl'al trouble. You Jon't look like the
will welcome you to join liS in our luI' sche,]ule ns follo\\'s:- dill it. hlaclnnniling sort. Just forget those WEEK.
service. 6.45 A. M.-Re\'cille with morning IIownru Vallette was alwnys missing, wortl~ of mine (1n(l tell mo what it's nIl

Cub's Weekly ,Letter

hloek. Thrifty soul, that fellow. 11 e 's
waiting for a good wind storm to trim
For Council Only Y. M. C. A. Mite Boxes Ldtl'rs Tl'stamelltary on the alJo\'e es·
tatp having I,,,pn granted to the under-
his trees for him, and his neighbors lire
On Octob.. 1' 1, 1!1lS, therl' wen' dis· Siglll'd, all 1I('I'sons illllebt"t! to the sait!
h"ldnning to feel the Slime way about Having resided in Nal'herth foJ' SC\"
To the Ellit,or of Our Town; trihutl'd anlllllg 1h,' ml"lIl,,'rs lind l',;tate are 1'''IJ!"'stl'd to make payment,
it. now that there seems to be no chanee prill years a,nd wondered as to how this
friends of thl' Y. :\1. C. A. or", hun,In'd all<1 tho",' hl]\'ing kgal elaims, present
Wh'ile the President, se\'eral Gover· of his giving np even an hour of tennis, qnit'! little place WllS gov"rlH',I, on"
thl~ sump \\'ithont ,I ..lay to
nors :11111 other officials arc trying to in order to trilll his trees. day I was asked hy It nl'ighhol' t'O .ioin nlite hox"s, th .. lII](II'r,;lanllin,~ Ill'ing
soh'e this H. C. of L. thing, a Nul" what ,is known fiS the Ch'i!' Assoeiation. thnt tit .. rpl'ipil'nt of end, hox \yas to R, RI'E:\CEH ClfAP:\[AN,
* * *
hl'rth man has dl'ci<led that he cuu set· In hehlllf of this a'8'll'illtion alill tIll' "la,'l' thl'!'('in one l"'nny pel' day duriug .1011:\ A. BlWWN,
Tt's so nice to g"t a way from the the ensning year. 'I'hesl' hoxes will hI'
t It' the quest,ion. at least as far as hI' wl'ekly pnper pnhlish,'tl lII11ler its ans' EXl'eutors,
noise and hustll' of the eity to .. n.ioy rl'l'nlle,1 sOllie "\'l'lling during tIll' lir~t
and his family are concerned. There piees I hfid the pll'asnn' to l'I"'l'in' all
lhl' quiet of thl' suburhs. Yph-t.hat's w('('k of Ol'1"hel', at whil'h tilllP th,' Or to thl'ir attol'lleys, CHAI'l\fA~ &
an' three things a lIIan must have to invitation to report on a eoulI('il 1I\('!'t·
IllIP of till' thillgs ~'ou rl'all ahout. As \\'onll'n's Auxiliary will Ill' '!I'light"d ('rll\I':\IA~, 1,1::0 Widenl'!' Buil,ling,
lin', thesc 'Iwing a hOl1\e, food and cloth· illg held in thl' Borongh Hal1 onl' "V"II'
an actuality, let IIIC d"sl'l'ibl' last Sun· to weleornc a larf.{(' g:Jlhpl'ing 1"01' :t so· l'hiJadl.'lphia,
ing, Predous to .July 1 J would hav(J. ing a couple of wceks ago. It s"I'IIII,,1
day as it wns ohser\'erl down iu our l'.inl (·velling. ]1' yon ha\'P forgoltpli
round it ne"essary to add a fourth item almost a m~'stery for years as to how
alley. tIll' matl'l'ial sidl' of this suhlll'han tOWII YOlll' )If'll11 ltlH during- tIll' ~l1ll1l1lpr
to th" list, but t1wt's \\'atl'r (01' rather
'I'ltl' quiet of a Sl'rene Sahhath Day luonth~, ]lll'as(' hunt up .\'onr box"s 111111 fLASSH'IED AHVERTISEMENTS
it is not water) 0\'1'1' the dallln. All of was ":lI'l'd for, as I n('Vl'r hl'lI 1',1 it ml'II'
t hl'Sl' eost 1Il0n('y nowllflays, \\'h ich \\,as lirst hrolwlI hy the yplpillg of a t ione,!. TTsnalIy in plaees whl'rc we h:\(1 gP! thl'll1 III' to ,Iat", r"lIIl'n,hl'rilll! that
statl'mcnt, hO\\'('\'l'r, is not exadly what wholl' hUII('h of soonpr do~,.; 1I0W ..seone· takl'n np onr aholll' )'elll's past the gni,l. the per,;on ha\'ing the largo.'st alllOl1n, ('\yO cents per word each Insertion, Cut
1,,1 011 the l'sta tl' of ou I' effil',jent Street in his or 111'1' 'hox wiIJ I't"'l'il'l' a I'rizl' In advance. No advertisement accepted Uu,
yOIl lIlight call nl'W. Now, I'll tl'l1 you illg l'ldl'l's or' any little hamll't appl'ar· IC8& cash accompanle8 copy.
Commis,;ionl'r. Thl'se dogs an' not latt' 1',1 vl'ry important. Aftl'r four years' 1'1'0111 thl' Anxiliary.
what this nUlIl did.
Heing' a huil(ler, of 1'0111'SI'. it was no sl..epers, 1101' is their hoss. The latter ncqllailltancl' with a few citizpns WhOll1
(Ioe~n 't spend mud\ time iu hl',l-Illust GIVE A PARTY-Entertain :roUl'
tri<-k to fillll thl' hOllle; n home doesn't I had learned to estN'1ll very highly, yhe
"ost a buillll'r anything you kllow. But ha\'e ~onll'lhing 011 his conseience, The oceasiolJ arosl' to heholll thl' anll'llt la,
friends. Lawn "n tl'l'tainmen ts. Lin·
Ii ttl .. muts .. vitll'lItl~' find it 11l','essary g"nllan, Ventriloquist; Mme. Dupont,
while he was ahont it th" hl'ro or thi,; hoI' of the Borongh Council of :\'arl)('rlh,
to pat early alHI of tell, I)('('ause, as I Palmist, 70:> North Pifth st., Philadel-
tll]e got a gn'at hig pla('l', big ellough From time to time it had heen a qnl's,
unlll'rstand it, thl')' only ~'l'lp whell thpy phia. Bell {e!l'l'hol\(', Market 1;:;84.
for himsl'lf, wifl', ehi!llren, (·hildrl'n's tion in my mind as to whether a vital
an' hungry. 'I'h .. ~, don't harl{-tlley Y":l1''; ('stahl ish I'd. (5U.p)
hnshalllls or wives, as thl' faSP might illtl'rest WIIS 11l'ing manifested in things
hc, and thl'ir ehihll'l'n. Some little eol· ~'elp, and at all hours. The sl'rvice at materinl coneerning this 'heautiful lit·
th .. ir r,'staurant must he rathcr slow, tIe spot whi('h in our yonnge r day~' WI' WANTED-Dptached honsl', must ha\'e
nn~', IH'lieve me.
.illdging hy the somewhat extelHIl'd knl'w hy the nallle of mm Station. fonr s]e('l'ing rooms. Price $5000 to
:\o\\' to reetI aIllI clothe thelll. :\11'.
dlaral'tl'r of their unmusical outgivillgs, 'Certainly, many of us willingly all· :j;iOIlO rash, no agents. Box GIl, Nar·
FOI'l'h'lIllll'<l hil's himself to the eity in
Thl'y don't. hold thcsl' p('l'forman('l's on mit ihe grl'at difficulty enronnterl',l, 1I1'1'th. (-W-p)
his nl'\\' automohile (1!l06) un,1 huys 2,\
SUlldnys "xl'1ush'I'I~·. They '1'1' hourly thl' whl'rl' social kil\(lncs~ and ehurl·h allh"r·
shl"'!,. Of ('ourse, hc cannot carry 2:1
week long. .Just as soon as the BurgesR pnl'l' 1l1ll~' havp the influl'ncl' to IlPuulllb ':PACE in gal'ag... Al'l'l.v ~o:: E,;sl'x
sl,,"'p in one anto and ill ordcr to trans·
has timl' to visit Narherth, 1 propose the enforrelllent of la\\'~ \\'ritten awl a\'p., :\arlo'l'th, Elizahl'th :\1. I'os"," ,
port the whole flock it was !J('cessary
to file a eomplaint. rnstollls unwritte,n, and yet urgent ns
to lIIal,e se\'eral trips anll hring thcsl'
\\'1'11, tltl' dogs suhsil!1'11 and tIll' ('on· to the keeping, Ill'l'au~e so mu,'h ,h'I"'Jllh WANTED-D"ta"hpd honsp, Illust hal'"
shl'l'p tn thl' new hOllle in installnwnts
gn'gatioll ill n IIl'arhy Chur('h hatl .iust. UpOIl the attitllll" of tIll' illdi\'illual ill " :,kl'pillg' 1'00111';, pri"l' lilldt $iOOO
of thne or four. III' sneaI{ed thl'm in
while thl' family \I'asn't looldng, he· ahout 11('I'u seat"II, whl'n thl' strollg- the discharge of Ilaily cthi,~s. "The Object of this Association "a:--h, Xo ag'(,llts. Adtln':-;s O. C., eart'
nrmed hl'll ring"r started in 011 his fa· Bl'ing a Iwlil'\'pr in constrailling in flu· shall be to improve and beautify :d' "0111' '1'0\1'11," :\arh"l·th. (~D.p)
,'ause no ,Iouht IJ(' fl'lt ratter shl'l'pish
\'oritl' pastime of ]Iullillg the ropl'. 1'11"1' rather than n'straillt, IlIllI in \'011111- the Borough and vicinity; to assist WANTED-O i rI to :I",ist wit h !Jouse·
01'1'1' it. Of eOlll'se, he hurned some
That's just a habit, 1 SUppOSl', hp(':Lus" tary ~aerifiel' rathpr than shirldng thp and co-operate with tIle authori· \\'111'1\ 1\\·0 aft4'rJlllllllS a wl'l'k, or at'tt'l'
:.:a~ a nIl \\'ore out a few tires, bnt ex·
thl'I'P S(\PlllS to 1)(' no rhY1llP or 1'(':\,.. 011 ties in enforcing laws and ordi· ,,'hool hour". I'.. 0. BIiX ,1II~, ~arherth.
l"'n,;l' is nothing tn this fellow-Ill' ,'OllllnOIl ,Int iI'S falling IIPOIl all 1lI,'n
nances relating thereto; to pro- (IS.,' )
dO"S!I't ean' au~' 11I01'1' for a dollar than for thi,; hf'1I ringing stuff. It dopsn't alike ill thl'ir <Iilfprcnt avof'atioll';, it
mote any project haVing for its
pt,'" ('Il'. I lIIight :ltlll that thl' honw hrillg in any reeruits-1I01l1' that you \\'as with g-reat satisfaction I witll"s"e,1 purpose the bettennent of the com-
I'an Sl'l', anywuy, allll thl' tlin sp('nl" all tlll' Borough Coullcil at \\'ork. B"ill~ 1!VANTED-I:ool1l :tlld hoal'll for ~'"ullg
\I'as surroun,kd hy several :Il'I'I'S of munity as a whole; to provide a
in nlin. It Sl','IIl'; to ml' that lIll'.\' ring 1I11'1I who by fair jlll1gnH'nt had all pas,;· IIlall at "IIl'I', Add,"'';'; 1'. O. Box (iDO.
grass that ha,ln't hl'l'n 1II0we,I in th,' means of acquiring and dissemi-
thl' IH'II at the wrong timl', If' thl'~,·tl I'd thp quartpr renturJ' iliaI'll. 1 kno\\, nating infonnation on any subject \:lI'I>"l'th. (-1:-;,1')
nlt'llllll'\, of our ollll'st inhahitallt. \V I'll ,
that g~:a,;s is going to feed the sh('('p, wai t 1111 til the spn'i,'l' was over the 1'1'0111 ('xIll'ril'nl'e that e\'en a conp1e of general interest; and to foster
hell woulll at Il'ast Sl'l'\'e as an ex('u,-,,' e\'enings eaeh Illonth may he rellll'laa!· and maintain a fraternal spirit FOR SALE-At ::!lS ~orth ~arlH'rth
hut t],,'v "annnt I'at it all in tcn years.
among the people of our commun- 1
:lVPtll1t ~ t1l'holstt 1'(l(1
?\o ,I ou'ht t,he shl'ep will multiply a 1111 for awakening allyollP that might 111' 1.\' givl'n to philanthropic \\'ork \\'herl' a ,

