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Community Club tojBoys' Discourtesy is The FIRESIDE: Directors l\1eet ~ Plans Laid for Narberth's
Gym and S\vim! Scored ~
11I('I'I'"g of the D,rcl'lors of thl' Xar·
Greatest Civic Project
Activities 0/ Many Kinds I School Board Discusses
.r. Sale of Y. M. c. A. Paves Way for New
:'I[r,. Hornce :'Ild'OIlIl,'I!., of :'I1('ri(11I l'l'rtli ('i\'ic ,\s,ociatioll hl'!ll at the of·
a\\'lIl1e, elltertain,l :J groll!, of fOI'II11'r' "", "f Ih" l'rp,.idl'lIl, :'Ilr. Hoh"rt
Are Under Way Bus G'onditions I "'hoolnwl"s at :J :\[:111 .101lg lUlll'h,'oll \ ",II. :ast \\·,.dlll'sdn.\· lIight.
_________________ 1 last :-:aturday. Thr"" 11,,1\ 1.\' ,,1l'l'll'd I>ir"l'lors \\ere Community Building
'rill' \\"OtlH'Il'~ ('lIll1ll1tlllit,\' ('11111 ~'ynl \ '.I"'{ lIS"']lll1 lIf tilt' ('ro\\tling of th(' 11'1l halld. Th(' .. p \\t'rt ~r('s~r~. nf'Orgfl' l ....,.. _
lIa'"1111 ,1,,-- h", },""II IIrg""iz,,d alld: 1'11"" l'III1\",\,,'g Ih" :\arhertlt High T!II' \\'III11""'S Fol",gll :'1[1"'"11"1'." \1, llall'!II, (', II. ('ralll' alld ('h<lr1<'s "'. The f"lIndHtion of \\hat promises to t'haral'll'T in the Borough. If any have
lh" ol,ofl' -"t I'll' till' lirsl Ir\' Ollt Oil .... , h",,1 '1I1d"IIt, III L'l\\cr :'I[rrion took ~'J('iet." \\ill Ill,'!'t at thl' h"nll' IIf :'I[rs. H,'rgller. I". th(' higg('st <'id(' I'rojC'ct in the his· b"I'1I inlllh'"rtently omitt"d, thpy are
ncxt \\""!III'S'!",\', I'<'brllar,\' litl;, at !I,::III,'I'" I' at till' 111"1'11111' ... of Ihe Board last ,Iohn L. :'Ilil1l'r, lIS !-:s-,'x a"'I1I1I', Oil,' ,\ I arge part of tIC' l '
meet,ng \\ a.... lory of the community \\ [IS lall 'I III
. a (lskC'd 100 .. ommuniratc with the Chair-
.\, \I, III ,h,' g\lllllasilllll of Ih,' X<lr \I "lIda.\' IIi'.]lt.
... :'Ilol1<1a.\·, Fl'hlu"r." .1. at ~,:;II 1'. :'II. l"k"11 "I' in n'\'i"1l illg a IlIlmh('r of nll''''ing Ill' thl' J>iTl'e!lIr, of the "1. '1 '" . Inlln of th .. ~l)('e..ial Gommittl'e appoint-
)".Itl, I, ~I.' \, ThiS ,·Ia,- IS "1"'11 i ('"n'l>la,"ls h"d 4"'1'11 Tl'I,,'i\('d b." 1,r".JI'I'I' plann<",l h~' the asso"i"tion (', .\,1111 TIlI'sday night. ('01 hy thp Y. l\f. ('. A. to{) :1"t as dl'le·
111 IIIII Illl·llllll·r' :1" \\t·1} :1" tllcl"'i' ill tIlt' I '1'1 I r,'] "f till' Illl·t'l'lt)!"... Illat ,',s high:l:-- '1'1 Ie filiS t 0 f a sC'rll'S" ' j' ,'ar, I !,artll's f I "lIl1,'r ' I lIllI'S, '0 'IS t 0 Illlng
' II 'c l'rl"idl'1I1 .\ ..r. LII"s \\as ill thl' chair, gatl's in the gl'nl'ral meeting. Mr. T.
"!III" \11 "" 11111' f"r '\'arll,'rlh', sIal' Ii,', l'I'I'lls l·rllll,l .. d ,nto one of the f' IIr II Ie I 'o('IIl' "t ~oel Butl"r is Chairman, \1 ith :'Ifr. Wm.
I 0 f tl II' I "'<1 gill' II f \\. 11- 1",1\ nll'lll I Il'rs lip t 0'<.<1 I e. alld Ih,' n1l'ding \\(lS caliI'd to lay plans
ha-kl'll,atl Il'alll Il ill b,' tri",l Ollt at 1,,,-,,,, II h,l,' Ihl' IIlhn \\as ofl"n nearl.y nll'n \' oprs t D. Rmedlt,y ane! Mr. Edwllrtl So Huws
\\ll.s I1(" II lit tit' I \'t'S"'I l'11<'" .\1II0Ilg Ihl's!' projl'<'1s is th,' issuillg for the di.'positioll of thc mon!')' aec~
tl", JIII,,'lillg, Thl' I"alll lIill 1", a]>I~' l'1I1]'t.\'. TI"s IS dn", il is said, to a o f .\'I r>. C arro II]) 1I1l1I1'>..."I',) \\. OlH I'·' as the other memhC'rs of the committ('e.
SIU,', Ill' " :\"rb,'lth Y!'ar Book, \\ hich, it is IlIg trolll the reel'nt sale of the Y. :M.
"11(1,,111,01 1,,\ \I", ,'11"1'11" Hprglll'r. .\11 I""k III' a "·I,l,,jtd,, Il 1,II·h \\ollld com· avenue, on F TI'd ay, •J anunr." :',>t ,- II, ] I j>:'"I1I1'd. Il ill contain a hril'f hi"tory t'. A. huilding. A Great Merger
tlrll~l' ,,1111 11:1\(' hPi'Jl long-illg to "re IIt1 fbt, stllrlt'lIt~ t'l lJ,"":1 ('!'rtain clir H',IS 'e 'll :1 tt "'1' 1e, J :11" I J11111' II "llJOY!,' . l'i "f (I,,' Borollg'h, II li,t of nH'rehants, Till' S{l!C' of thl' huildiu<T, as pointed ThC' n('w plan will incorporate all the
d l l l l ' " of tl('('lInu' h(,lIVY \\pights aft' {'Heh daY", • I 1.\' a. 11 Tl Il' lIext 0111' \\ I
'Jl I IC
1 11
11' I at i e1oetors, puhlic sen'ice eompallies, etc. ('tIt "11 til" r~.S'lllltl'on prl'llt~d ... Il~low, "'ill half·finish('o1 an,1 srattC'rpd projects of
lJrgt"l to lIP I'It'SPlit :llld ]<:>afn to do \:" .. \: l' n the past y('ars. The exp<'ct.ation is that
Oue of the Djrl'rtors criticiz"ll Sl" t I,,' h"ml' of :'I[ 's, E, ('. (i)'is\\ old, I,: \ f'ill list of Ihp various orgnuizations, ~llortl.\· c1eIlri\'e Xnrherth of its com·
the'lr " clad.\· doz('Il." } all the organizati,ons. so far ns practi-
\"II'h' Ihl' a"ti,,"s of thc boys \\ho n<lt (',pstuut "\'l'uuC', tiT I' I«tt,'r 'part Of '"lId a \\I'alth of othpr iuformation of ml1uit~. e('utl'r, \\hieh for a number of
tIl ...<T""~ "ahlp. \\ ho arc now proceeding inde-
'1'111' "'I'lIllnll'llt for thi' I lass ,'011- 11111,", 'reftl"e • "
n l'r "
IIp tll c Sen. ts to F('\,rIJ'\r,' • " "1,·II"II't .. " ,I·,te to I,..c "I
.. In 0 tI II I" 1<1 IU" 10 nl'w nUL1 "
pro"ppctlve resl· y('ars has a 1'/(',1 as a home for mllny
pC'ne!l'ntly. will pool Ih"ir re$ources to
sisls "f t"I1II1S shol", Ida"k sto,·kil1g", I the girl studenls, Lut eveu cro\\t! the (·d 111Iough tlll'SI' ('oIIlJlll1s. '.!"lIt-. ' oTl..,,<llIizlltions. and as thC' town r,i I'rary.
bla"k bl"olllers an,] \\ hit(' lIlid,].\·. It, fa,r.,l' ,"x nsid,' at Ihl' loaelinr?: nl11 k~ a suceess of the nC'w plan.
.. poinls Th,'S!, bookil'I~, it 's plannC',]. '" ill It I',IS hl'eome incrl'nsin:::]~' evi(lC'nt for
mal' 111' a- \\1'11 to ",Id h('rl' that a I III ,'I',I,'r t" ..."I't tl". S".',ts fl·r'.t. _:'Ilr. ':\h"'II'r
. H,'rl1'lrd
" :'I1t'llor
. "f ('I "' ' Illtll be sent to new residC'nts with a letter soml' tillll that C'\'en though thC' huil(I, Till' procl'eds of the Y. M. C. A.
VPT." :.:-",,,1 '1n,lIit.\, of bla"k -atl'I'I1I I )"tl','lr,I, 1\ I'll I,,"" (111",'I'r\'n' " cU
tIll'S ('(111,1,'· ''(\ '" " 111' "l1t,'rl'!'I1I1I'd '
"I his l1illth 1II Jtll I .. t ,\\,],·"nll' from thl' Xarbprlh Civic
" ing should rC'main as a ptlhlic structure, huilding amounts to ahout $:1:1,000, and
hlc",m"ls ma,\' 10" plll('h,,,,'d in .lohnl t'"I1, 'aid: "]t i.' an UlleOllllllOn sight day party .:\Ionday {'\'('nitlg. ,lanu<lly I \",,,,intion. ]t \\ill 1", a part of a it.... size and form have hel'n 'becoming an,othC'r large omount has been prom·
\":III:llIIakl'r· .. T:'\F.\:'\T dep:lrtnH'Jlt (Ill Il P \\(!d:l.Y:-; tu !'it'() :t IH:t1l get \Ill ill a :!:-\. ~()III1Y ~I'('l'd . . \lll'lI and lit'llp (~lag'- as a gift if the plan goes through.
gl'nl'r,l! poli,'y of thl' ,\ssociation to more and more unfitt('d for the Ill'mands
th" thlld tl11"r f"r Ih" small stlm of .. ar 10 gi\l' a lad.v a s('at, but if tIl(' horll, Ho\\arel alHI KI'IlI1l'th {'.la~·[Jo(lOlt'. ,111 lad ""\\ rl',s;c1l'nts and mnke them made upon it. If th,' funds of tlw scattered orgnniza·
a <lllllar "II,] . " half. Thl'sl' hloom('rs .\'olll1gl'r gl'lll'ration i, taught nothing \'I'st,,, :-<pindll'r. Dale Edg,'rton, Jack \llll'OI'I1', tions hC' added to tIus, upwards of $50,·
" "'ith the kno\dC'llg(' of the growing
('"nIl' III a II SlZ,'S. bet!C'r, we don'l know \l'}wt to expC'('t _,e\\ell, Billie C'onl\ay, Ciliek ant! Ellu (100 \\ill h" already on hand as a st.ut-
I :'ITr. ]l"nll!' 1','p"rt",J "xC'l'lll'nt rC'· ne,',1 f,or 'l"art"rs a,lequ(lte to their
Till' fir'l tl'lP "f tbl' S\\illlll1illg cIa .... ' \\1"'11 tllt'y gro\\ up." 10", Budd." and HlIlh Hopkin ..... Hoy l'r, th(' rt'st to h" mi."'l'd hy general pub-
\\'ill"In Jl I 'I'J B'II: '1'""''' III th,' 1II:111,'r of "I'h!ining needs, sC'veral organization" have bC'en
\\a, lila 011' lin Frid".\·, \\ hl'lI SI'\'pra] l:','\'eral of the Directors fearC',1 thnt 1/' .'I, I',, k O\\ar, Ii,' ... ul>scril'tlOn.
\1 ' \ ((IlllpSOn,
I I K 1 hI" Ill('JIl],('r,. Thl' in"oll1l' frolll Ih,'s!, mem \Iorking on plans, anel cnllpeting money,
m.'nJlll'rs .iourlll'~·,'d to Arellllorp, and it if a cnnt('st for s('ats \\as the presellt I('C'I ,'I'll',. a..
13 'J • H . e",,' I I •. rtI IIlr \ Jlnl Jat·' ' ~ hers will be availahlC' for a nUlllh('r of for th" eonstruction of rluh hous('s. Th('
Th,' plan can go through only if
is hop!'el tltnt hy thl' I'JH] {If the spa"on "UituIll' of Ihe ~IOYS, in a few ye<lTs I '" "', ue" I alit .lIna ,0Ulse I g""II,'rall~' I'n 01 ors(' 01. say the Y. M. C.
('''ull'''I1, 'HoSlliiII d. 1lI'J"n Sel"Jle "111(1 1 i'l'o,i<',.f, "f ,.j\';1' illlporlan('I'. most extensive of thpsC' proj('cts has
.\. I>in,,,t.,.", as a half·way develop-
<111.\' n"'I11],,,r of tl,;s cla"'s \\ ill hI' qua Ii· it 'llight h!' a eomlllon oecurrence for
fi"d t" "],',,io a position as lifl'g"lIarl! J"di"s 10 1,1' hllrlell ],o,lJly from ve. " t t. ~ \"
Iktl\' :\f 11 l'
I' or." egg\·.,
'[ ('• fl'
I' 'I ' \ not I,,'r ml'J'tillg "f th!' \-s'l('iatioll IIl'''" \\(Jr k '" I up I 'y tIl' I \\' "m('n ,~ s tom·
m('nt would ,he uspfI'S~. Much depC'nds
H' t .u III, I" '_JIlI \','\llil 1,1' ",,101 ill th,' 1I,'a r futllr('. Tltl' munit)· C]uh. \\ ho hnv!' a('l'umtl!atl'll a
lit t111' shorl' resorts. hicl"s to make wa.v for the mC'l1. The''\e ('0,Ih III Irgllila :'1['11 I ul'gs "I resser.l'~ >1'11." I I ' ,
])II'I'..tor'" nr!' la\'lllg Ihl' fOlln,J"llon of . fund IIf \\('11 o\ .. r th'C' thousalld dollars
on th(' rpsults of the conference ealled
Tlli~ !!fOlill
