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Council Holds Meeting NarberthFire Company

lor Reorganization Saves Valuable
Property Burgess Downes' Message to Council
NECESSITY FOR BOR- KEEP LOCAL ORGANIZATION To the President and Members of Borough Council:
Gentlemen: -
Two years ago I presented for your consideration my first message.
On ~Ionda\' evening of this week, Last Sunllay evening, at about 8.:W I called the attention of your Honorable Body to the necessity for tile
Council held ~ meeting for re-organiza'
tion for the cnrrent year, at which
an alarm callie frolll the home of 1\11'.
Arthur G. Hawcs, on Berkeley Road, THE FIRESIDE proper construction and maintenance of our streets. I requested tl1O,-:;
you keep in mind the thought of pennanence and durability, not to be
meeting the following wpre present: :\[e'rion. unmindful of the fact that the cost of construction during the war wOlud
Burgc"s Downe", President of Coun, The fire whistle quickly brought the be and remain unmeasurably high. It is my privilege and duty to con-
cil "'. H. D. Hall, Councilmen ~IJaddox, entire crew togethpr, and in a few FOU?\D-A new hrown glo\'e for
gratulate you upon the wisdom and uncommon foresight which you have
Hedifer Wpntz and Henuerson. Oath min'utes th£'y were spee(!ing on their hoy. Call at Post Office.
shown at all times in the handling of this mOst important of the Bor-
of oflic~ wa" taken by ~[es"rs. Hedifer way through a \'ery ('(lId and windy ough's problems.
allll lleneh'rson. night, to help save the' property of one Pinal spring dance, American Legion,
The following officers were elected: of our neighbors. Friday e\'ening, April :10. You are to be further congratulated in securing the services of Mr.
Frpsident of Council, W. U, D. Hall, )11'. Hawes has e'xpressed his appre- Charles Humphreys as Street CommisSioner. His intelligent directing
for term of one year; for Sceretary, ciation and says that the "'arl)('rth Fire \Vashington's Birthday dance, Elm of the work and close co-operation with the Highway Committee has
Chal"1cs V. i\oel, two ycars; Treasnrer, COlllpany deserves the greatl'st praisc Hall, Saturday e\'ening, FebnlUry 21, made it possible for us to be justly prOUd of our streets and at the same
E. P. VoId, two ycars; Strl'et Commis' :11)(! ('rl'dit for th,' ,'xcellent wa\" in hy the American Legion. time to feel that our funds have been judiciously expended.
simH1r, C. E. IIulIlphries, t\\"o j°l'ur:-;; whidl th,'y handlel! the job. . The satisfaction expressed by the "Citizens generally in view of the
Buil'ling Inspce!or, .1. '1'. IJarlin;!ton, The' hnilaing is of frame eonstruc- Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Fowler have been necessary increase in taxes, is eVidence of their wish to put at your
t \1'0 Years. tion ana would h:l\"e 1)('l'u a total loss unexlll'e! edly ('alled to Canada, owing cOllUDand the proper funds needed to make our highways second to none
UI;dpr I)('W IlIIsin,'ss, a hill \l'as in tro- har! our fire fighters IlOt arriYl,a on the to the death of )[1'. Fowler's father. in the Commonwealth.
duced to fix the tax lIIillag!' ratl' an'! joh when they di,l.
to pass th,' hudget order for Hl211, which 'fhe\" hall rptul"Il"a to thl' I·'ire House On ~[al"(~h 17, \Ve,ln('sday evening-, the OUR BUSINESS STREET: May I not draw your attention spe-
was refc!Tcd to the On!pr and Law Com- anc1 ,~·eJ'(~ talkill~ oy(lr th ..· llXperiPJH'p St. I'atri,·k's Day danee ,of the Amer- cifically to the necessity for improvement to Haverford Avenue, from
mittee. \\"h"n the se,'ouc1 alarm sO'.lIllled at 10.1;;, il"a 11 L,'gioll will h" hell! ill Elm Hall. Narberth to Essex Avenues? This is the main business street of the
A s!,I"'ial 1II1'eting was the'n called, to a ud on"e aga iu th('y \"l'lIt un'l! forth to BOrough, and While the Street Commissioner is to be commended for the
be held nl'xt ~[on,la~' l'\",'oin).!', .Iallllary lit)(1 that "Iectri,' wir"s \\"hieh had Iw"n Prida\' aftel"lloon of uext \I"('el( is manner in which this street has been maintained, it is evident that it
12th, :111'\ all old ,'onlillit tl"'S Wl'n' in- hllrllt II~" th,' lire eaus,'el a spark whi"h tIll" da\" th£' ('Ollllllllllitv (,Iuh gin's its will reqUire reconstruction, in whole or in part, in the near future. I
stmctl'd to hoI,] O\"l'r until that :!all'. start",! auothe'1' hlaz". This was prompt- (':lnl I"'art,\". . am advised that your Budget for 1920 provides for the reconstruction
Tn'a"lln'r \)01,1 \\~IS :111thorizcll to ly "xt in).!uish£'c1 lIud thl'.\" had 110 m'lI"e of that part of the street between Narberh and Forrest Avenues, and of
trnnsfcr thl' hank aeollnt of the horough \\"ol'k that night until 7 A. )f. in the It is with '!""I' rc'gr"t that we au- this I approve. but I would further suggest that if it be at all possible,
froll! th,' (','ntral Trllst an,1 Sayings n,orlling'. This ala I'IU hrought t1)('11l to 11 (Ill I"'" tl,,· ,I"ath (If )Irs. L. ('. ~llthl'l"" the square from Forrest to Essex be also reconstmeted not later than
Compau.y of I'hil:ul"lphia to th,' :\Il'riou th,' homl' of ~[r. A. E. "'oldert, at 217 1,,11,[ lit" \\-lIodhilll' :'1""11111'. :'\:lrh"rfh. 1921.
Title au'! 'I'rllst Com!,any. Thp Tn'as- I'ri('l' a\",'nlll', where a spark froJll th,~ whi"h oel"llrJ"('d on :\10 11 <1a.\- aftl'l"n(l(lIl.
urer's hOIHI \\"a" fixee! at $;;,(1111). \'arious PROPER SIGNS: I take this opportunity to call to your attention
ehimlle~' had igllitl·c1 the' shing1l' 1'",,1'.
hills ""'I'I' rl'a,! aud passed to the al'" )[1". alld )[rs. William D. Sme,lI,'\' t1Je" necessity for suita])le signs to be erected at the valious approaches
:\llout fift""l1 shillgic's \\",'1',' '(uivld.\"
pr0l'l"iatc ,'olulllittl'ps. a 1l1101l tlt'l' tlH~ f'1I 0 ·;Jtl·PJI1Pllt of thr·fr to the Borough. properly welcoming visitors to our COlllmunity. I also
"hoppl"! out all'] t h,' ('x,·it£'lI)('n t ni pped
Thl' ,!-Idi"ht ol'l!iuall"" was intro" ill th,' hud. dallc:htt'r. Ali,"" lIild:7, to ~[r. \Villiam urge that a light-and-left sign be placed at the comer of Haverford and
11. [)lll"hin. Essex Avenues. The highway at this point is narrow and the traffic
I!tH'l"! :1I;,i \:!Iieh if carri"d will place At the' ~I"ri,m fil'l' it \\"as IIl"','SSlIrv congestion lUlUsual; therefore, the PU!llic should have this protection.
J\"arltl'rth as the' tirst of th,' Phil:ulel- to lIS£, th£' ehemical apparatus lllltil th'"
phia suhurhs to iu'!ors!' the' daylight Thp Jll'xt .A JlI('l'it':l1l Ll'idot! f):IIH'('.
fireplug could be tha We'd IIUt with hot T~rirl:lY pVPllillg• .1alllJ:lry ';{fl, ill Elm
FRONT FOOT ASSESSMENT PLAN: In view of the financial con-
s:l\"ing pIau thc saull' as I'hila,I,'I!,hia watpl' 1'1'0111 Jlllighh()l'il1~ hOI1:-'ps. dition of the BOICUgh. I feel that Council is to be commended for the wis-
wa" thl' first Itig cit.\· iu th,' "ountry to 11:111. will hI' known as the mi,!-willt"1"
Hats olf to our hl":lY" tin'Il)('n, whn d:l1l{·P.
dom of its deci~ion on the subject of street and sewer construction, that
a.]opt this plan. arc al\\"ays l'l'ac1y, 011 th" joh lIight lind all future improvements be paid fOr on the frOnt foot assessment plan.
Burg'(l~sDowncs' nJ{~~~:tg-p. a~ printed ,lay, to sa\'e' the prop"rty of uot ollly While heretofore the Borough has been more than generous in the man-
1'111' l,uml)(,1" of ('all ,1.\' shops ill Xal"-
elscwh,'r£' iu this i~sue. s!,l'aks for it- i\arherth people'. but those within many
hl'rth is illcJ"('asillg. ",hi"h may ae('ount
uer in which these improvements have been paid for out of the current
self. Its encouraginl! words to our miles of i\al'lwl'th. They ask littll'. gi\"l~ fill' the illtlux of I!,w'nrs of ell'llt,,1 s1l1'g- revenues, this has proven to be an uneconomic and lUlSOund method,
Coulll·il wcw timely all'] !,oint to tll" mll<'h, alle! risk more in :1 spirit of y01- ery. Which, if persisted in, would involve the Borough in still further (lif-
making of a grea h'r :1l,,1 hettcr borough. nlltary h"lpfulll"ss, whi('h shoule! he ficulties. I commend, therefore, your decision to assess these improve-
Next Monday e\-ening a special mcet- siueerely appreeiate'd. ments on the property owners.
Xext )[OIlI!:ly e\"£'lling at S o',·loe,1;:
ing will be heM to fix the tax miIlag" OUI" horough COllll .. il \I-ill mpl'l ill th,'
rate anll to puss the blldgl'l ordinance COLLECTION OF ASHES AND GARBAGE: The matter of collect-
Fil"" House to pm's 011 the hUI!get· for ing ashes and garbage has been satisfactorily settled in a way which
for 1920.
Look lor Full Account Hl~() allll fix our fax millage' rate. seems to be to the best interests of the tax-payers. I am opposed, how-