ity." Dues for Voting Member-

asll'l'p. pl'rson is I'l'rtain of ,;onJ(' appl"l'eiat iOIl, "lid I'llair; I "olln'rsatioll I'hair. ;; wal·
ill tilll" ronst lIlutton will he on the ship for one year, $1.00. Every
not to say anything ahout the tim" ne,'· resident of Narberth and vicinity IIl1t \1',,11 .. hair,;, Call WI'llrll'sclay Ill'
rolony's menu more often than epi,'ul'l's \Veil, aftl'r the ringillg stoppe,l, n girl
I'ssary to <Ie\'otl', \\'h"n SOllIe sllhllrhau eligible. 'l'1I1I1's,I",\' I!lol'llillg,;. (48.p)
iiI, I' you or I won111 prefl'r. Bnt, nl'\'I'I" ill thp neighhorhood thought. sIll' 'II 'llld
thell'55, thl' foo,! question is sl'tt~',1 as hl'r litt]l' "ontrihutioll nl1(1 th"I'l'UIHIII ~,d\'anopolis is to he Iiftcd frolll the
far a,; thl'sP happy 1"'01'11' are eon"I'rn· ,;he hl'gall to ('lItl'rtaill the IIl'ighbor1loo:1 "ohryotie state to be put 011 the IIHlP WANTED-\\'Olll"" til tak" h011l1' la1l1l·
I'd. P,'rha ps J don't need to tell you
that thl' elnthing ,pwstion is also set·
with SOIlIl' of the Jat"st ragtime sp"I'i:t!· ,!IISt in st raight husiness and resp",'tahl,'
Civic Association dr,\', :\frs, \"o'lll, ]2 Avon road. (,IS.p)
til'S, antl on a piano which she alllllits
tll'll hy 1h" slll'ep. 'I'he~' \I'ill fmn ish
tIll' wool, an,1 that's all thHc i~ to it.
hus IH'l'n ill thp family for SlX years
alit! hns lIeVl'r 1)('1'11 tUII("1.
lIail th" 1ll"11 \\'ho gui,l<, the mah'rial
shit' or t111' Borongh. II' t hI' Borollgh
Directors Meet WANTED-Yollllg 1:111,\' to h,,11' in store
<'\',,"illi!';, AI'I'I." at Slllith's Drng
l-'o ~'Oll ~(lP t.hrrc arc (I II 011 I-{il of thl' nf'~ is \l'orth,\' of note hl'l'allS<' of its fortu· :-:1(11'1', ~Jlrlll'l'th, (~S,I' )
Aftl'r awhill' sh,' tin',l and thl'lI Slim," mill' lo('a1ion, it will !JIIly he of' ;.p·~'atl'r
I','ssiti('s of lifl' to 1\('1'1' the wolf from A ('()Illlllittc'l' Ill{·1·1irq.!," of till' llin'('tur:-;
11111' tlll'lll,,1 on u phollograph full fol'l'''-- \:l1tH' as a I'laee of' resillPIH'P hy hping
thl' door, although it woul,1 Ill' discon, of tl", :\:>l'hl'I'th ('i\ i,' A,;",",intioll II:>S
hig- 11('<.'(11(', windows widt' Oflt'll, ,d ".-.- 11l!,,'n ,'are of in unsl'J{i,;h l'lllIl'a\'or to
l'l'l'ting shonltl it hI' ,lisco\'l'l'eII that one hl'lel 1:1;-;1 TllllIsda,Y "\ ('II i IIg" at till' n·:--i-
hilt a Idllll1y ,lisposl'11 tloIl1111'·h"a,1"I'
of tl,,~ slll'l'p i,; aetuall,\' a \\'011' in
f'rl'ight I'nllll' :lIolIg' aftt'r awhill', ulI,1
brillg ahout thp gl'l'atpst eOlllfort to it,;
illh:II,itants as a \\'h'ole. 1'0 lH'gin wit,h,
.1"11"1' of t1,,~ I'rl'~id"IIt. ,11I';l'plJ II. :\n,;II,
:11 :\1 t'rioll a '·PllUl'.
shl'l'p's ('Iothing.
In thl' 1Il,'antillll', thl' I'l'si<ll'n,t,; of
Ilnrillg its pa,;sing thl' phollogl':ll'lt Ill'-
"UIIIl' ,liSl'onrag,'11 anll gavl' Ul" 'I'hat
Ihp Bnrgpss, :\11'. Downes, rplHlrtetl on AI' tld~ IIlt'l'tillp: tilt, flit II I'l' of tlJi:, MENT BUREAU
lloeldan,l an<l Nal'hl'rth an'nul's all.i oin · 11,1' Shadp Trl'l' Commission; :\11'. lIall, papt'}' W:lS dist'u:-,sl'll :lnd I'lall=-' 1I!:llll' 1'01
iug- thl' Shl'llp Iltll'spry lilHl it 1l1l1ll'l'l'S-
I'lllll'll it, so I thought. Bllt, as till' r,'a1
\\'ritl'rs ,;ay, I was doom I'd to disaPI"';1I1.
IIll' I'resil!ent, having hecll :Il1thorizl"! I'}ll' iHIJlIl'tliate raising of :-llllkil Jlt flllld~
Weekly Bulletin
~ar,\' to \'isit thl' Zoo-all they Ill'I',I tlo
1,,\' ('ouII .. il at their last mee! ing to ad to t'al'l"y till' I':lllt'!' fur tllt' ('illlJillg \"01-
IIlelll. An 1I11('art1l1y ltind III' a "'"11100'
i:-. to :-;it 011 tlu' ir Jlon'he:-; :lUll' 1'I'P(' tioll a:-;s:,ilpcl In~' tnrtl1l'ptl l'nr:-" ;O:,)LI('-
ill thp n!:ltter of pa\'ing Price a\'enue, 1I111l', :111.1 th,' i"'II['1t- of' :\ nl'!>"1'1 h ll'ill Positions Open
of "lla rgl' t hI' sallll' odori fl'rou,; a I 'IIn- l'l'l'0rtl'd on salllp; VI'. I"ari",; an,1 Mr, Ill' nsk<'d to n""isl ill llli, ",'11' ['Inll, 0"
!hing- I l'OI:1<1I1't a"I'oulI! for ullli: I I,:. Cralller were appointcd lIIemhcrs of SETTLED WHITE WOMAN
,;phl'n' as pl'('\'ails al 'I'hirl~·-thil'll and ('\'pry l'lItk:t,,,ol' i:-i lll'illg' llIatit' to l\l't'l'
lookl'd out of the window anll, horrors! Board of l1"alth in u('eOl'lI:lIll~l' with thl' FOR FARM
Girard :1\"lll111('. ··OUI' rrO\\"!I" frolll iI.·ing" di:-;{'OlltiTluP.{.
thl'rl' was Hill Cum",er all dollcl! up ill 1 WHITE COUPLE (Chauffer
Borough Code; Illonthly rl'll(lrt hy th •• Oth('1" IIwtft'l':-, IIl'rtaillillg" ttl tlH' Ci,'j"
* * * a whitl' hat UUII ,;Ilirt, trousl'rs, so"k" 'I'n'a,;urer, :\[1'. Eo P. Dolll; Mr. Wl'lItz, .:\s:-,ot·iatioIl Wl'}'(' diSt,t!S:'l'll anel 111111,11
and Cook)
alld sh(I('s of thl' saml' I·OIlIplexioil. I (,ha irllla n of Conllll ittl'C of H igl\l\'Jl,vs ·1 GENERAL MAIDS
"11 \'1' you Sl'en a uy of Eel. nil \I"~ :l(·ti\"it.," b plallllptI for tIll' ('{IIJlillg ft'\\
I't'('ogniz('tl tilt' IlI11st:u'h(' anti tllp 'IIL'p, :llId Sewl'rs, rqHlrted 011 sallie I\llli pi',,· COOK AND DOWNST AIRS
:1'11I0 Will' I'ertifil'at ..s? Th..y're a mighty l:iOIl111:-;.
hut ,li,III't \I'ait for allY 11101'1'. Uil' I ,;('1(<'<1 s"al"II bill~ 1'1'0111 :\f,'ssr,;, :\Iuon' MAID
gootl iU\'P:-;tIllPllt, illn~lJltll'h as thpy're
\\'I'llt to thl' ,·it.\' to Sl'"k sola"I' in thl' CHAMBERMAID, LAUNDRESS
IIhsolnt,,]y safl', h"ing guuranlt,,',1 hy aliI! CHI'llet t i for eonstn1l'tion or "urh,;,
'lnil't of the ,;uh\l'ay. gllttNS aJllI silll'wa!ks 011 th" I'a,;t ,;ili,' 'l'hl' C"lItllry ('Ill], of :\o!'wood ,1':1..1 WHITE COOKS
1'111'1<' Sam alld paying a fail' rate of
CUB. of lIa\'prf'onl a\'ellue; Mr. n",lifl'l', Il'ns I'lIt"l'tailll'd last \\','dll",;day aft,'r, WAITRESSES
Ch:lll'lnan of the Finance Colllmitte", 1'," 110011 by l\lr,; ..1, Slua I't l"I'I"'lIla II, of ::!::Ii
f)ming Septelllhl'r the pri(~e is $84. OFFICE CLERKS
ported. 1\fr. DowlIps n~ported having :\arIlel'th a\'pIIU", aid,'d hy hl'r sist,'r,
On .Jauuary I, 1!1::!4, their vaInI' will be SECRETARY FOR PHYSICIAN
$]()O. In the IIIl'antillle they arc re·
del'lIlahl .. at an~' post ofli,'e for the pur'
The Women's Auxiliary 11I:111<' arrang,'m('nts for additional hell'
dnring fhp g'I'Hlld cino;uit ract's, an(l a1:-'1I
ill·la\\', :\11'';, .Iohll B. Otlo, .Jr" \rho with
hl1r young Soli is :--IH 1lll1ilJg a 1\1\\" "'('('1\::0- SEAMSTRESSES

ehasl' priel', plu~ illtl'rest-,iust lik.. the

$;; "talllps, you kuow.
Preparations lor a 1'01' the inspeetion of auto Jieensl's. Hl'\"
l'ral ol'dinauel's wen' rend anl1 paRsed
ill I';arherth. Amoug t host' at t "101 i IIg
thp luul'lll'on and ":11'11 party 11'1'1'1' :\11':',

Sun,l.v, th ..y are bl'tter t,hl1n sadngs Busy Season S(l('o)}(l reading, OIle ordiIl:llJ(~l' Iwing',
'It is unlawful to erert perlllnlll'nt awn,
A, S, BOlld, :\Irs, A. A, C 1'00 1\5. Mrs, ,1,
L. I~arl'l'l1, :\ll's, C. :\1. ~il':,,;,,r, :\1 !,S. C,

Positions Wanted
bank accounts. iug's 0\'1'1' or upon t.he sil1ewalks of thl' L, Sha\\', l\l.r,;. II. Slo·pl:', :\Irs, .1. 11,
* * * TIl(' WOlllen's Auxiliary is delighted Borough.' The ordinanel' for alllending ('0111'1'11, :\Irs..J. If.. 1000dan, :\fl's. H. n. 1 PRACTICAL NURSE
tIn' ol'l]inance for the, election of Bnilll· BOOIH', :11I1'';. C.• J. :\Ial'shall, :\Irs, ]f. h 1 PRACTICAL NURSE (for
" Polities make strange J1l'd fellows," to al'knowledge l'l'eeipt of a donation
ing' Inspector wus aP!lI'o\'ed. Kn:lpp, Miss l\f. ?\. AI1"II, :\ll's. Eo \\" Nervous Cases)
FIl'!cher, \Vho's your dark complexion- of 7;; yards of pereules and ginghams,
The mystl'ry as to thc g-o\'ernllll'nt of :\[onison, l\[rs. W. C, Kl'1lPy, l\lrs. . 1, 1 AUSTRIAN COUPLE (ChaUf-
1',1 friend that stu('k to you so closely \l'hieh wiJl he utilized at once in tho
the Borough of NarlH'rth ,lisaplware,1 Dl'\'('r, l\[rs. S. G. Galilraith, :1111'';. S, feur and Cook)
at t he haJJ ga ml'1 prl'llHration or' attraeti\'1' aprons II.I\(I
from my puzzled lIIind, and on the hori- G. Kn,'elller, :\lrs. C. II. \'il'1'son, :\frs, 1 COLORED MAN COOK
other u~dul articles, and plneed on sale
* * * in thp Mother Goose earnivnl to he helll zon arose in ,!L,finite Ii Ill'S. The Nul" W. . J. Gu,'ssl'fel<lt, l\lrs, ,J. 'r. Ferh'y, J'ANITOR AND HOUSEMAN
I)('rt h Borough Coun(' iI \I'as 1Il0t ione,1 to :\Irs. ]f. lIihhitt, :\Irs. T. B. D01111 anti (Colored)
JIll. \'1' you noticed the tree trimm ing in the Y. :III. C. A. in November.
Ilfljonr.n. :\ll's. W. 11. Appll'gatp, VISITING HOUSEKEEPER
ol1l'ration on Es~ex avenuef It's hal"] Mrs. ,f. Taylor Durlington has accept·
to helieve that onr Shade Tree COlllmis' ('<1 "hairmanSlhip of this department of
sion has adua lIy come to life an'll I Illn thl' ('arnival uno has selected as her fiS·
in,'linl'd to think that. the mcetrie Light sistants, Mrs. W. D. Smedley, Mrs, .1.
COlli pany did the work. Bu t to whom W. Tisch, Mrs. Morley, Mrs. Mann, Mrs.
1'\'1'1' did it, the thanks of the commun- NelliI' Denman, Mrs, Eugene Uurth,
i ty are (hII'. It is to he hop('(1 the ;job :II[rs. S. Lowry, Miss Linda 1\1:orrow, \VilJiam Mulvnney, of Ardmorl', an 1 FIRST CLASS COLORED
won't stop-h,t 't'm go us far as they
~Irs. W ..1. Peebles, Mrs. \Villium Lamb
11l1lI Mrs. Shinn.
agent for the Soeiet~' for the 1'1'('\'('11-
tion of 'Crnelty to Animals, WlIS rl'
Have You Paid HOUSEMAN (Single)
There's one lIIan who ne\'er goes out 'Mrs. Darlington would like to meet aroused in the middle of tIll' lIight to ER (White)
of his front. door hel'allso the trec
hranl'lll's there hang very low und would
thes~ Indies in the- Y. 1\'1. C, A. on 'I'11l'S'
dny, .september 2, as soon !tfter lunch
nssist in rescuing a horse helollgillg to
William Shippen thu thud wnudcrl',l
Your Subscription
interfere with Iris progress. He lIIukes as possible. PIl'use bring your scissors down the Ardmore trolley line nellr Main Line Employment Bureau ".
a short cut to the station through t.Iw and apron patterns with you. It is Count~· Line rOlld, lind hal! fall,'11 from to "OUR TOWN"? Room 5. Phone 1163.
kitchen door, und thus avoids al1 trou- hoped to have ul1 materials cut during a smllll bridge into the stream. Tho MERION T. & T. BUILDING
hIe. He hasu't extended the privi· thnt afternoon and distributed among unimal was cut llnd bruised hy the ARDMORE
lege, however, to other resident.s of the the Auxiliary members for making. fall, but wus otherwise uninjured.
...------------------------------------------------------------ NARBERTH, PA.-OUR TOWN 3

A ~s~ur~.2!A
thickness set forth in Section 10 of thl' Auken and Du Bree defeated Tomkins
and Kruse, !I-i, 6-:l; Shaw and War-
,'I' LEARN TO DO BANKING OnHnanee to which this is an aJnen,l·
IIIl'nt; and proddp<1 further that thl' wi,'k '!<'featl'd Redifer, .Jr., and \V. Har- Flnesl Pholoplay The-
Blre 0111" Size In Ihe
construrtion of such apartml'nt house 01' ris, li--O, Ii-O; W. H. D. Hall and Pat- EntlreWorld.
No matter how small your busir ~/JS may be, have a bank account. lodging house shall in all respects eom- tison IIt,featl.'ll Hartley llnd Grace, 6-1, PI>.loplaVl!I-ContlnuoUB 10 I\. M. 10 U.38
ply with the laws of Pennsyh'auia re- (i-O; Kirkpatrick and Staples defeated P.M.
The small merchant who has a bank account establishes his lating thl'l'eto. Schulte amI Thomas, 6-1, 6-1; Simp-
PhUa.• Po.
credit, has safety for his cash, and pays his bills with a check In a Sec. 22. All Ordinanecs or parts of son and ~[cKell defeated Fenno and
business manner, Or<1inances heretofore I.'nneled which Baer, -i-Ii, 6-a, 6-2; Town and Jus-
nlllY he contrary to or ineousistent with tiel' defeated WiJl.iams and Whitney,
You are invited to open an account with us. this Ordinance are herehy repealed. 5-7,6-4,6-3.
Second Round-Philler and Kewell
Passed this eighth day of September,
tlefeated Cowin and Warner, 6-1,6-4;
A. D. 1!l1!l.
Shaw and Warwick defeated Van Auk-
Presi<1ent of -Council.
en an,l DII Bree, 6-1, 6-1; Kirkpat-
rick and Staples defeated W. It D,

Narberth Office, Arcade Building CHAS. Y. NOEl"