._ i,.;; also I,],'lllllinrr to nr<'all' dl'sire to btl man-like on the l'nrt of . ('t :t ,
..... ~
!.I\'illg"ston, Hilth Hall, I l ret . IHrpe, .l'Uug as... anum I)er of matters
of Xational ' "
\\ Itleh \llil h:" I' a':\ II('gillnillg of their I''UI'I ding 1-'un'. 1 for this nHlnth .
iz,' n ,kat;ng .. e]ass. \\ hil'h should meet lIIall\' \\ olll,'n \la.' one a'a501l sugg('stell '
Park, X ..1., and J'arkC'r Lillll ant! Dell- " ," 'nl' III uelll'p JIl I II' I ,,,It,'rllll'nl I' I' t ' 11 ' I 'I'} II' !'ro II 1 1'111 0 j' I' 1
a ml'l' Illg p lI'·(,. Thl' rl',o}ulion of the Y. M. C. .\.
"ith thC' enthusiasm of mon.'\". for Ihe trouble. n,\' Bllwd\l ill, of J'hilndelphin. I" f".,ar b C'rt. h Th e"C' p I«ns "I'1 I I '" takl'lI th oug II, I Ins at oue t'lJ1le or an{) th I'r a f . nirl'l'/or" follo\\s:
All thosl' \\ho ar(' inrerestl',l nn,l \dlO :\Ir. \\'il>on lIas 111'1'11 making an in· I"I' flom tillll' to lill1l' ill Ih,' ,'ollllllns f!'d"d pral'tiea\l~' ('\'"r,\' organizntion Whereas. Th .. Xarl>erth Young ':\len's
woulel carC' to joill any of thC'.... C' clnsses, "'sligation of Iltl' transportatioll, <lnel "f "Our To\\-n." in Xarhl'rth. Among those "ho must Chrisl 'u Il .\ssorial ion was C(}nstitutC'd
may (10 so by calling XarlH'rth :17~.'M. "II'al'h('r lI1a~' ],1' assignl'd to mal,!' th.· A plea.sant aftC'rngo n '8 entertainment look for a ["'rlllllnl lit hea'lqnarters might and maintainC'd hy pubJie~pirited cit·
1'h e nex ttnp ' 0f tIe lsWlmmlJlg
' . c Iass IrIJls ' . 1I t IIe pup''J s 10 m:untnlll
\\'It " I or . e will ber furnis.hecl
,J hv the Thimhle Clu], JUNIORS ]", n){'ntione'] the Choral Sot' il'1." , Amer· izens of (1)(' Borough in the interest of
.I" a I so h' f
C'mg p1ann('r] or nC'xt we('k. aud prl'\'('lIt oVC'Tl·rol\ClIng. , o f till' Xarl,,'rth Presh\·teJian
. - Church , \ Iarg" II 11 III h C'r 0 f t I1" .llllliors <1'" il'an Ll'gion. Boy and Girl ~"out,s, and the ""ighhorhoo'l good, and espeeially
F or .In f ormatIOn . as to the dntC', timl', !-:xou,'ratioll TC''lu('sts hy Tax Col, ilt the resiclellce of :\lrs.•lohn A. ('a],l· '1'1Il )l l I ",
I at tl 1C' IIOml' 0 f 'I ., argar('t
r',IV· Ihl' hask"thall tl'ams now using the Y. in IhC' intl'T,,~t of the town's young
C' t c.. ca 11 ~f~ rs. R oryC'r•.X ar h ('rth 1>,
':1-,) .•r. It,(·tor Ha~'1Il01l11 C• .Toncs, \\ ho present· 111'11. I F]~:!
I Elml\ood ~
a\enu('_ ' on 1'hurs· ,IlIgstonC', (hl'slllut " a\·,'nll". ThurSlln\' M. Co A. iloor. pl'Op1l' and thl'ir welfare, aUII the
"d a lOllg l'-t t.t P"Opll' "ho. he claims, ,a~'" I'lTlIary dh. :1 10 ,) p, ~r. Sll\'er "\'I'IIII1g". .T"nllan· :1lst. for th(' hi. The Plan monip$ contrihute,1 hy them wC'rc in'
off"rtllg for II,,· !>ell"frt of the Aux· .' . . vl'ste(l IIIll1 lISl'd in th"se purpooes; unci
]""l' m(nlO or (liell. \\('re held O\'('r for 'li monlh mC'C'tlng of that organlzatlOlI. .\Ilhollgh still 1'lIIbr)'onic as to d('·
ThC' ailmlrers of ~Irs. Georg(' Bean, io\·estig'ltion. ThC' remaindC'l' of thC' 1 ary. Plalls wl'rC' discu,<s(',l for thC' forthc{)m· tail. thC'rl' se"ms to '!>C' prn,·tically a Whereas, For ren,sons beyond the con~
who has ~[>okl'n 10 the Xarherth Cluh llwl'ling \\i',. takl'n up in rOlltine hllsi· iug 1'1:1" "nd dan"l'. F"hru"I'~' ~.ith. ul1«nimity of sl'lltimC'nt with r"gard to trol of thl' .\ssociation, find of whieh
women so )))an~' times ,on eurrC'nt The ICl<Ji"s of the Thimhle Cluh of the t,he . Borou!!,h is quite fully inf()rme(!,
flll'th"r c!l'!ail., of \\ hil'h 1\ ill appear ill the ultimat(' ne(',1 of thl' eommunity-a
Cy,e,pt._, ,\,jll he pletlBed to lffirD thllt Karbf:'rth J'J'~hyterinn Church will 1,,,
a latcr isslle. singie bnildin<T large enough, and com· it WII,;; necC'ssary to cease Association
she has 'h{'('n secured to next Tues· I'll'as"d to wp!come all their friC'nds at ...
PASSES TEST .\5 an aftl'rmalh of thl' insplrmg p]ete enough to answer the neC'ds of ul'tidtiC's sevl'ral yl'ars ago; and
dn~' afternoon at the regulllJ' meetin~ the residence of Mrs. John A. Cald· Whereas, Such a status eould oh~
tnlk gh'('n last 1I1C'l'ting h~' :\Iiss EldC'r, ",'I'n' organi7Altion.
of the Women's ('ommunity Club at well, 1-22 Elmwood avenue, on Thurs·
Thl' n,,\';' .\m"riean La France PUIllP' of thp ~Iain LillI' F"llpration of Yisit· The see<Jnd feature of th(' plan, w'hieh viously 1I0t be m«intained a ireater
2.30 P.:l\1. Mrs. BC'an's mlks havC' al· day, February 7th, 3 to 5 P. ~f. A
ing" C'ngiul' of the Xarherth FirC' CO))), ing XlIrs('s. in whieh shC' explainC',l thl' sel'ms to ml'l'! wIlh g('nC'ral approvnl, is length of tim" in the absence of any
wa~'s hC'en intensel~' intC'rC'sting to all musi('al and lit"rary program \\ ill be
plln~' has pas~ell h('r tC'sl,. with honors. np",l for ('haritahlC' assi~tal]{'(' of all Ih" I'rohahk pl,"'ing of l'\1(·h a 'ltructllre visihle signs that the future held prom·
who arc interested in cnrrC'nt C'ven!._. fUI'ni"hl'II <1nd I'pfrCS'hments sen·e(!. Sil·
RatC'd at i:iO gallons per minutC'. shC' kind" th(' ('\'('ning was largely de"otC'cl on thC' Pla~'grollnrl Plot at \Vindsor an,] ise of hC'lterment; and
The ha!ancC' of the program "'ill in· \'C'r offC'ring, B('nefit. ,of thc Anxiliary.
Il"v,,!opet! a ,liseharg" of 7S,3 gallons 10 making of surgical <1r""sings. \\'ynnf:'"ood avenuC's. HC'!(' we have a Whereas, B"canse of the conditions
elude thC' usual musicnl numhers and ~Iis" :\fargarl't BurrC'lI, Chairman of "ommllnity tral'!, already plunne<l for mC'n~ioned, the property of the A8S0~
[Ier millute at a s[IPed of 1.22ti R. 1'. .:\1.
SOITlC' very interesting reports from the :'II r. H. C. Sharp. "h" has hC'('n trav· eiation hft$ oe"n sold, and wil! shortly
The tl'sts were l'on,lurle,1 &1turclay thC' committeI' in ch<1T/,!C' of the eartl l'ivic purposC's, n'1I1 one which would
c.hairmC'n who are in chargC' of thC' va· ('ling- through XC')\' York State, spC'nt hC' trnn~f"rred to the purchaser for bus·
antl ~lon,lay under thC' supervision of r,art.\· to 'h" givC'n F('hruar~' Hl in the 1\('11 fit in with the genC'ral pIon.
rious aeti\'itil's. The for thc last w,'ek·en(l at his homC' on Mont·
TholJllI" l-'. D"yer. pngineer of the Firr gou(('ry pike. Y. ~r. c. .\.. ,]istrihutNl tirkl'ts for thC' The complC'tC' projC'('t incorporates so inC'ss ns"s. thl'reby depriving the town
afternoon will be Mrs. W ..r. Kirkpat· affair, SO that all .luniors arC' Il{)W \\'ell many possihilities for ch'ic C'xpansion of a c('nter for its community acti"i·
l'nllerwriters, 1111<1 himselfaXal"h('rth
rick. tic,; <In(1
N'_'idC'nt. The t"sts were made at 1'l'nn prC'pare(l to supply till' II('man,] from all that it is difficult to visualiz('. Not only
• Tn'nt~- pork, PhiladC'lphia. '!.aRI ~aturday aft(,T!H,on .John ~Ic' e:Hd sharks. weml(1 such a plan ooln the prohlem Whereas, After liquidating it.. ohli·
W. O. O. MONTHLY CALENDAR This 1IfT<lir. if enthusiasm among thC'_ of a homC' for the organizations, hut it i!a:ions. IhC' ,Assodation will have re·
This perfoTInnncC', ma'le in zero ('onrt and \\'illiam TOTl·hian<l were
mnining a considerahle fund of monl'~'
\\'C'athfl was sho\\ 11 in a tC'st of t\\'O "cen in XarlJPrth riding horses from. .Tuniors pOllnt. fol' an~·thing. promises might also he made the nerve center of
Sat.. Feb. 2-Children's Dancing Class, hours' eon tinuons pnmping. Th" ap· th,' I'ark\\ 11~' Hiding 8"hool. to hI' a hugC' SllcrC'5'. Cle\'er priz('s the Bor~llgh. The prC'SC'nt antiquated \\ hieh will he sub.kct to dispo<al III
10.30 A. M., Y. 11. C. A. :Irl' 1'romis"c! for I'"ch tahl(' nn,l reo though piduTl'''que Elm Hall could giv" thl' ,'ise'etion of the Dir('etors nf thl'
paratus delivC're,1 o\'C'r 1047r sp(,l'ifipd
iM'on., FC'h. 4-Lihrary Staff Meeting eap:wit)" an,l fnnctionl',l perf"ctly with· .:\Iiss En'IYII 'p"th'lI \1 ill JIl<lkC' a fly. frl'slimC'lIts of \'ariollS kinc!s ar(' to hC' way in fa\'or of the new plnn. \\·ith thl' '.--(II,:,l1io,,: th,·r"for". he it
and Birthday Celehration, 12.30, Mrs. ont. henttng or vihrutioll. :'Ilr. D\\)'C'r illg tlip from Brislol, \'a ..Tenn., to 'be ,,'n·('c!. ThosC' \\'ho \\l'rC' present I"st r,,-ult II,,!! t',l' "irl' Ha!1. ('oun"il P.esolvec1, Tha t t he Boa r,1 fll II.\'
R. F. Wood, 2:17 Forest Avenue. preSl'llt at t-l1C' goldC'n I\p'lding nnnj. ~'I'nr I'an wC'l1 rl'lIl,'mh('r thl' c!,'Jieioll< ('ham!'1'T a,,'] all !:o\'l'rnmc"t,,1 ,I<-p"rl :-r ('(1!l'lli7(1", itR !'\1(1\\ nr"!'ihip, nnd th(l np'
appro\'C'Il th" C'nginC' for a('ccptanc".
At the Fire C()mpan~' meeting TuC's, \'C'rsar~' of h,'r fTrnJ',Jparent,_, :l\fr. an,1 h"nll'-nlllc!1' (':Ik", :,uc! ,'r,ol,',,_, (1",1 t!lI'
Tues., Feb. 5-Parliamentary Law menls "oll]11 fin,1 thl'ir hnm" in Ihl' lortllllit\ :hll":: nfTrHI'(Ic1 of
(·(IIl..:tr,·C'ti\{' ~f'r\"i('(, to the rornmuoit.\-
Class, 1·2 1'. M., Y. l\f. C. A. <ln~' night, .:\fr. F. G. Egmor('. of Elm· :'Ilr-. ,', hi 1", 11'111'1, Ilf (h·,'rhrook. fol'" ,'''Ill r- 1"1\',' I' "'Il"I,,1 10 ,'I'pli,'''t, ('''mill' :1',' Ibillling.
Tne'., F"h. :i-8Iate,1 Meetin.g, 2.30 \\'00,1 a\'('nuC', tnrn('t! in memher8~il' "1'''11' , f '\arl<,'rlh. I Ilot.; I' "fl\':' th:- 'I "I'. I':, r"- "f <'\ PT\' Conference Called
1'. M., Y. M. C. A. wrds for every resi,lent of the str('et i '1'''1 ripti/lll :l'll 'II t /"d(·r. :llld all' (lll't~ 1'\110\\ ;J1~ tbt' ma !lIitl"'P of
f'iP p'Oll

