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because there is more to know CONTENTS

Letters to the editor 2

Editor in Chief Prologue 3
Zafar Choudhary

Consulting Editor News & Analysis

D. Suba Chandran
TOWARDS Party & Politics 7
Associate Editor
Irm Amin Baig FOOD SECURE Politics
Roots Of Conflict
Photo Division JAMMU, KASHMIR, LADAKH & Separatist Politics 35
J.P. Bandral

Designs & Layout

Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2008 Neighbours
Keshav Sharma
Bhutan 40
Executive Director Myanmar 41
Mohammad Yasmeen IN FOCUS
Food Security
Mailing Address Review
PO Box 50, HO Gandhi Nagar, Book 44
Movie 47
11 Towards A Food Secure
Phones & email Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh
Editorial: +91 94191-80762 Columns
Administration:+91 9419631610 18 No Food Insecurity Beyond 2010 Tareekh 51
+91 9419000123 Jest Ponder 53
21 Meeting Challenges in Jammu Province

Edited, Printed and Published by Epilogue

25 Scenario in Kashmir, Ladakh
Zafar Choudhary for CMRD From the Consulting Editor 55
Publications and Communications 34 Availability, Accessibility
Published from ‘Ibadat’, Madrasa And Affordability
Lane, Bhatindi Top, Jammu, J&K

Printed at
Dee Dee Reprographix, Jammu

Disputes, if any, subject to jurisdiction

of courts and competitive tribunals in
Jammu only. For more News, Views & Analysis
Log on to
Price : Rs 40
Epilogue Ø

April 2008

Mail your letters to

Need some research on bureaucracy on Naxalites is slowly developing a

II counter culture as well, which may
The column on bureaucracy is a welcome appear as a backlash. Some social
step and apart from being made a regular Democracy in neighbourhood (Pakistan
aspects of Salwa Judum are missing in
event it should also be diversified to Elections; Epilogue, March 2008) will
your article (Salwa Judam: A
include issues and challenges faced by certainly have visible impacts on the
Purification Hunt). The tribal culture is
the bureaucracy, research into reasons of Indo-Pak peace process and the various
bearing the brunt of this cross-fire
regular drain of All-India Service Officers issues have been presented in Epilogue in
between Naxalism and Salva Judam.
from State to Centre; and service a balanced way. It will be great if the
condition prevailing there. after-affects of the process are also
presented in subsequent issues
especially viz-a-viz J&K. SAMEER NARAYAN
Institute of Police Planning
University of Jammu

Democracy in Pakistan Epilogue is certainly emerging as a

statement of serious journalism and
We are usually always interested in Right to Information (The RT I research on Jammu and Kashmir but the
watching the political developments in Conundrum; Epilogue March 2008) has magazine still lacks a true
Pakistan but do not have much idea of seen light to the day but J&K State still representative character. The Editor
how exactly things take shape there. The seems to lag far behind in practice. must understand that all readers are
recent elections were most keenly Effective governance needs more not very serious who would like such
watched activity. However, after transparency for which RTI should be heavy stuff. Undertake some efforts to
watching news channels and going
strengthened in letter and spirit. make, it least some section of it,
through press reports an idea could not
Political authority should not over-ride lighter. Also, there is need to add some
be obtained about the exercise.
the right to information on pretext of more pictures and graphics as often it is
Epilogue's March issue really lived up to
democracy or so, RTI is not to undermine too heavy on eye. The section on books
your signature statement “because there
is more to know”. It was an indepth but strengthen democracy. and movies is a welcome step some
appraisal of Pakistan's political more sections can be added on
structure. I believe, the magazine will personalities, places, art and culture.
continue to serve as a source of Chandigarh
reference for years to come.

Bhaderwah, Doda (J&K)
MIR MANZOOR AHMED Salva Judam, despite a counter attack
University of Kashmir

Epilogue Ø

April 2008

No Complacency Please

Zafar Choudhary

Securing food essentially makes the there is a 40 per cent food grain deficit.
bottom-line of every body's daily This calls for an urgent action as the
struggle. Whatever ambitions and stunning growth in population and the
aspiration in life there may be, food fast growing bad patterns of land use may
because there is more to know
security is perhaps the most further worsen the situation. Our state
indispensable basis of carrying them on. essentially has an agrarian economy.
Jammu and Kashmir has long been mired There are not big industries or other EPILOGUE aims at providing a
in conflict but the question of food has drivers of economic growth; therefore, platform where a meaningful
never been a serious problem here as it agriculture sector needs an all pervasive exchange of ideas, opinion and
has been noticed in may other parts of attention. This becomes all more
country like Maharashtra, Andhra important particularly when majority of
thoughts can take place among the
Pradesh and Bihar. Our farmers have state's population depends on agriculture people and about the people of Jammu
never been found in distress like many in terms of livelihood and employment. & Kashmir. The attempt is to research,
other parts of the country –a While more than 80 per cent of the state's investigate, communicate and
phenomenon which has been described total population depends on agriculture disseminate information, ideas and
by many a men of wisdom as national as a basic source of livelihood, this sector alternatives for the resolution of
shame. The roots of this positive engages 70 per cent of the work force. common problems facing the state and
situation can be traced in the pioneering Aptly planned to coincide the crop society of Jammu & Kashmir and in
land reforms initiatives of the most harvesting season and festival of
the context of their significance to
towering leader of this state Sheikh Baisakhi, our present issue examines the
Mohammad Abdullah way back in 1950s food scenario in Jammu and Kashmir. It is South Asia as a whole.
which allowed almost everyone to have a rare honour not only for this magazine
the proverbial two square meals. but also for our state, the globally We welcome contributions from
Unfortunately, the pathbreaking acclaimed father of green revolution Dr academics, journalists, researches,
agrarian policies of the 1950s seem to MS Swaminathan has contributed the lead economists and strategic thinkers. We
have made the successive regimes essay on food security. Readers will agree would also like to encourage first-time
complacent and the state has not been with me that there is hardly a better writers with the only requirements
able to catch up with the desired growth opinion on the subject than that of Dr
being a concern for and the desire to
rate to meet the future challenges. Swaminathan. The state Agriculture
While with the given topography, Minister Abdul Aziz Zargar, who has been a understand the prevailing issues and
geographical advantage and climatic part of six decade long democratic history themes of life in Jammu & Kashmir
conditions, Jammu and Kashmir should of state from being member of the
have been a major agriculture produce Constituent Assembly to Minister in the Contributions may be investigate,
exporting state but the fact of the present government, has laid down in descriptive, analytical or theorectical.
matter is that the state still needs to this issue the broad contours of policy. They may be in the form of original
import the food grains to meet the local Vi c e C h a n c e l l o r s o f J & K ' s t w o articles or in the form of a comment on
requirements. If the latest official Agriculture Universities, Prof Anwar
current events. All contributions have
statistics are any guide to go by, there is Alam and Prof Nagendra Sharma enlist
an urgent need for policy shift and the activities and research at to be neatly types in double space and
scientific initiatives to boost the institutional and farm level. Essentially may be sent to the address given
production and make the agriculture an a tribute to the farming community, this alongside or e-mailed to the editor.
inclusive and democratic movement issue throws the question of vision and
with grassroots participation. According policy for ensuring 100 per cent food While the editor accepts responsibility
to the official statistics, against a security in Jammu and Kashmir. for the selection of the material
requirement of 10.35 lakh tones of grains published, individual authors are
and 6 lakh tones of vegetables the
Feedback : responsible for the facts, figures and
corresponding production is 6.7 lakh and
4.6 lakh tones, respectively. This means viess ithe tier articles.

Epilogue Ø

April 2008


“During my interactions with diplomats of various

countries, prominent persons and the media in America,
I apprised them of the ground situation in the valley but at
the same time felt the urgent need for working on the
diplomatic front to reach the world community,"

Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Chairman APHC(M)

“We suffered losses because of the Indus Treaty ‘'I heard for a long time that Kashmir sapphire is
otherwise we would be well placed financially to the best in the world, so I just wanted to come to
take care of all our fiscal problems” see”

Tariq Hameed Karra, Minister of Finance, J&K Thanain, a Resident of Bankok, at Sapphire auction in Jammu

“I tried a lot to make reforms within the party, but "Put up united front and do not count ego clashes
did not succeed…” you have with your party colleagues. It will harm
you and the party"
Former Minister Ghulam Hassan Mir, who was expelled from the PDP

PDP Patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed to his party workers

“HM Commander Mueen-ul- Islam express grief and All the Chief Minister today asked ministers,
sympathy with the family of a civilian killed in the legislators and other leaders of the Congress party
blast" in the State are advised not to issue statements or
speak in public about the subject of electoral
A statement issued by Hizbul Mujahideen after Srinagar City blast alliance of the Congress with any political party.

