Semester Test 2 Memo

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Vraag 1 Question 1 Die stelsel differensiaalvergelykings ‘The system of differential equations vo = gy vy = y@+2) het vier kriticke punte: ‘has four critical points: (0,0), (2,0), (2,2), (-2,-2) Klnssifiseer die kriticke punte Classify the critical points (2,0) enfand (~2,-2) as asimptoties stabiel, stabiel of onstabiel. Skets ook in elke geval die fasebeeld van die stelsel in die omgewing van die kriticke punte, as asymptotically stable, stable or unsta- ble. Sketch in each case the phase portrait: of the system in the vicinity of the critical points, Tay) = fac-a2 -4Yg ) Tlacls [2 0 \-a, dard (2 | K = Ke=(°) Onstabiel | Unstable Asimptobies slabiel/ Asymptotically | pos al ygeaT l= | = EDEN HIG 2 -3h{Tt stable A | Vraag 2 Question 2 Beskou die probleei Consider the problem th = Ugg + 2p, O0 u0,t) = u(l,)=0, t>0 u(z,0) = f(z), O<2<1 Laat u(x,t) = X(2)T(e) en gebruik Writing u(x, 4) = X(z)T'(@), use the sep- die skeiding van veranderlikes tegnick aration of variables technique to derive in om volledig die reeksoplossing vir hierdie full the series solution for this problem, probleem af te lei Die volgende bladsy is blanko en jy ‘The following page is blank and you kan jou antwoord daar voltooi. can use it to complete your answer. we kT => Ube XT!) Ulex 4 Une XT OTE = XT 4 kT = (X42) TL xteax' > Feet eeeeereeE ee a at KaareAK=0 Hemel ENR irene ie XO) 20= XO) Th) =< reyact\ =o = pe cetlac4n a = -\4JFA 7 ne Ds[TR rave: Ae B cosh of) X(e)- e* (ASI ah &< + Kozo > Rao XQy= & ‘A sinh K = 26-9 A =o X= ye alle [fer al en eeuarde [nck an egen- A0 waar fwhere ¥6)= Ax+B met wth ¥6) =60 5 Ho EON2 loo- 2n t>o 3.2 Find the Fourier series solution for the temperature u(z, #) at point x at time #, Calculate the Fourier coeffi- cients ax si0ES ) dx (100-2OE ES HE sof - fens] = Blico MC BEsB - 2 90 B oan -ale — oo) C =) | a 20° nr 4 33 Gobruik die eerste twee nie-nul term in die reeksoplossing om die tempe- ratuur by die middelpunt van die staaf na. 5 minute te benader. ulod) = 2B Sin EE 3.3 Using the first two non-zero term in the series solution, approximate the temperature at the midpoint of the wire 5 minutes later. os rt QE By Middelpust 1s x= 2S RAE midpoint = %= 2S b= Sxto = xo Sek/se UQS,200) = 22 Vraag 4 Beskou die onderstaande randwaardepro- bleem: tig = 0.5ttge ~ 1; 40,0) =1, u(z,0) 41 Gebruik die transformasie Question 4 Consider the boundary value problem be- low: O0, O E(x + HOO) =i VRAAG 4 (vervolg) QUESTION 4 (continued) We = Wx a5lif Eh") =I HG) =2 oh Od)=axt+F KO) = 264A B Ulob= Wot) thld=10. Weist)=o aslif HO)=1 -: Bel UxtB t)=WE Oth 0 7. webt)-0 aslif hi(Z)-o .: At ve Abd = 2 1x41 Nuwe probleem | New probler We= dWrax wlot)so; WxG,t)-0 Wooo) = Ulx.0)- hoe = Och Td) = Oe 41) = 1 4 42 Vind ‘n reeksoplossing vir w(r,t) 42 en daaruit die oplossing vir u(x,t) Bereken die Fourier-koéffisiénte. Jy mag die gegewe formules gebruik sonder om huille te bewys. Find a series solution for w(z,) and hence the solution for u(r) Evaluate the Fourier coefficients You may use the given formulas without proving them. Ut die formule blac [ From the formule sheet X"4 X20) X= XUE)2o > An = Qn- Xn = Sin GA-DX whit: Z£.cn Sin ands ctartt Wac)= Sin Gn-Nx Vraag 5 Question 5 Beskou die probleem Consider the problem Ye+2yet+y = Yee, O0 y(0,t) y(r,t)=0, t>0 y(z,0) Fc); yfe,0)=0, O0 1>0 O aL FE) + ae =a|-FG)-Fla valk 76 fe] S — —G ofl HOS = Fowde onewe, adbreiding we g odd extension of 3 Yale y= aa ti [ Gites eat Ye @F)= # [G0de wa “f ids tf ‘ids + Pee owne) a x HOd= fids = % é H eur Funksie epen function, 7 Tana | Ypoyd= aa [Herat Heat] yl = 4 LH @)- HE) = LHC) - Hes] | -4[4-4] | -4ey=4 + Uae i) Vraag 7 Beskou Yas tty = 0 ‘uy(0,0) = 0; (2,2) = 0; u(y) = 5y5 met die voorwaarde dat u(x, y) begrens is as + oo. Vir u(z,y) = X(2)¥(y) volg dat x" x As daar goon nogatiewe cienwaardes is nie, lei die reeksoplossing van die problem af. Bereken die waardes van die Fourier- koBffisiénte. Jy mag die gegewe formules gebruik sonder om hulle te bewys. Question 7 Consider O0 a>0 O0 with the condition thet u(s, y) is bounded as ¢— 00. For u(z,y) = X(2)¥(y) it follows that d. y ¥ HE thore are no negative eigenvalues, derive the series solution of the problem. Calcu- late the values of the Fourier coefficients. You may use the given formulas without proving them. yig Y= © enland — X"-AX=0 Y'(o)= Yi@Y-0 gee: Xb)= O48 dea! Yly)= AyiB Vir begens/ For betndedness: Yilo)z0 A=O Yi@)z0 > Aro 2 A=0 XobO= | % ip aTVy o4 Ade Aro X - GX oS Xod= A e+ bE Begrensclheiel | Bourcled ness - Uo= XeYo =! ai are tae on Un = Gs ee nz) Xabo = & ry or uy) = Cold Zaws Ge the 2 om Uloy) = sy = Co + Zo sa 2 ue Cor J syely = S8yr[, = 5 Coz [sy Cos ely = 3 ous ny odel = fm eo Ubuy) = B= He obel i a hemme om) 4 72-[sCeoomaFT 6) -ATX/2,

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