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All Ex pee ta t ion s \T ocal I nstruction to Democrats Hold a Called For

Exceeded In l~en n is Choral l\lembers Bi~ Rally i/'", hal h"JI 11 JI"'I'//lbl, Jol/- Clean Up
11/1/ "1/ IJI /11' lid, \, , l ' l d"rIlI" Ih,
Country Fair III IUi'J/l//:..! TIt!R J)eln '('uri .. -Ir/r/re,I,Il',1 /;y SIll Ie
r!uftttCJ FCIlIure
C(/I/- I'" I I I,' l "~ / " "
10 1111 ',111 ,11",
/ 111 I /I
I II d/I,
I '1/1 1101 1/10,
1'''' Problen1s
hi/my lilt/ "h"l1l JlIII' II 1>",
/,,1/11\ 011/1

jlV!IJ Flaying -;1 d

h/'(/I/l11 "","
/1/ 11,1/1 I
Illld,l. ,III I'/ldlllll
l~resi{/l'Jlt oj' HOlllt (IInl School ./1ssociatioJJ
111, / 1111t1, II 01,0, / ,r/I 'II/I' I
\ long
(11'/,1111/11//1/101 I)I\{ 111\\:\ Ih, Reports 01/ Last .iVfeeti1/g
,ud /"O/', I " 0 / 0/11 rt "d, I I III 111'

\\ "" II/II I, III d III till 11 /1/1 lid I IO,,/t! tJlIl"t111111'" fltl'1I1h TII ... td 011 IIlul1tr .. /i'l/IUII' /t <l//I /,11 Iltal d"'llor
dO/JI'/1 1/0\ ,,' 11,'111117' 111, ,,- I" rl I I II III).!. to tIll ... 1 liPid 1ft III CIt $Ih-. 111'1//1 /1/ II" 11101/1, 111 madl II 1'01-
(ifill '\ It II h \\ 111 114 \ II t t Ii 011 It t h 1
(1/,1 rol/oll 0/ '1/11 I, "d, / I 111 "lIdllll/ \Clllllllgtl4 11011 .. hl\1 l l l t l l t U I I l l l o \ 1 1 \/hl, Ihol ,111\ ,"1,,1/ ;({I/lid h, oh-
II/ /1,1/1 I ,'1 1111/ I,ll' t 1I f h t \ II t I r... II t ' I r lit r 1 h t I I d t I l "'\011 IO', I, olld (/111/1/1///" Ih/ i'l/ \111'111
\\1"lh" 01 "," :,>:,,,1>"11< "iii 1<1\1 01 11,/ \(111" /11, (171, /"0'/011/111
Lpglotl ~pttlHl fllllll Itt \\ "\, htled lllllldlll~ Tt "'1", III tlt'IT 1/11/111' I, d II" / dlltll 10 <"Illthoid
Ihl \ll\4rHII1
'\1 \\ ()rI. lll~ ('Oll\tlltlllll
' " n l l r1h 011
.... t0l'ptd
hilld .. 1111 s,holll BOITI hi ....... lgnlllid
'Iotltll\ 1I,).llll til til'" II' ""I< I" f"II,"1 lh, dl' I It, - "f II<'
,ill ,1111, /11/ II" ',1
'I, hool noonl
1111111111\ Illd fht 11111/111\ "ill IX 'lUI 1//011 II/ ',/11 7l", /,'1 1\111/
thlrgl t\\o IIHII It'glCllllr ... '14S-!'or~
I"hll II :'>: ,-h ""I f"hll \\ \f"" It r pn It", df .. JIf 1I11 \ 1\ t IlIllt r;-
0,;'" " flll 0/ tit, ,'/' \ 11'l/tiO/ 111-
Ifl/ OU"
\lr \\111'"11 " (r<,III1,r I, ,,,"I1<,r P" 11- I, /, II II" /'/(11'0" d 1001/ (h K
III "r I, I II<., It il'lt
\: Irl" rth 11111\ .11 111.· ( 011\ tilt 11111 1111
1/)\\, ht/I "1/11 , , / \ /"IIullal/ III
Illlllld I" I'll dlld, 11'1<11 \\ h \ t hI .. ( htlll I IItl' ...

"'It\ fill \(ltill/"", 11,/111111/ II" ,,,o/'/lofIlJl1 (;f /),

\1", Il r"lhl "1" ,1, 1...1.1 t h (\ IJl 1\ /, 10\ "'//1// '1\/1/t/111 i'lIlf, 1\/11
\Il'1"'il II 11\1
till 11111 .... '1111 r Idt l',r1l 11h,r lit t hi 0/ / dllll/liol/ol Id11111l/IIIO/l(l1l t/I
111 111 ~t It I
III, ~llt st .. I ill I"
t "\111 . . 4 \, Illllg
/1,1 {II/,' I 1/1\ 'I I', 1/111\17 11111,/
I til
-,It" /\ /'/, 10I/U,/ " ({llIlrltl, 01101
\ 1/\ 01 IIII ,111/11 1//1/1///01/ 1/1/.
,1111,1, 'l,1I 1'1 /,II/<//.h, d /11 0111 II< If
f , 'If I

... 01 f I I I III


(IIr • \. 1\ H\ 110\\ \In, \ H \:\ "' ....
"'11t"",,1, II t III I I', II I!I' III I .... huo \ ..... tlt I I t lOll

III I hi I rt \ II I , 111.1 1111 t .. , \ I II t \ t' 1\ t

t "I k· ," I

I l' I tl d t 11 It
ttl til tlinl qoll p" ,11111' tll'J~\I" It}ltlll
Register \\hl Ii lilt hit \\\ .. (11 .... 11 Jlld flit l""'tll
1111 r. lIt 110 Tl g-1"'11 I'" III th' . . lllg I 1"'11 l'l t :-It III III
It"ll I I t hll..,1
III... \ 1111 t I \. II I dIll.... t I II It 11 r Ii 1 1\\ ... II I I I til 1 ....... ' .. lit lilt \ ....... 0111110[
1... 1.,
\ til' 1

.. la I

I 1111 Tt

r lll~'
(I PIII\ pIll )t:"
\\Teddings 11\ lIlCHll I \ \ t l l l \ 11\1 lulllr...
11 '1 "'Ielt 111 11 t1l1 \-.1"11 I tllll1l ~t 111 d dill