CM Ghulam Nabi Azad

"I have a purpose in attending this function…I want
to send a message to all the divisive forces that our "We cannot bring our families and children every
strength lies not in isolating the people or creating time state government blocks our salaries. We
divisions but embracing each other. For, secularism want solution but state government is simply
alone can save this state and our great nation" buying time and wasting previous time”

Dr Farooq Abdullah at a Shiv Sena function Shakeel Ahmad Kuchay, Chairman JKSRTC Workers Union

Epilogue Ø

April 2008
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N E W S & A N A L Y S I S


Delhi Bashing Doctrine Back In Business

F ormer Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdullah is on an extended New Delhi bashing spree to make the
right kind of noises ahead of assembly elections due later this year. Farooq's new political
posturing is apparently based on the doctrine that hurling invectives on Delhi pays in Kashmir with
electoral gains. His National Conference was a part of the BJP led NDA regime in Delhi with son Omar
as Minister of State for External Affairs. Now Farooq says that the BJP government inflicted worst
miseries on the Kashmiris. At a function in Jammu to honour the Padma awardees of J&K, Farooq
made the audience quite emotional for a while when he went on to explain that how New Delhi
always indulged in a policy of divide and rule. “In a careful design Jammu was pitted against
Kashmir and Ladakh against both”, said Farooq. “We were deliberately put into a state of
poverty…despite being rich in resources, we were made to beg for every penny which was rightfully
due to us”, he said while holding Delhi responsible for all ills of J&K. Had the audience taken
Farooq's words as final, there would have been a sudden uprising against Delhi. However, this did
not happen. Guess why?
Omar Abdullah, the NC president, is on an extended mass contact program. Unlike the decade old precedence of kicking off campaigns
from Sher-e-Kashmir park of Srinagar, Omar has made beginning from a different end. For almost a quarter of March, he remained in
Kathua district addressing series of public meetings. Kathua district is significant for being gateway to Jammu and Kashmir. The
political observer, however, believe that Omar is wasting time in a place where National Conference has hardly anything to take home.
Kathua district has five assembly constituencies –presently all held by the Congress. In 1996, the NC could secure only one seat which
it lost in 2002.


Sweeping the State? Wait and Watch!

T he rise of Panthers Party from
one seat in the state assembly
in 1996 to four in 2002 is still seen by
A mong the three lead players, the Peoples Democratic
Party and the National Conference have virtually
launched their poll campaign. Surprisingly, the Congress is
still maintaining a stoic silence. No big public meetings and
many political observers as an
no loud political statements. Go slow and watch the
accident. However, the party
situation –appears to be the mantra. Chief Minister Ghulam
chairman Bhim Singh is not ready to Nabi Azad addressed three major public meetings this
buy this idea as he believes that month but there was no party politics of the sorts. At one
Panthers Party is a 'largely place (Sopore) he took along the PDP's Muzaffar Hussain
acceptable political alternative' to Baig while at other two places he spoke about the
National Conference, Peoples achievements of government and not the party. Leaders and
Democratic Party and the Congress. workers too have been asked to keep a low profile. Since
The Panthers Party is these days keeping a low profile in the election year is difficult in
celebrating its Silver Jubilee and interestingly the celebration politics, the Chief Minister had to come up with a harsh
campaign took off from Srinagar. Except north Kashmir districts of public statement asking his partymen not to speak in the
possibilities of electoral arrangements to contest the next
Baramulla and Kupwara, the Silver Jubilee caravan touched almost
elections. Instead of issuing a circular among the party
all district headquarters of Kashmir Valley before descending down
leaders, the Chief Minister placed a statement in media
to the rugged terrains of Jammu Division. “We are getting an which reflected external pressures. Sources say that PDP
overwhelming support in entire state and the public mood is on our patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed expressed his displeasure
favour…we are well saddled in a position to form the next over the public statements of the Congress leaders against
government”, says Bhim Singh. Amidst celebrations, there is an FIR alliance with his party forcing the Chief Minister to issue a
against a Panthers Party MLA for beating up his security guard. public statement.

Epilogue Ø

April 2008
N E W S & A N A L Y S I S


Clear mandate: the new ploy

I n a full blown poll campaign, the PDP chief

Mehbooba Mufti is asking people for a clear
mandate for the party finish its promised
Kashmir agenda. When Mufti Mohammad
Sayeed handed over power to Ghulam Nabi
Azad in 2005 under the power sharing
arrangement with Congress, the PDP had left
many promises halfway. Since then the
coalition government had a walk on the razor's
edge with PDP threatening day in and day out
to pull out of the coalition. Had the PDP pulled
out of the government in November 2005 and
asked the people for a clear mandate that
would have made some sense. It is tough for
the people to understand why clear mandate is
being sought now.


T he cat is out of bag. Representing a north

Kashmir constituency, the former Minister
and an acclaimed co-founder of PDP, Ghulam
Hassan Mir traveled southwards in the home
district of Muftis for a cable television
interview. He said that Mufti were promoting
dynastic rule and the democratic space was
shrinking in the party. All said and done. In
next 24 hours, Mir was handed over the letter
of expulsion from the basic membership of the
party. Even though this proved the allegation
of shrinking democratic space, but Mir's
conspiring to assassinate party leader and Minister Dr Ghulam
expulsion has finally come as long over due and good
Nabi Lone.
riddance for both –the party and all the persons. That Mir is
a co-founder of PDP is far from facts. He joined the party Before his expulsion, Mir had lone been threatening of the
nearly two years after it was formed. In 2002, he slipped emergence of a 'Third Front' in association with CPI(M) and
away from hands of Muftis and closeted in the NC camp for a Hakeem Mohammad Yaseen of the PDF. However, the 'Third
party ticket from Tangmarg constituency which was claimed Front' noises are loosing strength ever since he is out of PDP.
by Sheikh Scion Dr Mustafa Kamal. Mir returned to PDP only The state unit of CPI(M) led by Mohammad Yusuf Tarigami is
when NC denied him ticket. Eventually he won and became not seen in a position to enter into any political arrangement
a Minister. Then he was a Mufti loyalist for next three years at its own; it has to be approved by the Politburo. As far as
till dropped from cabinet in 2005. Again declared revolt Hakeem Mohammad Yaseen is concerned, he is always into a
against leadership and went on publicly accuse Muftis of scheme of balancing act.

Epilogue Ø

April 2008
N E W S & A N A L Y S I S


Mirwaiz wants to Managing votes

internationalise Kashmir without votes

O n the eve of Eid-Milad-un-Nabi, the

chairman of moderate faction of
A s election fever slowly grips J&K,
the BJP is busy strengthening its
polling booth committees to avoid the
Hurriyat Conference, Mirwaiz Umar
chances of rigging. Party's state
Farooq touched the Srinagar ground
president Ashok Khajuriya claims that
after two months of foreign sojourn.
BJP is fairly well in a position to play a
Few hours later he rushed to the historic
decisive role in formation of next
Jamia Masjid to deliver his Friday
government if elections are free and
sermons. The Mirwaiz appeared to have
fair, therefore, “it is important to have
returned home with fresh ideas. He said
well trained cadres to keep an eye on
that his party will launch a diplomatic
the polling booths”. True, but where
initiative to highlight the Kashmir issue
are voters? Khajuriya did not explain
at the international level. "During my
this. In 1996, the BJP returned to the
interactions with diplomats of various
state assembly with seven seats –all
countries, prominent persons and the
three from Jammu city and four from
media in America, I apprised them of the
other areas. In 2002, when party was in
ground situation in the valley but at the
power at the Center, it lost all of them
same time felt the urgent need for
though a young rustic returned to the
working on the diplomatic front to reach
House defeating a scion of Dogra
the world community," he said. Mirwaiz
dynasty. Since then the BJP has
has recently attended the 11th
undergone further vivisection but good
Organisation of Islamic Conference
that it still hopes to play a role.
(OIC) meet.


Out of hibernation, with tough conditions

Shah has rarely been seen in the state politics except for his
“proposed Intra-Kashmir peace conference”. For 15 years now,
Shah has been releasing list of invitees –ranging from Prime
Minister of India to President of Pakistan and all and sundry from
each side of divide –every year but then the confab is put off for
reasons known only to him.
The conference idea, though, still remains live Shah has
announced revival of his Awami National Conference and declared
participation in forthcoming elections but subject to a slew of

O n the political landscape of Kashmir, there is a sudden

rising out of two-decade long unexplained hibernation.
The Awami National Conference of former Chief Minister GM
conditions. "ANC will contest the upcoming elections so as to
restore confidence among people of the state….but our condition
is that there should be a Vigilance Commission comprising of
Shah is making noises. Shah, son-in-law of Sheikh Mohammad people like former Prime Ministers to oversee the elections”. His
Abdullah, had grabbed power in 1984 by toppling Dr Farooq son Muzaffar Shah is taking lead, going places and mobilizing cadre
Abdullah government under the patronage of Prime Minister –which ANC is not known to have –to become an active player in the
Indira Gandhi. After 18 months of accidental stint in power, assembly elections.