Wed" Feb. Ii-Gymnasium Class, !l.30 not ~'I't a mC'ml)('r. This is a "rl',litahll' "',I' .1"1" Ill' the' ('lIrrl'nt E\'('nl'" ,'~ass \ ,-I'll! I" I !:I\' "'" , ",," 1Il"kl' ; P " Ihl' ,liTl,,'tllral(' of thl' Y. :'II. (', ,\. hi(\'I'
A. ~I., Y. M. C. A. Gym. ncp"lllplishment. anll mil"ht \\ ("l h" to 1(, 11f'!1 1 :'t tl:t' 11l1nl' of ~Ir~ . .1. :-:.1 ';1', (' fIr n .. jl'1!f' ~I ,1 1 ,T()IJ~. 'l.lPn,'- ~'JlIl'l" 111:1"" ;..rpllefal '(l'nllUIIPlldatiol1S

Thurs., Feb. i-Executive Board Meet· matehpIl in olher part,... of Ih,' tOI\ II. 1;:III:~ 11:1'" L I'01! ('hlllJ;~t'd til F'(lhrl:<lr." ].t, j1iIHWh'(l, I tl·. Il~' m;\ly pliol1:ng in t!l.,ir Tt"'~lllt1ti()II. 1(,:l\'ilJ~ to a ~('n

ing, 10.:10 A. ~r., Mrs. G. Orth. H"nl'll "n,1

I,:,rlin', thl'lIl eml confl'TI'ncl' the' llIatlpr (If tlC'tails
Tues. FC'b, 12--Gurrent Events OONFERENCE ! ~'r, :I1'd 'Irs. .\rlllur Tlp\\nf. (If luj' ""'\' " fJ'!:11 tLI' ~1I1l1 of Ti ('PlltS. Zlntl '('01 1(', Tltis ml·('til1{! \\ill hl\ IJp!d
2.:1O 1'. M., Mrs. Emert Drew. I nutl]e~- a \'pmH'. ha \'" 11l0\"',1 10 lh'" ll",,'t fo:.:' t. -,,,t rd:I\' "fll'lllo"n, in the y, ~f. ('. .\, Oil TIIP,tl,,~· 1'\"'11
Sat., Feh. lti-Trip to Winter Art Ex· TIl(' Fiftp('nth ]'1'1l1l"'I\'nllia ('onf"r 1'" 1'1. \ "\I \ 1''' rtm!'11 Is. "1'1'111:11'\' 1/ t It, <It :..!.:11 1. ill flit, Y. ~r. iJlg, ""'!In <if\' ~l;th. :It '" ('p. Tn it wnl
1 I', \, Hlli!dillIT. 1 (l :J1\'itpd tIJrf'(' f('''T('!'\PI't:,ti\"I'!'1 fronl
hibit with Miss G. Masters, 10 "". M. ellce on S''<'ial \\'elf:I1" \\'ill h" !J('],l "t
Sat., Feb. 16-Junior Card Party, 2.:10 \\'ilk, s·Bar~", ]'""n'~'ha"i,,, F"l'rl'nT\' \[r, "n': :'ITr~, \\'. H. Kll'inpd!. (If I Th(' 11"Xt 1Il~'(':i'l! "f 1),1' Jlllli"rs \1 ill thl' f,,1!Il\\ ing ~I ('I\'Ir (J'~~allizatiolls
P. 1\£., Y. M . .c. A. l:l-1Ii, ]\124. 1111' J>:lrk\'ol'\\' Apa,tllll'nts, (IT(' 1I0W Or' hI' held :It th(' hc.nll' of :'I[rs. l>'lT\·i!IC'. now l'xislt'nt or Ill'li\'l' ill the BOl'ough:
Mon., Feb. 1S-Ren-ding Class, :'Ili,~ ldll Thi- ('onf"r(,,"'l' \\ ill J,C' of g"rplIt ill' "III" iag Ih"ir nl'l\' hom" on \\'ynn('llale ""'I'r 1':"1 x an,! \Tpri(l!1 ,,\·('nll(,~. nn TIle Borollgh of Xllrhl'rth. ('<lrl II
Buckman, 10.30 A. M. tl'rl"t to ,Ill thos(' \\ ho arC' working iu Hoa,!. Thllls,]n." "\·"nong. F..rlr ar~' 11th. This M .. t:',g"l'T, IInr· Boro·';.;h ('ou,"'il. \\'.
Tues., Feb. 19-Parliamentn rv Ln w soda I welf:! teo The lo('a I- organization· i~ til J I' a \',,','nt:I\(' • art'·, \\ ith a p'o' H. II, I1,d!. Pr" io1l'llt· S,'hno] Boare!,
Olalls, 1-2 P. ~., Y. M. C. A: that will be replesellted nt thl? Couf"r· )'Tr. :11',1 )'11S. Sustare Dil,ltn,' :-r:':11 "'.f1ttin" the o,'c:lSion, It i... , C. H. ,slcCart!'r. I'r"sid('nt: ('hlllllhC'r of
Tues., Feb. 19--Stnted. Meeting, 2.:W 1'1'1'1' Ilr": The F",II'T:ition of ('hureh"s, ',. of X:trht'l·th , nrfl r('(·piving- eong-rntn- h"p('o1 that all "luI> nll'ml>l'rs \'. ill h" Co III III t'I't"'. Dan;,,] r ("I"h. l'rl'si,:enl
P. 1M., Y. M. O. A. Miss Constance Hastings, Field SC'l'rC', I:'ti,,",~ "p"ll t),C' 'hilth of II Jll'{ -1'111 to "Hj",\' a Ih'C'h' "\','nin~. :"arhf'rth ('h'i" .\'sol'iat;,on, Hohl'rl .T,
Tues., Feb. 26--Current Events Class, tary; Wn~'nC' ;'><C'ighborhoocl J,e<lg'n(', lIfrs. DiC'!Jn \l'ill h(' remC'mhpr"tl CIS Y<'Rh. J'rC's:e!C'nt' .\ II1l'r' ea n 1,,';!ioll
~Mrs. J. ~. Harris, 135 Merioll A\'C'., :\fiss 1IIarguC'ritC' Bptts. GenNa] ~I'rr," ' f s ~!al,,1 HIII,l'.\·. BOWLERS FROM: NARBERTH Frallklin Frl'tz. C(JlIIl1lllnolcr' .\JII(·ricnn
2.JO .P. M. tary; the Main Line Citizens' Associa· Xot C'vC'r~'l O(!v knOll s it, hnt it i' J e illn AnxiJial,v, :llrs. .\. \V, Bul'l's
tion. Mi-s .loan \VolJnston, Assistant )'Ir. ,:,,<1 ?lTrs. Fre,l C. Pnttl'n have \1 ell worth rpcOl'tling thnt to Xarherth'~ Prl'si,lent: l\fe In nr ill I ('OIllITl iI t,,('. ea rl
A TEA Secro'tary. harl as thdr gtlC'st :II r. Dong!as :\Ioore, mall" (lthletic 'aud sporting eonquest~ H. :'I1('t"l!l'r ('hnirllllln' Kin~'s Dallgh
If ~'ou nre int~rl'stetl ill IIttl'ncling' the of XI'\\' York. eousin of ),[rs. Pntten. onr Rorolll!h ean boast a Bo\\'lin~ Tl'am ters, Mrs. FI'(,(] B. Derl)~'. Presi,lent·
A very pretty afi'air, in the form of Conference, 1IIr. George R, Be,Jing('r. :'Ilr. )Ioore waJl guard of hOllor to the e'omposf:'d enti'e!y of Xarherth men. n. \. H .. ~frs. ,<::. 7,. RhopC'. Chllirmun'
II.tea, was 'given oOn Thursday, last illy 1432 Pine Street, Philo..delphia, will sup- Prince ,of Wales on his arrival at the They are holdillg their OWII nnd win- Tennis Aasociation, \v. n. R. Evnns.
Mrs. Carr~ll JX.wnes, of WoDdside Ave- ply you with all information. Columbia Yacht Club from thQ H. M. ning laurels in the Drug lLeague, "'-hleh, President; 'I'ennis Auxiliary, :Mrs. O. V.
nue, introd~cin.g Mrs. ·.carroll Downes, S. Renown. by the way, is the oldest bowling Kruse, 'President; Narbc.rth Choral So-
Jr., wife of Carroll Downes, Jr., presi- NARBERTH BUlLDING AND LOAN league in Philade~phia. ciety, Henry JJ:rye, .President; GLr1
dent of the Downes-Flint /Motor Co., ZERO TEMP.ERA.'l'UB.E AT Four years 'll.go Oharlie Haist organ- Scouts, Miss Rutih Haws, .captain; Boy
of Ardmore. , A meeting of ~he stockholders of the ~.AB.BER'l'H ized and entered the tenm under the Scouts, W. H, Durbin; Sooutmaster;
The house was decorated. in pink Kil- Nllrberth Building nnd Loan Associa" name Chemicals, and this year the' Women'8 Community Club, Mrs. A. B.
larney roses, daffodils, ferns and palms. tion to nominate officers and directors Tile Co-<operative Observer of the genial Do~ :Hartley took ~ver the man- 10088, President; Junior Community
Tea WQ8 served to sixty guests. Mrs. to serve for the ensuing year will ,be Weather Bureau reports that zero tem· llgershiJp, because who else is better CLub, 'Mias Florence Hnnf, President;
Downes was assisted bY' Mrs. ·R. G. held at Elm RaIl, Thur~day, February _perature was reeorded at 2 A. ~. Jan- fitted to handle chemicals than 11 doc f League of Women Votere, Mrs': C. P.
Addis, «)f' Oynwyd; ']41'11. WUlJaDlc 7th, 1924, at 9.00 0 'clock .P. M. The ullry 21. Two hours later there was Q The team is composed of Masus. Fowler, PrE!flide~t; Community Library,
Winn!!; of Philadelphia; Miss, .A.~ice eleetion' wdll be held oat the anil.ueJ rise of half a
degree, and 1;hen 0. fuJI Hartley, Raiet, Smedley, F. Da,vls, D. Mrs. R. F. W<ood; Li'brarian; Bllliketball
meeting in March.
Uf cour.e• • •

bl()l,ming, but let us gl't busy now to Three Hun<lred DollarB ($300.00), l'nss,·d this ninth day of January, Telephone••

OURrrOWN I work out

I "tartl'd.
our I'laus and gl't something 11"111" For salary of Borough So· A. D. 1024.
licit,'r. :-;"\.,,II t.,· th,' Dollar, ($,,-,.1'1". \\'. H. IJ. IL\LL,
deliver - allJ
A Co-operative Community Journal ur,kr Hoses. The gro\\ 1'1',.' ,' ... tal"gs 1t ,'nl ". 1""1' sa la 1')" "f Boruugh l'rt .... idpllt of l'ollllcil.
o "'nfil a .. d ,,"hll,It';d p\'f'r,' t'alur,lay h)' . :11'" ,'ulnpr"h,'usi\·e. ]lOl'lllant, Ii .. ld Tr('(\BlHer, Three Hundn',] )l"I:arB The Brightest Spot in Narberth
the Sarb~r.h ('Ivle l\8HoclaUon. I growll plants ('jill lip JUoyed
, as April. Potted pla"ts "an h,' IlIo,· ..d
1IS earl.\' ($:I(l(),O I.
It"nl 4. For "alar." "f :-;tl'(,,,t I '''Ill'
('11.\:-4. \'. "OEL,
:-\('('rt'tary Ill' (·oUII\·il.
A J:!rug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
I'I'US('IUI'TIO)l1 I'IU('E, On" Ilollnr and
I.'.tty ('",nt8 JU'r )'ear In adl'lInt'e ,I Jlll)toIt 111ly tlfJlP, hut we Jllust wlll~k ill III , .... lllll·r. T\\,) Thllll:-':IIJlI Ollt' HUlldTl'd \ 11111'( '\-I·d
I or pillar alld t "t'St' I 'u]'

SOlllt l ('!lJllhillg TOSl'H II ... 1;-",::,1111 1,11111.
,\. IJ. 1024.
I ,1"'lIld h" I'lant"d III Jat" F:t11 ,,' ,'a' I., I 11,'111 -', 1""1 FII .. Pr"t,,;·tillll. :-;ix ('.\ II L 1\, \II·;TZ<; I,; B, Special Prices
, :-;j>l'lllg. Th,,"-al'.] D"llars 14: Ii 111111111" C"id Hur~,·s-.
; ..\ Jary \\'alliu'l' iN a new J~lI·He thu-I 1;"111 I;.
: .""ar, b.. illg' di,trihut"d ·11)' gr<l\",'r'm","' "f 1/,·:,11", Oil" T"OIl""Il.] '1'''1''''' 1/1111'
1-'01' t'\IH'II~t'~ III' tIlt, Bll:lI"d
fo r
: IJl)TH or the AIJlt'ri"all HUM' ~Ol'i{,ty frlll11 ,irl"! :11111 Forty J)llliars (:;':1.::-111.1'16 .
: st<wk supplit'd hy flit' l>epartlHt'lit (II Ilt'lIl 7. Fllr polil"f' '\\IIt·II:-o-(· .... ;--\1'\"'11 SUPPLEE
Social Affairs
.\:\ OH!lI ".\ :\('1-: SOLD BY
.\gril'ultuTt'. Th,' "TIJwllilLg' a,·hi .. , .. · Tho'lSall.] Fi\'\' llllllc!rt'c! IJ"Lal" ICE CREAM
'I'll I.,"'." and Fix tiJ,' T"x,'s in the
I'hllip All ...• LI\"llI~"toll, Edllur
Hnlph H. Dunnt" TrPJlSlIrI'r
nit'llt of Ill'. \\'all<'r \"nll Fled who
i s),,'nt mnllY y ..ars ill d",· .. l"j>illg tlti,
'1,""~' 1""1' ,tll,,'t lig-htillg-, '1'''1'''''
Borough ·of :\arhl'l'th fill' till' Y""r I!I24,
Tllt' l'lllllll'il tlr t!l,' Itortlllg,h (If :\'ar·
i H(~,'t' for our gar,J"lls. '1'111111"'11.] '1'\\" Illlndr,'c! 1)"I:ar" NARBERTH, PA.
Ill'rt h dcII'''; oJ" 1;1 ill: "Notice the Flavor"
-----------------: Th" HOSl' l\lary \\'alla" .. is of tIll' I.'!,::.~l'''.'''' ,.
~llt·tiull 1. Til:lt tlit· Bllrl1ugiJ t:I:\(':-,
l'orn'spond"'H'e f.llr th(' Editor shall I.] pillar tyl"', growillg Ithout. t'ight f .."t Item 9. For station .. ry, pul.Ii"IJiIl;.:'
h" ' .. nt to J'ost ~Il~l'e Box 91~(j. Hem:!' tall, allt! is id('al for arb"rs and tn,l for th,' ."""1' 1!1~4 'hl' aud tlt,,~· an' It"r"
IIrdill:IIlI·I'.... and gl'llt'ral
falin's for ndvertlslng, suhscrIptions an,l . \I.'" It'\"i4'd :tlld Ji\l'd :11 tlll' 1":ltt' (If si\·
m .. mhl'rship to Box ;'8. II ".. s, th .. How,'rs arl' ""I'y lrll'g''', I'll"" "!I'lil/-il '·'Jl"IISP:"i. Two Tho\l.... anll Two
t,"'n I Ii;, mill" oil tit" doll"r (If th ..
() Ill' 'r own .IS 011 "a I" at t h.. 111'pot ' .
pillk ill rolor, lllld it hlooms Ilot ollh'
. . .
Hunl!re,l Dollars ($~,~OO.OO).
:t~~t's:-('d \"(t!\Iatioll. :It't'Hlding- to a~sess­ MARSHALL CO.
Il,'\\'s'stalld, lind at the ,,1,,1'1' of II. E. III .Iullt' for a lOll/; II" a sO II hut lI.. ar:- Ilt'l1I 111. Fill' rt'llt of ('oullcil {'h:IIlI'
I1H'lIt :11101 Yaluatioll for (',uullt," }lilT
Da\'iB. , tlllw .. rs dllrillg' tit" l'iulllm .. r alld Fall. 111'1', '1'"" 111111"1"'" P"ll:lrs 1$21111,111/1. CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS
Eult'TPd 11M RPC'OTIl} colnss Tnllttt'r O('folH'r: JJitHl-al'lf' proof and ahsoluttlly hardy. hridgt ' ''',
ItelH II. For 1'0:1\1:-, :llIll
].-.1 It. WH. al th" Post Oll!,'p al Nurl... rllt, Paul's Searll't Climher is anoth"r ('arl' allil Jll<lilltPII:lII('P of ~:Inl(·. and ('01· Passl'd this lIiuth of .JU II lla ry, PHONE,NARBERTH 1661J
PPJlnNyJvunln, undt'r flit' lIet CIt March a, ,. ' . .\. fl. I!I~~.
J~j!l. . vpry satlstaetory pillar typ(' Rose With It·,·t ion of ll,.. 1JI'~. Eig-iltt ('1l 'T'hollS:IIl.l 1

