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Nineteen i'arberth ~lay Join Proposed ~lany New Features en/! FIRESIDE;~1usic Festival a Big Improvemen~s For
Students Graduate Choral Body ,A.t Lawn Fete' I hi>' I Success Post Offtce
Get Diplomas 111 Record Local Society G'onsi d ers S t. M argaret 's A'C'
JJatriI \I, "lid \Irs. ~I.d""rd 1.",1, ,11,01 Local Man Leads Main New Carrier Secured-
Commencement Main Line Merger Closes This Evening ""'11 .,01"1'1"01 d:lIIg-lil" Ii.,\,· I"'" II 1'1' Line Singers Other Changes
tlll'll ft"ldl'IIC t .It thl' \\ IlId ... 1I1 l-J~"~'\
:\ lIlt t I" II \ 11111 I III ... 111dl I I... .1 t 1111 1..1:-.1 \11111,1:1.\ IJI~ht, ,It tIlt· 11111111' u: III .II IOII!all('I' \\ 11 h .1 t 1111(' 11111101 ('d \11. I.(wtl I!'\ ..... 1'1 It Ltr,' to \I:t,\or }\:"l! Lilli' .\ItI:"!I' Sllll~t alit 1.11 IlIljllll\I'lIlt'llts ttl ='ar·

1.,,\\ I I ''It''llIrl 111:..:,11 ~,lll1l1l gl Idll:dt d \ I r... 1\ (,III It ((Illlllt 1111. 1 II t· )~'I,II I I' f 11I:"lttlHI. " Ft'1p ('!Jallll,t·t II' \\ ill I.t· ,'011 drlt k lIllIl Is 1"01111111 lit lilt 114' \1.1'1l!]I I tI\ a I. llndl I tIll' t·IlIl'lt·lIt 1':1 ttlll ot , Jar lH'r1'~ 1't1:"'t.t1 s,' T\ I' I .11 I' III IlIlISIIt'('t,

1.1 ... 1 111ght a1 tht .111111):11 (01111111 II' 1'llw1l1 I oIl111.I'" ld tilt '.llhl·lth ('hula] So 11111 lt f ll 4111 thl: 1:1\\11 lit :--;'t. \1:lrg:lll~t'~ H Ik 111 11lt' lIT\. j t'llt I' (. :\ ,11'. :'\,11111'1111. II~ ItIIlSIl:1I dl .11 I I I dlllg tu .1 II allllClilll' I 11I1'll f IIlnde

I Xt'I' ''''I'S rhh Is 1hl 111~t \ 1flll'I'1h II' \ 11l'1t! t lll'lf 1I10111llb lilt 1'1 ,II/:.. t(l f·hUII·Ii. 011 TlIlIlstl,I.\, Frida\" :lilt! :--\;11 j 1'1 tHI. !'OI CI't'd Its II I (I:-i1 IlrJilJ:IIJt :-Il)l"·I~"'~ .\ esl t'lll.I.\ I'"t,
I las .. III }.!J.ldu:tlc t 10111 1 II,' 1'1I\\ 11 ... 11 q. !tll·l\t· th,' 111'1l1t .. of lh,· \ :111 tis onl HId:I.\ 4'\ ,'11 III)! I f ttl!:.; \\ l't'k \\ hIi'll HI4':JIIK I \11 ,lIlt! \I1~. hll ... 11H1I ("'10:-;:-10. (If 1 I.l~t :--;.lflllda,\ 1'\ I'!l I II;.! • . /llllt ;. 1111 th, tl II.

"'it 1111,,1 IIlldl" tIl, I· 1I111J III'" :l rr .lllgt·1I11 11 t t t l ... Illd IlIlJIlllttll~. .\11 \\ .tlll' 1\ 'il til,1t lhl' List 1'\I'IlIHg \\ ill III' 1hl'" \t'I~ :~~ 1)\1.111'\ \\1'111)1'. ;111' l'lllt 11.111111'.:.:1 !{,\II \1.1\\1 I'ulll (Iltllilld.. l'hJl:ld,'! Mr. I'utt"11 '1"'111 t,," 01,,\- III
1:111 l l li g./ \ I ~;ltllld.1\ 1'\l'lIllIg ,,!It'll 111:111,\ t'xtr:t HlId Ihl' Hl'\ :llId \Ir" Lt·r,.\ :--;. 1-:\\111;':' ;lIld \1.1111 '(lclt't.' Ilq..:toll 1:1 ... 1 Illtllllit 111 .111 ,·t11111 to Ht·
1.111. 111'a .... 111 I I. .1 JI 11:1 III I:d
ll ,IJI:t :t1lri 1.11H' \\:I:"! 111

.\1:111\ of 1 III ... ,. 1III,iI pupil ... h.. \ t 111adl s1atl·IIII'1l1. Tl \ t':1I111g a ... Iq.dlt dl·tll It fOI I1IlU ... U,JI :llllal"tltlll!'i \\i11 lit' :tddt·d 10 111111 fllrt'I' I hlllirt II. 1)1'llltll.\. t-:II':lIIOI 11111 11ft 1111.llll I. :11111 till' :lllllllll"I'~ l l l l i ' .Ill I Xl I a l .11 1]1 r til slllli t l'll IIII'
1"1\ "dd,· r4 l"lds at tltt' :-whclid J'" !'ic·lIul 1 LI ... I·a"oll. IIll1t 11 lit \\ Ii \( h "iiI III' 11' dl\I'I1 Hlld ,IIJlllsl' tlaf' IIlJlHf'rOIlS attf'llfl ;I11d \\·:III'I'T1, III I.Hfl4;IHtc'l. 'Irs. '-:"lllg II IHlhtllJlg St'\I'lal thl!lI ...:tlllls-\\:ll-i \)11 1'f/'SI'11f 1111111 ..... :llld III llls1.dl 1I1i11'1 )1Il~

;lstH' :IJld nthl, ttt· Sll!lt'll'" ,IIHI IIn\I' IlIO\ I,d 11.\ thl' 1':I~ nll'Ilt ot pl,'dgl's ~TJlJ ,1111·1 \\hH·h \\111 ""iIllJ()ly ht' }'l't'''''''lt J1 ,!'; thf' d;llIf,dlfl': cd ~\II, :Il,d 'JI ... (~I<l"'" rl's1l:111H d 111 Its c IItlillSLI"'1I1. IIl·glllrl111J! pro\ 1·1I11·llt ... 1II','dl'd iI\ tiJl' oth I 4·.

III(I'·t· t":111 ht'111 1111 lhl'lr 1'1111 :llllllllg 1111' olltsl:llldlll!!. .\1 I" !>i. FOlltt' tUlflt'11 1n tllt' Lilli dO('H 1I0t I·Olllf' dO\\11 \\Ith lilt' \\Ith 'h4 (}\4'rt III ·'I~Oht·1I11a." ff'lId III' (:lllll·d \\ Illi 111111 :t illlgt· IIl.lp of
1'1I1'i1s 1''''11 :III 1""1' of II,,· TII\\II'hll' t\\lllt\' li\l' d 11.11 ... frtllll 1hl' Ilfl(" .... 11 IIIg-I,1. If II dOl". th,· t"rlllal ,.J, ~\l'/! I Il,
:11"1 \Irs. II:!II.\ .II" Illll' tIll' tl \\ r. \\ It II 1'.11 II 141u1e' 1111111 :ltl'll,

I'lil' 1'lItllt' 1·las~, IIIL l· ... t:tldl·.dlt·" lilt 111 ... :d~ :11 tht, C(lIlll·ll. \\IiJ1I' tht' \\ JJI III 1111 1111 \lfllld~I~· 4·\('IIIII~. \\dl'll !'q"'lIdlll~ tlr, \ \ ( I f k ('l1d :It ~ollth -Ill 111"111111'1'" tit t 11.1 I I gn II II I 1.,11 kl·d 11)1 11\ d.III.\ Ic't·ordlli :111.1 ... 1atlN

r"""rd I or I h,' 1I1/!1i i-'I,I",ol. 1IIIIIIIIItt"f' III dl'lq,::111'd 10 1'1·t11·UTf.' :t tIlt, dlstTihutloJ) Ill' tht' 1Il1l1lt'foUs :Il1d THIll _\I:llIor. '''f'rllt'fs\'dl". tllll. ,jlld ... flll 11I1l1l11Ig- hq:h \\hell tht· tic's 1o sllo\\ the t'xtt'lit cd tlit' \\ork
Till' p,og-Ialll "i1~ a'" 1,,111I""': 1111':-;1'111 1'411 'I,. l{I'11 t z rl" (11111111'11111'11 \,Ii"."",' gltls \1111 h.. made. .\1.11,' ('!lOl'lI'" C IlIlIpll tl·d tlI,' 11Iogr:llll d0111 Ii.\ ,':Il h l:t I rll I 11 \\ ,IS dl·llton·

1.(I\\PI :\11·rtlJlI :\lar"h .' !-,Jclrt,'/!,·

1 1,.11 thl'll tlft4'1'1 dcdl:II'" hi' 1"'ld dl \lIIllllg tIJt· UtaH.\ lit'" t'x~ldllt:-; \\hltlll \11~'" ('11H1101tl' 1I111,·c,I .... lIf ~;ITII \\ 0..11 \11111 Ihl' '1'11'11.1,01 ,","1i"" "<I 11.111 1, ... t I ;1 t I'll t 11:1 1 ,':lc·11 III 1 h 4' 1 til (·t· 1.1 rl I PI':--

By High ~d\ll,,1 Or"h,,-tr,1

l'llh '(1 thl' d 14'1 till •1 I I' III' 11111"11 III tillS .\ 1':1 I·... ,'(, I' I ... t Ill' I \ \ { II lIt'. t'll! I 1"1 jIll"] nt 11111111'1 and t\\ /I 'I' " , t'I'. I • :1 \ 1'1 .1J,..':'t'~ t \\ 4'111 \ lIlll' III 1It':"I tit \I a Ikili/-(
I IJdl'l tl,,· "t III \\ :""lId:dlt.\ ':"l :--;lJl1t',·Ztlll • .l (11'\4'1'4'\.\ d, It:dtl,>s (If \I:lh If HIt.:. S.llllld.l\ , \ I I, Ill...: i ·1 !Il Ilrl,:.:.I,llI1 \, II 111111114,11\ nlll .1 d.I\ . . llld 11I:lkl'~ L!l ""t111'" II' tI",
"1I,JlI I.II"P' ~I",It,"," 1 It\. \\ 111'11 hHlI ... I· ... 10",' 11'~t·thl'r,
II 111'1'" \\ I'f4' 11:1' I f ' 11111 t h I' 1'\.4' II t I \ I \ I~I'" IHUI t dun' ot J!,lllll,'",s l'xtra,·tloll. 1 cd lill \ I 1\ 1,4"" t \, I :.:.1 \ I II dllll:':' tIl'
:11,' c
H~· ('l:ISS of 1!1~4
IltlIIIIl111'·I ... ,I' th, H'\II '1:1\\1 (·lInl l .tli IIbl1t'd 10 11111\ Idt' tbl' glJlgl' \1.1111 LI Ill' lJl \ II 11 t I' I hi \1.11. III' 1 III \\ 1k I 1l!ISI'qllt'llt I~ I.I"'IPI". !'ar-
I JI \ ()4":I t lllll Ht,\. I: I II I ... 1'1 I k I 1'111 ; III :"111111....
11t1llllt\ ('llor.J1 :111r! tIll \llllld\ ("1111. Ill!'" Il:ll'g.llll:-i :llJ.\ fl·lIllllllll·. t.(dlh4'd Ilf! \1 1..... 'lalg.II't HIIIII II. 01 tilt' \\Iln c Lith. Illllllllt I111~ cl\I'1 111 11 \ III .... 111.1
1"'-::11I1t:ltol,\ "llilf ( . lOIs"'.
\ld'llllll 111\1111 ~ 11 prl· ... t'lltnt 1\ I'''' IIf 1IIIhllldH·d. 111111,1 pO"':-oill.I,\ llt· ... 111 Till \ pol 1)l1t I IJ t .... \\ :1'" 1 IJI~ h l .... t I o,;"i at :1 I
1':lldlll'I~11f tl'~,lhll HI'l\ JI'\ \,11\'" TIII's,' ... l.ltlstl'''' \\4 II' I01l111111'r! lrlllll
By :llary ,I. HII" '\.111" Ittl (·hlll.1I 111 1I11'1·t \\1111 ihl'lIl 11l111~ t4'IIt ot tlll' .JU!lIOfs l~ atlutht'T 'HI t\ (lit Tll" ... dd:. I • I \ I' 'II ... 11\ \1 I '\ Ic I . a c I 1
11 111,1 ... 11' ': 1111 I 1.1111111 "'1111'''' III 14'1 Hld~ :Il1d It'ports