\ "", \ III I I I " I' ear and nund traul till 111 xl 1111 I 1111.- 111 lit ht'ld III tIll
1 11 lUg- 1h, l IT \\ III 11 pr0l'prh trnlH~1 II\l I
ARMSTRONG-SMITH -11",,01 1\1 IIII 11\'"' '11 Ih, Ihlld I'hllr-
d \\ III t!lflf rllltJ It I hi t\\(·( II tllt' good 11ld ,j II \11" ~I",h ~"Jl1l1 dl1lgl'l<l "I \11 11\ III 'O\tlld,4! \\\ ... ttl III .llt(t·p
11" h ,d ,lid dIS' lid th, }, ,d 111 <1, "_ g,,,,, , ,,,d \11' ~Jd\\ lid I "lilith, "t ;';",111, Ili)1111' l'rlll(11111 \\11""(111 In,1 till tl.llh
th, gllod hplbIT" }oul1 .. \\011, If IlIlt! .. llll\\!"\ 1I1I \arh.ltll \\1 \\l!'l l l l l l l l l i 011 Slfllr r, d lh,
Ilh "11<001, "lid ,t1-o :'>: ,I},'
1'1"f :'\"1' h,- 1I1,ld. thl' \"n 1i,11' I'rtl\~lIltlit l l \ t r llh pll\ pj II .... t \ l . t t 11\ Octoh.lf ~] ... t It -l ~tl II ,).lIk to 'IlTcil dh 111\ Itl d til, lilt lI1Jht~r... of thr
tilt' 11It-'lIlht t~
111111'11 \\ I ... 111IS"'l'd,
1\11 ... tJgg(lstlllfi to Choral
t"'ill I I t11\ lIli tlll II tt 11 .... 1\( lit 1ft! 1".1 'Ir Ld\\~lrd \ (' \rltl ... trollg lit I'hl1lt ..... 1111101 BOlTci 1(1 bt plt:-llllt l ancl urgltl
Ih'l If th/ \ \\ 111 In tn I'xl'pr','IIt' th, 1,11"ld, _111"111111' IIho I III Itl] III It ,I. Il'hlll III "I 11I111P- I' I' ('h 'ft h NOTED MUSICIAN ILL tht JiIH lit . . 1t1 101111 out .1Iltl IIlt"pl 1111
1"'''11\'' \lho \\It
S,'II" 1'011 "f ) ,1\\ 111 III! (JlI-t ~ll'f"r(' \ 0 111\ 111111 \\,11,,"1 -"1011- I,,~s I" the ~~lId 111.1 ,,·t!lIl1t -t, Phil., H,\ \1 1, "h, I' II, 'l'I" 11, d fOI I f1'111 splffl
'llIIZlllg), thl\ \\dl l'rodlllP , l,rl.:tr ltdlll lOll) IIltfl trt tJ\lllg tnl the 1It'II I( LIIlI!'oO lIttJC1ltlll~ ~1\trl1 11ItlsH II1\1111 ... 1'11lllittl tor tit ((I lIpt 1 It 11111 lit t\~t I 11 tht> p.trPllt ...
, 1\ I" 111 t h,' t h ro It" 11I1 h "ill rl" 111 I '1ulrttr I l i l k )l0"ltltHI \rdllig-tf Plttt·lI. lilt lindt' \\ 1.... g'1\('1l III IlItlTlIIgP I" 'ldH'rth liUJing flit \\ll\lrl \1\ Jullll Illd till ... tlllltd luthorltlP.... U('trt,)~l1
111 '1 IH'tlpJ f{U IIlt\ .Hld " rOlJllcl""r tOIiP HlIlI' II ,lid H (0111111.," \\1th houol' h. r f Ithl'r lIud \\ IS ,h,l1ll1l1'~ III " (11111- .Ir of -tll!>:-; :'>: ,rlwrlh \\lIl'1< nll·lIl ... \\111 ttt ""t r\I'11 ·,t tlus Ul('t'IIII)!
Prof :'\ I., I- dOIIlg- Ill' IItlll",1 to ,llIunt t\t~Jl at lJ1P!'oluf \Illt,k tXptTl eO\\II lit hro\\11 (11IfOIl lrtlilt \\lth h:1\(' bt(~tl p'o.... 1pollpd hPllll~(, of \11 Illd 11 I.... 1'11 ...... t1d4 Illtrt' 111\\ Ill' ,111,111
prodlll P '",IX'lIIl1l11 n"IIIt, II II Ii III, Ell 111(t',.1 1IIIIlhJll't.'t!pd rt'q\llrllJll'1I1 t O i l hTO\\11 \£'1\(\1, lIlIl r,ITTlPt} n hou (lIrll~~ Jlllltss \ 111,lt~ 1I10lt li1afl I 11("'s 11\ .... (JlIlt IPldlll~ t'tltll·tt(lT \\)IWU
"I'",hl(', \\ Ith fhl' 11'1,t p"""lhll' \ '" ,i1 hilt! ~tJllrll \\110 I~ ttl I III ... q.,1I11 ... hut 111lt)' of \\hltl rO!'o\t!'\ ~lH \\:ts ultt'IHlttl Thl' (DIIlIH).! tll'ltlllll I'" tht \OI(,T~) II "'" ,,,.I -111>,,'<1 \\111 It" ,IIIIIOlln, "d
rfl'orl, lIull ,dfN an ,'utl,'U\ or "" tI" till I \ P l l l l l l l t 1111'" \ t 11 1l11~ht to de 11\ hpr 'QstPl. :\Ir.. . llnn\ (' LlldfOld t1J1I'"rt lITl II \ to Iltlt IIllh 4."'1 I hlHlIt 1 <t, I
FiI'5t Set pdrl nf tIlt' 1III'IIIhl'r' to PlIt hIS 1'11111 \llop lIlll' lit thtlll Ililu 1 \Hluuhlp Ulan
1 1 ] -t II 1-1'-1 lit (11'\(·I:1l1d IS 1I1\IIUII 01 hollor \\110 hut III rt IIh \otf' \\Ith I II f... t h.llld 1\\11 lildTI ...... t ... \\4rt IIlld, dUllllg tht
PI-rhl'r mgs 11110 dTl" I thp ft""l! IS I lIIost 10/ lI,xl \/,\1 \\lIr(' 11.(111111 alld h,lI of hl.l/k ,'Ill! kll,,,,I,,]g' "f for \\hlllll 11,,1 f"r \\h,t t (1\1, .. t' (It tht (\ 111111/""1 111 .. t l)\ (11,111
-t -t -t :! 4 j-:!~-h
1oh "'011 tiP, "I"fl 1I111'ro\t'I1lPllt HI' 1- l'uttllH! rlH t IId!'l. .Irt ht lug I Bltd 101 iI\ , IrrlPt! rt'd rn ... t·... rIll ht· ... t 111111 \\H~ tht \ Ilt \lItll1~ 1Il,III I 11"" ,rd \1<1 'It"l ,lIld Ift,r
Seond Set 111~ tdf'IS '1I1d "'\!'o\tC'11l of \!lllt' lllltnn ("lldl,1II .... l1l1lh \ '"111", KUl~hl ,lid \1, .foSi I'h ('lIodll1 III "f f'hd:l,Jpll'hI , \ 11'1" hilI III (,0\' rlllll 111.1 , P"1110 ",r<l I" \11 \llhlll \\ Hllr", ,,,d
-; Illtn ((III( rptp fOTllI fOJ Jluhll( ntlOIl. nllt! ('llIlUlllg-h.llll Uf thl ... t· ltlllillughnlll 18 \ftpr n t\\O \\(ks' \\I'dtllll:! triP 1'ltlC 1 1tlll1 II 1111 (dl\PlllOr IS I \l'T\ hoth gYlltl, I t 11 I t l ' l f t f l til 11\14111 tit
11 J! IS hllpl'd thll ,'x'I'rpl- frolll '1110 1"-1 ,h"," h,,'h I" "I"IItIl«' 111.1 1" \Ii 11111, I'lon,h \11 lilt I \1" \r1l1 Ilk.h 1'0--lhl1l1\ III I',,,",\h "lit" dllr \(!OPllltllt ... III lllf !f)1 tI !'o\lh(I(II ... 11111
.Iohsllll i \\111 1", a\ ad,b1,' n.ttuldl .dIl111\, .11thou~la lUI l:-i Il.I .... Jh .. trullg' \\111 hI' .11 hilllit It 101110.; .... tc,l,ls IlIt,- Iht III xt 141111IIlI!'o\lrdloll awl It Illl~ tlUII h 1!lIkt \\IIH It 1\t·ll!'4"'.lr\ to ... 1\
~-t-th~-t~1I2 n .-" III)lIlld t .1 .... 1\ HtllOIl 1"1111111 .Iud \\1 (olllllg"'i\\oIHI \; ) Ht'IHlhll( III \t1II'T-.I of tht' tllttrP ~111tt~ h,'rl' Ih,lI r", 11111 , group ot' :'>:,Hlllllh
Third Set "r ',lid :\Ir' I' 1>1' \\ "f ~II" Lt It I h .11l f1~htIHg It Ollt ftll tlu' \1 u-r q,{l1 hI' 4 lll~ht I ... ('\PTt' told \\hllt' I I I I'll 1I!oo\ .1' ,.llll-' II I (If I lIlt I t Illg \\ Ith
1>'1"' h,'r -t 2 -t i i (i "11 '1- -, \ " l'h"llIlIt \\1' h,I\" r," Illth 1011ll'I\ 1111 pO'ltlOlI- 1\ lth ('",1'\ "lid Ll'ltl h ,ho\\ WELLE~OHIC 10111 II.!: :\, \I I I1gl ,lid ,.~ 111 11" It d .III" "'prl'~t III ttl\ I ... tit lilt 10\\t'l \O[t flCl!t
.Johllsoll 4 h \ /
II " 4 -1 ; -41 lug tIll' IIlo!'o\l 1110Jlll~t' 1t1'" tln'g,I~('
SOIIPt\ 'tr!ol DTt'\\ 1'" I fllrultr glltiU \11 lit' 1It'\\ 10 for of III opt r I I (lIl1p.lll\ '" h",,1 H" lid 10 ""1""' If th ,I B(".rd
( It1I'I1 ('-l'lIU I \\ (oIl1holl' Itp nf \\'ell,,"It'\ CoIl"!!,, \1," \lr tht POtoHtltl1i rglllolt' 1l1d \ 1Ilt ltt> .1It l Til. Illarrlllri of '1ItI~ I 1:... 1 ( IIp (ohll '1111'" \\I'T,' "0 11111l1l~nl\P~ ',ftt'r hi'" it' \\ollld ,h-('I'I> th, "Irl>. rlh 1l'l~1I 14,110/11,
III till' ,'xl"bltloll douhlt" IIIUI I h \\' tI RUIIIIII'I \[<Jr,'hollS/ of 111 lilli,' \\', pIIshlllg Ihl' Il'glll'l ta' kl., Jor tlll',r d,llIghtpr of ~Jr lIId ~fnt \\ " (\ohll 111111 Ih,d h' It 111'1',) to IlIk ... , 1I1'",I"d Ind UpOIl \\h It I. Till'" !'lIdt gloup of
!:It" F ,JOhll'OIl nud I' " O,hllnll' .It' IS IIIlP of thfo IIp\\ fellors 111 thp ('horl1!'o I",-Itloll- "f I~-~"x \\t' 10 \Ir W"d \\1'11"r, nf 'lSI :llId I,'t '11I11trl 'lfl.'r"d 1 '0111 "t"",IS IIIf 111d, " \1"-"- ('hulfnlll,
f, ntl'<1 ('.,rl f'I'( hpr all,1 '''Irold 1,,1111' \e t1\" ~1"lIlh(,l,hlp (S1l1!!lllg 111'10 ('O,Hh ~lIlgltt Ia.l!'o IllfU"'t'd 111to tht' \tlulh. 1',1 took pllll (III ~.llllltll\ 11'11, IIlr\ol1 .... Illd 1'l!\"'I( Ii ')It'lIkd'tl\\1l "a,h "ohl"rl I 1I,,1,,'rl Bllrl, 1',lttl'll,
111 ... tr.lIght Sflt" 'i.j h (,llt ' UlIlpJrf' Ii,,-) \\tll lip h,'ld Opl'll for ollh I It. 1111 I h~htillg, H~g,rt'sSI\t' "'pilit .1" ()l tol)!ll ~l~t. ,It 'i 0'1101 k III Il!(
\1 a- W ,I K nk I'll rtl I(
\; II Ind \o . . t hI'" \(Jill Iii rl'IIIO\('ll \\lth "or,dll 1"1111 H'lI"s ,".1 I'rof"~'ur,
.hllrt 111I1l-IIlltl1 th" d,J!1' of Ih,' fi"1 1\111", I 'l"rll "I l.:",,,I, ,1",'11 'pOll- h"rth 1'",,1,,1"",11' (hllrd" HI'I I"hll hI- 1"ll'lIt, to ',"I>l'rth \lU\ I, .l1d l'IH},! Illd sf411,11I k \\ 11 lt~ Iht' n "TI· ...
'I'hl' "p"llIti I'rlZl'- dOll,lt'd til th, 1 I rIC t'rt I.. . dpflJllt .. h Inllflll1H I cI Illel 1II,'II,hl!, \\h'I"\tr -11"'''-- Ihl' 1",'111 \ III :,>:,_, oll1"tlll'l.: 111"'.1 r'l,dh '" h,"J1lh ,11111 ,lft'lIglh • utah\"" IIf 1114 I 11\\t'r ~ll'rll1l1 BUild
}>' IIr \1\ Ill, tI ,'nd I'hl1,'d,,11'11I1 l,u" :11'1'11, ,"1lI11 ,hould hI' 1111,,1,' to \If' 111(1\ ... ho\\ I.. . tlup tu hi'" t'l1l1tl"lt I'lL! tt 'Iht Itnelt' \\110 \\tl"" ;.!1\tll III IIIlrT1I~( t1I1IJ! Iitt III \lI~ll!'\t \\11f1l lit' ~1If1(>rpd \\ t'rt \ 1'1 I', t "'1 II 111 If 1111111011. ~t't It
Ilt'HR IllJH('rn'" \\err .1\\.lrclt·d , ... fol '"lIP'" I HotI' 1221.,; n or to Pr(lf '\ I l' Jltlt'lIt coacltJJlg 11\ li(r F'nthtl \\Olt 1 J.::o\\1I lit \\hlll I 1,I,'pSt', frolll \\hlth hi ... f I ' I I l \ I I \ h,ls tan \\"1111" I Ihlllt' IIld "lIpI'r'"
10\\' 1'<l1t! :'\",kl,I/I', .1 I' 1,,11'01l 11111, :\llt Hllt~1 li.1 .... plo\t'd to 11(' tht' III ()!'o 1 1/111 tllld \\hlte> 11«(' \I'd lilt! (Irtltd hlt'f1 ,..)0\\ t 4 ndtJII t 1)0\\ Il ....
\III :\1<1(11111('\ ,trl'l't, l'a'OIl\, I'htlu that Iht' ~lll(101 has I IlutHllIt't of OrCliHl!o1 lUll roSt ....
'Ir ('lIrth ht·J!.11l hi'" 1 11111 l~ 1
!fillHllt III,lIl.q.{11 !--ill( Illt Sl1j..{~4 ... 11C1I1!o\ of thf l I.,O\\('r :\fltlOn
,It-lphl,I, \Pl'llqlll' 1)('<1 N""11 ,,,t, I \ LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, h,ld fnr 1111111\ a dav, ,Iud IU hI. l'!Torl' \I'" 'Itt"lldl't! 1>\ ~11's H,'r,lllI, BOIIl.:h
",,"IU<1or "h"11 hI' \1,,- 1/ \I',lr, 01,1 Hllllld \\"r. 1111111'<1 11\ tl,.s I.(ruIII' of
Brlttoll, 2111 E"l'x \\PIIIIl', :\,I1'tllh, Ill' I- 111>" ,"Sl'h'd b\ the ,"'I-L,ut II1,'U '"'1 h, r '''11"111 IS 1I1l11,I"f hOllor "ho lid ,till , 1'111111 III till' l'hllld,II'"lu Iltl'l:tll'" "btl \\l'n' Jflillt'd In K()\t'
Flrsl lOll of '0111, ~I \II DOllollgh, \ III Thp L('u~lIt' of \\'01111'11 \ ott'I"" hplcl 'g'I, .Io-"ph 1>'\lollzo ""r, I Iro,k ,If 111111110",111111' taft'I'l I "l1lr,J1 H,gh ~.h"ol 1'01 , S/'as"l1 011,,"- h/I"r, Ih, "I hool Ho,If,1 III a
(~rt'('II\\ltll ,tl"('1. I'hd"dplphll, "", "lid II, III0llthh "'" Illig 'I Ih,' hllllll' "I \ltl'l I\ln pn'hllllu,11\ I-[ulue', ou. \\lth 1d"l. htl 1I11t! hl,,11 1.,"' 111111" hI' \1I1S 111 \ 111.111111,' \1111, , B,,," Or IIlt'PtlllC 1111 \\4dlll ... dl\ O,tohcr lS • .tilt}
tllll of ,",t!, ~Irs :'\ (' HllId,,\ I ~(\
~II' HIIIIIUIII' HoITIO,llI Oil ~lolld,1\ 01 \11th 1.1'1.'''1'"1 "lid tho nthl'l \\lth ""I e II II I'd " ,olnlltal hnll'lll'" '1'hl' d""tra \lh"h I" lltl'r I'lab"nlllll 1111" till' lollt)\\ III~ .. t I1PIlIt'nl"'l und ... Ugg:l'!ol
Ch('Htlllll 1\ f'III''', :'\arlll'rih lohl'r 2'\1 d 1"'111l ('hllll"1 ~"I "nd, Ih,' 1""lt1 \H'lIt up hll,I."111111,1, 1\1 r,' ~lJs, 1,111' Llllrd .lIld th,' 11111101 ,,\ 'oph"l1\ Orl h,"lr" "f Phd 11011' \\l'ft th"11 III ,.I,' to th,' :'\arhl'rth
:'11111\ 111111\ 1,III"ls :nil I liUSlllP'- (IIU I'hl' 1'"11'11'11 '1"'uk'l of th" Jf!<1 ''',llll"t Bl'nnu Jor Its first ,dle,lull'd \11 __ B,'tt\ F"II"'" \\ho "nrl' IIprllnt Idl'lpl"", \lllh 1,11\,'" of b"lh _I'XIS BOlli"
"I'm. ~II :\llIth(,lth alld 1'11I1l/h'!pll1a 1I001l \\,1' \Ir' H L _"<lII\,lltZ, (1II1l1t' g~llIe \llhol;l{h d,'fl'lIl"d 1)\ I Il('ttl'l flO, I" 01 t IfTl'f ta \lllh hI" 'I h,lI- IIl1d ,lid frlllll IIr" nr, Irl'-tr I \\I'r, t:r1dnutl'd \\hdt' Ihr' urtlllJl ot IIIIZPIIK IIIPII
,'olltrthllt"11 gl'lIl'rollsh to th" I'u,r .llId (thUIIlJl.ltl. line! t n\ prf'tI III 11l1t'rl....· tlllJ{ It'UlIl, thp PXIH'IIPIU'I' j,{.lIllpd \\alol, "lIn ~Ir sOIlt> pl U \(I!'o\ III thp It IClIIl~ S\1HphllJl\
IIllt ... ,11111 (1Irlf'c!loloHII11Hlllqllt·ts t 111111 d \\ (lrl ItHt II t 1It\ IHI~lt ,nil of 01'
tlu' T('lIl1l' A"S()(J,lllllll h,l' u"k,'" "Our flIlIg" 01 tOpll' \ \ "rv I'X'l'lll'lIt fI ,1>1", ,I' \\11' sltOll1l III the ~fonr("to\\11 R"II 1I.1I1111111lld of ('h,,"II'r, 1I<tl'd ,"
rrO\\ n" to (lxprps.s Jh~ c1pprl)t lal lOll IlItI ~lI1I1P of till' I hurtl( tPrt""tlt·!oo\ of Ihtl {'.,n
or,hl',fl," llf tltf' ,,,""11\ 111 1'Ili h,' I '''"lg till IlIlhulIZtflO1I of Ih., 1""
grutllll,l<' 10 ('\1'1\ (U'r'"11 "lid ,,\ l'r\ dl/hll"
glllrl", lo,t 011 a tluk,', II' IU pll1\ 'lit.: I...,t 1111111, ,111,1 th,' n.1I"lo \\"IP \Ir Wm '01l,1I1f t.'d tltl' (,rulld H,l1"t "\llf' Pup
III lh,' l'Ollllllg 1'1 pf'1 lllll' 'lJld IIhllll\ thl' 11'11111' \\l'lt' \l'ry "\l'lIly Dur!>11I lIlId :\lr ]Jouglll"s \I'Il,'r
1"'-' d Illllld IS-'" hilI \\('r.' flankh '"
\fl'r I"'lIfl'p" III thl' \, ,d"III\ of \1,""" I h, f, It, (' I,,'"dlll~ " "1_,"'_lUII \\ Ifh th,
firm th It ,ud"d fh,' Fun '" ,111\ \\a\ t hl'lI rll ord' \\ I'll' IIIl IlIdr,l III till' ,1.1 1It11I,hl',l III 1111' ~aull' Ihl' t",'111 shOll I 1\l'ddJIIJZ tllP to \tIUIlII, (It\, 'Ir \\lth -IXt\ ""'llIhl'r- llf tl,,' I'hd,'d,lph a I-;"hool H"lrd ,lid "h"., Ih,,~ dl,l 1I0t
dress l,d ,'x,'elI"1I1 defl'lIs"e ,tll'lIgth, hut 'lid :\Ir' "'pll"l \1111 h,,' III ('Ill'"'('r, Or,h,!'tl,1 1I1d till fllllll\\lIlc; \"11 th" \\ Ish til .rlll"-'I' I h,' 1-;.11001 Bu,ncl bllf
BRIDGE Thl' "01111111.( 'I hool 10,111 \\ ,18 ,11'0 Ill' flllled to shUll 11 eon'll;tl'lItl~ 6troug of l'a gll',lt hall"t "('llpp"II" • ,If thl' "t'fro ll"'OglllZt'd th,ll Ihl' fll"llttl/'s the Bo,ll"
tlpr dlS( U!'ol~qOll. :11111 l'vel"V )J)l·mher I~ fl'lI'l' It Is to\\uru thl' ul'\elo]JlIIl'ut I'0lltllll Opl'r" 11011"" 'II (Ill,htloll 10 otr,'r ur, sph'II" Id for I h,' :1l1l0Ullt of
:\Ir" (;porgl' :'\orllllln (,Ill, (If ~\ll IIskl'oI to ntten,l Ihl' POtJIlllg llIeetlllg uf UII offl'lIsl\ (' that "~lll score COliS 1st SIMPSON-WILSON 1I11IlIf'rou, ore h",t ra ("OIlP"1 I' 111011"\ III th,' Bo Ircl '" ,1J"posnl, tjllT
Dudley A\l'. \\1\1 g'l\P " hrltll!.l' ,lilt! 1\1Jll'h hils hel'lI arrange,l hv the Seh.)lll 1'II11y thnt Con,'h ~nngree IS now dlred Hp hilS a 1\ IIII' rl'l'ut.,ttoll ,'" II r"II,ll'r '"'\I'rlhl'll'"' \\ulll,] 11k" fo ,u/{!l:l'BI to
fhe hundred Oil Fllflay, Nnv"lIIh('f M,I Bo,tr,!. Exnl't tlllll' and pllll'e \\111 be I1Ig Ill" "hief attentton. Thrl'e 1II0re ,"lIS' I~a" ""I I snll, duug I,ter flf' 'fr 1\
lIlId I" (III(' llf Ihp h"st a""nmpllllll,t, till' BOlllci tllll! It ;\lt1"lrn", th,' pIn.
Prlll'eells \\ ill go to th'e HoutlH'rn 110111" found elsl'\\ hl're ill theRe 1'0lullln8 \\ III gUllies \\1 II COllstttllte t h e "('U80U- I:\f '1'1 (' \V I f F I III thIS ,Pl'tIOIl of tl,l' ,'IlUlltT\; al,,1 hiS I'"",] fnr th(' .1IltllOrizatinn of thl' $1/1!i,
for Destltutl' Chrldren, Philn, 'l'htl'I' The nl'xt llIeeting Ilf the Ll'uglle 1.'ru'lIlls ('elltml ut hOUle l1ud Hnddoll 1)1.11( '11 rs,,, 10IJI llS I SOli, 0 'r 11u ( ,'OIIlIIOSltIIlU' 1Iull' (Itt III ",,',I "OIl""It'1 Olio JOllll at the :t;'O\l'lllhel ('It,..tlll; tlmt
d~Riring to altl'ml pleast' ('nil for fl' hI' IlI'ld on It' reglllur lllcetlllg ,IllY, No H It r
I H ven I Higl ltWU" III 11IVI 1', "~ell • erSl'\", \\111' 1I111f11(', 011 1
elg I s UII' n on I ," '" -'" f tl 'k t 'M' I a hit· IIttl'lIllOU umulIg pro 1111 11 ellt IIIU"1 Ih.'\ apJlolnf , "Olllpl'tl'III, ,1isllltf'f(,~tl'd
1111 three the teum has a hghtJllg chnnee ,UI'Sll,n l \ ,lJlll IIg 0 liS \\I'l' , O. I " '
Rl'r\atiolls hefon' 1'hurRtllI\" ,'\Pulng. '\l'mher II, to \i I H4Ifr~' .\. Rllnpsoll, SOil of Mr. 1111,] ~frs. (JIlIIS His \\itle "XJll'rleU,'e til °l"'llltJ<, I'l.tlllg-o/{ll'ni aulhllllt, to muke II sUI'-
Auy tlonlltllllls slll'h as ";Uluet! 1!0o,ls I , n. ,I. (' 14impslHI, Ilf }>;ssex r\ \ ('l1ur 1'hr I \\ ork 1I11d us l~ "horul l'outlul'tnr, WIth VI'\ (If thl' ;to; IIh"rlh S( hnol .1istril't to
~hilclren 's plothing, shoes ,11111 fno<!stufl's I CHILDREN'S DANOING CLASS. I r"rl'mOll\' look plnrl' ut A 00 l' M at hiS ot~l\!r 1I111'It'al gift' 11ft' assurn''''p 'Sl'l'rtlllu pxal'th IIlltlt the r"qlllremeutR
\\ hieh IS not Ill'rlshllble \\ 111 he thnnk , Plnns IIrl' nntler \\oy to reopen the I NOTIOE thl' h01ll(, of 11,1' hrifll' Ihat ;to;lIrhel'th IS In for a til',,! \\111'11 of thl' Borough \\huhl 1)(' 1l1l,1t'r tIJI'
fnl<l~ re"I'i\l',1 Pholle Narberth J(i~1 ,I "hlhhell's duncing l'laM, under the au- B('l.(lunluj! ;>.lov. 1st, l'I::!~, the ~t1J Th,' hr"l(' "'IlS ,!r('ssp,l ,n n \\ hitr III' ,l\'frrrl't1 e1I11"l'rt, 1I11111'rt,rhzI' pl:lll of sPII,lllIg X,lfhl'rth lug-h ,,'lllIol
spices of the Women's Community Club, bel th Post Office "Ill "Io'e at 6,I!) P I dress on,1 "ri! auel l'arried II sholl er ------ ,t'ldl'lIt" to LO\\('1 :\f.'nnll As the
SOOUT NEWS The 1'll1sS "III be nmler the directinn of M, instel1d i P, M or
houqUt,t of "hite rosl'S auel liIil's llF th('
Lo\\ ,'r :'If ('11011 Rl hool Hnllr,1 IS I'rl'(,jll1g
II III''' ,f'ilOol hlltl.hng, tht'\' IIro I'll
~fi,s MurJorie Oarter, who so succeS8- On Bept. 24th the D. R. GIJ\ em vlIlIey, I
t lIf'h \\ tiling, sn the\" ~fat"d, that if
011 Bunda", Oct. 29th, 1922, the Nlir fully condueted it last yenr. Miss menf issued lln order to ,'ltl1nge tI,e }fr, Horace Rl11edlev, of Narberth,1
hl'rth Boy Beouts wl]1 nSAfIDble tit thl'ir Carter possess!!<ll the necessary qualities last outgoing mail from Narberth frolll wns hl'st muu, other gueRts from Nllr- morl', Pu., IIr(' Shll\\ing the !'ltar "lIr
The Dornn :'Il'otor 00 III pll nl\' of \r.1 thr Sl'hoo! Bo,lI'<1 of Narberth 80 "ishce,
shuck lit 2 0 'elock p, M. luul hike to uud graee for this work and her pleas o 6,47 P. M. to 6.15 P. 1f. Since that berth in..lnded Mr. anll Mrs. William Ilt their salesroom, 45 Eust T.IIIH'Uster to pntrr lllto a l'ontrtll,t with Narberth
Ovellbrook, where they-will attend !l iug personality endeared.her to ,her time 11 coqll~=h!UtJl:CCl\ !!lade ot t)t.e DI,I~bin. Mr. and lI£rs. Winthrop DCTby; Avenue. .Toin the erowd on,l -took it to provide illstrul'tion to N'u)'lberth stu·
(lents ot n eost not to e"ceeil !\ll!iO u·······.,.····'·"'M.1
Memo'tial Roosevelt SUliday 'Sef\'i~e, 'Pupils. citizeus of Narb~ Il/llling at the post Mr. ond Mrs. Avery R, Demlllv, Mr. over, They hove nlR!o reeeived II hill.'
The service will hi for the entire Parents considering entering children office between 61/1 P. M. Ilnd 7 0 'clock, Rnd }[rs, William C. Simpson, Mr, und shipment of the 192:1 DUrIlllt 1>[0<1t'18. '·"ar p~r Rtud~nt, Thnt cost mIght bo
Mllin Line Scouts. and the sermon will will please phone Naroerth 163S·M as and they hl1"'( averaged, two personR M"T/I••T. C. Simpson, Mrs. Homee Smed- considerllblv less, liS their I'ontrnct
be delivered by Rev, D., W. Norwood, aoob all possible, and thU6 eublc the an evening; which does not wnrrant I~v, l\flRs r.ouise Smedlev, 'MisII ellro·
Fred O. Patten, oommittee to make deftntte plans. Terms keeping the o$oe open an)' later than line Super, and Mr. Bertine G. Simp. n.
Has Your Sublletip\,i0n Expired 1 (Continuecl on Pnge 4)
BCoutolQater. are ten lessons for '6.~O 6.35 P. M. !on.
" ' : ' i'
.:" ,',. '. ~ ..

at coune. w.