-----------------1 all t'he g'ood ImhitJ., of .\Iary \Vallat'l', »" 11" rs ($18,000.00).
\\". H. IJ. lL\LL, •••• m_~_O_D_D_D_ _ a _ a _ a _ l I _ a _ a _ a _ l l _ a _ _ D _ _ a_a_ - - - t)

OUR TOWN 'lvill qladly prillt I'Xl''''P~ it .onl hliJ.Oms in Junl'. The
y It"111 I~. 1"0" HI'II','r r,,"t,,1. payahl .. Phone, Ardmore 10·11 R
"lIews about any subject which is 1'.0/01' III hn/hant, th" form g{'nJ>I-douhle to I ,owpr \1 '
. "!'lOll l'
owns Ilip, aliI! main· ..\ ! tes t: ~H tht' ont' Iliure f"ilnc'utlonnl Nill:ht Calla. Narberth 667J
('H,\.:-4. \'. ,,01-:1..
of interest to N aI'berth folks. Cot), II kp Mary. W :ll1nl'{', al1d eall be elaBsl'd 1t'1I:1I"'" "f ""\\"1''', FIlur lIUllllr"rj D"l· lid \'t"rtl"'t"IQf"ntK on ('hlrol.rlU'th'in
Sl'l'l'etary IIf ('ouneiJ. Rf"d Book
is duc all Wednesday of each week, With the J)ll!lsp,'nslhlps for the hnrtly la 1'" I $-lllll.llll), Radio N",WN WRAY HUGHES HOPKINS
this :Wth .lay of .Janunry, '»hoto J)IB~"
at () P. M. Copy submittcd Tucs- i garden. . ltenl 1:1. For C'ol1C't,tion of g'Hrb<lg'f' .\ppro\-t't! !\Ielropoillan D.C., Ph.C.
day c'l'eni1lg will rcceit'c bcttcr ron-: A Ida Lovett--shell pin k, Be"" Lovett :Ill" 10011,1 fill' sam". Four Thou.-:llld .\. D. l!l~~. ~("Ien("f' Hnd Inu"ntiun

sideration when spare is limi/rd. I brIght. r,'d and l\lary LoHtt-pure Eig-ht HUlldn'" ]lollars 1$~)~OO.flOI. C.\HL B. \IETZGr~R,
Trut" ~tor)' Palm. CHIROPRACTOR Groda...

:--================='I whit,,· art' alllo on thl' apprO",'d list of

good e1imbers.
I 1"111 II. For :-:illkillg' Fnlltl to I'''.''
Chief Buri-:pss. l-'unMf'"
prillcipal ·of " lOlli' of Threl' Thou":lII,] ('rf"H('t-nt
SATURDAY, FEB. 2, 1924 Our ol,l fril'll,ls the Crimson RIlIll' MInd Po,,"pr Plu. Hours: 9.15 to II A.M., 2.15 to 4 P.M.
1J0J!:II'S ,';;:(,111111.1111" tlat"d De,','ml,pr PLAIN SEWING AND MENDING I'rlmar:~r Ed u('ad Ion 7.15 to 8.30 P.M.
hll'r find Dorothy Perkins with their 1, lS!li, One HUII,lret! Dollars ($IOO.rIl)), and J.J oth.-r mllJrazlnfI'H runnlnf{
mildpwl'y hahit and t,Wl rank growth Prices Rea.sonable monthb',
/EMERGENOY PHONE CALLS It''1ll I.i. For illtprpst 011 Fiv,' H'IIl' HYLO TABLE
Fire, 350.
Pollee, 1250.
"an he ,Lisl'ardl'd' for the improved
tlrt',] Doll"rs ($.i(1I1.00I, halnll"" of n
loan of Thr.. e Thollsnllll
])llllarB Phone, 668-W. 225 Hampden Ave.
or Ardmore 20. Any .. Iimhing rOBl', howe"l'r, will rlo Narberth, Pa,
(:;;:t,IIIIIl.lIll). I!:lt .. ,l ])"""111111'1' I, I.~!),.
mU"h )('ttl'r 011 nn arhor or on II tr('l·
'I' \\('11 t ~" fl \'t' Do Ila rs ($2,i.llO).
lis t.hall plant .. d a~aill"'t a bniltlillg-
where they cannot get the sun anrl
principal of ]<:>all of Fift~',olll' ThOll'
'rl L' II l'irl'll'lation of air that thlT slwuld you have your shoes ruined elso-
II' ,.," igll\\J1Y ])t'l'arlml'nt, likl' ""lid )Joll,,'rs ($.i),flllll.IUII, ,I:ltf>,l ~Iay I, The Better Kind
"Jlh"r d"pal'tmt'l1t.s of t.Il1':-;t"t.l' admin. ha,·e. I!III'. :-;I',·ellt. ..el1 Huntlred Dol!:trs where, give us a chance
. Emil Uray call 1)(' rl'comllll'llrll'd for
Jstration, is fundi'oning' hadly. This
was also tru,' of th,· ~tate Highway
, a yl'llow elimhl'r lind that well known
lind much admirell ROllI' Aml'riean
It,'m 1i. For illtl'rest on Twentv·
215 Haverford Ave.
Department lust Yf>ar. It will likely hI' six Th()II~llltl Doll:lrs ($211,000.00). h~J.·
jnst as true next ypar un!"SoS thl' de.' Bellut.y is wondl'rful in th .. elimhing :111"1' of a loan of Fifty-olle Thou"lInd
================= Our Ice Cream, famous throughout the Main Line, is
.pnrtment's w:lY of issuing nntoIDQhile.
, form. There ill n paMicularly fint> plant·
in~ of thill Hosl' nl'nr hy anrl thiB ,,01·
])lIl111rs ($.i!.OIlO.II11 I, Ilatl'd May 1, HEMSTITCHING better than ever.
li,'('nses i., radirally changl'd.
umn will keep us pol'oterl on whl're anrl
InOi, Onl' Thousand and Forty DollarB, Pleating Button. Covered
In o~her WOI'<IIl, the Htate Highway when it eun he seen nt its beBt. ($l,II-l0.00). , Art Needlework and Notions 16 DELICIOUS FLAVORS
Dl'partment is hehind in its work Item 18. For Sinking Fund to pa~" DRESSMAKING - SMOCKING
Orrler Flowl'r SeerlB. Orrler Yl'get- Us own statement of the llll8e . prinl'il'"] of a loon of Twenty-se"en, A. J. HERRSCHAFr, 318 Dudley Ave.
. .
lB llllfllrent, but thnt matters little to I,1n
n'hle Rl'erls. Upt thl'm 1n anll put them
' t'1n'b axes t a k ecp th ('l mIre
. nn"~ "amp·
~ ThoUS:lIld Dollars ($27,000,00), dated, Phone Na.rberth 16'lZ W WHITE'S SWEET SHOP
liB whpn we know of casl's right here ness awav for it will soon hI' time to .Tune I, 1000, Xine Hunrlrl"d Dollars Bakers of Quality
in ;'Ij'arhcrth alld el"ewhere that prove' on 0t rt th I' . 1'1..1..1 ~ '1'Ings nn"~ th en tlH' ($000.00),
I r S('d,
New and Old Floors Surfaced I
our point. II gnrrlening- spason will he on. It"m 10. For illterl'st on Eig'htl'en GEORGE W. LIGHT 219 HAVERFORD AVE. Phone, Narberth 1705
Thp tlcpllrtmelll.. has is.'IH'tl its usual' Thousand Dollar.< ($18.000.00), halanre. • Fl Sf,'
sol('mn pronuIH·i:lInelll..o or ukase to the! on a ].oan of Twenty-Beven Thousand' ElectriC oor ur aCing
motor vehil'lps oll-n .. rs of 1'('lInsylvanin' HEARD FROM THE SIDE LINES Dollars ($27,000.00), datl'd ,June I, !!lOO,' No Dirt or Duot
lhnt 'on and' after y"s!l'rday, Fehruary I Six Hundrl'd anrl Thirty DollnrB 219 lona Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
($fi~O.OO). . Phone. Na.rkrth IUD J.
1, nil "al"!< IIOt equjpP"d with the nice I The women (If olle of the female
new ·daubs of Jlurpl,' 011 ypllow willi whist clt~hs "all Ihemselve8 "l"s Itl'm 20. FDr ''''inking Fun,l tD pny, !;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;~~;;,;o;;':l
prin{'ipal of a loan ,of Thirtv Thou~and ;'! - :
Itavp l..o remain io the garage or the' Girls!" Gel" TXISB the :'\I'stlc 'B Foot!
drivers· tbere{)f will be hdled off to I to Grandpa.
,1l1,r,aare viII'. . ' I
Dollars ($:10,000.00). Ibtl',l ,iuly J, lOlli, '.1
0111' ThouSlln,l Dollar" ($1,000.00).: U 001
Nalbprlh TaXI'
1 ~Anri"p
I here arc :lIlto owners In the Bor· i Hot dnwg! hut ,A. Thornton Bnre ,loes Itl'm 21. For interest on Twenty-fi\'1' ' , patrIck F. I:'onahue
ough who a.ppliptl for thl' licenses us ride homl' in ,,1..\'11' from the Btation. Thousand Dollars ($25.000.00), h<Jlancl' J
long ago ns Ia.<t !\()vemher who have . of a loan of Thirty Thousan,i Dollars Open Day aod Night Pbooe 1633
no! nWl'ivl·tl them. Inquiries to the All'x. ~hnnd Ila~·.- thnt th .. n .. \\· st~'ll' ($30,000.00), dnted,. 1, 1!l11i, One ~;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;!~"",;;~;;;;;;;!~~~;;;"",~~~~I
Htntl' De(mrtment hring no reBponse. in cl'nars this ye~lr are longer and 'l"housnlld Dollnrs ($1,000.00). PAINTING GLAZING
Home who rlirl apply under the new wider, Itl'lII 22. For Sinking Fund to pay: DECORATING JOBBING
Drop in and Treat Yourself!
principal of a loon of Thirty Thou·
l'ertificate of tit.le lnw foun,d their i
naml'S gurbled in the titll' and rl'turn- t Now thl' hig qlH'stioll nmong thl' "an,l DollarB ($30,000.00), llaterl Aug. WILUIIIEWBORG &CO.
I'd the pa1?ers and hllve sinl'e hcard, wimmen politiekprs, What Sh(l]] b .. dOlll' I, 1022, One Thousallll DollarB' Pllntlng and DtOoratlng
noUling from till' rlepartmellt, despite; \I ith the town Ill'II11p1 ($1,000.00). 212 Wocdb'n. A"•. , Narb.rth, Pa.
itB hig building and its hUlldreds of Item 2:1. FDr intere8t on n I{)an of. Pllone,A,dmo,el43& W Nerbe,tll 1758 \\'
.. Ierks engaged spl'.('illIl)' for thp first· II Shl' rolls h.. T o\\'n, hilt th('~' tlon't Thi rt.y Thouslln,l Dollars ($30,000.00), i
of-the·year rush. stirk wherl' she put.s '"m. And in n ,latell Aug. 1, 1922, Thirtel'n Hundred
i lind Fifty Dollars ($1,~50.00). .
Th'Ose owners will he unnhle to drive publie plal'e, t()o. How chagrilled.
thl'ir pars after today-not physically I --- Item 24. For hand of Borough Trl'as- '
111' .. 1', TWl'nt;··fh·e Dollars ($2;i.OO), i
unahle, hllt legally. They will motor: And hl' wouldn't Ilrink chnmpagne. a few items being closed out at
Itplll 2.i. For '~!ntl' Tax on 10llnB,,
forth at thl'ir pl'ril. The new highway i an.d his wifl' ,,"ooldn't e"en smokl' a
eops will c.otch them if thp)' don't. perfump,l l'igart'lte. Wh"t a coupll' of
watch out.. And in thl' ml'antime High- • stiffs.
TitreI' Hundre,] nn,] Eighty Dollars
material reductions. The careful
and discriminating buyer can get
.. A New Body Type
way CommisBioner Wright is putting I I !"Ill ~fi. For expenses of Shad" Tree;
articles of genuine worth at
out his bulletina for free ,publieation i One of the Xnrberth warnell who g<Jt f'ommission, Two Hundred Dollars 1
to the effect that everything iB all marriell lust ypar hll.' now gonl' back ($200.00). prices well below the market.
right; that the acpartmpnt h., ul' to: t·, hl'r 01,1 fare. Sel'fion 2. That no work shull hI' or· i
Still, we repeat, C8.veat Emptor!
.lat.e in its work, nnd that it's nonl' of I dl'rr't! nor ma!erilll pur.. hllsl',1 l1nll'.OB'
the public's businellS who is hired and I WJ1Y try to get the moon on a radio ~ llutborizl'd by •
a"tion of Council all,l:I
who is fired in the departml'nt, >lind so One hug has hl'l'n trying for fourtel'n e,O\·pr..d h~' lIllonlpr on thl' reg'ular I
forth anrl so on. months to gl't Pittsburgh. r,'qlli"ition forms. All hil'lll mU8t he
approvell hy the Finanee Commitee and I
The tit.lo law, whieh took effeet in
Novl'mher, long hefore the titles were ']\"I'd is a renl supporter. It's the hI' paid hy wnrrants dTllwn on th~ Bor·,
:lictually received by the motor owners, l'!,eeks thllt count, ough Tn'lll.<urer, signed h~' till' Prl'si· I
Phone, Narberth 2277
was usc<! by the depnrtment up to the dent of Council an,l countersign('<1 hy'
first of the yenr as an eXCU/Hl for the Hllve you piped the Bpats in I'vi· the S!'eretary.
<!I'lay in mailing the tng"l. But in the ,1('n"l'1 Kiss me, kidl