ever, to the plan now used to place the ash-boxes in the frOnt yards and
~[r.•r. F. K£'ating :InIlOIlIl,'es the l'n- on the sidewalk until the collector calls fOr them. This is unsightly,
gag"ment of his (laughter, Hell'll ~[aril', does much to detract from the beauty of our Community and I feel sure
To Save Daylight and Provide Standard OF THE TE~S CONCERT AND
anel ~[r. H. B. Sl'itzinl!er, of Atlanta. that I am voicing the feeling Of the Citizens when I urge that this plan
Time for the Borough of Narberth. DANCE IN NEXT WEEK'S Gf..1orgia. ' be done away with. .
That a 2 0 'cloe·k ante Illeri,!iem of A son arrheel at the hon)(' of )[1'. nnel FREE CARRIER DELIVERY: In cOlmection with the inlprove-
the last SUllllay of March in each year ~Irs.V. V. Wood, 3:l7 ~Iel'ting House ments contemplated by the Pennsylvania Railroad -Company when it re-
the standard time of the Borough of Barring" extra hea \"y blizzards, tor- Lane, on New Year's Dav. His name is turns to corporate contrOl, at Narberth Station, which SUbject, I am ad-
Narberth shall he advance<l one hour, lIac1oes, hail storms, ete., etc., the con- W. Grant Wooel. . vised, is in the hands of a special cOmmittee of your Honorable BOdy,
and at 2 o'clock ante llIeri<lil'lll of thl' cert anel <1:1II('C of the Narberth Tennis I would draw your attention to the a.dvisability of recommending to the
last Sunda~- of Odolwr in each year Association-to fall into the limho of 1\[1'. and Mrs.•lohn Biekfon! Brooks, Postmaster-General the establishment of free carrier delivery in Narberth
the standard time of the' Borough of the past perfed pa l'tieiple, or whate\-er of Du,lIey a VeUlll', ga \"e a family din- at the earliest date at which this can be aCCOmplished. I understand
Narbl'rth shall by the retarding of one the animal is-will ha\-e taken place ner on Sunday. COYl'rs wore laid for that public agitation has recently arisen along these lines and I would
hour be returned to the mean astro- last evening (Fri'!ay), in Elm Hall, fourteen gnests. suggest that your HOnorable Body render whatever co-operative assist-
nomical tilllP of the degrpe of longitude and quite asi'le' from any question of ance possible to secure this service. The present Post Office, while a dis-
goveming the' Borough of Narherth, so English or grammar, we feel perfectly There lire five c;ensus enumerators tinct improvement on the old one, will soon prove inadequate for the
that hetween th£' last Sunday in March safe in saying that a delightfnl even- Narberth working in various parts
1'1'0111 growing business of the Borough. While this subject, of course, is not
at 2 o'e lock ante meridielll and the ing WllS had by e\·er.\·one who attended. of Lower Merion Township. Unele Sam in the province of Councils, nevertheless I believe that any co-operation
last Sunday in October at 2 o'clock Tn next week's issue of Our Town thero knew where to come to get some good which your Honorable BOdy may be able to extend to the Postmaster in
ante meridiplll in each year the stand- will he a full ac('oullt of the affair. If helpers. the improvement of lOcal service will be appreciated.
llrll timo in the Borough of Nar!wrth you're not a subscriber-you ought to
shall he one hour in advance of the he-"ask your news<1ealer to sa\'e you SHADE TREE COMMISSION: I have recently called a meeting of
mean astronomical time of the degree Sympathy is expressed for ~fr. and
a copy." Mrs. A. E. "Wohlert for the death of the Shade Tree Commission which I appointed in accordance with the
of longitude govern'ing the saiel Borough provisions of the Ordinance passed by Council last year. At this meeting
of Narberth. their baby, Axel Valdemllr, who died
at 7.05 A. 1\[, January 2, after haYing the duties and requirements of the Commission will be explained to the
ENLIGHTENMENT REGARDING members, so that there will be no uncertainty in the future as to what
been ill one dny.
CONDITIONS AT THE EAST- should be done by this Commission or the manner in which it is to be
ENTE:JtTAINS AT DINNER. done. Their preliminary WQrk during the Fall was very satisfactory,
ERN PENITENTIABY. Many Narberthites who are seen on and I am sure With the co-operation of our Citizens the results will be
Sundays in Narbrook Park seem to :J~ invaluable.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder, of 3l:} g"l'eatly interested in the rapid develop-
W-oodside avenue, entertained at din- ment of the beautiful settings of the MEMORIAL TO SOLDIERS AND SAILORS: I am infonned that
That Narberth may have light on the new homes.
ner last Sunday e\-ening Colonel Lonis your Honorable Body has recently passed a resolution endorsing the
Brechemin Briggs, of the U. S. Army; investigation of the Eastern State proposed memorial to the soldiers and sailors Who represented Narberth
Miss Lilian Brechemin Briggs, l\Iiss Penitentiary, 'I'wenty-fil"'St and Fair- Friday, January 16th, is the date of in the Great War and that this endorsement was of the plan to improve
•Tane Lairll, 'Miss 1\[i]dred Harris, Mrs. mount Avenue, Phillldelphia, now un- the Community Club Cnrd Party. It is and enlarge Elm Hall, turning it over to the Borough when completed.
L. W. Howes, Mr. Wm. S. Schofield, Mr. der way, there will be a meeting un tn be held at the residence of' Mrs. Of this I most heartily approve and I commend it to you as being the
H. T. Priel', Mr. F. T. Cliffe, ~[r. H. Robert Dothard, on WYJlnewo'od ave- mOst practical and meritorious project advanced. It is altogether fit-
Passmore Kirk and Mr. H. C. Howes. uer the auspices of the King'" Daugll- ting that the memorial should take the fonn of a utilitarian plan which
nue, and will begin at 2 0 'elock. The
They also entertained at hreal(fa!-lt New tel's and Sons, Thursday, January 1&th, tiekets are 75 cents. will serve not only as a stately monument to thOse who made the supreme
Y('ur's morning after the Ameriean at 8 P. J\f., in the COlJlmunity Room of sacrifice for their country and their flag, but also as an addition to the
Legion Dance, Miss Mildrl'd Harris, the Y. M. C. A. Philadelphia, Narberth and New York useful features of the Borough available for the comfort and use of those
Miss J"ane Lairll. Mrs. L. W. Howes, will move back their clocks next spring Who fortunately returned to take up their lives in our midst.
One of the present Board of Inspec-
Mr. H. T. Price, Mr. H. PnsSJl10re Kirk
and :M]r. H. C. Howes. tors of tho Penitentiary, Mr. ':N. A. and save an hour of daylight for anlU- DAYLIGHT SAVING IN NARBERTH: I am advised that among
Dunlap, will speak; also a fonner pris· teur gardeners, motorists, tennis fiends, the first of the many important subjects to be considered by Council at
golf bugs, and othl'rs who are not con- this session will be a bill providing for Daylight Saving in Narberth
oner will l,, some of his experiences. cerned as to the time- the milk trains during the summer months. Of this I most heartily approve, and for it
Mrs. Howe, of New York, will give a len \'e the station. I bespeak your support. This recommendation comes in the latter part
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS short talk. Of my message. I sincerely trust, however, that your Honorable Body
'Ve hope everyone will make an ef- Last Wednesday evening, December will give it your first consideration. Our community, I believe, is a unit
Two cents I,er word It cnsb accom- 31st, at 8.45, some weird strains started in its approval of this measure.
Imnles ad\'ertlsement; otherwise, live fort to be present at this meeting to
to issue from our Elm Hall and a ,good-
cents per word. henr the truth.
ly number of Narberth folks aS~l'!1cled III conclusion, may I express to you, Mr. President and every member
to the second floor to see the uld yea:' of this Council, my great appreciation of your splendid co-operation at
out and the new one in, in the mollel'll all times, and further, may I congratulate you on the businesslike manner
FOR RENT-Large furnished room. 205 Some people say that the war gave manner. in which you have conducted the matters of the Borough. I am ready
Forest avenue. us "jazz," "flue" and prohibition. at all times to confer with you on all matters pertaining to the happiness,
The American Le/-,9.on officers and mom· Senator's No\'elty Jazz Orchestra bas comfort and protection of our citizens.
GIRL OR WOMAN wanted to take full bel'S ha ye used the" jazz" to good ad·
active charge of an Art and Gift been engaged for" the mid-winter dance
vantage, and people instead of on New and those to bt: held 011 Washington'~ OARROLL DOWNES, Burgess.
Shop. Will pay salary or can take one- Ycar's Eve going to town to a. cafe, Birthday, St. Patrick's Day and April