:11,. Ill' 1:1,'\\ (If rllPll1. Th(' Hoard
delIver - au
1267 place - au
OURToW'N II'''' IHI'IHd til 1':1.\ :\1 r. ~h:tlld *1.-1,111111
fllr 11\lfl·II:I ... ill~ :111" "Illdlll~ tlH' P'Il."
...:,r .. U'!d noll:l 'Pllt til tllp III I""'"II t ~t'llolll
1268 time

A co·op9rative conununity Journal I, ,l.d11,:":. :l'" hi' 11:1'" 1\(1111' fllr a 1I1111l11l'r
'If ,\ ,·::r .. 1'·' ...... 1' I. :llId hi' j"4 11111.\ :l ... k II:':'
By collum RIghter
Now smoked The Brightest' Spot In Narberth
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
O\\nc.1 anti I'"hli,h .. .! (',pry ~aturtlll.Y fllf ,1:1' .+1,-,,111111, :llt1l01ll-:,h Ill' j'1l11ld ... ,,11
h~' Ihl' :"arh.. rlI, '·i, it· Assll('iatiOJ·. 11, " 111'11" rt \
I'll' }{(I'lfd
1'1'1:11111:..:'1 :",('111,01
t", I :1.\ :+:~:.!.llll(l.
h .. III·\I·d tli:tl tlil'
~'lllJ'I'Ill'd \\Itll
by a million
,...\·Il:-"·H 11''1'1 ():\ I'H ICE I: t lit, Cjll i t l' ;I 1"11'\ I' I ~ 1 II 'If ,

(I!!(' ""lIar :llId Flff."
'1 d\:t 11l'P
rl'lIt~ pl'r )'I'ar
,I _ I II t' ;1 "I" "f '1':11.111 r'" :1'" 1'11111, I i,l'
~ " Ii!',' ( ,111.\ \\ II,' 1'1'. :11111 t 11.1 t '1'1 f 0...:,·111111 I
I I L ! ' ... lfll·1 tit l'flllll':lfl"'"11 \\Ill! :tll.\
11 :1.\
,." rl:t ... t ill' h,·ill· lill1l1t
Ell .... pl·nlull· .JI'st \,!J,d· .. III .\I·r Illilld.
men who love
I'; 111'1" .... ·11 1 III t h ,,,, fl''''l'''1 I. \ 11' \ i 1 Bill ~Olll,'llll\\ I ":1 I, t III" I I lilld
Shortage of :Building
11I'l,I \ I"J
11 1',,' f ::\11'
,'\ I \
I hi' "'illlllid c'o\lld Ill' l'lli It lip
lh:l! It \\llldd :tfTllTd
1'11'11 i I111 t II t tIl ,'11 ~':1 1111'rlll \.j r.\· s
Till' 11,'f'I' ttl lHI·klc roll, ... th('l
I 11.' "11 t I' IIIII('r \\ 11111 I :-:'.' "
a superior Sites In Narberth
I ' ,j

I, ~'. (.1
I" 11 fl'.
,,~ ... !l1'I'd,'d fl,r t'l1lr:lllt'I' 111 ",d
I' r 1'1111 J 111111'111 fll r til ,. ,Ill t i., . . .
11 111,j no! hi lit·\ t' t hill (Ill t hi'
Thill· ...... (1 11111111 11:II ... h'I1"'~
'I'll.· \\'lllld, thl't I 1\1'\ ;11,,:1\ ~ 1'111111'
Tit. III I h'll('o!a 1,' I 11;1t I II \\ I'f I .... f l ' 111 IIII'
~l1il1' 1111111

cigarette :'\"rhl'rth'R growth hot< hepn cOllsi,t-

,·nl. This IlIn\' h" wh,· our folks do not
" I 1!..:1' th,· Jlllpil ... llf lI:lr hi:..:ll ",,·holll \~rt','d \\ It il folks I'll \\ prl,.'" fllit filiI'. I'I':diu thHI' ·i. little· availahle Illnd in
\\ ,'11' :If :111\ di"';llh ;llIl:Il.!.I' 11\ 1'1 l!Jo'''''' tit \\'hlll 1.llllIt tI!lt· ... \\ 1I111d }lI'\ ,jr:l\\ f',1 :t :'\"rI,,'rth for home huilding.
Consult us about
1,'I'I'! ~. b'I>:I",. }lIll "Ilt'd ,.,,'\ I'r:tl i,l.... talll·«' ... t ,':1 r the purchase of :-'011'" arl' planning' new homes lind we
,,!llrl' 1h'., 11:ld di',;1lllglll ... llI'd :111111 1-.11 .I;t!,llt·d tllllr fl'('lill'" I,k,' :1 "'11t':Jr. nl'\\" land. or If ":lIlnot too strongly urge the ~eleption
Phil1p A. Livingston you own propf'rty
~I'l\ I' .. :1 fI,l \\ 'Ill III1I1or..:. '1\ 1'1' 1'111';1... frUll1 lhat you wonlt\ of the i",iJrling ,ile hefore it is too
E,I;tllr. .. th, r IIl,'1l .... hilld . . ,\hilt' tll," \\I'TI' at :"'-(1 \\ hilt· ... fhl' Il~( "'1"rl':ldlll' ~\" Iltl like to ReCUrI' a !:III'.
1,,11,,:.:.( - , H\ (;I,tlq!,l'lo\\ II, \\ Ilt'll Ihll ... · .. ~II II II If 11 fPturn on . Or. for i,]\'c,lluen!. Ihe purchnse of
.\ddrl' ...... HII tllfft'..;pOlldt'lIl·e to I'll~t 1"'1- 01 1':111., }ll' 111,1 l.1I1 h.'lit"!' 111:11 n"'llIl ::. nol with .. onstantly ill1provlIIg' prop-
111"Llll1:,1 11 :1111111:2 \\ tl1J1o\ Ill' Ill' \ :dllt, 1,1 F,,!' 11('ill' 1'11':."';1111 liI,I'
ill .. 11':ld: <'TI." \'J1:lle" will yield good returns.
lIll,,'" I\·,x (Hill. !'IIII\: ~ll ... \ 1•• 1"11 t .. til ill,,' i f\ 111 ... 1:llii 11 ~ It \11 1.111111'" 1'('" 111,·1 \"111'1, 1 .1111 ,ll':I,l
-all' lit thl' depot hiL:ll ",,'!I 1I0!. "I'llI' H~I:l1'11 lId 1'111' folk ... lhl,t '", !t'fl 111'''11111 1':1111 ~: •.\

. cigarettes
nllr Town III fhl'

:- 1"\':- :-t:lllll.

:111,1 :It
Ih,' "ton' of ll. E. III I it, \ .' til :,1 It \\ ;1'"
,-1..-1111'" n :1,ldt'd til
11111'" 1'1:.111
lIlt, \'11 .... 1-111
ttl II" \
I ~ i '11" I' " I II I III I' I I' ,11" III t 11 ( '1 \':'.\' ROBERTJ,NASH
I ... d,:tl "'0 \ tid .' oil 11'1l'11l'1 \\ 1.:11 1 Suburban Ofllp.. CIt.,. Office.
.,f thl' hl:.:h .... hop!. :11141 ,hi ... It'
at !Hatlon. Narberth. 1214 Loeust Rtrl'el.
Ellt,·!,'d :1'" :-ot'('olld cIa ....... lIIattt'r, Oclo· ,\ III Ill' :Iddl·t! :1" ""Iull :1'" '"'1 "';1.\, .III .'nll!
p:1 r t" "II' 111I[lljlh' Lik,' fllll~ "'.:~~,'. J
P"nnRylvan la. PhiladelphIa .
• A.-- Phone. Spruce B660
i,eI' 1;'111. 1!l1~. at lh., 1'0"t Office "t 111;1 t 11 :1 Ill." :1 11,1 if:. 11 \ 11111111.. tlf t 11 (' 1',1' li\I'11 \\ith .\nll a ~Il(ld 111:111.\ .\'1':11'''
r Phone. Narb.. rth 1i10
I"'nn'y"·uoia. 111,,11'1' the R,·t hi:.:.h ,..\ I·llllld :tt prt· . . l' II 1 \\ [!'Ill to t:tkt' :11111 I II:. \ 1"1 't IIflt if'('d \'011 dlli1 1Ig- il \ ('1.
!·Ill'llli .. tr., 1111- :---;,,'111111\ Hoal.1 \\ 111 :":,' \\'11"/1 :JI'I' .\1111 gClIIIl.!. t(~ .... , a r t .
:\ a I'h"rl Ii.
"I' :'II "rdl :\. ISi!l. fl,r 1111'17" tlJllioll ill t!J:,1 ... tlJlh', :\11'. \\),:d .'011 :ow.". Jiddl(' .. tlt·ks~
,"Oil "":1)1
:Iill'~ IIl'ad ofr' kllo\\ \ d,"~
15 for 10c
\1,,1 :lrll'! 1'111'111('1' ('Xj,l:liJII"! 111\ Ynll till ()I
'111,1 Idlrlll'~I'''' of t1l1' HII:lrd. ill :I ... kin.:.:, l·l~I' yOIl 111'\ f"T "':.~. :tll.\ th:lI~ hill .ill ... t
fill tIJI' lliHld 1...... 111·. :illlll~ th" lin(' (If ... I lIflllll1d lil'I' 1I ~I':I\ I'll inl:I:,!". Ell'.
~ ,(';/1 [I.'adly prilll allY
Ot'R To\\'
I,,';l'S a/JllI/I sl.bjerl ,('h;cll ;.1' of
"\ltl:1I1'Jtlllll'" 11(' had 111:11\1' :11 tbl' III:t ... S "11. fl1'. ('1',\'111'''' of IIIPl1t:1I :.Itd \ "1'11;11
l'll'I'l'll!,! 1I,dd th,' 1'11.1 ,d' 1:I ... t .J·ltlt' "h"1l f"lll'lioll'" fllllil Ill-a" flil'lId \\ifl', k,'pl
;1/10·<,.1'1 (0 .\';"'/'1'1'111 folks COP} tlw"\1' Id:'I1"':. t'lIltlll'r "\iil id:tfl'll i l .\ 111' for;1 "ltldl' 1'\I'lIitl~ afl.'f \\,' \\,'rl' ROLL CALL Don't be caught napping when the
tiT i 111'l II:J I \\. i 1"'11 II :11111 11,1' :1 fl' h 1t 1'1'1. 1 :, 11 t'lllIrft'II"'" "11111lgll 10 ... !Jll" h, r lhl' ;,1111\ f'
i., due "II I'H(sdo\, of «(/ch ,('crl<. at
(, 1'.11 1.(/(1' (01'.': /('(c'ii'cd II·rd-
lI(sdt/\· ,';'(11;11[7 ,e-;I/ h,' p,.;lIlrd (llll.V
111'1'11 1111:1 II i",1111 ... 1\
IIlC'l·t ill~.
:lJIJlr ll \ ,·d Ii\'
111' (,·11 th:tt thl' Hoald ,\ ;IS
1'1:11 ' I ' l ... '· ... I,,'fl'f.' Iill'\ \\1 III til 11]"-"·
..... 1 i 11 \\ I' ~I! (III )111 r"'l1 i Il~ 1 h(' 1'\" II 11'!llIf
l'i'll ll~' 1111' ... 111;':':1 Tl ., III till' :-0(' r
of "llffl'riH~ hllll1:lnit,·,·' "OHlt'lI
youngsters come around.
We have some very clever kinds
111 ill:! tli:" "hil'h \\lilild Ill' lIJll'rll\I'd 11.\
;1 spa", ;.1' ,,(;/1 (/'i·ailable. ,114' 111:11111'1'.\ of Ihl' ,·itl/I'II ... lit' \":1(' 1'1[1 I"
\\ :1.\. Ill·illg p"l·kt·d :11 t 1111",1\
It'pfl''''l'tdillg till' fOllr I'ClIl1l1'11'" illc·llld.'d
III thl' Sllllthl·a ... tf'fll I I I'IJIlSY}\;llliH ('lanp
11I'llh. 11< \\ hOIll It lJ:td 111"'11 ,,11'I·tl'l!. .llId ....: 111' I!;I '" II lIt'" I·~II"I\ i 11g, fi III' «111:11 i I,· • 11 (111:.:,11
h:I'" told 11'" silt, \\:1'" Ill·rf l ,,·l.
tl'f of till' .\lIll'lil':t11 H,'" \\ 111 ('ro~..:. 1'.1
\\1 ft· tlll'ft·fllll· 1I1l:ddl' til \\I.ll ""hI' l1i'\I" thl,jr
tlll'\ tl'rri1oril'''' 1'111" 1I1t··wlll'r
SATURDAY, OCT. 2H, 1922 It:t\' thl' 11111101 1.....'111' \lroJlo~;tl. :llld ~!Ih \\'hlt"11 in It'':t'lf i ....... tlllll·thillg.
_1111' ,Jllrillf.! tl", ~ixlh .\nllual HIIlI ,·,,11 See Our Window Display.
~titlltl' 'ollllllt'll1ill~ "1,,,1'. ,"4'11 thnll~h, \\llil·h IH'~il1:-- \T1l1i ... tif·1' !la\·. \O\.'IlJ1I('J"
E\II':IWr::,,('Y 1'1l0:"E '·"\Ll.~
\11. \1,·(·"rl,'1' ,,,id. hp had I.."n,,·d th,,1 H'·:III.\
1llll\lgh. till' oTlI.\ IH·rf",·t III'T lllh. . Phone Orders Promptly Filled and delivered.
th,'T'" \\,'rt' fi\,' till\'" ill "hil·11 this "01lId "'flll \\!' 1"10\\ (If 1'" :J \\"(lIIl:IIl. ~h\' :11' ~('\ ('111.\' \\'0111('11 flom Hllc·1,~. 1),,1:1 Call Narberth ) 70S
F'iTt.~. :~.)O.
Ill' "diH' 1I1I,lpr fill' ):1 \\ 11111 .. iI, SII t llPrl' I'" 11'1 111'1'1\ lit' :1 r~\IIII!'!lt. \\:lrt', ('h('stl'r :111" ~rllnt~Ollll"~' ('111111
I'nli,·p, I~;,(l.
'If. \11·(·:trfpl" "ITI'fl'd 111 :111"'\\('1' :"1:"- Thl'" Ollt' \\t':lr'" :1 Idllt, tin· ...... :trtd ... tI,· Ii," ltl,'t :t! Hol1 Call h"a,I'I"art,·r,.
or Ardlllorp ~tI
'lll1'..dlllll .... :llId altH111 1,;111' :Ill !IolJr \\ ,: ... "1'1'.1:0' \1'1\ \\t,11 at it. Of l'lIl1r"'l', tll"f., .... 11111,t.;I:-;t .'(trlll'r l"<th :lllt( 1~(I("l~t
WEET You'll Taste the

"'1""11 in t hi ... way. Ilf' fllh"f' thill,!!'" lh:tf sliP dop"'i ('qll:1 11\ ... lft·,.t .. 1:1 ... 1 Friday. (~('pt. :!:21 :llld