Epilogue Ø

April 2008
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A Food Secure
Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh
M S Swaminathan

ustainable Food Security is physical, economic, social and ecological
access to a balanced diet and safe drinking water so as to enable every

Exclusive child, woman and man to lead a healthy and productive life. In 2003, the M
S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, did a detailed study on the
prevailing situation in J&K and came out with a report on the Food Security
TO Situation in the State and gave an indicative roadmap of what had to be done to
become Food Secure. The report included a separate section on Ladakh and the
Epilogue special needs of the region also. The recommendations made then continue to
be relevant even if recent statistics and reports on the different aspects of food
security are taken into account.
“If Gandhi gave India freedom,
Swaminathan gave the food”, this
goes on to describe Dr. MS
Swaminathan is an outstanding
world statesman and visionary in
the agricultural and natural
resources arena. Trained as a
plant breeder and cytogeneticist
in India, the United Kingdom, and
the United States, he is acclaimed
as the "Father of the Green
Revolution in Asia." He is the
recipient of all three of India's
civilian honors: high, higher, and
highest. Dr. Swaminathan's
achievements have led to
dramatic increases in crop yields.
He has provided international
leadership in agriculture and
resource conservation and is
deeply concerned for the poor and
disadvantaged. His continuing
research and leadership ensure
that they receive the
opportunities they need to
develop in ways that enhance the
natural environment upon which
they depend. His MSS Research
Foundation is credited with
drawing road map for a Food-
secure and Poverty-free State of
Jammu & Kashmir.

Epilogue Ø
11 ×
April 2008

75 percent of the population of the State percentage of population consuming less Conserving and enhancing the ecological
lives in rural areas and 62 percent of the than 1890 Kilo calories per day (the bare foundations essential for sustainable
rural population is dependent on minimum required to ward off advances in production and productivity
agriculture. The gross cropped area is malnourishment) is only 2.4 per cent are of utmost importance. Public policy
10.85 lakh hectares as per the compared to the national average of 13.2 package in this area will have to address
agricultural census of 2000-01 and the per cent. As per NFHS III (2005-06), 53 per two major areas, conserving prime
greater percentage of land is under cent of rural women in the age group 15- farmland for agriculture and increasing
foodgrains – rice, wheat and coarse 49 are anemic. This figure albeit lower production and productivity
cereals. 71 per cent of the land holdings than the national average of 59 per cent
are below two hectares in size and the is nevertheless high and a cause for Revitalizing the State Land Use
aveage size of landholding is 0.76 ha. concern in terms of health status of the Board
About 90 percent of the ground water population. 26 per cent of the women in
still remains unutilized and offers scope the same category suffer from chronic
The State Land Use Board should be
for increasing the intensity of irrigation. energy deficiency compared to the all
revitalised and reorganised in a manner
India level of 39 per cent. 65 per cent of
that they can give proactive advice to
The state offers good opportunities for rural children in the 6-35 months
farm families on land use based on the
value added horticultural products from category suffer from anemia, an
following factors:
fruits for meeting the expanding unforgivably high figure even if it is lower
domestic market in this sector, as is than the national average of 81 per cent.
29 per cent of the children in the same Farming systems (crops, livestock, fish
being done in Himachal Pradesh. With an
category are stunted. This level has and agro-forestry), which will be most
annual turnover of about Rs.1200
come down from 40 per cent during NFHS efficient under given soil, water and
crores, it provides employment to about
II (1998-99). climatic conditions.
23 lac people but less than 20 per cent of
the gross cropped area is under
horticulture. The state also has great While J&K is in a relatively better Short and medium range weather
potential for growing medicinal and position compared to the country as a forecasts (the country has developed
aromatic plants, orchids and spices. The whole with respect to indicators of considerable capability in this area)
present level of productivity and value health and nutrition, much needs to be Projected market demand (both home and
addition in the range of horticultural done to address the employment external markets)
crops grown in the state is low. It is situation and the production scenario.
necessary to bridge this quality gap by The relatively better-off position also Cost of production, risks involved and
adopting suitable harvest, post harvest gives the State the advantage of covering expected return.
and processing practices and thereby the last mile faster and becoming a role
increase their profitability to the model, given the right kind of policy Potential for on-farm and non-farm
producers and consumer acceptability. support and direction. livelihood generation, so as to maximize
income and employment per units of land
Among the 3 regions of J&K, livestock The thrust of the efforts has to be to and water.
population is highest in Ladakh, which ensure:
has very less potential for cultivation of If such advice is given at least a few weeks
fodder crops. Fortification of crop Sustainable and profitable farming before the sowing season, a proper match
residues and their conversion from high systems can be achieved between production and
volume straw to low volume feed in the potential market demand. Uneconomic
Kashmir valley and transport to the market interventions can then be avoided.
Happy rural and farming families
Ladakh region and community The agro-ecological potential of every
management of feed banks will provide village can be utilized in an ecologically
food security to the livestock. Balanced diets and safe drinking water and economically optimum manner.
for all
The literacy level in the State is 54 per In the looming scenario of climate change
cent as per the 2001 census and the Policies for enhancing sustainable food and impending water scarcity, special
female literacy level is 42 per cent. The production and availability steps will have to be taken to rehabilitate

Epilogue Ø
12 ×
April 2008

hydrologic hot spots and water bodies available to the farmers on time. The horticulture produce as a base can be a
like Dal and Wular lakes. Low Water ambit of the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) major thrust area for the State's
Parks should be established to scheme that offers the facility of a development. A variety of pears, peaches,
demonstrate, how to increase income running credit account needs to be plums, apricots, strawberry and cherry
per litre of water. There is scope for expanded. Crop Insurance schemes grow in the State and there is good
groundwater exploitation but since this should also be popularised. potential for development of the fruit
is expensive, Low Water Parks involving canning industry. An amazing 85 varieties
both the cultivation of high value but Horticulture development of apricot reportedly grow in the Ladakh
low volume crops and the use of valley. Kashmir
fertigation and micro irrigation
almonds are also
techniques will help to foster water
known for their
literacy. Low cost greenhouses using
superiority of taste
fertigation techniques must be
and are very popular
with the consumers.
Considered as highly
Institutional support
nourishing and of
great medicinal value,
Higher production can be sustained only its kernels are used in
if there are opportunities for assured confectionery as well
and remunerative marketing. A major as dessert. Sub-
challenge relates to reducing the cost of tropical areas in
production by improving productivity.
Jammu have potential
Th i s w i l l c a l l f o r a p p r o p r i a te Horticulture : Apples in Kashmir Orchards to grow strawberry
institutional structures which can help
under irrigated
to provide key centralized services to The horticulture sector contributes condition. Over 2000 varieties of garden
small and marginal farm families and to largely to sustain the economy of Jammu strawberry are reportedly known with
provide them with the power of scale in and Kashmir and earns much-needed
large fruit, weighing 30-70 grams. The
eco-farming (i.e., integrated pest foreign exchange for the country. Even
management, scientific water Field Research Laboratory of DRDO has
during the turbulent periods in the
management, integrated nutrient introduced the fruit in Ladakh and it is
nineties, when almost all other sectors in
supply, precision farming etc.,) as well reported to grow well there also. The
the State nose-dived, horticulture
as in marketing. The role of the Small seabuckthorn or Leh-berry is a wonder
invariably registered a remarkable
Farmers Agri business Consortium (SFAC) fruit of Ladakh that grows wild. It has
growth. This vital sector holds promise
that was established for this purpose within domestic and foreign markets as immense commercial value and needs to
should be reviewed and appropriate also fruit processing ventures. With an be cultivated on a large scale.
institutional structures, owned and annual turnover of over Rs. 1,500crore,
controlled by farm families should be over six lakh families are mainly Saffron cultivation is unique to Jammu
promoted. User controlled and demand associated with horticulture in the State. and Kashmir State in India; the only other
driven institutional structures It generates employment for nearly 25 country producing the flower crop is
characterized by low transaction costs, lakh people directly or indirectly. Fruit Spain. Saffron is a condiment medicine, a
are essential to provide the needed production in the State has increased to natural dyestuff and an expensive spice in
assistance in post-harvest technology, 11.05 lakh metric tons from a mere the world used in various functions by
like drying, storage, processing and 16,000 metric tons in 1953-54. Of this, adding delicate aroma, pleasing flavor and
marketing. the fresh fruit production accounts for magnificent yellow color to food. It has
10.22 lakh metric tons. But only 6.7 domestic demand and also has large
Kisan Credit cards percent of the gross cropped area in the export potential. The annual production
State is under horticulture.
of saffron is confined to Pampore in the
As we shift to high value crops and value Kashmir valley and to the Kishtwar valley
addition, credit needs of the farmers Diversifying into horticulture and of Jammu province. In Kashmir, the
increase. Credit should me made enterprise development with the practice is to alternate with paddy

