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Send In Fireside Boost Narberth

Itents And Knock No One


Tennis Members I New Ruling for WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB

Work on New Courts! Water Company 111(\
Oll 'I'ne~d:I\' at'tpI'IIOOII tlIL' ('Inh h:\ll
1']l':\:->Ul'l' '(11' hl':Jrillp; ~fl':-:. nC()J',~..dlll~
Fil"),els ill S(1\"(' 1':11 n ' ;tdiIl11;S. ~[l';-i.
ABOUT TWENTY-FIVE TURNED CANNOT REFUSE SERVICE TO NEW Fil'kt'l~ wns so l'hal'lllillg" that slit (':ll'ti- 1


\":ltl'd JIl'1" :luditllll'l' at- OIlI·P.
BUILT STONE WALL AND PREVIOUS TENANT'S BIlLS. Blld "YoulIg-F'pllow ~I,~Lad," bv ~('r\"­
SODDED TERRACE- it'l', hl'llllgltt I.a,'k to 1;lilld tltl' 1'1I':1\'l'ry
MORE WORK TO BE of 0111' hoys "O\"l'l' t ))('J'l-,." :d:-on t hi'
'1'h,' SpringtiL'l'1 Con~olidat",l ,\'ater 11111111,,·1' "lItitl,',l "FIt'IIl'h .\111'1." writ:
DONE TODAY. ('olllpall,", I::'allll'day, wa~ ,Iirel'let! hy tl'lI hy a POllgh Bo~'. /)al~' 's lIIo~t pie'
tlte J'uhli" Sl'n'il'l' l'Ollllllis~illll to fill' tllt't':-'(f!lP part of 0111' illlllli~J'atioll. tlH~
111 IIl1ioll then' "PI'taillly i~ ~tl'l'lIgth­ witllill lift""11 d:J\"~ a IIl'\\' l'e!nllatillll Italiall Hket,·hp~, "0111.1 1I0t ha\'e 'hl'L'1I
l'~I"'l'iall.'" ",h"11 ~1I,'h hll~kip~ :" Btll gov(Il'lIiJlg' the l':l.':IIIPllt of 1lil1s~ llltl'J'Pl'lltl'd 111 h;'It-t·J' :Id\':lJlt:q.!,'('.
Boyer alld DOllgh Ea~tlll":ILI al'p llll'llI-
1,('1':-; (If '"lIUl" 1Illioll. ":\lId wl"d ill(·jud()
Th,' ('0111111 i~sioll hold~ t Itat "eleetril',
g:" alld fl'1<'l'houe lIlilili,'s :l! ill: THE FIRESIDE .\Ii,~ .'I·~~ie Yogt told of tIlt, so.. ial
\\'ol'!, :Il','oillplblll'd h,\' t It I' Y, \V, C. "\,
Bolt 1':I1'ti"'1I with th,'''' two \<"'al 1I,'r- \'arial,h' d"al dil'L,· with lhe ""II' lltl'otlg'h thl'il' IlItl'I'II:11 iOllal II"t ill11t'~,
l'1I11', if Boh ..ollld lift alld pllsh a "'hL'd- SUUIl')" ;11111 S('t.llli 10 fiI~d 1ite :-:af'l'g"l1:I!'tL...
Al'C' ~·IIU tloillg ~·lllll' sh0I'Pillp; carly? :,,"1 1)1', I'all. \1'110 i~ \\'ol'killg ill tlip ill- For God :111(1 Country. we associate our·
l,ano\l' load,·d \I'ilh ~tOIl" or sod a~ sllnil,ielll to prot,·,'t 11,,·ir illtel'l'~t~," 11'1',·~tH of hl'alth alld 1t,",~i"III' alollg the ::;eh'ps tOg"('tht,l' for the followiIlg' 1'111'}I0Sl.'s:
e:l:-;ih- :1:-- h .. (':ld rai:--t' a Yiltal di:-;tl1J'll- all'! that tl,,' C'JllIllli"ioll lla~ deeid":l :\r:lill Lill('. 1l1'!_~;('d tlip lIIiltht'l':-i to t'OIl- To uphold anti clcfPIHI till' COllstitut!on of
LOl'al ~tor,·~ aI''' ,."ad~' for thl' ltoli-
:till": or 1,,' the life of lhe pal't,\' ill a ill a IlIlIlIhl'r of ,'a"'~ ., Ihat it i~ UII- II", L'lIil"tI ~Iall'~ of AIIII'rlL-a: 10 maialain
da~'~. fel' \\'ith li,·1' ihat lh,·I'I' mi"'ht hI' all law Hilli ol'ller; to foster :llltl peqJCtunte
1'alll ,Iolle~. )'l'a~oll:t1<11' to 1'1'1'11'" to ,!L'a I wit h it !L'Il' illlpl'o\I'd pl'ogralll 1'''1'1111',] f,,7
tltl' c-Itil- one htludl'l'd PPl" Cf'Ilt. Allll'l'ip:Inislll; to
Bllt Bol. \\'a~ th,'I'l' \\'ith th,' n"t of :lilt. "
G"t YOIII' 1J0Ii,la" :t<h'crti"'IIIPnl' ill .I1'l'II, IH·t'Sf'n"e tllt, IIIt'lHories :llItl jncidents of our
thc t\\'l'II!\,-ti\'" or lhirt" olher lllelll- 'I'ltis i~ iutl'rlll'l'h',l to JII"all that Ill'\\' 'I'ltl' Clllh \\':" <1elighte,l \\'ilh th .. as,scl('iatioll in r]Il' (i)"pal 'Yar; to illculcate
th,' 1I0;np :\I'\\'s ea;'),'" a st'tlse of illllh"idll:ll ohlig-ation to the
ltCI', o( tl,,: :\arhcrtll '1\'II;lis ,\~"ll'iat iOIl t"lUIlIls \\'ill lIot Itan' to par iJilb ig' "iolill rt'rulit iOIl:'" of lIlIl: of it:-: 1111'11111('1':-'. comlllunity. ~tatf' HlltI Nation; to ("olubnt
last :-';atlll'da\' aftel'lIooll alld di'] his llol'l'd I),\" l'l'l,dPI·L'S;-.OI':-O. !Ill' :JlIlocr:1L'Y of 1I0tli th,' classl'~ alit! tlte-
Lo\\ l' CUtIlll1('r, who Wl,,1t til Call:lda .\II'S. L"\\'b 1';as1,,'.
~h:ln' of till: \I'ol'k 1'\"'11 if hi' ":III't Tht\ dl'eisioJl is :I Illat tv)' of eOll:·.j(ler-
with ll"i:-; p:11'(1l1t:-.: a fl'\\" lllollth:-; Hg'O, Tllt ' llo~t C':O::-:l'S ;d' 1 h(~ :l ftl'1'I1001l W(ln' IlI:IS~t"~; In 1II:lJ.~e ri,f!lIt t lie muster of
aid,' illll')'l'st 10 th,' pat rollS of the lIIi~"dlt; to III'Ollloll' Ilt'ace 1111(1 g"oot! will on
,':i1T.'" a "Ollplt' of hllll.Irpd 1"'11111],. of ha~ I'l'tIlJ'lIl·,1 to .\'al'l,,'rth, ~[I'~. Ed~ar Ta."l"I', .\Il'~, I';. ,\[II",II:III1/,. l':nlh; to Snfl'g'uHI't! nlHl tl':IlIl"lIlit to p08-
:--tOIlt.' :lllll :-;od (':teh :lnu, aJII1
tllldeI' \\atl'l' ('Olll!,'"'~" ill Iltat il Ili~III"e~ oj' ~II'~, n. ,\lh'·l'holt. .\rl'~, F. T. YaJl t<'l'ity tlip priIH'iph':-; of juxti('l'. fr('cclOin
I'ig'ht \'aliallt \I'ork 1]"',\' :,]1 did. :til iSSIII\ \\"hi(·h lins Ill'VII tilt' o('('a:-:ioll lllill dl'1II0CI"II<'Y: to COllst'('l'ate IUIlI ~anctif;\"
.1ohll GodowlI. of Fail'\'il'w, is lIO\\" "\lIkl'lI :tlld .\II'~, .1, B. SlIlillt . our eOllll':lllt'!"dtip by 0111' tll'\'otLoll to lIlulual
l~\" "thpl'p'·' Wl' l'l'fl'l" to tllt\ :-;ilp of of a gl'l'at dval 111' dillil'\J1t,\' 11l·I'l·al)ollt~.
"IIII,loyl'd at thl' :-;ll.ith 1ll'IIg Store ill hf'lpfulllt':-::-:.-III'P:Jltlhll' to tile Conslitution
the 'Jl(\\\" g,ToullIl:-- 1J1' tIll' T\'lJlIi~ _\:-':-'lIt·ia- TIll' 1"""1':111\' It:" ~t,'adfastl." J'L'fll~!,,1 of 111(' .A 11ll'ri(':ul Lpg-ion.
:\ a I'h<·l'tll. '1'1,,' Choral Slll'i"'\' \I'ill 111'·I·t at tIll'
tioll itt lIa \'1'1'1'01',] alld '\[Ollt gOIlIl'I'," an', ill till' (':1:-'(' of a ('h:lll;':"(' of Ol'I'Ul,ali1:-: of
11111':-:. alld till' o(Ta:-;iHll. till' 111J'lIillg out a propt'1'1," to ;.:','h'(' :-'P1'\·il·e \\"hl 11 11 lll'-
l n'sidl"",,· "I' .\ll'~, 1l':I\'id ;""i,'kll"\', ~1!1
.\[I'~. Lilt iI' ,\'oh""l'lolI, of lla,ldoll'
of thp JlI\\1I111(11':-' lit' til,' .\:-::-:C1,-ia1iull to \',·IIII,,·d tl"tt tltl' )I1'1'\'iolls OI,,'llpallt Itad
til'loI, :\ .. 1., \U" th,' hOllS<' glll·~t of ..\Ir~.
VOlTl':,t :l\"t'lItH'. (111 J)Pl'l ' lltllt'l' 17 at ~ POST HOME FURNISHED.
hlliI,l a ~tOIl'· n·taillill)!' \\'all, alld sOIl faik'l til 1"1," thl' fllll alllOIJllt III' lit" 1'. :\r. '
,Iohll B, Hl'oo]" 0\'1'1' th,· \\"'I'k 1'1101, 0111' 111'\1' !tOllll' l':I~ ],1'('11 ,'olll]lldl'ly
a 1011"" "ltihallkllll'ltt 1'1'1 \\"'1'11 "'h:11 ",ill I'rt,,+j(lUS hill. TlIi~ lJ:l~ :-:l'rYI'(l~ ill n
1'1'11Il\':I!(',] ill~idl' alld 11,,· 1"'1\' flll'Jdtllro
hI' th';'. 111'1"'1' altd 1",\'1'1' ,'Ol1l'tS. 1111111111'1' III' ill~t:III"I'~, l"'!'l'ahollt, \\"llL'I'I' .AUtolll0hilfl :ll·l·ill('n1:-> :11'(' lH'l'OIllillg' TIll' 1'1111> OI'"It,',t J':I \\'ill 1II"I·t :tt thl' Ill:lI(l'~ till' t,lllh !tllll'" :I "I'I'\' dl'~ira],lo
;\11.1 ",lll·1t Illl' sha,lL'~ of lIi!!ht \\"'I'e di:-:Jlllh':-: retiring' (H'('llP:lJlt~ :lll.l
ht't\YI'I'1i l'l'~idt'rll"(' of ~rl':-:. ,10:'(11'11 Hart·lay, ;:l:! pI:II'I' t 0 ~11('lltl all (,\"l'lIiIlP:. .
h:lJlI'l'lIill;.!,":' nlollg thl' ~raiJl
h(l:,.dIlUillg' to fall-dowll Hl'O;llld POl' tlip ('fllllpall~' arn~t', til 1'l"l' ,'('11 t olhpl':-i E:-,:-,(,:'\ :1\"l'J11JP. Or! f)('I't'1I1Iu'r 17 :It :: .. j;j Thl' h":lt illg" :I]i!,al':ltll~ ha~ lH'CI1 ill-
]roW:ll'd ':-; :t pot h~l(.:t 1',\" ~hop. Bo;-.::"i }'oJ'P' fl'lllll ""'·I1I'."illg t Ii,' pIal"', I'XI,,·]'t lltat . ..\1. ,t,J1\(od alld will Ill' ~lllli,'il'lIt to k,'C]'
lIIall Bill ]Jail hll'\\' his ,\'histII' altll 111t' JlI'Wt'OIlI('I':-' :I:-:s1I1I1('11 thl' IlllJlHid or th,' ,,1111, 111'11'" \\':11'111 dlll'illg tl,e 1'01,]e"I,
F!d"hl'l' \Y. St itl'~ 'I':I~ I'!l'"t",l to t111'
I'a 11,·,1 it a d" ", "ltd a lilt ol1l11"'ll t It"t h,' i di~l'lIt,·oI 1>ill. 'I'h e 1'1' wl'r,' al", ,·!']'taill Thl' ('ltibln'II'~
1l:llll'illg ('la" \\'ill I\'I',I! h,·!".
,1il'",'tomll' 1<001\' of tlll' :\al'll1'l'th ,\1111'1"
l'~tiltl"tl'll tII:;t tit,· Jltl'llIher~ \\'ho had I'l'glliatioll:-: lInd,'J' \\'hit'h 1hl' ('OIlIP:ll~~'
il'HII Lpgiull B'l1il,lillg :llld Loau ~\~:...;()­ 1I1('pt l""(')'\· aft ('I'IIClOII at oJ
~:lt 1I1'd:1 \" Till' JIl"llIhl'l'~ of' thl' Post ~!tolll,l :I,':lil
Il1l'lll'd 0111 alld \\'orkl'd olt thl' h\'l' joh~ l't'quil'tld lllP pa\'IIH l llt of' hilb to illSl1l'l'
l·iatioll. I'. ..\r. ill iltl' ('Olllllilillity B"'"II, thl'IIISl'h',·s III' the 0I'pol't1lIlit.,· to 1ISI"
had :-';:\\'('d tIll' ..:\:-::-;(I('i:l1ioll :I11\"\\'ltt'I'(, j'f1lltilJll:lf iotl ot' :-;('l',·i(,('. ollr Jlt',," 110111(1 as n ('lnll lion:,.... It is
frOll1 :;'~IIII"(111 to +~,ill,(lII, \\'hid; is 110 Till' ""J"i'lailtt~ of tl,,' !<Il'al palrt"" Th,· IIl'xt LI·;.!ioll dall"" \\'ill hi' hl'ld 0111'11 to 1I11'III],er~ a]] thl' tilill',
mp:\11 :lTlIOllllt' ill thb day alld gt'lipra- ,"l'n' laid 11('1'01'<' tht' COllltllissioll )'('('(,lIt~ Tl,,' ,\dlllt 11:11I,'illl: ('la'S 111,'t last
on 1>1""'1111.1'1' 17, 1'1,,' allnll:ll .\','\\' lIi.~'ht :11111 "'ill lIlt'{'l -:q,~'aill 011 !>('{'j'llip
tioll, 1,\' 1>y \\':Iltl'r T, :-;a 111>11 I'll , of :\ar1>l'rth, YI'al"~ 1,;\'" Ilan",' \\ ill hI' hl'lo1 Oil IlI'- llt'l' ::1 ill tIl{' ('llllllllllllitv HO(JlII :&It 7.--I.j
Tlti~ S:ttlll'll:,," a t't I'J'IIOOIl-t hal i~, n,,- \\'liD \\':\:-: dt'flit'll :-:l'l'yjt'(' hy l'l':!sotJ of nil
""111 I ,,'I' :: I ill I,;llll I1a II. I'. .\1. ' DUES FOR 1921.
ccmbcr ll-cyer\' llIl'llI h"r of t hI' A~",· IIl1l'ai'l hill h," a 1'111'111"1" 11\\'1"'1' oi' till'
~i:ltifJlI j:-; agailL 'Urgl'l! 10 ]'(\IIl)lt at th(' I'I'II]JI'rty. HII\' Christillas :-;l'al> thi~ year for
TlJl' ,!lH':-O; Tor l!l~] :1I'(l lIo\\" dll(l :lnd
Ill'\\' "ollrt~ as ""Ill a I'll' l' 1 o'l'Io.. k as Th" :\lillil,,'I'\' ('las" Jllt'l't~ e\'l'r,\" 1'\'1'1'," III I' III hl'l' ~hOlll,l t 1',\' til ]ia." t hl'l!l
all y;l1ll' ('hri~tnla~ lIIail. ,Hl'ip ~t:IJIlP
Ilo"ildl'. Th"rl' i~ st ill a lot of \\'ol'k TlltlJ':-;,l:J~~ 1I1fll'lli'II,~ at tile l't,:,;j<11 111l:(1 of :IS ~flOJI :1:-; p()~sihlp. a:-i 111t' Po:-,t Ill'lltl:-, the
Ollt thp ,Yhite 1'lagn", BIlY y01ll' ,,'als
to 1,1' dlllil'. all,l e\','I,\, 11I,'11t hl'r 1'''11 hl'lp,
Chi,.1' :-';tolll' .\I"soll' Fn'l! \Yal'lll'r. 111l-
Ikr ,\'I illS (. allJI' ,lin",t iOIl a go'Hlly' 1'01'-
The Public in :\al'hcrth.
.\II'~. (',I', "'0\\']"1',1117 EIIII\I""III a \'1'11 Ill'.
a1 !i.-I;3,
III0II"~' til ":IIT~' 01lt it~ ]ila1ls fol' ln~l.
It i~ al". illlp0l'talil 10 1':1." ~'01lr ,]1I1'~
hl'f'ol'l' ,I:lIIIWI'\' ] if Yoll 1\':t1lt "0111"
tioll 01' thl' ~tOIIl' \\'all \I'a~ hllilt, still
lUll;;. e(l1)to.:i,h·l'ah}p 111 110 to ('ollll'lpffl tlH\
Service Commission Xllla~ par"!'ls ~hOll',,1 he' lIIaill'tl cal'h'
and \\'rnpl'C'd se"lIn'I,'" Pan'.,],. IlIa,\- 1;..
ill~l1]'('li lip TO $;).(/(1 l'Ot' ;h~.; $:j 10 :t;~t),
"\lIlt'l'it':lll LI·~"doll \\?l'l'l~I':
t.:,Lc dlli\'{';'(",1 j'~';)lIJif~ :.... :
to ('out'iuue