~II, \ f t l l l i r \\'. 1~llrll"" :1 1111'111111'1 "f 11":' ,\1·11. Illlt \'1' :11'1' 1'111""1'11 tIl 1('Tr:,iTI
IIII' :,!.11)llJl "htl IlIi·t tll(' I't'prt·s t ·nt:lli\(· ... I"flllli I' ('Ilt illJ1l1l~ thl'lli h,'r.·. ,,\\ ill ~ t i l
'If 1111' 1.0\\1'1' \ll'riUII ~{·holll Hoard, ":I~ ~ ; I; I, I' I !II i t :11 i Oil ".
pll'll,!.!l'd tlll'1l1"'f'}\"I'''' to 111'.\-\" till' H·dl
(':111 H ... 11 I " C' ...... 111 111.' I!islrit,t .. ollt~idl' White's Difference
th,· ,·it ".
tll1'l1 inlrlldu1'I,d :1111\ a ... kf'11 10 ('\1";1111 TIll' 'JIH't'till~ \\:1'" :ldeIll' ...... I·d h~' Ho
'1'\\ I. I' t"f"'II~d {"O\l'rIlOr til' tIll' ~t:I1I' 111t, I'rlJ!HI ... itIOIl flf tllt' LO\\I'f ~'('11111l HilI \011 111;1\ t:lkl' Ihi.... frll111 Il~--t\l. \\ art! \\':1\'/11' ~l1Iith, f'Xt'I'lIti\'t' .... I~«'rl'tnr"
of 1'1'1I1J(~:h:llli:l oldill:tli1.\ :I 1(('l'lIl l
Boar,!. lit' ... nid hi' ft'j!,'rl'ttt'd lhat 11 '>''''('1;11:14' (If n~lf' of tht' ,1:.:"1'11111'1', 1.11" 'I, of th .. (·l;"I'I .. r. :'II r~ ..llIhll \\'I,il .. (;,·ar~··.
0r ":1" illll" s"Ii'iIII' 111 ~I'I thp ('X:II·t lig1l '" 1'lTd "'(lX, 111:If!i('t1rill~ :ill :llIlt1TJlI,I,:I"
111':111 ('OllI1ll01l\\'(';tl1h hy a larg,t' IJItl.f 11
il\'- Oil th,' ])I'IlI'll'r"ti.· hallol. '1:1' Hoh :1'" to tht' ,·o .... t of high ~l'h'lI(11 pupils III Iht' ttllll' I t "~(I11' ' I i , , " i.. :11111"'" I" t
til ""d :'111'_. (;.·or~(' H. E,·"n". who i" ,hal'
ill" th .. CI,airrll,,""hip for thl' H<l1I ('all
t.~t E. l ' :J.tti",oll, ~t·l\ior. tIll' \'arbt'rlh ",('hool, Illlt 11(' ftlad 1'1 1111 "'"H"'I" illll. \lilh :'Ilr,. (;"ol'g., \\'. ,·hil,J" llrl'x"J. Plods on night and day, adding to the bank accounts of
Onl' of I Ill' 1,,'"1. if lint t h., I,,·sl. a IWlld h..ok of tltt' Low .. r :'I1"rioll ".i1 ,.. I :'III'. ~1I1ith """1111"(""" Ihnt \II1II'"R th,' depositors in our Savings Department.
(;.ov •. rnor~ Ih., ~tat(' has 1',.•'1' had i, till' 111:1t tht' I"l~t l't'f c'ul'ita lh('IP \\:1:-- .~H,~,) \l'sil'lI Elllill' ('11:11' \\'ohll'rt J:-o ~t,ttiltg lI,dl Call i~ " SH'·""". th,' "pll'll'dirl
prou,1 1'1"·'01'11 I hal Iho".' who k,,,"1 him for /.(rad .. I'lIl'il~. "lid )l;l:L~.j for hi::h nil I" eoat with his .\uto Stl~g(,,,,,itlll. \I tlrk hl'ill!! ,Iolll' for di,,,h1"11 l'x-spr-
Twice a year inter€:st is credited to every account
.. Iailll for t:Il\("1'1I0r I'atti",,\' ~,'i1o()1 I'upib pt'r lIlolllh. :'IllIltil'lyill~ I·;, pr ,lilt·., la,1 ~atll",ll\\' ,It· Ill" P fO\lnt! ,i,·" nll'n h.,· Ih,' HOllll' l';"l'\·i .. ,' Dl'parl in our interestrearning department, and many are
~Illll" of Ih., fril'lIt1~ of Roh"l'1 E. Ihi~ by IIIP lIiu.' alltl a h"lf "II'It,] fill r~t'I\'('''' urll"OIlS(' i(ll1~I,\' IIIHt t pri II:,.:. 111"111 IlII1St It .. t1isponlillllt'<\ aftl'l' .Tllllll enjoying the benefit of its service.
j'atlis';Il.< .lunior. fl'l'l Ihal h(' ,·,ouhl l1Iollth~ \\(1 ha\-p tll(" "purl" t'ost (\f .. !-:"C'ly day. C',pl'.dhillg 1<1'('1" g .. t "1'." firsl: 111' I'xplai'll'd thlll thl' work Let us open an account and put compound interest
wl'li ha'·" ,Illrl,'d hi, polili,·al ,·al'(,l'r $~)~(:~7 and $1:!i.77. l'l'sl';·(,ti\';.. I.v. a ... ·ht' tillg \\(Ir~pr~-:ltlc.l \\-lIr:--('r-:tIlI! \\onwr." h". 1""'11 1111'''''·''<\ lillI' far. It" thl' rPIII
\li!h hip.h,'r aspirat.ions than thaI .. I' allllllal "0'1. 11(' "~lulJ,lilll"lIt,',1 th(' If hI' p,'r~i,I,. th.· firsl Ihillg y'o" k"o\\ 11:.111 of '\III' f"nd~ in th,' ('I;aplpr. to work for you.
n~ c'prta in Lo\\('1' ~It'rillll Hoanl for luaking ';'\u'11 1"'"1'1c' will ,tart to h.'lip,·,' il-Hnd
Lit'utP1IH1It t'l'nor. n lid at TIll' ~u~p"Il,ion of thi" ~('I'\·i,·p will
... !ltrion wttLr anil IDrust Qtnmpany
thaI r"gardh'"" of hi~ falhl'r '" Rtall,1 a hllud·hook a"""R~ihlt'. thl'lI Ih,·r.· "ill Ill' 1',.1\ Itt ha.'". ""'a" th .. ,1h,·onlilluat"· .. of a Ill'part··
ing- a~ a t'itiz(11l h{' iR on hi~ oWll 1I1<~r\t~ Tht> 1.'ntl"I1'·'· of II. .. till"'~ i~ to h,,\'(' 1I,,'nl Ihlll in Ihr,'1' ,'"nr" ha, ,·ar<'<1 ftll
1'.,,\'(,1' ,,·Iwol· ,11~ll'i,·t~. an.~ "II .. "'·r
fittl'tI for an\, oti;"" for" hi.·h h,' llIi;!ht 11 is !Inrd ('lIough to \\ ritt' tltt' ('O!Ull\ll fl~)l;16 falllilil'8 al 'nn I'xpl'ntlilllrl' of
hI' "'lnti n,l tl';\' th .. "Olllltr\' Ih(' '·l'lItr,,1 ,,·hooJ~ aI',· "h ill Horotalk. "'I "long III" in:.: III I.·arll $l.llll.~.Ii!l-t.lli.
Th... r.' ha VI' h"l'n t ililt',. I h.'r.' a 1'''
lillll'" uu,1 Ihl'rl' "il\ h., tillll" "hl'll
\'ott'18 n"1'ogni:'.t ~tt'rling ('hanH·It'r 11lld
Jlurlliug Ih·.. sll",l1er tli~lri'" llllil,. Ih., 1 ht' l:llI~l1:q:t' uf I ~o,\ t'f :\Il·rioll.
~uotor bll' hl'ill~ n·l"rf.!" flldol' ill thi"
,.ollsolidalioll. lIll" "hi,·h w'lId.1 hI' ."·,,il·
... T.}\.(' orgliniz.Htioll of thp ('f1t1nti("~ fllr
t hI' Hflll en 11 is to Itl' 1.'ft ('lit in'h· 10
IIII' ,li,wrl'lion of II,,' ('ollnl\, [,1',,,,,,;.,, in MARSHALL CO,
TI,,,t ,\Pli"iou, L. :'II. '1'\\ \'. ""'." 1... O.
pIa •. " tl1l' Illan IlI'for(' I'oliti,·al parlil'". aid .. for :\arl1t'rth stlltle'III'. pn" idl'd it 1'. ,",,1 "II that "ort of Ihillg. \r" III"£' Hpt! ('ross wprk \\ hfl:-.t" ('~p~riplll'(' ill
kilt'" t ht' Ih'IIIOf'ra tic" «';I ndida t l' for Wll, ,,,.,.all/.(e'd for the'1lI 1'0 att"11t1 tllt" Iwd 1111 Pt'f~llllltl (·olll:1,·t \\ ith it olht'l fOYlllf'f l'unqmiglls has fl\lniliariz.(,t1 th,.. . tll
Lil'lItl'nanl C""vl'l'n(H UR w"l1 as Ihl' ].0''''1' :'I1,'rioll High I-\,·hool. 1111'" Ihal /.("in .. ,1 ,,1"'11 w.' f.'11 ,d1"n
\\ ilh thl' parti.·ulllr prohlt'l\\s 1I1al <,xi-t CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS
pl'opll' of :"nrlll'rlh know hin'. Ihl' 1'0" :'111'. Burn" ,lid 1101' Ihillk that t~1t'1'1' (IIII' hil·\·(·lp ill :\rdlllof(' and 1:1 11 11 ('I} Oil
ill I',,,·h ,Iistri,·!. PHONE,NARBERTH 1661 J
~ihilil\' would bp,·onll' a r"llli""lion.-- "ould 1)(' all" Irouh'" IIhout the' 1.0''''1' ~fllllt~'lJ'''I('ry .\"('lIll(· a fp\\ .\·car ... ag-n.
.\ f('nlurl' of th,' Roll ('all .. amp"igll
Ad\'. ' of \1 .. Jioll s,·I,,;ol allth·ul'ili." llIakin" ... a \V,. do kno" soln,' folk, "ho Ii,·" withill
i, n "!,,,,·in) sigll ,Ip,ign:lling Ih,' "Int'"
The Narberth I'a.ttison Committee Inn!! tillil" «·lll1tf:tc·t if tlu'.\" Wt'rp HHkpd :ts .. :II'('t'd prp('iJlI'l~ and I'ollfint'~, ho\\ of Ihl' wOl'kl'r, nn,1 ",hi,·h i, to Ill'
One Hundrei Republicans to absorh Ihe' :\al,he'rlh High I-\..J,,,ol. 1'\ Pf. \\" t· 1Ia \'t' IIf'\'t'r gu t ht'rt'd frOlll 1'11l1'l"] in thl' will,low of h,'r hOIllI'.
1\1"'11 th".,· lilt'! "ilh Ih,' arlH'rlh gr'''1(' tl"'II' tilt' id,'a Ih,,1 thl'" "on~idl'r"d \\'tI 1\\ ('n ,,110 al1l'n,l"d th" ('tlunl\'
thl'" di,l 1101 kilO" at Ihat lillie' \\ he'lh.'r th"l1l~(,!\·t':-. c1\\ ('Ilillg in It;'." Spa('in~J~ Organizutiol1 111("('tlng (,HUH' fronl Hri~ II

!hl'~' (·tlold ~t'~all.v IHnKP :I f'Ol1tnlf'f for \'a'I.'.,· of H"l'pill"'" ill Th,· Killgdo", ttll, H,..,oklilll'. ('h"lll'nhlllll, '·hl'~t<'r Ynl
Hottle and School :1 )ollgpr tiUH' th:l11 thrill' \"(lars. hnt it of :\ mhal1l. .. II'\'. ("o:lt,'s\'iJ1I', ('on,hoho,'kl'n. \)oll'n'
"·ontinucd fronl !'agl' l) \':t~ tht' :"il'irit lIud 8PIlJo".(, of' thPH(' 1I1t'IIl illgtoll'n. ])oY·\I'"lown, 1,onghol'np. I.,,,,,,·
h .. r' of 11ll' Bo,lI''' Ih,q th., al'rtlllg" Thl'" m:l\' t"lk ,J!ltOnl th .. :'Ilain Lill" 01"" III', :'Ilain LillI'. MorriRdlll'. ~ .. ",.
\\(IIJ1.1 hc Oil the' hasi" of "ost 10 Ih"1I1. 11'e'1I1 "ou'ld hI· '·l1l1tiuuou". ~II'.· BIHII' (}rt,hp~t ra ;lllt 11 t ht' c'o\\ s c'olllt" hOIlII' 10\\ n, Xorrislo\\,ll. Ogollt1., Old York
Thl'." ,1"I"d Ihal Ih,,~' wprl' ,,"lirl'ly 'I uofl· d 1)1'. 1,('1'0." A. Killg. who was hlll in our hllmlolt· opinioll il "ill n'" PI \load, Paoli. l'nrkl'r"hurg. Quakl'rlowll, o
1\ illill-' t" mak,' this '·0111 rat'! for a I'r, '''lit at Ihat IIIPt'1ill~, 'I' "Iatillg lat.'r :I.·hi,"·" it~ rightful \,I'Olllill('n,·,' unlil :-;warlhmorl'. "·IlYIlI'. 1'1'1"'1' M"nlg l1l'
pl'riod- of tl1l'(,(' y('al", althllugh tllt"ir th,tl h,' ha,l ill' .. ~lig,t!('tI I hi>, pha~,· of I h., door, ·of :'II ,,"ih"l'sh i I' ,,1'1' flu n/.( 1'1'." and '\T~'('0t1li1)(',
illt .. lltiol1 wOlild hI' Ihat il ,.ould e'X th,' '1\11"ti'ou. Ilud lH'li<"'e'd Ihal il "ould widl' 10 :ldlllil 11,,' Ihd,·t't .It'''~ harp
It'lld ia,),'linill'l" hl'volllI Ihis tillll'. I", Il'f.!all~· po,sihl., for a IOllg te'rlll .. oil :lnd th£' lli"illl' lI"rlllo"i,·,l. H.,· O('org,·~
Th .. nl's wh£'rl' WI' ski"lil\at.·~.
It """ furth;'1' 81;111'<1 thaI a" a 11I1"i tr,,,·t to Ill' iliad.·.
111'"' 1'1'01'0~itiou this group of .. ilize'a' Th.· :\arllf'rth ;':""'up 1\,,, ,ho" II
Thpfp ~('('IlIH ttl ill' ll11thillg for Il'" hilt
f<,lt'thllt 111I' 0"1'1'111',,,1 011 a high "dlOOI throl'l.r h Ihl' ].ow('r :'Ill'rioll lIij.(h I-\,·hool

protects car at low cost

a., .. olllll'udaling "pl'roxillllllt'ly' fi",' hUll. IIlalll. aad ,dso 1111" pllll1S for 111I' a<''' dir,' ,Ii"llppoinlnwnt". W(' \\ailt'd allx

,Jr,.tI RI wi,'nt." would lH' ,.oll~id.'rtll"." hll i,l" i IIg 11011 i II prll"t'~" for ,·oa~1 Ill" iou,I~' for t hl' I'l'(",rt ... 1' Tht' I':~!l't'mt'd
II'~' 1'1'1' ,.apila Ihaa 1111' o,· .. rhl',lt! oa tioll. II lias ,Ia·lt'd I", <lilt' of Ih,' Low· T""'I'url'l' 'of thl' I'nillll '1'" i1ight ~t'r·
hi~h st'hoo,1 1'(luippl"! for a populalioll'~II,~:~i';,I:'ho~:.C;:~~~~ ,~I;::'\'I l.l:'~'1 \:~:~:~i";',;
foulld our fal'(,rill' sU'I'I'nd .. ~ lout toll
\ il·(l:-- to SPp \\ h('thpr or lIot ;.)1I\·Ollt· Illltl Men's Bible Class· HEN freezing weather comes, you ..
of t1pproxillllltl'ly ,)111' hundr<"l. It wa~ lal'<' " ha,.k "PilI' 1"'('11 for Ihnl of Ihl' ",hidl dl'ira I't 1',1 0:11' palll~ 011 a ,·.'rl"ill
of '·0'.'1"1' 11',l1i7.I',1 Ihlll Ihl' high ~.·hool 1'lIi\'l'rsit\' of I'cnns"hallia.

,'l'l'asl'. yO'I this ia'·rl'aRI' will prohanly

Of the Presbyterian Church will be
Thl'ir ~ahhllth 1"·l'nill/.( ill :-;,'pll'lll'hl·!'. Hon. taught Sunday 'by Professor McCor-
poplllalion of J'arlwrlh is liah1P 10 ill· :'Ilanlllll 'i'raillillg ,1,01·' for Ihl' 1m."" i~ Hcm I 'olhalll mak.," 11(1 ","lIlioll .'f it- mick, of the faculty of the Penn Char·
ter. School, Philadelphia. Dr. Steck-
W can keep your garage warm with
this famous hot-water heating system.
hI' 11I01'(' Ihan off",'t rllH' to Ihl' fad thaI ('<luippl'd for '·al'j"'lIlry. plllnd,illf.!, pailll- 11Onl' "halt"'l'r beck, of the Univera!ty of Penn8yl- Equipped with a regulator that keep,;
thl' Clltholi<- Chur.. h i" 1'"lahlishilll! a illl!. ,'I"dri,·,,1 work, lind working ill v~nla, is Pre8ident, ani HDWa.rd A,
p"ro,'hial s(.hool in :"arlH'l'th. If Ihl' tlI"llCls. Th"rp i" a "pn' ,·olllp·l'lp Our fl'i,,",I" allrl "Ih .. rs will 110 douhl Banks, AsSociate Editor of the Sunday the temperature at ariy desired degree.
"nrhl'rth S .. hool Boai'll would uc.c.l,.lp ('hl'mi,·,,] J.,,"orulory, ,," Wl'll II~ nom,"· hI' pI 1''' "1',1 10 11'''1'11 Ihal lIIis' Dorolhy School Times. i8 regular teacher of this Uses little coal. .
ti •. R.. i",,,·1' and :-;P\I illO' lllhoraor.,· for .
10 Ih,' "aggl'"tioll" Ihis group of •. ili?l'lIs ... Lilliull RWUlllpH'·Ot! WUR UlIlIhll' 10 a\'ldl clas8. All men not attending any other
\\onlo "lulIlI r('ud." 10 pll'd;!1' th(,lIl- I!il'b. a snlp,,,!;d (1."l l1l1u "iutll 1111,1 u 1:lrgp hl'rs('lf of oar inyillilioll 10 ,liulH'r Illst Sunday School are invited to attend at
"I'IYI'S 10 Ihe "upporl of U rc',lul'l'd hOlld alhl.,ti<- tidd. Satllrduy lIig'hl. WI' g"inp<! '1IIil" II 9.45 every sunday morning. Right now we can offer you ARCOLA Hot-Water
i"HUI' whi •. h llIight Ill' 1'1'01'''''1',1 us a hil of puhlieit~' 0'1'1' it howl'\'.'r. Thrl'l' Garage Heater at these remarkably low prices.
rNul! of "\I"h II "UI'\·p~· ll~ u Ppougogi Th,' f,,,·t Ihlll :"urhl'l'lh HlIl'ough i" l{}wII "porlsllH'n "aw fil to in,!lIirl' \\ h.'rl' Compare them with the price of any other garage
('ul I'xpl'rt would mak", slH·h hon,1 is'ul' IIln'arl.,' p,t\·illg a nilll'll'l'lI tlIill ",·ho ,I in till' ,wml' of '·0111"'011 "('II~t' w.·
gol heater on the market.
t.o hI' put to tht' ,.itiZl'Us ut a spe.·i:1l till' ,," "gaill"t LaWN ~il'rion '" tw"ln' ,,"'(luh mflnl"· tOl'IhN 10 "u\' fnillg
I'lel'lion to hI' 11l'Id liS ~(\Oll as po~sihle mill is prill'" fll.-iu eddl'n.,I', ~Ir. Burns' ,'hil'kl'lIs. Th"ir illll'rps! \\ll~ Uppfl',·i.