Hall und Pattison, 6-2, 6-0; Town
and .Justiee defeatetl Simpson and ~Ie­ BILLIE BURKE
Secretary of Council. Kell, 6-1, 6-2.
Approved this eighth day of Septem- Semi-final ROllntl---.'Shaw and War· IN
No. 191. No. 192. wi('k defeated PhiIler and Newell, 6-2,
hl'r, A. D. Inl!l.
Chief Burgess.
2-6, 6-2, i-9, 6-4; Kirkpatrick and
Staples defeated Town and .Justice,
"The Misleading Widow"
An Ordinance making it unlawful to To amend an Ordinance entitled, "An 6-2, 4-6, 6-2, 6-2.
erect permanent awnings over or upon Ordinance providing for the election of
a Building Inspector, regulating the TENNIS TOURNAMENT FINALS Consolation Single Matches
the sidewalks of the Borough.
erection, constmction, tearing down, First R<lund-Kl'use defeated Scanlin,
The Council of the Borough of Nar- moving and alteration of buildings in
(Continued from Page 1.) 6-1, 6-3; Grace defeated Bailey, i-5,
berth does ordain: AS POSSIBLE TO 10.001\. M., 12.00, Z.OO,
the Borough of Narberth, and provid- 6-4; Muschamp defeated Burkhllrdt,
Section 1. That from and after the wiek defeated Bailey and Burkhardt, 3.·JII, 11.411, 1.411, 9.30 p. lIf.
ing for the issuing of permits aud in- 4-6,6-2,6-3.
plAssage of this Ordinanc~ it shall bo 6-1,6-3.
spection of buildings," approved March
unlawful for any person or persons, :F'irst Round-Philler and Newell de- Consolation Doubles Matches.
firm, co-partnership or corporation to
8, 1915. feated Watts and Redifer, Sr., 6-1, GEORGE K. YEAKEL
First Round-Bailey and Burkhardt Noa.UIITOWN. P....
erect over or upon the sidewalks of the _'BE IT EN ACTED by the Council of 6-0; Cowin and W'arner defeated Mus-
defeated Fenno and Baer, 8-6, 6-2;
Borough of Narberth awnings of a per- the Borough of Narberth, and it is champ and Donnelly, i-5, 6-2; Van
Williams and Whitney defeated Hart-
CUdlGlc for tbe RcpobllG3l1 NOIlDltIoI
manent character. hereby enacted by the authority of the It'y and Grace, 6-1, 8-6; Tompkins
Section 2. Any person or persons, snme, that an Ord-inanee entitled, "An After alteration., we will and Kmse defeated Redifer, Jr., llnd W.
Register of Wills
firm, co-partnership or corporation vio- 01 Moat'omer,. CouaC,.
Ordinance prov-iding for the elcction of Harris, i-5, 6-2.
lating the provisions of this Ordinance a Building Inspl'ctor, regulating the
shall be liable to a fine of Twenty-five
($25) dollars to be collected as provided
ercetion, eonstruction, tearing down,
modng and altl'ration of buildinh';' in
Meat Market
Why Not?
\ by law, and any awning erected in vio· thl' Borough of Narberth, and pro\-id-
lation of the terms of this Ordinance I ing for the issuing of permits and in·
t shall be removed by the proper officers spection of buildings," approved the

I of the Borongh if the owner thereof
shall ha \'C failed to remove same after
eighth day of ~[arch, 1915, he and the
same is llerl'by amended by ad(ling
Cash Bnsiness and Low Prices will
Why not concede that our Soda Fountain i. the cool.
est spot in Narberth. It is. and the lervice i. the
24 hours' not,ice so to do. tl10rpto the following sl'ctions:
enable you to
beat in town. The varioul refreahing drinks are
Passed the Eighth Day of Septem·
Sl'e. 20. That any building nOw erect- BUY MORE THRIFT STAMPS
mixed by thOle who know and whose bUllinela it
1 ber, A. D. 1919.
cd within the Borough of Narberth that
i. to give you the beat Soda, Sundae or Ice Cre.m,
I j W. R. D. HA1,L, may hercaftcr he aHerl'd into nn apart·
you ever had.
j President of Council. mpnt or IOIJ:,dng llouse shall be provided Come in any t;me. Make our fountain your place
·1 with thc nc('pssaI;-- firl' cselq1PS an,! JOHN B. HERTZLER of rest. At the aame time
~arpt." (!pl'ieps required hy thp laws of
T>l\ll nS~'l '-an ia.
Seerctary. Rp(·. 21. That ll1l~- hui!<1ing hl'rpaftpr of our delicious Ice Cream
205 Haverford Ave.
,'rpl'!pll withiu thl' Borough of 1'1arlwrth
Appro\'l'll the Eighth Day of Spptl'm·
hcr, A, D. l!llfl. for usp as an apartmpnt honse or lodg- Deliciou. Meata T. B. SMITH, Druggist
ing hou>'e shall, throu;!hout its cutin'
height. havl' its walls ('onstrul'!l'l! of
At High Grade Chicken.
! Egg. and Butter
Chief BlIl'g('s~. non·inflammahle matl'l'ial an<1 of thp



Specializing AUTOMOBILE LUSTRE RECLAMATION-where cars are thoroughly washed
and polished.-Tops and Interiors Cleaned by Vacuum


An institution in connection with" HONEST TO GOODNESS" GARAGE where every attention ia served
and your fee il INVESTED not SPENT


The inltallation of every MODERN facility employed together with CAPABLE employees to MAKE for popular prict!l. The proper application of
luch method. i. your SERVICE. Believing that" He Profits Moat Who Serves Beat" we will appreciate COMPETITIVE CONSIDERATION. We are a8
near you aa your phone. Ours i. NARBERTH 1210.

of Narberth, Penna.
ASK H. E. ARMSTRONG, Operating


.,. 110
., ~
Taxicab Service and Hauling :~
. 8l!'c"
; fil
.'" 110
" .~s
.;; u


...,. .....
Moving Furniture ~:E ~
. 5 Po t~
u .. .. $ :Ie E
::ll lil=
t:l8 ~

.28 b
u 8< ~cn ~';;
... .0:
~ u
Phone 672 "Eo<
til := Labor Yards Labor Material Labor
~fii m::;!
Labnr Materia!

in tll<' n('ar fnture if the club mClllher- $1 08 $115 15 $144 ~137 50 434 $541 $53 19 $3441 $53 48 $61097
The Fireside >hip waJ"l'aJlts it.
$100 00
100 00
3960 80 11078 1 04 12564 385 768 1600 70 47 471 91
Thl' entertaiumeut on TUl'sday night 100 51 10645 804 1238 100 80 2033 13656 602 03
March 10000 2500
(Continue:l from Page 1.) illPl11l1t·d :-;e\"t\ral n(}(lrp:O::-if':-i, silll..!;ing, hox-
8946 175 11220 256 5500 734 28 17 5776 468 33
April 10000 1665.
ing honts, tngs of war, and refresh,
May 10000 32.20 160 98 1260 6,122 134 93 18 160 44 1060 5042 128 69 70313
nll'nts. The mcetillg was allvertisl'd by
E\'('ryhollyhllS taken notice of tho June 10000 4745 19748 2278 34 50 70 177 55 27561 1297 2750 5664 11329 1061 77
posters ill all of the ~[aill Line towns.
decilleu cliange in the appl'arancc of 24 19 3t 00 66 11807 41339 31 45 9300 41 68 1066 70
July 100 00 2257 191 35
the Walton properly, E:;:;l'x anll llu,·er·
ford a ,·enue;;, now oCI:upicd by thu
Arlll:;trong Autlllnohile Lauudry & Sen-·
il·.e Company.
Base Ball ./. & .J. DOBSON.
George Alexander ANNOUNCEMENT
R. II. O. A. Whitewashing by Spray or Hand
(Continued from Page 1)
lTlnl .. r, If. 0 o 0 o o Hou•• Cleaning Rug. Bellten
'fhe two punch howl:; taken the
o o Heaten Taken Care of . ~.,'
Y•.H. C. A. without penuis:;ioll :;011I0 her, whereas the Boronghitl's failcd to ~[n,li,',
LeI':;, :lh.
1'1'. •••• 0
0 o

1 o 53 Prospect Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Jules Junker Inc. ~.:

t.ill\(., ago htl \"c 1Iot a:-i yet hC(lll ret urn-
1"1. OOllll'OIlI' ;:; re:;pollsihle for this alld
.:'\arl)('rth brought the fans to their Cruthcrs, SL 1 ] ,j ..
i:i causing- a great th'a} of ill<·Oll\'l'lli· feet h)' stagltll.~ a great Iliuth-iulllllg Yl'ahsI",)', t'f' .• () 1 1 o o
('uee to Iht' ,";rriotls orgaJli:t..atioll:-i :-;ery- rally Will lI·illl two out :llld two Oil
i.Jlg ref1'l':--lllllents at thl,il' Jlleetill~:-;. !Ja,·is was pulll'll alld OWI'Jl Humphries, ('arlin, Ih () o () o ROLLS
of the Cuitell otates ;\antl Aeadell'y, Haigh,
Gre\"l'Il. p
0 1
o Clarence A. Speakman
A ~[other .Goose Carlli,·al will he held Sl'lll. to hat. Howe,·er, Grevl'll W:lS the WILL OPEN STORE
in the Y. ~L. C. A. in ;\oyelllher. This IIla:-:tpr, lIlaking hilll the \·i ... tlJn 011 Carpenter and Builder
carnind will he dil'l'c11'd hy the WOIII· ~trikl'l-', thll~ finishing the ~arllC aulid Narberth
104 Forrelt Ave., Narberth
Totals .•••.. 1 4 2i 11 Phone 1652-R
I'll'S' Auxiliary, who hope to make it 1lI11t'h cheering.
even llloni at t nu·ti '"l' and sUt'('(':-,sful 'Batf('(l for Dads in ninth. Phone, Ardmore 967 W Dey and Night
Por convenience of our
III the fourth, with two down, Crnth-
th·ii'll l~o\"l'.'· :\[ary':; Garden of two year~ patroms in this vicinity.
l"1"S hit safl'!y to elft fieltl, stole
ollll. aUIl when Yeahs!I'Y smote a dri\"l'
just out of the n'aeh of Bal!l'll, ~lilt,:;
.1. ,~ .1. Ilo hsoll.. 0 0 0 I () (] 0 () x-1
:'\:1 rllnt h () 0 0 () () (] 0 0 0--1',
'rhl} \V01Il(l!l'S Allxiliar~' will Ill' glad
I·allll' iu fa:;! iu all I'II'ort to wake a Hauling and Moving
to J'(·lil've all thl):-'l\ wll"l) an' p!"('l'arillg Two-haso JJib-~[a("\\'illiaJlls, )"1':110:;· ANYWHERE
qui,-I; play at the platl'. The hall pa:i'l'd
tt) 1I1(-)\"ll ill tIll' Ill'HI' fll~ll1't.' of allY dis- II',\". .Jolly. Stlll"11 h:I:it's-Crnthl'r",
l'aflll'd ..Iothiu)!, furnitur .. , piduJ"l's,
,:hiua, 1'1 ..., if you lI"ill 'phonc ;\arh,'rlh
hilu and Cruthers sl·orell.
Light, \V. lJuIlIl'hrp~-:;. Saerifi("p-
Ra\e. Reasonable ARDMORE, P A.
.:'\AHBEH'l'lI. :\Iucli,'. Struek out-By Greye]], !I:
](i11.W. 'fhl'se artj,·1t'~ lI"ill he stored I>urh;n. Ii. 13"",'s nJi halls-·On· GJ't'\"I'II For - Good - Work - See Plumbing, Gas Fitting
ill th,' Y. ~L C. A. for rUlnula;';c :;alc to
H. n. o. A. Eo
"; Dnr1oiu, 1. Pun 10k pla~'s-Crnl111'rs,
LiglJf, If ...... 0 1 0 0 0 H. PREMOST and Heating
1)(' hcld latcr on. :\!("WilliaIn:; and Carliu; Haigh allll
,lolly, S:'i. ...... 0 1 1 " 0 Crut h('l's. Left nil hasps-Pn1osoll, ::: NARBERTH PA
"A ])ang·l'rOl" AlTair," \I·ith 1I,'r1)('rt
Uall"Iiu:;tlll au,l au all-star ,·,,,t, iu .. lull·
otitl's, cf.
Battl'lI, :.!h.
.• 0. 0
.. . ()
I Adams, Jr.
i. ljlllJlirps-Kirk :Inll The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
Phone 1210 J JOBBING
illg Florl'ul'I' Hillin;.;s and otuart llllrhi Il, 1'. ..
, . () 1 0 3 0 234 Haverford Avenue
liolm"s, i:; an I·x1r:I'.'rdiuary fillil attm"· .
\\' .11 'phril's, rf (I 1 :.! 0 0
Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed, WINFIELD H. COOK
I.iou 10 h" ·sholl"u at till' I'alal'l' Thea· I 1):1\· i:;, ] h. .. , 0 . (I ](j 0 II Cleaned, Pressed and Remodeled
Plumbing and Heating
I ~illl p:-;Oll, 1 1
Frank Reginelli
:lh. () (I 0 Work Called for and Delivered
tn'. Ardmol'l'. UU \\'I',IIIl':;tla~·. "A llan.
g"t"Ous A(rail''' i:; an :llhl'UtUJ"OU:; au,l Fahey, ('. 0.0 ••• (I (I i 1 0 French Dry Cleaning a Specialty Essex and Haverford Avenues
*0. lIulllphril's. (I (I 0 (I 0
ron,auli" story, for thl' adiou of its plot BeIl 'Phone 121!114 J Walton'. Carage NARBERTH, PA.
lIIO\"I'S with thl' :;1'1'1'11 of au air:,lJip':; - - - - -
Totals () 0 *:.!-t Narberth Shoe Store
prop('lh'r, pJ"l,:it'uting four hau,l-to-hanll
Clll'oUUft'l':; hctll"i'l'n thl' Iwl"O allll tho
•• 0 ••• H 0
The Misses Zentmayer's
yjllian :lIltl a .Japanl's,· I,oufc,lcl'atl' that
carry uutollll'I'aiiSIlI.
Thc ::-'[a iu Lilli' hra u .. h of till' Rell 6041 Woodland Avenue.. Welt Philadelphia Will Reopen in September 1919
ero:;s opl'nc,l :L SCI'\"il'l' ~[cn 's 'Cluh lust Auto Service Tuesday ar.d Friday 209 HAVERFORD AVENUE 125 WINDSOR AVENUE
Tuc:;,lay ui)!ht in thl' ('llUlllluuity Ccu- DROP.A I, /1 IJ .//11 /I E Jill 1 rAII_
1.('1' rooms of tlH' 01,1 Laul'astcr AYl'UUC
Sehool iu Bryu ~ra WI'.
The ('luh is for thl' lll'npfit of all
Narberth Register
COA::~~~?~-=-.~~~.~~:~~~AGE I
fonJl('r soldi,'r:;, sailors '1II1! mari!,,'s 1'1"

siding iu thl' ,li:;trid from O\"l'l'hrook Two Linea, IOc per i.sue; Sc for each aJJitionalline
t.o Villauo,·a.
A lar!!l' room iu th,' rear of thi' ACCOUNTANT!! MUSIC
sdlOol has hl'eu fittCll up with galuI':;, KeIm. II. C. Certllled Public Accountant. SJoholm. Allse Ebba. Teacber and Ac-
thi. ran lind Winter 202 Dudley av-. Phone. Narberth aoo-w. companist. 228 Iona ave.. Narbertb.
Jll:lga7,ine~, hook=-, I'{'Htling Hnd writing AUTO~IOIHLES
Leee' Garalre-Repalrlng. !i:IC. Phone, 1606. NO'rAUI l'VnLIC
fn('ilitil's. a piauo, pool tahll' au,l olher
equipml'ul. It lI"ill hi' ojll'U froll1 7.:\11
IT'S UP TO YOU-DON"T DELAY ~lontg()lnery Garage. Pl.IOUC Nurberth lti:!4. .JeJrerie8, J. U. 111 Narberth
Phone. 666-M.
::iee lli:;pla~· advertlsemeut In this issue.
to 11 o' ..loek c"l'r~' night I'X"Cpt SUIl· BUY YOUR FUEL NOW NarlJprth (;UrllJ:e. Phoue NnrLJertb lliaa. Ty.on, \\'arren R. 200 Woodbine ave.
Phone, 1202-W.
::iI'\' di"plu~' nU"prUSl'IlIput In this Issue.
days. 'fhl' faeilitil's will hI' I'xpallll l d BAli EnS OI'TICIA~l!l

Rainey-Wood "Domestic" Uurtzell, E .•J., &, Son.