PIt'H:-:f' :-'t'lld ,~'(I11I' :-':lIhs(·riptioll:-' for

wall, :uul will Hl'l"} a gallg of ahle· ;)".; :;.~;) to :;';:;0, 101'.; +;)0 to $] 00, ~;i,·.
OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF :'-"lllll" IIJ:q.~·aziJlt':"'. huth JI('\\" :tlld )'('lIl'\\'·
ho,lil',l 1111'11 to f,'1<'h alld .. an,\, alld
:-:e1 the :-;to]l(l:--. ..:\1111 theil' j:-; :--tili ;';OII1C :tl~. 10 ~II'~. \\'illi:11!I \\""ltl W,'illl'l', Jlln
PENNSYLVANIA, Po~t l'urd:-; ('OBtaining' till:-ot'l, :-:allll~ BUILDING AND LOAN NOTES.
,F(IlTl':-.:t :\\'l'lIlIl'. ~Ir:-:. "'piJlPl' will :-:('Ild
sod,lillg to do, ,,11,1 a 1111111111'1' of othl'!' gl'lHllld g;l:l:-::-; 01' oth('r ~l1h:-;taIH'l' that
~lIlall johs a\\"nitill;.!; \\'illillg hlllllls. Oh, 011 ]'t'qUl':,t. 'phllllt' ~":t "hl'rth :;~lj-IL Thl' :\:lI'I"'l'tI, .\lIl1·ri ..:1I1 l.""ioll Hllihl-
thl'rl' ",ill I,,' l'1L·lIt~· 10 Illl 1'\,,'11 i( the'
Bureau of Rates and Tariffs. ",ill I'll], on' al'l' 1I0t maila],II' 1I111,'~~ I'll' '1'1"lIdid ~if't alld "Ill\' "tl'l'I'S, illg alld LmiJl AS~(JI'iat-i{)1I ~}lI'1l1'(1 its
,,10"',1 ill l'n\'l'lop"~ and tight I~' ",'aho,!. Tltt· Ladil'~' lI"II'" .IOIII'II:tI, ~:ttllnlaY :-'l'('IJlltl :"t'l'il':-' last TUt'st!:l\' ('\"l'llilll r at:
l'iJII1('l's ~lill haYI'II't aITin'l]l Thl' Bala & .\l,'rioll E!<·..t I'ie C()JIIl'all~'
('(l11IP Oil lIut. fpllo'\r:-;, :11111 join .; he ha~ Iilt'll a Ill'\\' tal'ity ot" r:ttl'~ with tltL' E\"l'lIiJq"~' IJo~t Hlld COHllt)'\· GPllt]PIII:l;1 :lJl' hOlll(' of flit' Ll':_';ioll p·{lst. ElJlI~()t1a
Chl'i~lnl:" Sa\'ing' Clllb "ltl'"k~ \\'ill an' :II\1:tY~ ~talld:lI',l 1'I'i,.,:~, hnt thl' :111,1 E:-:sl'x :1\"('1111(':-;.
"Hollllr Holl." \\'hil'h l,,~t S"t l!I'daY "'''s Puhlie ~l'l'\"i<'e COlllllli:-,~.; i()t1, g'o\'erJlillg' :-:01111 h(' cIist l'ihu1 PI}, rrhl'l'(1 is 110 reason
llIa,lL' Ill' 01' lhl' follo\\'illg: Chi,'f' n(,,~ "'n'i"e ill OH'rhrllllk, ..\lL'rioll, Bala, \rOIlI:lIl~:-' 1101111' COIlI!l:lllillll. ~-\lllt'l'it"a:l, Till' "'I'it'~ will I,,· k"1'1 0]11'11 for tlll'l'o
wli;· tlJ(~ hi,!.!g'(,;-it pHrt lIi' this lllolley (·,,]lil'I"~. :\["lItOI', J)l'lilll':t1ol'. I-:tll,h', 1I111I1t!", :tll,l "\"'1'." ')('~idl'lIt lIf :\al'l,,'rth
Bill Hall, Chil'f Stolll' '\[asoll Fl'I'd W:lr, :\arll,'rllt, l'y"\\'yol, BaJ'JIIOlltIt, allL! tel" ~hllll],l not hI' ~jll'nt ,in lo .. al ~tol'L'~,
111'1', .Iilll' '\[1,1\.1'11, looldlll; ex"I'!I~' likl' ritor,\' aolja"!'111 t h'·I'I·t 0 ill .\[IIl1t ,!!omery ("'lItllr,'" ]J:tr/,,'I"~, 1':\'l'l'yl""I,"'~' "I. j:-; iJl\"itt>d to hl'('OIlII' :l ~t()('l,lI()ld('r.
:\il,ltola~ all,] fOl't.'" othcr magazillcs I'an TIlt' .\:--:-:ol"intioll i:--: illdl't'd fortuJlate in
th,' 1'1'110\\,111',1 Willialll S. ]Jal't. ,\'aITI'1I l'lI11Jlt.Y, 1':1. Tht..' IIl}\\" tari1l' hecullH':-; On1,\' a ~nlall pal't of thl' Playgronllll
\\'right, alias "th,' CoatL's\'ilil' Ki,l," I'll'l·l·ti\'e 011 ,Jallllary bt, J!I~I, alld 1", ',olJgltt ilJ dllh~. ,,"dillg }'Jptl'i,,'1' W. SI itl'~ to its dirl'd-
:-,uhs("l'iptioll Jl('l'd hi' pnill lin\\". The (I)'n ttl liody.
01,1 nOl' LittIl', Boh ('alll,'I'Ol1, Bill l\:irI" J1l:lk('~ lh}~'rp:l~l':-;, illel'ca:-it':"', ()J1ti:",~ioJl:-:
h:lla 11"1' \\' ill ha 1',1l~' lw l'a Ile,l hefol'l'
pat ri .. k, thl' POI' lIartll',\', Bill Hall'~ :11141 l'(JI'l'l'(,tiIlJll" jJi l'xi;.;t iug- 1'a 1<.' s. tf,hc
al/,hahl'ti,'al hrothl'r; I\'. n. B, Eyalls,
Bill Haill'~'. I'nlllolls ill "'lIg awl ~lor~';
follllwillg; d('l'rt'a~l'~ allll jlll'l'ease:-; arc
ell'l'de,1 I,y thL' Ill'\\' tarill':

Th,' lIIollthl~- 111"1'1 ing of tlll' :\[aill

BaJa-Cynwyd Post- NEXT DANCE.
Fn',! Yall AIIJ(I'II, \\'hl) tllJ'l,,'d hi~ ~,'a­
g'oiJlg" r():l{l~tl'r iJlto a 1110tOl' trut'l\:
ha II Ie ,1 ~t OIlI'S h,' tIll' tOil; t ho~1' ]I a rJ'l~
H"IItll't iOIl of JO'/; t lirollg-h tlie with-
Lilli' C:ltholi,' CIIl1< ,\'ill 1<1' 11l·ld ill 1St.
'\[a rga I'd'~ ITa Il IIl'xt '1'III'~,lay e\'t'll i IIg,
Office Will Open (III
Thl' Ill'xl Ll'gioll Dall"1' ,\'ill hc h .. hl
l'-'l'idny P\'('lIillg'_, ])(,('l'III!ll'l' 17, in Elnl
II a II.
ho~Y:", 'YnYIl4.. ' :\11'(1 .Ip:-;:-;; 8tl'OIIj!;JIlPll Bo.'~·
el' :m,] Ea~t 1I11'all. Soft 1'1·dal Boh Pat ti-
tlra\\'alof SIII'ltl"III"lIt So,]~ to Elcetl'il'-
1'. S. C"l'a. So. :1, aff"etillg all r:ltt·~
IkeI'm J)('I' 16.
Early Next Month The Illll~i ,. flll'lI i~hl'll I,,' 1hl' OI'L'heslrn
i~ \I'Ol't!t lwi('c tll .. alllol;lIt I·hargcd for
SI)II, Bo,\' ,rillialll~. the BI1~' Champioll thl'l'(}iu ('Xl'llpt l'llSidl1lH.'C ~l'l'\"iec. (Continued on Page 4.) adJllis~,;joJl.
I'ing!,ollgi~t; HII]'!',\" l'p I::'ha\\', Tho]'!I~' Whole~al,' light allil ]10\\'1'1' sl'r\'ice SCHEDULE EXAMINATION FOR '\[01'1' 1III'llIh.. l'~ ~!tolll,l tnke all\'alltagc
(1Ilaxilllllltl dl'lIlalltl): Kilo\l'att houl's CARRIERS FOR NEW SERVICE. of t!ti~ pal'ti('III:11' ~o('inl fl'atul'l' of the
(Continued on Page 4.) ill thl' "'1'01111 hlol'k IJLoI'l'L'a~eli from ENDS LONG EFFORT. Lt~Ldllll Post :ll"ti\'itit1s.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS \\\1 h:l\"r In'PII fortullate in l}llgnging
4,000 to :1,000 a lid the thil'll hloek e1iltl-
Thl' Ill'\\' l'Olllhilll't! Bala-('YII\I\",I 1,:1111 lIall 011 D",'('mhl'l' :nst for 0111'
Two cents per word It cash accom- l'o~t O/liI'I', fol' \I'lti"h l'i\'ie alit!' ot0,I' :tlllllln1 ;'III'\\' Yl'nl"~ Dall"". The Elltl'r-
YOU CAN STILL JOIN. Increases. panies advertisement; otherwise, tl ve agl'lIdcs of the twill :-iuhnrhs have \\"lJrl\~ taillll"'lIt Committl'" pl'olllisl's it to he
St:tllt].al'll terms anll ('onllitioIlS; De- cents per word. "II for .rL'ar~, will ht'l'OIlIC it fad II<'xt Oil .. of thL' hl'~t gi\'l'1I ~o far.
The' ~[ail1 Linc Branch of lhe AlIll'ri- 1II01lth. Jt~ l'~tahlishlllL'lIt \\'iIl gi\'e tlw
layl'd ]la~-ml'lIt l'lt:lrg'e of 5% of amount
('all R .. d Cn,,~ Ile~i]'('~ all :\fain Lille ]Il'oplL' of Bala-CYllwyd let tel' caniL'I'
of hill ill~t,'ad of 1 eent per kilowatt
rl'~illl'nt~ to kilO\\, tltat the" ('an rClIew FOR SALE-Whitc rced bahy coach. service'.
hour for eOIlSl1lllptioll ill sceonll lind 'Pholle ""Iarhl'rth l~~S"r.
lheir lI1e'ntlll'rship h~' ~l'lIdillg. their lIame
allll OIlP Ilollal' 10 heallqllal'tl'l's in the
:\[l'lIlorial Builtlillg al Bryn ?Ifa \\'1'. Ow-
thin] hlocks, wliieh IIIl1y I'csult in an
iller!'asp. Stand:lrll )lo\\'er factors for
' (!l-p)

JOSEPH F. BARCLAY. •Joh Printing.