last few weeks tho department has had CUSSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
the nerve to e.laim that even with the RAPID CONSUMPTION
udditional labor of making the titles Two cents per word if cash accom-

panies advertisement; otherwise five
the supply ,has equaled the demand. The pntron had JlIld bis orller in for
cents per word. THE SEDAN
Also that next year, wHh the titles out 'hree-qullrt.ers of ~/l hour.
{)f the way, things will be different. ,. Hasn't thut sig,' 011 tbp winrl'lw
But motorists suspect it will be the 'lny ml'nlling for )OU~" he Ilsk!',1 thp ELEOTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS for
rellt. Phon" Ardmore 17.
$3,25 Harrisburg F"O.B.
",arne old story next year and every The 8tate Capital
ot.her year under the prl'sent condi-
"Oh, thntf" ~:Lid thl' B?l"\'It'"r.
"'rhat 'Quick Lunch llleallS :I!tl'r yon<"
The truth of the matter i:s that the 'rder is ser\·ed."
WAYNE-A real home for real folks,
Large' rooms, library of new books,
$2.90 Elizabethtown
With Ua .Maaonlo .HolDeIi
The Tudor Sedan is a
distinctly new Ford oody
Wide doors, folding front
seats, well spaced interior, bndly manage<!, Of such a log fires, . home cooking. Close to P. R. $2·.25.. Lan.c.aster ty~ admirably designed dark brown broadcloth
mixllP as ,has occurred this year w(Jul'll R. andP. & W. trolley. 'M. Shol'muker.· for harmony of exteri<'r upholstery and ilttractive
.not be likely to happen. Either th41t iir N(). 225 Phone, Wayne 424, '. AND RETtlBl!l' appearance and excell· trimmings give it indivi-
the 6ystem Whereby 'all licenses are i8- AN ORDrNA-NCE S~nday, February 17 ence of interior comfort duality, comfort and con-
lIued BholJld ,be changed, so that cen- Making un Approprlati~n to Defray mOE LOOATION_Hou 6 I' k I' e pin g ~',r:l~Iu::n;::uen~a&\~olcJ~~I~t. and convenience. venienee.
tral diBtributing stations ~ould be es· the 'Expenses of the Borough of Nnr- Ilpllrtmeut, $:15 pl'r month. Address Haljllbarl'. anda~ opportunltr At $590, its price is lower See this exceptionally de-
"'1'," eurl' Our Town. wID he .I"en to " the eomlDo-
tablished in the l41rger cities and towns berth for the yoor 1924. dioUI and beautiful Illaaoulc than any sedan ever put sirable new Ford product
Hilmea at EU.abethtown......·
for this purpose. This is the Byatem The Council of the Borough of Nar· ROOM-Warm, sunny. room for oue or T&UN UAQ8 on the American market. in Ford showrooms.
used in other States with &uccess. berth d(Jl!6 ,0Main: two gl'ut!l'meu, near lltation, with Narbertb . 6.117 A. M. ni. Cdr can b. obt4i,..J on tIt. Ford Weekly Purc/uIH Pld. •
'1'herOfore, t08unr up, either the de· Section 1. That the sum of Fifty-six boaI'd. Phone Narberth 2261. co~:::~gl';:nbata~~ :rr:-In
partment i.e inefficient, or the system is Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty· BtoPPl1lg stprlnclpal stations be- RALA-CYNWYD SALES & SERVICE
Monttlomery A.enu•
inefficient. Or 'both. five DoUars ($56,765.00),. be' and the lUlLIABLE QOLORED GmL for day's tweeD Paoli and Mt. :SOT.
. CJ/nwyd. . . .nn••
same is hereby appropriated from work.oOr
, ttlke' bund.les· home. Helen Beturiatn.i leaves Horrllburg'l'.111
P. M.,. Ellzabetbtown. 7.40 P. M..
,!JllIne'yII.J~ ,be,I'.!le..~i,,9cl.fr9~,,~Borough. .[-'*11110U, .'664N. 57th .S~reet, iPhiladeJ·, . Lancallter8.OIl P.?rL .'
.,~. tal!:(ll\, andmi8Clell1ll180UB reeeijlts, ·fo~ phia. ~"~f~:=:-:!t.~iUii'~
Febr,lary-'the. month for' theg'ar- 861lU'ies <if Boroug~ offieers and to ode· .. . ..... . , . . . . , . . .. '. " .
,dener t08~1't to·order,leed.·andi plants• fray tMexpense of .theBorough of s :YOUBo.YQtrNGSorEBSwill be '·L..n~hianl·'a'R"R '. SuSt'I'",
.PUt tlI:u,JpOor see41~ and' iiU~"rYIDilD N.arbert;h·'fo.. the. veG.,,· ,Dec.em. r for bv a. high lI.cho.ol. gir.l. in.' ,th.·.e·even.~ .rli~I,IJ, ... ' · · ,. " . . •.
4Uld Ki.v$ .them. a. chan!>&lDon"t:wait :\)ed31, 19~, asf:Uow6: . . . i1lgl..aouth· Side pre.ferl'ed.Phone~· :'~·~·~,oitheW~I.'
-tu,:MJa.1' Dr JWiB. ~A~np are 1. For ttllm.
8alarrol' 6e~retar;r; ~arberth 22111. . .,(1!i-p) ~§52~55S5~§e~5~ \ ,"
. .' ." .~.: . ..:./


NrWB of 111r ClLlptrrllrB \\ l'pk ,Pra:"'4'r :-;('rViCl'. Suhjert,' I How

l"'on1f> On'at ('h:lractprs FOlllld thp ~[lV­

HIGHLAENSD ST. MARGARET'S CATHOLIC ;;l1lf.' I ThL... \\ ill } II' tltt.' lirst :-tlll\.'" \111-

CHURCH 'I'r this g"II,'rlll topi,' 1111.1 \\ ill '!I'al

II itl1 ('orJlt,jiIlS. .\l't--. III: ]!I·l""l.
• ~UtJJHY lIlns:--('I~ and

at -; () '{'jock I'


n ·,·Iock. Ou first alld third Su 0 01".'
II,,· late Mass is n lIij!h ~llI~s. follo\\I'"

1':,,1.' .\1"", at ' A. ~1.

.\ ('lIrdi:11 iu\it:ltiull is
t!lt' Sl'r\ il"t'~ of



flli ... I'hurl'll.

to all

IsYour Property For Sale?


BRYN MAWR. THE OLD MERION FRIENDS' Woman's Club Building, Ardmore Ave.
Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882 MEETING HOUSE
~rontg-I'mery Pike. :'\u~berth. was e,tu1, ~lIl1day Rl'nire" lit II A. ~[

lished Ili~:.? l!l're William l'l'nll \\ or RUliday R"holll S"'T\'i"e~ at J I A. :\1.

HOWARD C. FRITSCH shippe,l. as wl'll as mallY other 1I0tl',. "·p(lnf's,ln.'· E"l'llillg- T.'stimoni:L1
Justice of the Peace Friends. One of the historical 'pots 0
.\I1lprit':l lS upt'n for worship l'\·t'ry
~Iee~ing at 1; 1'. lIl.
Hea,l ing Hool11. I H "'. La ""aster A, I' ..
We are having a good InquIry at this tIme
Fire Insurance-Best Companies
First·day (';uu,l:Iy) Illornillf: at II daily, J~ to 4.:W 1'. .\1.
() '('Iock, Till' suJ..if'<'! of thp Ilihlp 11·.",n RI·r·
and look forward to qUIte an actIve early
Phone 1749W-215 Haverford AVII.
Fir,t <lay Srhool is helLl e' ery Fir,t moll for }o'l'hrllary :lr,1 will Itp .1 [.0\'1'."
01:1." ,Sun,lay) ,t 111 .\. ~1. in the :'.11~et
Spring season. If you are thinking about
Narh~rlh 371-1" Ardmore HI3-J in;.: ]lOllSf'. AIlY llllC dpsir:JJg to at
telltl l'ither the :,<lult ei:lss or the youn;.: OVER RADNOR selling, why not talk the matter over with us?
VERL PUGH pe·opl,'·" ,' will he very ",el'·otJlI'.
Electrical Contractor A ,,,hnlwinll victory Tlll'~d;IY llig-ht Our Narberth organization of five men are
HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN O"pr Hadllor. its all"iI'IIt riv,i1. alld all
Elef>trlral Repair. and
814 Graylln&, Ave.

8 Crlck~t An. CHURCH, NARBERTH, PA. ""erwhel'llling dpfpat of thf' AluIllII' always trying to give our clients real servIce
Narberth. Pa. Ardmore. Pa. last Fri,lay wpn' thl' d l'le<'! a It It> tit·
M. E. McLum, Pastor ltit8 sen'l',l up to Lower .\Ierioll Hig-h
S"ho,,1 rootprs durillg- thl' wepk Ity
In real estate matters.
Narberth Beauty Shop H('~\I1:lr :--:t'r\·it,t's :--:ulld:I.\". Fphruar.'· ('oa<'ll Forsthurg's ehnllll'ion prollli"ing
103 Essex Ave. .:. 1!1:!4: haRk<'lhnll tpnll], Ha,!II"r, n ftpr a g-Iori·
Scalp 'Treatment, Manicuring 011' fight. "'l'nt hal·k hOllle with it"
':--:lJlIl~:t~· ~('holtl. !IA,) :\, ~1.
Hair Bobbing, Marcel Waving.
Realdental Appolntlnenta
Phone Narberth 1149-J or 1606-J
Boil"" allrl YOIlIlg- :'.1"11 's (·lllS'. !1,4.i
A. M.
I'rl'a"hillg- S"rvi,·.,. 11 A. :'.1.
R"alp missillg to a ~i·:.?:1 tUlle. all'! the
Alul11ni left the I'ourt entirply hphl'nd·
I'd ani! sunk unrler a ;)IJ·Jfi eO:.lllt.
The' AJulllni 111a~S;lt'n\ "·as (lxtrpnlP]Y
~11'l'I illg. i.4.i 1'.
ill lllofllillg:
11:\ "llic!' to th ..
gratifyinl! illaSlllU"h as it ga\'l' tilt' REAL7'OR
1I111Il'rgrnrluatps 0I'P"rtunit~· to pro\'l'
COOK BROS. I ~(,J1S Ill' ~I('n."
to thl' Alumni that while they. thl'
Thl'lllp ill (',"piling: I, ~talldillg-
.\I1II1111i. wl're strong in years they w,'rp ~arberth ()Brrce City ()ffice
PLUMBING, HEATING :\ ) Olil'. ' ,
wpak in ability. Jt wa' also Homen'lUlt
'1'1,,· andi"""es \\en> good 011 last ~UII­
ROOFING Ilay, and the s,'r"i,·"s helpfnl allrl ,at·
of a revenge for the defeat whi .. h th,' At the Station 1214 Locust Street
gradunte,. inttiet('d on Coneh Forst·
i,fyillg. Th,' "'ord was faithfuJI~'
Jobbing promptly attended to Iturg's l'1wrnpiollshil' foothall t":UIl last M ember Philadelphia Real Estate Board
pn'a .. h"d to two d""ply illtl'restl'd anrl
Nlcbt Pboae. Narbertb 817 filii. the only dl'fl'at which th,> elt'\l'1)
ott,,"ti\'I' ,,"s"lllhli,',. 11 must work
Da,. Pboa., Narbarth 302 J ,utfl'rl'd thrlllloghout it.s sea"on.
good to thl' 1"'01"1" lH'arillg alld to the
:'\ot\\-ithstallfhng thl". thl' l{.adnor
ehurl·h tha t ":dls th"m tOg-I't hpr.
\'i,·tor.'· WIIS tllp SI\'I'('t IIf "'·P<'ls. A
Th .... hoir of youllg IH'opll' do,'s
gn'ater gal11p of ha"",etball coultl not
I,ol"y and thl' l"ad"r i, l'nthusiasti".
ha\,(' he('n desirf'd hy the 1Il0st t'athusi·
TIl<' \\:ltr'!lwllrrl is "Forward."
asti,' follower of that sport.
Bell Pbone. Spruce 38-90 ond 38,97
Game Nerve Wrecking
Kefuooe Phone, R.ce 70'1. NARBERTH METHODIST
EPISCOPAL CHURCH 11 was n whil'1\\-ind affair from till'
GARAnteed Roofs go all(! the most thrilling-also ner\'('
ral'king-of the nurnher of thrilling-
Some priceless natural resources are placed in the earth only once. When
used, they are gone forever. Coal, for instance, how rapidly it is being
Arthur S. Walls, D. D., Pastor
g;lmes ,,-hieh L. !lL. 1-1. S. had made a burned up. And how much of it could be saved for our children and theirs
" !'lun,lay. }'phrnary :1: hobhy of putting on this ooasol1. ); ei· if Electricity were used for more purposes. Electricity is made with coal.
!U.i A. )I.-Bible. ·~chool. ther !>ide gainod a safe lead once dur- When you USe Electricity for every possible purpose, you are promoting
• H. RICKLIN'S J I A. ~1. un,1 i.4:i '1'. ~I.-~forninf: ing the game and e"ery time a fie 111 efficiency and economy.
and Evening Worship. l'rl'aching hy gonl WIlS seared the lea<1 f'.!llIngl'd
the pa$t.or. handB.
Hardware Store (\.4:; 1'. ·:\f.-YoungPeople 's :\Iel'tiui{. 1'.;n<1illl{ at half time with the score
Church Notices ](;-14 in faV'or of l~adnor, the ganl<'
Th., Hpv. Dr, ('. W. Straw will prt'al'h Wl'nt into a 20-:!O tie just ahout thrl'l'
• ~unrla." /IIorlling. :\Iarrh :!. in,tpad of
minut<-s hefore the end of the gam~.
l'hf' crowd was on edge' and a perf~et
BnL PHON" Narberth 1256-W tomorrow nlorlling. a:-; prf'vjou81~7 an-
noun ced. bedlam broke out a few seeonds later
GEORGE W. BOTTOMS when Paul Scull gl'llIhhed a pnss TIght

• -Contractor and Builder-

The. Woman's Foreign :\[issionllry .so,
r'et." will JIll'l't ~Ionday ot :!,;10 P. M.
at th" home of :\lr8. John L. ~riller. lIS
out of the hanl!& of a Radnor player
and whirlmg dl'opped the ball nea t Iy
through the net for a much needed
Vacuum Cleaner
E~sp:x :\ \"t'lll1P.
420 Rockland Ave, Narberth, Pa. two pointer. Another tlouhle-deckf'r was
I to the L . .M. total h,
works had hall a ehl!nc.e to subsid·e I<S

HARRY B. WALL Rev. John Van Ness, Minister

t he result of some lightnlllg passinf:.
Then hefore the teams had an oppor- DOWN
Plumbing, Gas Fitting :\I"etiugs for ~unday. Fl'hruary :1:
tunity to line up for another tap off
the whistle ending the game sounded
and Heating !1,4.) A. :\I.-Bible S"hoo!. :\ place
ann the Maroon nnd \\'hite was deelar-
aud a wl'll'o/lle for al!.
• NARBERTH PA ",1 vidor over it.s ancient f'nem~' in There is no longer any reason for the housewife to
II A. :\I.-:\Ioruiug Worship. Ser-
Phone, Narberth 1602-.1 the first of their two scheduled league swing the old dust-raising broom. An Electric Vacuum
ilion th,'m .. : "The Healing Tre,> of
.:Ilarah.' . Cleaner gathers up the dust and germs.
1;.4.i P. :\r. - Chri,tilln Ende<l"or Hutchinson Scintillates

For Permanent :\Iee.ting.

i.4:; '1'. ~r.-Eveuing Worship, dur-
Though the entire team played ex-
eeptonally well, Hutchinson, who hlli!"