::iee di:;play a<l\"CrtiseIlll'ut in this issue.
Fpnton, Carl F. 506 Essex ave. Phone, 618- ~
Phil... addreaa, 1806 Che.tnut et. Loou.t 511.
ZentIllU)'er, JO'PI,h. :!:!8::i. 15th st., PlJlln.
Greenhouses Nurseries IIlerloll TltI.. &: Tru.t Co. Phone, Ardmore a.
See dlHplay advertlseInent In tbls I!ulue. PAINTEItS
Walzpr, Fred.
30,OOIl ft. of gIaas 12 house.

nUILlJEftS 117 Winsor a\'e. Phone. 1247-J.
Sm..dle)·, \\'01. D. &: II. 'r. Phoue, !i00.
Pencoyd Narberth ~ee display advertiaeInent III tbllt 188U8. PAI'Eft IIA~OERS
CANlJY. ETC. \\'llIe, GeD. A. Fairview ave.
1110\"1•• II. E. Pholle, 1254-W. Phone. Cynwyd 778-J. FIrat-cia.... work.

John Albrecht
See display advertisement In tblll Isaue.
CAIU't;NTEftS A.'1lJ BUILlJERS "Arcadia." 16th and Chestnut St8.. PbUa
...."kin.. Ch..... L. See display advertisAment 1n tbls ts.ue.
103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-M.
:-;IH~nl{.mal1. Clarence A.
Look about the home grounds end
Can Now Be Obtained from Your Dealer Phone l<W:!·R.
:';ee llispl,,~· advertlSl'lUcut III this Issue. Cook. Wlnllt'ld II. Phone I :!10-.T.
S.'e <l[slJllI~· ll<l"prtlspllll'nt in this Issup.
your planting done now. The .....on is THIS COKE WILL HELP YOU REDUCE THE Wall. 11. n. Phone. 319-J.
J'"rntllJltoui, ,Ja'Deli, &, SOIlM. See display advertisement In this la8ue
here again, and the we.ther cond;tion. HIGH COST OF LIVING :':JlI Huwl"h'n nve.. Nnrllerth. Bux: 270.
are advantageous. IIrr, I)r. A. I •• 101 EIIllwood av. Phone. 893-W. Culdw"11 & Co. Phone, 1271.W.
SEPTEMBER PRICE Phlla. Phone, 1"lIlJert H5~. Keith Bldlr·
See display advertisement In thl.
I" n. C. Phone, 252-W.
See display adyertJRement I" tblll Is.uf'
lIuwllrd·s. Phone, 1267.
~ee display adverllsement In this ISllue. GodfreY, "'m.
114 Woodside ave. Phone. 686-W.
Srnith, '1\ 8. ArUlllOn\ Pu.
::iee <llspluy n<l\'crtisPlUl'nt. in this issue. ;Sasb, Robert J. Phone. 606.
Money tor Firat and Second Mortgagea
,JUkh, \'erl 220 lana ave.
Nar. Phon", 660-W. Ard. Phone. 163-J.
ShnpMon. James C. 232 Eftsex ave.
Phone. ~36. or 1420 Chell'tnut Bt.

GARAnteed Roofs Per Gross Ton-" Chuted In"

~lnedlt'3', E. (l. Phone 1:!ri5- 'V.
~l''' ,1Ispluy 1l<l\'ertlsC1Jlellt in this issue.
(;ara-lIIcGlnley Co. Phone. 126R-W.
See display advertiRement In tble IS8lle
-------_._ .. _-------- .... 811 AND OYSTERS IIll11pr. John A. 243 lona ave. Phone. 661·,.1
Shcp, 246 Haverford av•. Phone. 1226-.1
11II1.erlal (;ro"er,' Co. Phone. Narberth 606.
'Don't Accept Some Other Coke Claimed to be
GLEAN---SAfE---WHOLESOME , Just as Good" ~Iarln()mu, ,John.
ArdlllOl'e, Pn.
~I'l' llisplu~' u<lvcrtlsl'lul'ut iu this iSSUl'.
Good Wear Shoe Repair l>lhOI"
('onHtuntine. B. G. Y. 111. C. A. Bldg.
Waltoll Bru•• Phone, 6a.

OUR PNOOUCTS ARE GUARANTEED See display advertlsempnt 111 this IBsue. TAILORS
Spe dlsIJ11I.\, o,!\'el'tls(,llIt'ut In thIs Issup.
Distributor for Narberth, Wynnewood and Merion Uuwllu,n, Samuel P. (Lite.)
116 F;imwood ave. Phone, 663-W. WHITE WASIiINO
Pasleurlzed Milk DELIVERIES Alf'xunfler, GeorJre.
""ne.. ChaK. U.
C. P. COOK, Narberth :to:;

~. Narberth ave. Phone,
....n.·... Wm. J. 103 S. Narberth aVe. Phone,
Phlla. addrese, Penn Mutual Bldlr.
682-J. Sep dIsplny n<lnrtlSl'llll'ut In this tssuP.

Special "Guernsey" MERION ---_._-,..----_.- "ruttt'r BrOtt. (Flre, etc.)

:!O!l \'Voods1de a\·e. Phone. 1262·R. The above department .hould be of tho
Milk WYNNEFIELD s-reatest UBe to the comm unity. the IIl1t can·
(Roberts' '" Sharpless' BALA-CYNWl' Sales Agen t : W. J. RAINEY I.AWYERS
(illro)·. John 211 !i:ssex ave. Phone, 1246-R.
Philo.. address, Lincoln Bldg.
talna the name of every professIonal man,
tradfOsman, mechanic. shopkeeper. etc., who
Dairies) NARBERTH does or can In any way Berve bla tellow~
Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia Stlte.. "'etcher \\'. 413 Haverford ave. to\vnsman, and who Ie progrelllJlve enougb
Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE Phone 372-W Phlla. addreaa, Crozer Bldlr. to add name to list or Register.

Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD ~I""ollald John. Narberth pbone. 1288. As It Is dlmcult for tho.e contrlbutln.
Cream. 1f,33 Vhe.t. •t .. Phlla. Phone. Spruce 1118. their time and el'torta to the production 01
~IEATS, ETC. "Our Town" to personally either know or
SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET (oller. IInward F. Phone. 1298. Interview all euch. It would be moet hen.-

Sep dillolav advertlflement In tbl! Iseue.. tUI If thoee not now found In tbe prlDted
"How to BurD RAINEY. WOOD 'Domestic' Coke" IIprtzter.· ,John B. Nllrb('rtb.
~('P .1Isplny od\'t'rt.I~"llI('nt in tbls Issu('.
list would send in a memo of tbelr namea,
addres.. phone numbera and bu.lnee..... o'
IIIII.K proteeelons for lIallng. Th I. 10tll cost .. tot·
S"nlt·PoweJl Dalrl.... Phone. Preston 2898 Iowa: 10 centa each la.ue for J line.: & oents
45th and Parrish Sts. Ree dlaplay advertlsement In tbte le.ue fn, additional IInll.



FINAL MATCH IN DOUBLES dllll' for s"hool ,Iil'et'lol' 011 the H'!l'ub-
!i"an prinlary hallot.
"\\'1' 1'1'1'1," sai,l ~ll's, Gihbons, "that
TENNIS TOURNAMENT About the Prettiest Sectiou in the U. S" \\,' nl'"d wonll'n 011 th,' sehool 'WIlI"l!.
Aviator Declares. \Vl' han' tJ'i"d sl'\'('rlll linll's I)('fol") to
TO BE PLAYEO SATURDAY I'll'd a womlln, hilt failP'l. Th') de-
1II0tioll of ~Iiss FitI' hrought ma',rers
S,'l'U fl'Oll1 all airplaut', th,' ~[Ilill Lille to a hl':lll a·lI,] lila 11,\' .. itizens fecI that
BIG CROWD EXPECTED OUT TO SEE THE CONTEST BETWEEN SHAW sl'dioll is ahout tll,' 11I','ttil'st iu thl' if ill';lIsti,'l' was dOliI'. it lIIig-ht have
: AND WARWICK, AND KIRKPATRICK AND STAPLES-BOTH ('nitl',l States. This is th,' opillioll of hl'l'1I averte,l had thl'rl' h"l'1I a wOlllan
WINNERS IN FORMER TOURNAMENTS-WORKING all expl'r!. on tl'i;'l1o;;·l'IL"
TOWARD SINGLES FINALS, WHICH MAY BE l'aplaill ./oe Dawson, P. S, A" attal'h, ~[rs, Gihhons is l'orr,'s}HIIII]illg sec're-
l'd to the :l\'iatioll sU}lply dl'JH!t lI"al tal'~' 'i;(~'ii~'··'\Von'lI11'S Chih of Cynwyd,
THE FIRESIDE Harrishurg, paill all airplalle \'isit to hi"
fril'llIls, ~[r, and JIl's. Burke Bakl'r,
an(r'I~':'\s'.'t':l-l{('l1 al1 aetiye part in "'al'
\\;'iirl~ ;\~l~"(l i)',J-\,j\"'ic ·lllo\"enU.'Jits.
AI!:v I\arherthit,'who wants to S"l' a ('Ollllt~' Lille 1'01111, BI',\'n ~!awr, making
will win their' way to the semi,fillllis ,.at'a t iOIl <1:J,Y~ a l'e O\'(}l',
fir~1 ela~s t"llllis mat .. h-}Iad hettel' come :llJ<1 fin:tls. tIll' trip ill ahollt all hour 8atllrday
to the CO;ll'tS of the Xarherth Tl'nnis Thl' eom'olatioll mat('I\I's an'also g-l'l. aftelllooll a 1111 lalldillg- Oil !he Bryll 'FORCED TO RAISE PRICE.
Earl ])il'kil' b hom(' fl'ol!l Fnllll"'. ~[awl' Polo Cluh I'la~'il;g lield,
As:-ociation. at Ellllwood an,l Ess('~ av~, ting 1Il1llcr way al1<l ought to rl'aeh the
"l han' tra\'ell'd O\'el' a g-oo'l hit of
nnes, this 'S:,tnnlay hfternoon"Sl'ptl'm- finnls ill a eouple of weeks. The SUIll- AIHlrpy ;(~nok(l i~ \'i:-;i:i;lg ~li:-;:-i l~thpl Counties
Gas &... Electric Company. Make
.: .'.'
1)('1' l:J, at ~ a 'clock, and witnl'ss' the (,oulIll'y ill thl'Sl' 1'llile<1 ,Statcs," C:l]> '