nfl"r Ihe rl'sults of Ihe sun"'y arl' m"dl' Ihought Ihul Ihl' larger sehool ullil i" IItl'd, 1"'1'11 jf it wllsn't UII'- of Ih"ir For 1 car f regulator and Hard coal $ 82.00
knowlI. 1",·j,II'<I'" tltl"unlul!'l'ous from "11 1'1'011, husille~~. . 1 4-section wall Soft coal $
1\11'. ~f<"('llrlt'r said that Ihl' R,·hoo] Ollli<· sta·lIt1poillt. It sl'l'lIIl',1 10 hilll thaI *
AU thill~~ c·ou"idemd, th" Jo'uir Will' a l radiator
Bourd did not bdi"ve it would Jluy 1o if thl' R"\ l'n r"ollls ill th,' ':>:lIrlll'rth
wrl'l'k the High Rc'lwol on u thrl'e yellr 4i!!h R('hool Building WI'I"I' iliadI' unlil- gorl'lIt "u(,l'ess. It is rl'llorlt,,1 IhaJ Hou.
l'olltrllet. He tho\lglrt t.IH·re WIIS dllll- IIh~1' for gradl' Jlurpose~ hy the rplJ\o"ul Edwurll A. MU"l'hulllp h,!" bc'{'n IlIlkillg
Ire'r of I'Omplil'II1ioll8 arisin!! whiph III 10 Lowl'r Ml'rioll of thl' high s,'l1ool. tlh"ough all Iltomi?l'r 1"'1'1' ~ill"p. It's For 2 car
regulator and
1 Hard coal $ 97.00
garage 8-section wall Soft coal $
the en,1 of thllt p"riod W'ollld muk" it 'thl'rl' heing foGllr grlld"!l en hulf timp), II nnwful "frain. A tllrrihll' strllin. On
impos"ible for the c'ontrlll't to hI' 1'1'- I\'(' \\0111,1 hll'·" for I.hl' next .vl·llr 01' so 'thl' utomizer.
1I1'\V"il, nnll then J'allhl'rt,h would lillrl al lellst amplp spuee for alI th" ltrnd"~,. ~==~=====~==~=~=~~~ Concert Orchestra
WEEK OF OCTOBER 30 I radiator
Come in and see this wonderful hot-water heater
its"lf in thl' Ritunfion of havin'! no' although l<Olll" IIlterlltion.~ 'lIlld pOl'sihll', •
., Every Evening and Sat. Matinee while you can get these low pri~s..
Hieh l';,·hool lit alI, hut with II lar,!1' Illl<lilions WOllld p"rhupR hI' nl'l'''S"llry.
higoh . Mhofll populatioll !o pi-ovidl' for. Buil.Jing I'''st" IIr" lit the present 11I0· I . COOK BROS.
\V'hile it WUl< trul' thllt th" High Re'hool1m"ut tit thl" high wllter mark, 'and it \
t1Ji8 ~·ellr wils only ahout one llUndl·".l' would S"I'III .t'1Jnt tb" blii!,ling .pro~rl1m.
pupils, thero{' is opt to hI' II Inrpe in" In- heing held in' ilbeYlllIPI' over au·'
.('rOlu,e in the Iloxt few yenrl<, liS thl': olher Yl'ar. wonH prove Ilch·t.lntngeous.
ROOf.IN,G. •
.lower j!"rnc1eA in fhl' Grade Se'hool ,'rl'l Inlerl'st nud ~inkill,ll fund requ'irl'ment"
In "Sherlock Holmes"
vcry nWe'h larger tlltin thl' upper grndl's. : "n tIll' \lew I'onn il'slll.' r"p'resellh lIll
.Jobbingpromptlg att,ndtd to
Till! Board ImR givpn '·I'r~· frp('l~' of: :tlllllllll I'Ost of about $13,000.
its time ill doinjt thl' very !hl'llt tlr,lt .It seelll"d to him t,hnt to prol'ur" liS
it be1i~"('d wall pO!'8ihle for t.he I'hil.l,: good t"lll'her!l f s Low"r Merion h1l1l.
. Ph...., Nublrth 1187
D." PJio~•• N.r.. ~oi& J
In "The Ordeal"
ren of Narberth. lind tht' Ihond i88Ul' t "'ould 1Ill'l1n thp IlIlVJIl"lIt of sa~nries IlS
would 1l<1,1 only four mil 18 mor" to i hil.rh IlS Lowl'r 'l\f"rion pnv8, ",h;ph now
t.he 10('111 s"hool tllX. nnd th" eXll"nfle! IIv"rag"1' in thl' high sl':hool $2,004 II Thurs'day and Friday
of e,luclltin~ our c}Ji.1dren Wll8 II tllin~ v,,/'r. This wO'lhl tlll'lI lel\V" Nnrh"rth
not to be 1000ked upon n." 0 mer" maHer n tenl'ller"' I'pst of· $IU,03.2 'n yeu r , III
of dril1nr8 11lld cents.. And lO"ILl prld" "dditioll to thill there is to be tnkell
Rodolph Valentino I
.lemon'dl'd tbllt WI' mlliJrtnin our O~,"II into IlI'pQUllt till' ,"ntter of hooks. 112I1t,'
Reboo!. lI"nt, und nil other neceSSllrv inl'icll'\l.·
'In "BI~d and .Sand" 'f'
.-\n Iden s(>"1\t,,cI to hp prl'Vnll'llt thnt tnlll. The uresent 'hij{h. sl'II001 ellroll·
Satui'day I
t.1lc l1C\\' sl'hool llnildina .whicb till' bOnd "'I'ut is nilll'';en, nnd the Sllyinjt
" ....-'.-lI1S\1e' wOI~ld-pr.o\lide ~iU_wn/l Inn.iu\y.!or .theref,ore, _~E.OU!t! _'b!, _.~~ .Iea~t, ..01Ip. _~~:lf
.... _, ..£\11'\ lJrt'"holl .nncI ·mll1.ntena~c4;!: of 1I.IIl:,:h hy. ubhzlIl". tne Lower ·MeHon· fncl'lf·- In -'John Smith'" ..:.'.<
... ~UGJ~U.~J1( ... ~1!~~~._. _.... j.
.se1Jo01 .buildinp', but· t,his ""liS liot thl,' 5er< lit ·our, :{I1001',. . . . ' '. . . .
emie. It was inte.. fl n cl t' ~"""'l'oVI' tbe' Mr. Bllrltl! 'wn8 itbio us'ke(I'1\ number
. "l!f,mernl :seb'lio.1 fllc·,Ilitil's. 11\1<1' "'·n,,ciI\11r 'If oUP8tiol\lll; .imd it. was- nftpr ·ten- 0'· Sat. M'a t ¥, "BufJ aIO. Bill" .:.;":'"
.ta .nrevent. Ill'"'' Ii ,iltu"tifl" llpo"!n "r's· "InrK- .\,'hen n .motion WUll mnde .to 1\,1·
'" "inlt. ~If:now eJl;lilt.... that lit· p"vl."" ~:'"r 'o"rn" this very 11lterellting and. en-
,..... dt :the_. lowi.>r.~rades OIi :hnlf; b~· -\i-rhtening 'QpeR F<•.'· .
H,r" .. .
';~:.;~,:: . . .
/': ",., , ':"."" ,-- .'. , ', ... '" :' ~ ::.': ' .;
.' '~"


NrWB of t1}r (!L1}urr1}rs


ThiH ChIJr,·h i, ht'arill/! Ih.· "r~' of
i th" .,' Trag''<ly of S,o."I'O".·· alld iH
,d""ld,I' 1I1<1\"'d h." Ihe h"11 I't I,ft'" kill},! H'
1'<J'lli"o "f the ""lIr 1,:",1. .\11 "1"1"11'

indehINhH"S of :'flid Hrhool Distrirt is

ia said Sehool Di.<trict is in the sum of
~. The total lUllounl of the existing
Floe•• Pb':.oPlay The-
CBESTNur Bel.Utb St
, MEETING HOUSE, ,llIlIil." will I,,' gil"'11 t",""I'I''''' IlIoIh in Ihe "UIII of $fi9000.00 of whieh $I:i-
000.00 is to he rrfunded: loovinl; 'I the~
I .\l"ot"oloel'v Pike. NarlJerth, was e"thb. ill ~llIlday ~,'b",,1 1I11,.j II", ('hlll.·b .'....
Rainey \ )t'l'''' tor :111 to l'rlllllllllltl' III till' ,\":lr exi~ting' illdehteoness of $:.4,000.00. ......opl.,..-Conliaunull IO~. M. 10 ".'1
r' ..

.i,!I<,tl ](iS~. 11,·1'1' \\'ill,alll l'enll wor-, 1-:",1 H"li,'1' FOlld. III lighl "f Ih,' 'h.'
::, The a1l101l1l1 of the proposed in· P. M •
I! Wood
. . hiPllt\d, as \\'t.'11 as luauy other noll'd i t'rlllf'lllit" (If thl' 111'1'11... , I,-! II' 111:,1,1' 1'111 •'I'<·a'I' in th,' honded indchtedne~~ of
FrI .. nds. Olle "I' tbe historieal spots of! g,I", ".,' gl'III'I'''O, ,,, I,,,,,,ild,'. ".id :-''''H '" I lli'lri"t is in the ""11 of
Phlla., P ...

I .\rlll'r:\.'a is opell for worship C\wl'Jyl '1'111' .11l11-TII.It·dl:t!t' ('hli ... tinll I";'H[\;'.\ :t 1';,-,,11011.0(1.
Coke F:r... t 11:1" (~lInda.v) morning at
.. r ~Ill'll't \' \\ dl hold :1 11:11111 \\,' ,'II ~Il .J. Th., 1'1'1"'1'111 age "f Ihe pro!,,,,;ed
11 i "I : d ;d 11;1' (·!JlIlr·ll lhi .. :--;:ll1Irl!:ly "\t'II' illl'l'l':"r in the bonded indel,tedne', of PROGRAM
______ . r
" '\,jlll' k. ~
I Ill).!. ,aid :-'rho,,1 Vist rid, I'ompllted IIpor~ th.,
y FI:· .. r .1:1." :--., !I,.(I; t·~,·.~t d ,11I1'l11.:": .llll,\
til I ,\Il;":lI ... t.
TIll' .\11 I);IY" .\Il,/·till;":' ,. lit" II}l' \\,,,
I,,, ... i, of th., la'i pn,(·('.ling a"e'se,~ "al·
11 "II \\ ill Ill' bl'ld IIr,\I "'t·.!lll·:;'!:!\' TIlt· lIati"n "f taxable pl'operl.l· thl'rl'in i;
WEEK ~F .:\QT. 3""
V V,,", ~
• \\'lIllll'II'S .\lIxili:tJ'\· 1111'1'1 ... :tf Ill" ~I .. L! I11.-. ,"'i -t- ( ; .
\\'., "<111 1141\\' 111.','1 ;111.\ c!"III;llIti 1"'1' "II!;". "jllwl' IIl1t or ST. MARGARET'S CATHOLIC i.'" ~Wr\ l'lt' :11 "11". ;lll'! lill' 1111;0;
,-,..\1'1.·1' said proposed in"l'l'a,e in the

st ny.' sIZ,·, CHURCH \\'llflll,"1 lIt' 1';1' \11\lli:ll'.\ ;111' Ilfgl·.1 111
.. 11111:\1 \. ~()('it·t Y "1111\ 1·111· ... :1 t :: I' . .\1. Tilt'
ind .. blrdne" of 'aid Sehool ni,tl'id
shall Illl"e been nlao,', thl' totol alllount
"Love is An Awful
tllt·if f'l! Hala of Ihl' thl'll exi~ling indebtedne"
~u"dllY IlIllS'e" at , a 'c!oek aIld 1IJ
o'vI""k, On fir'l a"d third ::;u"Jay"
11':I:I'II,'I,t'l' .lllll:tfioll
111'1111' ;111,1 till' 1"111/ Ilill~ ('If tlll· ~Illlt J II", 'aid :-,,,h"ol Distriet will be in the ~lInl
of $~J!I,0()().(I0 and the pereentage 01' the
BUY IN NARBERTH I" .. lall' .\Ia" i. a lIi)!h .\Ia,~, folloll"d 'aid tolal anlliunt of the "aid then ex-
l'Y h{'llI'dit'tioll. ist ing indehtedness of ,ai,] Srhool Dis·
IlllIl," .\In,' al S ,\ . .\1. t riet. "ompllted upon the ha~is of the !\lAIN PROI)UCTION STARTS AS !'ileA.

Dr. S. D, Daugherty. Acting Pastor, In.,t prer'elling a"e~sed valllation of AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. Ill .. 11.00. 1,01.

BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE t:lxahl" prop.. rly therein, will be I.~/I. /I.U, 1.~/I, 8.10 P. M.

;"';1'1'\ j,"" .. ~t11l11:1." 111l1f1lilll.!. In II", Y. 1i.,-J1I~+':;.

\1. \..\ lid it" ri III". 11. Tfl e prop"s"I! in"rease of handed
.,l.lO w I, Rev. Avery S. Denuny. pastor. :-"'111"1:1.'" :---.·11001 :11 !I,-t.-•. \ . .\1. illde],terlne"s i" for Ihe following 1'111"

Phone Narberth :370 :--;\>ni,"(' ... , ~lIl1d:l\·. lktoltt'r :!!lth. 1!1~:::

1:1'~lrI:1 r ... "r\ it'l ~ ;11 10.-t,-1 .\ . .\1
Church Notes
III order to bllild, eqllip and furnish II
'J'hf' 1.:1,lit·s \id :If!' 11:1\ ill~ a
po:-,cs, llflJllcly:
~1 .. :11 .\ . .\1., l'r:'I\'I'r ~1(','ljllg. s,'h,,,,1 building, oa the lot, in the Bar· (':1\';1'

~1.1"-1 .\ . .\1, -~~III;d:\\" ~l"hllllt ~:i1I' 1111 till' 1;1 \\ fI al Ill!1 FUI'II' ... 1
\ \ I'" ollgh of ::\"arhl'rth, Pennsylvania, ao·
.... ;, I 11 r,l :,,\, ().-I. ~"I h.
I Lilli .\. \1. \1"1'";,,g \\·",.,"il" 1)1, j"ining' the present Public Srhool
il'd talk for 1'!lildrt'll fill .J:woh·s Building' all the ellEt, and boundEd on, Ardmore, Pa.
,1,·1'. ~tlrllill/l 11Y 1hI' p:lst Ill". Ihl' northeast b." Montgomery Avenue,
and on the "olllh hy Sabine A"enue, Sedans for immediate delivery.
I'. ~f,- YOIIII.!! l't'oJ.JP·:, .\11'I,t
:"Ilhjl,,·t . . . llltllxil·;llIt .... f)rtl~ ... nlld '[he School Ne\vs
and to provioe for, pay, and refund Other models at the Show
·'·1111:\(·(·(1.··· 1.1'11 II." grlllill I. ~Ir, (':trl Ii \\ill hI' inlPrl':-.tiflg for t','prYOllt' exi'ling tefllporary indehtellne'~ in the
1\ fl'llIl r. ('a pt:t i II, I" k,,"\\ thai "", Ih" I'lIl'il' "I' :'\arl''''l'Ih '11111 of $1 :>,000.(10, Room
;.t,-) 1', ~1. E\tlllillg \\'or...:hip. ~l'l' lii~.d l ~I·htllll. nrl' goill~~ til h:t\'l' a ('01 H,' orrler of the Boaro of Ilil'edor" 45 E. Lancaster Ave.
1111111 1..\' tIll' p:f~t\lr 011 IIIP' Ilr fhl' fllrl' 1111111 in thi ... I':tJ!I'r. Thi:-- idt':l \\H~ of 'the ~l'hool Di,triet of ::\"arherlh,
II III ... t qllf' .... lioll..- (If lifl', .. \\'hat :-.:.11;111 \\'1' ,l;lIt,'d h" .\Ii-- ,I,'"ki", '"ld Ihl' F",',h TEI.EPHO:"E: ARDlIlORE 111
~I lIllt .!!O III f'f." ('olin t,v, PC'nns~·Ivn n in.

H:t\l' I" II '1 II I ~ I,' J:\ ...... (', 1I0WAHO l\frCARTEP.,
,.1111 I' . .\1 .. \\""1"",0\,,.' \Iio\ \\l'I,I, Open in Evening
..1·1'\·i,·(· ... 1.1' lIlt· ('!l :111 II. ~Il ',\t' l, , \. I.. A THLETIC NEWS .
I, Y"OI' Lif.," 1111, ,."h 1'111' Ih., "irl,' h,,,·kl'" t"IlI11
• 1-: \ l'r.\'lllld,\ \\ .,1"111111' III t h""'l' ... I'r \ i(·l· .... "I 'h,' \'"r1"'rtll lIi~h ~l·h",". 'j'oe,oIuy
Secrpttlry. TAILOR
PORTLRND CEMENT th,' gir;' "\,,,·t,,01 Eli/:II"'lh Enl;lant! Cleaning. Altering, Pressing
TIE same spiritofprogress that replaced
the horse with the automobile, has re-
\\",\'IIIH'" nod ,\ \'Pllllt' 1I tId .\1011 t:!, IlIll·r.\

'1'''" ~HrI"'lth ;lirl,' h''''k,'y !l'alll hat!