Class Oration-" Lincoln lind the Ih,' t'llIl.ll11111 ~1 :"" 114'\\ ,·ollll·l ;11Ic! It 1IIIIudt, ... III It:-; 1111)1 I /11 ... 1111 ollt:IOIII ll1"4t .. , Illd Illll\ld kl111 'I' \",sl ... 1:llIt l'u ... tll1:l,,;!,·r \\·all;(t·t~

(·I)Il-.;ti1111 lOll," (.111 , 111'\ 1 \ I'a r I'll I' 111 I SI \ t,III11:-; .111.1\ lllllOlis ;Jlld lliollst I Oil"'! \1 r \\ Ill. ( Ill ..... tll .. JI"'~'" .IJ Idll,,Jlt 111 1ltc' 1('lllllT1l1~ HI' tIlt
(;(lod\\ll1 rht, 1·1·I·nrd~ :"Ihfl\\(·d that tlit'

lhlligs. :1111111,ltl' anrl 11I:l1I11I1.ltl' tilt' 111\1 1·,llgt III' llll! \il.II, "Ill lit 1,Is1 k ,It I II ...(.11:.,: .... "lll II .\ . . . . -"""tl"': I\lll~l 11111 .. f ,.111t lit lit,· c'llrll'ls Oil
,1,llt ,\ I'" 1111'.11\\ I rl 1\ 111 :1,.\llllllf :1 4 (JIll \\ I I III I ' .. 111111.

.. III ttl I' 10 1111'p1 thl'" 11t\ i1atlflll.

'Il' ... d:lllll· ...

:lll~1 lit


If thh




111 I
(Ift':lll (11\ ! 1111'
I T,j
" ( oltllll,:..:.
lillgl I .• , "
J )1'
( 0l.,l III \11'1111." til,·
pllll'oI ... 11111\.1
dlllli' l:-l H\l I

By High ::;(']1001 Orcl""t, II till 11\1' Illt'IlIIH r .... ('(IIIIIlt'll

11101 1.0(1 .... :11 ,I \fl,~ ... I" J)pllt':ltI. Ft 1l11( III .... 1 III 011 tilt' III~ 1111. lIotlllllg to\hort I .\11' .. ':IIIIt'~ \. ~l 011 .llld 1:111111.\ h:1\1 , lu,td I'ht 1\1 r:I~I' 1'\Il1lh'l 01 111tPIs
Fir""1 PIl14 HIc.;tull,a) I.S .... I\ "TIll'
~tran;":"1 \\',tlllll (llll (;"t",," • 1 r.1 I,', \ I \\ III 111111 \\ It 11 IllllSI' t I tlill 'l11\ III all "\1r:lllllllll:ll\ 411.llg;ltJ1I'1 \\11111,1 !~lllll' til ()I·1 II, l'lt, fill ltll' "'111111111'1
( I II. (Jllt'l:t 1111' I II \, I \ III I·d 1L ' ...
I Ilrll"r JIll .\:1\ I'" 1-ltt!1 tOI t':I("11 IRIl1I'r.

IItl t t '11:-:' III Ii"'lf 1111 .... :It till' IIlllllt· Ht :\11,/ ~ dllt" ,J"" :1 1t·:I .... [11i to ... t.I\ away. If hi I .\1)<1 II II' I \\ II II t., I' I 11111:1 lit 11'1"', .' I d
(l1'14 II. ",I I t ( III I' 1\ II'" I IIII! III·, \ .. ,llll)
• By l'aIlJIII,' Ztll" \
i If L HI'lllllflld • . J,. III \rdllllllt' IP'\1 Illdl'j'd 1111(' Itll:.!l :llld 1J11:lri n us h 1PVO I :\11. Il"II:.ld I.. \Ial t 01111 t k Blld f:llll 11'1 t.,\ I,d pntloll~l'd 111j1l1' ... t ... l .. r • II
tll4' III .... t III lhl' 1111I1I1h. till 111.ld flf Ollt'

" III I11I1 1\I'l 1\\1,

\lOlld:l\ Illght. Thl'" IClllllllltll'1' I .... '1(1 drllult' Ih of BfOtlkll1l1~1 \\{·1I111'. It l\,'~ 111'x1 \ 1111"... III' \\:, .. III "'jdl'IHI1d \Oll·f'. SPf'1l1
.1 I r\l

By Catherine I:, H'I..:g"n, "'1'011 ", tl", n,'xl '"I"'lng "I' 1II,,1 'I'll\' old 1:"0"1<" "Ii"h hn\., Rtoo,II\\'I'~k for ";11,,,,,,th, .\1:1111", to :-IIH'II4\ "I~ ttl (lllllfdl·tl'I\· fill 1'\ I'll 1hl' \\ 1.]" I p4l1111l1 ... \\ hi II 11 111'11'lIlt'S 11"1 I· ... :-i:11 ~ 10

I,r,·.k "l' Ihl' ,,,,,I .. :11101 s"I'I'I.\· I'arl of

:\[II,i,'al ""I", tion-" \'als(' H,lil'" , " 1, ard, ,I \\ hl"h 11Inp thp proposltiolll th,' I('st of 11111" '"" all .. II d""k on., Ilh ,' SllIllIlI"I', I HpOI'f.'S of thl' ,l!lt':tt tllltdolll'"
Welle,ltoy \I iiI I", 1''''1'''''''' tor ,lIhnllssllln to 1'1,,' '1/": a III. r'·.1"\·""at"" a,ol rl'hahil'llIl"d to Ihe lIlalll'r 10." a rl'lay.
Hili 1111' IIr:IIIIII /1""",,,,' '1'1\1' TI,r, ,.
By HIgh ~l'hool O"'I,,',lra i-'11I·1I'1.,· al Its III'xl "1IS1n"ss IlH'Plillg. '''I'PI II,,' sl"rltllg ,tandllrd "I,"·h g-O\ ~ew Oarrter
\1:lrnH'I)] UI.\I"C'!>i' \0.; .\11. "":1111111·1 \. III TIl' 1'11 ... ' ()nll I' ))PI':lItIlII'1I1 i1:t~ grant·
I'n'St'lIlatHJIl of l;ift 10 Ihe ::"'lIool, Th.· Chorn! \\111 hp "ontl'<II,I"d '\tth I'rll' fltls .'·I'ar's anall, a,,,1 th" onh'
The 10ellI Pl!Ji"I' an' 011 Ih,' ".tll ot ,I"", ,a,,1 "' I'XI""""'g " ""I,] ,t "I' pol :1 111'\\ ntflll" til tht' 10c'lIl oftit·("
By ,J, Folwell ::'cull, I'resident of a ,,'IIOIIS )lIot.lpll1 lIext yenr for a place tllillg al"'ut I\hldl Ih ....., IS a solilary It.'(~kh'ss dli\t·Il". T\\o \\t'fl' .HII'H11·t!
. 11r4'I'i:ltlo,' to thp ('OIlIHllttl'C' III Cl1:trgt', :llld fll" I" Illutlllg \'\ 111 tal\t' pln' (" nil
('las, of l!t:!-! for r,·h"ar"t!, all,l "onl'prts, s<l it was l'It-III1'nt of douhl 's "hat IS going to
•.l,w<trdlllg of I'lizps ,,"d l'rI'Sl'nlatl"" Ihl' "l'lipfs of nil Ihal c·omph·t" in, I,,· St'r\l'd "' I'la,·.· of hoI clo/-(s OJl
alii! 1,I1 .. 1,,'1 1 10 \lr. -...:"." 1111" to th,' "hOllIS. II d ":k_._ w". .Tlll.\ lsI. Honll' 4, n, it will lw cnlll'll,
:1"" If ""1111(' j'\lluisltt' 11I:lddt· ... ,:tfU:l1 \ will take one honr t 1'0111 "a"h of thl'
"f th" Cja's, \ formntion sholl],l hp oht:III1I"1. E\,('r.". >-:alnr"ay nig-hl. Th" I' "llh'oIll Ilflllhi ~JI~H .\1111:1 \ 1111'1'11110'011'.\ has 11I1I\l'dl"lIddl'Ilh ",'llnd \\11" 1I1l111:11 1l/I'<I!h
By Pril1('l}w] l'. B. 1'1'J1l1ypH, kt'f 11 Idy \\:I!>i t'llthll~il1qtl(' fnr tit .. (·ollhnu.t· :1 lilattt>f lit l'oIlSldl'r:J!lII' l'OIl~t('nl;1 I" In Ill:.! EillI\\IIod \\"11111' I" l'hIl".itol
I \\:1 f' 1,., I I11 II Il'l '11, I ~ II II III "Ill 11:11 II I I

h." 4 :1111f'r...

:-i('(·tIOIl ot
to\\ II.
\\ I I '4IUI)1) , ... t·

1'.1111 \lastf'lI,

,\ddle" and I'reselltatlOll ot Diplomas tH11I ot thf' work . 1111!lpr :\ff. BPlIt7. Hilt! tIOJl. Itt'(·a1J~f' thp t' ... tf'I'IIlI'd ;lTld gT:Il'1. l,hl:l. II"g \':dSt· rh\'ll1l1. Tit., artlSl" III' till' 110 \\ :~ 11 '111'1,1 )'lI"t ':J' rlt'l. \\ d I lit' t ht,
By Mr, WIlliam L, ,\ lI'on. . , .' tI,p ,,"l." 'llll'stlOn wns ns to tllp hesl OIlS lady "lillSl' I'art 1I'lIlar I"o"n,·" 1t
I resl·. 1 I 1 . 'I'll rlllt'11I ~p.;tt'rs 4·a I) !lot hI' f'\:q.rgl'rn rf'l\. 11('\\ ]illSt 111:111.
~ pl:11l upon "hh·h to pro(·I'('d. T111"")s l!>i 10 st'r\f' thl's~' I t' f'~·ta III' dCl.!41!"H'S ~1 I \I )1 HII\\lll:tll Ila\f
dent of Board of },dll"atloll . \ :J1"... :tlld
Ilot thp Ilrsl hnll' that thp prnl'0sitlOn "'"l)jll'tl'I.\' II,,·,llIok, d till' tact Ihat
, 1. .lllt IS. II Thl'lr 1'1 slolal. »:1111 I' lit
\ 1 1111 1"·'·.. . I·ld 11111' til,' t Itl t',· r ufl's
Bened1ction He\" E. U. 1{O\\ SUll II ft tOI ()'·t':11I (' t,\ 111 sJ't'llil lhe' 1"'111l1 ~111\;1 \\"11' \\Ith.lut ldt'IIlISh, :Ind ~lll
f 'r'
'1 . :illl
1 nL
4ll1fl' 'lioraI h:I'" lH'(,1I ~'ll1'
t I'S
h I I . .
tnt'at I~ t:l lOCI 011 t.llS ~atllr( :1,\.
1 :11 t' a'" follo\\ s:

The JOI'ol sludl'ls who graduatl>d an': gested, hut ne"er hefore hli~ it g-o,"
lli,'r. 1"Jsst'cl :I!I altl'lIl)1l.s fli '"I"')lrt'I'\ ,. H'llItt' 1. ~llrtl1 :--ildl\ \\t'~t 01 E~s('x
alld shl' allo\\<'tI Ihe I'X<'!UH1\'C IItll.,
AIc:tnll.Jrl Hurt, _\rtlllir ('rllllll'lI, ,JoSI'l'" so far nR to rail togpthpr s11rh a rpp, 1''1.!/!'''s "'h,,·1I nr., r:ti"'d ,pt"'iall~' III
d;lllf'i.ll!! ":'\lllhitC'd 11t'II' fIll lUll 11,\ ... t·,1 .\ \ I'll lit· l arTlI'1 Ht'll '0\\ I'll.
\n""Ig- :"a'hl'lIh's Ill''' n'"e1plIls :11'"
1> 'AloIlZO, E)la Dothar'l, l.Jlluls,· Ell"" ... rllllentat1ve gTOUp from thc' orgalliza- \\' .")'IIl·" 0'" 1 \1 al\(lr I' or I ItlS a1l111111 I 0" 1\1 ,. :Ill' 1 ,r,. \1 ,'1 :lrt,
I SI 111'1'1'
I In,,11. I ai'
,I H""I,· .!. "ol'th "I'k. Wl'sl of business
land, W:tltoll Foot,·, :llahl'] Iwd ('ahill tions \\hirh h'I\'" hrtn \\orlnll/! S'I lollg "aHllIll to /!o til s1I1Ig-hll'r la'l ,\(,pk, lllll'h",,· t"o ..}llldll·ll. \\ho ha\l' lakl'll Oil" ~1i11 "",,tl,,', tl"IIt "". e )l'a"tl SI'1 fllll! t ':JrTlI'1 t-'rallk 1·.llglphllrt.