Epilogue Ø
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April 2008

cultivation, which fertilises the soil with the severe winter when pasture POLICIES FOR IMPROVING ECONOMIC
organic material and makes it rich and availability is at a low and moving in search ACCESS TO FOOD
healthy again. Concentrated thrust to of grazing land is difficult.
saffron cultivation and building a Information empowerment
market through sale by Government Ideally, the initial fodder corpus and
emporia and tie-up for export through support for building a storage structure Advances in information technology also
APEDA can give stable income and where a godown does not already exist provide opportunities for farm graduates
livelihoods to many. should come from the Government. This to establish computer-aided and Internet
corpus will revolve and grow from season connected Rural Knowledge Centres.
The Department of Horticulture should to season. Such a decentralised system of These centres should help to convert
therefore see itself in a vantage position storage and management of food for the generic information into location specific
to utilize the available advantages for livestock can be effective in addressing information. Farmer owned and operated
horticulture development and galvanize the problem of shortages and high knowledge centres would be useful. A
into action. High density orchards, mortality during severe winters. virtual college linking such Village
greenhouse horticulture, and hybrid Knowledge Centres to Agricultural
seed production will have to be Universities and Research Institutions can
Its operation and sustainability crucially
be established, so that farm-women and
promoted. hinges on capacity building and training
men are able to get up-to-date and
of the people to manage such a authentic technical advice. Farm
Alleviating fodder scarcity through mechanism, which is wherever graduates (both men and women) can be
Community Feed and Fodder Banks participatory management and a involved in establishing and operating
facilitator role to be played by the local such Rural Knowledge Centers based on
Food scarcity for the people is not a Government or a local NGO are modern information and communication
severe problem in J&K. Furtherance of important. Side by side, adequate technology. Such Centers can also operate
livelihood opportunities will ensure attention has to be paid to pasture local community radio stations. Such a
improvement in food security. But development for instance through restructuring and retooling of extension
addressing the issue of food for livestock cultivation of fodder crops like alfa alfa services would help to provide demand
is very important. In areas of feed and on a large scale. Training in sustainable driven environment and farming systems
f o d d e r s c a r c i t y, a s c h e m e o f breeding of livestock and attention to specific advice to farmers. They will
animal health and nutrition is equally trigger a knowledge revolution in
decentralized community feed and
important. agriculture and will lead to an efficient
fodder banks can be implemented in
and eco-sensitive precision farming
areas where the local community is
movement. This great opportunity for
primarily dependent on livestock for Animal Husbandry therefore emerges as
achieving a transition from unskilled to
livelihood; a typical case is the nomadic another thrust area for focused attention
skilled work and for designing a new
community in the Changthang valley of in the State. The State is home to the extension service for the new economy
Ladakh. changra goat from which the priceless should not be ignored.
pashmina wool is obtained. But
Setting up a Community Fodder Bank is unfortunately, the nomads who tend the
Household entitlement cards
based on the premise of a decentralized goat do not get commensurate returns.
institutional setup from which the people Developing the pashmina industry in a
Families / individuals identified as
can borrow during periods of crises and manner that it benefits the herders,
vulnerable to endemic hunger, can be
repay at a later date with interest from thrust on developing the woolen garment
given. Household Entitlement Cards which
the proceeds of their sale of industry are crucial thrust areas. While
give information on all Government
sheep/goat/wool. The repayment can be the Community Fodder Bank will help
projects (both Central and State
in cash, which will then be utilised by the alleviating food insecurity for the
Government) relating to poverty and
fodder bank management committee to animals, and be a support for the hunger elimination, to which they are
procure fodder for the next cycle. livestock herders, developing the wool entitled. The various government
Typically, the fodder bank would meet the industry based on these animals will projects can be disaggregated by gender,
needs of the nomadic community during promote livelihood security. age, class and caste and precise

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April 2008

information provided on methods of delivering small loans, portfolio areas on the banks of Wullar lake near
accessing the benefits to which they are financing, flexible and frequent Watlab and at Tsrar and Botingo villages.
entitled. Land ownership records should repayment schedules, scope for
be periodically updated and made innovation and incentive are some of the All these products have a wide national
available to the people. mechanisms for overcoming the and international market. More
constraints that prevent effective production for the market, publicity
Employment generation functioning of rural transactions and through media and visible marketing by
therefore access. A participatory system State emporium showrooms across the
Employment generation schemes need can evolve such mechanisms. country can create a base for more people
to be combined with micro credit and developing this enterprise activity. Thrust
marketing facilities. Schemes need to Handicrafts on developing women's enterprise with
be taken up for promotion and support from the Women's Development
production of inexpensive, simple and
Woolen textiles of fleecy soft texture of Corporation, promotion of self help group
indigenous methods of drying or
matchless excellence in weaving, hand- activity and financial linkages with banks
preserving fruits and vegetables. These
woven carpets of finest warp and weft, can create further impetus for growth of
can be small-scale enterprises with
sericulture, exquisite designs worked on handicrafts.
proper market support. Horticulture
can be a major revenue earner and can papier-mache, wood work, silverware,
also be a means of employment etc. are the products of craftsmanship Ecotourism
generation. unique to J&K. Namdas are made of wool
of inferior quality and old woollen Tourism development has immense
blankets are used for making gabbas. potential and the natural beauty and
N a t i o n a l l y a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y,
promoting micro-enterprises supported This cottage industry is concentrated in landscape with proper infrastructure
by micro-finance has been identified as Anantnag, Rainawari and Baramula. Lois support make it an automatic revenue
an economically efficient method of (woollen blankets) of Shopian and earner in peaceful times. Militant
strengthening the livelihood security of Bandipore are well known. Hand-woven activity in the State has been a setback
the poor. Under such a system of job-led blankets of Rainawari are also durable for this industry. But with peace
growth, transaction costs are low, and warm. Woollen pattus, tweeds, and returning, renewed tourism promotion
repayment record is high and worsted are manufactured in many hand and developing eco-tourism sites
technological and market linkages are and power looms established in and infrastructure facilities for staying in
strong. Micro-enterprises succeed around Srinagar. The Kangri making is a natural ambience, trekking, rock
when the production of goods and climbing, rafting etc. making best use of
cottage industry concentrated in the
commodities, or organization of services the natural surroundings without causing
are related to assured and remunerative
marketing opportunities. In the case of
goods and services based on local
natural resources, it is important that
detailed micro-level planning is
undertaken, so as to ensure that the
natural resources, particularly land and
water, are used in a sustainable manner.
It is increasingly proved by experiences
at the micro-level, that the mechanism
most likely to succeed is a decentralized
and participatory system that makes the
beneficiaries responsible for making the
system work.

Sustainable Self Help Groups (SHGs),

linking of savings and credit systems, HANDICRAFTS : An artisan making Kashmir Kangri

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April 2008

any ecological harm, promoting eco vertically structured nutrition Nursing mothers
friendly products at such sites like use intervention programmes currently in
of paper bags instead of plastic, will operation by adopting a whole life-cycle Appropriate schemes will be necessary to
attract more tourist and adventure approach to nutrition security (diagram enable mothers to breast-feed their
minded travelers from both other 2). babies for at least six months, as
parts of India and abroad. Ladakh has recommended by the World Health
a good inflow of tourists from abroad, LIFE CYCLE APPROACH TO NUTRITION Organisation (WHO). Policies at work
but needs more promotion among places, including the provision of
Indians. appropriate support services should be
Pregnant mothers
conducive to achieving this goal.
Strategies to improve food absorption
Overcoming maternal and foetal under-
Infants (0-2 years)
and mal-nutrition is an urgent task, since
Strategies must be guided by a better
nearly 30 per cent of the children born in
understanding of food insecurity. A Special efforts will have to be made to
India are characterised by low birth
whole life-cycle approach to nutrition reach this age group through their
weight (LBW), with the consequent risk
security will help to ensure that the mothers, since they are the most un-
of impaired brain development. LBW is a
nutritional needs of everyone in the reached at present. Eighty percent of
community and at every stage in an proxy indicator of the low status of brain development is completed before
individual's life are satisfied. We women in society, particularly of their the age of 2. The first four months in a
should immediately provide a health and nutrition status during their child's life is particularly critical, since the
horizontal dimension to the numerous entire life cycle. child is totally dependent on its mother for

