Krakatoa Tour

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The Giant Tsunami about 30 - 40 Meter High and the speed reach about 180 km/h.

was destroyer more than 270 villages around java and Sumatra and more than 36.000
people die by tsunami and most the kids was killed by the Volcanic Gas. On Sunday
August 27th 1883 at 10.05 am the sky was changed suddenly dark and the lighting
blasted, rained by black sand, ash and dust. in the distance could be seen the thousands
of flame rock flied tossed to the atmosphere from Krakatau , the local peoples said that
was Dooms day “ KIAMAT” .the big stone as big as car was land on Carita beach, and
many prisoners was killed by blasted lighting at Tanjung Layar Light house (Ujung
Kulon) and the light house was destroy as well. it was reported later

The Java and Sumatra is the large island in this archipelago in south East Asia and
Krakatau surrounded by water (Sunda Strait) in the busy shipping land between java
and Sumatra, to navigated the water fourth point light house at Anyer. There is other
light house at Tanjung Layar Western of java ( Ujung Kulon National Park ) Now. close
to Tanjung Layar light house there is prison and 2 miles from light house there is Duct
sea port ( Cibom ) but all was destroyed. To day we can see the ruin of sea port Cibom
and old light house. But the new light house was rebuilt after 1883.

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