of IIII'm. alltl 110\\ ,hI' dOt" 1101 kn"" I I \I,. >-:1l,,'e1I,'~ 's ""\\ hou,,'s Oil l!:Im!' tully 1I1t·llu\\" l-iOpr:lll'l \ HI 4' of HPllt'l
1"rlt,I'II, :II ill lIi,· allel \\'illtalll Hpard,
Fralll'is HUllt, ThomHs :\1 a 11111 IIg, Faith
;\Il',\ulilfl', Dorothy :llulhg,,", ,Ios e l·h
It 18 .. xp""lpc1 Ihat th"rl \\ill ill' ,le11'g"
II"s frolll CY'lw~',l. :"nrlwrlh, \"lm"l'l'.
Bryl' :lhwr. "'n~-IH' ~1l,1 111'\'1111. nlld
what to e10 \\Olh th., sllrpllls, It ,,"11 \\'1'1111".
aitog-I'tlll'" ilk I' I,", g-"Ill'rolls SOIlI th It I"olla.
'1'111'.\ 1110\1'01 Il'lIn, ,\1 TI"" "1,,". 'I ~II" Thor"I"" 1, th.· ",f.
lIo"t" :, "olllh >-:101,', .\IIth"yll Farm,

Till' ,al,. "as 111:101,. h.\ ,1,,1111 of Hlt'!I:llti Ilag'I'I11:lIl, IHlt~ lit" tht' f!lt'at ('1:11 l'lH t' I.olq!.
tht> hUS1Ilt'HS r!lstllt·t e:trrl('r

alld Henjamlll T'rag-er, Hohl'rl Sn\'il', it is llope,1 thnl "onC'fl'!1' 1'1"11 ,h .. is, Ihal ,Ill' will 'I,ll th"11I al l"lIj 1·:"tI" I'll's 01111"'. l's1 (·ol,,,IIII·tols III thl' r·ollIl1I.", \\lto \\:l~ I·lldl·} tilt' III'\\, :lJr:tfl~t'IIIf'llt ('jlrTlPr

Dorolhy I-;hellemall all,1 (;IHd,"~ "',·IS,. ma)'~!' (·vv]veil for sllhmi"ioll to ,aeh
The hOIJl'rs alld IlrJZI'~ allllollll'·I'.1 1oC'a I g-rollp, I prll'I' oil ·\' "\l'lllllg anel Ihus
h h i ) 01 0 f' t I"'nl,
III 0\ I' I I' W 0 ,.
or 11 J'.". I\lIre I l) '101'11"
:llsll 1111'!>i('ll t :11111 11('IIIII,i t hi' i':11"111 III LOII~ "til I... r .. l"'\I't1 "f all llorlhsili"
Ila, "1' I 111'111" 1 I1"111" tilT( (I of 1111'1 OWl) ('OrllJl()SltltlI1S, ., lIappl \\ork, \\hll·h \\111 I,,· trallsf"rJ'pd 10 Ih"
lI(l'Sl'," "1)0 n';lt ~(), lily lo\t'," :llld 11t'\\ nHltt'.
were: nllgh1 t'OIH£, to pa!"ts that :lIJ of liS \\ill tlOl1l l.afnYf'ttf' ('ollt'gl',

Honors in Scholarship NEXT SUNDAY AT THE METHOD- hI' lta\'llIg Ih""1 for :-lullda." 1lI01'lIillg- ".\1 th,' \\'1'11," \1'1'\' ddli.·,,11 IIrta- Th .. ""rh"rlh 1'0,llltti,·1' ,ll'li\'l'rs til
General Seholarship--l'ath,'rine Hig- 1ST CHURCH l,rl'lIkfa,1. ~Il'an" hiil', It', " ('hurl'll \\ltielt H('IIf'U
III Hddltlllll to ThollltOIl 1't'IIt1l'l('d IHus1 1](':llh ].')00 h(lnlf'~, fill,
li)ad.", :\1,·II1I.\'r,', III' ])lIdll'.'
~\lIStoi ThufntlllLl'S \'(lief' lli tIll' BOlollgh propt'l. dpll\~('n('s aft'
g-ous, :\lary Huss, Arthur Hobson Quinn, ('.all'ndar wl"lI h" HOlld"'g hl'l'. a ,tudl'l1t fll j'l'llI' I"talt' ('"I :ulrnirahly.
\ \ PUll('.

II J..:l'. is
\ 1'1'." f,,11 II"d I'\,.jl, :11,,1 ~rt'IIII.\· "harnll'd '" ad .. I.. \Ilth"yll !-'arm,; :lIl'rioli liS
Jr, ,\1 II", 11l01'lIlng H,'n)('1' 011 ,IUIII' l.i, Thl' lIIlI,ic' "ill hI' Ulldl'l' th,' ,Ii ...·,· \ ISltll1J: III Plttshul"J:ll.
English-~Iar.\' Hus', ,J. Erskine \\'est, linn of fo'lg'nor ,\. )'as'Iualill, whi .. h as, h.,1' altl'lIll\l' iJ,tl'I,,'r~. >-:hl' !'l""'I\,',1 fill as Baird fload; alld to thl' Il'lrilory
thl' small tots '''III hal'l' all opporluu a)', al 0\ atl"I' .1ll,t hpj·o ...· Ih" 1111:1]. ""rlh "f \Io"t~ollll·I'.'· :1\ 1'111'" ill L"wpr
ervelt. sun', a 111'\ "I ""asing- tlO\\ of 1II1'Iod.\',
'Iy to ust' Ihl'lr pT1eeIl'ss little lal"nls 1I1111lh"r \\hl'lI ,h .. ,a"g Ih,' soprall.1 \I,'ri,," TIlWIIShlp.
French-Claire I\larie Purle.\·, Arthllr IIIl' 'Oil/..'" alld ,tlllH'S of ypsll'r,~·par. of
ill a ('h1ldrell 's Day prog-rlllll, whil,lt \\ill
H, Quinn, .Jr" .J. \"estervelt. t,e/!111 1 prol1lptly at II 0 ',,!ol'k, Thl' wlii .. h Wt' 111'1"1' gnm Ilr"d, 110, JIl·\I'r. Mrs, WnYIIp S, Harris, daug-hll'l' "I' ohlig-afll, ., .\1"1111 01'," WIth Ihl' ::IfillI' Thl' impr"".'II"·,,I, III 'h" otlin' I'om"
tipanish-Jos.ephine Bornet, Adele .\lId Iho,,' \\ ho tlo had h"'ll'l' hold Ihl'lr .\1,. alld :llr,. W. :\1. 1"1 hit·.,'. i' trau,j, (·h(lnJ!~..... tllllll1J1g' TI/-rht :1I110llg- tht, hn~·R, as tilt' I"psult lit' :tIl Illc'rl':ISI' in hnsi
:l1,xl'd l~uartl't alltl th,' ,\lnI,' ~uartl'l
Illg with the ~warlhlllort' ('hnulau'llla alld IlIaklllg Ihl' trl'l'l"I" Illig will, Ill'", IhN."gh Ib .. 1I1li,'" lasl ;vpar, The
Gibbons, Anne Hurt, Mary Katz, ~Iargt'. "til 1't'lIdl'r apl'r0l'riall' numlwrs. PP:lf,.·t'.

It 1~ all O('l·:t~itlll \n1rtll.\ of It :'Ip1(,11 til,:,; SC';ISOII. ephoing- meloily. ':11101'1"", of frolll 't':WlIlI 10 $.itltlCl mol'"
Roberts, ::Irary HilS" Israel \\'eintrauh. \1 Ihc' .'\'I'IIII1g' S"I'\ II"', till' oldl'1
hUSIIlI·... S lIu'rt'ast'S thl' rating' of thp
~fathematies---.Tewel Pole.", eath· ('hilrlren alld lltllllt, will prl'sen~ all dId tUfnout all,] Olll' and all an' ill Th,' 11"""'1011 \"IS h'·ll.!hll'II"t! 1,.\ Ih,·
\1,. alld :llrs. (·harl,·" \'. :"",,1 n ...· 41fli(,t, IIllt' }t(1I111, !,t'lllllttIOg' of an ill·
erine Higgon" ,\rthllr Quinn, Jr" ~lary altl'a"'l\'e 011" huur IllIg-"al,t 1·"II"d "Oil vitf'd :llId nfgl'd to llf' PI'P!'Il'l1t (1) till ... aplwnrHlll'p 0: Hi"h:lrd H:q!t'lIl:111. H4'
14 :1\ l1J~ tIJd:l.\' d:l.\ l1Iotor 1 f"lJl I·fl'a"" .. III thl' :-::i1:lTIt· ... of till' Pn~tlllns·
1:I~t t'\~'lItflll 1'\·I'lllllg. rOI :1 t4'11 c·allll' at t !l4' C'~P('('l:11 I ('II'It'~t of :\1 T
Russ, Rohert Sh(lnk, "'alter ::;IoclIm, flll' HIg-h\llI.\' of Ood," Th,. I'aslol'. 1pI" and \SSlst:lllt ••, stfuastpf. :Iltel hl't·
t!'rullgh thl' sOllth. \,il·l'. \\ 110 Sl't'III'('d 1JI~ ":II h tl',llIllllg'
Social Science-Josephine Bornet. i-'upl'rllllt'IIt1""1 of Ih,' SUllda.\' :-:.. hool, til :"'.t'l \ \l'(' f:H·l!ltit's.
Mary Russ, alld 'I'\"'ral ,)Ih .. ,· ofli"lnls of thl' ('hllrdl ZONING 111 dirl'dil1l.r lIudpr \lllpstr" Hag"pl1lnll
INTRODUOED \lIl1th"1 IIlll'IIl"'II"'II1 \\b"'h "ill !1('
\Ir. (;lItl,iI'r .la,·"Ii., Ita, l"'lIl'I1"'! 10 ~rl':lt 1'1tlldllc'tor, l·olIIl'C1~t'r. 0l't'rnt J('
Lalin-('"t1,,'rilll' Higgolls, Erskinl' "til )'altll'll"'I", as w,'11 as IIUII"'rOU,
Westervelt. :'\"rh"rlh afl"1 a -I'\I'"I! 11101111,,' lIus c'IHIt'h, :lnd :Ic·c·lllJlf,anist, :\11". lfa!!III1IHTl lI,ad,' "I, tl", f,rst "t ,Jul." \till hI' Ihe
d"ld"'1I aud otl"'r adulls, \1 las I :\IlIlIda,l' 's 11I.·.. IIIIg- IIf ('01111 ""'" t,,1' III :",.\\ \ IIrk i-'Ialt'. lI ... tall:ltloll IIf 111010)' p'lrl,pl d('ll\·pr~·.
('omm('r,·ia!-]{ulh :\Iilh·r. is (1(,I'id4'dl~· '41114' of tltt' IHlISII':t1 ~t'1I11
Oil" of Its lIIall\' lIo\t~II"', \I ill I", I II 11)(' I·llmpld".) zClllillg or-dluaHI'" fOI l'osllllll,I,'r 1'"ltl'lI, \\hil., ill "·ash·
Prizes Awarded tlip p:II'fH'!I':ltloll of tht' ('olll!r(,~:ltloll of 1'1,,' clay.
II", BOI'ollg-h \1:,>< 1IIIIOdll,· ..d, I:d" "rd >-:. \lartlll alld II1~tllll. I'ft'!>lt'llt4'd 1'\ Hlpllt'4' ~ho\\ iug th!'
Dr,'Frank P. K. Rnrker :\le,laI-('ath as :1 hody ill tId", J"(·lq.!llIU.s pIH.V. :llld Till' ~Il':tt hurdl'l! III thl~ \\holp 111rlg I grt':lt l'll'II':I".t'''i III IHIIHJlatiolJ of Xar.
,\t fh,' h";ll'Ilig lasl Fnday, II,,' ordl S11'11l :1 re hOlll(' fllll1l
erine Higgon,. a g"1'Otlp flf fl'H'I~UI ~t lIdl'IJ1~ J l'prpSt'lIt 1"'1111 ~t"t., tor IIili"1'1I1 1'\ 1'111 II I.! of th,· 1.. ',1' of "' I berth in the pnsl fpw ~'ellr', alld .h .. \\
U:tllt·l' "':IS dUH'tlHSt'11 :llld polr:'ihl'd HI1t1 t IH' ~lllllllll'l' \ :11 ;It It III,