Higher mortality rate

Impaired mental development
Increased risk of adult
chronic disease
Reduced capacity
Elderly to care for baby Baby
Malnourished Low birth Untimely/inadequate
weight weaning
Frequent infections
Inadequate cath up Inadequate food,
foetal growth health & care
Inadequate nutrition
food, health
& care
Woman Reduced
Malnourished mental
Low weight gain
Adolescent Inadequate food,
Stunted health & care

maternal Inadequate food, Reduced
mortality health & care mental

Source: UN Commission on Nutrition

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April 2008

food and survival. health care. Both the health and ICDS

Pre-school Children (2-6 years)

infrastructure should be energized
towards promoting this. Clean drinking
water is necessary to ensure the efficient
The on-going integrated child
development service, if implemented
properly, will help to cater to the
biological absorption and digestion of
food. Meeting this basic need must
receive overriding priority. In addition,
nutritional and health care needs of this to the extent possible, the consumption
age group. of boiled water should be encouraged
and facilitated. This one step could help
to bring down infant and child mortality
The J&K
Youth (6 to 20 years)
rates significantly.
A nutrition-based noon meal programme
in all schools (public and private, and Environmental hygiene can be improved
through cooperation among local
rural and urban) will help to improve the
nutritional status of this group.
However, a significant percentage of
children belonging to this age group are
communities. Every village and town
should have a policy for the treatment
and recycling of solid and liquid wastes.
because there is more to know
not able to go to school due to economic In towns and cities, the treatment and
reasons. Such school 'push-outs' or child disposal of hospital wastes should
workers need special attention. receive particular attention. Waste

Adults (20 to 60 years)

recycling could also become a
remunerative enterprise and self-help Contact
groups can be trained to take to such
Apart from the sale of subsidised grain, environment enhancing enterprises. ABDULLAH NEWS AGENCY
the major approach has been food-for- Lal Chowk, Srinagar
work programmes for this group. In Eliminating hidden hunger caused
designing nutrition compact for them, micronutrient deficiencies
persons working in the organised and
unorganised sectors will have to be dealt A two-pronged strategy consisting of
with separately. Also, the intervention direct interventions like the RAINA NEWS AGENCY
programmes will have to be different for administration of oral dose of Vitamin A, Residency Road, Jammu
men and women, taking into account iron and iodine fortified salt, as well the
the multiple burdens on a woman's daily promoting the cultivation of vegetables
life. and trees like amla in the small area
Old and infirm persons surrounding the huts/homes (home ABC STATIONERS AND
garden), can be introduced in every DISTRIBUTORS
This group will have to be provided with village. In Ladakh, the magical Leh
appropriate nutritional support, as part seabuckthorn that has higher vitamin C
of the ethical obligations of society. content than amla as well as medicinal
properties should be promoted. The
Nutrition throughout the Lifecycle highest priority should go to the CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY
elimination of hidden hunger as soon as New Delhi
Safe drinking water and possible.
environmental hygiene
With the right kind of effort on all the
Repeated infections contribute to three fronts of production, access and
malnutrition. Priority needs to be given absorption, Jammu & Kashmir has all the New Delhi, Mumbai,
to environmental sanitation, safe potential to become a Food and Nutrition Calcutta, Bangalore,
drinking water and ready access to Secure State in the near future. Chennai & Goa

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17 ×
April 2008

No Food Insecurity
Beyond 2010

Abdul Aziz Zargar

Agriculture with its allied Sectors like government has kept this objective in dynamic approach was adopted for
Horticulture, Sheep, Animal Husbandry, view in devising comprehensive sustainable agricultural development.
Fisheries and Cooperatives are the core strategical approach visualized to be
sectors of State Economy the major sustainable and conductive for an over- To ensure sustainable agriculture
contributors to the states Gross Domestic all growth. problem we require a policy of vision for
Production (GDP). About 85% of our conservation of the land resources
population depends on Agriculture Sector Ours being an Agrarian society, the coupled with intensive agronomical
by providing basic food for human agriculture has to play a dynamic and practices and extension strategies. We
consumption, fodder for animal vibrant role in improving the economy of shall have to extensively train the farmer
population and other items like Milk, the State. It has to produce sufficient as he has a central role in implementing a
Curd, Fish and Vegetables in addition to food to cater the needs of growing policy on food security in the State.
cereals. The stunning growth in the population. The Coalition Government
population has put enourmous burden on initially under the dynamic leadership of Keeping the above facts in view, an
the resource base of the Agriculture Mufti Mohammad Sayeed as Chief Agricultural Policy Paper was adopted in
which needs to be modernized by Minister from 2002 to 2005, took major July 2002 wherein a road map was
adopting the new technological traits, steps to strengthen the relationship prepared for making agriculture
supplementation of balanced dozes of between the “Land and Man”. A sort of
fertilizers traits,
supplementation of
balanced dozes of fertilizers
and resorting to Integrated
Pest Management (IPM)

Despite some impressive

achievements made in
Agriculture and allied
sectors in the country, the
economic Agriculture
development before 2001 in
J&K has been slow and not
concurrent with the rapidly
increasing demographic
changes. Thus it is the need
of the hour to meet the food
needs of the growing
population and also the
demand of the National and
International Markets. It is
therefore, imperative to put
the Natural resources like,
land & water, etc; to
optimum use. Our coalition

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April 2008

competitive and profitable in the State. mets. Only which creates a deficit of crores are being exported that too during
The State resources of Agriculture have about over 6½ lac mts., in terms of rice, the period (summer), when in rest of the
high potential for having a higher rate of maize and wheat. country the season of vegetable
growth per hector. Endowed with the cultivation is off ! At the same time we
advantage of environmental resources The Jammu and Kashmir State at present are also producing 15 lac mts of fruit
agriculture in Jammu and Kashmir State has gross cropped area, just around 12.50 offering us a business of Rs. 2000 crores
faced many-fold challenges. Being crore lac hectors out of which 7.30 lac hectors of which Rs. 1.50 crores as the export
sector of the economy 37% of the net is the net cropped area and only 4.36 lac component. The areas under fruit
state domestic product is contributed by hectors of land has assured irrigation cultivation spreads over to 2.68 lac
this sector. Nearly 2/3rd of our work force facilities ! hectors.
is employed in the agriculture and about
80% of the population of the state is Similarly, our government is making all
It is a matter of concern with the present
directly or indirectly dependent on this out efforts to increase productivity in the
Coalition Government that the food grain
sector. The efforts made in agriculture area of vegetable production, fruits,
production in the State has not
particularly during last six years have milk, meat, eggs and fisheries. The J&K
significantly increased during last two
been impressive as both Govt. machinery State is self sufficient in the milk
decades. The area under different food
in agriculture and the two Agriculture production. The average prescribed
crops has also not increased, but
Universities with their combined efforts consumption of milk per capita per day is
decreased to some extent due to the
have put this sector in harmony with 230 mg but our state is producing 300 mg
diversification that has taken place, in
potential and accelerated extension. per capita per day higher than national
converting, some area of land under
Although there is wide variations in yield average. The fish catch went up from
vegetable and fruit cultivation. The
of different crops across the various Agro 14.22 lac tones in 2005-06 to 19.00 lac
impact of this diversification has been
climatic zones and sub zones in the state, tones during 2007-08. The fish catch and
very positive as the vegetables worth 200
a sustainable availability of the food the sale of trout fish has fetched Rs. 2
items shall require a Vision crores during 2006-07 as
Policy for conservation and revenue income to the
exploitation of available department.
Apart from Private Sector,
Globalization has opened new our Cooperatives are also
opportunities of converting playing their role in the
small and local Agrarian economic development of
b u s i n e s s i n t o the State and are important
National/International players in sustaining agrarian
Commercial Enterprise based Rural Economy. The
through intercontinental S ta te G ove r n m e n t h a s
business channels. Agriculture decided to encourage
offers an opportunity to formation of cooperatives in
transform our farm produce the poultry and dairy sectors
from scarcity to plenty after with the twin objective to
taking full advantage of the meet the demand of white
present opportunities and fast meat and dairy products
changing global economic within the State, besides
scenario. generating the employment.
After winding up the old and
The projected demand for the ailing milk federations of
food grains of the state at Kashmir/Jammu, a new
present is estimated around State Level Federation under
26 lac mts. Per year but the the name Jammu and
present quantum of food Kashmir Milk Producers
production comes to 20 lac Cooperative has been