, llUlf interest. Narberth: party with ex- beg-inning with 1920 will stay in the',:, Narberth, Pa., January 5, 1920.
30, und as long IlS the American Legion
perience preferred. State salary want- OWn home town and enjoy themM"~":ve9 lIlanages the dances we can all look
ed. Answer by mail only. J. R. AIKEN, to the fullest extent among their forward to a long evening of enjoy-
Na'b,"'b, Pa. friends. . ment.
or course, ",e

To the Editor of Our 'rown: the enli~hlenll1l'nt of the the peopll's of Telephones,
OUR TOWN \Vhy not lla ve postal deli very service
all lands. It is, theref~lre, not necessary
that I enter into dl'tails, although there
dellver - an,
place - an,
in Narberth? is oue feature '''orlhy of ;;pedal nll'll- 1268 time.
Ar. Exp~riment in Co-operative Accord i ng' to informa tion froll1 Ihe tion, an(1 tlHlt is that the 11Ies,;age rec·
,Journalism-No Paid Workers. Postmaster General at \Vashington, D. olllmen<1s that Councils pa,;s a l'e,.;olution The Brightest Spot in Narberth
C., there is no reason why Xa rhel'lh making lawful the adoption of the day'

light sa,'jn~ plan. This will plaec Xar-
Owned and Published every Saturday should not h:n-e this sen'iee exel'pt for herth in line with such other imporlant
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association, a few minor details sneh lUi street signs eOll1ll1unitic':; as X,,\\" York Hlld Phila·
and the proper nUlllbl'ring of honses. (lelphia. Thl'se th)'('e will now he the
Subscription price one dollar and fifty
eents per year in adyance.
I shou1cl think the Ciyic A,;,;ociation,
,"Hh the aid of Couneils, conlll easily
Ip:lllers, as thpy shonl<1 hI.'. \Vhen it
1'01111.'5 to enterprise, onr Huler is rig-ht
np at the top, all<1 it's no wond"r that
arrange this.
Yours for an up·to-the-minute town,
people arc IJl'gillning to hail hill1 as
"Carroll, the Great."
(lent he would make!
What a Pre:;i- For Good Taxi Service
ROBT. E. PATTISO:'\, .m.
April 24, 1919. Beforl' conclmling I lI1ust tell you
tha t the Honorahle Rorly orgnnizt'd for
Call Narberth 1633
the year, its offieers !Jeing" sworn in
President-Mr. Joseph H. Nash. O.m :Ittention has heen call1',1 to acts after a long anll almost vain attempt to 24 Hour Service
Vice.Presidcnt-Mr. James Arotman, of Y:1uclalism h~' a nunI1wr of ho~'s and loeate a Bihle in the neighborhoo<1.
The <1ignitX and solemuity of the pro-
Mr. A. J. Loos, Mr. R. J. Dothard.
Secretary-Mr. R. J. Edgar.
YOUUg' men in KarlJt'rth. The Y. j\I. C.
A. building' scems to be the particula I
eeedings were somewhat marrl'd Iwcausl'
in an adjoining rOOlll Rill Cu III 111 1'1'. in NAR13ERTH GARAGE
............... -
Treasurer-niiss Maizie Simpson. object of their actiYities.
Directors--Mr. J. J. Cabrey, 1ffrs. C.
P. Fowler, Mr. H. R. Hillegas, Mr. Chas.
It is a stmnge p]Hl,;l' of Illllllan llatnre
that the Yl'r~' class of onr residents
that well 1I10'lulated voice of hi:; was
I'xpolllHling' his views on thl' Prohihi-
tion I,aw, and, lwlie\'e 1111', llis ulter-
ances werl' not what you might eall .... --------···-····-1
H. A. Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H.
A. Jacobs, Mr. F. A. Lanahan, Mr.
Daniel Leitch, Mr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R.
for wholll the Y. lII. C. A. was created,
llllll for who ..e benefit many people are
conlrihllting' their best efrorls and
'·oll1plinlt'ntary. SOll1l'hod~' e!osl',l thl'
<1001' after awhile an<1 thl'lI the wor],l
<'ontinue(l to turn in its orhit.
J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. Muse~amp, Mr. monl'y, shonld he the one that either * * *
Fletehcr W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wohlert, mali"iollsl." or thong-htlessly ,eeks to There's an llneonfirll1l'<l rnmol' Cllrrpnt DR. J. H. LUDWIG announces the openmg of an
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M. that a train on the P. H. H. was on timp office for the practice of DENTISTRY at
I1l'stro," i Is property.
thl' othl'r 11l0l'11ing.
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, Mrs. James Anothl'r snrprising feature of the
* * *
Foote. ('asc is that thl'sl' hoys an,1 young men, Yon may he rl'lieyed to kno\\' that 109 Forrest Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
lOiost of wh01l1 arc known, eome frmn Fishtown '8 11l'ti lion to the P. H. H..
HARRY A. JACOBS, families ,,'llt'rc they aI'<' surrollnded by :lskin~ that the 5.13 express elil1linntp Office Hours-B.30 A. M. to 5.00 P. M. Sundays and Evenings
Editor. thl' Karlwrth "tnI'. has IlPen rejectl'<1
:':00,1 inflnenl·l's. \Vp h:tye no douht
h,' thl' railroatl ofllcial,. This was main· by appointment. Telephone.
that thpir pan'nt,;, wh,'n thl'~' learn of l~- <lue to the pfrnrts of a Narhl'rth ril-
Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Henry Rose, thpsl' ads, will 1)(' shol'l'I'11 he~-ond meas- i'zl'n of brains nn<l inOupnrl'. E,'pn a
W. T. Melchior A. J. Loos, nrc at the thonght liI:ll th"ir ehiltlren ])I'mocratip a'llllinistration was ahll' to
'itom. "honl<1 take part in lawll'ss destruction 1'I"'(lgnize tIll' uttl'r ahslll'!lit~- of thp
pdition fl'olll thp trollp~· station 1\\'0

Why Not?
of Y. lILC. A. property. mi]es \Yest.
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, Comrr lonllg'illg is a fruitful ;;OllreP +:. * ,*.