Ready-made Suits and Suits Made to
Reasonable Prices
placed temporary, inflammable buildings
with permanent fire-proof structures.
Rev. Gibson Bel!. Rector.
Ili1\t, :\ ~:lrllt· ~1'1J('II\lII'11 fill' : \ 0 \ t."lIl'lwf

. 1'"·11',,,",01 "n ""I'''llll! Ill' Ih" 1'''''1' I'on·

I'lll Ihl'." :11"1' :-or"y tn ~:l." tlu.' galliC" WH:-i WM. T. MciNTYRE S. N.PRAGER
One man has done much toward this 211 HA VERFORD AVENUE
Rev. R. B. W. Hutt. Rector's Assistant ,I,lilIl" "f Ih., litolt!, \\'" all hal'!' 10
change-your building material dealer-
by heavy personal investment in slow mov- I h"nk \1 i" 1'llIlr,'h. IhI' h,wk"I' r·oa,·h, Meats, Groceries A1I0\'t' A Ill, Store
We call for and deliver
~lIllt'r\"isi(l1l Ill" the
ing, low profit stock-building materials.
His judgment in favor of permanence is
~lIl1d:lY. (h-tolll'f :2~lth:
:.!f1th :-';lIl1t1:IY :\ flt'l" Trilld ,.
(l'/ tltl' tt'(lII:.
and Provisions
vindicated by its nation wide acceptance. .... 1.-• .-\. \1. -,J11;l\' 1·lIl1l1l1l1l1illl~. HALLOWE 'EN NEWS. DELIVERY BERVICE
His judgment on individual materials is !I.~,-, .\, \1.·-,'hl;r,.)1 ~"'I""1. TI\I' ~"I'hll\"rl' ('I"" "f th" ~:ll'hel'th BELL PaONE. Narberth 1256-W
111 ,'"' .\, \1. - \11. lI"tl', ('I"". III~h :--\I'holll \\ j .. h YOll til kllow that
equ;;tlly good. He calls Atlas "the Standard
by \I hieh all other makes are measured." 11.1111 .\, ,I. \I orllillg I'ra.'"t·r thl:I' ",." ,till :tli\.,,' TI,,',· h"ld " 11111·
Phon~, Narb.rth 663 GEORGE W. BOTTOMS
~t~rrl1l~ll. ]n,,'p't'li ]htlll't' ill thl' ;\lIditorilllll of
The Atlas Portland Cement Co.
"T,' 1l('IIII'" ... ~t"ill"r in H FbI tllf ~l'h(l{)l OJ! Fridn." l.'\'f>llinJ!. ()(·toller
223 Haverford Avenue -Contractor and Builder-
Sak, Ofjie<" - New 'york - 8o"on - Philadelphia
~:::I,,-Northamj>ton.Pa. .\,,'h"III-"I\1<',-,'oI :tr.' th,' 1)"l'al'l"oI" :.:~, J!I~~ . Narberth Gara.e Bui/din. a Specialty
Hu<lson, N. Y.- Lecd>, Ala. frolll " Thl' lH!"-t .1 ndgmt'ld '·--~l'hOf. UIITllt'sda,\" t'"plling. Ot:tob('r ~4th,
\\ illl !'oolo quaftt't :llId (·hllru:o'. at ,,::11 I'. .\1., th., Eighth (;I'ade of the 1 -..:. .420 Rockland Ave. Narberth. ra.
"7'he Standara"yw'bic'b.. 011(' of tllt' lH'st ('ong')"f'g:ltiolls fit' tltt' ""II'nth High :-'<'1",,,1 },!al'l' a Hallow·
aUothu·Makes aN measuNd f:tli seH:-OII ""H ill att('lIdallt'p la .. t .' 'I'll pal't." ...\11 of th" pllpil, alld "lllle
~1I1101,,~' lllfll'llill},!. nlld it i, hop"d th:11 "I' th"ir t"<I,·h,'l's \\I're }lI'I',('nl. They
tht f1TP ('(lillfortt'd ilnd snti~fit'd h\" all l'lljllyt'd t ht' 1'\"l'llilig.
Listen In!

\' \\

th,: ~I'I,,",I;<I ,,'n·i,·I'. :\fr. 1I11tt', i,;

'filling "f thl' pr:l~"'1' hl'fol'P th(' pro" FRESHMAN PARTY OCTOBER 26. , iI
(,t's!"inIlHl. and ag-aill :Iftl'f til(} rl'I'C':-; .\ spe('ial l1Il.'l.·tillg \\as {'a))ed last
,iOllal·, grl':ltly n~,isfl'oI Ih,'
,·Iudl' to Frida." hy th!' ('Ia." l're'idellt. who i,
A Complete Radio Receiving Outfit fOI' $25
,illl{ thp :1111('11 prop,'rl,.'·, Thl' -0111,,1 "f Fr","'ril'k Eglllorl'. to dl'"id!' "II their A Crystal Outfit, suited for reception of broadcasting
tlt"He :l11l"II, I'illgill},! "01 f 1''' "' h"hillll.I'''rr .'·. II 11'11' d",'ided tltal a Bodal stations at a distance up to twenty-five miles
,·ro~",1 door' pmdlll'''' :t I"'atllltiflli t'f·, 1'''111 llli t I!'!' h" "pp"int"d hy the l'n',i·
Complete with all necessary equipment, $25
:::~:::::::~:::::::::::~:=~:t~ f ("" t i 11 tIl f' ('IIIJ rC'}I. :1 till 1'('1{ i II N :1 11 d : (I ('11 t, II n \\. h i (. h h l' I'll t \ ~ i rgi 11 itt ~ til i t h,
th(' ~flr\·i(·fl!'i ill Luui,.p .'nJJ("~. lIar)' Yor'UHI. "'ern lt~ger, ii
:E. ('lldl" :111 ill .. pirillg nlld
)'('\'N,,"t JII.aIlIlPr. Thl'rp i~,_tiliLl rOllll'l alld ~1:lllPlil1" .\fipwn. Thp ~o('i:d COlli'
f"r "'01'(' ndlllt ,·oi,·,·, in th" ,·hoil'. lllitH'(' ha' "oulItrd lin '''I'ellly·eight
A. W. WA.RD, Jr.
Listed and Unlisted Securities bought for cash 1~ ),I"n~" gp1 in tlllll'h with .\11'. ~pl'all: 1'''''1'1" hpillg th,·)'(" a.' all the tl';tdll'r, RADIO OUTFITS AND SUPPLIES
n: at tht' Pari~h 11011:'(' on Thllr!"id:,,' (,,"-I!' art' in\·it('11.
~~ illg~ or a't hi~ 110111«'. ::!:!:! \\';'1",;., .\\'t·' Phone, 1255-W 417 Narberth Avenue
or carried on conservative margin H 1111<'. I'h"",, li.J' II ""I'h"rtll. ' FIFTH GRADE.
liTh" }{O.'· ~",,"t, Il1t·"t lin TlIl""l"Y \Ii" .\11"11. the Fifth Urad,' I,'a,'her, ..mIllHlnm"u,!i
I.~I P\ t'JlilJ;.!!'\ ,;, j.~~l1 ill tllt~ Pafi:-.h
Bo,'~ d"sil'illg til i";,, ,hllllid pr""'lIt' 1"'1111, ill that 1,1"", Th,' party will he
lrou"'f~. i:- gi\'ing a HalIo\\'(' 'flll Part." for the
"""'Ilt"'II'I""""IIl'I"I"rrr'Il.I"I'I"",,"'t.,.,,,r.'.1..,..rtt",..""."""."".'I,."".""".,"t"11tI.,.n,.""",,'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' rlll"l'"l"'IIIll'III"II~

,~ Established 1872
11 th"III,,,I\"'~
10 .\Ir. ~I'latt :11 that tillie. hl'ld ill th" ,·Ia" r",,1lI 1111 TlIe8d1l'\', Oe· I
h . 1~ t<>I,,'1' ::1, at ~ o'I,I",·k. Th,' "hildl'en !
'.'The Hallowe'en Store"
Il- .,
Th" att"lII1"n "I' 1111 i, 1·"I"'d t" til"
I 115 South ThIrd Street h )'arish Oinn,'" 0'1 }'rida~' "\('lIillg at
"ill hp!1' d""lll'at" tltl' I'UOIII alld also
Ph'l d I h' 19 , P. :\1. ill tht' ""ri,II H,,",,'. Thi, is d"n:JH' whal .. I·(·1' tll,,1" ""II. It I, to h"
Members Phlladelphlll Stock Exehange 1 a e p la H IIU"l'1' til" dirl'l,ti,," "f tlo" :\1"11', ('lull a "'"<l.<k,'d" "ff"il'. ;111.1 if tll(' weather A Full Line of Dennison's Novelties, Colored Crepe _!
i 1~' :lllt! .'\ill hI' tl,l' flr~t gl'lIl'ral gl't t,,· i, I'r'lIlli,illg Ih,' ..tlildl't'll \lill haye
gpt JI(\r 0 f t h i ~ ~P:I ~Oll. :\1 r. Sa III tlf·1 F,
H"1I_1'"1 nf ('hl'Htnllf IIill will tell us
til (' i r JI i f' t II r('~ t a k t' n ilL t h l' i r t'tl:' t IIIIIC'~. Paper, Cards for Parties, Etc.
of thl' a",'olllpli~hllll'llt, "f thl' rt',·t'nt
(;"IJ<'Tal (l"IJI('lIli,," "t )'''rt.IaII d. Or<'
Til!' .Jlllli"r, of th,' :'\arh.. rth I'lIhli"
Largest Line Yet of False Faces and Masks !!il
~Oll. :\11 r;l)i:--('f'p:diall'" ~hol11d hI' in· ~dlool ga\'(' a ("alld\~ sale 011 O.-toher :!O ~~


It'rl'.<tt'd in thaI. 1I"il"ti,,", will 1,1'
"'lit 10 ("·"fI·I",,!.'·. ~"t th"l tI'llt' :"idp
nlld 1t't', m,;kl' this tht' 1""t I'arty that,
at th" fnoth,,11 ga'lI11' play"d hy ::\"ar·
1"'J'Ih. Th,' Hall' II:" Vt')'\· '""I'l'8,ful
alltl \\(' all ,in"l,rt'ly hnpe till'''' "ill give
are made by a special process known only to their
II(' h"I" el'pr had . .\11 ~aint, is rnHi
li",'Jy" \'arh('rth ('!rul'd\' althollgh .ill_f
V<'I' th.· lilll' ill \\·\"Ilnp\I'<l("1. ::\""r·
.\Ii" ~1"':lklll<tn, tbt' din,.·tol' of 1I""il'
in th" \'al'ht'l'th 1'1Ihli,' :-;,·ho"I,. i, ,'011·
Davis' Shop II
HAVER;:;~ld:~:~~~in Town NARBERTH II

manufacturer, and we are able to flatly guarantee them 111'l'th I"'op11' ought tCl att("nd tht, :-.f'r, fillt'd to IIf')' h'OJll(" 0\\ iug to illnt':"-s,
"irt's "ntl IIIt'ptillg~ ill (·ollstantll." in·' \\'e,lne,day IIlOrnilJ/! .\11'. \\'ilsou in·
against any defect whatsoever. They will not crack, t"'P:ISill(! 1I11mhf'),~. It i~ not 1It'('(l~~af':'-' lrodtll'"d a lIl'W :0.":-' !l'1l I h.\" having SIH"uk- 226
10 go (lIsp" lu'r(l in orrlt'lr to f'tljoy a J,!ood t'r:-o talk ahout bll~iILI'S:-l IILC'thod:-; to the
rust, peel, nor turn yellow in use. As the sole dis- I

,t'fI';I'" and li,t"11 tn 1{""ll Illu,i,'. '.\r"kl'; High :-'dlOnl pupil, ill a,s'l'lobly. }II'.
tributors in this neighborhood, we will be glad to show thiH "ollr (lhul'<'h hOIl,,,. ('~l' thp )I<>nf· ~I .. l~nrter wa' th"" ",dll'd oil In talk
g'"Il':I'~' ~,·hold hllH ",hi"h l":l\'l'~ frolll ubollt H"al E,tatl', alld gave th.e ['lIpiis , ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"1""1"1"'"1'1I1"II."II'I,""III"I"""lt"'''ll'UII,,","I'''"''lI''"'I'"""11",'11111"""
;11 ~
1....1111111.11111.'11111.. " ...'"111111\1..111•• 1........11111.111".'1111..... '111111'11"1"111'11'1111111"""'110""'111111'''01'"111''1111111''''''111,"""",""11'"11,,,"01"'''''111111',.1''''''
you the val'ious pieces. ill fr"nt "f \\lJitp', ~"'I'('t RhoI'. Iii Ilia"," pnint, <lhOIlI th" III"illl''';.
IlIinlllp, hefore st'rvj('es.
.\11'. )'p,·k-·" \\',,"101 .'"'IU uI;lId ,'0111· AN AID TO THRIFT
Arthur S. Walls. D. D.• Pastor, pl'lIin},! 111(' t" 11101 I' on. ofl;"l'r! I '''I' Gas used in standard lights and appliances is one of the
greatest aids to thrifty management of the home. Knowing
1If'I'II "Biting till 11d~ ('Orller thrPt' hours
~111111a\', Od. 2!l: this. we maintain as part of our service a corps of well-
!!A:i ..\ . .\!.-Bihle Rl'hooI. . 10r Illy wi ft'. t ' trained representatives to advise with our coon8umers as to
11.00 A. M.-;\[ornillg WOI',hip. k.·I'· how the best results from gas equipment can be· obtained
ilion. "The Rl'a'Ollllhlello~~ of .h·~us.·': COMJ.\lONWEALTH OF PENNSYL- with the least expenditure of money. A representative will
answer 'your questions at our showroom, or, ,if you prefer,
ELECTION DAY Anlhem: "0 Worship the Lord," Wat·
son. Bv thl' Chorus.
(nllritoilt' Holo: l\Ir. ,Tnlius Bra,,<,llIIau)
one will visit you at your home upon request. We trust you
will make full use of this gas saving service.
QUllrtet: "My Dl'li"erer," M,·Clt'lrlunti. For Increase of Debt of the School Dis-, November 7th, 7 8.m. to 7 p.m. 6.45 P. ]\f.-Epworth Lengut'.
i.4ii P. l\L-E\'euinl{ Worship.
trict of the Borough of Narberth,
~er· ,Montgomery Oounty, Pennsylvania.
rilon hy thp Pastor. PUl'lmant to a reflolution of the Board I No Need to Waste
Anthem: "The Da~' Is End<'d," Burt- of School Directors of the School Dis-'
FOR lett. By th" Chorus. trict of the Borough of Narberth, Mont· Coal
(Yioliu Ohligllto: Mr, Carl Kremer.) gomery County, Pennsylvania, unani- i These mild Fall mornings
(Alto Solo: l\fis~ Mury E. Ma('}'ull~) mously adopted at an adjourned regular!
LIEUTENANT Quartet: "Nellrer, Rtill Neurer," meetin·g held the 26th day of Septem-:
Hull. bel:, A. D. 1922, notice is hereby given i
to aU electors, of the School District of I
and evenings you do not
need a hot house or a house
heated aU the time. Heat

Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.

the Borough of Narberth that in order i
to obtain, the aS8ent of the electors ·of :'
~be School District to an increase in'
in certain rooms at certain
hours is all you require.

OF the sum of One Hun·dredSixty·llve This is where gas heat

Ml'ctings for Oct, 20: Thou6and . ($165,000) Dollars in the gives you the desired com-
9045 A. M.-Sundily School. A place bonded indebtedness at 'said Scb'ool Dis"
. ":'. ... ... :.': ,;:' ,'.,'
., . .. ~ : , .. ' , '.,"
lind a welconH! for all. . trll!t .
. 11.00A. ~r.~Publie Worllhip; S u b - A . PUBLIC:mLECtfION
fort, and at the same time
saves you money•
ject of Sermon: "Christianity and Pro- will be held in Mid School District e.t
hibition.··' ODsCr'"ance of "W'OrM's th~ place, tinMl, Gnd .tinder the 8ame' Thinkof the advantage of having instant heat when
.. " Temperance Sunday." . regulations as provided by law for the
, 4 00 P :M -Junior Endeavor lIeet· halding of municipal elections in taid you want it and being able to shut it off at any moment

IRintl E,aUisonjtJ~~:~!il{~i"E~E:~~~O;;~~::.'::: :~l~j~i~~i*:i::i?'

and having fuel expense cease at once I This is the
advantage you enjoy if yoU have available in your home
A' one or more gas heating stoves. See the various makes
OF,: ':. ~/"'Jeet of sernion: "Olll'forll1t'1l' ~r Trlllis· being thed'B:y"..and time llxedby 'laW and designs of heating stoves at our showroom.

--'-,,_..-=~-, .--08
',Ij';:.:.;.~;,."~, ~,:":';!;!'~.".\~, "~, ,:~;, ,-:;:~::·,.:.",;:"<{~~~~~,!~lrH di;··:: ,;,,~o:e:~~'; prll~:~~Q~~~e~~~t
.. ..
. . Cl!'~~"~.~~N;%r\'"!.\!~~~~+'~'f'f."~~¥-~:~."~l:fflT' '4aY"'8Y.,n1R[I'-tM"\l1J~e(\tcWJlI 'be~l.<':WBlk.
wednes'- f~~,0~~~~b~~;G1;r1i~:Y}:~h!:'~?;
Convenient Terms.

"".,. '" ...... 'I'....,.:.. .:.'.,.'":'.... :',...~" .. ";,.,.!. .-,,,...
" ) .. " " . " .. ,.",, ."".,,,,J,,, ". " " . < " . "Oh'ld
. "·'i1t."··"··!.'",>~,,,,;.··,!·:a".:.,mg 8S' 1 rcn··o· "Rl. '.' Epli'
"l'th e Lj'lt"
,j ..' ... ",.,,
. IS" .... , ...... ' .• Dlt"l't· ... ' · : d·'.i;,h
S r·C ,,!'lln.,.an ""h'd"'ly",
."! .ere,eaC u Countie.:·Ga'·.nd-~Electric·' Company
'. ;;, l ' , ' , ' J: ':':~'~':J: i (~;.',·,..INl'i;:f:':~: l!t~t'l ~·i;Lr,::.~\ 10'; :: ."'~; iN· ,iiins'5:8, ' . ' . " ..... , " '. qUhliJt:ed. elector. 'Of. aaidBehoill Dis· t
"f ','The-::Nar6'l'itb':I~".'''''Ii""'" ,. , ~e'(;'::i.:"'/~';': AreCe}Jtlil1i-:~UI.'lb.etimder~d· to .the trlctml1Y vote "tor or .agaiilsttheprO~' . Ardmore :BrYn;Mawr Wayne
'':\~.". :·"'··~""'·f':';:Wl··'" J ,.•. " .... ,r·~A·':;~ ;'; , .,' . ,."" I: .' ~'i,. ).t.~.j.~1(:;:4.":'J!;~~:,:. ~r lnCIlI'hll'raofthe' .~onle. D!luq;rtm...·n·f,.. Q8edincrea8e:'ofi~~ebte,dne", ,.:: .' '
1""1' .,tj "......, r.!.".~",~,,,, ••.•. '~l'~ 'b"" · ........,."i~·-O·..-:·····:·,· ·Tt.:.~ Th'" .... 'b th 1 t di ",'
.. ,I., .·.:~tj",.
,t'·.! ,,~''' ..1a- "'1.1;::', .~.~., ,,'. ~,-........
,~·Tl~......."'r···· ~ ,~ ...,. .' ~ . jll':~).l"·
,_:,: 'y' "~.'i~·~ "f,,:,;j:li!jJ~:~'· y··t e W.oIU'P~ ."-'i!I',," e, 1Il8S,next; ·ours·
W'11!~ol f - . I l"" I ~." [',( " . ft ' . . i' .ri:"u,· rH;.';'Irl·~L' 'ft'" 1 . 1l,,.·e
.. d··' ·"u' . .... &II' prece
\'f tn"abl ,ng 'U~§E§§§~gf§1§~~~s~~~~§~~2E~~§§2~~~~§§~E!U
.oi:l-r.P#~.fL'<l.I." :.:!. ~:\;'.!'.'
'I '\
4~: ~ii':' ~:IJ:i;,t.: ~f!:;t:~~·\I"1 .y1·.\!!'f· . ~\fr!l";""(~''-' !"t.
. t.\~~::~!,~\~~~!~~~;,:.;.~t«,~",;'·'~·~~d~~'>.':~~' Y>~~l.~: ~::.
r~ , " nY",n ,er.ttool1.·· 11· 1!n,,';,'J"'·~'\.-u~ ~Jl-T Of8.. · "QSBMSe
.:~+V~,.' _'~".,': ~~~~?!;:;:~~. ~"',~:( ... ,~ ,.:~.~~..~.. , . ).
r . ,,'.... ,...... .• •. "" •. " ~ .
~., Tit' a~JoJl '0. :: . ~~ " :u.r' :

.. '~,' .. ' . ~ ... :, '!., ' . . . ,• '

.. .' . :" .. , ... ~•. . • • , • • '. .: .', t'l . " .