Epilogue Ø
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April 2008

established in collaboration with the along with scientists of my state. This Minister Sh. P. Chadimbaram need to be
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing seminar was specially attended by the congratulated.
F e d e r a t i o n . T h e Pr i m a r y M i l k Director General Indian Council for
Cooperative Societies are functional Agriculture Research (ICAR) Dr. Mangla Keeping in view the challenges of the
under the new arrangement. The Milk Rai along with Vice Chancellors of fluctuation in food production before
Plants at Satwari Jammu and Agriculture Universities of 2002-03 by the food insecurity, shortage
Cheshmashahi Srinagar are processing Jammu/Srinagar, Chandigarh, Himachal of quality nutrition was due to low
20000 ltrs of milk per day. The brand Pradesh the Agriculture Scientists of our productivity and less production. There
name “Snow Cap” is becoming a house country. This seminar was also attended are still imbalances due to the
hold name in the State. Apart from the by great National Level Scientists like Sh. degeneration of eco-system and low
raw milk, the Federation has also V. N. Sharda, Director, CSWCR & TI water availability in the entire irrigation
introduced flavoured milk, cured, butter Dehradun and A.K. Tiwari, Dy. Director sector. Due to increase in the degrees of
and other diary products in the market. General ICAR and Organizing Secretary temperature we have to double the
The Milk Producers are not more Central Soil and Water Conservation rainfed farming on scientific basis on
resorting to distress sale of milk as Chandigarh. I had also made some normally to increase the cost of benefit
remunerative prices are being offered to suggestions with regard to major gaps in ratio.
them at their door steps. the current Research and training efforts
in the field of Agriculture, Animal
We have had full fledged discussion over
The Cooperative institutions have also Husbandry and Fisheries. The discussion
the 11th Plan Paper in our Cabinet
played a key role in other areas of was focused on livelihood, environment
Meetings held one at Srinagar and other
Agrarian Economy by increasing the and food security, not only in J&K State
at Jammu. The J&K Government has
productivity through the timely but in the entire spectrum of our country.
come up with a proposal to achieve the
availability of farm credit and other We have deliberated over the ongoing
growth rate in Agriculture Sector by 4%
inputs required for carrying out the resource conservation programmes for
per year and over all growth rate will be
agricultural operations. It is rightly said subsistence of productivity in J&K where
near about 8½%. It was only due to our
that Agriculture is the backbone of the we have only 31% sown area instead of
continuous efforts that my Hon'ble
economy and cooperatives are the National average which is 46.16%.
Cabinet colleagues have first time
backbone of the agriculture. The
categorized agriculture sector as a “Core
cooperative institutions alone in the The economic growth is dependent by Sector”. I am thankful to the Economic
state have been the major stake holders investing more budgetary funds in this Advisor of J&K Government Dr.Haseeb
in financing the agriculture related sector, it is regretted that the various Drabu, the then Financial Commissioner
activities. The Cooperative Banks alone Central Government have not made Planning and Development Department,
have issued more than 65000 Kissan reasonable investments to accelerate Mr. S.s. Kapoor and Commissioner/
Credit Cards and are pioneers in the growth rate in the Agriculture Sector Secretary to Government Finance
launching the crop insurance scheme. In during past many years. Now it is a Department Sh. B.B. Vyas, for their
the distribution of Agricultural inputs like matter of pride that the Central valued contributions. The Hon'ble Chief
fertilizers, the State Government during Government has announced loan waiver Minister was kind enough to agree to
the past six years has adopted a policy for small and marginal farmers grant the status of core sector to
liberalized policy whereby all during the current budget session of the agriculture which should have been
Cooperative Institutions with sound Parliament, last month. It is also in this granted to it three decades earlier.
financial position have been allowed to backdrop that the process of
go for the direct purchase of fertilizers. recapitalization of Primary Agriculture
The liberalized policy has substantially Our government is determined to wipe
Cooperative Societies and Cooperative
increased the off take of fertilizers from out food insecurity by the end of 2010.
Banks was started in 2004 (Prof. A
60000 mts in 2001 to 1.20 lac mts in 2006- Vaidaynathan Committee Repot), and is
07. now in the offing. The Central
Government especially Hon'ble Prime Abdul Aziz Zargar
It was a great pleasure for me to attend Minister, Sardar Manmohan Singh, Minister for Agriculture,
the Resource Management Seminar at Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture Shri Fisheries and Cooperatives
Chandigarh from 29th to 31st October 2007 Sharad Pawar and Hon'ble Union Finance Jammu & Kashmir

Epilogue Ø
20 ×
April 2008

Meeting Challenges In
Jammu Province

Nagendra Sharma

Food security and its relationship to of district Doda. University has mandate, exploitation to merely 1.3 per cent.
sustainable agricultural and rural not only to preserve the rich biodiversity Highlights of research of the university in
development have increasingly become of the region but also to develop the different crops is reproduced here with.
matters of concern for developing technical know-how for exploitation of
countries and for the international these regional resources to achieve Field Crops
community. While there are many socio-economic development,
complex factors that influence sustainability and self sufficiency. At
Jammu produces 1.99 Lakh qtls of rice,
sustainable development and food present, University has 58 externally
4.5 Lakh qtls of wheat, 4.1 Lakh qtls of
security, it is clear that education in funded projects which includes 29 under
Maize, 7900 qtls of pulses, 42100 qtls of
agriculture plays an important role in Horticulture Technology Mini-Mission
oilseeds & 15800 qtls of minor cereals.
preparing farmers, researchers, (HTMM) and 9 Adhoc Projects under
Net irrigated area in Jammu is 109169 ha
educators, extension staff, members of Coordinated Research Projects from ICAR
(15.8%), out of which canal irrigation is
agri-businesses and others to make besides internally funded projects. New
available to only 79358 hectares (11.50%)
productive contributions. A critical issue varieties in rice, wheat, oilseeds & pulses
and hence agriculture in rest of the
in the 21st century will be the changes have been released during the short life
region (84.2%) is mainly dependent on
and adaptations required in agricultural span of the university's inception.
rain water availability, To overcome
education in order for it to more Agricultural technologies developed by
water availability problem the university
effectively contribute to improved food the university have helped to mitigate
has developed water harvesting
security, sustainable agricultural problems faced by the farmers of Jammu
structures that store rain water for long
production and rural development. region. These technologies reach farmers
usage. Through extension wings and
through the extensive extension network
Govt. subsidies these structures are
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural of the university and line departments of
being popularized in the Jammu region
Sciences and Technology of Jammu was the state and partly directly through the
for prosperity of farmers' community.
established in 1999 with a mandate of university.
Research, Human Resource Development
Th e u n i ve rsi ty h a s foc u se d on
and Technology transfer. Since its The major impediments to the growth of
development of value added crop
inception the university has contributed agriculture in Jammu region are low
varieties for domestic and export
immensely in tackling the problems productivity in agriculture resulting in
markets. Sanwal basmati (IET 15815) in
faced by the peasantry of Jammu region poor employment and income
rice; RSP-303 in wheat; DGS-l (Gobi
through its research in various units generation, poor infrastructure, high
Sarson); RSPT-l & RSPT-2 (Toria); RSPR-l
located at Rajouri. Poonch. Bhaderwah, population growth rate (>2.0%) and low
& RSPR-3 (Raya) and SCS-3
Raya, Dhiansar and Samba. Jammu literacy rate (<54.0%). Out of a total
(Chickpea/gram) have all performed
region has high potential in field/fruit population of 44.3 lakh of Jammu region,
better over the earlier varieties and have
crops & in animal wealth. Ranbir Singh 34.3 lakh (77.4%) live in villages. Out of
helped to narrow down the gap between
Pura is well known for production of an area of 18.0 lakh hectares, only 6.92
state and national average.
basmati rice and Bhaderwah for rajmash, lakh hectares is under cultivation. The
Paddar for black zeera, wild olive and production of the important food crops,
sour pomegranate in mid hills; aonla, ber, namely rice, maize and wheat account Under dry land conditions of Udhampur,
desi mango, jamun in kandi belt of for 84.0 per cent of total cropped area; intercropping of maize+cowpea in 1:1
planting and saffron in Kishtwar area are the balance 16.0 per cent is shared by ratio during kharif and wheat+mustard in
some of the special features of the inferior cereals and pulses. Major area of 4:1 ratio during rabi are found to be
region. Besides, the region is rich in Jammu region is under dryland profitable prepositions. Similarly under
kangani goat, Bhaderwah sheep and Yak agriculture with ground water dry land conditions of Rajouri, the