lIIary of the mateht's plnyl'll follows:- S"lnel, of ~I.t. \"'1'11011, :". y, " Small,1ncrease,
douhles finals in the annna} tonrnament, laill Dawsoll saill j'l'st"J'lla~', "hut ]
Men's Singles. hil\'C l}C'\'(\r S(lPll anything- so heolltit'lll
The ·lllatch will he playl'd het\\'el'n
MI'. and ~lrs, .11I1I1l'S C, 8illlpson aro as this ~lllin Lilll' ,li,tl'il'l, 1'h,' plal"'s The Counties Gas & Eh'l't I'ie COm-
]\fl'ssrs, Shaw an,l ·\Varwick and ~[l'ssrs, First HoullIl - Whitlll'y lil'featcd
at Silver Bay, Lake Gcorge. 100ke<1 so lIil'(' that I wantl',l to Iml,l pan~' anndiillt,Ps', to thl' pllhlic a raise
Ki rlqlat ril' k Illlll Sta ph,s, Thcse t\\'o FI'n no, 6---4, J....,.5; X (,\\'1'11 defca teel
tcallls tog"ther 11:1H l'lilllillatl'd the fifo Hartll'y, (i-I, (i-I; W, 11. D. Hall lit'- at all of them." in the price of gas of 10 cpnts lwr 1000
and ~rrs, Alhl'l't St('phensoll al'l' "lIhie fel'!, The 111'\\' rates will go into
teen othcr t,'alllS that start"ll ill the fl'all'd nOIlIll'!ly, (j---4, (i-Oj Philll'l' de-
sojourning in Avalon, X . .J, efl'l'l't 011 Septemher ]5,: allll will be
tournallll'nt. and as "al'h has had a g-o,,,1 f ..atl'd ThllnJas, 11-6, (i-:l; Simpson de-
f,'a ll'eI Baill',\', 1i---4, Ii-I; Kirkpntriek
OVERSEAS HERO VICTIM OF :\'1.20 1"'1' JOO(ll'lIhi,' f,'et 'for th,' lirst
dcal of tonl'llanl,'nt "XIH'rienec, A :"0, 1
~[iss ~[aizie Silllps[Jn lind ~liss ~a,lil' RECKLESS AUTO DRIVER 10,000 f""t :11111 a discolIUI.of 10 eents
tl'nnis nlll~' hl' l'xIH'et,',l from start to ,1cf"atL',1 Beanloll, 11-1, Ii-I; \Varner
Simpson have retul'lled 1'1'0111 Ol'l'all City. 1"'1' ]000 fed is g-iyell from paymellt
finish, ~[Ol'l'ov,'r, hoth teallls are \\'ill- Il .. fl'atl'd Gm!'I', (;-:1, (i-I; Shaw de-
ncrs of fOJ'lll,'r tonruahl"lIts, f,'atl',l Hl'difl'l', .Jr., 6-1, Ii-O; Patti- within tIl[> Iliseollnt pel'iod.
~[rs, .lohn Du BI'l'" and danghtcI TIll' fOlll'th autolllObil,' an'ilIl'nt in Th,' "ollipany maintainl'd its oIl! rates
SOli d('/'l'a tl'c] ]{rnsl', Ii-:l, ~-6, 6-0;
Last Satllrday, Sha\\' IlllIl \\'ar\\'iek ~[alJlly aI'(' at Ocean City. Iwo \\"'l'ks lit Bryll ~[awl' a\'l'III11' allll "lllring- thl' "ntir" war pl'l'iod allll wheu
Wanvi"k Ikf,'atl'd 'foltlpkills, 6-(),
,von their wa,\~ to thL' :-;(\Tlli·fillals agaill:--,t Old Lall,'ast"l' Hoad, 131',\'11 ~!awl'. Sl'lIt . th,' ('ountl'y wa~, ~lItrl'l'ing from short·
(i--l; Tml'lI defeatl'<1 Rurkhar,lt, 6-:3,
?'ew"ll and J'hiller ill onl' of the most 1[1'. and ~[rs, .J, \\', .loy('1' arp sjll'lId, .Ja,'o!> HOSt'h, in,~ Railroad an'lIut', BI'YII ag-" of ,-oal, with ('osts ~\il1 lIlounting,
ii-II: \\'illi:lIus defl'atl'll H"dit'er, Sr.,
exeitiug' lilatl·ht\:-, SPC'll on the ("01lI"t:-; ill iug a f(?\v wtlpks at Cht'bp:l. \1 a \\'1', to th,' BI'~'II ~[awl' Hospital with
li---O, (i-O; Cowin Ilefl'atl'd Dn Rl'l'e. th,' l'OlllpHuY,has 1'1"'11 ,'olll]",lJt><1 to take
a long time, 1 n the fonrth set, whl'lI , t'l'lIslll'll allkJ<>, Roseh. \dlll l'('I"'lIt-
i;-i, (i-,I, (i-I; Staph's <1l'fl'atl'd ~!t1,­ a m is" of' ]() e"u t S 1"'1' ] noo l'U hie feet,
Sha\\' and \Yar\\,i('k ll'tl hy a set seore ~[iss Fripda S,'h uhel has severe,l hl'r Y n'turllc'd 1'1'0111 military sl'1'\'ice iu .111111 it is onl' of th,' Yl'I'~- 1','\\' pllhlic
"ham!" (i-I, :l-li, (i-l; ~[l'l{ell det'l'at-
of 2-1, 11111] w,'n' \\'ithin a f,'w points relation" with the ,,'hoo]s to pursne 111'1 i~J':I11('t', was riding a Illotor('y('l(' :lnd lit iliti"s (-olllpanies that ha~ alonl' horne
ell W, lIarris, (i-:l, :3,-(i, li-O; \'all
of the \vhat lIlig-ht ha\'I' l"'I'n thl'ir third lIIusk "'01'1. in :"cw York. ',\':1:-; :-;1ru('k hy a largo,· touring" ('ar, IIIl' inC'I'l'asl'd ensts of Illannfal'llll'l' dllr-
Aukl'lI, fi'-:'O, 6-2.
set and the' mat('h, X(,\\"l'll :111<1 PhilipI' "rhO~~tl dl'i\"(ll', he l"aitl, hl1rri"c1 Oil. 8(1\'· illg I hl' wa I' pcriod.
:"I','olld HoulI,l - Xl'\\'1'1I llet'eated
redouhle,l th"ir l'frorts aull hy the hard- A 1'1' yon interl'st('d in ('r:lp? If so, "I'al Silll illll' l'l'tlsh,'s ha \'e o"l'l1l'J'e<1 n t
Whitlll'Y. i-;";, (i-O; I'hilIPI' ddeatl'd ./0111' L. ~I;lthl'I', IllllIlll;l'1' 1'01' this
pst kinel of uphill playing \\"011 h,\- a you sllllnld ha\',' ]II"'n in th,' Arl'llIll' 'h" salll" "OI'I1l'1' rl"'el1tl,\', as Old Lan- c1i,:tril'l, explailll':! I!", I1:,,·,'~sit,\- for
W, H, D, lIall, i-ii, (j-:I; Kirkpatriek
senre of D-i. TId" t i"'l t h" set score last SUlt,lay aftl'l'lIll01l ahont ;;.15, .. a,t,1' Hoad is ,!!I'ltill).' a ]ot of "xtra Ihis ill ,'n'lISt' to Ill']p till' 1">I"llany k,'"p
tll'f','atl'eI Simpsoll, 6-:;, (i-l; \Yarwiel\.
~-~, :11111 "Y"!'y Pllillt in th" fifth sl'! :affi,' S;lll'I' all tl'tlH'1 has h"l'n ,lin'rt-
,lef"atell I'attison, fi-l, (i-~j 'Town ,i,'- its I'qllipllIl'I1t allli plants ill 1'lInl!ition
was contl'st",l h,\' tht' sharpest killll of Ardmore hran"h of thl' Y. ~r. C. A, ",] 1'1'011' thl' L:lI11'astl'\' tUl'l1pikl' thl'ongh to maintain its nSllal satisfal'lor~' ~el'\'­
fl'ate,l \\'illianls, 1i---4, 6-1; Cowin lil'-
pla.ying ril,;ht up to thl' I'n,1. plans to 0IH'1I a "lc',ll,dng l'Xl'llllllg,," to "al'ldll'l l'oa,ls ,lurill).! rl'pairs, ie'e, The)' waitl'll patil'I1tly for signs
t'l'atl'll Stapll's, 6-:1, 4-6, 6-2; \'an
Not progre:-;..; 1m., ltccn Inal1c assist \'isitors to t 1", '(rain Lin" taWil, of a d('(')"PllSl' in the {<qst of nllltp,rial
SO lfll1dl Ai,kl'n ,1ef"'il,'d },IeKI'li, 6-4, 4-6,
in thl' ~ingles lI1lltl'lH's, hut it is hopl',l 6-0, anll oib, hilt liS uo drop I'anll' thl'y w,'r,'
~[r, Walton ~r. W,'ntz and fandly MOTOR CAR ACCIDENTS.
tha t <1uring the two ,'oming weeks the Third ROllnd - \Vandek liefl'atl'll fon'ed til tal,e slc'ps to illl'l'eas,' tll"il'
playing will hl1\'e progl'cssed far enough TOWII, Ii-l, 6-:3. ha \'(, retnrned home froll1 a visit to revenue,
to s(,h,'uule the final match for Saturlllly Spring' Gro\'e, Pa. Evell "'ith the bl('TPHSP we are ('11-
Men's Doubles. Lower Merion Police and the Hospitals
afl,'ruoon, Se]1tember 20, Praetically jo~'ing lower rates than thOse I~harg-ecl
~Ir. :Inl1 :'I[rs, William .1. Pl'ehles are Are Kept Busy.
:111 thl' bCst pl:l~'crs a re still in the run· ]'re1iminary Round-Shaw and \Val" h~' oflwr sllhllrha n C· 0 III pa u i,'s,
n~IIg-, and 110 IIl1e ellll safl'ly prelliet who (Continued on Page 3.) sl"'llIling lhl'ir \'al'ation at 'rhonsand
Islall,ls, 'fhn',' Sl'rious autonlohile :ll'l'illents,
(weul'I'ing' within t\\'('nty-four hours.. THE ENROLLMENT,
Dobson Captures Boy Scout News ~Iiss Edith Stadelman, of Sf. Angus,
tilll', Flol'il1a, is visiting ~[r, anl1 Mrs,
I"'pt the Lower ~[l'J'iOII poliee husy all
W,',lneSllay. One of t hl' j nj 11 1'1' d, ,J a-
Main Line Title By a Good Scout.
:-'a nllll'l Dickie. l'ob Jo'l'il',hllan, ];3 yl'ars 01(1, ;;11:3 Co-
IUlllhia a\'elllll', is in the Bryn ~[a\\'1'
Thl' tot a I H,'pllhl iea n l'nl'olllll('n t of
:;\[ontgonll'ry ('Ollllty. as l'OI"pile,l hy the
COllnty (,ll'l'k's offic'l', is ~S,i:l,3. The
~!I'S, T. XOl'l Bntler, a,','ompanie,l hy Hospital in a serious ,~ullllition from
Dellloerntil' \'otl'l'S cnrolll'(l for the pri-
,YEABSLEY'S TEXAS LEAGUER DE- :'1'1' I'hildrpn, is spl'lIding' lhl' 1II0nth of whal lIIay Ill' a fra('ture of the skull.
Ina 1',\' l'ledioll total !J,4!Ji, while thp
\Y,,]], our :'\arherth 'froop l'l'rtainly ,\II).'ust at Oeean City, Another hoy, Winford Bihl'lo\\', Hj yl'al's
CIDES THRILLING DUEL Soeialist ranks JlllBl'hPl' :;:1~. There nre
ha<1 a goo,l tilllP at Camp ])e1lllollt dur- old, of A I'll II 10\'(', is ill the salll(' hospital,
BETWEEN GREVELL AND is proh ihitionists and 1'1 lJIemhers each
i!lg tJIl' WP{lk ('Oll11IlPJlt·illg Augu:-:t H lIu t is l'peo\"cri Ilg froul 11 tlIIH~roUS ell t s
DURBIN, 1 TO O. :-\l'l'ond Lil'nt"lwnt Earl Di('kil' haH in tl1l' \\'ashing-ton :11111 Independent
an,1 l'llIlin;! August 16. a!1I1 hl'l1ises, Ll'on Smith, of lIa \'el'fol'd,
{"(·tlll'u('d fr0l11 Frall<'e, after sixteen ·rallks,
On April ~;; we gll\'l' a millstn'l show 1l~()111 hs' sel'vi(Op o\'t'rS('a~. was tl'l'ated thl'l'(' \\'ellnl's,]ay for a nit
Th" l'nrollllll'nt in thl' four Il'gislatinl
to rais(' thl' I1l0nl'y to Ill't'ray th(' I'X, on thl' head.
NARBERTH DIES HARD. ,1istl'ids follows:
Pl'l1Sl'S of the hoys at "alllp fOl' Onl' Jo'l'i"lll1lan was sll'lll'k lI"al' the :\ar-
~i1s, G. II o\\'a 1',1 He"se all,l ,laughter
wl','k's instl'udiol1 in S('out work at 0111' hl'l'lh ran' tral'], hy th,' automohil" of Hep, Dl'm. 811", 1'1'. \\" I nIl,
I':ilila, of ~O(i \\'ooclhilll' a\'l'lIl1l'. are
STARTS BRILLIANT RALLY IN t railling' (':unp. Ill', Willial11 ~. Wra,\', of -t-t;!-~ Wa,\'I](' 1st Il. ., ' !l!IS;l ]!Hi!l :In I~ Hi ~!I
sjll'lIdillg- II wl'l'k at \\'i11l\\'o'Jll, X .• J,
NINTH INNING, ONLY TO 0111' lotal n','.l'ipls \\'1'1'1' :\,ISil, out of a\'('IIUI', who also has an ofti('l' at ~()lIi ~IIII D, , .S~~-l lSi~ IS Ii 0_I
\1· hit, h "xpenses wen' as follo\\'s: Cos- I'hl'stllut stn'pt, III' was perlllitted to :1r(1 D, . , ilil i IS:!;,j iiI ;q :\4 2:3
BE REPULSED. Th,' hoys at tl,,' Ul'\\' 13r,\'n ~[a WI
tlllll"S, :Hl; ol'l'hl'st 1':1, :\,~S,;;;;; r('llt of g;1) lHllllt' Oil II is prolll i:-,t' to a i'l'par if -Hh D, ".2!1l 1 ;lS~l ~;i:': ~t) ~ "
,,'hool did ,'ollsid,'raIJIl' poliel' work ill
EIIIl lIall, :\,lfi; printing of til'kl'ts, wallll',1.
t'!t·unitlg up thL' ~TlIlIlJtls 011 thp 0IH'llillg
A nifty '!'I'X:\" 1,l'ag-ul'r h,\' ]krt :rli.;!;;; 11Iusi,', +1.;;1); lIlakl"up, $1; total, Big·, low \\'as hurt Wlll'll hl' I'll/II' frolll
)"'ahsl,',\', ,'nabling- ('ruthl'rs to I'ross thl' $!l-t.::O, 1,,1\· i1Ig- a "I"a I' proli t uf +l!-t, ill, hl'lIill,] a wagoll Oil his l,i",\'l'I<', Oil thl'
platl', SIIl'I!<'d dl'feat for :'\arhl'rth in Ih" \\"t' had IlliUll Hl'l'ilIlgi.lllPllts to ta]u'
l Lalll'astpr pikl' at Br~'n ~[a\\'r, an,l was
TIJ(' :-:trpl't:-: of '0111' BOl"ollg·h art: Iwing
.:\fain Liup Lt :tg-l1e .~:JIIl(' playptl oil I)t1h~

son ('Iuh diaIIlOli(! h"I'<' oil 8atllrda,\', Ih,'