"Bala-CyllwYd" will he e~1ahli~hl',1
us a seeoll;l-cla'~~ Jlo~t olli"I'. '1'he lIIa(1I Scout News
all Cllst Oll)('rs of 80%, for dellJlIlI'ls oj' ollieL' will he IOI;atl'll ill I(lIarl,'l's ill tlte
illg to thc fc\\'er IIllJlllwr of workcrs this :ll~ E~~,'x A,'enlle, Pholle Narbcrth nl'\\' .\[C'I'ioll Title Buildilll-( hl'allL'h of-
less than fiO kilowatts, of no'!c for dc-
yea!', it ",as 1I0t pos~iblc to yi~it~'aeh Wli-,r. lV-P) lit,,, at .\folltgolllL'r,\' a \"'lIue allll Llallll- D"I'L'llIlwr 0, ~i S"ll\It~ J1rl'~cnt, with
mllnds hctwcpn 50 allll 1,000 kilowatts,
hOllle, allll t1lO~c who wcre not seen rillo I'oall, 1I0\\, IIL'al'illg eOlllpletioll. A SI'Ollt :\[n~t .. r anll :\[a~l'ot Pat tl'lI.
of O'i% for c1L'lIlllllds 0\'1'1' 1,000 kilo, WANTED-,\'olllall to takl\ ,,'ashill!::
,lllrillg the (,aJlIl'aign arc rcquestel! to sllh'l'0~t o/li,'" will h" l'stahlishell ill FOl'('st" guitle hadg-l'H iS~l1(l(l, which en-
WIIHs iusteal] of 80'!c applicable to ratcs
join for tIll' IICW ~·ear. 'rhe' ('aJllpaigll home for small family. Call ;'II a 1'- Killg':s oltl Ill'ug ~tore at l:/lioll all<l ahk all SI'llIJt~ to go to 1iI'l'~ in ~ar­
has hl'l'n Yl'],\' sU('("e'ssflll and ahollt " 1)," lll:txillllllll (leuu\lHJ, null "g," Ill'rth ](;(ii-,\', or :JlIl Con\\'ay A\,ellue, Bala 1I,'enu,'~, Bala. hl'l'th,
:;'(1,000 has he'l'n l'L'(,l'h'ell for annual .\'al'hel'th, 1'a. (D-p) Ch:JI'II'~ ,I. H:lIl~ell, thl' pl"''''at' po~t­ ::,\..Ollt l'arkl'l' was l'al!L',l on to de-
,1111'S, (Continued on Page 4.) Jllaster at. C\"Jlw,·d, ,,·iII a~:-;lIl111~ ('hapTl} ~,'rih,' !til(l' to Dal'''Y CI'l'l'k, HI' told
WHITEWASHING, bruoh or spray; as po~tma~t~·1' of the Bala,C\"II\\'~',1 I~f' ho\\' thl'\' Inadl~ thl'ii, Jil'l'~ :111<1 huilt n
eleauing rugs, housecleaning; kalso· fil'e. 'I'h" forec will illl'llId,,' UII 'assist- hl'idgL' :;CI'O~~ tll,' ,'n'l'k. ,\"h,' S('outs
CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. milliltg, paintillg, cal'e of heaters, alit ]10stlllllstL'r, se\'"ral dL'l'ks allil thI'L'" Odiol'lll' alltl Vald ll'ft: for ho;nc early
George Alexalltler, 5:\ Prospcct a,'enuc, f..':!l'l'icrH. an,l thl' di~l'o,'er\' of mink all,1 lJ\uskrat
Fll'~'n ?lIawl', Pa. PhOIlC, Bryll :\fawr Til 1"lIII1L'dioll \\'ith ,'ul'I'il'rs aIlIlOllaL'C'- }t011'~. '
2S~-,J. (D,p) Illellt i~ lIIaLle that :111 I'Xamillatioll UII' :\[1', Shlll'lIl:ll,,'r, from C~'nwrd, Cllmo
Fixed Meeting Dates,
dcr the civil ~el',"il'e fOl' ('UITiel's i:", and in~pl',·tl'll th .. troop. He took spe-
Borough COllilCil Monthly-Second Monday COlmcil Chamber WHO WANTS A REAL BARGAIN'? ~('hedull'tl for lll'l'l'ml)('r 11, :\IId :\[1'. ..ial notl' oj' :\[a"'ot "Bahe" Pattcu.
] f there is anY mall ill Xarhel'th who lfUnHl'll would likl' to Sl''' SOllte loeal The little fl'llo\\' ~tood like a soll11er,
Narbertll Bldg. and Loan Ass'l1 Monthly-First Thursday Council Chamber
wallts to make 'hi~ family a real Xmas 1IIl'lI tr~' for t he position, wh it'll is 0/,"11 onl~- he hlll~!tl'd, 'l'he fellows thought
American Legion Bldg. & L'n Ass'n Monthly-First Tuesday Legion Building gift, let him eOllsult lite ;Ihout a brall'!- to all~'ollc 1'1'0111 11'1 to 'Li ~-eal'~ of age. '\[1'. 8hol'nl:lkel' \\'as jll~t, "hlllly."
IIC\\" Sl'tlan whieh J I'all lIIal'" ayailahle :\[i" .\lartha Lul{('II~, at thc e\,lIwYIl :\[1', St it,·~ wa~ a y]~it,ll' and he is"
Narberth Civic Association Monthly-Third Thursday Council Chamber
from tltl' 1'adory ill a wl'l'k. It's olle Po~t o iii 1'(', iH the lo,'ul ),l'/'I'l''''I;tati'\'(, YI'I'\' HIII,,!t illlere~tell in Scout work.
Narberth Fire Company Montllly-Last Tuesday Fire House of the ear~ you always wanted to 0\\'11, of thc eidl serd"e orgauizatioa alld lIc' 1J\:1l!t, a long speeeh, which was
a rare allli precious beauty, with the ,'all giyl' all information. g'I't'at, hilt I "'ill Hot ,,'"rite it in hore,
strength of a lioll lIntl the impulse of a 'rhc L'i\'il ~I'I"\'il'e l'xamination for as it is too long.
Name of Organizatiou and Event. Place. lark; a elll' that lIecds to take no Juall's tlIese positions is 1I0t thc feursollle thing 'l'HO?lIAS lIfERIGJE,
Date, , Scout Editor.
Ilu~t. I ha \'c to aeeept it in the ,'onrsc 0111' might suppose, but is worked out
of husiness, hut it. 's too rich for lily alollg sellsible lilleH, so that cycn'one
hlootl, hell('e the lo\\' price of $:3,500, \\'ho takcs it has a I'cllsOllahle cha/ll:e of
Dec, 16 .•.• Civic Association Directors' Meeting .• COlUlCil Chamber whieh is at least $500 less than its passing.
Dec. 17 •.•• American Legion Dance .• , ....•.. ", •Elm Hall al'tual eost. Rememher, it's bl'llnd-ne\\', 'rhe startillg sulary is $1,400, ft~ter CHRISTMAS SEALS FOR SALE·
not as yet out of the fuctory, and it the E'lIhstitutc pel'io,l, allll the 1\lllOliat is AT
Dec. 24, ••• Tennis Association Dance .••••.•.. , . , • Elm Hall onght to afford a very happy Christmas lIutolllntieally inl're'asc,l each .\'l'ur $100 POST OFFICE
Dec, 31 •••• American Legion Dance .•.•• " •.....• Elm Hall 1'01' somebotly, It would erellte It rcal until it l'I'al'he~ *1,800. :\Ien of nhilitY HOWARD'S DRUG STORE
sellslltion ill Narbrook Park, lln[l possi- pass Oll throul-(h l;rolllotions, hasell 0;1 SMITH'S DRUG STORE
Jan, 8 •••• Chi Pi Sorority Dance., •.. , ., .•••.••. Women's ClUb, Ardmore hly that's where it belongs. 'l'elephone mcri~, to positiolls payill/.( still highcr
Jan. 14. , . ,Tennis Association Dance." •..•.. , ..• Elm Hall ~arbcrth 312-W. (!l-p) sa1arlCs.

.--------------------------------------------------------------~ - -


"\\'11-\'1' 11.\\'1' \'OL; IJO;\E,

uSl'rl ill the top surfaee, tru"k antI lahor

Telephones. W'
Of course,
FHIE:--';J), '1'0 11-\\'E IT O'1'IIEH- shortage, were all "Ollt I'ihutol'.'· eau'es. deliver - an,
\\'I~EI" III IllHII,\" ill~tHllee:-i, ill order to Hl'('Olll·
This ollghl to hI' th!' 'JII,'slioll tn ask IllIldatl' thl' trll,'l'!illg puhlie, pol'tiolls 1268 time.
An Exp~rimentin Co-operative tlip Illau 01' WOlllitll \\·lIo i:-, ill l'Ollst:lllt of t It" road 'H'rt' 1\I~pt 01"'11 durillg' re-
Journalism-No Paid Workers. la 11I"lIt It.! iOIl O\,(~I' th,' 1':,,'1 t ha I tilt, t O~\'II pnil's ill 01'411'1' to plilllillll1(' long tIp- The Brightest Spot in Narberth
1hl'Y lin' ill is II lit lik,' oth,'r I'lal"'s, tOIlI'S. 'l'his lIulIl!' th,' 11'01'1\ Illore dif-
Owned nnd Published every Saturday 1I0t n:-; J1l'ighllorl,v, 1101' :1:-; t'lItt.'I'Jlri:.;ill~, tic'ull. A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
a It og"pt 11('1' :I ., hlllll hu]'~." ~I Ollt gOllll'r." Pil\" shollI,1 hl' Ii IIbhl'd,
b,. the Narberth Civic Association. if tltl' wl'ath,'1' 1'l'l'mit" ill a flOW ,t:i,\"s,
\\'hat han' "011 dOIl'~ 10 IIlak!' il hel-
tl'r! . :tnd lllU:-;t of tilt' 1'0:1(1 I'll II II ilq",?," 1'1'0111
Sullscril'tioll price 0111' ilollar Iw,1 fifty 1Ia"(,l'l'ord to Cyllwyd, thl'ough l',"IIWytI
Tall, "IISt, liltl,'. }1I'1I"" tIll' larg" ,111'-
eel1t~ per year ill a,l,'al1e,'. pl.,· of it. 11111 il take's Ilion' thall tllik
til work WOlldl'l":--, aud if' it ':-; :t('I'()IIJ~
to Cit." LillI', should, with g'ootl l'art'
IIl1d s,·\','rlll SIlI'I'III'1' t )'('al 1I11'lds, last Company,
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH jdislilll"111 \I" ar,' :d't"r th,' II1t'aliS III' fill' il hont t t'JI yl':l I'~.
CIVIC ASSOCIATION :1('lli,'\·ilq,.,:· it :lrt' ,\"t'll 1\1111\\"11 alld :tlW:I,\":-i H('Jlail's at 1I'll' )Ir('~l'lIt tillH' :Ire b('illg Street, Norristown, Pa.
"""il"ld,': "olldul'1,'d IIlolIg 1111' lilli" ot' th" hl',1
March 26, 1920. PHONES
I. 'rlt iII k " lilt, J)lc'lhclt!:-; of rond t'Ollst rtlt't iOIl. Tilt.' n'-
Presidellt, Houert J. Edgar, Il:lirlllt'll laid ::,.) fill1'l'I,t (Jill' ot' thl'11' Norristown 791 Market 4686 Narberth 302-J or 661·J
" T"lk II litt I".
Vice-Presidellt., ,J oseph 11. ~ ash. ill,:,t 1.:\'":--. Thi:-; wa:-; tlil' rt'l'l)l'd lla\'~s
_______ • '4 ~ • ._. ._._._. • •_ _• ._._. _
d. \\·lIrk It"rd,
Vice-Presidellt., A ugu~t u~ .J. Laos. \\"oJ'k. ' ,
Vice-Presidellt., ,\Irs. C. P. Fowler. ,\ II of t It I' ,'oUlit ,- rOlld'-'I'\'('lIt,'
Treasllrer, ~liss ~laizie .1. ~iIJlPSlJlI.
Secretary, )Iiss Hut.h E. Prescott.
TIll' E,litlJl' :II'kllll\\Jt'\/~(':" \\illl t]l:lllk:-- IIliks ill :tll-Iit' 01( 'tlll' olh,'r sidl' <;t Estimates submitted on covering Boilers,Pip-
till' n'\'t'tpt (d' a }11;01-;. 1":\ it'kd. " .Fat hl'l' th" rin'r with lit" t'x""ptioll of ~Iollt­
Directors J!):2:I, )Irs. A. B. Hoss, Mrs. I'('lilt alld ,;IJIIII H:lrlt',\·c'IlIJl," II,\' utiI' ~-lJllll'l'\' I'ik,'. whj('lJ i~ .,,1 lIIi](':o: 1011 11
• ing, etc. All kinds of covering for all purposes
D. D. St.ickll"Y, .1. Garfield Atherholt, 101111"":111, 11:11'1"· ~1. ('illtll'ol\l. .\ d,,- Thl':-'P' :11',' :111 ill ~"Otltl I'l'p:lil' :l!ltl 1'l~1
:--l·riltt illll of I Ill' "ltlli!\ i~; Ill':"1 ~i'-('II 11.\' t llrolq".!,·h :-:0111(' of t lip fillL'~1 ('UUllt 1'." ill
1. A. ~liller, C. Lawrellce Warl\"idc, A.
E. \Voldert; Directors I!J:2~, .1 . •f. Ca- lltt' J"ldlll\\illg'" \\"hit"1i i:-- l:tl~t'll l"rtJlIl tllt' E:l:-,tl'l'lJ 1)l'lIl1:..;\,IY:llli:l. Thi~ :-,pctioJl
bre)', \ralter ,\. Fox, lJ. H. HiHegas, (' i 1'1'111:1 r {'11\ I' r IJ I' I lit' sa 111(': "'ill h,' "1"'11 lo'tll" 1I',id"l(ls 01' 1,0\1'1'1'
Clwrles Jl. l\. Chaill, \\'. l{. D. Hall, " Tlti:-: ItPIlk is IlItt :1 :~('I'il'"'" of tl'lll- :\Il'riltll TowlIship a:-- :--tlllll :1:-' tll(' ('llll-
Harr\" A .• /:lCOll8; Directors J!l:?l, ,F. A. }'i'I':tlll't' 11·I'll1t"l':-;. II l'iJlli;lill:-' IIl'illlt'l" ,...;JJUhIW](I'Jl Bridg'" is ('O:Jlpl,'I,'d, ,rhil,!l
Lil 11 a']l:I II , Dalliel, G,'orge '1'.
Klllltzell, .1. B. ;\"Sp"I', FI''!eher \\'.
/lrt':t(,IIIlH'lit lilli' :--('it'fl~ilil' trl':l1i:-:I'.
i:-- :1 t'L:lJIII'1' 1"1""111 tltal :lJ,,~I's-,dd ;-';\lIl"Y

(If III;tll"~ :-:ll'lu""n~·II' \\"illl tIli' 1l1,";-;ti·l·ioIlS

\I ill I", III'xl l'all.

Till'l'{' ,\'l'ar:-; a~o
toll rllllds: toda,' th,'r,' Ill'" II II h· t 110
thpJ't' \\"{'J'(' 1::; IIlill':-: ROBERT J. NASH
~-'II[ll'l jliil~ ,,:tlf,'d :lll'uilld, fl'u t'lJti:--l' wIll)
:11"1' (':q..~t'"r III :II'I'ttlll}di:..d l 111(' ('llillpit'lp
Illil(':, r\'lll:tiJlilq"~". . Thi:-- i~ dll(' l'tl t1l1'
:"p]t'lldid \\"ork of t111' ('lJlltllli:,,~illlll'I':-:, • . REALTOR ..
:,IJ.j 1'\l'I"I:t:--1illl-! :--IlPl,,",';-;sillll (If :"lrulIg ,,1\11 It II \'1' I,a id ;)0'" of t hI' ,·,,,1 of tit"
Editor. l:l'illl.: Ihis \"tllIl1111' \\"iil 1,(, j"qllild III Ill' 1'0:ld ill 111:tl1\' ill:-:1alll'('S ill Ol"tl('l' 10 fn'(' Specializing in
- -.,--------- lIt' ;1/1' . . . : ill.:,l,l,' \·;llllt', TIll' l'l':ldvl" (':Ill t],1' l'''l,d "I"tllils. It \\'It' !<-:Inll'd tlIat
("\"did"llt Iv
h:III' 110111'
loo}.;: fOI'\\HJ'd 111 Ilt:t1i\' a
III r:ln' "lltl'rt:lilllll('llt ':\IHI
tlll' ('IHJlIl," ('lII11riltut(,tl tt"r:lJ'd tltl' )1111'-
(,It:I:--t' of L:JIW:l:"II'1' I)ikl'. \\'!Iil'h i~ IIOW
---- ------------------' ill . . . jlil':llilill :..;llldit':-: tll(' \":Iriolls
;(:-: LI'
11'11 \('lIl{'11 1....; of till' l,ri II l'i Ita I :II,tlll':-: ill
:1 ~1:lt t' I'llad,
Tltt' ('f1l1l1l,' ('all lIlJh 1nkl' nYt'1'" I'tt:!d:" p
Send IIll [ld\'(~rtising nnd news items to tilt' tJll"t'l'-I'\·1l111l"\· \'111111':,,1 tl) dri\·l' old t lIal I,a ",' 1''''''11 a\l" l'ldolll',] "I' t "I'I~",I
P. O. Box fl6fi. .Itdllt IJllt 01" I 'I";li'~ \\·'lod~," (1\"1'1' t 111'11 pi).,; ('s. SELLING
Our '1'01\'11 is on sale at the depot It lIa, I""", d i Jli"ldl till ri II~ tit"
newsstand, and [It the store of H. Eo p:I:,1 p:l:-:t :-oi x
Y(':ll::-;t () :--l'I'lIJ'(' t !J~' :1 p- RENTING
~I,.. TIIIII"I" Ilt,\\'itt (·'I,·kr. l'II,.'i,[cIII PI'IlY',] "I' tit" L";..:i,I"lun' Illl additillll,,1
Davis. Ilf till' ~lIlltlrll:tlt ."\:--:--llt:i:11iHII of tilt, ro:,d:-;, Mortgages-Fire Insurance
Entered as second-class mattiJr .:\l:!ill Lillt" alld titt' l:lJ:lIl:-o ('olllillitt(,l', .\ lllIlY('II11'lIt i;-: Oil fo(,t 1fl h:l \·t' t 11('
Octo her 15, 1!1 14 , at. the Post Office r.t llf \'.'i1i(,h :\fr. ~:IIJIIII'1 1:(';1 i~ l'hnil'Jll:llI. \\'I'st ('ll<'s1<'1' I'ilil' ,'xt,'IIIiJo'] t" tlll' 1001 Cheatnut Street, Phila. 104 Grayling Avenu«", Narberth
Illt't lill' ('llllJlltis:,ill!tt'l';-: of :\ltllllg"IlI1II'I',\" ~Iaill Lill" "",·t illll. "lidd,', 1'1~111,'t! it Walnut 4443 Race 1580 N8rberlh 605
'\arlwrth, Pl'n"s~'h'anill, under the act
('1111111.," :llId lbt, l'lllllllli:-:";iill!t'l'~ Low· or 111:t1 vtJlltr:ll'1s 11:1\·(' lll'l'll II'! tlJ illtllJ'lJ\·('
of Murch, 18i9. \'1" :\11"rioll TU\\li:,iJi JI III di:--("l1:--~ 1 lit· I'l'- \\·,'sl (·It"sl,'r I'ik,' 1'1'0111 I'ltil:ttll'lplIi"
Membe-, Philadelphia Real Elltate Board
p:lir :llitl 11::~illl"II:lllt"l' 01' .:\llIlIt.!.!:llllti'ry : II \\'I':-it ('1I1':"ll'I',
I'ik,'. :\111(,11 Illi:-;lllitll'r:-;t :lllllill~· ('xi:--t:-;
ffjli:" l"l):ld \\";L'; IHIII'1J:I:--l'd 11,\'" tlil' t'ollll- tilrflll;._::hollt lliv
l'OlIllt"" :tlld ('l'Illt'I"'1I1
OUR TOWN will gladly print ',\" ill 1H17) :llld :",ill("t' 111;i1 1 illll' Itl:IIl:; i;-; t!JIIlI~...d ltll':-::--I,\' :llld lll;d(':--"I'\,'dl,\- lIt':!!,-
any news it"llll about any subject l"1 ',~i tit' ;11:-- cd' till' tIl \\·It :-::J i Jl It:l \"(" 1l{'l'11 I,d 11\11111 1hI' ('Oltlllli:--sillll hl'I":III:--I' of lal'l\
that is of interest to Narberth ;ii"':-<:,t; . . /il·d \\ith ii:-- IlJdd'I'!l II,\" tIll' I'plllt" Ill' !;'I'J\,'!<-t!g,' IlI1 tIll' I,al't of th,' pllltli,'
Tlti:-: fl,,'lillg: Ita . . . 111'('11 .:.!I"IJ\yi,q",!,·, :llld to tlil' {J\\"lll'!":-;hi" ot' rllad:-::