Satisfaction il:g whil'h th" heautiful pagpaut, "A

~lodpru Christian QUl'st," \\ ill he pn',
'1'lItl'd hy tht' Christiau Eudeavor t;o-
heen scintillating at one of the for-
ward' berths all Beason, stood out as
the star performer of the evening. He
BUY A I';"'." of this ehun'h . netted s-even field goals and four fouls For,a limited time we will deliver to your home for a free trial on your
Church Notes for a total of IS of his team's ::li points. own carpets one of these latest model Universal Vacuum Cleaners. After you
have tried it and if you decide to keep it you may pay the small first payment of
Smedley Buill Home
The sl'ssions of the ,Junior Church at Bob Savill, who had been ineligible
.tbe hour ·of :\Iorning Worship :Ire prov- for two weeks, had his scholastic ban $2.50 down and the balance $5.00 per month or a total of $54.50. Cash price,
ing most intt'resting and helpful. All lifted ,iust before the game and was $49.50.
l'IJildren from six to twelve yearll of permitted to resume hi,S' old plaee at
nge are invited. The subjl'ct of the ('enter. His retnrn grl'atly strl'ngthen-
WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY Les",on ,Story tomorrow morning will I'd the quintet. Phone Ardmore 17 To-day
he: "A Little Girl's Surprise." Line-Ups
At the Prayer Meetin.g next Wed, Th·e line-up for the Rl\lIuor frapas
Thos.A. Kerrigan &Son I
nt'sday ev.ening Mr. Yan Ness will lead
in the stndy of the Forty,second ,Psalm.
was the same old one which was sent
in to do the finishing work two weeks
The elders and their wives' will he ago 'before Savill was temporarily dis- ARDMORE BRYN MAWR WAYNE
Building and Contracting entertninetl at the home of Mr. and qualified. It eonsisted I()'f Hutehinson
Mrs. Frederick M. Robb next Frillny nnd OilfIllian, forwards; Savill, ('enter:
Homes For Sale Or Rent evening. Paul Scull and. Bevan, guarLls.
Plans &; Estimates The regular monthlyrneeting of the The line-u.p for the seanoo with the fought at Ardmore on Friday.
Furn,1shed For Women',. .Missionary ~oeiety will be Alumni last. week with the exception
Gold Footb",lls From Alumni
Alterations &; Repailing
Write, Phone, Call
he){]. at the ehureh next Wednesday
ufternoon at two 0 'dork. The country
of Cuthbert who oceupied Savill's plaee
at eenter WIllS the same as in the Rad-
Gold footballs were presented to the A SPECIAL FOR MOTORISTS
fr,r tliscu""ion is chosen, long known nor contest. eighteen lettermen of the football squad Three Standard Makes of Tires
429 BROOKHURS'r AVE. and to Coacha Forstburg last FridllY
ns the "Hermit Nation." After the In the Alumni line-up Ilt the start
were Willis and Bill Power at for-
morning at l1Ssemby by l'resident Bill FREE TUBE WIT.H EACH TIRE
program an informal soeial will be
Shupert of the Alumni Aseociati1>n: Special for Two Weeks
held, All ladies invited.
The Narberth Thimble Clu-b invites

al! the ladi6!l .(If this congregn tion an{].

their friends to a too at the home 1>f
ward, Ryan at center, and Kartz and
Frank 1'uinn lit gunrd.
Gi1Jfillan and HllItllhineGn shone in
th'e Alumni fray, The tally at half
The medals were in recognition of the
reeord of 110 scholastic def\eats which
was hung up 'by the eleven. The 1IUln
Jamea G. Werking, Owner

Mrs. John IA. Cal~well, 122 ElmwoGd time read 23,10, favor t4e varsit)'.
who received the insignias were: Montgomery and lona Aves. Phone, Narberth 368
hlUl been purchased by
A\'el1ue, on nllxtThursday aft~rnoGn,
Captain Folwell Scull, Peabody, Free Crank Case Service
Vanity Record
. f-rom 3 to 5 o'clock. There will' bea Knen, Hill, Barr, Dllwmth, Dohan, Cars. washed, day and night, $1.25 up
Walter Roser sil ver -offering for the benefit of the
Following is the varsity basketball
Peterson, Derham, Paul Scull, J-ohn ~ l!================================:J
team '& record to d'l1te with dutee 'n Fl<eming, Lockwood, Markee, Odiorne,
\Y olllen 's AlIxilillry of this church. lIll the facts: Oo5tello, Gene Nugent, Reiss and Pur-
.TlIn. 4---[". M., 3; J~nkintown, 24. ring. .t ••
FOR TAXI SERVICE BAPTIST 0Htt1WB OF THE JlIn. 8-LO'wer Merion, 14; Media, Ilk
Phone Narberth 672 or 22~5-W
.EVANGEL .Tan. ll-L. M., Hi; Upper Darby, 12.
Jan. 15--1.. M" 24; Lansdowne, g2. Assembly Programs
Look Into The Future
Rev. AveT:1 S. ])emmy. Pastor Jan. 18-L. M~, 19; Darby, 18. A debate on the winning Hok Peace As you look into the fUture, you cannot tell what it will bring ' ..
.Iit.~. Jan. ~L. M., 13; Chee~!Jr, 21. Peace .Plan, No. 14!69, furnishett the forth-but sttll you know that you will need funds.

;_~.~t::.s,~:n,~:~g:;~~~~:OI~: ~1..l\8se~ "..~:::,~:,.~:: .:~~. "~~~:: .~:: _ _'.' ..~_:;~~~.:~:~:~.;:~n:::;a::;;n~~

&gin right now to save if you have not done 80 41 the PlUlt.
ff====":;"".';:'R'·=·=.='.-.=.··".=·."=B'·='·"::::'B'="="';;:'E":;:'' ::'' R:::'' :::+-=''S·="=':,="::"=,_·;:"'' =·c=..i1 .. Open an account with the Merton Title lit Trost OOmpany.
u for all grades. . Total_L. M.,155;' Opponeiit~, 152:
taken by:
Gene Nugent and Rusi:i;, Mary 40/0" ~T-Pii.1d·fu 'ou£·sa.Vh1gs .:FtiDd. Department.
':, .. 'and. ,.', '..' . n,A.:M.':"'-MorningWorsbip. Com.,.· M;edia Highwll1 fu~i8htheopp08i- the ~egativ~by ¥i!.rcusGoulding and
. .t':!O·.'.'·:""S"1:IE··S'" ..~unio~:.gerVice. " .' tion in ,the 'game schliduled Uel'trilde ba8~etb~li Downa. THE 'MERION TITLE & TRUST CO.
~~ . ~.·_;' '.- 7 ,p; :;M'•...:y
·.. . . ·._1..!·•.• ,_,a':'.t·. . ".D,.:·
. _ .'.',.
'sJd'eet!ng..for .the Ardni(lre ';gym thil; afternooIl.
..., .....'.·L·.Q.r."':.I.,·,$·
"'.' 7~45 'P. M. EveningWorishl'P..Neltt~,Upper·D~Y.w;Ui
_ : _
:.~ '.._~
..' '".•:. . . ,.;.,.,.•'•. ,:...;:.. . .On'1'uellday mornin,g the plan
b~ play: explained 'bY ;rolep'hPr~rwho gaveotmgPeop~e ~s' NARBERTH ARDMORE.i»A. .13ALA-C .YNwyp
."!::=======::~==~!!!!=!!i:::=::!J1;~;;B., P;·!.H;.::;w~-_,.;'l!ht8li\nF)[id .. ~.!'~ :'1'~~8~ll:Y'.:~~A.~,,-d'l)~")v;I.ll :1>,8 a s~epeech. JU::====="='=;i=====================:::!J
,.. .. :,'
': "'.

Chairmnn Mackey contemp]fitl'-S a Narberth" A" NABin1RTH MAN FOR DELEGATE·
6··_ II _ a_

Field F{lul AT-LARGE

number of change;; in the police Ilepart·
ment. allil his committee has dl'cided
.T. Pi,·kie, forwnrd
Goals GOfils Total
;; 5 15 Hobert E. Pattison, of Chestnut ave·
21 st Birthday
agnin,t the prof.osed change in the fire
alarm «ntl'm at this time. ~Ir. ~(ac'ke)' I>avis, forwar,1
Yo\\t'll, 1·(llltn' . • . . . • 1
4 I
9 lIue, is heing mentioned as a probable
3 sell'ction of the "Liberal" wing of
'1'\\ I'lIty'OI)(' ~'(,<Irs II~". fllrt~· prllgn'ssiYl' rl'tllil ,Iruggists-ill- •
an,1 ('hi','f Donnghy hnve ~tnrteJ a drivc !.qJil'pd II.\" 1.(Jl1i~ I\:, LigJ{t't,t-l'1l1iHtf'd t()~I·H1(lT ill I,he ~.o.operlltive
('001«" guarcl 0 (J 0 llJ:lllllf:tl·tllff' :Jlld distrihutloll of drug .",tore 1l1I'Tl',h:lt1lh:-,p.
to elose up all ,penke<lsie,; and gam- the State Democrats as a delegate·at-
TWO NATIONAL HEROES-WASH- hling- joints in the town.ship. :-il'veral Harsch, g"uard 0 1 1 ]argc to the national cOllvention in Tllda.v tho,;" oriJ.;illal -1-11 1<",,011 ~tOrt'S havl' illl'rl'ased to lll.OOO.
Henry Fellowship Thl'ir "o-o!lPrati\'1' orJ.;Illli,",tioll. th,' 1'lIitl'd IIrug ('ornI~\lIY. ,Ioes
INGTON AND LINCOLN raids hnve hern Illnde and n HIIIllher :-;pw York. all :1111111;11 hu:--illl':--.:-i of $70.1 (10.01111 ill thl' l'l1itt'd ~tat(,H n]oI\P. 1

Field Foul
,,1' pl:lI'I'S ha\'(' eithl'r clos,',1 or ~toppl'll Without sepkill~ to agree on any
'1'llis rl'nJarkaldp :\('hi('\'PIlH'lIt h:tS t'oll\l' th1'l1llgIJ tht· cOllfidcllI'(l
TLt.,rary ]\(IS a\"ail:ddt' tlllle)} nl:l- th,' sal" of ill,,!;al hooz,' lInd I'ut Ollt Ooals Ooa}.-; Total alld "",,d·will of th" Jluhli,·.
.r. I.i"th, f"rwnrcl ] 7 "alldidate for the Presi,lellcy. thill elc· From February 1st to 16th inclusive. \II', \lith thollsllllds of
f(.ri:tl ill J't'fl'rt'IH'I' tll \\':J~hillgt(Jn ~Ind tl,,' J.;alllhiing J.;anll's. TIll' rel'0rt (If
I.jlll·olll. ('hit,j' ])()II:q:h~' ~ho\\(·d 00 arr('~ts in In
lI11rpl r, fonulrd
l ) 4 8 m!'lIt i.', how,'\'PT, pml·tieally a Ullit ill I othl'r 1<1':\:011 Prug~i'I'. a 1"1' ,·,'!,'},mtillg th" TlI'l'lIly-fi,.,t Birthday
:1 oppo:-ition to tho raIl,]idae." of "'illinm of this g"l't':It IHlldie l'lI'I'\'ill~ t'lItt'rpri~t',
Fl'llTII:II'Y at tht' I.ll,rary Illillg"s many A. Lieth, cen tre . 1
d:lYs. as follow': D\lrillg- tid .. hi~ ":1:(' \,t' ;11'1' otr"rillg ,\'0\1 111l1lSlI:d har~aill.s nil
ft'IIIII"•. t'-lfor !.tlilks ;lllll t'lipping mat('- :,\jt·ho}s, ~uard .. ,,' . .) 1 5 I;. ~fcAdoo. (J't'1' .... t.\(·/lt~· ll':ldillg itt'III" :111 (If highl'~t CjIl:llit.\" (lilt! ahsollltply
Report of Chief Donaghy (rnllaghPT, gl1(1rd . . • . •) 3 i
li:d fl·latillg to tlJt' t\\() grt'at .\lllt'ri· F"rmer Xatitllal Chairmall\"alll'e C. g'llarall tt·('d h.,' II!".
~Ir. l'lilf"r,] ~lal·key. ~'hairlllan, L"w,'r ,'lIlIIt' jilin (HII' 1';lr1." :111.[ ~;l' t' lllollt'.\" 1111 \\1,11 kllo\\ 11 f)lt:llity
('(In.:; \\'ho:--t' Ilirtild:I.\" . . llt'l'lll' dHrill~ tilt· Narberth "B" ~l,.(·"rmiek is the :\leAdoo h'ader. witli
~ft'l illl\ 1'0\\ Ilship Polire ('ol1ltllittl't', gllOI!!'i,
Illlllll1J "-;I,ltiH!.!fllll :Ifld J.ill(·II~Il. ~Ir~, Field Foul Illte Gubernatorial candidate .]ohll A .
.\ r, 11110 rl', I 'n. Goals Goal,; Total :\1,.RI':II·T:lll an,l fOIllH'r State Chairman
):11:'\ ....