Historil'nl Essay-J'aulill" Ztlhey, ill~ ('ltiJ)t'~t'l .IUPHllt·!·.;p. ","orpaH. :lud :I11t1 1I111~1t· rt, ... tl·1I IlIH." tlit' ,·olll)l('tt·1I1 4.d that th4' prl .... I.llt oflil I' ":1~ lfladc-
Ih,' ZOlll1lg- ('oulloittl'" ,li,,·!Jar/-(t"1.
P. O . .s,
of A, ::IredaI--Hoh<'rt Gil J<Juropean scholars,
'l'h,· orelI1l81I1"', 1"'01 .. 1'1 i\'(· IU Its ~II', alld ~Ir"
,I'Ollld"I" of :III'. :"1"", alll1 p\pry ,'rpdil '1" IlI .. '" halldl,' 1111' g-rliwllIg' \'cdullIO
,I. 10'. ))OIIlIl'lIy alld IS ,)111' l'i~ IIlltirll'!! "lforl' III hl'half of
fillan. Plirt T-" Looking Hal'kwanl." ~ of III" il.
Sl'OP", \\ ill h.. ,),·,nllll'd ill Illesl' 1'01, 4hJiclrt'H aTt' \iMltlll~
Merion Ch(lpter D. A, H.- -Catltl'rine P;lrt 11-" '.\lolIg- tl1l' Hlgh\\ay." III BIIll'kfol·.I. :". th., hl'lIl'fil'illr~'-thl' Hr.'·11 :llawr lItis
lIllIS nl'xt WI"'I" Thl' "omlllltt,·.. whil'll J, Plans For New Office
Phillips. I'arl lTI-' "fhe Uoa!." rilnl ('hildr"Il" l/olISI'. 'II' :"il'l' has
~1'1'1I1 IlIall," houls ill /.(dlillg' 1'( III
Prize in EngliSh-Mary Rus~, This \\ ill he a lIIost illt,.rt'sliu~ P 1''' , H nl:l~'I(ftl(' 1HlrHClIHlllt.'" \\ hi('h RW(,f'pS ~IUt·hiIlPr~· IS :Iln'ad\" lfl nlotion
~hapl' wa, ,'ollll"ls"d of ,\, l'''lT~' Hed, .\lr', \\'Ill, (', ('Ia/-(horll alld ,Oil ])011' away p\('I'~' oJ 1St:Il'!p, allol j.,ruarallfl'l'" SI'I'un' f or :" ar IIt' Ilh •'I 111'1' po~lomr .. ,
Prize in Poetry-Anne Barrett. gnllll, '11111 "\'"ry OIlP 's "ordinlly in, il'pr, ('hnirnlllll; alld 1'. B. Krout, \\, 1>. aid !In\'e r"11Irll,'d I'roll. a Mix '\ P£'ks'
Athletic Prizes-.T. F. Scull, W. H, \'ill·,!. ~UI'pI'SS III p\','r~'thillg hp un,ll'rlakl'R. \\. 1I'll' II, il i , hOI"'d " . I", '"',·Olllplish·
~IllPdl<·y. H.. hprt ,1. :-';ash, \'idor II. sl:,." in :\ril\\nuke,'.
Derham, C. H. Petl'rson, 111' hilS l'~lahlishp,1 hin"plf as 0111' 01 pd ill Ihl' Ill'nr flllun'.
.\ hel. ,\I Ihl' 11I1l1' Ihl' IlI'W route is l'stah,
thl' qualifiecl ,'ou,ludorR IIf P h i Ilid.' 1,
UNION TWIT..IGHT MEBTINGS ('oulll'il \\ ill hold II 1'1Ihhl' h,·urlli/.( 01. ~Irs . ./';, L, 1-;1I111h, of :lIerioll An·l1u .. ,
phia allcl "1I\'irolls, allll hllR 1l'1'1l reo I lished, olh .. r "hall"l's ... will Ill' 1llll,Il' ill
BELMONT PARK SAVED th .. lIew hill MOl1dny, ,lulle :IOth, lit Ilho haR hPl'lI \'l'ililll; h.. r Nish'r ill
' I'nl{ng('d hy the RIIII Carlo Urllllll OPl'rlI I~'I' 1'('I'SOIIlIl" of Ihl' tlnice, Miss Ruth
formulat"11 II "]m Hal!. Pitlshurg-h, is rl't'o\'l'rill/-( from a fra.', Company for next senRon. Mr, ~i"l'1 ~,Iy HilWA, 1-;.. 1I10r CI.erk ~f the,
Belmont Driving Park, on ::IIeetillg lur,'d 1111', !!ustailll'll ill 1I re('eut full. le,l thl' Philad('lphia Orpheslrn with hns tl'llIl~r('d I~er rl'Slgnatlon, effectIVe
House Lane, 011 the outskirts of Nar· PUllLIO MEETING Dlark('(l prel'isioll, anil illspiretl th" .fuly 1st, It .s rrdhahle that Carrier
berth, was not sold tlhis week by the MRS. THOMAS MUNROE Male ('horus to real al'l'olllplishmeut. Bell YO\\'1'1l \\"ill he tranRferred to the
County TrOOllurer as it was expected :'Jot.lee is hereby given tbat a pUblic
Mrs. Arl'hihald Ba;klie, Mrs, Chnrles oflil'e ns a "Ierk, if the Iwed dl'mallds
to be, to satisfy a claim of $700.25 for meeting will be held hy the Borough ~rrs, Th'Omas Munroe, who has been
Rinmiek80n, Rnd Mts, A. 0, Lnwrenee, it.
oounty tax. Settlement had been pre- Council on Friday, .Tune ao. 1024, at hving with her dllughter Mrs. W. Olrairmen, were unstinted in their TIll' organi7.1.tion as nt present eon·
viously made 'by Aaron S, Swartz, Jr., 8 P, M., in ~Im HaJJ, Daylight Saving H. Oohie, of 1<;S!lI')( Avenue, passer] praise of Mr. Niee'8 ahility, and his stituted, eonsists of Fred C, Patten,
a' son of the late Judge Swartz. It Time, to discuss und hear objections, If awny at Hazleton, Pn., .June 5. effieient mnnner of eXl'euting this her, Postmal'ter; Wallace Goodwin, ASSIst-
would have been the first sale of its IIny, to It proposed ordinance for tho Four dltughters survive-Mrs. E. T. I'ulenn proRTam, anil tne thousand 01111 lint PORtmaster; Rut,h HawR ond \Vnyna
kind in Montgomery C~unty. purpose of zoning the horough, <'lItah· Boughner, of Hazlpton, PII" Mrs. N. I';, onl' iletnilR whf'eh nll'pe!l8nrilv fell uIII]('r Burnsiil(', Clerke; Clurpnell Long, F:nl1k
lishing business a nd residence dis- Holhler, of, Athens PII" Mrs,.J. 1<', 1S 'F~llglehllrt alld Bell YowPII, I'arners;
The original list of nearly 2,000 prop- h ' supervls10n.. , .
triets, regulating the kind nnd 101'lItion Purse lind Mrs. W, H, Colli,,, of Nar, I,ester 'Pl'ters anil Willis DII\;S, Rub·
erties, lots (J,lld houses, thr{)u~hout the
of huildings, and proViding fur neees· herth. stitutl' Ollrriers; .Iohn GO.IOWII, Mllil
county on which tihe taxes were unpaid NARBERTH OOMMENOEMEN-r
sary IiI\'M nnt! nir space. :lft>8senl{er and Rpeeial Velivl'r~'; Paul
had ,been reduced to fewer than 1,000
F ALaE ALARM l\1I1.Sten, Pure ('I Post Carrier; Robert
w·hen Sherill' Fox, as fluctioneer, began
PINOBED The RTIlduntinl{ pxpreisl's of the ClasR Pntten, .Tanitor,
of 1024, Nnrherth .Junior High Rehoo1. 'PhI' Postmuster bus expross('cI
Haver· ,viII he' heM in Ute sehool auditorium IIppreeintion of the support gh'l'lI
on ThuTsc1ay, .Tulle HI. ot l'illht 0 'I'loek, !o"al oftiee, whiph hns mlldl' the im-
\\'118 Owing to thl' large sizp of thp dR8@ it provpml'lIts possihle,

hos been found neeessary to reetrlet

the attelldanee to the friends of 1lh1' Thl' '!onllbilllltion wagon of t·he Nar··
~adtiate8,f~. :whom eards of Rdtpisslon bl'rth Fire Oompany is gl'ttlng a ne.w
have bllen i.sueel. Hon. Flet0ber W. coat of paillt at tbe shop of the HRat·
Stifes Wilt'1JHlke' the address. ing ~odr Co., rhiladelphla.
"':. ~


Narberth 'f thl' Apo('aIYJl~e," she attpnderl

OUR r roWN ! l' s..twol ill hpr ,n'" tn"-II, living the ',;.;.
h n a .... '.",;'
I'owell, It 1 II " IIsllal lif,' of tht' small l'it~' girl alltl
, '
. ~,<;~J

II II dreaming' tlit, drt':LIllR of IIll1hitioll.
A Co-operative COmmunity Journal
________________ ' \
I'll V's, J I,.
fl",'k, "f.
" "
A Momentous Visit
an,1 puh .... hful rver,- ooIaturday t; 111~IIII, :tl •.
" " I'
thf' 'larhf'"rth elvl .. A ....Ol'·.ation.
Ii. fl""h, 1'1'. II
II: (hl:1

"I' Ind' ..... d

visit til J.o:-'- :\ng(~lt's
h~' ""me of her frit'II,I" to
Nh(' was
Gives Heating
SCB!l('RIPT10S PRII'II:, lin. "nllar an" II. 1I11""phril'", " ..
l! an "t':xtra" tor aft'\\' da,'s, ~ht' Ili~­
.~Irt;\· C .. nh, pf'r r ..... r In a.lvan.·f"

Pil' kit,.




n I; ,'<1""1' .. ,1 sill' lik"d pil'tllfl'" an,] staye,\.
II ..It that till,,' l!,'x Ilig-rlllll, \\'hn "'''"
All and
II; .lllst h"I'Olllillg' rt'I'f)g'lIi7.t'd [LS H pfnmi~·
I ~ 1':1 IJ: 11I J •
t·. II

II 1,1 illg dirt'l'lor, \\:I~ looking' flJr:1 I't'rtaitl Service Hot

: tYIH' ~lrl for ~Il'tro'~ I'ro111il't jnn of
\''-:II]H'rtll .... I 1
1 x·-
of :.!I"III':lrt~
:t: Sig-JlIlIf'lIt

thi~ IIr~:It1iz:lti(lll,
1ri~ 1ir~t
for Water
l'llltkllk .11 11 II 1 II I) I) (I 11_ 1 ":1\\ .\lil'l'. alld found 1Il'r idl':d for flIP