: . : •• t,"
., .:

OUR TOWN ~ . _m_. _ _i : ._m_,'
withdraw thl' loan appeal without. a Itrullks, where they were when tbey
vital 10'>' of tillH', providl'J II Hpel'inl .'aul(' to tOWII. O""asiouallv thev send Qt;'8-N~\~~r,@ AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING
,t'lt".tio" h •. hl'ldlntl'r, at HllInll ('ost. Ih .. ir .·loil<lr"11 to ."1lIIlIIlV ~,:hoO'I if tbev \ye have ~ta~ted a departmeD;t for repairing Automobiles. A
TIll'V rl'fu" .. to do this. ~(u"t WI' "tand ha\"(' not 11.... 11 up too !lit., the night h~· Bell Phone. Sp'uce .18·96 Ind 38·117 pradlcal lIIan J,; 111 char~e, and wIth our mechanical experience of
tlol" I",,, of $1Ii"',IIIIII, or tht' 10"" of a f"n', Th,'." art' all good people, they KeYllooe Phone. Rice 70-14 ,10 years .an.d a well equIpped shop we feel we can promise you a
fl'\\ d(llbr~ f'H :t ..;ptll·ial 1'1(,,·tion1 He· do lin harlll, but ha"(' :-;illlrl)~ grown real r~lltllr .loh. '.'r II thorough overhauling, at a fair price.
Id' tht' :--,l'll()fl! Hoard'~ attitl1d(l
l'llr Hnly hop" is til d('fput th(~ loan. lift~.
thillg-" ill
and illtlifT"n'tlt to the g-rt.'atl'~t
GARAnteed Roofs Olve u" a t nal and Hee if we cannot cut down your npair cost:>.
We are onl~' 10 minutes from Narberth-right down the Old ,
LIBRARIES AND THE STATE Thi- III"tt, ... 1_ "it,d til (·",'h a"d all lIf\\'hat I\ill th.· aO-I\"" I ... at th,' 1',,01 Lanrnstl'r I'ik .. and Bryn Mawr Ave., then bear to your left (at
FEDERATION ll~" ,,",. 1I111:-ot Jla~' and .. huuld pay for
of tillll'~ (':111 \\1' :-:1,', "1 '\u:-o too tir- ,i:!nlj :-51.) for one ;;quare along the P a r k . ',
I.dlil'atillg- niH l'hildlt'lI, and "l.' 1l11l~t I,d." or •• tOll hll:"~·"·' of "had 110t tht' Tbe Nal berth Electrical Shop
l.:l~t \\l't·k :11 thl' ~taft' Ft'dt'r:ltltlll dl'III;III-1 that \\1' g-pt \\hat \\1' pa.'" for, (lPPlll'llIllit~·"! :\0. TlII're aft~ thou S. S. Wenzell Machine Company
of \\'IIIIH'II':- ('llIh:-. 11.1' :\:Irllt'rtlt ('0111 :llld lludl'r :he I'rt':-t'llt :"1·htlCd Hoard. ~:tllds of 11I'lIl'lt' Illdll.'- l'r.,·in:! for tht'

5000 Pa.rkside Avenue, Philadelphia ,
i~ \\.lt~l'll pa~~pd. Il~' I':LECTRICAL CO~TRACTOkS
_._,- - - -,-----'
1'llIllitv l.ihraTv \\;1:-> hll(loft·d h\· hpi,,/.! lh;l: :tjljla rl'1I1 I." iIl1l'O:-,:-;ildl'. !IIPJlll.rlllllltit'" :Ir(' ltt>rt' Bl'lI Phone- Beboont :;41\7 Keystone Phone-\Vest 10;;7 ,
"all"d' "1""1 :Ii lh,',·rary B~,,"kf""t
1 (' n'l'0rl it:- :l1't i\ it i,'''', :llId 11l:11l~' 1'11I1l
1'1 llJll'rtt ... \\ I'rl' 11:l \1\ IIptlll it s 1I1;11I:1/.l1·
EIl\\'I:\ T. \\'oI.F. -II Iighll.' , 'I:.,tll'g I .... :I """\1'1111'111
I 1'1'0)1\1' Ilf :\al!'l'IIII. :I\\akl'~
We repair, sell nnil in~tnll anything
\\'t' EleetrirnJ. 01,1 hOllse wiring a specialty.
--,-,_._,_. ._,-,~~~--
1111'11 t :11111 ~ rll\\ t 11. '\'1,1' 1';11' t 111 III t )11' WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH : "!:lill' 1""', ,·t1i,·i"II'·\' "I ,'Yd" "thl''' Ask .ahout ollr three·payment plan, In· Order your coal as far ahead as possible and state the size you prefer
Ijl,r:tr\· h:ld g:ro\\11 ~tl 1:1 NARBERTIt'? : I\<llk .. I lil ... 1\ h\' ""I 'i" """ "hll;·,'h lit' .. ! rlll,hng fixtures. Phone 1633 or 395W.
('1I1l111111I1it\· and your next choice.
[lidl." ill it . . Yl':l}' :1·l1d ;l llalf of l..:,r tJ \\ 111. 'I'll 1111' l';di~Hr of ()lIr '1'0\\1\: ~ TIlt"· (Illt· .·hl~rl·ht':-l .. 1101l1d lit' thl' While coal will be scarce, everyone will be supplied.
III tlll' (ktn,lwr ~lst i":-.llt' of Our j prlll" 11f ollr I·(lllllllllllit.'. TIlI'I) at th,'
\\ itholll :IIlY fi":IIII'i;t! Hid frolll
:-.;t:ltl' IIr 1~llrllll!.!ll. ~\'(,lIlt'd VI'f.'· :lll,al
TO\\II. I .. \.(,t! \\ith intl'rl':-l th(' ft'IHII'1 1'1101 tlf ,illll' WI' .. hall \'Iltl'r illto ollr ill HOWARD C. FRITSCH ~);:;~.'"
"'itll Ill':,rh· nilli' hl1l1drl·d IltHlk .. Ill' tht' Trt.;t"lIrt'r ,,1' tli,· \"Ilillll '1'\\ ili~ht ltl·Iil:IIl.,' \\ 11h rl'.illil·llI;.!.. I,rillgillg- ollr Justice of the Peace ~ -~~ :!.
in" .. ~"nrd~
Cll~"llll' .. Iwl\l'''' :;l1d 11\-1'1' t\\ll hllllllrl·d ~I'I\ il'\'- ill \\ hll·}1 111' .. 1lit I'll that tht· ~ltl·:t\ I'" \\ illl Il~. ill"dl':ld lIf IIPing fl'
ill PIllIs"
,1o·ll'hiu und ~Ilbllrb"
of tlll':--t' ill I·irl·ulutioll 1':I4'h "'·l'k. il :1' ,'fagl' :lttl'IIlI:tIll'l' I'llI' t111' ~l':l:-tlll \\:1" \l\\kl'd for II lit Il-illl: thl' t;dcllt~ that ha,[
1t:1'" lll'I'fl fllllllll 1I1'1'1'~S:H" t(l ill\'rl'a~l' l~.-I. Thl' Ijl\(':-titlll illlllll·,jiatt·I.," ,';llIlt' til IWI'1l gl'PlI II~.

nt )'our
inclndlnJ( one
tIll' IIIIlllll('r (If \\orkl'rs i;\ and fllr tllt' lilY IHill'!. \\ hl,rt' \\l'fT t!J\· othl'r ::,li.)~! Thi~ i-- 11111 a llri\·f fOI :IIIY l'arti 'll1ar l Fire Insurance-Best Companies the burning questionA .\HD)lOHK
Lihrnn·. IIlltil n(l\\ tl\l'r(~ :Irl' llilll'tt·(·ll. I ..' It 11111 all :J~tnt1i:--hill~ fal·t that 110t t'hurt·1t or ,11·lIl1ll1ill;iliClIl. It i:-< a "'1'!'it)!I" Phone 1749W-215 Haverford ATe. ~ ..~~.:~~:~'~ ~
.\JllCdl~ thl':--" ht·lpt'J'~. t\\O art' d:lll~htl'rlol ]l1(1]'I' tklll .-Ill(~ of th,' )ll'llpll' of :'\;Ir '·Illlliitil,n tl,:,1 I Ill'111'\I' l':o.i-.. t~, alld thl'
(If ~I'lIior 1l1l'11lhl'r~ of thl' ('OIlITllllllily 111'rth takl' :lilY HI·ti\l· illtl'rt·:--t ill tlJt'il' qllt· .. tilllJ i ... \\h;lt :111' \\1' gllillg III tI'l
(IJIlI> \Ii-- \1 "rgll,..'t Bllrro·II, of tli,· l.hlln.hl'~ ? GEO. B. NEWTON COAL CO.
.Il1llior ~I·l·ti(lll, alld :\lilol"l 1':lthr~·11
\\"1' )'1 idl' tllIl"I'" 1'-. :11111 lhi"" i .. par
,1.11I"ld,·. III 0111 ,!,'Ii;.!.htf\ll I·Pllllll l lllity.
:111(lIlt it?
.\ BIl},!. .. t. :1 slIll .iUII ior.
Tllt' 1l1·1'1·~.. it\" lIt' a town li1Irar,· 11:1" 11111 1':1"\- :1t'I'I':-~ til all 1111' ;tth:llltngl':-: of WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB
Plumbing, Gas Fitting -------------- - - - ~
llf'l"ll pro"I'd l'IY t !If' lI~t' IIl a dl' lI·f till' tlltl' ,If' \Ill('ril':1 '..; grl"ltl·~t (·iti,· Illif
and Heating
honk ... pro, idl'd. :Ind a:-: ~o(lll :1'" tht· :11 i \ l'Ollltt'l't n Ilk lInllll· (,tl·.,
"()JlpHrtll'litil'~ of tlit· \\'11111:111 I·iti
I" III ;,11'. 0111' l'

11\11 \\h:t1 :dllnJt tlllr 1,lIl1rl·h lift·? Is thi:-

t't'nd:lllt't' 111'1'OIlI('~ tlltl hl':I'·'· for Fr; NARBERTH PA
d:l" aftl'rllllOIl :tlld I" I'llill~, :lrr:llll.:'·
la,il' ill<' 1':1,,1101' th,' .,I",,·,·h,·-' Il,' I I ' ' ' ' ' \\illltl' th,' ""I'.il'··t of th,· I:d" Phone, Narberth 1602...T Paint is not only used for beautifying the home, but
1'}llJr:.hl'" I 11I1'all P(t ... tllr~ alld pl'Oplt'" '1 h,' 1:\1i ...... .Jt'~~il' E\:III'" :It 111(' ('0111
1Il(:1l1~ \\ ill hI' Illadt' to hl'P)1 0111'11 oil ;1
.111 Hot think ~(I. Thl'rt' j:- 1101 H trll('r n;llllit.'" ('luh Illl'l~til\g 011 Tut· ... d:ly. ()I· is a pl'esel'ver of the wood. In this light it is a real
~l't'l)Jld d:I~',
"1'1 tlf 1111'11 ill hll~irll""\s
tod:\,' ,hall th,' tnhl'r ::1 :It 1l1l' (']lIh llltlll\. ('lIl11ing :1:-0 PAINTING GLAZING
1IIini ... tl'r~ \\llo H'pn"H'llt Ih't' ditTI'r"llt 1 Iii ... 1111·t·ting dOl· .... ill~t hl'fllrl' tIll' \0 DECORATING JOBBING investment. If you want to beautify and preserve
ill tlllr l'()1111111lIlit~·. '1'11(' pell \ l'lllhpr EII'I,tioll. 1l11'11l1wr ... \\ ill filld ~Ii~ ..

I'!" ai" lIilli,,"1 r"I,rlla,'h a",1 an' a- 1·:\:",,' talk "lith i"I"ft,~ti"g a"d tilll,·I". WILLIAM NEWBORG & CO. your home, there is no better means than using Sher-
'1'" tht' Edilllr IIf Ollr To\\n:
g",,,1 :1_ a".". Thl'l''' aI'" ",a"," 1"'"p1l' \11". H""s II ill gil " a n:l'"rl "t' II',,·
li\ illg in :-ight of "HJlII' llllt' Ill' ouf :-'tafl' 1··I'.h'ra1illll 111 I ·ptillg ;11 ]\l·:ldillg.
Painting and Deooratlng win-Williams Paints and Varnishes.
Thl' ~:Irh('rtll ;..\,·hool .. itllatiul1 1"; of 1.!Jllrl.hl':-; \\110 \\1'1'1' r;li--l·.! ill ('hristiall ThH~l' dl'l."irill~· ltll·lI·!Ill'n.. hip 'ld;lll}," 212 Woodb'ne Ave., Narberth, Pa. This brand of paint. known the world over, is seidom
hOllll'" ;111,1 \\110;11 "01111' lillll' ha"l' ht'pll \\ill I,hoill' \lr .... Ho~~. 171 .... B.
vital illfl'rt· .. t 10 1'\"1'1'\" r:lIllilv ill ;\:11'· Phone. Ardmore 1436 W Narberlh 1768 W
i,l' rt It, f 1'1 '111 t h I: Ii II :111 ,. \:11
It.d Ii 1'1 1'1,\
:1,.11'1' •. 11111'1·11 III.'IIIIH'I":-'. \\htl orr lo:"t ttl TI\l' ('lIl"rt'llt ":\c'l!ls ('1;1":-; 1IIt'I·t .. ,'\1'1\· equaled, hut never excelled. Buy ~herwin-WiJ]iams
Jloint IIf '1"\\. hilt frlllll 1hl' edlll'atioTlal :1 "1'11"1' 111' rt'''IIlII1:-ihilit~' an,1 prj,· I nthl'" 'l'lll· .. d:lY :l1'tl·rlltlll1l. :11tl·rll:tt Il',:.:
pojllt o f , il'\\. \\'(. I'(tll 1'\ 1·lItll:l11.'" 1I1a}\I' ill'~I'.
"1' \\ :1--1 ,·01 llP'lI\'Y. Illlt ..a·ldolll 1':1 II \\ I' I.ltlll"ll
'1'111'\· :tlT iol""T1litil'd "i1h 110 "i!h tIlt, n'\llllllr 1'111.1, 1I11~I·tilll.!". I
'1'1\1' Paint at
I I l .'l'h:l!''' l'hllrt'li ll'tll'r'" Ill'X1 11111' \\ ill Ill' IH'ld :11 \11 .... 11·lrr.'·
III,1hl' UJI \\:I"'!4'.\ t·dll,·;llipl1al IJI'!ltlrtlllli ;11,' l:ti.l :I\\:I.Y in lhl' 1l(lltlllll'" Iii' tllt·ir I .\, .':Jt·("'~' ::
El \I\\lltlol \'·1'.
Narberth Taxi Service H. RICKLlN'S
tip .... :tlld \\ t' ,·all 111'\ 1'1' j,rlll;.!. Il;ll'k t hI'
" :\ .. tt'd t i l11t'.
'\·l~ :tll \1:1." 1:1\(''' to (',\I1(':d(' 11111' high ~iss Zen,1;:J:X1ayer'e
Patrick F. Donahue
We cany a fuJI line of theil' Products. i
:- •. 11.101 :t1I,1 ~r:llIllllllr sl'!to,d (,hildrl'll. Day Open and Night Phone 1633 t
HI,flJ illll'lllt:·11I1. llll' thl' High :--:'t'!IIIP:
"it:tll" 'd. 1':111 11111' 1I~~h :--:'l·l11lld gratlll
:I:I'~ 'tl!I::lill
~,,::llPd :'11 1·.\III·;llillll :1"
\t1·ri.1I1.1It i .. :1 f:I,·t 111;tt 11111'
~eope:n.ed. Sep1;e:JXL'bcr 18" 1922
125 Windsor Avenue For Bowling and
II ... ·hutd !J:l" ht'I'1I \III :llt· ,10" II ~r:ldl"
Pocket Billiards
Only One Kind of Tailoring-
:111 1 ,11 i ... i .. 111l! l·a .. t ill~ :IIlY rl·tl1·.'t il,Il"
corne to the
1.11 lilt' 1111''''''111 fa1·1I11., \\ ":t'l 1'\"1' I'. Tlll'.Y
1':111 ,'11 h- \\ III k \\ it 11 \\ 11:11 is .. i, I'll til = RECREATION ROOM The Best
tht'lll. (hlr 1'1'111'\1' ~II'I' _:.:.r:lllll:~!I~· :111,1 The Best Place to Buy "our Drugs No.1 Forreat Ave. I
h:t \ I· I '{'I' II l' 01 r .. u 1111' \ 1':1 I .... "I'll ,I i II ~ tIll' ~ r
We ar~ ready to selve you at all times. C L. PARKE I,.,;· alld 1:"111,;' "('W Fall alld \Yillt,,!' :-;lIits alld
,.lli:.lll'll, {If ili~lt ...;, .. l!ol,j :1:':'" ,·l .. ,·"lH·!,I·.
PI'llpk Ill' '\:lr·lll·~:h. -till' :lllcl Jilink :1
Make our stores) our stores. I ( )\"t'r<'O;l t s ~\ ad,' to :\\ ('aSllr('
1I1\1I1l11'. \\·plll.i llt,,\ '~II ~}II", ;t1,·:IIl IIl :.!. Main Line Drug Stores PHONE 1620 ,I Ollr 11"\\' lillI' or ~\asoll & Hanson EXI,ltlsi\"(' \\'oo]('IlS
•. I \ ~ 1j • I ;.!. I' t

t 11 I'