lht, l;!lr:lri:J1l
tILl' I.JLrar,"· ..
ill l'llargt· /If
rl' .. olll'l·t'S IIIl

nl'ar ~ir; YOt'lIlll. fllf\Ulfd 'l ti Ilrll ,,' F. Rtl'Tlillg" a·' his "hid lil'lItcn·
Sale Starts Feb. 1st, Ends Feb. 16th
.u},j""b. has jllst ""1111':1'11'01 a list "f I r"'I",,·t fllily sllbmit till' foll"\1 ill': Hil·I<lill, forward :i 1~
a II ts.
Jl0t'tr~' ill,"pirC'd rt'pCl:·t (If t11(' Of(lTatinlls (If
1Iiol!r:tphil .... lidioll :llId
},y tl"',e I11l'I1 and \lhat,'\'er (If tll"ir 1l1'I'arllll"lIt f"r thl' m(lnth (If .1aIlllllr.\'.
th(' ll"li(·t, I'. Hllmphries. eClltre. 1

Hurd, guard 0
Th" l.ih,'r"ls ha\'c tl'lItati""I." a~reed
(III 'Ir. l'atti,(,n. who was thp party
jl~\ 11 \\ rit ifl~'" It(I\'t' ht'I'11 PT('~('f\'l'd. frt l lll l>t'I'I'1ll11f'T ::'7, ln~:~. to .Tanllnry ~], ~r. ])i"kic, gllarcl ] :~
,l i I\Ol1lilll'(' for Li(lutPllant n()\"(\rnor on tll('
I (I,
Thi' ll1;iI"ri:t1 \Iii! },p ,1i'I'Jay,',1 dllrinJ.; 1!1:21. TlIl'r" \l1'rl' 011 arrests made dur- II. Humphries, guard. 0 (I' 1!':2~ ti,·kf'l. h"a,],',1 hy :\lcSparrall; for·
the Dl0tlth (Ill :I sllt'lf ~t't ;l""!" fill' 1111 illg tllt-' J]\outh. ('''Illmer, guarll ..... 0 n 1Ill'r <,,,"gressman \\'anen \\'orth :'oIARBERTIl 1620
purpos(', filltl tho"{\ illtt'!l'~ll" j I .1:11111:11'.\' 1. I~':':·J. ~TOII' of .J.ohn ~ht'r
Henry Fellowship 'IB"
I"ield Foul
Ilaill'\'. ",litor of th" John,town "J)CIll-
.:._ll_m_a_ __C lJ_Q_lJ~_Q_ _O_p_O_ll_n__ II • • • •
111\\ ;111," lit' it h.,' :lJ'IdyiI11! at t11(\ Dis r,", llltli \rest I.anr(l~tC'T :lVPlllle, ilr~'11 I'll' T<\ t·· '; ~Iaj·or John FarTl'll. ·of "-c..,t
tri},utillg Il,·sl<. Thl' li,t g"i\','n hl'l(l\\, ~1:I\lr. midl'o! ],\' <'hid ])onaJ.;hy, Ser· Goals Goal;; Total
Che,tl'r. anrl former Congrl'SRll1an Har·
is only Sllg-~e~ti\"e alll] a more ,]daill'd ':"allt 11,·i,·hol'r ,,11,1 ()1li""rs Rol>\:rts al\d ~f '·(~lIa~I". forllar,l o 1 1
r\" .J. Rt"I'I", of Easton. tn he included
]i,t \I ill I,t' f"Ulld Oil til" Blilidill H,,"rd H,,\". "1Io! " I" r~I' qual\tit~' 1Ir' liquor Hllg-hps, fonulrd .... ., 3 7
aJllOII~ th"ir call,lidates for t1eleg:ltes·
Bramble, reHtre .. , •• 0) 2 (j
:11 tl", I.ibrar~·. t"k"IL
(il'llrgt' "'llshillgf(lll.
.I""":IT\" :2. IfI:21, Ofiit'er ""hlt-tt. wllile Li('th, gunrd
'Yilli:ttll Hosrop patrollillg his bfl:lt (Ill :t hi('~·{'lt'. \\:t." I\f~·"rs. guard

7 at-l:l rg('.
50 Cents a Ton Discount
Tll:I~·(,T. t-trll('k 11,\' an cllltolllohl1t' o\\'l1('d h~~
\I,'""~,,, alld l'"p"r~. :\f"--al!l's of \. :--t:II,lt-V I:. ]I"i~h, :il!l :\orth :\arl'C'rth SCHOOL NOTES For Payment on Delivery
th,· j'r"si,]I'lits. :1\1'111.". ""rbl'rth. "'I Hr~'11 :\1:I\lr :1\1'
\\·lIshill.:tllll--]l"TO T"II's frllm .\IIH·r 1111 ... lll't\l"1'1i Highlan,l ll\'ellne alld '1'1", "dit"rs for thc \lel'k ar": .Tohn Elm H:lll ma~' ha\'e look"d f"r dif-
i"'"1 Jlistor~·. H""",\·,·\t "n,1 I.odg-". '~lolllg"lIlt'r:' a\·,'nlll'. ('Yllw:·d. ]I" "',": lIarli,.k . .la,·k FostPT. ('harl," Li!,rl',t f"rent than it ,li,] at th.' l"st ,;alll'l'.
"Ta~hing-ton'~ .-\lIcl'~trnl 1IIIml'. ('Iip- taken to the Br\"11 :\fa\l'r Ho"'pit:d b~'1 alld Emil\" Halillum. ],,,t if it e\"er did so it Wns \I ht'll thl' Most folks trade where they are treated best.
pillg jilt'S. \lr. JI"il:h. "hl'rl' it \I:IS fllllll,l he llad This \ll'ek ('I1ds thp first scme~tl'r. hiTt]s san!' in the tree. that 110\1' a,]llrtl
lI:lJ'P\" llc,i,1:Iys. F. (;. ,,·il·kt's. "J",'sible fral'\lIrl' of th,' left kll"I'. Xo mid.year l'xamillations will I'e h"ld the floor as Olle h~' two-inl'h 'boards. Treating people as you would have them treat you,
Lin<;uu> ()1li,·,'r ""hl"tt It:" not rl'tllrtll'd til (,\('I'pt ill tl,,' h,df-:'ear Sllhje"ts usnall~' One \"oul,] ne\'er ha\"e thoug-ht that the is the biggest and best plan for building a busi-
I.illr(lln. Lord ('harnwoo,l. \lorl<. "lIl11pldl',] at th" elld of thi' week. The plllce roul,] have un,lergolle sllrh a
Perf,'c,t rrihllte. !If. H. R. Alldrew'. .bllllar\" .1. ]!I~~. E,] II <tTl] \'. nOllgh . .\ ~,·(·ti,," "f (lr"d" Eight will drop, chang". Th" g-en{'Tal l'!Tl'cI was ill
.\hraham Linro]lI, a ,hor( history . .T. "r!.\'. :2.-,'i K"nt ]1.0:"]. \\·YIII\I'WIIO,]. was (;I'o'~raph~' alII] Hi,tor:' allll take 111': hlock and white. The stnge walls \I:,'r,' A telephone call \l.,ill insure immediate delivery of
G. Nicolay. : 1',,110,1 d""d In- Offi,·"r Rtagg- in front l.ati:1 alld (;eller:tl Scil'nre for the rp-! pane]l'cl an,] fittl"] np as a ,]rawIllg
"'riting' of Ahraham ...dn.' ,,1' .\'ha H . .1;"lnH,n's resii!en"e, Rose· maindcr of the \'Car: the R Rertion "ill, rnom. the 0]'] ~'e11ow wall, Wl'rl' ell\'-
any domestic size, Lehigh Valley Coal, 2240 lbs.
Pamphl"t. ! 1Il1l1lt. 'IT. I>ollghcrt~· 1r:1,]hpell att"n'], rl'\"'rs" th" arr;lIlgement. i
pre'] with ,ilk tissne. nil'] ,,11 o\",'rhl'a" to the ton, brought to your home by men who take
~ran for the Ag"s. In'ing- B,\I·hd!pr. ill~ a I'art:· at tl1(> .Johnson resi,ll'ncl' (·oll1mnnit~· Civic_' in the :\illth i lias ,,:orke,] ~ut as a g-i~anti" cohwph. pride in good work.
:\fN<sagcs lIn,l Papers. ~fessages of "",1 \1;1' l'r:lnki"g hi, maf'l,i,,(' at the Grode will he suhstituted for Yoca· i /In,] clJT"dl~' In thc ~entre "as a r":c1.
ti,,, Prl'sid"nts. tilllP hi' ,1i",1. J)"ath causell b~' he:lrt timl'll Ci\'il's. The .('omml'Tcial Se,·tion Ilone~t-to·gonclness sp"ler ahout a fO'(lt
Lineolu-J!pro Talps from Al11l'ricau failurp. of th" graJe wi11 soon he intTftcluced to IGng. anll ruhies for e~·es. The wnrk
J!istfIT~'. Hoose\'elt and Lodge. J:lI11lnr~' 11', ]!I:2~. Ser~p:lnt Heichnl'r ofllce praetil'e, alII] a little later to of our esteemed arti:-t . .T. C. l\frKell.
X('\\, Light 011 Lil1po]n ':-: Ho~'ho{)tl, nnd Om('flT ~rallo~' nrr('~t('rl thrfl'(' mpn typewriting. The entire decorating srheme eman-
Atl:lnti,' ~ltlnthly. Fpbruar~·. ]!l~O. in all autnlllohilc nt ~fill Creek Roa,] . Thp Board of Direptors hell] th"ir a1ed from thl' fertilc hrain of .Tohn B.
The Linroln I knl'\\". :\fcClllre, Dc· an'] Bkdd.'!l Roa']. Ardmore. who an- state,l meeting on Mond~y, all memo \\'ine, an,l he work",] Jik" a Trojan.
cemher, 1923. s\\,('red a dpscril'tion sent out hy Con- hers being present. Routine 'busines' and \\"~th the help of ?frs. 'E .• i':'llr:-. D.
lIappy Holilln~·s. F. G. Wiekes. shoho(·ken polil'e that these m,'n 1l:l,1 \IllS transneted. The Board allthorize,] nnd BJ11~' Prese']l'nt 1t "'os completec]
Orig-inal Reript of ti,,, (;etty:-hurg nttpmpte,1 to roh a bank in Conshn- the purchase of two !lCW se\ying ma· at mi,lnight on Frida~·. Th" party "·a. . •
Day Phon. 375 Night Phone 1616-J
,\ ,\1( ress. ( '1"Ipplng. l,ook,'II.
' Tile men "-ere i<lentifie,d liS chines for the Rome Economics De· as uSllal. (l hllge succpss. alll] th" ml'm·
Lineoln's :\Iem"ry Honored. Clip- It"ing t111' Onl'S ot ('onshohnekl'n an,] pllrtment. The next meeting will be hers an,] their friends are no\\" look-
pin.g. \lprc gi\'l'n a h"aring- nnl] h"l,l in h"a\'y held {In F(.hrllary 2:2. instea,] of the ing f"r,,-arl] to the next.
Lin"oln \Icmoria!. Clipping. hail for ·Comt. 2:ith, in order that Secretary King :11111 The Next
.J,ptters Writtl'n. Clipping. .l:inllar~· ]~, 10~~. hllngnlo\\" of ~Irs. Principal Wilson may attend the <In- Rpeaking of the next-th" n('xt is to
The \\':lShin!,ton an,1 Linc'oln ]lopms Lawa :-'tory. Hi\'''r R(lad, W!'st :\Iaaa· nllal meeting of th" X. F:. A. lit Chi- he lin inno\'(\tion. An orehestra of
of \\'!Iitman, Yarhel L.inllsay, E. A. ~'unk, was ent,'re'] an'] robl,!',] of pon· ca.go.
Robin"on. FI"tl'hl'r anI] many others "i']emhlp amollnt of clothing an,1 ,hell
known repute hilS heen sceure<1-one
Lnst Tuesday, Mr. Gregg, the g~·m· ~'on h{\\,e hl"are] ']07.ens of times on YOllr
ha\'e 01'0 Itcl'n ('ollcrted at the Lihrary lin"n. nasium instruetor of the ho~'s in th" radio. An,l the~' sa~' the suhllrhs arc
lind nrc a\'llilahle in this connection. .Tannar~· ]i. 102-1-. resi,]"nc" of :\fr,;. Eighth and Xinth Grade,. was not up to date~ JIISt watch this en·
\\'. :\e\'in. Gulf R{,a(lll1ll] <'ollnt~· Line. pelled to send one of hill f,,!lo\\' stll' tprtainment committ"e. Another thing.
1 ;
MOVE BROAD STREET STATION "illan(l\'a, enterl'l] ond rohb,,{l. ::\-ot I]ents from the 1Tlliversi-ty as suhsti- too! There arc man~' fille couples in
TO NARBERTH SUGGESTS kllown h'll\\" muc·h was takell. This honsp tute becouse he hail to take an exam· :\arherth who ore nnt known to mem- I
Friend ,\1:-
"LARDNER' , is in l'pper M"rioll Township.
.Janllary 14, ]9~o1. house of I,]a ZIl-
ination. hers of the Cluh. an,] the Tennis Clllh
On Wednesday, ,Tanuary 30. the wants to have jUllt sueh coup]"s j-oin
hro,ka, Hi\'er Road, West 'Manay-unk. commemoration of the death of Mae. them at the next dance on Saturdll~·.
Open Sundays It
M. CHIOS, Prop. l
'\Yell AI-1 sec ill the pap"r they's mide,l hy Chief Donaghy, 1Aeutenant Dowell, a noted American "omposer. F,·hrllnTv 23. This ,lance is the "Op"n ~ !