Tax Yourself
i,\', I'l'rl:lill
folks, but in order to meet the :1:-;

printing schedule, all ' 'copy' ,

.,\ :1:-' IIl't'Pllt i 1l~" :I('1l1 (' p'"
11I't':IIJ:"'I' (lr 1 hi' :l t hl'J'(' fori', 1 hI' ('1111111," ('Ollllli is:--illlll'l'~
"":,',,t ,It'I:I," ill till' ll'I,,,i ..., "lii,.1i Iii" :ll'l' pl:ll'ill"~" ;-;i~",::I1:~ at tilt' llt'gilllling" :llld
-manuscripts-lllust reach the (·011111.\" ('tlIlJlllis:-,jll/lt'l':-: ~1:lI'tt'd I:l:"'t .\I:lY. l'lId of :11] 1'(I1l1l1 Y rtlntl~ ill Ill'd('1' to
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each Thi:-- :,,In'lt,h ('O\·I'r;-: :IIHllIl ,j.1 Illilt':-:. :ll;d :Ilh·i .... t, 1111' il1J1dil" ~l:-- to il~ 1'''"IlI'r:--iJip,
week. l'x:'"lJd:-; frClllJ ('il'" J.ill(' :tlltlll:--t to till' ,\ pat wi is 1I,,,illt a illl'd II," till' """ lit.' a fixed sum weekly from your earnings, deposit that sum
.\[,,1';"" ('I'i,·k"t (:'lIh. at IIal','rl'"r,!. (1\·1'1' :111 ('tllllltV 10:111:-; :-'0 tIt:ll 1hl'Y 111:1'"
lit 1!117 111\, t'lllllti.'" Il:lid ~~ll.flllO for Ill' 1'(')laiI'C'd :I't (Jilt'" with n llli;lillttll'l1 regularly with us at interest and when it is large enough
111\ J'tJ:lcl, :11J1! :-;ill('l' I h:tl t illll it \\-:t:" (d' 4'0:--:1.
1";\:lId I lUll pl'adi"ally :;'~IIII,rllll1 1111'] :-;/11111' "I' tIll' n',i,iJollt, of th,' IllwlIship let us aid you to invest it.
SAT., DECEMBER 11, 1920 : IITil ~1't'ltt 1111 111(' Ilikt" 1'1'1'1 that 1""':\11'" ·Ii',; Ilf tit" """l1ty
l'llllltl\" ('Olllll,i:-;:-;itllil'rs H(l~" A. ]1:11- tnxt'S ('0111(' 0\11 HI' LO\\"('I' :\11'rillll TO\\"JI- You will be surprised how quickly it will grow; h()w
b}MI<;HGE:\CY PHONE CALLS li"ld alld \\'''I'IIl'1' ""!'J','r slatl'd Ih"t if :-:llij' Illll)"" 1l10Ill'y :--hollid ht' :"}It'lit lipJ'(',
: hi'''" h:trl k'l0\"'11 i II I !11, \\'11:11 1lit'\' 1>111 Ilft,,1' II'al'lIill,~ ,,'ltal Itad 111'1'11 sl"'1I1.
little you will have missed it; and how comforrable
Fire, a50 1";ltl;\\' IHI'\" :I111dlt tIlt, r;'lIltd:t1illll:-: or th'" and 1'(':I1izillg" th:11 it \\':J:-:'.itl~t :l:-- lIl'I't'~­ you will feel.
Police, 1250 pi 1"" till'." 111""1' \\'''1I1d 1,,1 "., I'a id t h" ,... :tr\" 111 ha\·I' ~·j)od l'o:Jd:-: all O\"t't' tIll'
l'ri,·" till',\" did },a.,· I'llI' till' rll"d. III ('1I11'lIty 10 l'H,'ifit:lt,' tl'lIl'l\illg," and plp;}=-,-
had 1)('('11 lilllP :-:111111',
Ask about our plan.
111:;11.'" 1'1:1('1':-: il 1Il't' l'idillg· 1'111' l'1':--itlf'llt:" of Lowc'l' :\It'1'-

Editorial JIll! t
ill 1111' i'l)IIJ':--l' oj' \"1':11':-: ('l'lIllddl'd
:lilt! ill I't'!l:lirilq":."' tlll':--t' :-:t'{'tillll,'"
illl\ 'I'll\l'l\ship.. il \I':" f"lt that th,' tll\\'l1-
~ltill \\":1:-' lIut ht'iJl,~ :1:-- grt'nt 1,\' lIt',~_d(l{,tl'd
IIll':1111 :111 l'ldir,' lit'\\" fOlllldati"ll.
i:-: II,,\\" hpiltg· rt'!d:l('('d I,.'" 1rap-
:l:-' had hl'PII :--llJll'0:"I'11. Till' ('UlllIII i:-:·
:--ill II PI',":' ('llll~id{'1' t !l1'llI:"l'h"('s ",cry for- The Merion Title and Trust Company
",'k. Thi, "'IIII' thill~: 1, .. ld t I'll" Il'ith 11llla1l' ill IIllt:lillillg tIlt' ~('r\"il"':--: eil: B('lIj.
To Ih,' I,:dit(lr (II' OUI' '('''\I'll:
()11lt'r :-:1'1'1 i 1111:-; t 11:1 I 1I:t rI pl':II'1 ii':lll~" Itll F. l-'1:1\\" 10 tnk(\ I,h:lr~·l' lit' 111t' \\"orl\ OF ARDMORE, PA.
'I'h" Lll'!s a 1(11111 IIi<' I'ri",'s 1'(11' ('(1::1
II IIl1d:ltillll "t "I!. "It "'Illdd 1"1\" IIl'I'1i :illillg" :\Iou1g11Jlll'I','''' Pil.,;t'. ~IJ'. ~I:t\\" wa:"
(luring: till' 1I10lJtil til' :'\O\-l'lIIIH'I'. :'011 1':11'
),(,tt,'I'" ",id ~II', Il,oIli"ld, "if "'I' had \\'itll t1", :-;tat" lIi;..:It,,'a.,- 1)1'1"'l'tllll'I"
a~ Wt' :tl't' illtli,"idllalh' ('IJllt'l't'IH't! an'
("'Ilh- J";lIflWIl llt{' f'Hlldit iOll of t IJ(' rll:ld 1'111' fift"1'1I \",'ar,.
:t:-; folio\\":-:: . .
l'fill'lJd:lt iOll, 1 (I 11:t \ t' hllilt :Ill "Ill in'l\' ,\ I'lall is'III1 filII!. ,aid ~Ir. lI:1t 1i .. 1,],
I 'l':l ~·(J:d. :.!(i::.::tl tOilS. :t \'('1':1 !,.!,'{' (Oll:-,t
1:1'''· 1'1I:ld illslt'ad Ilr J'('Jl:lll'illg' i1." ' 1'111'1],,' ,·tlUllt\" til rai,,' \\," IIlillillll 1101-
Narberth Office 4 4 Opposite Station
$ ]ll'1' ltlll, llI:lI'oi II , ~Ol'. I:l'l' tOil.
'I'lli' ,k1:l,'· ill )'t'I'airs. ~Ir. Il:tlfi,'!d lal':-- ill unlpt' '10 Jll11 1hroll~.d\ :I l'1'lIg"raul
Sl'llill;.! jlril·('. :f;l:.!.tllI 111'1' tOll.
..·::tid. \\':1:-' dlH' til 1I!:!ll\' 1':111:'1':-' 'I'll!' ('1l1~ l\'l,i"h ,rill 1'l'o,'i,]I' l,rill~,'s 0\'t'1' 1Ill'
:'\111 ('0:11. 1 '''~.1() t 011:-;, :tYt'l'a,L!,'l' ('0:-,1
~l~.lili jll'l' tOil, 11I:ll'g'ill :;-11', IIt'I' tUIl.
].:"~'Il I'll I"atl'ri:d 11:'101 III' tlll' wlll'k.
'1"'11 t 111' sIJl'r1a,~" Ill' a.'ph:dt \I'J: i,'h i:' (Continued 011 Page 3.)
~t'l1ill.~ pdt·I'. :+;1;').{10 jH'I'IOIl.
Stll\'l' ("on!. 1:.!;J.l.j 1011:-', :l\·l'l':l~.!.:l' t'o:-:t
:+:l-I.·l:.! lit'!' tOil. Illal'g"ill .),"\l', Ji~'l' tUll.
~1'l1illg' IJI'it'l',l ~ I.i.llt) Illll' 1till.
Thb ('II:i1 ",as pUl'l·h:l.";I'd fl'tlJll two (If
tlip ll':ldill,!.!,- :tlltlir:lt,it,· ('OIlII':llIit':-', ,,"illl
\\'It"11I \II' han' had h'''"lrahj" .!,·alill~s
(Succeeding the hpy Candy Shop)
: will be worth a while investment if ordered to measure
1'01' J:2 t" ],) ,"I':II'S. Till' pl'i,'" al till' II • here. You will get
Jllilll· .... 011 ~tll\·l· :Illd IIl1t :--izt':' \·:Iril'd I 219 HAVERFORD AVENUE. NI',RBERTH :
I. Artistic Hand Tailoring
f)'oBi :+7.~I,' to *!I.:2;""j IH'r lOll, FI't'jll"llt in I I
hotll c:l:-;t':O: \\"a~ $::,17, illcluding t:IX. 2. Splendid and accurate fit
llHtllillg· \,lIar,!.!,l's :lIlIUll1l1l'd til :t~,lln }lL'1'
::11 ICE CREAM (all flavors) 60c. quart II

1011 lIa I. FRENCH PASTRY 12c. each 3. Authentic and Smart Styles
Bills. 1'1,' .. will h,' gladl," "hOII'll 111
0111' unit'" :It :IllY tiUll' to illtpl'l'Stl'll
: ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 70c.-90c. $1.15 lb. : 4, Quality Trimmings
1':' rt i I'.'. I 5. Exdusive 100 % all pure Wool Fabrics
Out td' Olll' llro:->s lIIal'o·in llltl:-;t ht' 11('-
dUt'tl',1 taXI':"';, '-I'('}l:lil':-', j~l~lIr:lIl~'I', "llit'C
:llld ~":Jl'd \\":Igt'~, I IJg"I't hi'!' with nIl (ltllt'!'
ICE CREAM, CAKES AND CANDY I Come in, m ike your selection for a new Suit or Overcoat
from the grand assortment of over 500 styles on displa.y.
(IYl'l'hl,:ttl l'lJ:ll"g('~, :1 1ll01l II I illg'. \\·l' 1'1':11",
to a IIlilll" '11111111 ily whidl is as. "I'
----------------------------------------------------- French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing, Scouring, PressiIlg'
,'ollr,,'. it ,h"lIld Ill'. USE THE COUPON Repairing, Work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
1'l'iol' t" t 11,' I'll'" of t h" I,,'opk or
If you want to see your Town get everything it oug'ht to have, Telephone us, Narberth 1749 R. and our automobile
1hl' ('01l111Ii~:.;itlll 1'111.' ot' Ill(' raill'tJ:ld~, will call at your home for your clolhes.
Il:ll'k to tltl' g·otld uld da.\"s WIIl'1l 1lil' you will join in the Playground Project. It's an investment-with
\\"il'k"t1 I'nilrtl:ld Il!t'li l'all tht'ir o'\·n hllSi-
interest. You don't give the money awa;v, but you do make it plain
JIl':-'S :illd 1'::11
paid 1}H' :-;:\lIlt'
il :-:lIt't'\'ssl'llll,\', \"al'lll'rI1l
fn'ig-Iit a:-; :111" (ltll('1"
I'hiladl']phia 1'",·,'i\'iJJ~ ,Iati,,". 'hili 1111-
tl'ut you are a citizen-of-service in fact, the kind on whom progress IRE LOWER MERION TAILOR COMPANY
(11'1' tIlt' it'oll IIUIII":lII' III' tilt' ]H't)ldp·'s
m'lst depend, Sig'n up before December 15th, The movement needs 102 Forrest Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
I'l'pn\:-:t'1I1:1ti\",'s, :'\:ll'hl'rth 11:1,\":-; ~S ,"'-11k, yonr support.
lit')' t (III 11ltll'I' t Il;IJI Ilt(l~t (I'" llllJ' 11{,jgll
h(lJ'~ \\ithill 1 hI' ~:lllll' haI11ill~~: Zllllp, Open Evenings Until 9 O'clock
\Y l , il'it,tl 10 g.·t't tlli~ I'n,j.!"::llt rat"
'\nl'},"l'th I'la,,-gl'olilld ,\",,,,inlioll. ;\arlwrlh, I'a,
('ll:IJI~('d hal'k til old t'(llldHi(lll~ ~t""('r:ll
yl':I r:-- :tg·o a lid"·I'n' /lolit {'ly rt'fllst'd.
I go "II I'".'ort! a, d" .. laril'g Ihal I lwli,'\'(· ill tltl' 'l'1l\\'1I \\'hl'l'l' I Illal,!'
\\". are 1111d tltllt 1I111,\" ,'a,1 plll'lIlnt illll",
lIot illrli,'idll:tls. hll'!' ",,'i;,,:'I" I\ith tIlt' II'," hOIlIl' IlIld that 1 alII \l'illill;": til '""'I')'t Ill,\" )'nrt of' tit .. ;":"'111'1'111 obligatioll LEE'S GARAGE
COJllllli~~i()Il~. ill l'Jl'(1t'1 illg" its \\"'t'lrart' :t11l1 pn~~I'I'~~' fr1Jl'J'pfol'll~ I :-;tlh:"l'J'ihp ttl ,' •.••. , ••
s!tan's of' stod, ill th,' :--';al'hl'l'lh 1'Ia~-gl'olilitl A"o,·illtioll, at :;:1(10 plI,·h. tl'nllS
Cleveland and Ford Sales' and Service. Quick deliveries on
\\'lllIt a 1111"'111011(111' tltillg lift' ""llild
h" wil h01l1 tl'lIul>l". ::Jld ('llllditioll:-;' a~ :uh"t.'J'ti;-:l'11 ill a IH'e,"illllS is:''lIl' uf OUI' TowlI.
all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing
\\'1' wish ,\"1111 a ~r,'rr.,· Christmas. Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies
C. 1'. COOK. '\alllt'
Narberth 1605 L. C. SHAHAN, Prop•
•\,I.ll'l'ss , .•...... , " ...........•....
11(' wlsC' n1l1l put ~OIllP portiou, If unt nl1. tlllh"'l'iptillllS takl'lI fol' o Ill' to tPII shan's.
Tbe Narberth Electric Shop
of tIlt' mOlll'\' ynl1 I'l'('ph'l' into n ,"I'Hrl\'
dl'lltlSlt. nt litt,~r('sL Oil n' J1I'ot('rti\'t~ I .. U'(, ~Iail aJlpli"at iotl to Hllrry A. ,Ia .. ohs, 'J'n'lISllr{')', Xarbl'l'th P!an:-roulIll
Ittsuroll('e Ilol1<'y. BI1~' UII J":utl()\\'lnt.".. t.
:\~"ll'iatioll, :1 ";IJJI\I'(HHI an'IIlH'. Photll' lj(j~,.l.
'that dries without a wringer.
W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
Phont' NnrlJ"rth 3H R. Pboae. Narberth 395 W
GARAnteed Roofs
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. pram for the beuefit of thc entire