Cashier. of tlli" kinl1 of misl'hipf. \\'h~' ir is per- Sam \Vill'~' SI'Z: "Th' fl'llpr that
IlIittp<! b~' till' parcnts l)f the IHl~-S is II :II:1rril's a gal that (lon't look gooil t' Why not concede that our Soda Fountain is the cool.
'lOhl1,ltl~· bnt himsp1f, is going t' hnye a
Send all advertising and news items to lIl~'"t cry.
lot pearl'fnIlpr tillll' than the ~u,\- that est spot in Narberth. It is. and the service is the
P. O. Box 966. Thp din'ctnrs of th,' Y. lIf. C. A. \\'p<ls a <1011 that lonl'" goo<l I' 1'1'('1'.\' best in town. The variDus refreshing drinks are
Our Town is on sale at the depot hal'l' al\\'ay, trented such acts in a mrtll that Sl"'S bel'," mixed by thOle who know and whose business it
newsstand, und at the store of H. }<~. spirit of Ipnielley that is not appreci- * * +:- is to give you the best Soda, Sundae or Ice Cream,
\Vh~- Ilot pll1','1Ias" all of yonI' po,.tag'"
:11,"1. Thl' o!T"II,lprs h:l\'(' ],,'en aIlo\\'e<l
stlllllPS at th" :\'aI'1)(,l'lh Post Oml'''? 1
you ever had.
Entered as second-class matter togo frl'p, without Ipgal pl'osl'rntion,
\\'1' ,Inllht ,,,hpth,'r l1lis will rontinul',
'111'lIll thosl' that yOll liS" ill \"0111' om"p Come in any time. Make our fountain your place
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at ill Ihe (,ity. This \"ill ,\\'1"11 IiI" I'P-
as a propel' I','g'ar,l for th,' PI'0ppl'l." I'n- ,'"ipts of Xal'h"1'111 :lwl h"lp :t lot 10'
of rest. At the same time
Narberth, Pennsyh':mia, under the act
trusted to their rare il"nJanils lh"t :In w:ll'fl:-: S(I(,llring- ]ol'al (':llTiC'l' 41(lli\·pl',\·, "TAKE HOME A BRICK"
of Mare1l, 1879.
I'x:ll11ple he m:1l1e (If the g'l1ilt." p" rt ips for whi<·h a g:l'l'at lIUlllY of lIt' an' (·l:ul1-
------,------------- "I'illg. cl·n. of our delicious Ice Cream
that will III "k,' a 1:l'ling il1l 1'1'('ssiol1 ,
OUR TOWN will gladly plint
any news itlllll about any subject
11 1I\\'a I'll (', Pl'il.,1'I1 5"111'1Il';"I'<1 til :'\01"
l'isto\\'11 Oil :\Iond:l\', .'anwII'Y ;i, alld
T. B. SMITH, Druggist
that is of interest to Narberth
folks, but in order to meet the
Club's Weekly Letter ii·:lS s\yorn ill :1:-; .';t:-;tit·p of the 1)(':\(,('
:11 allil for fll,' BOl'ou~h of :'\:lI']II'l'th :llld
printing schedule, all "copy" ('III11lt:,· of :\r(J1lt~'t1Ill~),Y, Pa., h:,· .'lhlpy
To th,' E,litor of Our To\\'n: ,r"hll 1":111,,1' :\li]],,1'. fol' :1 t"l'111 01' six
-manuscripts-must reach the
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
\Y"II, it's 0\'1'1'. 'I'hl' w{)I'],1 lIla:- no\\'
1'1'Snlllp th" <lut iI'S whie1l it sU:i]lCI1I11',1
\-{l:lr~. h('giIlJlill,!! .1;IIlU:lI''y ;j, ]n~n.
1"l'ils"h was appoint"ll to this ome" ill
~Ir. HARR Y B. WALL Phone, Narberth 1687
week. \\'hil" :I\\'aitiug' in aw(,,1 I'XI",,'tntion th" :I!:t~-. ](110., hy GO\'l'l'nOI' \YIll.C. Sproul. Plumbing, Gas Fitting
alllll1al me",-"g" (If :'\:1 1'1I<'l'th 's rhi,,1'
lIlagi,-tr:i1I'. 1t \\,a,.; Illy pl'idll'gp to 11<'
:Hlmltll'.l to 111(\ Pl'(,~l'll('1' dHrill~ t11p
:0 fill :Ill 1Il1I'xpil"',1 11'1'111 allli ,r:ls "11,,,1'-
,11 til eOlltinll" ill om,,1' for a full tcrlll
:' 1 last :'\11\"'111],"1' pl",·t iOIl.
and Heating
SA.TURDAY, January 10, 1920 a(llll'{'~;'; to th(' ng-gTl'g'ation of int"ll,\(·.t
ull,l \risrllllll \\'1,il'1, :'\:lrll<'l'tlt ('alls
'';(iolllJ(·il;:.;.~~ :llld 1]H' 1'1':LIling (If tlH'
EMEHGENCY PIIOXE CAT,LS (il'cat DIII'Il11ll'lIt, Til h(,Il"~'I'll all<l golll"ll
\\"ol'lls our HlIl'~()1I1:1~1l'1'-llIy, 'Y11:d n
Fire, 350
Jll:lJl!-l'('IJ(':ltplll~' :!ll(ln':,:::ill~- thc' lll('llll-
Police, 1250
1,,'r:i of ('Ollll"ils as "Yollr Honorable
nil,l,\'," 1'(""Jdil1ll,,,I"ll Olll' "m"i"llt law NARBERTH, PA.
l!l:ll\crs nil 11lPil' eXl·(,11l'111 ]'('l'll!'ll fOl
Editorial 1h" yl'ar .ill,t "10,.,,,1. llllt I'org"ttill,~ til
1:ulld a Iloll'llll'! to Illll' ol'<'nrlll'k,,<l

Our Town is in r<'eeipt of the first

('01')'of the lIlain Liner, l'uhli,;!t"d 'It
~ln\(\t ('IJ1l1;lii;,joll('1' ill l't't'O~ili1 ion of
I hi' ,'XI'CllI'1l1 ,'oll,l ii illll III" t h,' Hol'-
ollgh's ldf2:h\\'ay~ :lud :lfl.illrill;.l" tlll' lInn-
Ardll1on', Pa. 'rhis ne\\' publication i,- ,,,':,J,11' H"rl,\' til pIIlltillll" til ,1i';l'lu~- tl,l' Raymond Weils, Proprietor
Itig'h qllalit~, Ill' stut""lllallship whi"h has
gottl'n up in Yl~ry gooll ,;tyl,' lIlId i:i
cho"k fnll of 1"'ig'l1t, intprestillg np\\'s 111'('11 nIP Wtltldl'r of aTl :IPl'l:lll(ljll~ aud GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
E~!:~~e ~~b~~~!~G
plISt'ITlllg" 1II1i\"l'I':'f'. Exprl's:-:iolls of l'l'·
(~f Main I.Jinp hnl'pl'nillgs.
Jt is puhlishe,l at Anllllol'l' <'a ell Sat-
vr<lay and we ,,,ish it the sueel'SS it d,,-
gll'1 11'''1'1' llttr'I'I',l :It th" :,Jls"II('e of tilt'
1"'11'1,1' ,'ll,,,t,,<lllll'lllhl'l'. that gJ'('at stah's'
llI:1ll, thl' 1Illllorahl<' ('al'l ::\Il'tzgel', fl'olll
Try some of our freshly made I
serves. Ihl' SII':llllP Hollo\\' Oi"tl'ie1. 011 till'


othl'l' Ilan,l, thosl' pn'spllt h:](l raus" for
(,oJlgralulatioll ill lH'ill~ hOllored hy the
('olllpan~- of that gre:;1 h'ader or' poli-
ti,'" I1IHl firl' hosp, the Hllllorahle Charles
Chocolate Straws GOOD VALUE
Y. :'\oe1. In the following up-to· date homes:
r cannot conllnen<l too highly the
spirit of our Yoluntl'er firemen '"ho
rpspol](l"d so quil'kly to the call for
help frrllll (lUI' lIll'rion nl'ighhors awl our
'The I11pssagl' in full will probnhly be
printe<l in anolhl'1' col t1Ill 11. lillt long hl'-
1"01'<' it appears ill this paper it will
lln"p hp('11 f1:1shp,l al'oulld th" !!Iohe for
Chocolate Mint Patties 208 Grayling Avenue
34 Avon Road
36 A';on Road
own go'"l I'it iZl'n, lIlr. \Yohh'rt. It tal,l's
npr\'t" ~l'it HUll a prop('ll' nll<1l'rstalldin~
bf <iuI~- and'onsihilit~· to face zero
Wl'atltl'r sUl·h as thl' \\'1':11111'1' man ga,'e Cotter's Market
Chocolate Marshmallow 100 Avon Road
us at mitlnight .January 51h. Our hoy,
did sp!pu(li(l work at thp JIlIwes rpsi-
dellce, Berkley a\,enu(', ?lcrion, an,l lIfr.
Woh lert 's Jlroperty, on I'ri,,(' a ,'('nu<'
Prime Beef, Spring Lamb,
Fudge WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY