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April 2008

intercropping of cowpea in maize during hill zone, the agro-climatic conditions started export of this crop with a record
kharif season and mustard in wheat are highly suitable for the successful production of around 1,00,000 kg during
during rabi season has been found to be cultivation of fruits like olive, kiwi, 2006-07 through efforts of university and
promising as compared to monoculture pecanuts and strawberry. The state Govt. l i n e d e p a r t m e n t s . Pr o m i s i n g
of these crops. has chalked out plans to bring more area technologies for high density cultivation
under these fruits. Under the bee- of strawberry with plasticulture,
The university under ICAR mega seed keeping programme, management planting techniques, micro irrigation
production project has refined seed practices for local bee Apis cerenci have methods, plastic mulching, use of plastic
production technology and initiated been worked out to save the colonies of tunnels, runner production and post-
production of breeder seed with added this species from extinction. harvest management in strawberry have
emphasis on hybrid cultivars. Paras, a revolutionized its cultivation.
single cross hybrid in maize has recorded The state faces many problems with
grain yields of up to 55.6 q/ha and needs regard to development of horticulture Jammu produces 83100 metric tons of
promotion through seed production and that includes low productivity, high fruits and vegetables. A large number of
distribution. Techniques have been percentage of off-grade fruits, varieties/hybrids identified in vegetable
developed to handle cut-worm problem fragmented land holdings and poor crops and agro-techniques standardized
in maize. The package of practices for connectivity to markets. To help farmers, have been included in package and
Rajmash, Moong, Soyben and Cowpea university has established a quality practices of vegetable. Research on off-
have been prepared and printed. testing laboratory to provide quality season and high value vegetables like
testing and R&D support to farmers and broccoli, asparagus, celery and
Horticulture: industry. Post harvest handling, storage mushrooms is likely to benefit farmers of
and processing protocols have been Jammu region in the long run. The
developed for the benefit of farmers and scientists have developed agro-
The horticulture sector occupies an
industry. Considering the importance of techniques for round the year cultivation
important position in the farming system
research in this field the Department of of knolkhol and radish. Farmers have
of Jammu. The region has three ago-
Agriculture, State Govt. Agencies and been greatly benefited with leading to
climatic conditions: sub-tropical, mid
SKUAST-J should more closely higher income. Extensive training
temperate and temperate. Each region
collaborate for benefit of the state. programmes have been conducted by the
has its own potential to grow specific
university to promote river bed
fruits. Temperate fruits like pear, peach,
Scope for the production of high value cultivation, rainy season vegetables,
plum, apricot, cherry, walnut etc grown
crops like saffron, kala zeera, olive, winter vegetables, scientific
at elevation of 1000-3000 meters above
walnut etc has been enhanced through management of vegetable crops,
mean sea level are important cash
research on problems of corn rot in integrated pest management in
fetching fruits. These fruits in addition to
saffron, fruit drop in walnut and inducing vegetable production, post harvest
supplementing diet of the people also
flowering & fruit set in olive varieties and management and marketing of
form an important item of export. The
mosaic disease of rajmash. The year vegetables, multiple cropping systems in
production of various fruits includes
around cultivation of mushrooms through vegetable cultivation and seed
10458 metric tons of apple, 14152 mt. of
inclusion of button mushrooms, milky production techniques in vegetable
pear, 501 mt. of apricot, 15104 mt. of
mushrooms and dhingri (Pleurotus) in crops. Keeping in view the futuristic
citrus fruits, 13292 mt. of mango, 12799
cycle is expected to extend income of expansion of this area a college of
mt. of ber and 20067 mt. of walnut.
farmers and generate employment in Horticulture and Agroforestry is proposed
rural areas. Studies on standardization of by the university.
Due to rich diversity of agro-climatic
propagation techniques in aonla have
conditions, topographical variations and
helped in multiplication of planting Biotechnology
altitudinal differences, horticulture is
material. A strawberry cultivar 'Chandler'
emerging as the major farming activity
has performed better in terms of yield The climate of the state is ideally suited
among the farmers of Jammu region. Ber,
and quality. Research on strawberry has for R&D in the field of biotechnology.
aonla, Guava, wild pomegranate and
helped in increased production and Some infrastructure already exists for
olive are emerging as important fruit
export of this fruit out of Jammu. As a this purpose with SKUAST-J. Most of the
crops attracting hundreds of farmers
significant achievement Jammu has research in biotechnology has taken
every, year in dryland areas. In the mid-

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April 2008

place for temperate zones of the country. small holders/producers has an feed. The state provides suitable climate
Hence, technical innovations cannot immediate impact on poverty that can for cattle breeding and hence research is
simply be borrowed from other states. improve the purchasing power and initiated that can help to establish cattle
There is a need to develop indigenous nutritional status of the poor farmers. breeding centers and produce poultry to
technology for productivity The poverty reducing impact of livestock meet the increased demand for poultry
enhancement and developing new production can be greatly enhanced by products.
varieties of crops. Micropropagation increasing efficiency of livestock
protocols for multiplication of disease production and decreasing cost of The milk production has increased to
free planting material of ginger, production, making farmers achieve around 7.66 lakh metric tons. The
hybrid/ms lines of tomato and tuberose greater profits. Livestock production demand for milk and milk products has
have been developed by SKUAST costs can be reduced with break through
been increasing continuously in the
scientists. Another challenge in the in disease control, feeding efficiency,
region and hence there is an enormous
development of biotechnology is the breeding and management which is
scope for dairy development. There is
linkages between the research institutes achieved mainly through dedicated and
abundance of local breed of cattle and
and the cultivator, a gap which becomes holistic activities of veterinary
for improvement of these through
a hurdle in the commercialization of institutions. Veterinary college at R.S.
biotechnological research. Hence, to Pura is striving to achieve these goals. crosses with new breed has to be
improve the biotechnological sector, the undertaken. The sector has vast job
state government should provide funds opportunities. From the stage of
Livestock production is growing faster
to build the infrastructure for subsistence activity, dairy development
than any other agricultural sub-sector
biotechnology research and encourage can grow through modernization and
and thus being termed as 'Livestock
research initiatives in hybridization, thereby increase income and
Revolution'. This term refers to the
micro propagation, tissue culture and employment opportunities.
astonishing consumer driven increase in
other biotechnological applications in the production of livestock. As the urban
horticulture. This would help university population is becoming richer due to Hence, establishment of college of food
to use biotechnology, to introduce new rapid industrial growth and their income technology is visualized with modern
and improved cattle breeds, to set up a rise, the dietary preferences change, dairy processing plant, pilot facilities in
biotechnological park, to provide they want to eat more livestock and dairy F&V and food grain processing to provide
support for seed and plant production, to products. Keeping this in mind the R&D support for establishment of post
develop high-nutrition fodder at low scientists of livestock product harvest handling, storage and processing
cost. The university envisages an technology at SKUAST-J have pilot facilities at university that shall
advance centre of biotechnology for standardized techniques for production ultimately help in established of
consideration of the state govt. of 'Kaladi' with quality uniformity and processing industry in the region. The
high shelf life along with several other assistance for this college from state
Livestock and Dairy products and processes. govt. will go a long way to help peasants
of the state and the activities of
Animal husbandry has the potential to In terms of production, there is a huge respective line departments.
play a prominent role in poverty gap between demand and supply. Due to
alleviation since it is the source of climatic conditions there is a great
Plant Protection:
livelihood for a large chunk of rural folk. demand for meat and warm clothes. The
In J&K, animal husbandry plays a breeds of available cattle are unable to
significant role as 0.13 per cent GDP of provide both components in sufficient The university has identified number of
the state is contributed by this sector. quantities. The sector provides direct resistant sources against insect-pest and
The region has precious wealth of buffalo employment to about 2.0 lakh people. diseases after its inception. Some bio
(10.40 lakh), sheep (34.11 lakh), goats Thus, this sector needs attention to control agents were also tested against
(20.55 lakh) and poultry (30.84 lakh). achieve adequate expansion to bridge soil born insect-pests disease attack in
Cattle and poultry are the most the demand supply gap. Research is fields, fruits and vegetable crops.
important tools for the development of oriented to develop improved breeds of Integrated pest management module is
rural economy. Thus livestock industry in cattle and poultry required to fulfill the also applied to manage the insect pest
the state has vast scope for needs of the state. Research output is attack and reduce the risk of
development. Increasing the income of geared to generate good quality cattle environment pollution.

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April 2008

Fishery Development enterprise for its marketing to committed support of Govt. agencies is
neighboring states and develop required. There is need for
The total fish output of the state is technologies that shall help extend shelf establishment of training institutes in
estimated at 1,90,557 qt. and of Jammu life of fish. Fishing should be made part some cluster villages so that farmers can
30240 qt. and the number of fisherman of tourism promotion in the state. Trout be trained properly.
around 66,955 with another 10000 and golden Mahasheer temperate fishes
employed in this sector. However, there are in great demand. Central Govt. moots rural industrial hubs
is a big gap between demand and supply. and wants Panchayats to become equity
In addition to local population, defense Technology Transfer: partners by offering land to private
personnel, and tourists are the source of entrepreneurs at block, village and
increasing demand for fish. With 27,781 The university has developed low cost district level. This shall help villagers to
km of rivers/streams, the state has a and effective technologies to help find jobs in factories and Govt. shall be
potential to produce 40.0 million tons of farmers. To get a feed back on efficacy of regulating partners' like in Town and
fish. Presently there are 18 state-owned these technologies and problems of Village enterprises (TVE's) of China.
trout hatcheries and 22 fish farms. farmers a village stay programme has Through greater public and private
Development of this sector in Jammu been made mandatory for the partnerships, there is possibility of
division shall increase employment researchers of the university. This helps reversing decline in agricultural growth
opportunities. In order to exploit the to reorient research to the actual need of and ushering in 2nd green revolution.
potential of this sector, university is the farmers. However, to reach 3617
striving to develop fish breeds with high villages, 30 Tehsils, 561 Panchayats and DR. NAGENDRA SHARMA
returns to farmers, encourage private 57 blocks of Jammu region effective and Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Jammu

Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri

185131 (J&K)
Admission For College of Engineering & Technology
College of Engineering and Technology (COET) - Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University announced admission
2008 to following Engineering streams :
a. B.Tech. Computer Sciences & Engineering
b. B.Tech. Information Technology
c. B.Tech. Electronics & Communications For Detail Information
Eligibility : 10+2 from a recognized Board with 45% marks (40% for Sc/St) with visit to university website :
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No. BGSBU/Acad/08/17665 Sd/-
Dated : 23 February, 2008 Assistant Registrar (Academic Affairs)

Epilogue Ø
24 ×
April 2008

Scenario In Kashmir,

Anwar Alam

The role of Green Revolution in addressing the problems of food security in India is today known to everyone. It ushered en era
of overall rural prosperity and became a model for transforming the agro-economic scenario of many developing countries.
Apart from ensuring food security of the country on sustainable basis, the overall agricultural development played a pivotal role
in overall economic growth, employment generation and poverty alleviation. Even after more than four decades of Green
Revolution, that was subsequently followed by yellow (oilseeds), white (milk) and blue (fish) revolutions, our policy planners
are conscious of the fact that overall economic growth is inconceivable without growth in agriculture sector. However, future
agricultural development in the country would be guided not only by compulsions of improving food and nutritional security, but
also by the concerns of environmental protection, sustainability, profitability and even by agricultural exports. Liberalization
process under World Trade Organization (WTO) regime and globalization of markets calls for competitiveness and efficiency of
our agricultural production.