A ~S!?UT~.2 !A
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.
Kill That Cold With Meetings for next Sunday:
llAG A. )L-SuII,la,Y Sehool. All de·
;l1en prcsent \rere as follows:
::\Iolltg-ollicry Counly COllllllissiollers-
!I ".\' "\. Hatlield, Presidellt; William
Flnesl Pholoplay The-
alre ollis Size In Ihe

+\Lt:~ pal'tments. IIarl'l'r, II. \\'. SlI\e(lI".\', County Con- Entire World.
11.00 "\. )L-T'uhlic Worship. ~Ir. troller. Pb.lopla",,-ConUnuous 10 A. M. 10 11.3'

\"all "'.'ss will jlrea(·h on the thelll", ('l1ll1lt.\" EIIginN'rillg ]>'orec-,J. :'II.
• , Pilgrims. Alleiellt alld ~Io,lel'll." \\'illl'ox; Benj. T. :--:I:IW, engineer in
('h:ll'p;e of )[OlltgOtlICI',\r Pike; ~rl'. Crc~~­ Phila.• Pa.
i.OO 1'. ~r.-Chl'istian !-:lId,'anll' ~Ieet,
jllgs-.IUlliors and Seniol's. 111:l11~Coullty ElIg'illPt'l'.
i.,I;' 1'. :'IL-E \"I'll i II!!' \\"ol'ship. )rr. LO\\"L'r :'Ill'l'ioll 'l'oIl'IIsh i I' (0111111 issioll'
er:-:-,J II:-'l'ph O. l\.l'l'lta ug-h, Pl'e~illcll t ;
\'an "',,"s \rill 1I1'l'IIt'h altout a IJrlllnatic
~OM\.'O I )(\(1111 ~!tlltt Y('a r:-; old. .Johll Lcwis 1';\'I1IlS, ,·ltainllan lliglnray
Colds, Coughs La Grippe \\','dlll'sda\' En'ning - I'ran'r al1t1 L'ollllldt"lec.
~lIh\lrhall ,\ssol'ialioll of' tit .. ~Iain
Pl'ai:-;t' ~re(·iillp:,·l·t." j)l'L'pHl'illg PROGRAM
Neglected Colds are Dangerous for Christmas." Li 1ll'-'I'hlllllas Ill' \\'il t Cllyl .. r, Pl'esi·
"\ j)ollltl,' Qllal'l"tl,' i,; r.. h,'arsing for d"11 I; Ho:,,!s COllllllit I,'.': Sallllll'1 H"a,
T,,1:', :->0 chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first Sneeze,
111(\ ('hl'i~tlll:t:-; Illu:..:i(· til ht, l't'Jllh'J'l)tl 011 ,·j"Jil'loall: I~j(·hard lIang'hlon. ,J. Clift 011
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours - Relieves HII,·Ii. II. Bartol Brazi"l'.
~llllll-:l\~ llYl'lIillt!.'. Ilt'!'l'llllH'l' ~ti. Thfl WEEK of DECEMBER 13
Grippe in 3 days-Excellent for Headache
SUllda~' S,·hool \\'illliold th,' l'hl'isllIlas
Quinine in this form does not affect the head-Cascara is best Tonic ",,].,ltl';.tioll for th,' 1'l'ill"II'\' :\IIl] Ik,
Laxative-No Opiate in Hill's. gillll{,l':-;' ()t'llar1nH'lIt Oil tIll' p\'Pllillg; of
11:ll'ri:..; jll!l'g:, Pa., 1h'I'l'llIht'l' 7.-A rOIl-
1l",·,'IIl],I'I· :!2. and 1'01' 1111' nIh('\' depal't· tillllllllS sl n':1I1l Ill' Ill'd,'l's fill' a,]dit iOllal
ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IIIPIJ1:" 011 tlll' P\'("lillt!' or Ih'l'l'lllllt,1' ~:L
'1'111' :\11'11 's Bib]" l'!:Iss lI'ill hold a
hllSilll':-;:-' H]('{llill~~: :llId :-'tlt·i:ll 111 tIll'
('llri:,,11l1n~ ~l'ab 11:1:-; ('OIlIL' to ~tat(' beal
11t':ItI'I"al'l,'rs 1'1'1I 11 I (·lIIlllt\· tlllll'I't'lIll1sis
('lIl1llllilfl'I':-; :-;illl'l~ tlll' i1I'Il'llillg' (If 1111~
I"Behold My Wife"
I and from Sunday Sehoal and thc mcm- I ,·hul',·h Ill'xl ]"ri"".\· ('\"'"ill~. :'alto 1I1i "'"\'l'lIlh,'1' 2!1. "\t1dilillllal 1Il"Itors
Jill,'d i 1I,·llId., t h,'St,:
II hcrs to and from Church, lcaving Nar- .:\1 flll1g'ulIll'J'.\·, :.!'10,ono: \\rl'stllllll'l'lilJld,
bcrth Slation at (1.-10 and 10.40. If NARBERTH METHODIST :!,)II,IIIIII; (':lInhl'ia. ,1::11,11110; S,"11 h"1'1i I
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. rcquestcd it wiII Ica\'e thc station at ,I "ll"I''''II. 111.11110: :\lil't1ill, .)l',Ollll; .\IIlIl-
8.00 for the early scn-icc. EPISCOPAL CHURCH.
rll(', ::11,0011; Al'JIISIl'olig. :!; llullt'l',
Arthur S. Walls. Pastor. ] 1111.111111: (; 1'1"'111', ::11.11' Ill; I';ri,', ,11I.lIOII; ~IAIN I'UOIIUCTION START8 AS NEAR
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa.
CHURCH OF THE ClIa I "S I'i II.,. ,W,IIII1I; 'l'yl'IlIl", ill.OIIO; ~I"
BAPTIST AS I'OSSIDLE TO 10.00 A. 12.00, 1.00,
~lIl1dll\'. I It',·1' lid ,,'I' 1')' I';"slllll. :-0.111111: ('Il!III1,},ia (10\\'11) . .III,.
EVANGEL, !I.,I;) ,\. :\1.-SII11 <1:1 \. SI'II(III1. 3 •..15, IU5, 7.45. 9.30 I'. 1\1.
Merion Mccting is open for worship 11l1I1: :--:tat" ('lIl1t'g-", ::O.IIOl'; alld :'I[\'I'l's'
every First·day 1Il0rning at 11 0 'clock. Rev. Avery S. Delllmy, Pastor. !I.'I.) A. :\1.-:\1"11'" Ilil,k Cia"". II 1111. da!l', llJ.UUlJ. •
F. \\'. :--:1 ill'S. 1,'a .. h,'I'. .:\IHII\r ('Olllllliu{ll'," ha\"l' abo :-'t'I'l11't'll
We cOldially wclcome any visitors who
~lIl1d:l~', 11","'1111,,'1' ) 2, )!1211: 11.1111.\. :\I.-:\Iol'llill!" WOl'shil" ~"I" nll'I't' ,{I ,'alt h BlIllds, Ih,' hig' ],l'lllh,'1' of
desire to worship with us.
Will. '1'. Ellis. 1'1'1 i.. iou:, "dilol' 01' t hI' i
:\'orth . .\1l1t'ril':I11. r:t~IOIl:-' :Iuthol'-le('1ul'- :
!I.::II ,\. :\1.-I'I'IIy"1' SI'I'\'i,'".
il.1.) ,\. :\1.-~lIl1dll\· S,·1Joo1.
1111111 h.Y 11Je pastol' Oil II\(' th"III1', .1 III
l1,e Se('l'"t 01' 11 i" TI'IIt." .\ III h"111 Il\'
II", ('llIlI'IIS, "'I'h,' Kill~ of LII\'t~ :\i~'
tIll' litllt' (·ltl'islillas St'a\. AlI\Illig th,'se
a\'(' Blltl,'I'. 1)"lall':I\"'. 1':l'i,'. Fan'tte.
(il'('('III', Illdialla, Ly\'lIlJlillg', :\Iollro·(' . .: llld
,,1' alltl Ha\,,'h'l'. \\ill \isil ~ll'l'ion :\[eet, 11.1111 A. :\1.-:\ltll'lI'illg \\'ol'"hip. ~"I"
~h"I>!I"l'tI Is" (::,,'hI'II\' I: tllIl'l, ,'\\'h" 1'ltila,,,,lphia ('Illlllli,'s: SIal" Clllltogt',
Raymond Weiss. Proprietor
illg 011 Fil'sl Ilay (;-;lIu""yi. !l"('('III],er 111"" th"lIll'. "Th,' (1,'tlll'lI of 1111' ,\11' (lI:1d;""",,). Sllllg h~'
]~th, :It tIlt' rt'g'lll:tr huul' 111' wo}':-;ltip. ~'('l:,," nPII. ~""i: l:! :lltd :::!: 1.
(~IlIlI'I.'1 will sillg "'I'h,' "ol'd Is :'Ily
('0111,1 II B,,!"
.\ll's. .\Jill"I', Sllprallo. :",,1 :'III'S. j':oIo1id"
\\'a,"II,'shlll'll. \\'ilk,'s,Bal'n' alld Ilazl('-
i Bel,IL" l!\r \Y(J(lcllII:llI,
7,00 P. ':\I.-YI)\1I1~' )ll'opk ... ~Tt't't illg..
.. ,,"I raIl 0.
Ii. ,I.) 1'. :'I1.-EI'II'"nh L":I:!:"" JJto\'tI'
{)i1l' 1o\\'II:"liip-I.II.\"alhalllla-iJl "'(':-;1'"
11I1l1't'lalid (·lIuIII~'. 1'l'!,lIl'll'd ,1\"1' tl", til!, EXPERT REPAIRING
tillll:ll :\11'('till!!. 1I1i Iht' third da\' alld Sl'lIt ils ,·IIt'('k tll Telephone Narberth 1633
, 1,"1101"1'. :'IIi", \'''1'1l1l :'Il:tlth\'. ~lIh,i("·I. iA.) 1'. :\1.-!-:\','lIi,,,,- \\'ol'ship. ~"I" Gl'{'l'll~hlll'g- fill' 'thl' whIJl,> quota. ~t'\"­
,. \\'j:-:I' :--;ayill~~ 'I'1Iat lIa'Yll 11"11',,<1
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector. 111011 hy tIll.' p:l:'ttlr: th~~IlIt·. "TIlL) JIOllll'- "I'al Eri., 10\\'lIs Ita\,<' J't'al'llt'd Illt'il
:\1 ... " .' of 11'11 ~l,:tl:-; 11(\1' '·:Ipita. Till'
si,·ln,,':'s "I' th,' ;-;,,"1." Th,' Chol'lI:' Ill' 1(\I(lt:l
•. ,1.) I'. :\I.-I':\',,"ill;l \\'ol',;hil" Til'
t \\'l'1I1y-fh'p t rainl'd \'(11'°1':-' lllldl'l' Pro- lillIan' ('1111> ht'adl'dlh,' (':III\'a" ill SIJ\'J't'
:-:l'il'ill~.!: :-:tlllJ.!.' :-;"I'\'j"(,, t1:"ill!.!. fhp ~T:lll(l
Eal'!;" :'Ila", DU SUllda.\'s al • A. ::\L 1"'''''''1' ~il'l' \\'ill 1'<'IIt1,,1' Ihe alllhel1ls, :\111"II~
Late :'IIa"". Hi A. :'II.
::\Ias",'" nil hol.\' ,lllys. 1i,:11I an,l 8.:\0
old h\'IIlII:'. S"I'III1'" 1h .. II;,'. I' ('lothl'<I
ill \\rf,i1t' 1\:111111'1\1." Hl'v. ::: ;"i. Qllal'~
1,'1 Illllh"III. "\loll' Lo\'('I,\' An' Th~'
(~IIIIIS) allll
(/)11011,'\' 11111'1,1.
Th,' .\Ial,·
t 1""1
:llId ill 1I11{' daY I'ai:"('cl IlI'On'
>:'1.1111 11. 11I1I:'1 h- I h I'llu~h t h(' ",li,' Ill'
11,'alth ]lllllds. '1:IIt'St' H;,,"ls al't' 1Ill\\'
dl",prating' tIll' :llId dnol':-' of
A. :'II. \Yl,,'l,,1Ilys at ~ !-:\','uing dC\'D' : P\\"t'lliJlg':-'," hy :\fa1\:(lI'. (JIIIlI'l,'II,', :\1 ,''''I'S. SI:llIk,\', .llIsti .. ", YOUR 1921 AUTO Licenses are
"".\,\\,,,1'01 :llIti :\lil"h,,!I. \\'ill sillg', ,\th"II:' a;ld Sa\'J't' ;Iol't'''. Oil" $;)IIII.llll rt!ady.
tioJl~ all,l o1hL'l' sl'l'\"il'l':-' at regular ,~,1I1l I'. :\1.. \\','dill'sda\'-:\[i""ioll:ll'\'
.\ ",,,'di:t1 ill\'il"lioll is .'XI"IIt1l',1 to BOlld h:ISlll'I'1l ~(lld III I)t'l:l\\":ll'l' ('Ollllt\·
t illlcs. ' l'I'Il,\"'1' :\I",'t iIIg. ;-;lIh,i,"·!." Th,' BiltJ"" YOUR Insurance for Property or
the ]1l1bIic, 1111.1 "\"'1'," 1,'1 (1'1' Jtoa \"illg t h" 1III1I1i,·j!':;\
: :11](1 )'Ii~:-,i()I1:'," Lalltl'l'll ~lid(':-; (Ill t-hi:-t
MiclweeI. ()Ilktl~ ill ('111'~1('1' 11(':lJ'~ :l (lllri:.;tIll:l:-' Automobile can be iEsued by UB
tlll'lIl1' 1111 \'1' 1'1'1'11 ,'olllplt'I,'d \\'ilhill I h,' in a new policy or your present
:\1 ,,"d:I\', /)"""111111'1' I::. i,::11 1'. :\1.- ""a\. .\ 1I,':Illh Blllltl l'lnb Itas ill"'11
ALL SAINTS CHURCH, WYNNE- : I"sl 1'.,\\. \\"'('1". Illld will h" u,,'d for one increased.
SI:II"I:lI"(:' 1.':"','1':' :11 :\11':'. \Y. T. 'I'a\" fOl'lIH'd ill PtlIlX:"1I1:t\\,Il('\,. !-:\'('I'('tt 1'1':"1"
WOOD, PA. III i~ :,vl,\,i(,p"
~Iollt l-!.'OIlIl'I'\" All Y(lllJ~g' dl\lIts h:lye hOllg'hl H\'(:1' ~;"i BOlld:-- :LI-
I ,\11 1'1l1:lr~'t'd elillir or ~t'h't'1 \'f1il'(l~ WIll lor ":-:. :I \'('Illil'. CAN YOU Replace your Furni,
I ",,,pI,' ill \'i 1',"1. . 1'1':1111', 1'1I1'l']II,H'I'S of BOIIl!S ill ,\1'111'
Rev. Gibson Bcll, Locum Tcnens, ~li\'I' a {'ll;'i~fJl\:t:-' 1':ltlt:lf:l. "Thl' \Von- ture or Home with the amount of
:\1 ,,"t1a\', 11"""1111.,,1' I::, ,~ I'. :\I.-Uf- Sll'OlI"~' ('''lIl1t\' Itll\" il,,·lnd,'d II", I. O.
Rev. M[\1bonc H. Birckllead, Associate. ,]"1'1'111 Li,~'hl." It,\' StllltS. Oil ~11l1l]1l,\' your present insurance policy.
li .. i:t1 110;,,'d. ' 0.1-'.: t1,,' K.·of l'oo H'\','ml hllllks, 1111111'
Sunoay sen,il'l'g: "\"'lIillg'. 1111' l11tll. I'lId,'1' th,' .. apllhl,'
T'"'"01",,. 1"""'1111,,'1' ),1. ,.., I'. :'11.-1,:1' II fad lll'l'r:-: :lllil l'll~illt':-':-' 1l11'Il.
8.15 A. :\I.-lIolv COll1munion, i k:ltit'l'shi l' of :\11'. L. (·llllld .. ,1011"" Ihi" WE CAN HELP YOU
di,'s' .\i,l S,'" i d,\'. Il,'glllal' 1II1II1Ihl~' III S")I1I,\'lkill ('ollllly Ol'gllllizllliollS
9.45 A. ::\L-Sul;,]ay Se1looJ. :-('I'\,jt.p l~ :l:-':-'lln'~l a pla"{' :-:('1'(11\,1 hi
Ihllt hll\'" bOllgltt ~"lIb ill..lud,' th,' Odd
11.00 A. :'Ir.-~Iorn;'ng sen'icc and ser· 1I 0 'It'. H .. s('l'\" Ihis dllt,' Illl<l,inill ill Ihis IIlt'l't i IIg' lipId :l t t hI' !1:\J':'llll:lgt'.
\\·l'oIll1':,d:l.\·, Ilt",,'llIh.,1' ].). • I' . .\1.- F"ll,,,,,s. :'110,,"'. I'. O. S. ,<t' A.. ['lIil"d
mono I II II 1I,;ilal IIlllsi"1l1 f(,:ls1. :\1 iIll' \\'Or!,,' 1'''. '11111<'1"'1111"111 ,\ 1I11'l'i"IIII",
A frec autolJlls hrillgs the childrcn to PI't'jlarallll'y 1IlPI II l!('1':-' '(·l:l:-'~. ~ I'. .:\1.- Real Estate Narberth SlatioD
Pl'ay!']' :\1('(\1 jng'. ~l:l:-:(l11:--. H,lt! ~ll'll, I l ll(·o!JoIl1:l:-'.:\[('I'-
l'll:lllt:-,' .\s:->o(·intioll, Ho1:lr~' Cluh. ~lu­
Special Enlarge:l Musical Program. "i,·iIlIlS' ['lIioll, :\10101' Clllh 1111,1 ~ta1L'
Narberth Register
Two Linet, JOe per issue; Se for each additional line
AIIII01l111'('lIlt'lIl III' OUI' ('hl'i:",tllJ:l~ H'I'\'-
i,'I':' \\'ill :lpp":l1' 1I,'xl \\'l,,'k. :\[I's. /)"1"
Itt h,\' ,/01""011 B:lSt'kl'. "",' "I' t h,' lill,'st
h:ll'pisls ill thl' 1'::I"t. \\'ill pb,\' 1'''1' lil'"t
I ~ () ] i l' t'.


