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People’s Lobby for a True Democracy (PLTD)

Mission Statement

The purpose of the People’s Lobby for a True Democracy is to attempt to influence and play a leading
role in the transition from the electoral and campaign systems currently used in the United States to
systems that would facilitate a true democracy through means of general populace referendums,
providing funds to politicians who support our goal – to create a government truly Of the People, By the
People and For the People.

A Government Of the People, By the People, and For the People

Of the People
A government Of the People would be structured in such a manner that all citizens would have
an equal ability and opportunity to participate in the political forum and attain political office. It
is the core belief of this institution that money should not play a pivotal role in the campaign
process and that the validity of the ideals held to be true by and the policies supported by the
candidate should be the only means by which candidates are weighed. We hold it to be true
that one persons view has the same weight as another’s regardless of economic standing, and
that the voice of the wealthy should be no louder than that of the impoverished nor the middle

By the People
A government By the People would be structured in such a manner that all citizens would have
an equal ability to influence the political forum outside of office through the democratic process.
This means that every vote would have equal weight compared to each other individual vote
cast in an election, and would have a proportional affect on the outcome of the election. A
government By the People is one that is proportionally representative to the will of the
populous, where the populous can vote for what they truly believe in – not the ‘lesser of two

For the People

A government For the People would be structured in the manner outlined above. People have
been shown to act in their self interest, and will vote in a manner that will benefit them the
most, or perceived to do such. With a government Of and By the People, the citizenry will be
more able to have an influence on the democratic process and, therefore, a government more
attuned to their needs. As the goal of this institution is to put forward the goal of a true
democracy, personal political ideology will be put aside outside of the common goal itself.

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