PhilIp At)pe U¥lnl!'"Ion, Editor

~trllt·k Ollt l,\·--H:tldl. Ii; ti-rahalll. 11: Toll'.
. I
1'''''kI""I. I. H"s,'s 0" hall" "IT-Hahh.! ~h" \\',," "" ,,1"" ,'ss1'"I '" the Him
I: (;rll!t:lltl, ::; 1..IlI·klrart, 1. Hit b,'" tll:tt \\ Ilt'll Ingram \\lIS ~i\'l'll hi~ (,lIltl
An Initallation
Corresl,on,J"u,'~ fnr the Editor should l,il"]II'd 1,:111 11,\ I.llI'khart. C. 1I11IJlph nJi~sif)1I II," ~Il'tr() til do th~'ir IHIl~t illl' of the "Hot Wave" BoUer in
be "en t to Post Offiee Box 966. Remit II.'''', I pllrtant pil,tllrt' of tht' yt'Hr. IhatlP/.'
taort's for adv"rtising, S\lhACriptions and --~-'-'-- I "Thl' 'F'ollr HOr~(llll(l1l of t.1H' ,'po('a
mt'ml'I'rs)'ip to Ho' 'i!l.
RABIES SCARE BRINGS FINES : I~'p""," h" 1'110"" ,II is" '(','rr" agaill.
Our To" n is on ,all' at the depot
i ~Ill\ \\":1:-; "m;ldp," :llId tlll' ~l'hool girl Complete Automatic Heating Service is positively assured and un-
new.'stand. and at the store of H. E,
Davll'l. .\~ :1 result of till' r:l11if's SCarl' f'ightl'Ptl months "pfoft' W:l~ 1111\\ :1 \Il lof
failing domestic Hot Water Service is most economically furnished only
l'~nTt"rf'(1 AS 8eCllntl·('lsftR mortf'r, Octohp'r /',,,st,'rll 1I.. 1:,,\;,r" ""IIIIi,·, tl",'" a:.:""tsi~tar of the film firmament. Her llhar-
151h. Ii'H, at the Po"I Ome. al :'olarb<'rth,
PttJlu,,)'I\·snls. unrl,..r thp act of March 3. til tlr!' ()l'partJlIl'llt of' AlJiltl:d Jlldll~-11 ;Il,tt 1
r in tllf' pi(·tllrt' Wa~ :1 \il'ti11l of :1 through the
t,.. 7~1 t"y wi", 1I:lY,' 1,,'plI "orkill~ ill l'J'I"'" 1""l'll'sS l11:1rriage, \\'ho 1'01111(1 relil'f ill

'" .-.--.- - .. - . - - - - - - - . - 11",,1,,' tl", 1:lsl \\'''I'k. hn"e ":111"1''' th,' n 10"1' nff:lir with a gny .\rg'l'ntininn.
Tow;>; will , gladly . /,I'llli
"llllll111l111IlLr II
~'\·.:nt,· 11\'(' IH'rsolls
1", \Ii" Tl'rn' thl'lI "ontinn",l ns t1l1'

tnterest to •
,\a/'bcl'th _folks, (o/,Vi

- 1:1'
'[' t
, l I f t ' . \ :Igl~ fll ('
t Iiogl 'II'PIt~t·S, "'II
,. I"
..... ll tllg'
f III'
al uri' to
1 I flllt' flX('t'p tOil,
It'nding' I'J:IYl'r
. ill nil thl' Rt'x lng'rnnl
filt"s. "The (',on'luerin ,.., Plo\\'er" wa~
lT Automatic
IS due all," lJ'edlll'sda\' of •taclz WC I' h,' , :1 11 t It' i l (Jl ' 1'111 It'f~ \\1'1"1' f'111('1 1."1"1) I'thl' n.. xl, find In thi" prorluetion a loyl'
at 6 P J.1. C.o/,\' S/l,bllllttl'd T'I,'S' ('( I~t.
'1'. ,_ :111
affnir ,J1"'l'l n jH'd het"'l'ell th" ,Iirl'l'lllr

II III 17 ,('Ill /'1'(1'1,'1' bl'lIl'/' COI/·

. . . . . \mf'l1g tho~f' SlltlJllln!, .. d
, I
"t'-:tl'rl :1\'
':lnd his "Inr. alld Ih,"· I,,>enm" ('11"110'1',1
~ I , ....

Sldel'atlOlI '«'h,'11 SrllCI' IS lzllll/l'd \\:1-: Tlli\·n ... hlI' ('OIlI1l1i:.; ... jlllll'r . H:Il·kl'tl.' . s"on :1 t'terwnrd,
,·f thl' Klrld~'11 di~tl;(·t. \\ho. dl':,pitt':rr=================:::;'
Permit us to tell you about it
SATlTRDAY• .JC~E U, 192.\ l. i"l·t ;1111 .... \\ :1 .... frll'l,p,l 10 1':1 \ . . 1 Ii III' '1" I I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS


tnt:dilll! $1'1:.
ll:l1,I,('tt l'lIlltPllIll'd lh:tl hi' did
Rate 2c a word payable strictly in
advance. Send copy and remittance
Fire, &:50. Il't h:l\'l' to p:r~' till' lilli' illa~"IIll'l1 :1"':'
to P. O. Box 58, or to Mr. Dunne,
Narberth Coal & Building Material Spruce 8610 206 So. 12th Street, Philadelphia
Pollee, 1250, ,Ill' ,1o~s \\,prl' 11('t lll~. hllt hi..:: 'llothf'r Co., Narberth and Haverford Aves.
or Ardmore 20. i" 1:1"'..... \1:I~i"tr:ltl' ~:t1II~~. h(l\\('\~('l'.
;, . rll]0d th:I~. H~ till' dH~" \\"f'1'.· ill lli .. GIRL fill' tiny'" \\"Hrk CII' to do \\a~h

ANOTHER VICTORY 111111 ";,,. hi' \\':l~ h:n·J,flrifl!! tlH' :lllilll;ll.... III:': :11 11111111', Ilt'lf'lI .1 lIil 11."'"11. Ii!; I
L:1st ~'(l:lr ('n!111l1i~~1()IIf'r 11:1 t'l{I't f \\;'''' \ ..-'~lh ~t. \\'l':,d l'lI:l:lrl"lllhi:1.
'trrt· ... tt·d tin 11u' . . ;tnH.. I·klr:,:.' :tlld f'lrf'I' I

ttl P~I,\' :1 fj'lP :11~rl (,Il"t~. FIHST FLOOR "1'"rll111·"t f"r ".. "I. 1,,;
I )lllllt'." .\ \'I'llllt', . I
"Ilt h :-- illl'~. (; i i 1"-1111 \\':1' I'll 1111' 11Il)l: II 1 PRIZE
'·.NTED-FI\t' "I' Sl\ 1'''''"1 li'lIs,' "1'1
for \':11111'1111 :111.1 l':~..,t.· 1"11' Ht'l'\\'.\'ll.
,'ip:trftlH'lIt, 11111'111'111:,111·,1. !ll"t'ft'r;Jld.,
Thf'.\' Jlllt!J T1:1d :t \\I'llfll'rf'll! ,L,.\', \[1' . .I. 11. 1'01111'" h"s ,,11'>,1'1',] " I'ri/,' \\ it!l ~al':I;":I'. :ll,lllll :1'1),-, !\,'t't'f"lll'l'"
n('lH' n:l\'i ... \\h:I1I": nut tht' lin·;t hOlllt' (If ~1/l t(1 til(' 1I11'lIllwl' fit' 1111' llll';ll 11:1]1 • , 1\, . ,
fun of tllt· lo:l'ljSOIl fr,r ~;ll'lll'rth. .lllhl1 tt'al1t \\ lin 11:\11 thl' hi~lll'~t h:lttiTIl,!' :1\-1'1"

Dirkie shnwf'd impfo\,('IJllf'tlt. having :r ;I~(, for tllf' ~P:l~()ll.

:o-nrrifi('(1 :In'! (\ tW{)·h:lgg'fll·, Oihsoll GARAGE SPACE 1'",. 1'1'111 10.\' ,.-
played n filll' Ht'Joillg g:tnH'. wilh H,· .. 1I:I\\'s. I"!' Illldlt'." ,\",,,",,,
[i!'l,~is1~. :1110'\ ill/! onl," -.:i'\ hit .. :IHd qrik· AN ATTRACTIVE FOLDER
ing 01lt ,e,,"" nl'rwYII ),ntl"r- ..' APAltTMENTS FOR GROWN·UPS.
:Ma~·o "'a' thl'n' "'ith tl,,, \\i'lo\\ for \\'it" " "j,,\\ til 1':Il11i1i:lrizing tl", 1'111. :"l't'(l11I1 Hoor, 'h't, room .... 1t:11!. 11:11 !I.
Bl'rw~'n, hn"ing- thr"" hit' "nd t"o Ii" \\'ith thp "ttrlld'''t' f""tllrt's all,] th,' .:"'Illall hakIl1l.\·, Third til.or. four rllolll ....
good ns,i~t,. T'nstp \\"1- ll",rl' with till' <I.'\P,lopml'nt of thp 111<111" seashol'l' 11:lth. ~1l1t11l halt·oll.'". Pri"atl! ('lItrallt""
fielding al,o, \\'itlh six ","i.ts to hi. pl,'"sl1r" resort, lOl'ate,1 alollg th,' :"t'\\ . use of porch and la\\'n, 11\:\ \'h,',IIIII'
erl'<Iit. Dor~anpo . hao one
' error, but he .Ier"p.,' I'oast, the Pn'"l'ngl'r DepartmPlIt .1'l'nu,'. '"' :"ar1o.. rlh li.,,~.\[.
also hao fiyt' a".l,ts. "h"'h more than I f tl,T' 1 ' R 'I 1 h . t
ballinced thp "li , . -, " ~. Ie· enn~y vn,n~ 1,11 ~lln' a" .In",
I' ISslIed a profllsel~' llh,stra.tpo 1!1~-pagl' FOR RENT-I'I,t'urni~h,',d :lJ"II·tlll("II.
Xarherth is now tip,] "ith Ral:!· foJrll'r, ,]l'~,'ri"ing in <ldai! the ""rip,1 six fOuntS, hpst IOt·atioTJ. FlIrtlisht'd
Cynw~'d for fir.t pIMt'. facilities and nd\'lllltages of all vaen· aparfl1lt'lit. !H'\'t'll roonlS, h(lRt lo('atioll.
The score: tion spashorl' resorts from Long Branl'h 1"I1It, Xarberth 2222-W.
Narberth to Cape May,
rho a e .\ frt'e e()p." of this attl':ll'1ive f"lo,'r !PARENTS il",ir"n'" "f huving- thp;,'
1 1 1() 1 ()1J1(]~' he had upon refill est of D. X. 1'1lildn'I1. tlltot't'd pri":tfl'ly duritlg'
Burn", e. . .
() 1 1 () ()BI'Il, Pns.pnger Traffiffie ~Ianag-t'r, tllP SIIIIIIII('I' IH()lIf1r~ in thl' ('Jt'nl(lllt:lI'~'
PoweJl. If. " .
~ 1 ,0 1\ ()Penns~'lvania Railroa,l, Broad 8trpd "ollr~I'S, phllnl' :"arh,'rt·h :q~-\\'.
V. Flpek, ef.
~ 1 1 1 0 :"tation, l'hila,lplphia, 1'n.
H. Humprie., 3h. TUTORING ill all plem"lItar~' ":lIglis;1
G. Fleek, rf. o 0 () 0 0

lJabq can haJ'dllj wait

hranphe": hlll'k\\'nr<l dJiI<lrl''' 11 "I'e-
Da"is, lh, ........ () 1 (l () ()
SCHOOL GIRL WHOSE DREAMS ('iality; ('xperit>lIl'l'd l(':H:llt'1". 1·l\1. Il"
Graham, ss. 1 1 3 ~ ()
CAME TRUE :\arherth fi22·.1,
nieke~-. ~h, , . () ~ 1 0 0
Glh"on. p. o

Total< ., .. , .... , Ii !1 _I

.\li,'" Terr." is thl' """Sllllllllllti,l1l "I' FOR SALE-Durant "ports 1Iw<l.'J l\l~::
() :.11 thl' l:tI .." ahout a ""'hool g-irl \\'ho
,l',dt'l'('d tlul motioll
Touring .. ar, ill I'nfl'd ,·ondilio".
pj('turt' lipid and ()WtH'f }f>H\'ing tOWIl. Prtt·p f(la~,(JtJ:lld,'
{OJ' that soothing bath!
\\'1111 lIt''' \"a." to SlIt'('('ss h~· hpJ' oWtl .\. T. COlflllHll1, ..\rllt110fP Lifll).
T miss that would be as great
r h o a e I'fT(lrt~. FOf Ollt'('. ill thinkillg- of ~li~:ot
Rayman, 3h. II 1 1 n T"I'I'.'·. 'Ill' Ill' I'd nol n'nll'lulll'!' th,' SEWING MACHINES, all make< reo
R.eomon, Jf. 1 () I' () '''"111'''1 "I' failllr"s l'ilrolli,'I,',1 ill paired. Liheral allowanre on old rna· a calamity as to go without
Mayo, ~s:i. :1 4 ::! o 1I0!ly"0"d--I""n'ly j,,,,,. tIlll' g-irJ I ehinp for new Sing,'r. Phone Xarherth her bottle. She insists that l1er'. p. , (I 1 1 Ii () !','a"hl'd till' sllulrght. lli~!1-.l. (4·19)
Riv:g itl -. rf. II n () () '\Iiss Tn!'.", "",, pl:l."s till' 1.."di1lg bath come always on time and just
1 fl'tIIillilll' roh~ ill ";-;t'ar:lllloul,hp," tllt, S",all g-rolll' of IIl,"illl'"" JIll'1I
Rpmp,hoi re, e..... II ()