Ii 1111' ill :'\:1 1'1 '''I'I h. SIIII da \. "\"'11 ill" Ii,"
"l'lId,,'1' 1!111,. /)" 1I0t fa'il Itl h('a~.' 1",1'. Represcnt $38,700,000 Due DecemlJcr 15
For Permanent
Gottshull, II. Ii, Pllullc Ae('Olllllall t , 303
II ,JtU'Ii:~OIl, .\nUt'. Yiolin lllstl'lietioll,
'!'t'!l'plJollt', ~al'lWl'th :..ilH-,J,
For Last Quarter PaYll1ent.
Bills fol' Ih,' 1'",\'III"lIt of Ih,· last Satisfaction
cOllwur A\"'11 Ill'. ~al'hl'l'th. 1':1.
1i:elm, H. (J. Certified Public Accountant.
203 DudleY av". Phone. Narberth aoo-W.
I.. uu~, J'llllll~· II. PinlJo tt'ueller,
:;lll,II". AI'<,,"It' Blll~. Phone. 31tl,J. Editorial '1"111'1,,1' of illlli\'idlial IIlId "Ol'J"ll'lItiulI
illt'IHIIl' :11111 l'Xn':-':-; jll'oJits taxes ful' IH1!)~ BUY A
)OO;OTAlt\' I'VULIC. (Continued from Page 2,) \\('1'1' :'1'111 0111 ~lItll\'tIIl\' 11\' l'ol1L',·tol' of
A .. IlE .. 'l'O'; ('0" EI(I~(i.
i\.,I)('st(l~ Instllutinl-:' ('t)fnlu,n,'"
JefTerle•• J. 11. 111 :-Iarbertb ave, III 1('1'11111 H"\'('III1" L,'d~' 1'1'1:.

Smedley Built Home

ali) \Y, ~I:dll ~II'I't't. :\ol'ri~tll\\"ll. Pa.
Phone, 66S-~t.
SinHlson, Jlnrr:r i\. ~32 Essex Ave. S,·ltll,\'lldl! al .'\Ol'l'istO\\'II, J(oY"l'sf"I"1. Tht' l'ayllll'lIt of l!<t' tIlX.,S is dill' Ih'·
St'e <l1:''lJlaY :uln,rli:-wlIlt'llt ill tlli:-:; i:-:;:-;lIP, IIl1d ill Ih(' lIt'ig,lth"l'ltllo(1 "I' :'Ilill ('l't't'k, "l'llIlll'l' ).). TIIl~I'I' III'" 2.~,1i111l hills Ill'ill~
PltollP. Narberth G:~H,
A U'I'O~I 01111, I'S. T)'son, Warren It. Phone. NarlJertIJ 1202,W, IIl1d )1111 :tll th,' r,,"ds ill Ihl' Jill,'sl "011' 10Ilil,'d lu III"pllyl'l's, tit" J't'mail"I,'1' ,;1'
Lee.' Garag&-Repalrlng. ElC. Phone. 1605. Ol'TICIAl'S dilioll. This 1I100It',\'. hI' th,,"ghl. ,·,,,"d !I~.1I1111 tllxahle ;I,·,·ollllis.
Narberth Gllrl\J,:'e. Pholle !"'nrlH'rth 1033. Ft'flliln. Cllrl lr. D06 Essex ave, Pbone, 618·~ I", l':Iis"d \'1'1'\' l't'adih" h"":1II '" tl,,' '1'1", alllOUIiI Ill' laxl's ~Iill dut' \'t'I'I'I"
See tllSjlla)' a,l\,erUsPI1Ient In this Issne. Phlla. addre..... 1806 Che.tnut .t. Locu.t III "IJllIl1r ('an h(;l'l'llw up' fo $::,.':(1),0011, St'111 s >I'::''''.'IIII.lIlIll. ('ollt'dur L",I"J't,1'
Zentmayer, Josel.h. 228 S. 15th st., 1'blla.
Al"I'O~IOIULE ';I·;I(\'I('E.
Donahue, Pnlrit'h: r. Pl)ollP :It>;!:t PAINTF.ItS
IIl1d III )lJ'(''''lIt il ~s )ll'adi,·:"ly 0111 of
d('II1. I t would 11(' :I g'J'l':11 :-;a \"illg 10
:-:aid 1lil'n' 11:1\"(1 lH'l'1l 1Il:llly rl'tl!lt':"ts 1\11'
"XII'IISiulI IIl'yol,,1 Ihl' datl' Sl't, II'hi,·h
See l)hqJlny ndn'l'lisCllll'll t ill t his Issue,
Snhie ('l'II!'oorl', )'lIoJl,'.::\:I rlll'l't Ii tji:!. "'alzer. Fred. 1 hI' l'Ollllty (III it:-: road I'llp:lil' l'XP('II~l', \\'l'n' refused.
117 Winsor ave. Phone. 12~7-J.
Sl'e tll~plaY :IclVl'rti:-il'lIwllt ill tlli:-:; is:-;l1t', 1111,1 1>." I'lIltillg Ilsid,' $1 11 11.i10ll II ~· It \l'as l'xplailll'd 11,\' thp Coll"dlll' Phone, Narberth 1687
l'AI'I;;1t 11.\;\(i1;\(;. III :!ll \'"III'S Ih,' illd"ltl,',iJlI'ss "11111.1 !", th,'1'1' is lIo 1'0\\"1'1' 111111<'1' Ih,' (ill\','rII'
lIIerloll Title &: Tru.t Co. Phone, Ardmore •.
See dislllay advertisement tn tblB IBsue,
Bu;\'(J, Horut'(· I'!i. :n:; .:\It'l'lillg' HOll:;\! ]~alll'.
PilolH' ;;;-,0.

J!!I'I I,,:adil'all.\· lIul IIf tilt' "l1l1l1ty Sa\'·
.llIhn }."wis I·:\'aus. ,'hllinllall III' th ..
IlIt'llt hy wlJi('h ('x\('II:-;ioll:-i ('an lIl' gTallt-
"d. :'Ilall,\' of Ih" n''llll'sls "aIllP fl'olll
IHl'g'(' 1·(ll'Jlorntioll:--. Of tIll' hills lll'illg
"Arcadia," 16th and Chestnut eta., PbU. Hllad" CIIIIIIII itt '-'" Ill' Lllw,'r :\1 "l'iOIl IllaiJLod 2~,lIlJlI an' to illdi\·iduals.
Shand, Ale". C .. Jr. phone, No. 1710.
Narberth Statlon.
Sme<11e.'·, Wm. Il. So: 11. 'r. Phone, GOO.
See display advertisement in thtll Is.ue.
I'I(\,SI(; 1.\)00; S,
'!'owlI:-;IJip C()lllllJi:-,:..;j(}II('J'~, :"tatl'd thnt REAL ESTATE
it WIIS )'Ialllit'd Ul'xt ~·,'ar III go 0\,<'1'
See display advertisement tn tble ISl!ue"
1I11nl<'I K St,'dem.
~1:! Forrest
~1. Iloo
..\.\'c, 1'lI01H', Karhertll GOl. BrYII ~la\\T :L\,(llllll' frIJ111 ~[Olltgollllirr
:l\'l'llllt' to llity Lint'.
Ulliee Hllurs: Ii III :-; I' ~1.
Da\·I.. n. E. Phone. 1254-W.
See displaY advertisement In thl. Issue. I'LU~IJlING. ETC. 'l'h,' 1'J'l'sid':1I1 1111,1 th .. Hllllds Comlllit·
I\'y Candy Shal', Cool< Dros. 1'holle 30~-J. !t'" of Ihl' ~UhUl'ltllll '\""""ialillll of the "Thl' ..\rllli:.-tin' has hL'(\ll ;.;igll(lll~·' NARB£RTH. PA.
219 Haverford A\,('. Phone, Narberth 1705. :;ee dlsplar 'lth'erliselll('lIt in this Isslle. :\Taill Lilll' \\'l'l'll l!lol'oll!..!.ltly (·ollyiJu'efl, shl'il'k('d till' I'UllIll'l' 1'1'11111 h('ad'lual'lt'l's
CAltI'ENTEItS ANI> OUILIlERS WaU, 11. D. l'holll', "arh"rth 1tlO~·J. 11ft "1' II h'IIg1 h.\· "Dllfel't";"" 'wit It COllllty a:, h,' ,'a 1111' hUl'st illg illlo Ihe hillpl on
"enklns, Chas. L. See diliplay adverllsement in ttll. laau.,
~l(llllllJi:.::-:illll{'I'S that l'\"l'l'yt hillg' was he· 1!1p {'d;.!l' of th(' Arg'{)J1l1l' two ~·('ar:-; :q.!. ().
103 Dudley ave. Phone. 1GS4. REAL ESTATE
IlIg' dOIll' to ,'xl,,',lill' th .. !'(')'airs of "TIll' \\"al' \\'as on'l' at .II o'eloek this
(;a1<l\\'ell, J. ,\. 1'hone, ItlS7
CONTltACTOIt 01' PLASTEItING :'IllIlIlglllllt'1'.\· ,Pik .. , alld that tl,,' \yo1'k
Frntantonl, .lumeH, &; SonM.
239 Hampden ave. Phone, 1G97-W.
See dlspla)' advertisement In thl. 1•• uI
Frasch, H. C. Pbone, 252·W.
See adverUsement In thIs 1•• ue
1I11111Ship WIIS of till' Ill'st "hllra('\ .. 1'.
'i Thp ('OUllt.\· COll1llli:-:,..:j(llll'l':-: :\1'(' to
1I1 0 1'1Iillg! "
Hut till' ('rap Idug' of tht' l'Pg'illH'IIt'
I'l'g'i:"t l'l'l'tl olll~· di~gt1~t.
Cotter's Meats
DENTISTS lIJ'berg, Hent T. Phone 1713.
:See dlsIJJu~' advertiscment In this Issue. h .. ('OIIlIlIl'III!I"]," said :\I\'. Cuyler, "for "Llloka hl'l'l'." lit' l'ptort-pd with a
Orr, Dr. A. I •• 101 Elmwood avo Phone. 388-W.
Phlla. Pholle, Filbert 4252, Keltb Bldg-. Nash, Robert J. Phone. 605. th,' ""I"II('\, ill wllil'h tll".\· IIrt' hllllll1illg ~n':11 :-olio\\" of lwlligl'I'l'1I1·y. "~faylH~
Sehembs, Dr. John. Phone Narberth 3111-W. Money for FIrst and Second Mortsaeeo,
81rnlumn, C, 232 Essex ave.
t hI' rllllds ill tIll' ('011111 \.. 1111,1 ('\'"J'\' l'f· it was ()\'('l' :11 11, hut I 'Ill ~lllllla :-;('(' A Quality For
Cor. G rayJhl~ and "'Intlsor D\·es.
Offiee Honrs until !l 1'. ~1. dally.
Phone. 636. or 1420 Chestnut st. fo\'t shlluld I", 1I1:ld .. t;,
hl'l)' I hl' 'CIIIII' thaI I g,'t a full d",\' 's \,a~' out of it'
People Who
1l1i:.:siolll'I'S put 1hroug-h tht1il' lar:,,~'l'r pro- jll:-:1 tlH~ sa III t'. , ,
DRUGGISTS Garu-Me(HDley Co. Pbone, 1258-W.
Howard'S. Phone, 1267. See advertisement In this Is.ue. Want The Best
See display advertisement In this Issue. Jllller, John A. 243 lona ave. Pbone. 661-J
ELECTItlClANS Shcp. 246 Haverford ave. Phone, UU-J
Case, ,". G. 1'11()1Il'. a~lij- " •• ISHOEMAKERS
See t1i"pla~' 1l,I\'el'tlsplIlenl In lhls Issue. Good Wear Shoe Rel.alr Sbop, Groceries and Provisions

('ugh. Veri 225 lona ave. CtJll!'ltantiJle, n. G. ~;):! Hnverford n~e.
Nar. Phone. 660-W. Ard. Pbone, 161-J. Phont'. NnrIJt'rth 170(\, W.
INSURANCE ::s'urlu'rth ShcH." StOt'I". :!O~) Ilu\"('l'fonl :lYC.
lJowman, SamuelI'. (Life.) See tlISIJJu~' ut!\'erlisellll'lli ill this iS8ue.
116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 661-W. TAl 1,1) II';.
I .. nnllhun, ],'rl'(It'l'ic'l, ..:\. ::0;', FOl'l't'st :I\'e,t
l»rinlost, II. ~:H HaYl'rflll'tI n,"f'., :\:ll'IJPl'th.
Nal'll,'I·lb. 1'1\.
Sl't' dislliny Htl\,pl'til"l'llll'nt In this IHsne.
Trotter Oro.. (Fire. etc.)
209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1262·R.
dlsplay Hlln'rtfHl'llU'llt in this i~stle.
I~uwer Jlerlon "J'nilor ennlpnn~",
IO:! FOl'l't'st A\"Clll1P. I';U1'1H:,rth, Pa. PLUMBING HEATING Subscribe for
"'Imer, "'m. Wood. 100 },'orest Avenne. See dlslJln~' n,lnrli""lI\ellt III this Issue.
Phone. 326 R.
~'Our TobJn"
Gilroy. John 211 Es.ex ave. Phone. 1345·R.
Phlla. addre.s. Lincoln Bldg.
Stlte., Fletcher W. 413 Haverford ave.
The above department shOUld bs of tbo
Breatest use to ths community, ths Il.t COD'
talns the name at every prof....lonal man,
tradesman, mechanic, flhopkeeper. etc., wbl
Phon., 372·W Pblla. address. Crozsr Bide. does or can In any way serVe hi. fello ...·
townsman. and ...ho Is proe........lve snoueb
LIGHTING FIXTURES to add name to Ilst of Reg-I.ter.
McDonald John. Narbsrth phon.. 1388.
1581 Chest. •t.. Phil... Phons. Sprucs illS.
As It 18 dlfflcult for thoss contrlbutlnl
their time and efforts to the production of Jobbing promptly attended to H. C. FRITSCH
1IIEALS. "Our Town" to personallY either know or Pnpertles For Rent and So
Interview ..11 .uoh. it would be mo.t belp-
<Jeneral "'nnlC lilli, ful If tho.e not no... found In tbo prlntld Fire InBu_nee
.Tollll '1'. Otll'lI. Proprietor. Ilst would .end In 1& memo of their nam••.
Sce displnr alh'el't1semellt in tbls issue. address. phone numb.r. and bualne_. or NIGHT PHONE NAR. 687 DAY PHONE NAR. 302J Dell PheBe au W.
1I1EATS, ETC. profes.lona for lI.tlng. Thl. wll1 oo.t u fol·
(latter. Boward F. Pbone, IUS. low.: 10 cents eacb I..u. for I Un.. ; I ceDte
tlee dleplay advertlaemsnt In thl. I••ue. for sach additional Un•. "Lill Dundlnr. NarberUa. Pa.