WI' arl' pr01l<1 of t1](' firl' pro!<'l"tion Country Dressed Veal and Greenhou.ea Nurserie.
pro\'itle<l for us at all tim,',; by Chid
Noel and th(' sph'ndi<1 h(l,l~' (If IIlen who
make up th" IwrsOllllpl of our \'olull teer
Pork, Sugar Cured Hams
and Bacon Special Sale During Week of 30,OO~ ft.

of ,Ius 12 hous.s
Fire D('partllll'nt. PHONE us YOUR ORDER TO-DAY
You will find our prices right
Groceries and Provisions
Belle Mead Sweets John Albrecht
To the Editor of Our Town:
Hopewell Dainties Look about the home arounds and have
'Vonld it not bl' adnl1ltag<,ol1s :11111
wisp for onr horou~h 10 1'la,'1' a light Christmas
Clubs your planting done now. The s••son is
here again, and the weather conditions
at Essex and Elmwood a\'enll"", as well
as at Haverford a\,pnlle in front of the
Life Insurance WATCH OUR WINDOWS are advantageous.
Post Offiep? ------------,--------
Be wise and devote some portion
- -, ---~-----------,-


If your 1h'e-year-old Life Insuraoce policy
of the money you have received
from the Christmas Club to a yearly IVY CANDY SHOP A COMPLETF LINE OF
deposit on a protective policy-
was enough when it was first issued, it's only
half enough now-and the prospects aren't good Buy an Endowment. 219 Haverford Ave. Opposite Railroad Station AT
for a restoration of the oM value. Let me sllow
you an easy and economical way to offset the
lost amount. LANAHAN DAVIS'
LANAIIAN, 2011 Forest An'nue 205 Forest Ave., Ne.:-~erth, Pa. CIGARS ICE CREAM CANOY
P. O. Dox 352. Phone. Narherth 3·44 n. PIt"n.344R

.... .. as. ..e .... . . ._. a.. ...

How Much Money are You Going to Save

this Year?
Make Your Decision now, then Join our

(Uqrtatmaa (ulub
which will make it easy to carry out your purpose. Put aside a certain amount each week and you
will receive a check on December 11 for the full alTIOunt, plus interest.
EVERY BODY WELCOME. NO CHARGE TO JOIN. Make a deposit to-day and receive a Members' Ticket.

THE MERION TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Narberth Office: 205 Haverford Avenue
.- . . --_ . .......... .... ---_ ..-.. ... - .
bat!' on "Shonld the Society Column
Community Club he Aholished 1" •
When it is a<1de,l that. l\Iiss .Ian·c
often follows
Card Party Benefit
('al11l'l)('lI, whose sprightly wit is so well
]01<)\1'11 in :'\al'hl'l'lh, \I'ill alIt! her bit
Neglected Cold
to the fun, it is eYi,l!'llt that th"r!' i,.. KILL THE COLD!
a t n'n t in store for 11S.
Merton Meeting House, Merton, Pa. At the resideuce of 1fl's. Rohert
nothart], 'Vynnewood :lYI'IIUe, nhoyc
Tho carly part of t.he \I'ill
hI' .1el'ote<1 to a rt'ception 1'01' n"\I' 1I1e1l1-
GARAnteed Roofs SILL'S
\\'illl1sor. the nH'lllllPl's of the 'Woman's bel's hy the Execnth'e Boar,!. It is n',
Merion Meeting is open for worship
every First-day morning at 11 0 'clock. COllllllunity Club and thcir frien,]s \\"iIl
spl'nd the afternoon of .January lGth
questet! that all the Illelllbcl's l'e('clltly
at!1I1itlt',1 will lIIal,e a jloiut of att('nt!- CASCARAiQUININ
We cUldia11y welcome any visitors who iug' thifi llICPtillg', as it afl'ords nn ex-
in gaml's of bri,]ge an<1 fil'e hundr('(l. I·,'lltont opporillnity to bl'conlc a'·qunint·
desire to worship with us. 8ROMIDf.

First day school opens at 10 A. M. The price of a ticket is 75 cents. ,'t! with thc bo,]y of the Clnb.
Standard cold remedy for 211 years
Classes arc 111'1,] fol' both adults :lIul The committee in rharge r"(III<'st those The Clllh UI;orus is slowly taking -in tablet form-safe, sure. no
children. 1'hose intel'esle,] arc invitell shape an<1 form. A l'ehearsal will be opiates-breaks up a cold in 24
haYillg taken tables to bring the re- h"It! prior to the Cluh ml'etillg, .Janu· hours-relieves grip in 3 days.
to at tend. tllrns of their tickets to the regular Money back if it fails. The
ar~' l:ah, at 20'l'10l'1" It is most im, genuine bOle has a Red
nl!'eting of the Club on .Tnnuary 13t.h. portant Ulat all ,who wish to ('nter th" top wit h Mr. Hill's
,·horus shoul<1 attelH] this relll'arsal, as picture.
ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. Thl' pr,)(','!"]s go illtO the 'tr!'asury of

it is hope,] to finally place the yoiees At All Drull Stores
the (,Inb to help <1rfray the r('g'ular cx-
a t this time. Plcas(' ,'Ollle prolllptl~'.
1)('lIsl' of lcetures 1l0t eoyere<1 b~' the
Rev. R. F. COWley, Rector.
slliall annual dues.

A~s5'UT~.e !A
Early ],{nss 011 Sunday from April 1 Club Meeting January 13th, 3 P. M.
Parti!'s p1'f'f,'rring to pro1"l'e;;5 will h,' :\ Y"r~' fllll alld ~peeia] program has
to Octoher 31 at G.30 A. ~1. From ;\0'
a,·,·ollllllo,]atell. Therl' will al"o be light 1>(,1'11 arl':lllg",1 fur ihis da~" There \I'ill
vember 1 to March 31, at 7 A. 11. Late
1'I'fresh111ellts ;;"1'\'1'<1 alll1 prizes a\\,arl]- F. X. PURCELL, Manager .
Finesl PhotoplDv The-
Dtre 01 Its Size'in the
Mass, 10.00 A. 11. throughout the year. 1>,. 'I n""'ption 10 all II"\\' l1lelll1>e:'s Entire \'Vorld.
e<1 the sucee~sful OllI'S. Senral table,; 1('''Ill ;\ 1'. :'II. to ::.~n 1'. :-'f., tIl,' III PIIl-
Masses Oil holy days, G.30 and 8.30 PI>.toplays-Continuous 10 A. M. to 11.39
hnn' aln'a<1y ]ll'en taken nll<1 a <1e1ight-
A. M. 'Weekdays at 8. Evening devo-
tions and other services at regular
fu] afternoon is allticipatl'(l. So be 011
ti1l1e that the aftl'rnoon nHI~' not he
ht'l';-; of thl' EXt't'l1ti\'l~ BOilJ'lt n\r'l~ivlTlp;,
'rh,. P\'(1gr:t1ll \"ill I", flll'l1ishcd 1>y :'11'1',.. Cars Stored P.M.
Philo.• Pe•
times. .1('1111 B. Uoherh. l'hail'lllall of"l'atlll'('
to,o short on Fri<1ay, .Tanllal'Y 16th, al