II l!t'\\' H,'x lng-ram pro,iudion eoming to to rent tennis rOllrt for ...ason. ( n .
' ., warm enough for her tender skin.
CollieI', I'f. I'

nor~n lH'O. ~h. ".,. () :i 1 Ihl' .lrOlliort' 'J'hpatrt', "t:ll·ting' lIt'xI Over'hrook 2238, And it does, because of that SANDS
o n o .\loIIII:l~' :lnd "ontinllillg' fOil I' ,iay~,
Kirk, 1h. ......... 1\
li\'{',.l in Illll;alla h.'for.. silt' I'lltl'rl',j thp FOR SALE-Tomato, ,'ahilllgl', zinlli" AUTOMATIC STORAGE GAS WATER
Totnl • . '" , .. ~ Ii ~; 1:; 1 nll)\'ies-Vin,'enllps, to ht, t'X:\l't. TW<l :Ln,1, astl'r p1:lnt•. TOllwloe" .j() rl'llts HEATER in the cellar. It supplies
Narhl'rth ~ n .j n II n 0 () O-li' ~'l'al'~ lwfore she 1)l'..a",,' IOlo\\'n h,>eall'l' I'pr doz .. or ,~ doz. for $1.00. :13[1 Dll']'
Berw~'n " () () 1 1\ () () ~ n 0·-3 of her work in "Thl' }"nlll' Bor"pllIl'n 1p~. a Yt'IIlH', abundant HOT water for baby's
,"trurk ont-B~' Past", ~: hy Gih<on, use and for the whole housE'hold.
7, Ba"1' on hnlh-OfT Pa"te, ~: nff Glh·
"on,~, Hit h~' pite1](',l hn11-1'astt' (~), i
Rig"ins, Dor"anl'o. !
CRANSTON'S CLEAN COAL You can now buy a SANDS at about half
I JUNE DELIVERY PRICES the former price. Sold on 12~monthly­
Won Twilight Game I payments plan. See a demonstration,
INarhprth ,,,l'le,l allotlll'!' dd"r~' t,(1 i
EGG $14.50 NUT ,$14.75 or tell us to send a representative.
tht'ir li"t hy .etting Dunkirk ,IOW11,: STOVE 15.25 PEA 11.25 ,
3-1, on Wpo.nt'sdny,
BRhhstarted on tOI' moun,l ano nfter i
5 i11l1ings '\rtanng'"r Wllizer trip,l out:
50 cents added when wheeled or carried
50 cents discount for cash The Counties Gas and Electric Co. SANDS No, 30
$130.00 Connected
Yeur !'cy
a Ilew piteher, G, (lmlunm, Hrnham i JOSEPH M. CRANSTON Ardmore 17 :. Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47 10
.. ,:.
. ";';
looked like a regull,lr pitrhpr.· In f01ll'i BALA.CYNWYD Phone, Cynwyd 700
~_'!'"" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~tl:-
innlllgs he struek out f1 lIlpn anrl al.,
lowed hut 1 hit. Rnhh "tru('k out ..... __ ----'I
(j'hiltt"rs in il innings, an.l 110 one hit PAINTING GLa,ZING r
'safe, "'hilt' Narht'rth hn!terR .. nllp,·teo DECORAT,ING
. \} hits 'off LOl'khnrt for a total of 12
·-base.s. Odlorn(", onr n("w patrIll'r, look·
ed~ooti hehinll the hnt, Painting and DiDor.tlng With a selection of records for you to choose
The attendanco of N'nrht'rth rnnR wn" 212 Wood bin. "Ire;, .... rb.rth, P.. Mille'r cord tires, 30x3 ~ shoes $11.00 from.
eneoul'uging at fhp twilight gaml',' p,,~"... lIIf1·b.r'~ 176~1N
Dunkirk --------...:-..--- 30x 31z tubes - 52.0f) Lyon Bumpers - $14.00 Come in and hear the wonderful tone.
h 0 a e· Notice to Motorists Non-chatter oil, 51.00' ga,llon; $4.00 five gallons
bob("k, s". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i Let me show you how to \\' inds.hield. cleaners ~1.25;. Mirror $1.25; Stop Have you secured coupons' f()r the Hundred Dollar
i:~~~' ll~~)' ...... , .. 0 Il 1 0 (l; save from 20 to 40 % on Ll~ ht $2.50; Parkmg LIght $1.00. Radio Set?
. . SimmQl1R, If. 0 (} a () 0 gasoline with the Phillips Body Polish - 50c, 75e, $1.00 One with each SOc purchase.
·~~::"'·Lollg,rf. · •..•.. : •• 0 "n 1 .0 .. D I '., ,Ca'·"Saver'andCar.bon Motor. Mc:ters-- .- .' . , $3~>5.(),.$5.~f),..$7.S0
Narberth ElectrIC S h'op
. iKeinby, c. 0 II 7 l O Remover.
' R,erhoves 'lv' h.1'Z P' ro-1ucts,. Bul'b.,s·,
, car. e'tc •
•'W'uJ8h; '3b. 0 0 1 4 0 u " ". .•
lb. 0 0 10 0 0 bon without '1iftingthe

~~t.'~: .,....~ ~ ~. ~ ~wt;:~ lit HUBOW RAy"nsS~AtCESSOR.YSTORE · w. G. CASE,,,,,...

~, •••'; ;:" .; , , , ,•. 1 0 Y SO:&,;.. ,1rf1iit';'.llGitil e:t!i,.iei-)"."cY' '. .;!;!!lHave.-fl)..dA.en~

RECITAL ':BY ·PUPILS OF MISS l mdle !::long Huss Telephon••. ot eourae. . .

f.I. ~.'.,.' T::~~I1~N(I1:::::~·
. .~.. ~l
Mildred Odiorne dellTer -all

'·,·'li.. E·"S'D.
pI ace -.""
Le ('ygne Raillt ~aens 1268 time
. ·!".·G·A·.·,Ji·.·:·,.·.H'I'.',t·R·[A··
. MEETING HOUSll Thl' pupils uf 1\1iss Io'anny Harwoud
Lnura Ehnl'r
__ Loos piano and Mrs. Anne JackllOIi (vi·
Mlontgomery Pike. Narberth, wsa estab- olin) ga,'e a very interestillg rl'"itul
'1 rot rll' Cavlllpri,> H,)g.. rs The Brightest Spot in Narberth
El\lil~' Du,·hlpr
liahed 1682. Here Woillillm PeRn wor- lust Saturduy afternoon, .Jall<' ith. lit A Drug Store in the Most Modem Serue of the Term .."~
shipped, sa well sa many o.thier noted .\fiss Loos' residence. 41 i Haverford Phantom ~hips Rlllilh
MI LK AND CR EAM Friends. One of the historical spof8 uf Ave. It W:lS well attl'nded hy part'nts
.\Iolly Irish
Amilrica is open for worship every lind friends IIf the young arlists. wh"s" .\lsa,·il'lI'''' Thome
758 LANCASTER AVE. Pi rs t -d av (S un d
ay) morn,lng
. a t 11 jll'rforllla.ll'l' was highly "fl'llital>le hoth Hut h Il"rg


BRYN MAWR. O'clock: to t1"'!IlS"I\'l'S all,1 to thl'ir t,'a.-),,·rs. (Hl IrltPrTlit'/.zn 1'r'llll I'a'·allt'ria The opening of tailoring and cleaning and dyeing es-
Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882 First·day School is hel,[ every First· 'J'l,,' I'r gra III follows: H·lI~t j":lTl:l ... " . ... ~1;t:ow:lglli tablishment. -1'.

,Iny (Sunday) :It 10 A. M. in the Meet- -'pril ~ho\\'f'r, ..... . . . . . ('rllTnUI I hi I'PrtH't Ull \Ioto ., ...... H"i1" Why carry your clothes when we call for and deliver to
ing House. Anyone deS'iring to al· (;l'raldill" :\ash !I"hart ~i"IS your home the same day?
HO WARD C. FRITSCH tend eith,er the H<lult class or the young \\' I'l'ds Gest . . . . . . • . .. .

l-'ro·,jl'ri"k Hatl's
Ht1t't !JO\'('11 DAVID MILAVSKY, the new ladies' and gents' tailor,
105 Essex Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
Juslice of the Peace pl';,pl{!'''' rJlUls will he very well'ome. H..II.'· Hartl,'."
1:1) (;t'rJlI:l1l Folk ~1'lIg. Pt'a~:lllt ..... . :--;'l'h llTlln 1111 We are exptrts in cleaning and dyeing.
REAL ESTATE .\1'1'. \1. \1. \\'als"" H"t t,- .1 "Ill" Special attention to remodeling and repairing.
Fire InsUloance-Best Companie8 ST. MARGARET'S CATHOLIC .1,} Bh."thllll'· Ilall"" ... \1. \1. \\'atsoll Fir~t :t lid ~('t'()l\11 llIet\"I'Illf'I1f, Our pressing is absolutely done by hand.
Phone 1749W-215 Haverford A:.... CHUROlI .}I·au ~tapl,', Eigh I h 1l1'l-3eriol ('011 ('('rt II AU our work is guaranteed to your satisfaction.
:-'lIl1day luas"'" at i 0 'r.lock and 10 Bohl'lIl1lll1 ,"';oug \ Edwill l'ogg-pshall Once a customer came into our store
--------------- 10'111"
l)allt'4' of thf' t~I\'PH nrit·.1!
Sarbertb 871- Y Ardmore Ia-..
,',·1,,,., 0" tir<! an'! third Sundays H"lIri"'la PIlI,),I .. r A suit I made for him, he always UJ()re;
'hl' :all' \lass i, II fIII.dl .\Ia,;s. followed !1'''li:l'' 11,""", .\I"r~· Kl'rrigall It stood the sun, it stood the rain,
,~, IH"nediction. re' i~"':t Hlls~iall Homau-f'(' t'rinll
VERL PUGH \":1 (';lllll·rIHI He Was pleased so weI/that he came again.
Electr1ca.l Contractor I d Jilio .. .. J ..:lI·K. r;rlll'stille Hunt Now, friends, why should you rarlel
(laJiy \Jnss at 8 A. M.
Gladys (JrOVPT lIi"o!o" ('hant. Come to 105 Essex Aoenue
El""trleal Repaln and Appllaa"... i ros Rimsk~'- Kor~n kow·j( rl'i,I"r
114 GrayUal' Ave. 8 Crl"ke. A ••.
\':II:"if' " ". (; tI And ask for DAVE.
BAPTIST CHUltCH OF THE Wilson Ward I h I L" \lol1"hl' Hohlll
Narbertb. P... Ardmo..... Pa.
EVANGEL ......... ('halllinndl' Frl'rl Fll'trher l'ntten
. \ n 1111 Compt lO " (II) In,ng-i 1111 r.'· Hallet. {'o!eri<lgl'-T"-,, l"r
~t,t'\"i4·f'H. :--:'ullday ••1Ullt' 1.i, lU~4: Orif'lItall' Amall.'·l
Narberth Beauty Shop !I.~.-, .\. :'IL-Hihle ~I·hool. Classes for Ph\'lli~ (irant
I hi
1\I11~' Hanfielri
103 Essex Ave.
Scalp Treatment, Manicuring
Hair Bobbing, Marcel Waoing.
I l.on
.\. :'Ir.-:'Ilorning worship.
P. :'Ir.-Ewning- Worship.
.. ------_. --- o Premium Garbage Cans are About

