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Introduction to World History Review Guide

1. Define “History”: _____________________________________________________________

2. How old is the planet Earth? ____________________________________________________

When did man make his appearance on Earth? ______________________________________

3. Give (3) reasons for studying the past:

a) _________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________

4. What does B.C. mean? _________________________________________________________

What does A.D. mean? ________________________________________________________

5. The period of history between 1,000,000 B.C. and 4000 B.C. is called ___________________

6. The period of history between 4000 B.C. and the present is called _______________________
Where did the earliest forms of written records occur? ________________________________

7. The Historic Period is subdivided into the following time periods:

a) Between 4000 BC to AD 500: _________________________________________
b) Between AD 500 to AD 1500: _________________________________________
c) Between AD 1500 to the Present: _______________________________________

8. Provide (3) examples of unwritten records left by man:

a) _____________________ b) ____________________ c) _________________________
Provide (3) examples of written records left by man:
a) _____________________ b) ____________________ c) _________________________

9. Define the following individuals who study the past:

a) Historians: ________________________________________________________________
b) Archeologists: _____________________________________________________________
c) Anthropologists: ____________________________________________________________

10. What are the (5) “Early Civilizations” in history?

a) _________________________ b) _________________________ c) _______________________
d) _________________________ e) _________________________

B.C A.D. (Anno-Domini) Prehistoric Period
Historic Period Ancient History Medieval History
Modern History Unwritten Records Written Records
Historians Archeologists Anthropologists

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