Parks and Playgrounds Christmas Bazaar Chi Pi Dance $000,000 Ardmore ,Moving J.,' "tal't the )'e('ipif'nt to pJ'l\('licc the
vil'tue ot' thrift. 'J'hrift StallJps may
1)(' ha<l for ~;J (,l'nts ,'a"h. 'Var Slamps
a Success Satllrtlay. :Jllnual'Y Sth, is Ih" ,late
Pictnre Theatre Planned (])I"'1'1lI1H'r price), :H.:!:l for a $5.00
stalllp. Or a $100.00 Cel'lifi"at" 1Il1l.\' be
COMMITTEE OF MAIN LINE CITI- nllt! the \VollJall's ,Cluh, "\rdlllol'e, is !,111'(']la8<'<1 1'0)' $S-l.(jo. 'I'hese \'l'r.," ap-
the plal'f'. 'LOCAL CAPITAL IS GOING INTO propria!,' :11,,1 a("'<'l'tahle f!ifts I1la~' he
ZENS' ASSOCIATION WANT 'l'hl' Christ!lHls Bazaar hel,] in the Y. 'J'hl' Chi Pi's allllllal ,]nl]('(, has held CORPORATION FORMING HERE, plll'l·hasl"] nt thl' 1'ost OfTi,·I'. •\11 \Var
MORE GROUND PURCHASED :--f. C. A. Buil,lillg lasl Satlll'llay after- forth ill :\a1'hel'th for st"'" 1':1 I yl'ars, FOR HIGH QUALITY. :-;talllp:-i and <.'l,)'tifil·af('s are )'t'gi:;;tcrcd
noon an<1 ("'Pllillg by Ihl' La,lies' Ai,l hilI liS quite a 1I111111>l'!' of thosf' illt"r- f'rL'C of ehurgp.
AT BRYN MAWR-NEED :-;O"il't" of the );arlll'l'th :-L Eo Cl1ur('h est",1 Ih'e ill or Ileal' ArdllJo],(', it "'a, A half IlJillillll ']ollal' 1I1O\'il1g pi,'tul'e
SUPPLIES. was '~'l'll patronizl'd alld a sucress in <1(,,,idet! to hold the afrail' this year nt th(latrl', nPJlroxinJat ing in Idg'h ('har:l(~­
Bl'tly's8\\'I'I'lS, al ~1f1 H:I\'t']'fo!'!l
t'\"C'l'V "":lV. lh" "'0 IlJ a It 's (,lu1>, whi('h is a 1I'lOst d,,· 1<'1' the !Jig' th(,I1II'''s of Ih,· ,·it.,-, is the
'1'1;" ha;,,]kerehipj' l'I'P""lIlp,1 h~' :-[I's. si I'a 1,11' p!a('e. ailH of a He\\" ('orporat iotl, 1I0\\" ill pro-
A \"'11111'. "11<"""',1 i III-( I It" [\'~- ea lilly
~hop, is ofl','rillg t·o tht' 1'l'01'1" of :\a]'-
\Voo(lro\\, \\'i1sol1 ,,'as "old at aurl iOIl 'rhl' IIIUSIC is to he thp lH'sll'st .JazzY ce:-::-i of forlllatinB at .,.\l'<lmol"l', ,,"here
The COllllllitlee 011 Parks alll! I'lay- IH'l'th th" hif!ht'st qllalily of i(·l' ('I'l'llm,
to :-fr. Cook at the "Pl'y low pri"e of .Jazzy thaI .. nn he h:](]' "'aHzl's, ho,,:. tl)(' I])('atl'(' wOllld 1)(' ""lal>lish,',1.
groullds was "Iarted illd"llelldelltly of FI',,'lI'h past ]'it's alld (':IIl1li"s at ]Jl'iees
$:1.~;3. e\'l'r, arc not to be o,'"rlookt"1. Pil1n] sh'l's ill th(' fillal)(·illg" of Ihe
1'1'P\·ailing 1It'1'ol'(l thl' ]'('('t'llt ad\":tIH·C'S.
other orgallizal illllS by a grllup of in- .\rli,'ll's left frolll thl' hazaar arf' for I'lnl1. whidl is ]'(,,·,'i\'illg' tlll' support ot
'J'i"kds for two ('1111 b,' I'lll'"hased 'I'hl' sll1]'(' has 1"'''11 ""I'\' lastt'fllll\' ,]ee-
teresled IlIl'lI all,1 WOlllell UlHler the salt' at t hp following atldl'l's,,'s: FaH"~' l(w:ll )ll'llpl(', "·PI'l' lll'ill::! tnkl'll during
for :I':!.OO 1'1'(1]11 all\" llJl'lIllll'r or at How- Ilmll''' alld is a "r(',lit' 10 011]' hoi'ougll,
lead,'rshil' of .\Irs. •Jallles D. 'Viusor. art i,·ll's. ~frs. "-111.
'l'a~'lol'. ::1 :--[ml1- ard's drug Stlll't' a'ftl'), j)"""llIhl'r ];3th.
I Ill' prl'S('l1t w('('k, it ha" 1>",,"
as t h" p]'op]'i"t 01' has spa I'l'd 110 "x-
gOllll'lT a\,eHue: jalll all'] j('ll,'" :-[rs. C. and :l l'(J111J11l't(, HlIlIOUlL('(\lIll' llt of de-
At a tillle whl'1I the idea was quite Ill'\\' Sa\'e the date. JH'lI~() ill hrillgill~ to X:Jrhl~rth all lIp~to~
L. :-;IIJith. :no Essex a\,('HI]('; dolls, ~[r". lails lIla.\· Ill' eXI'I'"tl',l shlll'tlr,
dat., ,,10]'(' of this Jlatlll'(', st'llill;.:' at
in rllral llr suburball disl rids they llIet \\'..1. Bai]".", 228 Es",'x a\,eIlUI'. "\('(,Ilrdill,!! til illl'ormat iOll sO fill' oh-
!,]'i,'l''' whi('h ,hOllld h(' all atl]'adiyc
together tu work for a public play-
groulld. In order Ilot 10 iucrease the
The Pnblic Service Commission tail1l'd, ho\\'(' \'('1', it is I'stahlishl'd that
tl)(~ Ihl'at]'(' wili o,·,·ul'." 1I11 ,'x,·cUell!.
sitt, 011 La !l('1I"t1'1' :1\"'11111' alld will "011-
ft atl1l'(l {'oJl:"h1pring 111p q1Jalit~~ or ~!;oo(]s

J11I1II1Il'1' of lJrgallizatioll:-; :dulIg t ht' linc, (Continued from Page 1.)
PLAYGROUND. tain a lal'g'(' tlllditoriulll nlltl n hah~~)I1,''''
the\" dl'eidl'd tl) \york as a ClllllJllittee lilllll'l' Irhi"h a UlIl1ll>l'\' 01' !lox,'s \\'ill 'I'hl' ,'ollg],l'g:Jt iOIl (,I' thl' :-fl'1ho,]bt
of the ~laill Lille Citiz"us' As"o"iatiun. hI' sllsJlPII,le'1. Chlll'l'h \\,as fa,'o],l'd \\'ith a ml'l' tl'l'nt
hig'h 10a,1 fllrtOl', of 1'. 8. C.,l'a. :'\0. :1. oil ~lllJ(la~~ (',"PUill,g. l)('('P1111wJ' ;). They
\\'ith 1111 flllllh alld 1I11 lllli"ial ellcuur- ,re lI(lpd Ilion' of "1I111J111lIlit \~ ('Oll-
J~t'tail jightilJg' l"l'r\"ire: Illl'I'l':!SC jJl
.\ I>,'alltif!ll all'] arti"ti,' ,;,·lll'III" ot'
(It'{'o1'nt iOJl~, outsirlp as \\"l'II as 111:-;i:1,..... al\\'ays ha\'" goo,] IIIIISi(', ],111 of slj('('ial
ngl'lllt.'i:1, 11ll'y olJlailj('d t]IL ll:-oe uf aI
:-;t,jOll:-'ll(\:-':-' today. \Yl' lItlt't} }I'lore flf 1111'111 if)}1 \\":I:-i the' (111Pt :--11l1g" h~~ ~r(l:-:~rfol.
III<' USt' of "h'l'tl'irit,- ill th,' til'st awl sllollld ilia 1,1' tlll' t hell t 1'1' Oil (, of t h,'
101 ill Ardulore aud had 1 he "llildrl'll tIll' t nil' spirit of IIl';g'}JlIOI'JiIlPSS. Our """olld IJ],,,'ks 1'1'11111 (iO hllllrs til 1.3 hours 11I0St' atlr:I('li\'(, ill thl' l'hil:lll"ll'hia db, StallJ",' :Il1d :-fahl. "'" 1'(',,1 S1l]'(' that
wild S1'r:lIl1iJI" aft,,1' 1IIat,'rial gOIlt! for
HI III ("achers th"llIsl'h'es raise the alld 1I11 illl'l'('a"" ill Ihe raIL' /"'1' kilo",att tl'i..t. all<1 111(' id":J of thl' 1I1:lIlag"lI11'1I1 thllsl' '\\'ho hl'al'd it will 111"'''1' forget
0111' falllilil''' tpH,ls to ,]ri\,p (,"I all 1'1s('. it. :-fl'. :-lal:1 has 1I ]'('lJJa]']whl,' \'oi,'c,
1llOIII'y tll purl'haSl' "'lllil'"leut aud pay hour for l'UI'I'l'lIt "OllSIlIllt'd ill the third is to put illto Ih" ('OI)(]Uet 1Ij' tl11' 1']:11:1'
IIH,1 we \'i,'\\' thl' '\'l'lt'an' oj' t111' pl:)('e blo,'" 1'1'0111 ;;~~ ,,"Ills 10 4 l'ellts. all'] );ar]"'l'thit<,,, :"1'(,:,,1\' lnlo\\' :-[r.
<I dir,~<'lllr fur III'Il yl'ars. .\rter this III wlli(·1J W(I Ii\'(' as a \"l'r.\~ :-;ll(·C1nflar~·
tIJ(' 1110:-;.t lHl"lf'l"n ide:\:-; of Sl'l'\,it'e.
Hdail l"I\"l'1' ",'ni"l': Ill"n'aSl' ilt the III :)(],litiou to Ihis the th":ltl'l' \\,0111,] Stallll""s ahilit\'. \\'t' ar~' !.!Ia,l 10 an-
trial I'l'I'ill,l t h,' TOII'lIship COUlllli""iIlU- thing. That is, Sllllle oj' us ,10. Olh- lI:-il~ lIf l'}('('1 rit·it ,. ill t Itl' fir:-;t :LtI<] l"'l'l'oud 1101111('(: t11:11 th(",'- will :-:ill~ 'tug:t,tllPr at
,],'\'ote ilself to sho\\'illg (11\1," 1111' higil-
crs, Ileillg' l'IlII\'ill"l't! of the \'alue auu ('1':-; :t I'P fa 1't hef si gilt ()ll.
h]o,·I" 1'1'011I fill i,ollrs to iii hours altd all (l~t g-ra<1e l)1o\"iug' pi(,tlll'l'~, t'llhallt'illg" th" :-f"tho,list <:hlll'l'h ill th" 111':11' f1l-
illlp"r!au,'e of Ihe work, purchase,l the \\'hell we li1llit tht' a('ti\,itip, of our illl'l'('aSl' ill lh" raIl' per kilulI'att h01l1' t h"l1l with CXl'cllcllt lllIlS;(·. 1111'1'.
prlll'ert." all,1 I'slahlished the beautiful li",'s. 0111' thoughts t'\'('n, to the four fol' ('lIl'n'lIt "llllSUltll'd ill the Ihird hlock 'I'hl' hllil,]ilJ" will 1", "Ollst l'III'1P,] to
I\':db of 0111' OWII hOlI1"S a 11I1 thp nee,ls 1'1'011I oj l'l'lltx til ;;~.~ ('(,Jlt:-:, ",':;t :2.000 1"'1',;;""' IIIHI will he l''l"il'!'l'']
pla."~rlllllld ill .\rdJII',)'(' 011 a 11I'l'Il1alleut
of 0111' int!ivi,lual f:lIl1ili,·s, whl'n we \\'hol,'sale lighl altd ]lower sen'icl': wi1h (',"PI'\" dl,,"j(,(, Hud (,Oll\·t'lIil'lI<'!~ to
ha"i". The ul'i~illal apparatll~ IS ~;(ill
111 lI:--l' nlld the ('OllllllittPL' tOlltillllt S it~ l
"a,t aside all thouf!'hts of the largl'r
C:()od. \\'(' limit 0111' llSl'fll1Jle:-;~ :l1ltl our,
I Jlt'J'l':l:-il' HlltI ('hallg"l'S III t.he Yaritlt1:-i
]dlo",att hour 101'1(,1", alld rates. Addi-
lIIakp it til()J'lllq:"l:ld,'- :--ai't' and to :tlld in
111<' t'OIIlj'tll't of ",bitol'=-"
illt l'l'l':-,l :Jud c·,,-tl)H'I':I t jOll. I t htlPl~S :-;OOIl ~,\\'n innpr grO\\'th of lIIill<1 1Il"] soul. 01 liolt of 1I l'Idl' fol' ",iltilllUIII kilo",atl Complete Line of
to put ill a \I'adillf! !,IlIII, as parI of thl' ('OUl'st'. \I'e don't t1link w,' (]o. 111,1"1'.'1. hours l,a",'(1 lilt thirt\' hours' usc of the Goodyear Tennis Shoes
"'" dlln 'I ah\'a~" think al all ahout tIns.
JHOlley ll:J~ :llrll:III.\~ II(\l'lI ~i\·{,l1 for 1hb
llllrjlllSl'. Th,' g I'll 11 lids aI'(' "1"'11 a 11 ,1a~'
it SOllll't illll'S seeBl~.
,'Ollll".,(l'd llllld ill 'l'a"h llJollth \\'hich
IlIa" l't':",u1t ill all illl'!"P:l:-il,d l"hHr~t'. THE FIRESIDE CIGARS.STATIONERY.MAGAZIN~S
'\'hoh-slll,"_ light IIltd 1111\\"'1" ,,~n'ice (Continued from Page 1.)
1 t dOI',n'l ,]0 for our 0\\ n sake" to
alld cH'r." da." ,'x,·('!,t ::illll,lay alld lht' (1ItllXiIIlUII, d"Jl<lIlld): .\ddit iOIt of ('oa]
l'ol"PI. thaI t1ll';'e" Sll!lll,thinf! illfinit(']~·
littl.· park at tht' "1I1r:1I1('e 1111I1«'S :, l'1:111:-i(,.
hig'~el" than "UIe" :11111 "ll1il11','.~ tl~) ~\"e )'r"lillral i ( 1 ) , 1'01' the C!trist llla, rllsh
heauli,'ul hrt'lIlhillf!' 'pa,'1' at all t·ill,e'
for ~'OUllg a'lIt! 01,1.
1I1\'lIn il ill a f:tlllil~' S('IISP or III<IInd-
unlh p
Thpt'l'~s the "'ollr" n.llil "()1.1l·~,"