;!II 0 f I Ill' I roop who sign ifi"d t hci ~
wisllt's to go at *;j .•')() 1'('1' Hl"Ol1t-, Illak- Pili ill ,'x,','I1l'lIt l'Ollditioll. Wt' hll\·,' a
stl'lll'k hy a IIlal'hill" dl'in'n h,\' H,
\\'inl'I', of ]]., :\orlh ('al'lisll' stn'l'1. INotice to all
honll' ,·IlIh willnillg I to II,
Fans 1I111nb,'rillg- dos,' ·10 HIIIIII tnl\'-
illg a tolal ot' :\,11O, whil'h """l'ssitatc,l
Ihawillg 011 our trl'llsur,\' of +J;;,;W. At
good ::;t n'tlt l'OUlIll is~ioll('l'. HIIlI wh.,· lIut
1l'11 him so.
\\'illl'1' also was 1I0t arl'l'st",],
~lIIith was throwlI froln a light tour-
Property Owners
:11" 1:lst IlJiUUtl' anothl'r 1Il"ml"'1" of the ill~ ('ar in a ~icl('-(lll ('olli:-;ioll with a
l'l"d to Ilohson I'ark to wiln,'ss the
~I'(lIlP :·oi.:!llifil'd his wi:·dll}~ to join '11~ a1lel .llIdg-" and ~!I'S, :", ~L Taylor, uf III' 1I1111'h h,'aYi,'\' ,'ar at BI',\'n ~[a\\'1' aVI'lIlJe
, Wllil'h WH:-; for tlll' ~IlPJ'(\lll:\(·.\~ of WI'it'l to .John n. Hex, County Treas-
fuok tlJ,' ('hall"I' of h,'illg- tlll'lll',1 (10wn diallllpolis, Illd" aI'" \'isitillg' thl'ir SOli all,l Ihl' 01,1 Lanl'lIstpl' road, Br~'n :'I[lI\\,r,
thl' last half of th,' s('asOI), Thl'.\' w('re urer, ;\ orristown, Pa.. giving you ad·
h,\' payi ng his [J\\'II wa,\', 111111 if th,'n' _and clang-htl'r-ill-Ia\\', ~[r, and ~[rs. ill whi,'h th,' small mlll·hinl' WlIS tosse,l
1'('\\'anll',1 b,\' '"Il' of th(' IIII1SI "'lIsa- ,In's, an,l ask for eOllnty tax bill send-
Iras 110 \'a,'an(',\' h,' \\'onld return at Edga I' ~. Taylor. 11\·('1' flu ' :·dd(}\\"ulk alld th(' hp:l\"il}l' (Jill'
tiona] twirling dul'ls stag-,'d in thl' "'Ill i- ing 2-('l'I,t Htalllp for rl'!urn postnge. Or
profl'ssionlll rank:;, (111"1', '1'111' I'l'gistration was onl~' paid \\','Id so 1111' 11istllnl'l' up Oil the lawn of ! St'lld "h""k for 2 llIills per dollar on
1'01' :!Ii H,'ollts t'1'O II I :"arl"'l'th, and whl'n A d"1I101lst ra tion supper will he held thl' BI',\'II ~la\\'1' I'lIhli,' HI'hool, hut was
l\[an:lgl'r Calhonn p1n"l',1 his faith iu a~s(,sSIJH~nt, inelutlillg' ;j·cput SttLlllp for
• WI' al'l'i\'e,1 we ha,} sonll' diflil'uIh' in
ill thl' r. ~r. c, A, Iluriug the latter part ((111,\' slig-htly ,IlImagl"l I'l"'l'ipt,
"\\'ild Bill" Gr('\'('11 for pit,'hl'r, while
lallding- :!l. I,ut, as (1111' of thl' :!Ii' was of Hl'I'I,'nlhl'l', un,kr tlll' ,lin,diou "f thl'
Bill Durhin \\'as slall'd to oppOSt' him. After ::;"pt,'nl!"'r 15th bills will not
[JUI' lit t Il' IIlaSl·ot. thl' Sl'out mastl'r 01'- . \\'''UIl'U 's Auxiliary. hl' ~l'nt, !>ut will be ghen to delinquent
Durhill worl"'d just m' l'arnl'st,\' as Ii('
did \\'hl'n ,Ioing his "hit" in Basl' 11,,,- fl'l,,',l to douhl .. up wilh th,' lIIaSl'o!, so tax eoll"etor for collection with 5'10
\\'1' pulll'll that off 0, K, BI',\'u ~[11 \\'I"s husilll'ss meu ahalldon, SCHOOL DIRECTOR.
llital ~O o\'l'l"St'as, (1rl'\'l'lI WIlS flirl'c,l I"'nalty added,
to l'x,'rt hinl','lf ill Inorl' st1'l'nuous fash- TIll' lJul'slioll ot' transportation starNI "cI thl' ]ol'lll towu \\'<'dn"s,lay alld Wl'lIt. Pa,\' ~'ollr enunty taxes l'arl)'.
ion than hl' possihly ,li,l with ('oullie 1I~ ill nIP fa ('1 as w(} wishl'll to go in a
1 ou th"jr first allllual outing-, whi"h \\'as
Mrs. Henry J. Gibbons on Republican
l\[lIck, hOfl.\p, Hllll a~ our J'(l~otn('('l" wpre slilall 11l,ld al thl' PIYlllollth Coulltr,v ('Iu!>, 11,'al' 'rUE WAIt CHEST ~'UND
~ ol'l'isto\\'u. Ticket in Lower Merion.
Durhill pib'h",l st('lll1,\' hall all,l al- and OUI' IlIlIhition \\'as to nll'l't all l':'(- Your pl~dge for the War Chest
.lowell tIll' Dohs !>ut· four hits fOI' a tolal PPJl:-;ps from Our tl'(·a:-;t1l'~·, loiOJIlP of our Fund Is due and payr-ble to the
fri"llIls l'anlP to our assistan,'l' h,v on'pr- ~(ajol' A. H, All('u, of Washillgtoll, Dl'lIlotion of ~[jss Sarah Fitl' as Treasurer, Chas, V, Noel, or the
of sixh:lsl's, II like lIulllher heillg Sl'-
curl'd hy Xtll'hl'rth on Ii\'(, hits off Gr('- ing to take ns np to ('nmp in thpil I'd- Il. C., re('('ntly l"lltlll'l1Pll fro!ll o\'t'l':-;(l:l~, prin"ipllI of thl' Bala 8"llOo} hl'lll1ght Merjon Title and Trust Company,
\'atl' "aI'S, for whi"h \\'C thank them was a Yisitor 10 our towu last wl'l'k, sl'hool ilia !tel's to a e!'isis in Lowol' ~[er­ at Narberth.
v('11. Danle Fortune slllill'll 011 Gl"l'\'l'lJ
most heartil~'. The,\' wl're l\[l'~srs, ea 1'] J!a,;ol' AlIl'lI is a hruthl'l' of l\[rs, B,'n, iOIl township, :lI'l'ording to the WOIIIl'1I Ir you pay by checlt, make
to tJ1I' l'xtl'nt that his tea 111 111 a t('s
';I:lliin T. \\'hitl', of Dudl,',\· an'nul', checlts payable to the War Chest
hrought the 011I' hig' run 0\'1'1' thl' nIh, l\[~tzger, George l\L Dads, Odean, T. of that. I'onllilunity, :l1I(1 they llllYe in·
Fund, or mall direct to Chas. V.
dOI'~I',l ~[J's. IT,'nr.\' .J, GihhollS, of ,\.I!I'
(Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 5, Supplement) 'Noel.' Treasurer.
(Continued on Page 4.) Bryn Mawr avenne, Cynwyd, as candi-
or course. we

'1'0 the Editor of Our TOWIl: UGtify you that J. 1m \'e this da)' appoint, Telephones,
OUR TOWN 1'hc Borough seems to be a little slack
.. ,Iyon to serve for another term of live
years as a lIIl'mhcr of the BOlli'll of
deliver -
p Ia ee - aD1
1268 time.
in performing some of its duties. Col·
Ar. EXIl'~riment in C(\-operative leetioll of a~hl's this mOllth was omitted,
Health, the appoinllIll'nt to date frolIl

Journalism-No Paid Workers. thl' fe,usou givcn heing pressing work

:'I[a)' l, 1!11!1. The Brightest Spot in Narberth
1 han' also )'('appointed Dr. C. T,
on the roads. But ash collection is morc
Owned and Published every Saturday important to man~' hOllseholllcrs than
Faries for the ii\'o year tCI'IIl to ex, A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. pil'e Ma~' 1, 1!1~:I, his appointIllent tu
roall work, especially whcn it is du~

Ila te from :'IIay ], HilS.
only OIj(~l' a month. Despitc the ill-
Subscription price one dollar per Section 1 of th(' Al'! of April ;1, HID:),
ereusell use of gas stoves, there urc
year in advallee. 1'. L. 138, amenlling Section ~O of the
still tl1all~~ coal rnllge:-i in usc, and asht'~
Act of .1 une IS, lS!l5, 1'. L. ~O;l, re:llb
ael'umlliate iu four ,,'e('ks. Theu, too,
sOllie of our people Wl're uway at last
CIVIC ASSOCIATION. !'ollel'!iug time.
"No justice of the peae!', member oi TREATVOUR
COllnl'il, or other ot1ieers, ex!'ept s"hooJ
April 24, 1919. Speaking of rOlld work, we notice that
dire('tors, l'onstahles, 01' l'ledion oflieer~,
the dl'aning of glitters is not attended
shall, at thl' sallle tiIllp, be a IIlL'lIIlwr
President-Mr. Joseph H. Nash. (.I> as in 'Squire ~IcCle]Jen 's timc,
of the Board of Hl'alth of sueh IIlnnici,
Viee.President-Mr. James Ar.t'man, Smile scetions of our streets have gottell
pality, or hold any ofiiL'e or appointIllent
Mr. A. J. Loos, Mr. R. J. Dothard. filled with weeds und coarse grass. Olle
Secretary-Mr. R. J. Edgar. IInder the same."
docs 1I0t yet Sl'e tIll' sign on street cor-
Corresponding Secretary-Miss Frieda lIers Il'uding from thl' two pikes to Nar· I have thercforl' removed Charll's Y,
Schubel. herth, thl' need for which was SO fore· 1\oel as a memher of the Board of
Treasurer-Miss Maizie Simpson. ibly set forth last month by :\11'. Free' Hl'ulth, effeeth"e this date, and havc
Direetors--Mr. J. J. Cabrey, Mrs. C. uppointed in his stead E. C. Gris\\'old to
P. Fowler, Mr. H. R. Hillegas, Mr. Chas. serve the unexpired portion of the te rIll ,
CAl\lOLEX. F you want to receive your share of auto joy pro-

H. A. Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H. the same effective as of this date. :\[1',
A. Jacobs, Mr. F. A. Lanahan, Mr. Griswold's term will expire May 1, vide your car and yourself with the sundries
Daniel Leitch, Mr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R. H120.
J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. Muschamp, Mr.
To the Editor of Ollr Town: that make autoing worth while. Give your car
I would advise )'011 that under tho
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wohlert, My impression, after my first attend· pro\'isions of the Act citell abo\'C, tho the benefit of our advice. Give your purse the benefit
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M. anee at a meeting of Council, on Mon, I'ontinuation in office of A. P. Redifer of our prices.
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, Mrs. James day, September 8, as a representative us Secretary of the Board of Health io

of the Narberth Civic Association, is
that the Borough is to be congratulated
upon the thorough and business-like
mcthods of our municipal authorities in
illegal and I would suggest to )'ou that
he be replaced at once. I have called
this to the attention of :\11'. Redifer.
-=- -
The reasons why Messrs. 1\01'1 and
dealing with the questions relating to Red'ifer are not Icgally holding their
Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Henry Rose, the Borough and its citizens, The prin- places with the Board of Health arc

W. T. Melchior A. J. Loos, cipal matters brought up at the meet· that the forml'r is UII oiliel'!' of the Bor·
Associatil "ito1'8. ing were as follows: ough Council and the latter is a mem·
Mr. l~. 'c. Griswald was appointed a bel' therl'of.
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, ml'mlber of the Board of Health, vice
Ver~- truly yours,
Cashier. :\[1'. Char!ps V. Noel.
Thp Finance COIllmittee presented (Signed) W. R. D. HAUL,
Send all advertising and news items to hills aggrpga tiug $2,994.36, which were Prl'~irlent of the Council, Borough of
Xarberth, Pa,
E, Freyer, domestic science and art;
l\L Louise Boynton, English; 1. .Junl'
P. O. Box 966. al'pro\'l'd for payment.
Our Town is on sale at the depot Olliepr Hill ai!aiu reported the park-
Cross, drawing ani! mu&ic; Etlith ~L Real Estate
l\[artin, seienl'e and mathematies; :F~lnl
newsstand, nnd at the store of H. K
ing of several cars at very late hours NARBERTH SCHOOLS. S. Blakey, scil'lI!'e and English; E<1nn Insurance
of the night without lights, SUIllm:IlY
Entered as second·elass matt"r adiou may hl' takeu if OWUl'r~ llou't
E, Cassel, mathell1aties; Helen Au- soU~rt~~~'alion NARBERTH. PA.
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at I!nsta Bekstl'll, Latin; ~[ildretl L. Ha'
ta I.e hppil. Se\'eral changes in the f:\l'nIty of the
Narbcrth, Pennsylvania, under the act
of March, 1879.
Our gna!'lliau of thc law is also \'cry
1"'1':1 OU wrongc1ol'rs, e~l)(,l'iall~' those
Xar,berth High School, which ol"'nl'll
Tlll',.;day, ha ye bel'n announeed hy \\'il·
Zl'n, Fren('h and Spanish; AnnL' D.
Sl~hetr,'r, histor,\' anc! ch'i('s: Hl'kn If.
Ba1>h, history alill English; Elton B.
\':ho an' guilty of that miuor otrcuse of jillIll T. :\[e]ehior, prin('ipal. :\[iss l~ril'l1:L Raymond Weiss. Proprietor
Ellis, physi"al llirc,'tor (also physi('al
OUR TOWN will gladly print
., jor-rilling" ill another llU1U '8 car Bausl'h, of the Dppal'tIllL'nt of .~Iollern instrndol' at tIlt' Yo :'IL C. A,); Fril'lla GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
Languages, gocs to ShipPl'n~burg Xor·
any news it<:lm about any subject
,,'ithout uotifkatiou to the owuer. lUI'.
lIill hlltl a l"'rsoual coufereucp with IlIal School aftcl' spenlling only a year
Schuhel, sl'eretar~' to principal; :'III'S.
.\, It .Tustil'l', lunl'h 1'00111 SUpcITisor,
that is of interest to Narberth Telephone Narberth 1633
thl'l'e slll'h partil's during the month, ill Xarherth. :\[iss Adl'line IV. Lal" al~tl .)('fi'l'rson n. '1'owl'1I. janitor.
folks, but in Order to meet the zl'!t'n' has hel'ollle :'I[rs. Willialll .1.
hnt he lli,l not clinIlge thl' outcome, out·
printing schedule, all •• copy"
-nlalluscripts-IDust reach the
editor by 6 P, M. Wednesday each
sic1,' of thl' fad that IH' a1'l'e~ted them.
>l<l!l::!ii was l'olltl'ihutl'lI to thp Polin'
K,'lly and will he "at hOllle" at War·
riugton, 1'a., after 'Spptembl'1' 1. 8h,'
was h,':ul of the History Dcpal'tnll'nt
1'1:p 1']PllIl'ntar~' s('hool fal'ulty of
Xarlwrth consists of 1\ellie l\LWeth.
('rill, Anne h Cooper, AIll1h C, Cla.doll,
1)(\.lIsioIl Fund for Sl'r\"j('(}:-, l'1'Jl<1l' J'(,(l hy
thn'e yl'ars, having previously taught Ho~a K, RallIpll'. :\[argarl't T. Dnnean, In the following up-Io date homes:
the I'hil:ltlPlphia polil'e Iluring thc !'l"
iu tIle graIIlnlar s"hool. Ellll If. Snavel~', AlIlIe B. Hnsworth,
l'l'nt ml'" nll'd at Belmollt tra"I" 5 Woodside Avenue
Thl' flll'nlt,\' as it 1I0W stands ('on· 1-:t1: .. 1 \'. Watt~, \\'inifl't',l \Yilli:t1ns :111,1
As hd'ol'l' intimatl'll. SOIllC pl'0pl'rt,\'
sists of :\[1', :\r.. ll'hior. prin('ipal; Anlla .J"llIl F. Storl'~'. 14 Avon Road
SATURDAY, September 13, 1919 O\l'lIl'rs will pl'ohahl~' !'l'gl'l't tl11'.\· ,li,l not
16 Avon Road
l'o,olll'mtl' with the' Committl'l' on High·
way:-, allil SP\\"Pl'~ in ('ollt1l' etioll with the' OTHERS BEING BUILT
I-'ire, 350
sicll'walks IIIltl gntll'rs, for \rllll'h thl',\'
Police, 1~50
:I T't' l't':.qHll):.;ihlp.