~ 0 'clock. '
:tIlt] .\.rt of th,' X,,,,': C,,'lltury Clll]) (,I'

l'hil:lllelphi:l. which is as follows: Accessories

Tray(":--ty, .,rrlip \Volnall~:"
Xl'\\'Sp:q)l'l' PROGRAM
rag'{'~~~ gnnd or hOllOI', ~Ii~~ .':l1H~
C:llllplH'll; 0IH'llilq.!.' l':-::':l~'! :'\lb:-i C:IJJlP'
Oils and Gasoline
Rev. Avery S. Denllny, B. D., Pastor. 1,,'11; h"al't in.ll'r,·st slory, :-.rrs. (i"org-:' WEEK of JANUARY 12
llOllt'howl ll; tt'S1l'tl re\·ipll:-:, ),[":-:. Lcwh
Open Day and
Thc nl'xt IlIl'ct illg- of the COllllllunil.1'
Sen'ices Sunda~', .Jannar.\· 11, HI~O: n. Di"k; 1>rillgillg' Ill' 1IIotlll'1'. :'111''''
H.:)O-Pr:\,"t'l' 1Ill'piillg.
H.,j:J-Slln·,]ay Sl'110"l.
Cluh, .Tanllary l;;th. \I'il! be of ullusual
illtl'l'P:..:t- to 1111 ' 111ht ' r:-;. as :l nllJ~t :lTllllsillg
1'l'ogTam hn> l,,'ell plalllle,l,
Hor:u'" 1I. Bnnpll; aIIS\\'PI'~ tll eOl'-
Night Billie Burke
r('spoll,lt'lltS. :'Irrs. Wall'(1' \\'ill:tl'I];
11.00-:'Ir,,)'ning- \\'orship. S"rmon snh, The e1<'\'('1' n(,\I'spn )"'1' Ira \'!'sl.\'. "'I'h,!
jeet, "eh ristian Leall!'l'shi p." ::)n bjee! \VOIll:lIl'S ]):q.~'('1 ~. g-i\~(lTl :--0 :..:tl(·I·(\S~fllll.v
l'O"llI. :'III'S. ]1('1'1>"1'1 T. ][('1'1': 1.('aut~' IN
of ehildl'en's tall" "'1'h0 lOl'eatll"Ss of at Ill" :\'1'\1' ("'IItun' Cllll. lasl fall, will lIillts, :'Irl's. .JOIIlI B. Hoh"rts; ,le],al,·.
Little Things." r"r "~holllt] tIle S'll'idy ('ollllnil he A1>o]- IONA and MONTGOMERY
7.OO-Young' ]"'''1'le's :'II "l·t iug.
Ill""! repl'atL' (l 11:": '11,\' tllt, :-':11111' ('n:..:t.
'['he tran·,-t\· illl'lud,'s a "H!'art Tn,
1el'l':..:t Story.· .. ' I Tt'sl ('d H{'(·ipl':-.·' .:, ..:\11-
L',;}j(ld?' , AVJ£NUES "Wanted..--A Husband"
i..t3-E,optlillg \\'OJ':..:llip. SOllg ser\"ke ~11(',·ial so,'i,I1 j',·:tllll',,; ,It tl,,' ponl'lll'
cOll,]nelc,] by 11r. .Ianll·s :'I[lll'phy, \\,11" :,,:\\'p)'s 10 COl'l"l':":l'olldl'llls," ., Bl':tuty
~i(lll of tIl(' pl'ogr:ll11.
has hall ,·onsidl'l'a1>],· "xl'eri"llc,' in th is Hints." alld ends \I'ith a spil'itt'd <1e,
work. '['h,' "lllJil' lI'iIl hc assisted hy a
chonls "f voi,·,,,;. '!'h,' pasto)' \I'ill sp'e;\k
on the th"lIll', "Til,' SlIng of the Lord."
The Narberth Electric Shop :\IAIN I'ltOHUCTION S'rAU'l'S AS NEAR
AS I'OSSIBLE 'I'I) 10.00 A. :\1 .. 12.00, 2.011,
Will so:ve al ""our electric troubles 3.·)5, 5.45, 7.·Hi, f).30 I~. "1\1.
'rllestlll~' ('\'('lIillg- Ih,· allllllal supper We wire old houses like new quickly and without
and hll,in,'ss nll·,·tin:.: \"ill he held ;11 dnma~e. Let U8 estimate on your work. We can
the ehll)'eh. save you money on fixtures, port3blcB, floor lamps
nnd 8lJplinnces. Cash Business and Low Prices will
\\'e']lIl's,1:1." e\'('lIing the llIid,\\"eek
W. G. CASE. 323 Conway' Ave. enable you to
sOllg alll1 1'ra~'er ,.erdc,' \I'ill Ill' h,'l,l ill
thl' 81111<1:1" 81'ho01 rooms.
All are \n'lconH' to \\'ol'ship \\"ith us.
The Sweeper you've Phone. Narb.rth 395 W


been waiting for- COOK BROS.
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. UP-TO-DATE, SANITARY
Next. Snnuay:
10 A. ~L-8unuuy Sehool. A place
anll a welcollle for ail.
NARBERTH Meat Market
11 A. l\L-:-l'ublie \\"llrship. Public J"('-
ception of ne\\" llIembers all,l Commun-
ion. John B. Hertzler
G.45 P. l\L-JUlliorC. Eo
7.00 P. 1L-Sl'ltior C. Eo Le:ll]er, .Johu
Wilson. 205 Haverford Ave.
7.45 P. l\L-E\'enillg \\"o)'ship. Sermon
theme, "Knowing the 1'illles." Heating Deliciou. Meats
Next. 'Vednesday, S P. 1L-Prayer
and praise nll,eting. Suhject, "Turn-
ing Dry BOIH'S Jnto a Gl'l'ut Al'my."
",ext. 1'hursday, ;1 P. l\L-'Volllen's
and Al Hish Grade Chicken..

Eggs and Butter

Bible Class llIe"ting at the home of
Mrs. Klenl" 221 Jona a\'(,lIue.
Next Fri<1a~') 8 P. M.-Sulluay School
Teachers' 11l(lC'ting.
8 P. lIL-ScniorC. E. social. Clarence A. Speakman
ALL SAINTS P. E. CHURCH. Fortune Gas Carpenter and Builder
Phone 1652-R Narberth
Rev. Gibson Beli, Locum Tenens.
Ranges H. C. FRITSCH
.January 11th, First SunullY nfter
EpiphallY: Price $17.50 Prtpertlea For Bent and Salt
S.15-lIoly COllllllunion. Day Phone, Narberth 302 J Fire In8urlUlCle
9A5-Sunday School. Do not delay in placing your order for this wonderful Sweeper
11.00-l\Iorning prayer nnu sermon. b~fore price advances. Demonstration will convince you Night Phone. Narberth 344 J BeD Phone I6IlT.
Jllnuary 11 nnd every SUlluay there-
nfter at 3 P. lIL, in A11 Sllill'ts' Church. :0. L. CLEGG 237 Essex Avenue Wl'O BuDding. Narber&ll, P..•


" :ll IIG
... §

1lI.~ "u~ 8s
.- '."
.". "
.c "u

0 1111
1i: ~"
8< ~~
.. $
.. s" ,,=
.. ]
Phone 672 tOO ESSEX AVENUE :ll
Cl8 .9 'a~
u Po.
S .. z8 ~
::: Labor Yards Labor Material Labor
~Ui m::;!
Labor Material
TAXI SERVICE JaD. Hoo 00 69930 $108 $115 15 $1 44 613750 434 $541 $53 19 $3441 $6348 $61097
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening. Feb. 100 00 3960 80 11078 1 04 12554 385 768 1600 7047 471 91
March 100 00 2500 100 51 106 45 804 1238 100 80 2033 13666 602 03
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered.
April 10000 1665 8946 1 75 11220 256 6500 7 34 28 17 5776 4~ 33
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. May 100 00 32.20 150 98 1250 6422 134 9318 160 44 10 60 50 42 128 69 70313
June 100 00 4745 19748 2278 3450 70 17755 27661 1297 2760 6664 113 29 1061 77
The Women's Auxili- Sp,·retary-~frs. C. L. ~[,·L,'an.
Tn'asurer-l\[rs. H. C. Keim.
July 100 00 2257 191 35 24 19
3100 66 11807 41339 31 46 9300 41 68 1066 70

ary Narberth Y. M. C. A. Chairmen of Committees.