_\ lit 0 charging· :-;{'r\"il'l': .A1111 it ion of
l'lIal .. lause.
Oli"l'l'ak ,;("Til'l' (11i,lt'I' );11. I): Pl'ak
:1]'(' j,eillg' Illade at t1le Po,t OJlil'(';
\\'itJlOUt whi"h w,' should stl11 hp 11\'1!1.g :-fr. :11111 :--[rs..Io!tll B. Brook", of :\111'-
III Dryll :-[a \\,1' Illl' \I'ork has 1I0t 1'1'0- lila,! hlllll's aI''.' illn,'as('d 1'1'11111 ·1 P. ~l.­
111 the ,]arl,esl. of dark ag'('''. For If h."th :1\'('1111I'. "lIt"I'I;Jinl'd :1(. ,lillller Oil OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
gl'(',,,'<1 so far. The ground hus been I 1'. ~l. 10 i "\. ~l.-I P. ~l., 1I11d tht'
:-It)Jll(\ who ha\'p gone hall ]lot
1)('1'01'(1 ~lIl1d:t~~ ('YPlll!!;!, C'O'·L'I"S Wl'l'e laid for
('hHrg"t' for ('X~t':-::-; l,ill1watt"s 1'1'0111 :t~./;) UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
plII'rhast'd al the real' of the pulllie: tal,,," thoup;hl for tbat \\'hi"I~ la~' he- III :1'4.110. :-:ix g:t1('~t;o;,
\'11I11]tJ]('ir O\\'JI pal'ti,,"1ar hOJ'lZOIlS, \\'1'
school. hut 'ht' ill,pl'o\'''l!1ellts ha\'t' !lot
yet h"1'1I Ilia dt'. .\ ]>]>a I'a I us loa III"] hy ~holll<l st ill 1>" ,,'ithollt IlIlWb of what
IIll1kl" IiI',' today "0 l'Olllfol'lahJl' :11111 so
~l'I'\'i('e to lI('\\,sl':Ij"']''' (Hid,']' );0.
.1::): In('l"l':l:,,a\ ill lllilJillllllll l'liar;.!l' frotH
>1'.;.01 111 to $.;.;;011. 1I11d il1"I'(,lIs" IIf (JIlt'-
BlI'- ",tllIl' (,hri:-,tllw:-i Sl'als III X:tr·
hl)!'tl; :1;1<1 JIl'l!, lIwkt' a good showill~'
PasteurIzed Milk
Brynclovis Certified
the ('o!lllllunily ('''III!'l' has b""11 ,,'I up. 1'01' your hOIIll.' town, Tht' prtll'('t'r!s frOBI Milk
Pllri('h",l. flll1l'lh "('Ill ill 1':11" per kililwatt 1111111'.
:111,1 a dirt'dor alld his assislallt are 011 ~:de of ;o;tall1)l:-i ill :\Itlllt~ollll'l',\- COllllt,\" (Pedrlalle Society) OVERBROOK
); 0 "n'ol't hut has iIs ]'l'w:II'<I-,l i n,,,t l~' ~(,I'\i,'(' 10 th('atn's (Hid"r );11. ],1):
dut~' e\'t'ry dOl." "x".']>t :-;ulllla~'. LlJllli,,'1' :In' :':l'P1I1 ill tlll~ ('1I11111~', Special .. Guernsey"
01' ill<1il'l,,·tl\·. 'Y,' frallldy ('oJlfl'''s our IlIl'n'aS(' (If ]0',; il1 thl' rall'S sl'('"ili",l. Milk
nlHl sand It:lYl' hl'l'lI :.,~.. i\·l'lJ for a ~alld IIHITOWlllillllpc]lIl'SS HUll thl' }IpttiJlI.'s:-:: uf ~"l'i('s ~Inzdll lllllll s('n'i(,(' (Hi,l,'r WYNNEFIELD
Thl ' :1111111::1 lll(·t'tillg of fht' ~r(,l'ioll (Roberts' &: Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY
hox. (lUI' :-ioul:-: Whl'll WI.' l't'f'usP ttl work for :'\11. 1!1): 11I(,I'I'n,;,' III' appr(lxilllat<'1y
]IV; ill the I'ale sl",,'ifil.'tl.
('ri .. ],,·t CI1I11 \I'as lI"ld Illst SlItlll'llaY at Dairies)
Thl' :-lis,,'s Blal'k h:I\'l' killlll," loalll~,l thl' wl']fal'l' of lI(h('l's. So ,]Oill;!, \\'1' NARBERTH
mab' it impossil,l" fo]' life to J'l'\\,llr,] tl,,' "I"h hOlls" at Jla\"'l'l'o,d. Otli'""I''' Cream Buttermilk
tht' I"t' IIf ]>art Ill' thl' \\,o,,,]]allli IIl'ar 1111,1 Iii',' JIIl'lIlhers ot' Ih" Boal'l] of Go"- ARDMORE
"" \\'ilh its ri..Ill',t gins :tIIII illll'ri"oll Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
th,' s,·lIolll, \I'h('n' the "hildrl'lI !llay play
in thl' sII:l,It'. This pl'lI[Jerl." is hd<1 for
oU],Sl']\'''' ill the houlIII" of S\'lfi"hlll'ss.
'I'll(' ]'I'\\'a 1',] of I'ffo)'1 may Jlot a 1\\'a~" he
Tennis Members l\1'I10r::; \\'('1'(' C'lt'ctl'l1.

1 f \'011 h:l\'e l\ot a 11"'11,1\- sllhsl'ribe,l


sait'o alit! il is l!lll't'tl thnl the COllllllis- lllatl'l'ial Su"""",. Bul ,,'hal otll('r" liLly
<10 or saY j:; of llllU·h It's:-: aC'('1l111It to Work on New Courts 10 111;' 1'Ia~'f!TolIlI,J 1'rojet'l', tl,,' ,'0111'01' ,-
siollt'rs of Lo,\'('r ~[l'rillll TO\\'lIshi[J ,:.. dl
hu.,- it ns a ,':t!uahl" addi( iOIl to \ 1,1'
p1:Jy~roulltl nlld pro\'idl' a park SOJl1tl-
liS thall thl' ellri,·hll\('111 of 0111' OWII ,1~­
\·plopl'd ~l'lll'l'(lsit,'~'-'(1). E, S,,"
!';\'t'lIiJlg Bull"till. Ilt'c('lIlher S, ]!1:20.
(Continued from Page 1.)
ill this i>iS"l' will :ltl'ol'd ."011 th,' 01'1'01'-
tUllity. Thb is :-illllll'thillg tIle l'util'l\
('01111111111 it," ('1111 '"pI'OI't.
\\'hnt like 11ll' Ollt' ill '\1'(]lIIol'e.
GrU~':III, (']lIlil'l!J:l1I of th,' ".Jullior ~[l'JJI­ 45th and Parrish Sts.
ht'l';hip COllllllittPl';" UU1' Pn'sid('llt, .\. \lIril'ty of illfllrllialioll fl'o!ll l'X,
Thl' ]>ublie park 011 Lallea,d01' a\'e' I ladies :11111 gl'lItkllll'II, ~lr. Texas .Jaek Ilt'l't :-i()urI'P~ b lIO\\' l'l'illg' :-il'I'tlred fol'
lIue, at BI'."II :-1:1\\'1' :-;tat iOIl. is :.1,';0 lhe I :'\l'\\'l'II; :--f,·. Klaw,all-l':l'lallf!l'1' J)OIlIll'I, tht' fil':-;t )t1l'I,tillg' or til(' PI:lyg"I'OUlld
I," (:'L'l' ,li,play adl'(,l'tisCIII('lIt of Ihe "look ,""fol'l"~'o,,-I":1I'
rl'sl111 uf thl' a"ti,'iti,'" of tlJi" "llllillit,
tel'. It is !'l'lItl"] at a nOlllillal fee frolll I
IIig: sh(J\\", FebI'll:!l'," .11 aull J:.!); Shoot-
"'III lIard Sharp, Jli..J, .1"""110, \\'ho dash-
llil'l",t III'S. ..\
puli(',\- ,', is lH'itlg ~t ril't 1,\- oh:-:l'r'·l'd. HARRY B. WALL
the l"'lIl1s~'''':lIlia Hailro:,,1 COIII]'all~"! 1',1 Ollto th., ,;("'11(' ahoul !L'II lJIilllllps of H",'. Fr:lJwis 1'. :-;i,,!.!fl'i,',!. Ill' 81'. Plumbing, Gas Fitting
('II:lI'1l's' St'lIlillllr,'" (),',:rhl'ool,. will !L','-
allll lIIailllaill,',l I,." tIll' :--fnill Lill(' (,iti Burgess, Ih'e all<1 \I'ol'",'d lil,e the lllis"hid for
ahout ]:; millul('s. hilt l')'oJ1list'<1 to do tun' tOIllOl'rOW, ~lIl1t1:lY ('v<'nillg", 011
and Heating
7,ells' "\sso"iatioll fill' Ihe use all<1 l'lI- Ca noli DO\\'lIes.
bl'ttl'r this l'all1l'd:I\' if we \\'0111,1 111- :-;o,'i"tislli. ill SI. ('oltll:lIl'S 111111, .\rd- NARBERTH PA
jO."1!1 ,'II I of the public. Council, ,·llId,· his 11:\111(' ill iast \\'l'l'k's Holl of 111111'''. a(. 8.;:0 0 'dock.
;\s thi" distrid builds II]' th,~ 111,,,<1 ]101101'; :'i(l\"l'J':l1 ~l1(':-,t:.; who )Il'oYl'd 1l1PIH-
Phone, Narberth 1602,J
\V. H. D. HaB, l'n'si,lcllt,
of su('h O]>l'lI spa""" \\'i]] 1", 11101'" alld I \Yilliam ./. llelltl,'rsoll, ",'h,ps to h" fl'i,·ltds illd,'(',1, illl']lIdillg 'I'hl' Horo 1Ig-'h ollghl to hll," t h" S,',lll II
('. \\'. F Fr("'III:III, O. SlIrt",s. Cliltloll ~\(l\·prti:-;l'<1 ill this 1:-':-i1l(, fur our l~iJ't,
III 0 rl' e,'idl'II!, :III<[ it is the dl'sire of ]Jallid L"itl'h,
Ilugh Bro\\'JI. :-;ha\\', .Jalll"s f)Olllll']]~', .11'., :IIJ,l SI':I\'er C!ti"t'. as hoI" "1111 Ill' l'I'asollllhl\' I,,' ,'x-
this (""lIlIIitt"l' 10 "'" ad,litiollal pia::' ]~():-;(l. JH'l'1l'tl to lIa\'l' II ,·1,':11' h,'ad' 011 the ~~""0,,,,::::.'S-,s;~,,,,<~':..,;t"',0-~""~~~~"'~~~~""~~~"""'\"0
Carl n. :-Ietzgar,
groulltls Ill"] parks estahlishe'l eithcr
"\.1'. H,'dife)'. 1"'I"'~' Ht',] i f,,1' 1111<1 ('a 1'1 :--f"t sg,'r d !'Op- :-:('{'lll' of' t!lf'Jin' ant'J' :111 l1pspttill~ l'i_lt, ~ For Good Work Patronize ~
hy illlli\'i,lnnl I'ffort or through official
"'altou :-1. "'PIItZ. J""] ill "t 0 Sl't' tht' ho.,'s" alld look t h" in a fii\'\'l'r?
~ ~
nction. Secretary of Councils,
.i01> 0\,('1' ahollt ;3.1;;. 1>ut that doesn't
gt'! t hl'llJ ill t hI' fOJ'('goi IIg list. 11 O\\'- 'l'hl' fan,·~' IIl'ti,'h's. ,lolls, jams alii] ~~ H. PRIMOST 0~
Thl' pre,;('111 t'lJ:lil'lIIall
of ih" ,'OJu- l'\'''I', Carl tOllk tht' Chid of thc DiYisioll jl'll.,' kft from th,' :-f. E. Churl·h hllzaar ~ 0
Charles Y. :\oel. ~ 0
Jllitt(l(' i~ ~[rs. Ho~('()c T. ~\I1t1I()II~~; of
Borough Treasurer,
of 1'IIhli('it)" hOlllt, ill his ('aI', so he aI'(' for "al" at 11:p following :)(],Il'es~l's:
Pal1"y :lI·ti(,ll'S. :-fl's. \\'m. Taylor, ;n
~ H orne T own T"1
81 or 0
'''ynne\\,oot!. She asl,s Ihat t~!e gen- iSIl't s""h a hall f't,llo\\' IIfler all.
:-fo 11 tgolll ('1';\' a\"'I1I1<'; jalll 1111;1 jell~', ~ ~
('ral l'uhlie lellt! its support :11:<1 en- Euwill P. Dold. SallJ Atherholt \\,as l'''l't away l>~' a
hl1:--illl'SS 1't1g'ag('B1C'nt, l)ut he r;pnt Luzzi, :-frs. C. L. SI1Jith. ::10 Ess('x a,'enllt';
~ French Dry Cleaning ~
couragl'!lll'nt to this \I'ork for .h.,} little Borough Solicitor,
(1]](' of his IIIl'II, 0"('1' to thc "ourts 10 <lolls, :-rrs. W . •1. Baill'.'", 2:28 Essex ~ Dyeing, Scouring ~
citizens, as \\'ell as for those of a Fletcher W. Stites. 11"11' Oil the ;i01>. so Sa III I'('a lly "1>1'- a\'enue. ~ and Pressing ~
larger gro\\'th who \\'ish to s]>ellt! th"ll' Street Commissioner, lllllgs" :II](] is ('lItit]('d 10 eret!it for a ~ ~
leisurl' !llOlJ1l'lIls ill the open air. 'l'h~r.~ Gl'orgp Suplee.
\'(,I'y thoughtfltl at'!. "\. gift of a \Var Stamp \\'ill frcqucnt, ~ Good Work Good Material ~
is great nce<1 in the Br,,'n :-Iawr phy- ~ ~
~ ~
gl'ountl of hl'lI"hes and a long table al
\\'hieh the li1tlt' ('hiltlrl'n ('an dra\\' all<1
Tax Collector,
RaymoJlll C. Joues. ... ------------.. _- .... ----.------_._._----- All work called for and
~ delivered. Promises made ~
paill1. Abo slIIali hu"kets alltl sho\'els Assessor, AMUSEMENTS ~ always fulfilled. ~
are IIce<1e<1 for the sanu box. Carden \Varner.
Building Inspector,
.J. Taylor Darlington.
LITTLE SYMPHONY-Gt'orge Barrere. FOllnd{T a/' 234 Haverford Ave. ~~
SUFFRAGE. Council m('ets in CouJleil Room,
Elm Hall, at S P. :-L 011 th(' see-
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 3.15 and 8.15 P. M. ~o NARBERTH ~~
"\Vhat do YOU Ihillk of the 1'1'011I- 01](1 :-Iontlay ill each monlh. Meet- PALACE THEATRE ~~
inent part. th:;1 ,,'olJ1en arc taldng' in ings arc Op"JI to the pllhlie. Com- ARDMORE, PA.
polili"s now:lt]nys?" mittl'l's of COIII]('il IJIl'et on the TiCKETS $2 & $3 Afternoon or Evening
"\Vl'll," allsw('rt"] S('nator Shcllbacl,. War Tax 10 pf>r cent additional
"'f'tluf's<lay e\'Plling' illlJJlcdia tely
"it looks as if Ihl' li1lle is l'Ol1lillg ,,'heli Ablolutely the New York Produclior.- DiHction

l'r(','c,lillg the mon thl)" meetillg of
the Pn'sidellt will he 1'('1'(']']'('<1 to as CO\lnl'il. CATHARINE A. BAMMAN F. L. M. HAWKINS
the First G('ntlel1lan of' the White
Housc.' ,
New York
--_ .. _----
Ardmore, Pa.
. ..-.- -._-------- . . . and

N0TleE Kreider Shoes

Taxi Service Hauling of all kinds I'atrick F. Donah De on School Shoes
Authorized Taxi Service, by Certificate from Public: Service
Packard Limousine to Hire Commission, dated November .6, .920 Better come In and look
them over
SABlE CENSORE Taxi meets all trains
Store orders promptly called for and delivered
Narberth Shoe Store
Baggage c:a1Jed for and delivered Freight delivered
209 Haverford Avenue
Open Day and Night 'Phone 1633 Narberth

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