Thos. A. Kerrigan &Son

}'I' 1\ .. I' .
t. \ 1 1':1 I' \ It .: 111'.'
ARDMOR~. NARBERTH at.l' in. 1 'OllW in, \(0), t Iwtll OVI"', gt'l pri(·"s. You are
'-:I11H' hI' II'?
Tl,i .. ~P;ll1 \\ i;i 1I1l: ,1,1 :lllYIltillg \\ 11;11
= ulJ<!('r tlO obligation.
);arb"rth 1,~!)-H
(".1'1' foJ utll High :-'1'llt~o1. \ 11\4'1'('
lllli\d:lI;':' i:- Ill! ~1I;(1':llltl'I' of 1'l'11}1t'1' "dll- Building and Contracting
nl~il)ll:tl 1':11·;\;1\('''. 11" \\t.'
I'll r Iii ~ll :--"'}I"lll 1111]li \ ... 11 1 1.11\\ 1'1' :\t I' rlllli
l'olJid :-;hifl
\\1' l'llllld II".' :lH' :-pan' 111.··.Y flO\\ O('('II1'y The Lower Merion Tailors
~I.\HII-: 1..\1>1'1': l'ILIi";()L.. ""1''''''0. f"",,"'''IY 1',.:lIla llollll11 Plans & Estimates
Blt'IIII'1I ()Ill']':I. and :""\o:nj .. t \\ ith till' ~I'\\ Ytlrk :--\.\-1I11'hll1\~·
:llld lHkl' 1·,;11'., llt' Ill,'I'!' gr:loll'" 110\\
(,f tllr Furnished For DYERS AND CLEANERS
Iloin" 011 1I:I:r , illil'. 11 \\ t1\I\.1 I'll·t·l·t :1
()I'."llt.:-tr:I, lIlt, ~1':tn:tllllllr:..:. ~lu:-:-il' FI·:-;ti';ll, .\pll:1 11 i'luh of Bilstoll
~:I,'i~l.! ftllill 1'\ I'n' ,It'\\ 11l1illt. Thl' Alterations & Repairing
Remodeling Pressing Relining
;"\1·1HLI}I Htl:IJoI h:l\I' Illlt pl:l~'t'd fair. :11111 tll"g-:ltlii':lti(ln~, and
1\1I11It·!'tlll:-. llthl'r
Work Called for and Delivered
Tlll'~· It;I\.'' '1Ii .. rt'pn·"I'I!fl'" 1h" .. itll:ttinll l\\'wr(),\ l'Il-:H·~OI" Ibrito"t·. fOl"ltll'rl\' "I' rlol' Ho~·,t1 0l,,'m, Ikrlill, Write. Phone, Call
lill' Bn'llll'lI O\I('f:l, :tllo! :--:'tdlll:-t \\ith tIll' ~I'W York llhilhafllioni
,'ith.'r Ilift·.·1 til Ily 111:p111·:111'11I. 1·'01' ',
"\:I1I,}'1". :tl a 11lI",till~ 111,ld dllril1.:,.!. tht' ,:\1'\\ ,"od.;, :-'.'·lllphHl1.'· ;ll1d ('hi/'ago ~.~IIIJlholl,\" (>r(·hl'~t fa..;.
"llll,ll'l'!, it \\ :\ .. :tlllllit tt'll tll:lt a "I\n· t '.'"
lllld jlt'.·11 llla.I,· ill 1~11!1. Tllolo;I' pn':-l'llt
\\I'rl' :I .. \';l't! '11 :l\l}ll'll'I' that lIig,ht 'thn'l' ;It tll~'ir :\:I111t'rlll rt':-i,II·l\l·t'. :--:'1'1·j·i:ll ral""
'1':11:- 1:llt· . a ~dlolll hllild1J1g 1'1:111 :-111.
T,'lt-pllllJIl' :\"1'1",,.110 ~~!I1 fil" IIppointllll·lI\.
"lI.itll'd. \lll!t'~" th:lt \·('r.'· t"'('llillg 1I III'~·
t('r plan ('\Iuld 111'·:-;ll'd. IIII:lgill l '"
\\t' \\ I·rt' a:-kl'll ill an hpllr ttl ~llhlllit a
h"tt"r 1'1,,11 thall till' :-;,·h",,1 B""rd
IIt'('" \\orkill O nil for tlirl't' \"(~ar"'.
~rti,'1t' ill Ollr ''1'0'\\ II ~tat('d
I.<ttl'f all
tlu' ~lIrv('Y W:·I~ Illudt' ill 1~.:.!1I. Bntl agaill
Narberth Register COURTE SY FIRST
al th .. H('I;""I "n (kt"h"r 1!lth. th" I'n'_i-
d.'lIt or th,' :-;,·hool Board "t"t,·d th"
Two Line•• IOc per iuae; 5c for each aJJitionalline When you apply for a Bell Telephone-
survey had lU';'1l lIIadt' a Y('af ago, of
1!1:.'J.· \\"hv th" 10i""l'l'ft';,'nt."ti;'Il, to
h(' polilt' ,,1""lt it·/ AnotIlt'r thing, lhllt
l;ottshaU, H. K. PUblic Accountant, 303 )II •• Zentmayer'. Kindergarten..
KINDERGARTEN I When you want your telephone moved-
Conwuy Aye. Pbone, Narbertb 1667·J. ro:. W. ('or. ESMex und· "'Indsor aves.
Vt'r,v plall 'Ulllllitll'd a, tht' la"t "'''I'd
tll<lt UIII" 1 II,· appro\"(·d. I ha\"(' 1"""1]('.1 K .. lm. II. C. C~rtlfled PUblic Accuuntant,· LA WYERS Or when yOll want. a misunderstanding ad-
~()~ Dlldl~.,' A\·e. Phone Narberth 3OO·W.' (alroy ••John. ~1l ~;"~(·x uve. Phone 1~45·n
is not th,' "d"al plall ill plf",·t today, AVTO~IOBILES
harl'lv t\\'o lI<ollthH lat,'r. \\'Iov h", tIll' \I .. ran ~Iotor Co., Ardmore, Pa.
\ Phlln. uddress. I.incoln BllIg,
Stlte.. 1'·let..her W. ~13 Haverford nv"
Hl'h,,~l Hoar,1 kept thi"",'ret'1 :-;l'~ displnY nd\'ertlsement In this Issue. Phone 372·W. Philn. nddress. Crozer B1l1g
You get in touch with the Bell Business
.\II"thn IIlatll'r. A n,,·pllt llrti·,j" ill Narberth Garage. Phone Nurberth 1\l3.1. I.IGHTING I'-IXTURES
~ee dlspluy u<lvertlsement in tbls Issue. \ "<'Il
Our 'I'lJ\\'1I st"t"" thp :-I"h",,1 Boa rei h"d 1:,:1:1 .. nal",
Chest..'ohn. NnrlJerlh
st., Phllu. Pbonephon..,
31:18 Office either in person, by mail or bv tele.
ul'pro,.lI.hp,l Low('r ).!erioll al1thorii i"s AUTO~IOBILE sER\'1CE ~lEAT!!, ETC.
and WPTt' tllrn(',l do', I"". A lluntlH'l' of ()o..ahue, PatrIck F. Pbone 1633.
~.'e dIsplay advertIsem~nt In this tssue.
Wtn. T. M.. lntyre. Pbone Nnrberth 663.
~pe display advertlspment In this Issue
)H'llpl" ,'Il "n illd"l"'lIdl'nt unhiu,,,d'in·
\.eHti'....C ltion Il'arlll',l 'Iatl'r t1111t our BAltERY I MILK AND CKEA~I We Bell people pride ourselves not aione OD
White's Sweet Shop. Opposltp ~tation. ""thland Dalrle., J .....
:-\('hool B.,urd had not il\.lproa"hl',1 Lo,\('r
~il'rion "h"t"o.'\'('r, "'h~' thi, lIlisrpp'
~l'e dIsplay ad,·ertls.. m~nt In this Issue. S.·..
dlspltlY u(lvertiselllt'ut In thIs issue.
s Dairies. our knowledge of the telephone business,
n~!'\l'ntatiotl !'iO ('asil\' :lSl'PTtuinpclJ \rhut ~ee displaY advertlspment In this Issue.
('hul1('(' ha'·(' our 'taxpayerH in lnrge r lI.rlon Till.. III Tru.t Co. Phone, Nllrb'tb 308
"nne Y./ ~ pride ourselves more on the fact that regardless
pl'uhl(,lll~ ag-ain ... 1 ~iudl:tr nlisrt'pfl\~f.'Hta- l'ee 1IlMlllal' advertlsl'went III Ihls Issue. I.. OUN. J'·unn)· II. Plnou tf'och~r.
~tlldlu. Y. ~1. C. A, Bldg. Phone :1111-.1 of how vou come to us-
The S.,hool Boord have a chance to \Jottom.., G.. o. \\'. Pbone. Narberth 1~:;6· W. Whether by walking into the offict'
:>Il'e dlsllluy a(l\'~rtlsemeul In this Issl,e. " ..If.. rl..., ,I. H. 111 Narberth ave.
Tho•• A. Kerrigan III lSon. Phone (J(J(}·M.
, 8e.e display advertispment In this Isslle, ~lmlulon, Harry A. 232 }4~s8ex nve.
Phone Nnrberth 6.16.
Or calling on the telephone
Shand. Alex. C., ,Jr. Pbone No. 1710.
CLASSIFIED ADVER~ISEMENTS Narberth Station. T,·.on. "'arr"n R. 200 'Voodblne u'·e.
Or by writing a letter,
Sm..,lIe,', Wnl. D. III II. T. Phone non. Phone Narberth 1~02·W.
l'ee dis[)la~' advertisement in thIs Is"ue. OPTICIANS
Two centa per word It casb accom·
CANDY, ETC. 1'·"11 to... Carl J.... 1631 Chestnut Sl.
We strive to live up to the traditlon of our calling.
That tradition is founded on the word co~rtes;~
panies advertisement; otberwlae, lin spruce 771l7. Hesldence, Wayne, PU.
11I\\'1.., II. E. Phone 1254·"'. II. E., ~0Il Hnverford Ave. Pbonp
cents per word, Spe dlspla~' advertisement in this issue. l'almer, :101 .. ,J. Prescriptions filled Dnd repairing
CAItPENTEltS AND lJUILDER8 It'ntma''er, .JoNeltb. )500 Locust st., Philo
For we have a real interest in your telephone. needs.
FOR SALE-Brilllst.ou Medil'lI·1 \'ioll't .I .... klns, ChaM. L.
Ray GI'Il·erator, pomplete with at· JO:l DuuJey ave. Phone 1684. ,>;.\\"borll', Wm .• III Co. 21~ Woodbine a,·p And we're here to serve you-with courtesy.
l'hon~ Narberth 17uR· 'V.
tal'hllllellt.s, ,l'uitable for l~riv'Ute Ill' CI.OTIUNG AND DRY GOOD8. SI'P displa~' udvprtIsernent In this IM811p
profeg"iollnl treutllll'nt llf rhel11l1atiHlIl, Narb..rth Dry (Jood. Stor... 2010·32 Woodbine ,,"oIzer, I'red.
l'ee dlsIJluy advertisement In tbla Issue.
For we know that courtesy /Jays
veuntis, lll'urnlgia, pt,'. I'hol)(' ;-';ur Newl.ark (Iuallty I>holl. 236 Hllverford a"e, 117 Winsor ave. I'houe 1247·.1.
berth :JS;'·R. (:l.p) Sel' dlsIJla~' advertisement In tbls Issue. l'AI'EIUIANGING
COAL AND COKE IJo,'d. lIora.." S. 313 )(eellu:; BOllse Lu" ..
Phone, :mO.
FOR RENT-2 rOOl1lg all,l huth, ,,"it Sarberth Coal III Hulldlng ~lat, Co.
IIhle for husiness womnn or b1ltl'hel.or. Newton Sl'e dlsIJla~' ndVl!rUMel1lent in t.hls Is"up. I ~lar"hnU
Coal Co. phone Ardmore 104,
Com\.any. Cnntru'" Ing PUJJerhnng·
HM, 300 Price Avo. Phoue, Narberth 1661·,1
216 Forfl'st An'. Ph 0 11.' :\!lO·\\'. (:\.p) lo'pe (I1sIJla~' udvertlsement In this Issue, 1'lIOTO I'LA YS
FOR RENT-PrivatI' Ga.rnge. 2Hi nu<l· Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood av. Ph. Sn3·W. (ollk Uros. Phone 30~·J.
11')' A \'1'. (:\.1') I'h lIu. Phone F\lb~l·t 421l~, I\:eIU. HhlJ(. ~~~ dlspluy Ilth·.. rIlMplllent in Ihis Isslle,
Hr. J. 8ebembM, ,Jr. Phone Narberth 3H!·W. WaU. H. B. Pbone Nnrberth 160~·J
S. I~. Cor_ Gl'aylln/t and Windsor av~s. Set! dJs(llu~' a-dverth,elllent In tbls Isslle.
Office Hours..: 'l'lIesday, Thursday, 8atur- RADIO
da~\', 1).30 A. M. \InttI 5,30 P. M.j Mondor, War,l. A, W. P/lone
FOT Permanent W('dnesda~·. Fridliy.6 P. M. until 8 P. M.
Ur. H,' I,·.~rcDutree. 20ll aaverford ave.
Office. 644-R, H.ouoe, 327-J. Uours: I)
Hndlo Outfits aud Supplies.
Narbertb 121i5-W.
Satisfaction A. M.-.1i.30 P, I\I. Eve. by appointment. I'rlt.ell. II. C. p,boiJe 2li2- W.
DRUGOISTS See dIsplay a(tyert.IseIDi'iJt In tblS (ssuc.
,Jones, GOQrll'e A; Phoue Narber.tb319·J.
District Manager
1I0,,.ord..: Pllone' 12(17.' Sl'edlsplay ndvertl8elnentln thla Issue. :fI1
BUY A See display IidvertIs.ement in' this l.ssue. Sa.. b. Rob"rt d •. .Pbnne . Nllrbertbl7111.
Ualn Lloe Drug Stores. Phone 1620. Money for FIrst ondSecond Mortgogl's.

'S"rnc"dlc"y·B·o·.-I-It· Hom't·: E~~~~~;~:~~~n

Ue..rentlon Itoom. No. 1 Forrest ave .
. . . . Ilea..". se.e dIS
w.. PIII
G•. Pbone 3im-w. tll18 ISBue. See d Ispl'ny ad'vertrsl'mel1t in tbls !I!sue.
i l':l'~. d~'~:?Y2~dl~~~18:~e~nt In this Issue.
'. . .'. . .. '. . . ()a"ld Odell, Uelmont 'rrllck. RIding les
. ; itnr.· pbone, 1150-\\'. Ard. phone, 163-.T, "OllS. Sadd Ie. Horses to hIre. 'l'elellbon,· ':
_ _ _......._ ~ I'VRNITVRB DEOORATOR, Narbertb 12117. '
.& H r' SUED' LE!\I i Uet"" ...EarIJll. Phone Woodland 4103·R.
tlara.~IC!Glnle; C.o; .l'hooe. 1258·.W;
WM D . .•. .., .....•..•.• .1-'.1,. . . '1. TOO s'. 52u.d, st., Philadelphia. Pa.
HARDWARE See cllspIa)' odvertisement.1n tbla IS.lle.
~lIUt!.., Jolin A.243 101111 ave. Phone 061-01 I
. .•:. .'A.: D D 't' .,., .,... ". . ·Bt!rrrnn Hardware 00'" 211 Haverford ave•. Shop, 24f! 'Havertord ave. Phone 122G.I
.,:.,~~llIH_~~:GARAGf'~ .~:_.~:~:I~~_~i;:~~~~ .
In this Inue. U!l~.~~:~Jlb,!eRe~r8b.op,

.. ;,',W;-iai :·Pro.·p·
. . . . . .'I~, _" ... 1:"" . ' ,
"';:'tor",.,· . bowman. j:j~.-.nel:.;~{1'1f6~)-:--"-'. _._, p~(Jn~ Nuliertll. 1'i'1O~W..
."'~.... ':- .'. 110, Jllhn~ood a\'e•. Phone ,858·W.
Conatantlii.e•. B •.~O-;:; . ,~lIa".erford· 'aTe;
.. . '~
. ft '. , It ..., s.rp·'-p';I'E·~
f. ~ .. " 'U· .If ~2Oll. ;W1lC)d,l~e ave.. PhOne 1282-R.
roUerBro•• ....
('lre; ·l!tc~)··' ..
. :,' . T.uLOU '. . "
Adeb.atBroiIIen.l02 Forrest Ave, .
... . .,' .

: ,... .' T':'
. ..:·R" AIftI E''p''''IUIN'C''.'.'. ,.
...4 pbell., Fra.~.'p"
c ..... stuart 11II0· a, lie, ~Ire.etl!. ..~....,; l8th,.n4 :eh.mnl,.ltil... Phlla.
. ave,. , rl10neA.u.tomOI)
8ee41'21a,' IIl1vllrtl..-ent III thlllalnt!,
"j',"" ,

' . ' . . . , :., ..:: . . . . ' . . . . . . , "INVB8'l'IIB1'lTs . . . ~ee:41Il.l~a1· lciYertlttelil~nt.ill :thll bilue.
. .',....
o ••" ftW..... l.u,·:"·llil.m- G. HDp~.(j~. . '.
.• -. ,... ..,......
'. At:d.~"r. .~ue.: Anlmore. Pa, < •
.. ~e :di~p'1i7 aI1Yerll,eme"i)" Hill lillie, .' 9i!eillapli,' _l1ttrtt.e_.tIII thll IIIlutl. :.,.' .'"
. \" ,.,,:- .. "." -'.

! . .... :; .
",'. . ". .,..

~'·'·~~~~~i§i~i,ii~~~·!i.,;:,:!;,;!;;;::L";L. ,,;;};:d"':. i;~.:',;';;~:~~,/ .< ..:t':,

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