AUII... t

100 00
214 15
14367 1500 3712 78
260 93
1248 16
891 19
11 00
3 67
111 91
2012 06
l\[elll hersh ip-:U rs. Sa l1Iupl Dickie. Oct. 100 00 21 75 188 71 539 6400 176 11772 42632 3433 6020 97 56 204 23 1820 21
\'isiting-~lrs. HOl1laine HolTman. Nov. 100 00 22200 274 62 260 10893 283 1862 26112 2300 105 41 42 60 163 03 1311 88
Hostesses in Y. ~L C. A. lobby uur-
ing eH'nings in .January: House-~frs. W. N. ~IiI1s.

10th-~rrs. E. B. Stanley.
12th-llfrs. 'C. L. Clegg.
~[usic-:Mrs. T. Noel Butler.
Social-~Irs. G. Merritt ])a vis.
13th-~[rs. W. Tyson.
Hth-~Irs. A. Walters.
Narherth ,1('1'pat('<1 tIll' ('ra('k Sh('rwood
J;;th-~lrs. Earl Walkpr.
Wth-Mrs. G. W. Wilcox. There is a demand lit the present time Cluh of Philn(lplphi;) h ytlJ(' s"orc of 4i
to :W. 'rhe star of th,· g-:1II1I' was
Narberth Shoe Store
lith-;\Irs. W. D. Smedley. for elothing and shoes, and if the men
l!lth-Mrs. Hugh Brown. of our home town will look over their
"Capt." .John ]lic-ki,'. of the Xnrherth
High Sehool tpaul. Dil'1,ie made sam"
20th-~liss L. Morrow.
21st-~lrs. G. M:. Davis.
wardrohcs and let us have anything spusn t innn I shots frolll nIl nnl-(Ies of the Repair Shop
tl1('y arc willing to discard they will floor. C'npt. Durhin 1'1:J~"'11 a star floor
22n(I-:Mrs. W. E. Titus.
not only help the Y. ~r. C. A. with t,h,· g-nmc. His "Iuhhiug was all thp sensa-
2;1rd-~lrs. II. Chalfant.
24th-Mrs. Carl Greyer. rpvenue dprh'el! th"rcfrom, but will
tional style. 209 HAVERFORD AVENUE
2llth-l\!rs. C. L. ~fdzgar. also greatly henefit ·thosp in nced, at X A RBlmTH. snrmwoon A. C. NARBERTH, PA.
2ith-l\lrs. S. Lawn'.
28th-;\[rs.. J. W. lIreAnlifTe.
2!ltli-Mrs. 1\kx. Challlhlpy.
a time whpn pricps of npw garmpnb are
almost prohihiti\'c. anI' mt,·s arc most
School Notes Dil'kil' Forll'ard
,I ..1l'fTmips '" Forll'n I'll. .. ~lcCullough
, Burns

SIlI!'dle,V ("'11 t PI' • . • • . . • • Ga i!"y

:lOth-Mrs. H. C. lIon·lIIan. rpasonahle and in p\,pry salc wc mak,' Durhin Gun I'll ~[ullcn
:llst-~lrs. Priep. we feel that we arc helping.
Some clothing was sol<1 this week,
"\\'ithout halting, without l'l>,t,
Li ft i IIg het!pr up to hpst."
L .. f('/l'"ries " _ .Guard
(K Davis)
:In,1 we now ha\'!' a full suit aau se\,- nil'1d!', Ill; .T.•TpfT,'ri,'s, 1; SlIleclley,
eral "oats for nll'n. which we will he Th(, :'\"1\" Y"ar opens with an a,I,li-

tiollal (>llroliJ'"'lIt at' 1:1 pupil~ in Sl',,,'nc! f'lllloug'11, ;j; Gai1('~T, ;); I-Iarrigan, 2. UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
glad to <li,play at any time if you will Fouls-.J . .,,"O·,'rips, 11; Gail!',\', 6.
:-'l'IlH'stl'I' hp~~:illtll'l':-;' {,lass. 'Vt' r('g1'(\t
'phone ~frs. J. T. Darlington 01' ~lrs, th:ll III iss W('th,'rill eoubl not oJH'n the
Prpsi,lpnt-lIfrs. n. D. Sti,·kne\'. n. D. Stiekney. Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
:,\",,' '-"ar I\"ith us. hut frolll her siek
Yi,·e-l'resiolellt-llfrs.. J. B. Dariington. BryncloVis Cerlilled WEST pnlLA
rl10tll :·.;}Il' :-;(lllll~ lis (·liPl'}'V \\"OJ·tl~. Xl'(l(l· Milk •
l"s:-\ to ~:I.'". Wp IJOIH' Sh'l lllay ~OOIl h0
For - Good - Work - See (Pedrlalle SOdely) OVERBROOK
!'<'stor,'c! to jll':dth all'] str"IIg-th, a Ill]
t11at h"I' \-alllahl<' s('hoo] I\"ork lIIa\- 1)(' H. PREMOST Special •• Guernsey"
Narberth Pottery Shop th" pri\'ile,'!'p of ours to enjo~'. ':IIlrs. (Roberts'&Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY

104 Forrest A tJenue

Gt'{ll'g;C' H1lli111. of :\arlwrth, i~ :-'t1h:-:ti-'
tuting- in th,' J<'irst (ira,]". 011 th,'
llpt'Jlillg: (1:1:'" WI' \\'('I"P fOI'1"t1Il:Itp to 11:1\'('
The Uorne Town Tailoring Parlor Dairies)
Cream Buttermilk

A New Shipment of Pottery lI[rs. H()~-,I"11 HUllt in (·harg,·, as shl' 234 Haverford Avenue Table and Whipping
had for tl\"O ~"'ars hp"n wcll a"quaill!<'c!
Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed,
Came Too Late for Chriatmas Trade with the primar.\- I\"ork of 0111' s"hool.
:'IriSH lIfad,' y,'rl,es, of Hathoro, is Cleaned, Pressed and Remodeled

Bargain hunters call week beginning December 29th and end.

ing January Jrd. Will make it interesting.
lilling 111l' positiou hel,1 h,Y lI[iss ('nop!'r,
i. e.. Se"on,] Gra,I,· an,] su!wrdsor at'
,]ra,,-ing- anc! hand wor]; ill t1ll' EIP-
Work Called for and Delivered
French Dry Cleaning a Specialty
Bell 'Phone 12&4 J
IIlentnr\' S(·I,001. lIliss yprl{('s is well 45th and Parrish Sts.
f1nalified for the position hnth h,Y aea-
COME AND SEE J. R. lUKEN l]emi(· preparatio1l an,1 ex1'"ri"I)(·(,. For
thr,'(' ~','ars she taught in th!' Primary