R_ldental Appolnbnenta
Phone Narberth I 749-J or 1202-J n,,\'. .1. \Y. r;lli"lt. ~"I'rl'!ar~' "f thp
~I Edtlc·:dioll. Hnnl'd IIf tht' ~\lnllril':11l Hal"
N. R. PEACOCK The best thing for the money that we have seen
In a long time. They have the old lock lid fea-
PllillH':Itlol1 :--:'oc·jl'f.\", will
til TJlol'lIillg and ('vPlling.
Interior and Exterior Painting ture with the new principle of an off set to prevent
I COOK BROS. ,./111 P. :'II .. "'edlll's'ln~' I',·pllin:.;
Pr:I.Yf'f :llld Prais(\ lllt'rtir~. Lf':ld,pr.
Kitchens and Bathrooms made Attractive. the scoring of the lid; the lid may be lifted by a
I PLUMBING, HEATING n,·,·. 1·:lilll I·: ..\. l'al1'"I"i-.L
}-;\t'r."!lorly i~ \\,,,11'01111' to :111\ o! :111
Bright and Clean
Will be glad to Eathnate
foot operated lever or by hand. Strongly built to '
resist rough usage, they are without the usual
of these sen·ices.
407 ESSEX A VENUE cracks and CreYICes, thereby inSUrIng cleanliness.
Jobbing promptly attended to
Phone Narberth 161l-W
N;cht Phoae. Narberth 6117
IDa,. Phoae. Narb.rtb 302 J
CHURCH .:----- --------- Bergner Hardware Company
Rev. M. E. McLinn. Pastor Open Sunday Evening. 5 to 7

ra~a - M~Ginl~Y
UI 218 N.13t}iS!iPhl a::J~
'0 ~1'n·Jl·I'~. ;-';lIl1,l,l.\, .TlIlll I-I. I:I~L
~1.·L-l .\. \I.' ~;lIHlc:l.\· ...... I·}llllll. First Class
Bell Phone, Spruce 38·0e ond 38·117
II."" .\. \1.-1',hil·lr'·II·' It".,· EXt'r'
Keyslone Phone, R.ce 70·••
1·]SI· ....
GARAnteed Roofs 7.--1.-1 P.
Subje<'t for
"I.-Prt·:tl·ltill~ :--er\ ie'I'.
e\"I'lIillg St'rllIOIl: I' J),'r' Milk and Cream OpPo6ite Ray Wei••' Garage Burk Pr oduct
ft'c'f ~:ttisf:lrtioll (;:tillf',l." ---------- of fine quality for women, children and
To thes(l SPT\'jl'I'''' a :":PI1I'r:d invit:I'
t ion is g-i \"ell.. babies. Many styles on display.
Hardware Store PHONE. NARBERTH 1661J
Rev. W. Sheridan Dawson. Minister.

~pr\'icl's, ~ulloiRY..Tulle l:i, 1924:

.-BefQ~e-,·X~,:put-Thein. Away

PaoNB. Narbertb 126&-W

.!U.i .\. ~r.-HihJ~ -Rchool.' HoJt-.· P]pt·
dll'r "-. Stitl's. R1iJ"'l'intI'Jl,ll'nt. Let us clean and repair your Winter clothing.
1 Lon .\. :'IL-S]",<, ill I ('hil,!T'pn'8 Da~'
GEORGE W. BOTTOMS (,xl'rt'ises hy thl' Begi IIl1ers' a lid Pri· Careful work, .prompt and courteous service
Popular copyrighted fiction, modern
always given.
-CoDtrac~r and Builder- mary llepartllll'llts of thl' Rrhool. TIll'
"hoir I\'ill Mllg. "I H~ar<1 the Yoi,'" of
ADELIZZI BROTHERS novels and stories of photoplays. Also
420 Rockland Ave, Narberth, Pa. .'I'SUS ~a~·." hr Rathhun. all'] the ::\la11'
Quarll'ttl' will sing •• The Waysid~ TAn.OBS books for boys, in cloth and paper-bound
CrMls," h~' Talnll'r. Parents having OLEANEBS AND DYERS
,I' ••
childrl'll to he haptizl'rl will please no- Pressing Repairing Remodeling volumes.
HARRY B. WALL tify the pastor in a<lvance.
102 Forrest Ave.
We ca.ll and deliver anywhere
Narberth 1749-R

7.1N1 'P. :'Ir.-!'~pworth League De,·o-
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
and Heating
t ional meeting.
7.-1-:; P. !\r.-The Rrhool will renr!Pf .... __
NA.RBERTH PA a pageant I'lltitll'rl. "Th" II ilrh\\'n~' of
Gorl:" thl' rhoir will SiBg ":'II~' Rhl'''!, Telephone. Narberth 368 MYER BRODSKY, Prop.
Narberth Variety Store
Phone. Narberth 1802-.7 J. D. CONLEY, Mgr.
Hl'ar :'Ir~· Voirl'" hy Hogers.
Thl' g .. nl'ral puh!;" filld a \\p\Nlllll' to
"Il th .. sen-ieee.
MONTGOMERY GARAGE ......•.......................
For Permanent Pra~'"r a lid pra is.. RPr\, ire 011 '''ell·
Ill'sda~' 1"'l'nillg at S.I10 P. :'II.
Narberth, Pa.
Agency for three standard' made tires and tubes•. Goodyear, Vacuum
Satisfactioil .Tullior EIl\\'(lI't h Lpa~ull nn Saturday
at :i.ilil 1'.:'11. Thp allllllal SUlllla.,·
Cups and Pennsylvania. Free tube fol' the next two weeks with each tire.

~(\IH)f11 PiC'flit' will' lit' lipid 011 .111111'
~ 1st.
Storage, three kinds of Gasoline- Betholine, Atlantic and Gulf Gas.
Mobiloil oil and greaseo Accessories and free crank case service.
Washing Cars day and night $1.25 and up.
BuyYour Coal Now
._._ __ =_0__ __


Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.


at these low •
WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY ~ .. r\'il·"S. ~lIn,jay..1ulle J.i, I H2o!:
\1.-1-.-) A. :'II.-Hihh· s,·h"o!. It is ex·
The Thrifty (chuted in)
.. Ihat :'II r. IJl'gef"oll Olmstead, .1 r .
')lIr ~ulllla~' ~ .. hool missionary ill Ken·

~: , .... ' .
ThOSa A·. KcrriOI &SOn
tu"ky, \\'ill hl' with us next i3unday.
11.011 A. \1.-:'111'. '-all :,\"ss will Man's Compass Charge price Cash price

Building and Contracting

pl'l'a"h 'Jll thl' tlll'n1<': , . .\ Processioll
that waf; Stopped h.,' a Dl'n,1 .\llIll ill
EGG $14.75-Less 50c for cash $14.25
'.,:. the Road." Is his bank account, and it
Homes For Sale Or Rent
Plans & Estimates
7.-1-5 P. M.-!'~vellillg Worship. ~I'r­
ilion "A "'ithNeri Lifl'." points the way to financial
STOVE $15.25-Less 50c for cash $14.75
Furn1shed For
AlteratiOns & Repairing
Church Notes
Thl' ('elebm tioll of C'hil,!rl'lI 's ,lay last I
Sunday "'us nn event long to he remem-
progress. NUT SI5.00-Less 50c for cash $14.50
Write, Phone. Oall
Every deposit you make with the Merion
I",red h~' those WllO were present. The
attendallre was the largest in the his-
tory of the C!lurch, 451 being present.
Title and Trust Company puts you that
PEA Sll.OO-Less 50c for cash $10.50
The Bncrament of the Lord's Sup: much nearer independence.
per will he ollserved on Sundar morn- 2240 pounds of good, clean coal in every ton- ,.
FO!t'TAXI SERVICE ing, June 22. The usual Preparatory Your account is invited. guaranteed. .

Ctall Naiberth 672 or 2215 vi ~[eeting will' be held next Wednesday

Charge customers who pay in 5 days allowed
MA,NrLINE GARAGE <'veiling when the ~erJllOI1 will he dl.'-
livered by Re,". Cleveland Frame,pas- cash prices.
Walter Boser
100EIlsex Avenue, Narberth. Po.. tor of the Hohneshur~ Presh~·terinn You can buy coal from us on a weekly pre-pay-
HaUling of nll kil1d~ Storage
Chtll'('h of Philadelphia,
4 % Paid in our ~avings ment p'lan and have the present price guaranteed.
Let' us tell you about it.
" ' .. '
QuickSemce ' Phone, Allegheny 2800
. 215 lIaverforl;l Avenue

~'!n..;(j TZN··
.:[I' J:·T . . ~ .····ft· E•. ..£
1'1,,' ,,':It I,,',. i- St·",itl"· :111,1 ki"dh', hll' . ''':I'' it." ",I1I,·d TI\,Y I\\'t'ight ::!:ill ,1\',1.)
I lit :1 1110111'\' 1I1:lkt'r, ;11141 So tilt, :alllll.v: TIll' 111:\111 f(':ltIIr('~ of tht> ~altl~ wprp
Green Parrot Tea Room
11111"1 1'lllIllt' Its Ilt'1l1111'S I':trt·ftlll,'" Tlll'i t ht' !l01l11' 11111 II," .I:lvl, '1lIrray :lIld du' 744 Montgomery Ave.
\11.~!It'r i~ \';111:\111,', 11\11 :--11 \1'1'," j'ap:t!d,,: IIl~Jilitlldt· flf t'J'rlll~ Ily ('1:11'1'11('(' NARBERTH
th:lt thc liltlt' ramil." Ii", II' 1"':11' 0:::1' li,.~t hast',
,)cI111~ sIIIlH'lhll1:': lh:l! "ill 1111~I·t tIll'! III tIJt' ..;,>\I'IJth illlllll:': tIll' \'ar\!flrth Tea, Coffee, Chocolate
lit I til I
1l1.11l:q.':'IIlII'IJt Iii tIll" 1101111'.
t";lltl 1'11.1'-:1\' rl'·1 til \\ 11 tIll' ~jIlJll' 1I~' Sandwiches ,
BOOK REVIEWS \ 1:1111/..':'''

IflI" till'
11 \\ lilt

It 111:11\1'
I,"t hl'l"
11 pll ...·:;1

t:II"lIt ... '"I,II,111l


Jfl till'

:I .. :t
Ice Cream and Cake I
,,'rOIII I :111111:":'1':111: I II 111\ "111 "I'. I'.' li";I' IIIII~idl' till' hOIlIt,. ;llld :1 \ .'Iy 111\lI'!l Illi~tl'r, 1111t Ill' f:li\lod til dl11dkatl' tllt' OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS·
1hi .. ill~ ~ton' III' tl1l' n'l:ltitlll~hil' that gn'\\ fl';ll" II!' till' H:d'f',
.\1 il'!l:lt,j I'UI'! II. . I Dinners by Appointment
.\'1':1 r \\ lI!I t lit' )'1I111 / I" III 1/1' t : lll' 1'I't\\I'I'II 1)11' F:llllt'l' :111,j 1'1111.11"'11 ," John H, Godown, TELEPHONE. NARBERTH 318
\ III!'I' Ie ;111 1':II:,:,I':qdl.\ , \1 ;1 iL:ll ! tltl' Tt'sult. Press Represent.lltive,
1'111'1 It. ;1 ~I' 1 I" (';lllli' 1 I t!l" 1'1111:; t ! ,\

:110111' alld pl·llllrl'· ... S, \\itlJ 11 11 11;1'\1' :111.