Thl' ('olll1l1ith 1 t' on PiJlalll"l' is iluthor-

it,\' fill' thl' statl'ment that as ~oou as The Hack Service Man Has Changed
Tax Col1(l('tnr .J(lJlPS ('all }"lImit ~OI1lC or
Editorial tl,,' llI1!) tax,'s just that soou l'an sOIlll' His Phone Number to Narberth 377 If You Want Good Baked Goods
of our loalls hI' rl'clu'·l"l.
Aft!'r an ah~('n(',' of thn'!' Wl'('\'s, :'\otl' thl' il01'l'o\'l'll aplWal'aUl'l' of the or Narberth 1605.
"Our Town" again g1"l)l\t~ YOli.
Sll:.llh' tl't'llS aftl ' }' the J'l'('l'nt pruning. NHHBEQTH BBKING CO.
]luring th(' dull InllIlth of August, :\11'..Iohu Auk,'r is 1I0W a IIIt'mlll'r of t.lll'
Shadl' 'rl'l'l' ('oIllmittel'.
Please do not call Narberth 1633 FOR
with so lIIau.\, of our to\\'lIsl'('ol'h' awa,\',
For my serVice. Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Pies
it was tl"l'ull',1 alh'i~ahlt- to puhlish th!' Some taxpay.. l's at Pri,,1' an<l Conway
Visit our store in the
paper oul~" where sullil'i('ut uews anll a Yf\lHll"S Rll('1ll to ll(l \11u1el" tlH' illlpre:-:~ioJl
~1l1lil'il\nt bu'ollip warrantl\(l getting; out that tlll'y should ha\'l' IIlon' light in N. E. Cor. of Arcade Bldg.
thl' pap!'1' from we.. k to wl'l'k. lIow· t ha t Sl,(,tion. Council was agrl'ell hIe, sO
l'\'('I', plans aI'(' IlIlIler wa~' at the pres· UIlW thl'I'(' will Ill' more light on the suh- E. J. HARTZELL &SON
l'llt IIl0lllent to un,lerwritl' th .. I'll 1''' I' for je('t in that vicinity.
a IlL'riotl of onl' ~"ear, and thl' I';,litor An oscillating Washing Machine
'fhp COlnmittpp on Highways IlJlli
sinl'el'ply trusts that all thos,\ on whom
8(\\\"('1':-; \yill have the ll(\(·('ssal)· ~llr\·('~·s
of unusual merit. Phone for
the coulluittep will !'all will listen to the demonstration in your home.
l'xl'd!t'lIt plan outlined hy thl' Chair·
lI'all .. lIllll plans 1"'I'llJIl'l'<l, antl also oh·
tain estilllatl's for alhlitional s,'\\'('rs to
Cotter's Market
man of the Fiu:l1ll'L' COlllmit t.... , IlIlll do
take ('ar.. of propl'l'tics now lll'ing pr.. eI· Phone NARBERTH 1255 W
:t1l.that l'an he dOlll' to assist us in k .... p·
"II in the Borough. ' Prime Beef, Spring Lamb,
iIII-: this little paper hpfol'l' (lUI' read·
ers from \\'l'l'k to \\'l'ek. The Strept COlllmissiouel r('ports tha t E. Q. SMEDLEY Country Dressed Veal and
Ill' has a t last s('cure,l a horse that is a Pork, Sugar Cured Hams
Electrical Device. for the Home.
1"'l'fel'! lIIa!l'h for the olle good oue wo and Bacon
'fhe quality of ba,.;phall playell by our already have.
iOl'ld team at the Dob,.;on grouuds last PHONE us YOUR ORDER TO·DAY
AIIl!itioual rnhhel' hoots 111111 ('oats
Saturday was of the best, and there is You will find our prices right
WNe 11lIthorizl'd to take care of LIllI'
onl~' honor dUI' e\'el'Y m"III'Ill'r of th ..
tl'anl for the wonderful showing made
again~t the strong Dobson nggn'gation.
\Vhen lllll' l'onsidcrs the fal'! that our
fireBlen Iluring il1e1<'Il11)nt \\"l'athc'I-; aiso
a ('hain jal'k for the fire trucks.
Montgomery Garage Groceries and Provisions •

team i~ madp UI> principally of i'ar- lana Avenue South of Montgomery Pike H. C. FRITSCH
herth boys, and also ('onsilh'ring that Pr .perUes For Ren' and ~...
they ha\'e played again~t a gn'ut many A ('opy of the following letter was Fire Insuranee
professionals in thl' gnlnl'S during the
past season, the Sl'I'OIHI half of the
sent to us for publieation and wo sub,
II! itit
Tires Storage Bell Phone Ii! W.
prl'sent seril's proved that Narberth un,
doubtcdly had OIIC of the st.rongest anIll- ~rr. Charles E. Kreamer,
Repairs Accessories ,,_,U Building. NarberUa. Pa.

teur teams in this sl'l'!ion. Prl'sidl'nt of thL> Bonrd of Hl'alth,

The gllme to be pluyed todu)', with Borough of Narberth, Pa. Open 'Day and Night ,...
Struwhridgl' & Clothicr, at Sixt~,·thil'd
and \Valnut stn'I'ts, will be watl,hed AT
with interest, aud wc cun onl)' trust Fndl'r the nuthorit~- v('sted in me. liB Bell Phone G. A. RURN. 3rd
that ample support will be given our Presillent of the Council of the Bor·
ough of Nurherth. hy the Art of .Tune
Narberth 1624 Prop. DAVIS'
,bOYS in shaping up their plans foJ' next CIGARS ICE CREAM CANOY
Sl'uson. 12, 1913, P. L. 4il, I have the honor to

A ~s~ur~.2 !A
thickness set forth in Section 10 of tlH' Auken and Du Bree defeatell Tomkins
LEARN TO DO BANKING Or,Hnance to which this is an amen,l-
lIIl'nt; and prodded further that th,~
and Krllse, n-i, 6-3; Shaw and War-
wid, ,Ideated Redifer, .Jr., and W. Har- Finest Photoplay The-
construction of snch apartllll'nt house or rb, 0--0, 0-0; W. It D. Hall and Pat· .tre 01 Itll Size In the
No matter how small your busir ~I]S may be, have a bank account. 101lging house shall in all respects ('om- tison ,Iefeated Hartley and Grace, 6-1,
PII.loplavs-Conlinuous 10 A. M. 10 11.3e
I']~' with the laws of Pennsylvfinia re- Ii-O; Kirkpatrick and Staples defeated
The small merchant who has a bank account establishes his Schulte an,l Thomas, 6-1, 6-1; Simp-
lating tl1('reto.
credit, has safety for his cash, and pays his bills with a check In a o8('c. 22. All Ordinances or parts of son alllI ~IcKell defeated Fenno and
business manner, Or,linanees heretofore ('naded which Baer, 4-6, 0-:3, 6-2; Town and Jus-
You are invited tD open an account with us. may he contrary to or inconsistent with tice defeated Will-iams find Whitney,
this Ordinance arc hel'eby repealed. 5-i, 0-4, 6-3.
Passed this eighth day of September, Second Round-Philler and Newell
A. D. 1919. defeated Cowin find \Vfirner, 6-1,6-4;
n. Shaw and Warwick defeated Van Auk-


Presillen t of 'Council.
l'n and Du Bree, 6-1, 6-1; Kirkpat·
rick and Staples defeated W. It. D.
Hall and Pattison, 6-2, 6-0; Town

Narberth Office, Arcade Building CHAS. V. NOEL,

Secretary of Council.
and .Justice defeated Simpson and lIIc-
Kell, 6-1, H---2.
Approved this eighth day of Septem- Semi·final Round--8hllW llnd War- IN
No. 191. No. 192.
her, A. D. InI9. wiek defeated Philler and Newell, 6-2,
AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE. 2-6, 6---2, i-9, 6--4; Kirkpatrick and
An Ordina.nce making it unlawful to To amend an Ordinance entitled, •• An
Chief Burgess. Staples defeated Town and .Justice, "The Misleading Widow"
6-2, 4-6, 6---2, 6-2.
erect pennanent awnings over or upon Ordinance providing for the election of
the sidewalks of the Borough. a Building Inspector, regulating the TENNIS TOURNAMENT FINALS Consolation Single Matches
erection, construction, tearing down,
The Council of the Borough of Nul'- Fir.qt Round---Kruse defeated SCfinlin,
moving and alteration of buildings in (Continued from Page 1.) MAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NEAR
bl'rth does ordain: 6-1,6-3; Graee defeated Bailey, i-5,
the Borough of Narberth, and provid- AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. M.. 12.00, :!l.OO,
Section 1. That from and after the wick defeated Bailey and Burkhardt, 6-4; MusclJamp defeated Burkhardt,
ing for the isSuing of permits and in- S_JII, 11.411, 7.411, 9.30 P. M.
pv-ssage of th is Ordinanc~ it shall bo 6-1, 6-3. 4-6, 6-2, 6-3.
spection of buildings," approved March
unlawful for any person or persons, Ji'irst Round-Philler and Newell de- Consolation DOUbles Matches.
8, 1915.
firm, co-partncrship or corporation to feated Watts and Redifer, Sr., 6-1, GEORGE K. YEAKEL
erect over or upon the sidewalks of the First Round---Bailey ~nd Burkhardt NORR.STOWN, PA.
.'BE IT ENACT ED by the Council of 6-0; Cowin find Warner defeated Mus-
dl'fellted Fenno and Baer, 8-6, 6-2;
Borough of Narberth awnings of a per- thl' Borough of Narberth, and it is champ and Donnelly, i-5, 6-2; Van
Williams and Whitney defeated Hart-
CIIIdIGlc for the RcpobliGaD NOIIlolllol
manent character. hereby enucted by the authority of the FOR
ll'y and Grace, 6-1, 8-6; Tompkins
Section 2. Any person or persons, same, that an Ordinance entitled, "An After alterations, we will and Kruse defeated Redifer, Jr., and W.
Register of Wills
firm, co-partncrship or corporation vio- Ordinance prov,iding for the election of 01 Mool'omllry CODoly
lating the provisions of this Ordinance a Building Inspector, regulating the han an Harris, i-5, 6-2.
shall be liablc to a fine of Twenty-five
($25) dollars to be collected as provided
l'rl'etion, construction, tearing down,
moving and alteration of bUilding;, in
by law, anc1 any awning erectec1 in vio- tlJ(' Borough of Narberth, and provid-
Meat Market
1 lation of the terms of this Orc1inance
shall be remo\'ed by the proper officers
of the Borough if the owner thereof
ing for the issuing of permits and in-
spection of huildings," approved the Why Not?
} shall have failed to remove same after
l'ighth da.y of March, 1915, be and the
S:llne is herl'hy amended by adding
Why not concede that our Soda Fountain is the cool.
24 hours' not,ice so to do. CaSh Bnsiness and Low Prices will eat .pot in Narberth. It is. and the .ervice ia the
tl1<'rl'to the followhlg sections: beat in town. The various refreshing drinks are
Passed the Eighth Day of Septem- enable you to
her, A. D. 1919.
Sl'c.20. That finy huilding now erect- BUY MORE THRIFT STAMPS mixed by tho.e who know and who.e buaineas it
ed within the Borough of Narberth that ia to give you the best Soda, Sundae or Ice Cream,
W. R. D. HALL, may hereaftpr he altered into an apart- you ever had.
Prl'sident of Council. I nH'nt or lodl'ing hous(' shall be provided
JOHN B. HERTZLER Come in any t:me. Make our fountain your place
with the nl'('('ssary fire escapes an,l of rest. At the same time
safd.'· devicl's requirl'd hy the lllws of
Secrl'tary. ~k('. 21. 'l'hat any huilding hl'rl'after of our delicioull Ice Cream
l'rl'ctl'd within thl' Borough of Narherth
205 Haverford Ave.
Approvl'c1 the Eigh th Day of Septem-
her, A. D. InI!!.
for U';l' ll" an apartllll'ut house or lodg-
iug hou,;l' shall, throu)!hout its putire
Deliciou. Meats
At High Grade Chickens
T. B. SMITH, Druggist
hl'ight. havl' its wnlls eonstru('(l',l of
Egg. and Butter NARBERTH and ARDMORE
Chi,'f BIII'gPS". non-illflallllllahll' Illatl'rial IlIHI of thl'



Specializing AUTOMOBILE LUSTRE RECLAMATION-where cars are thoroughly washed
and poIished.-Tops and Interiors Cleaned by Vacuum


An institution in connection with "HONEST TO GOODNESS" GARAGE where every attention is aerved
and your fee ia INVESTED not SPENT

The inatallation of every MODERN facility employed together with CAPABLE employee. to MAKE for popular pricea. The proper application of
auch method. ia your SERVICE. Believing that" He Profits Moat Who Serves Best" we will appreciate COMPETITIVE CONSIDERATION. We are as
near you as your phone. Ours ill NARBERTH 1210.

of Narberth, Penna.
ASK H. E. ARMSTRONG, Operating


'WALTON BROS. .; tlo
." .:
.. ;"


Taxicab Service and Hauling 8<l "co., "~ tlo

.~~ ;"
u 'P

:.~ " '5' "

:g~ '"me u
..c., +'.,

Moving Furniture :l
i:ir.'l "..I'lo "
.. $
~ ,g~ "e~. .s!.c u"
~b ~~ .,$" ~'o;;


:ll :d=
Cl8 "Ol
8< p.,rll
oo:ll +'-"1
z8 30
1'1 Labor Labor Yards Labor Msterial Labor Labor Material

in thp neur fnture if the clllh lIIelllher, $1 08 $115 15 $144 U3750 434 $541 $53 19 $3441 '63 48 $610 97
The Fireside :,hip warrants it.
$100 00
100 00
3960 80 11078 104 125 &l 385 768 1600 70 47 471 91
'I'he ellicrtainlllellt. on Tncsl1ay night. 106 45 S04 1238 100 80 2033 13656 602 03
March 10000 2500 100 51
(Continue:! from Page 1.) iild1ll]('cl ~e\'l'ral :\(ldrp:-:~es, singing, box·
April 10000 1665, 8946 1 75 112 20 256 5500 734 28 17 5776 468 33
ing hout~, tngs of war, and refresh-
May 10000 32.20 150 98 1250 6,\ 22 134 9318 160 44 1060 50 42 128 69 703 13
mcnts. The lIIeeting was advcrtisctlby
EvC'ryhotly 'hilS taken notice of the 100 00 47 45 19748 22 78 34 50 70 177 55 27561 1297 27 50 5664 113 29 1061 77
postrrs ill all of t.he Main Line t.own~. June
<11!ci,!eJ 1·llallge in the appearance of 31 ()() 413 39 31 45 9300 41 68 1066 70
July 100 00 2257 191 35 24 19 66 11807
the \Va!toll l'ro!'l'rly, E~~,'x all'! Ha\'er,
ford a \'ehue~, now occupiet! by tho
Ann~t 1'()JIg Autolllohile Lanndry & ScI'\"'
iel' COlllpany.
Base Ball .1. &; J. DOBSON,
George Alexander ANNOUNCEMENT
R. H. O. A. Eo
Whitewashing by Spray or Hand
(Continued from Page 1) \:11111'1', If. 0 0 0 0 0
The two pUlll,h h()wl~ takl'll from the Houa. Cleaning Ruga Beaten
Y. :.\1. C. A. wi I hout pel'lnis~ion ~omu her, whereas the BOl'Onghitc~ failed to :.\1\111 iI', rf. ....
0 0 0 0 0 Heaters Taken Care of
Jules Junker Inc.
tillll' ago ha YC uot a:-; yet bcPtl ret urll- register. Lc<'~, :3h. . . . . . • 0 0 1 1
0 53 Prospect Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa.
cd. SOllll'oue i~ rt'SI")llsihle for I h is alld CrutlH'r~, ~s. .. 1 1 :j 0
:\arl)('rth brought. the fan~ to their " FRENCH BAKERY
is cau~illg a great (il'a} of illl·Ollvl'Jli· feet hy stag-iug a grl'at llinth·illJlillg )'('a,hsIt,,)', d . . . 0 1 1 0 0
:.\r,·\Villi:\II1~, ~h. 0 1 4 2 1 JOBBING ALTERATIONS FAMOUS BREAD AND
erJ(.'p to Ihl '·:1 riOllS orga II i xa t ions ~cr\"·
mllJ' lInll wilh two ont antI two on
i.ll~ ll~fn':"llIlIellts at thl1il' lllcetillgs. lJa\'i~ was pulled ant! Owen HUlllphries, ('arlill, lh. . 0 0 6 0 0
of the Unitcd StUll's :\antl Aeadellly, Haigh, e. ..... 0