J)ppa rtnll'nt of th,' Hathoro S('honl an(1
sn1'er\"isp,l ,lrawing t-hroughout the Narberth Register
Lee's fiarage
s('hool :,.\-stem.
The Spnior Class is prpparinl! to en- Two Lines, IOc per issue; Sc for each additional line
NARBERTH h>rtain Xarherth with a unique prog-ralll
Phone 1505 some tin1l' ']lIring tlll' nl'xt month. ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC
Kebn. H. V. Certilled Public Acoountant. Loos, I,'ouny U. Piano teacher
203 Dudley av-. Phone. Narberth JOO-W.
&1;orage Aooessories B.epair:Lng Sophomore. Doings. Studio. Arende llldg. Phone,·31G-J.
Sin"e Vi"e-Presic!ent Sperry has got· Leee' Garae_Repalrlng, Etc. Phone. 1805. ",ell'erles. J. H. 111 Narberth ave.
ten his new llanl'ing slippprs, he has N..rberth G .. rage. l'hone Narberth 1633. Phone, 666-M.
hecome quite proficipnt in lloinl,! thp See display advertlsement ID this Issue.
Yes, We Have 1920 Calendars! Seotdl Shimmy.
Thl' Sopho;nores will hola their
CeJlHOre, Sable. Pbone, tl~r;..
See display advertlsenlent iD this Issue.
Albrecht. Joh". renco~'d and Narberth
Sec display ud\'ertlsement In this Issue:
montltl.\' ('I:tss nlppting .January 16th, OPTICIA1'ol!
And we will gladly send you one if 1020. at the hom,' of Miss Marthn l\rar- BANKS
Merion Tl&le 8: Tru.t Co. Phone, Ardmore a.
Fenton, Carl F. 506 Eseex ave. Phone. 6J8-W
Phlla. addr.... 1801 Che8tnut at. Loouat ....
tin. Wnynl' avenul'. Narherth.
you will just give ua a call on the The Freshmen Cln~s <luring' the holi-
See dlepla)' advertisement ID thlll IlIlIue.
Zentmayer, Joseph. 228 S. 15th st., Phlla.
(Ia~' senson enjoYPfl the hours of a Walzer. Fred.
Telephone or drop us a card with "Freshmen Pa rt~'." :lfiss Regina Gal- Smedley, Wm. D. & H. T. PhoDe. GOO.
See dillplay adverU8ement In thla lellue. 117 WI"eor ave. Phoue. 1247-.1.
lag-hl'r, of Pittshurgh, II frienel of ~fahel
your Name and Address. Hanl'Y, was guest of honor.
Davie, H. E. Phone, 1254-W.
Witte. Geo. A. Fairview ave.
One of the hnpp~' New Year surprises Bee dleplay advertleement In thla lIaue. Phone, Cynwyd 778-J. FI~t·al. . work.
too the stu(lent hOllY and f:I<'ulty wa~ VARPENTERS AND BUDWDEBB PHOTO PLAYS
the nppenranee of' a "sparlde;" on ..Meadl..... 16th and Chestnut .ta., Phil...
ROBERT ~. NASH lIfiss Fr~·er's left hand.
"enklna. Cha.. L.
103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-)(, Bee dleplay advertisement In thl. I..ue.
Real Estate Broker The Girls' Baskethal] Team played Speakman. Clarence A. PhoDe 1652-B. PLUMDING, ETO.
See display advertisemeDt In this I~sue. Cook, Winfield Ii. Phone 1210.J.
their onl'ning game with Amhler High
1001 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA S"hool 'Wl'dnesdav afternoon. The score CONTRACTOR OF PLASTERING See display advertisement In thl. I.....
Wall. H. B. Phone, 319-.1.
MEMBER. PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD was ~4 to 24 in 'favor of the Narherth Frat..ntonl. J ..mes. 8: Sons.
230 HampdeD ave., Narbertb. Box 270. See display advertisement In thla I..u•.
Re.idenc:e, 104 Graylin&, Avenue, Narberth ~irl~. REAL ESTATE
Thp Narberth g-irls played a fast DENTISTS Caldwell, .J. A. Phone, 1G87
'Phone: Narberth 605 gnme from whistle to whistle, and show- Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone. anew. See dleplay advertleemeDt In thle I..u..
Phlla. Phone. Filbert UU. Keltb Bide. Fritsch. H. V. Phone. 252-W.
pel that they meant to bring' a eham- Sehemb8, Dr. John. Pbone Narberth 316- W. See dleplay advertillemeDt In thl. Ie.u..
pionsllip to Narhnrth in H120. The work Cor. GrayliDg aDd \Vindsor aves. Godfrey, Wm. B.
of th .. two forwards, Miss Cook and Office Hours until 0 P. 111. daily. 114 Wood.lde ave. Phone. SB5-W.
Repairlns Appliances NUh. Robert ;,. Phone. 606.
lIliss Fow!<'r, was exceptionally notice- DRUGGISTS Money for Firat and Second Mortealee.
Thp line-up \\'[lS as follows:
Howard'.. Phone. 1267,
Bse dleplay adverU8ement In tblll I..u•.
Smith, T. B. Ardmore, Pa.
Simpson, James V. 233 E.eex ave.
Phone. 636. or H20 Cbeetnut .t.
See display advertisemeDt ID tbls issue.
GBra-MeGlnle:r Co. Phone, 1268-W.
Bee dl8play advertl.ement In- thle I..ue.
5007 Westminster Avenue lIriss Cooke Forward ... 1Ifiss Arihele Case, lV. G. PhoDe. 305- \V.
See display advertlsemeDt iD tbls Issue.
BlUer. John A. 241 Iona ave. Phone, 8U-;'.
~[iss Fo\\']Pr Forwa rrl. . Miss Willener Bhop. 246 Haverford ave. Phon.. UII-.1.
House Wiring Philadelphia, Pa. ~Iiss Har~:·h Cpnter :Miss Griffith
Push, Veri 226 lona ave.
Nar. Phone, 650-W. Ard. Phonll. 111-.1.
~[iss lIfalthy .. S. C,·nter Miss Aruff Snow, Earl E. Philadelphia. Good Wear Shoe Repair Shop.
lIliss E. Mueller.GIlIII"fI. .. ~Iiss Shcrewn See display advertisement ID this Issue. Constantine. B. G. :!5:! lIavertord nve.
FISH AND OYSTERS PhoDe. Narberth 170(J- W.
Miss F. Mueller. Guard .... lIIiss Gilhert
Imperl..1 Grocery Co. Phone. Narberth 606. Rell'lDelll, Frank. 20!l lIavertord ave.
Do you demand the best? Field goals-Miss Fowler, 1:1; lI-[jss
Cool,p, 2; l\[jss Arihell', 7; Miss 'Vide,
See display advertisemeDt ID this 181lue.
Bowman. Samuel P. (Life.)
ncr, 5. Foul g-oals-Miss Cooke, :1 out 116 Elmwood ave. Phone, UI·W. Prem08t, H. PhoDe. 12114·J.
Then let us do your painting and paperhanging of 4; Miss Smith, 1 out of 1. Substitu- ",onee, Vhae. B. See displaY advertisement ID this I.aue..
305 B. Narberth Phone, 682-J.
tions-Miss Knutzell for Miss Fowler; ",onee, Wm. 01. 103 B. Narberth ave. Phone. WALL PAPER
lIriss Smith for Miss Cooke, Miss Fow, 680-J. Phlla. addreell. Penn Mutual Bide.
Trotter Bro.. (Fire, etc.) lIIartin &: Henry. Phone. CYDwyd 895.

MARTIN & HENRY ler for l\nss E. Mueller; Miss Wilcox

for lIriss F. Mueller.
209 Woodllide ave. Phone. 1263-R.
Gilroy. "ohn 211 Eeeex ave. Phone. Un-R.
See dlslllny advertisemeDt ID this Issue.

The above department ehould ba or th.

Decorators Elm Hall ne\'Cr looked bctter than
Phlla. addrelle. Lincoln Bide.
Stites, Fldcber W. 411 Haverford ave.
Phone. 172-W Phlla. addre... Crozer BIde.
ereateet uae to the community. the lI.t OOn-
talne the name of every profe.lon..1 man.
it did Wednesday evening. Dauctlrs tradeeman. mechanic, ehopkeeper. eta.. wh.
Phone Cynwyd 895 CYNWYD, PA.. could not ask for better music, and LIGHTING FIXT17BE8 doell or can In any way lIerve hi. fellOW-
towneman. and who I. enoulb
('v'·n refreshmcnt in the WilY of [Iullch McDonald John. Narberth phons. 1288. to add name to lI.t of Reel.ter.
1583 Che.t. .t.. Phil... Phone, Spruae IUS.
nnd cakc was included in the c\'ening'J Ae It Ie dlmcuit for tho.e contrlbutlnl
We can change a dull and gloomy home into a bower of entertainment. Balloons, favors, horns 1IIEATS. ETC. their time and elrort. to the production or
l~nd confetti made the dance [I. re'lll liye ()otter, Howard F. Phone. 1291. "Our Town" to per.onally either kuow or
delight with our new line of 1920 imported and domestic wall Elee display advertl8ement In this I..ue. Interview all .uoh. It would be moet h.1p-
regular one, and dancers enjoyed the Hertzter. John B. Narberth. fu1 If tho.e not now round In tb. print..
rl'stivities so nllwh thut the,}' continued Sce display advertisement In thlll iI.ue. 1I.t would .end In a memo of nam...
hangings which is now ready for your approval. until 3 A. l\L Think of it-a dance last- addrea, phon. numb.ra and bualne_ or
1lIJLK profes.lon. for 1leUne. Thle will oo.t aa fol·
ing until 3 0 'clock in a slow old place lklott-PoweD Dalrl.... Phone. Pre.ton JlI •. lowe: 10 aenta .ach I.ue for 1 lin.. : 1 "Iltl
like Narherth! Bee advertl••m.nt In thl. lIau•. for each additional lin•.

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