1111:l!,lt, Iu "!,,,:d\ t-:'q..: l, .. h, '1'111' .~t(lr.\ Itt I
bi~ !lIlli' ,\'1';11'''; 111\1I1t'IIl':l. frOlll !;ITlII i ,lUIl(' j'l'g;IlJlillg with the WCI''' 01
IT IS a satisfaction to know one's ou~
h;111<1 111 ,\1111'1'1.:111 ,'IL/I'll \\ ill! :1 til'
~rt'I' 1'111111 ('IIIIIIIII,i:1 l'IlI\,·r";11,\, )11:11,,·...: :1,,' :"lIr1 ... rtl, "':1,,'1' I,i,'k"" "I I "l:g'kd I
(}II \\'I'dlll'''''.[:I~'.
,lilly heg;"nillg "ith th., "'1',,] ,.1'
ill :1 t\\lli:.,:hl ~;llIll',
SutnD'ler Suits of,town friends are no further than
11lt, rt':lllt-r'~ 1,111 d t Illg'll' \\ it 11 1t!1':I";\II'I', \:III:llltly
1 fell ~1'\I'tl illllill,t.:~ \\ Itll tll!' i :.!Sth.
Altering, Cleaning, D,veing, the telephone. "1
JlI'n' \\;I~ :t youlh \\!II \\:11JlI',i :\ lr,~lll" .\1"l'i"" '1'.110- :I"d '1'1'11,,1 ('0, \I:lI.IIIlIa AUhTURt hl'g-inning \\'ith thc \\'ep!.; ,It
215 HAVERFORD AVE. Pbone NlrborJb 35Z.J

I'd:lc'atillil th:11l Iris li'II11I' '11\\ II of ld\ Ill' :--:'1;11·\';1'1':" tll :1 ,-1,-1 111', TIlt' g:IIIII' W:I~ ~;)th.
Keeping friendly contacts fresh is
!'(luld gi\'(' !lilll. :Jlld h:t\ ill;": }"':Ird tlf Ilil' :llId tlll'k t'\ I'ry inllill;"':: lir""t tlllt' forever a joy.
LIIlI'nl1l ;llld Fr:llrldill, c11,,'idl'" 111:lt ~jd(' h;I\'in~ th.' :Jl!\:lltf:Ig-I'. fllll," ttl 1,,' II~- ------ MARY LIVINGSTON
108 Chestnut Avenue
Narbcnh Ta~ Scrvk;c
tht'ir I'olilltry. ,\II11'I'lI':I, 1'011101 1.!i\·1' hilll 'list I'll \\ Ill'll tIll' °1'\1'111 1 '11 t:" 1',1111" 111
\\11:11 Ill' rit'~irt'd, I'nlllllll,i:! I l l i \ ' I ' r.. ily h:tl.
:.::1 \'1' III III ;1 Ill'}.:"!'I'I', t ill'll (':1 111111'111gl'
J )I.t I' \ 11,'\1111 t \\ i I'll" I 1111' \ 1 II illil 1'111' P"t.'ck F. , onahur LADIES' FINE UNDERWEAR
:III" HI'l'lill l'lIi\l'r~it.'" addl·.! hi:-;
1hl' llll·:ds. \\ hill' tllt, Il:lllkt'r~ halt}.;: .. d
Phone 1713-VV or 1731 Nainsook
:-:tllf'l' of Tllda,\' lit' is 1)1'0
kIlO\\'Il'I!I..:I', Day or Night French Voile
th"ir 1"'I"'s 111'0" :I '1ll:l11 hllile "I' ),11'
f"s,or <If Ell'clro ~[",'llIllli,'s nt ('0111 Ill- Crepe' Plisse
I,ia. ,\ ~f'1I11illl'l,\' thrifliflg ~t(lry Clf lItI, Silk
FULL FASHIONED ta~e )'OU bac~ quic~ly
III:JII 1II'hi('\"pment.
Furniture moved YOUT Bdl 'Telephone will there and
'1'1", flr"'"ll, I,." II, (;, \\,,,11,, i" :I
SILK HOSIERY Hauling of all kinds Will bring samples to you
:-;1111',\' lIf thl' lifl' of tilt, l,n'st'lll d:ly :l~
Phone 2261
tlLld h,\' lIllt' willi liy,'d :,!111 II 1 ~'I':lr:o: ill
All the Neweat Shadea
thl' flit III"', '1'111' 11,111'1" IIf tIll' ~Irlr.'" $1.65 Pair---Value $2.25 241 Hampden Ave
Ill,lil'\'('.! 111:11 hI' t!:I'! 1,1'1'11 11:11'1',\' .\1111' THE HEMSTITCHING SHOP Phone J773w. Narbenh, Pa,
till\f'T :--:'lIllth ill l~I:!,I, Ill' ;IS hi' IrrnH'd 318 Dudley A".nue Phone J632-W
it, d t I l l ' :IJ.,:t' llt' ('llllfllSillll," Thl'
D. c., Ph. C.
111:11:.\' I'I'nlarl,,", ;11,ol1i

l'~illl~ :I11I1 l'dllnt1 iOlJ :1T(' :llIllI .. illg ;lllri

ollr illl':l:" nil 1'1"

Palmer Chiropractor Graduate A REPRIEVE • i

not withont ]Jojnt. :llltl tIlt' "1"1I!1!11'I',\
i .. IIll'dt· t":1 t \\ I' ":"11 fl'"r.,rI 1,('c':lll",,(, \\ I
nre \lndcrbrl'd, 1l1l,1I'rt,."ill,·,1 ,",,{ ",:Irk
FLINT FORTY Suite 4 and6
Ardmore Theatre Bldg. For the benefit of those whose Forgettery
1,\' i,:"':'fillr:11i1 (If 11ll":O:I'I\I·~." ;111.1 l'tll:Jt
X Ray Lahorator)' sometimes gets the better of thei r ~1emory,
;1 '!:ly \\"111l111 1'111111' \\ hl'lI C,ll:1 rit,\' :111,1 Phone: Ardmore Night Phon.,:
1l1l,1Nst""<1i,,g' ,,0111') lil:ht tl,,· 11'01'101 IOIl·R Narberth 667-) we will accept orders at the following
~o tll:\t JlIt'II and \\ 11IIIt·!; \\'11111,1 1111 lOllg Houra 9 to 11 A. M. prices until July 1st, on the condition that
I'r 1IIIrf

1111',\' \\'I'IT

"Ill' :111«Itl1,,1'"

A beautiful, little duplicate of the Bi~ Flint
I:. _o_o_o_o_o_o_a_o_o_a_a_ .i:.
Z to 4 P. M. 7 to 8.30 P. M.
delivery must be completed hy July 15th.
~tilri('s tlf Harry ~JlI:tl1 and Iri~ :"i~tl'r
F:ltlll~' an' illtPIISI'I~' illtl'f1, .. till'::, :1!ld CHUTE CARRY
Ih,· ":lrl" lif ... or till' :-;II,ith fal11il~', ;n, Char,e Caah Charge Ca.h
dll'lling th,' F"tl,..]', ~lotlll'r ,",d 1',,,,1,· Balloon Tires, 4 Wheel Brakes, Six Cyc1inders,
EGG $14.50 $14,00 $15.00 $14.50
.Tohll .Tulip is a narr"ti"t' flJlI of hn
Footlig'ht" and foil'otlight" ],~' Oti,
Fully Equipped
Insurance STOVE 15.00 14.50 15.50 15.00
:-;kinnl'r, i8, n8 thl' ~nh-titll' says, .. 1'1'-
ONE PRICE-$1145-TO YOUR DOOR CHESTNUT· 14.75 14.25 15.25 14.75
ro1ll'dion, of n1" 1ifl' on t111' ~tn!!r,"
,'\1"Onnrl Philnrll']phia, ()ti~ :-;kinlll'1' ;,
House and Furniture PEA 11.00 10.50 11.50 11.00
('on~illf'I'f',l "nIH' lIf lJ~," as 11(' li\·f'~ ill
Fire 7.75
Rr~'1l ~"'\\'r, hut his I'arly lif .. \\'a<[ Downes-Flint Motors, Inc. BUCKWHEAT 7.75 7.25 8.25
<pl'nt in :'\1'\\' England, \\'hil,' th,'
CANNEL COAL 15.00 14.50
hook is lhl' stor\' or hi, lifp, ],I'g'illning'
Ardmore, Penna.
with his "ar1~' ,t1'nggl,,', it also takr~ Automobile
ill mll"h (,f thl' lifl' of thl' st,qzl' ,luring
Fire and Thief Liability
thl' la~t fift," ~'"nrs, '1'1... l'agl's "r,·
filll'd \\'ith amusing int'idt'nt~ "n,1 pi,,· Collision
Buy in Narberth
turl'S of 8u('h famolls folks as .TollIl For Coal Satisfaction
Drl'\\', A(la Rl'hnn, ~Irs, Gilh"1't and;
May Irwin.
Notary Public
~M~[lU" COAl&~~DING MAn~l CO
Thl' Er1upntion of .\nt1l1l1l:" Part' i,
nnothl'r ,tor~' of Eugli~h rOll1ltr~' lif,·

hy Arrhihn1rl :\farshal1. :\11', :\farshall
has n1rl'a(ly "Tittl'll a hOok "all(',1 NARBERTH PENNA.--- •
Antholly Darl', nni! this onl' is a ('On,
tiuation, hring;ng in sOI1l(' of thl' 8n1l\1' ,

"hnradl'r8 ani! taking Anthony throuj{h

(ooer the bank) PHONE, NARBERTH 375 o'

n rolll'gl' e'our~ anll througl1 sp\'I'1'a I PEA $9.90 2240

I STOVE $13.90
~'pnrs of rather unsur(,l'ssfu1 husinl'''S,
To thos(' who ha\'1' re:"l his st<Jril's of NUT 13.90 C. O. D. 'I EGG 13a75 .,
th(' Olinton fami1~', PdpI' Binnl'Y an,l
othl'rs, this hook \\'ill nl'l'i! 110 rl'rorn
Thl' Homl' !\lnkI'T, h~' Dorothy Can-
nelrl, rl'lates thp hom(' lifl' of n famil~'
of l\fothl'r, Fat'hl'r nnd thrl'(, phi1,!rI'I1. Office and Yard
52nd and Jefferson Streets Belmont 8556
Main Office
When a Girl Loves
SILK UNDERWEAR 930 N. ~arkoe Street Belmont 5412 Whether in the Garden of Eden a million
years ago-or on Crowded Broadway
this afternoon-the /ltory ill the same.
Samplea on dlaplay at "Just Phone or Send a Postal" Here is a girl, beautiful, cultured, inno-
THE HEMSTITCHING SHOP cent, enamoured of a youth. handsome,
If. _._a_a_o_a_a_a_t_a '_0_
31S Dudley Avenue Phone 1632.W
adventurous and poor.
Against him is a powerful rival. with wealth
Olllu Phent, Narberth 1671 and a noble title, aflame with the desire for
Residence Phene. Narberlb 2Z56 a girl.
The Hall Mark
Edward J. "artze l ) Vacation Days Amid scenes of prodigal splendor in the
royal court of France aud through the gaiety
and adventure of Paris, this great picture
Real Estate
Will Soon Be Here

sweeps, unfolding the greatest story of love
and Insurance and lust, patho/l and passion ever screened.

226 Haverford Avenue Plan Your Vacation Now of Service

Narberth, Pa.
AUSTIN E. HARTZELL, Notary Public The new illustrated N,ew Jersey Seashore folder contains
192 pages, descriptive of the attractions of the New
Jersey Seashore Resorls, Half·tone illustrations from
original photographs, Lists of hotels, maps and all
essential ,seashore information.

Atlantic City
"isth.e central link of a chain of seashore rellOrts un·
equalled in all the world fOf ,vacation JOYs and r~stful
WlldwQod':""'OCoan etty.-...cape.. M&Y.-'8tone;' HarbOr--,-.l\valon
-"Sea Isle, t;llty~Beach Haven......Isli.D(1-· He1ght&-8eaBide
Park-Barnegat Pier--Seaalde Helght&-lIayHeacl-8ea
G1rt-Spring Lak&-Bradley Beach-ocea.n Grov&-A:sb\11'7
park-Long Branch !LJ14 many other mterJn8d1ate resort&-
to enjoy a vacation such as you have never had elsewhere, for
no vacation is really complete without a dip in the briny deep.
A copy of the New Jersey Seashore '~ellOtt8 folder Will aid you.
Sent free· ~POD request. AddJ:es8AdvertisingDepartment, Room
,479, Broa~::tC:~::'=::~::;~:~RUMt. ·'AR'DMOItE-"THEATR.E '.
,>IIOBBED HEADS, $25 UP P , . , M a t i n e e Daily 2 ~~OP. M~ ." . Evenings 7 and 9 P. M.
". O/»ll'i"~~TAutlllal/&tnin" , ~DDsJJvania Railroad Syst~m MONI)AY, TUESD~Y, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY
.:,MUaItAyiS,'83rd&OxfordStlt.' TfIE'STANDARP RAILROAD OF nI8 WORLD' . JUNE :l~th 17th ,18tb and 19th

·. ·,:;, . ".,;;Li;;;;·;,:.:i,4

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