going- to mo"e Broatl stre"t out to ~fullill alii! Officer A. Miller and a eom· was celehrated hy special exercises in Rouse' " party. nn'] th" memhers will l.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::~J
Fifteenth street. Sure-they moon p'"t" whisky still "onfiscated. the Assembly. The program which fol- sec that strongers hecome acquail~t<,,]
they'!' onll'Y goin~ to mO\'e thc ;;tation .Tall\wr~· 10. ]02-1-. store of ~forri8 {Ie lows WfiS in charge of mt'mhers of the llni! that they hll\'e an enjo~-ahle time.
over, hut these dum ·hdls what has Frallk{), 434 Rh'er Road, Wcst Mana- Ninth Grade.
.iol" as rcportPTs nin't goin~ to need ~;llnk, raidl',1 hy Sergeant Rei0hner, Of- MacDowell Compositions-
~ranit stones to mark there grave-s ficers A. :Miller find Dolan, and a small
\Year the" soup an'] fish" if yOIl want
to. hut if ~·ou f,,('] more eomfortahle in
Life of MacDowell.. Edwin Spl'<lkman t.he ],u,in('ss toJ.;s. either arc nil to the
Narberth Register
Two Lines, IOe per issue; Sc Jor each additional line
when they ,]i,,-they will jnst leaf nmoullt of whisky confiscated. Piano Solo-"From lln In,!ian merry. The committee prefer not to
there heads stick out. .Talluary 19, ]9~4, store vf Frnnk I 1
',0' ge" 'I
" ary "' 'I ae I IItOS I1 'ell tjl'kds at the (loor. so if .par(i"s
,Anyways :\1-1 guess theP. R. R. Gahri"le. US .TetT<'r;;on ~treet. Wl'.'t S 010-" Thy Beaming Eyes," \1-110 arc 110t ml'mhers and who cont<,m- ,\C('Ol:STAl'oiTS
lIed.thoU. A.•J. Phonp. :'\nrherth 11132-',.
K ..lm. II. ('. ('crtll\pd puhlle AI·countan!. S<'l' display ad",'rtlSl'll1,'nt In this Issue.
ha..s to do something Cfillse where they :\1:tlla.\'lJlJk, mid",] by ·Lieutenllnt ::\-Iul· ::'Ifiss Ca.Jvert plate going to the nl'xt i!anc" will ~02 Illlcll"y A,·e. Phone Nnrberth 300·\\'.
arc th"re ain't room for no m<1Te H. & Jill, Ofllr"rs Casey anll Roberts <In'] a Yictrola Selections: pl"a8e telephone X,arherth 1i23-':'If. tirk· ,-\I.'T()~108ILES.
Uowmnn. ~amurl r. (Lift'.)
R. Restaurant,,-aIld 80mp of the hOYll large qnalltit~· of whbky allil h,'er "Oil' "To a WatH Lily," ets will he mailed promptly.
S,'e dlsplllY advert!sPlllent in this ISBUl'.
n"lll-{','nw~'d SaleM & PhollP 0:13· \Y. Ser,"l('e. l1H I':ll1lwood n\'(',
ha:- to go so far for luneh it takt's fisc·ate'!. "To a Wil~ Rose," The place is Elm Hall; the nay is Trotter IIro.. (Fire. "11'.)
AUTO~I()BILE SEIt\'ICE ~()H ""oodslflf' n\"(1, PIIlIIH' l~li~- H,
them I hr. an,l a % to get hack find .T:ulunr.\· ]fl. 10~~. stort' of .Tolleph "The Tailor and the Bear," SatuTt]a~·. FehrllOTY 23, alld the fa·
Ilonahue. PatrJ~k F. Phone 11\33. KI:-.' DRUGA UTE:-.'
~ dlsphIY -lIth'crt!a<>lllent In tbls I~sue.
\\-hen you multiply % hr. h~' a ]00 Barr'(lll. Lnncast"r nVf>JI\W, Rr~'n Mft-w~. Dorothy Sp"rk 111011' orchesttll. is-guess.
Jto••er, Walter. Phonp Narberth 07_. ~IINH Zpntm03"pr'H IUluft*rgorten.
:\, \\", ('or, )o;s~u~x nn{l \Vhulsor 3'"('8,
tholls:; nIl it stands to reason it would raidell hy Sergennt Reichner, Officers Sl'C display adYPTt!Bl'lIlent In this lssn('.
be ehl'aper for the 1'0. to mo\·e. D-olan all,l A] ~filler. an·d two hoxes of (Jllro~· ••John. ~11 E~~H'X U,"P. Phone 1~~.)· H.
\IontKomery <inrOKe. Nnrbl'rth 30R I'hlln. ndtlr.,ss. Linl'oln Billg'.
\\Tell, wl\('n they mov(' .the Gen. Office he,'r COli fiscntell. · S('e displny ndyerlis('lIIpnt In this Isslle_ Slit .... J'I"trher W. 413 lIn\'ertord ave.
.T:\~rES r. DOXAGiRY, JU.KEIU· Phone :;,2, \Y. I'hlll\. ndllrp,•. Cruzer Bldg.
my ic1ellr would he t<J lorateout at
K1\rhirth & thi'. thought shoul,] go hig
with the Chief Eng. 'IS he will half
Chief of Police.
Who's Your Tailor?
White'. Sweet I'hol" (lPI,oslte Rtatlon.
>;ee dlsphl~' IIlIYl'rtlsl'UJent In this ISSlll'.
~I"rlon Title & Tru.t Co. Phone. :'o1nrb'th 3llS
J,HiIlTl:-.'(; J'IXTI.'UES
:'\Irnonnld. ,'ohn. :\nrhPTth phonf'. 1288.
1,,:13 Chest. st.. l'hlll\. l'honl' Hpruce 3138.
to gd t·he plans ,]r:1wel1 and when sueh HENRY DEFEATS NARBERTH We cUJltom tailor clothes to fit you perfectly, giving you high ~III,K A:-.'II Cn,EA~1

takes place he W·OIl1<] haye another % class custom tailoring. Perfect assurance that your suit will be
S"" dlsplny a,\\'erlls('IIU'lIt in this IsslIe. 1I!Jl"hlon,1 1I0Irll". Inc.
nEAUTV 1',-\RLOIt S"e dlsl,lny advcrtlsement In this Issue.
hr. at each enl1 of (-he day to give to Narberth' 'B" Team W~ns, 26-22 correct in style, becoming in pattern and color effect, is certain if :-.'orberth Beaut~· Shop. 103 Essex Ave. )1tJ8IC
Spe dlspln~' ad\,crtls"lIlenl In this Issue. Looo. Fanny H. Plano tpaeher.
the Co. which nppliell to most of the you have U$ make it. New spring and BUmmer fabrics now ready.
BOND!! Studio. Y. M. C. A. Bldg'. Phone 316·.J.
other gu~"" whnt works for the R R. In olle of the most thrilling games Call and see the hundreds of newest patterns which give you ample 1.'leer, J'ronk H. 15 Woudslde A,·e. NOTARY PUBLIC
and the~' could then use the main line e\'Cr played on the Y. ::'II. C. A. f!(}Or phune, r\urbl'rth 1230. Nash. Henry T.• at Narberth Station.
choice. BUILDERS
for freight onl~'.Mayhe ~'Oll -don't see the Xarberth "A" team lost to the 1I0ttomo, <ieo. W. Phone. Narberth 1250·W. Simpson, Harry A. 1710. Phone. Narberth
200 Avon Road.
what I am driveing at AI. ~o I will Henry l~cll{lwship team
l'X"Plain that onct I saw 250 peaple get seor~. The game was filled with llen-
,by a 30-28
ADELIZZIJBROTHERS Sec display advertlsement In this Issne.
Thos. A. KerrIgan tk; Son.
see display advertisement In tbls Issue.
Phone, Narberth 2283-J.
Tyson. \Varren R.
Phone, Narberth 1202· W.
200 Woodbine ave.
TAILORS Shand. Alex. C.• Jr. Phone No. 1710.
on the train at Knrhirth mid one man sational long shots and on three occa- C!LEANERS AND DYERS Narberth Statlon. OPTICIANS
pay his fnir as he mnst 've left his sions Gallagher, ~enry 's sterling guard, SmedleY. WID. D. & H. T. Phone 000. I'enton, Carl F., 1631 Chestnut St.
Pressing Repairing Remodeling see displaY advertlsement In this Issue. Spruce 7i1l7. ResIdence, Wayne, Po.
pn."s in his other vest. .Tack. flung the sphere three-quarters of the OANDY, ETC. Palmer. H. E.. 209 Haverford Ave. Phone,
Narberth 1749-R Cynwyd 928 301-J. p.rescrlptlons filled and repairing.
Contributed hy "Witty," Chief En· length of the floor for the prettiest Davio. H. ·E. Phone 12M-W.
102 Forrest Ave., N~berth, Po.. 104 BaJ.a. Ave•• Bala.-Cynwyd, Pa. Sec display advertlsement In this Issue. Zentmayer, Joseph, 200 S. 17th St., Phil.
gineer's Department, Broad Street Sta- field goals of the night. Sam NichQlJl, Maxwell GoodIe Shop. . pAINTING
We ea.u and deliver anywhere see display advertlsement In this Issue. Newborg. Wm.. tk; Co. 212 Woodbine ave.
tion, and published in ]Cllterday 's issue Henry's other flashy guard, wso got in
of the "PennsylV'ania News." several long ghots that hurt''Narberth'llllJJ========~=:E==~==~==~=====~~====~ Jenkins, Chae. L. - _. See dIsplay advertIsement In this Issue.
cha.ncee. 103 Dildley Ave. Phone 1684. Wah'er. I·red.
~==~=~====~====~~================rn OHIROPRACTORS U7 Windsor ave. Phone 1241-.J.
POLICE PAY RAISED 'Narberth jumped into the lead at the Hopkins Wray H. P1\one, Narberth 06i-.J. PAPERIJ:ANGING
first top off and held the lelld until See dhiplayo advertlsement In this Ilsue, 1\lar.hall Company, ContractIng Paperhang-
The New Board of Township Com- there were only three minutes t~ pIay,
ml.ssioners (}f Lower Merlon met for the when Gallagher flung one noody the
first time this.yoor as an organized length of the flQor and Harper batted
Narberth Electric Shop . COAL AND COKE
Narherth Coal IIB.aUlllns 1IlBterlalOo.
See dIsplay ,lldverti8e
Il1 this Ilsue.
ers, 300 PrIce Ave. Phone, Narberth 1661-.J.
Cook Bros. Phone 302.J.
See display adtertlsement In thIs Issue.
Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood Av. Ph. 893·W. WaU, H. B. Phon'e, 'Narberth 1602·.J,
body last Thursday and the 'repqrt8 of in 0. field goal with only One minute to Phlla. Phone Filbert 4252. Keltb Bldg. See dIsplay advertisement In this Ilsue,
These fine winter nights our thoughts turn to Dr. J. Sehembs, Jr. Phone Narberth 816-W. PRINTING
the uew chairmen of the various wm· play. John Dic'kie and Gene Davis, S. E. Cor. Grllyllllg and Wllidlor.aves. Livingston. PhlUp Attee. Narberth 2261.
mj.tteee were pre~nted. playing wonderful ball, kept Ntllrberth
One of the ilrst business transactions in the lood during the first 38 minutes
of the evening WILS the unanimous vote with three field gools, Dickie getting
OOlce Houre: 'rueeday. Thursday-.Satur-
day 9.SO A. M. untlllS.30 P. M.; Monday.
Wedllesday, E'rlday, 6 P. M. \lntll 8 P. M.
Dr. H. F. McDalreo, 20D Haverford ave.
Phone. ~R. Hours: 9 A. MAI.SO P. M. Nash'
High grade prlntlng
FrItsch. H. O. Phone 262-W.
and engraving.

. Bee display advertisement In thlB Issue. •

of the bonrd to inCTclise the wages of seven and Davis four.
the pOlioomen. Thisrolse win aft'e~t' The Narberth "Bit team alJlo hung
Sets·from $10 .to $SOO
Evellings. bY IlPpollitment.
Robert J. Pbone, Narberth 1710.
'MoneY tor First and Second Mortgages..
Howard'i. PbOlle .1267.
. . ',Naril"r:~h, which. is a part of the ~wn~ up another victory when .theY'defeated ALJ,.MAKEs
See dllpla, advertlrsemelltlli this Illue. Gara-MciGlnleY Co. Phone 12118·W.
'See dIsplay advert1~.ment In thlll Ilsue.
:. .~,

Ortme, <l•. K. :Phone 1620. . IlURer, JobnA, 248'lona ave. Phone 06l:J.
ConveniclJ,t. terms .
~-,~'~' ,~it~~~~ri~gh}:~~~~~ij;o~~t~d·j~~e~:l.J;!
~JY'a 1hffu::;·'~J'~~~~'
' . ~ dIIPlaj'~dvertl.seiIlent lJl thlB Illue.
..'; . . . 'BMp,.246 -Haverford .JI,ve. .P.hone .~22lS J ~ ,....:-' .....
~". '
",' ;,-
'·$a,ooo. year> (lne' 'Lieutenant :.1is·tlll~minutB8 left to : p.Y'·iElenrt . #00 tn '0..0, (J.l'hOIl~ "','
· . Bee. dllplaT.' atl",_ ,
'. w:
.; : .' "..A1JiQIQIAJQl:RS.
Good Wear'8hoe Bepal.. Shop•
e~~~e:a"ftottl:'ltsO·a·~ont.h ~o'.11is, seare, I~ut ,Pete Yoeu.m .c.ame,tlWoUgl;\- .·ll~.ilo_tfOD.:~·iEveii""
.~.b •. V_I. 81.:0ra;r11Ua' ,A"enue.
ent lJithlB, IJilue.
. ()oiiltibttne, B. O~· 2112 tlllvertord ave.
'. :Nar. PhCllle, 811"~' · 168·3"· .Pllone, Narberth 1i06~'W.

. !our&i'pu1ts' e:re,railed,from.$133a \yith leveral s~ote ~hieJ1 wt!Narb8~~~. ·:..:.....:" ' .... ,.":...,,..-W,AU.',I ..· ..., ,..... , . AcleUliil ", ' . .: ," . :TAILORS
Brotbera,'·1Q2·lI'brre1lt· Aye
.. 'tt1oJltb :to
,',158, pablolmen, W
'grade., .in. ~lIl:,leaa,,;and . ,,thor... ~~_~~;.i~ • ~~~~bi:;~_thllilioe. ·:·See.. dIIP18t'·advI~lJhtllt;IIiUl18 ....Ul.

. . Mm;"l~O' ~o '18~, an~. seeona':·gr.aaefretl~ingtlie. bi!-U m:i ~e.,t~~~~

..... _~ ••.:N; 211·lIilverford ATtllue• .
·illeJI:,lbl. .. 20IJ 'Ba'Yerford .• Ayuu.. ".' ',,'. ,'l~'
··.liIee·tlllP187' h lalil1le. , "Bee ,dliPlat: a4vllrt-.emeat·1Ii UllB 18lue.
"-pll.~,.f~ .•l.lJ·:to .$mJt.,·-:-,· :1 ·utel:of ·.the:game~.:; ,- ,..,;.;.. ,.:,"': .. . .., ' . . .1Il"t
a4"ll'tiIlDiilllt . ~

", .
, ". , \

.! .::, ···,:i.:··~~:·~'·~~~~~;lriI;.~.L~itii~~)~;k!d.w..\.~;~~~&i~J.~,Li,;'~(:

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