Clarence A. Speakman
A :.\lother .Goo~e l'arlli\'a! will he hdli sellt to bat. Howcn'r, Gre\'cll wa~ the Gre\"ell, p. WILL OPEN STORE
ill the ..... :.\1. C. A. in ;'I; o velll!Jl'r. This lII:l:-;ter, hiul the \'ietlill
lIlakillg {Ill Carpenter and Builder
carni\'al will bc dirce!.e,! by the \VOIll' ~trikl':-;, thl1~ fini:.;hing the g1l111C nudd
104 Forrest Ave' Narberth 1
Totals ..•.•• 1 4 27 11 Phone 1652-&
I'll 's' Auxiliary, who hope 10 make it IIIl1th cheering..
(~\"ell lHO}'(\ att nu'tiYl\ HIl(1 su('(·e;;.sful
'Battl'd Davis 111 nillth. Phone, Ardmore 967 W Dey and Night
For convenience of our
III the fourth, with two 110wn, emth- I'D!'
tl;ii'/I IJo\','y :.\[ar.\·'~ Garden of two Yl'ar~
l"!'~ hit ~afely to elft fiel,l, st<Jle sec-
patroms in this vicinity.
ngo. ontl, all,l whell Yeah~h'y slllote a t!ri\'('
.1. & ,I. Do hsoll ., 0 0 II I 0 0 0 () x-l
:\:lrh('l'lh 0 0 () 0 () () 0 0 0--1',
.ill~t out of the J'('aeh of Baltl'll, ::;til('~
Th,. \\'01UI'II'~ Allxiliar.\· will Ill' glad
t'a\ll" ill ra~t ill an etl'ort to lIIake a Hauling and Moving
to n'lipve all ,host', who an' prpparillg Two-hase Jiit~-:.\I'lt·\\'illi:lIns, )'eal", Al\iYWHERE
'1llieJ; pia,\' at the plate. Thc hall pa~,e,l
tl)'IH()\"P illtlit' 11l'ar fll~\In' (If allY dis- ]p.\', ,Jolly. Stol"11 ha""s-CrutIH'r,<,
l'artlell e]othillg, fnl'l\ilur,', I'ictul'('~'
,:hilla, etc., if you will 'I'hun" :\arl)('rlh
hilll all'! Crllther~ seoretl.
l.ight, W. 1I11\1ll'hl'l'Ys.
:\Iudi.,. Strlltlk out-By
Grc\"l'lI, !I;
Rates Reasonable ARDMORE, P A.
WI 1-"'. 'rh,,~e arti,·h·s will hc slored ll11rb;11. Ii. B:I""~ Oil halls-,Oll' 01'1,\,,,11. For· Good - Work - See Plumbing, Gas Fitting
ill tht, Y. :.\1. C. A. for rnllllllag'l' ~al" to
H. I!. 0, A. E. ;i; I. )luuh1P !,l:l~'~-Crutll"l'~,
Light, If 0 1 0 0 0 H. PREMOST and Heating
Ill' hl'ltl latl'r on. :\leWillialll~ al\(I Carlill; Haigh nllll
,Jolly, s:-i. 0 ] ]
" 0 Crulhers. L"ft Oil bases-])o!>,oll, ::; NARBERTH PA
"A nang('roll~ Afrair," \\'ith I!"rh"rt
Uawlil"fln all,1 an alI,~tar ,'a~l, inl'ln,I,
Stites, d.
Bntt"n, :!h.
0 •••

., .
. 0
Adallls, Jr.
i. lJlIll'ircs-Kil'Ii aliI] The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
Phone 1210 J JOBBING
iug' Flfll't'II"" BilIing~ an,l Stnart. Illlrhin, 1', 0 1 0 3 0 234 Haverford Avenue
0 •••

11-oIIiIl's, i~ all l'xfra"rdinary filtn attr:u" W, II 'plail's, rf (I 1 2 0 0

Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed,
t.ion to ])(' ,~hown at th,' P:da"l' 'I'h"a, Ila \'is, ]1>. .. , . 0 0 10 0 0 Cleaned, Pressed and Remodeled Plumbing and Heating
.. ArdIIlOI'''. Oil \Y(',III,'~(lay. • • A ])all'
gl'ron~ AII',lir" i~ all :lll\"('ntul'on~ all']
Fahey, ".

*0. I1ulllphries. 0
0 1

Frank RegineUi Work Called for and Delivered
French Dry Cleaning a Specialty Esaex and Haverford Avenues
rOIl!alltit, story, fflr thl' al'1ion of its plot Bell 'Phone 12114 J Walton'a Garage NARBERTH, PA.
1I10\'I'~ wilh thl' ~II('l"] of all airship's
0 *~4 Narberth Shoe Store
llrojll'lI I' 1', pre't'litillg fflur Ilantl,to,hantl
en"ollnt,'r~ hl'l\\"('t'n
thl' 11('1'0 alltl tlto
]'otnls •• 0 ••• 0 !J 0
The Misses Zentmayer's
villian an,1 a .Iapanl'sl' ,'onfl·,]"rat" that
carry Ilntoldn'a]islIl.
Thl' :lInin Lilli' hrnlll'h of the TIl',1 6041 Woodland Annu.... W .. at Philadelphia Will Reopen in September 1919
Cro~s 0pl'nl'd a Sl'n'itl' :.\IclI's 'Cluh lu~t. Auto Service Tuesday ar,d Friday 209 HAVERFORD AVENUE 125 WINDSOR AVENUE
Tuesday night ill thl' COlllnlllnit,V Cen, DROP A I, /1 n -" /I I 11 E Wll J ("All.
tel' rooll1~ of thl' old Lan"a~ter A\'ennc
Sehool in Br~'n :.\Ia \\"1'.
The elllh is for thl' ],,'nl'lit of all
Narberth Register
COA~:~~~?~-=-.~~:o~~:~~~AGE I
fonuer solclipr:-:, sailors :\1111 InarillPs n'·
siding in thl' ,li~tril't frolll O\"l'l'hrook Two Linea, 10c: per iaaue; 5c for each additional line
t.o Villallo\"u.
A lurg'c 1'00111 in thc renr of tltl' ACCOUNTANTS IIIUSIO
s(.ho<Jl has lH'cn fit tetl np with ganll'~, Keirn. II. C. Cel'lllled Public Accountant. SJoholm. 1I11ss Ebba. Music Teacher and Ac-
thil "all Ilnd Winter 202 Dudley aV-. Phone. Narberth aoo-W. companl.t. 228 lona ave.. Narbertb.
111ngHzines, hook:-=, l'l,:ltlillg Ullti writill~
Lees' Garae&-Repalrlng, b:lC. Phone, 1606. NOTAln I'UOLIe
fncililil's. a piano, pool tah]" anll other
CqUipllll'llt. It will hI' 0l'l,n frolll •. :;0
IT'S UP TO YOU-DON"T DELAY •Uolltgmn"ry Gamge. Pilon" N arlJerth 1(j24. Jell'erles, .I. n. 111 Narberth av".
Phone, 666-M.
See tlispial' ad \'ertlseull'nt In this Issue.
to 11 0 'eloek e\'cr~' night "X"l'pt Snll' BUY YOUR FUEL NOW Narl...·rth Guru!:". Phunl' NnrlJertil l\j:lj.
Sl'l' tliSpl!ll' u,h·I'I'I.lSI'lI\l'Ut In this Issue.
Tyson. Warren R. 200 Woodbine ave.
Phone. 1202-W.
days. The faeilitic~ will ])(' l'xpallth d RAKERS Ol'TICIArtl8

Rainey-Wood "Domestic" IIllrtzell, I;. ,I., & Son.
See tll~plllY lll!\"('rLisl'lI\('nt In tills Issuc.
Fenton, Carl F. 606 Essex ave. Pbone, 618- \'I
Phil... addre... 1806 Cbeatnut at. Locuat UI.
Zentllln)'er. Jusel.h. :!:!S 8. 15til st., l'hlla.
Greenhouses Alerlun Title &: Tru.t Co. Phone, Ardmore
See dltJplay auvertlsernent In tblB Issue.
Walzer, Fred.
30,00'0 ft. of glaas 12 housea

UUILDEltS 117 Winsor ave. Pbone. 1247-J.
smedle)·. Wm. D. II< II. 'J'. Phone, (jOO.
Pencoyd Na.rberth See display advertlHeluent In UU" UtaU6. PAI'Eft llANGERS
CANDY. ETC. Witte, Geo. A. Fairview ave.
Ilan'I•• II. E. Phone, 1264-W. Phune, Cynwyd 778-J. First-class work.
See dlHplay ad vert laenlent tn tblll

John Albrecht
CAIU·t;NTEUS AND BUlLDERS "Arcadla." 16th and Chestnut at... Pbll.
oIenklDo. Ch.... L. See display advertlsAment In thtl!l lelue,
103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-M.
Look about the home grounds and have
Can Now Be Obtained from Your Dealer Speakman, Clarence t\. Phone l<W~·H.
See IIlSI) 111)' lld\'ertlselUl'nt III this Issue. Cook. Winfield II. Phonc l:!lO·,I.
He" dlsiliul' advertlsemcnt In this Issue.
COl\i'I'ltACTOlt 01" I'LASTEIUNG Willi. 11. 8. Phone. SI9-J.
your planting done now. The a"aaOn is THIS COKE WILL HELP YOU REDUCE THE 1"rnluuloni, ,hunclj, &: SOJlIj. See display advertisement In thl. lel!Ju.
here again, and the wealher c:ond;tiona HIGH COST OF LIVING :!~m l-lUUlllc.1l'll
uvc., NUl'uerth. Box 270.
are advanbgeous. IIrr, Dr. A. 1•• 101 Elmwuud avo Phone, 39S-W. Coldwell & Co. Phone, 1271-W.
SEPTEMBER PRICE 1'hlla. Phone. 1;'lIl1erl 4~r,~, Keith Bldg.
See display advertisement In tbl8 tellue
Jo·rlbeh. II. C. Phone, 252-W.
lIuwprd'8. Phone, 1267. See display ad vertlsement I" thl.
rara.-M~Ginle~'O :-ice dlsola.Y advertisement In tbls IllIue.
Snlith, '1'. U. .Ar111uore, I'u.
(,..dfrey, Wm. B.
IH Wood.Ide ave, Phone, 686-W
U 123 South 17~ S!, PIliladcIPbJa:~' Sl'e displaY nl!vertlselUcnt In tills Issuc. Nasb, Raben J. Phone. 605. •
"ugh, Veri 22ft lana ave.
Nar. Phone. 660-W. Ard. Phone. 163-J.
Money for Firat and Second Mortcal'e.,
Shnrnlon James C. 232 ERsex ave.

Phone, fi36, or H20 Chestnut .l

GARAnteed ' Roofs 1~1.I~CTnIC'\I. IJE\,ICES

Srnedlc,)', E. (l. Phone l~G{)~ 'V.
("\fa-lIIcGlnley Co. Phone. 1268-W.
Per Gron Ton-" Chuted In" ~l'l' tllsphll' lllh'crtisemcllt III til is Issue. display advertiRement In tble tBBue
Mmer. John A. 2H lona ave. Phone, SSI'-J
1"1811 AND OYSTERS ~hcp, 246 Haverford ave. Phone. 1226-J
llIll.erlal Gr<,..ery Co. Phone, Narberth 606.
'Don't .Accept Some Other Coke Claimed to be
CLEAN---SAFE---WHOLESOME , Just as Good"
)hlrJluunll, John. ArduIOl'l', Pn.
~I'C dl~phll'
nd\'crtlSl'lUl'lIt III this Issue.
Good Wear Shoe Replllr ShOI',
(:on.lantlne. B. G. Y. 111. C. A. Bldg.
See display advertlsernpnt In tble I.eue.
Premo.t, H. Phone, 12M·.I.
Sl'e dis[llll~' nllvcl'tlscllll'nt In this Issnl'.
Distributor for Narberth, Wynnewood and Merion IIl1wmun, Samuel I'. (Life.)
116 81m wood ave. Phons, 66S-W. WHITE WASHING
Pasteurized Milk \ DELIVERIES
BrynclO~~lkcertllled WEST PHILA.
(Pedl'lalic Soclel~) OVERBROOK
c. P. COOK, Narberth
oIl1ne•• Chao. It.
:111;) 8. Narberth ave. Phone. 682 ..J.
01"'",•• Will. J. 103 S, Narberth ave. Phone.
1;~O-J Phlla, addres., Penn Mutual Bide.
"rut t t'r Brus. (FI rei etc. )
Al..-xRuder, GeorJre.
SCI' display all\'ertlsl'lIIl'nt in thIs tSSIII'.

Special U Guernsey" MERION The above department Bhouh1 be ot the

:1lJ!j \Voodslde ave. Phone. 1262-R.
Milk WYNNEFIELD ereatest u.e to the community. the lI.t con·
(Roberts' &: Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY Sales Agen t : W.]. RAINEY (j\lru,'. John ~ll b:a.ex ave, Phone. 1246·R.
Phlla. address. Lincoln Bldg.
talns the name ot every protenlonal man.
tradesman. mechanic. shopkeeper. etc.. who
Dairies) NARBERTH doe. or can In any way .erve hi. fello ...·
Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia Stlte.. Jolt'tcher W. 4J S Haverford ave. townsman. and who II progrell81ve enoul'b
Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE Phune 372-w Phil... addr•••. Crozer Bldg. to add name to list of Register.

Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD ~I<'I1.... ald
John. Narberth phone. 1283. As It Is dlmcult for tho.e contrlbutlnl
, Cream. 1',33 Che.t. at .. Phlla, Phone, Spruce 1118, their time and elforts to the production 01
)IEATS. ETC. "Our Town" to personally either know or
SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET (ottH. lIoward F. Phone, 1298. Interview all such. It ...ould be most betp·

~('P dlflnlav adverthlement In tble Ilaue. hi If tho.e not no... found In the printed
"How to Burn RAINEY. WOOD 'Domestic' Coke" lIertzter....John B. Narbertb.
~l'e dlsplny nc!vertl."ull'nt In tbls Issue.
list would send In a memo of tbelr namea,
addres., phone numbers and bualnesaea or
Jlln.K professions for lI.tlng. This will coat .. fol·
8rolt-pow"n Dalrle•• Phone, Pre.ton 2393 luws: 10 cent. each Isaue for I linea: & caDta
45th and Parrish Sts. See display advertleement in tbla I.aue for ."ch additional line.

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