Test Case Specification Identifier Test Items

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Test Case Specification

Test case specification identifier Installing the Java SE Development Kit

Test Items
Java SE Development Kit (Java SDK)

The Java SDK provides the necessary libraries and functions to write Java applications
and run them.
Input Specifications

Java SE Development Kit 6u22 (6u22 will vary depending on current version)
Reference : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html

Output Specifications

The ability to create and execute applications written in the Java language.

Environmental Needs

The target platform includes Windows operating system XP or later.

Special procedural requirements

The operator must download and install the Java SDK available from
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html .

Select the Windows platform version which suits your operating system. Click on the
downloaded file and follow the guided installation instructions.

To properly test that the Java SDK has been properly installed you should perform the
following instructions:
1. Press the “Windows key + R”. This will bring up the run dialog box.
2. Type cmd for the command in the run prompt. This will show the command
line interface.
3. Type the following command> java –version . If you get an error than you do
not have the Java SDK properly installed, otherwise you will see the current
version info.
The final test is to try to compile a java program and run it. You can use your flavor of
IDE however it can be done through the command line as well.
1. Press the “Windows key + R”. This will bring up the run dialog box.
2. Type cmd for the command in the run prompt. This will show the command
line interface.
3. Type the command> javac [path to file].java
4. Type the command>java [path to file]
If you received no errors then your installation of the Java SDK was successful.

Intercase Dependencies
This test case specification is independent of other test cases and actually serves as a
precursor for other cases.

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