Agriculture in Jammu and Kashmir State like vegetables, livestock, dairy and during the last 50 years. Area, production
has an important place in the socio- poultry products for raising their income. and productivity of different crops have
economic fabric of its civilization. The It is a major source of providing raw increased over the time but rate of
State with a net geographical area of materials to the agro-based industries. development has been slow. Similar
10.14 M ha, has four agro-ecological T h e r e h a s , h o w e v e r, b e e n a n trend has been observed with fruit crops
zones viz. Sub-tropical zone (low hills, unprecedented population pressure on and livestock development. Gross
300-800 m asl) and intermediate zone the cultivable land and average cultivated area has increased from 0.689
(mid hills, 800-1800 m asl) falling in cultivable land availability per head of to 0.987 M ha and cropping intensity has
Jammu Division comprising of 10 agricultural population is as low as 0.5 ha shown gradual increase, though
districts, temperate valley zone (high only, whereas nearly 97 per cent fall in maximum in Jammu region (176.8%),
hills, 1800-2200 m asl) comprising of 10 the category of small and marginal followed by Kashmir region (123%) and
districts and cold arid Ladakh (very high farmers with the average size of land cold-arid Ladakh (106%).
hills, >2200 m asl) comprising of 2 holding at 0.7 ha.
districts. It is important to note that net Cropping system and pattern in Kashmir
cultivable area represents just 7.4 per Land resource utilization, cropping and Ladakh are distinctly different from
cent of the total geographical area, pattern and crop production that of plains. Temperate valley has agri-
besides 6.5 per cent being under forest, hort (temperate),
3.3 per cent uncultivable land including Fig.1 Land use pattern in J&K semi-pastoral
pastures and 0.9 per cent fallows. Only Net geographical area 10.139 Mha
L i v e s t o c k
41 per cent area is irrigated in the State Area not available for Husbandry (LSH),
of which 92 per cent irrigation is Agriculture (82%)
cold water fishery
available through canals. Area under forest (6.5%) and forestry
7.40% 82% (mainly conifers),
Agriculture and its allied fields like Uncultivable land whereas cold arid
including pasture (3.3%)
horticulture, livestock husbandry, 0.90% region of Ladakh
forestry, fisheries and sericulture is the 3.30% Fallow (0.9%) has mostly
primary economic sector of the State, 6.50% l i v e s t o c k
which engages about 80 per cent Net sown area (7.4%) h u s b a n d r y,
population and provides about 36.3 per silvipasture and
cent of the net domestic produce of the agriculture (where
State. Agriculture is providing the people Considerable transformation in irrigation is available). Low cropping
the food as well as many other products agriculture sector has been observed intensity in these two regions primarily is

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April 2008

constrained by climatic conditions. Crop cent of net sown area is under paddy Increase in production of food crops has
husbandry, livestock husbandry and cultivation alone. The valley is still facing primarily been the result of increase in
horticulture are severely affected by the severe problems of food shortage and productivity rather than horizontal
prolonged severe winter, minimum annual import of more than 2.5 lakh expansion of land. Under proper
temperature may touch –10oC in the tones of food grains is carried out to management reasonably good
valley to –35 C in Ladakh. To overcome maintain the consumption standard of productivity levels can be achieved.
this agricultural structures and 522 grams per capita per day. The Using University rice variety Shalimar
environment center measures need to be situation demands a concerted effort on Rice-1, paddy productivity of 6-7 t/ha is
developed and applied. Polyhouses of the part of government, public sector easily achieved but farmers have
different designs have already been institutions and enterprising farming recorded upto 5 q/kanal i.e. 10 t/ha
adopted by many farmers enabling plant community to overcome the imbalance inspite of relatively low temperatures
environment control during extreme and ensure food and nutritional security and irrigation water (snow melts) being
weather conditions. Livestock sector of the masses in Kashmir and Ladakh too cold.
equally needs similar measures. region.
Early onset of witner and protracted
It is important to note that food Food grain production witner, which is common occurrence,
production is not keeping pace with the reduces growing season and causes cold
increase in population, despite the fact The status of food grain production and damage. To get over this problem
that food crops alone constitute more productivity in Kashmir and Ladakh is as University advocates nursery raising
than 65 per cent of the cropping area, follows : under plastic tunnel or polyhouses to
whereas in Kashmir more than 50 per advance transplanting and to protect the
plants against the bad weather.
A) Area (lakh ha)
Kashmir Ladakh Wheat is largely grown in Jammu region
Rice 1.43 - and some in Ladakh with rainfed crop
having 1.5-2.0 t/ha and 3.5-4.0 t/ha
Maize 1.07 -
under irrigated and proper management.
Wheat 0.014 0.04 Rice-wheat rotation has been made a
Pulses 0.09 0.008 reality now in Kashmir using University
Oilseed 0.358 0.007 varieties Shalimar Rice-1 and Shalimar
Wheat-1 which should go a long way
Total (major food crops) 2.48 - meeting food and feed shortage.
Total 5.442 0.055
B) Production of food grains (lakh tones) Maize is concentrated in hilly areas,
raised often on hill slopes with average
Rice 3.72 -
productivity of only 1.7 t/ha, 1.9 t/ha in
Maize 1.04 - Jammu, 1.1 t/ha in Kashmir but there are
Wheat 0.02 0.004 pockets in Doda where 2-2.5 t/ha of
Pulses 0.84 0.050 quality maize is produced under rainfed
conditions. Maize composites with 4-6
Oilseed 0.028 - t/ha have been released by the
Total 5.648 0.054 University, 3.5-4.0 t/ha in cold hill area
C) Average productivity (q ha ) -1 using Shalimar Maize KG-1/KG-2
Rice 25.95 -
Maize 9.71 11.31 Successful maize + rajmash is also
Wheat 10.16 9.90 popular with the farmers. University has
Pulses 5.24 6.25 released five pulse varieties with 0.8-1.2
t/ha yield, superior lines are in pipeline.
Oilseeds 5.80 - Productivity of pulse can be increased by

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April 2008

application of Rhizobium culture 1. Shalim ar : M id bloom er, sem i-soft-shell, average yield
(alongwith PSB and VAM), recommended 2-5kg/tree or 6.75 q\ha (unshelled).
doses of fertilizer (NPK) and manure,
2. M akdhoom : Late bloom er, sem i-soft-shell, 2.50 kg/tree
protective irrigation and weed
or 6.75 q/ha (unshelled) yield
management. Being deep rooted respond
to interculture, raised bed planting gives 3. W aris : Late bloom er, sem i-soft-shell, 2.41 kg/tree
better plant stand and protection against or 6.50 q/ha (unshelled) yield
water logging. 4. Parbat : M ide bloom er, soft-shell, 1.72 kg/tree or
4.64 q/ha (unshelled) yield
Fruit production
companion crop in saffron plantation. screened and released the following two
However, it was removed because of varieties being superior in their post-
Apple : There were 46,189 ha under perpetual damage due to frost. harvest characters :
apple in 1974-75 with average University has developed/released
productivity of 4.12 t/ha. Apple following mid and late bloomer almond Hamdan : Light coloured kernels, high
production has grown, now there are varieties : shelling percentage (>54%)
100,702 ha under apple with average Sulaiman : Light amber coloured kernels,
productivity of 10.34 t/ha. Ambri is a 52% shelled
Productivity of these varieties is
native germplasm of apple valued for its

1974-75 2003-04
Area (ha) 46,189 100,702
Productivity (t/ha) 4.12 10.34
Am bri is native germ plasm , alternative bearer, susceptible to diseases
Lal Am bri (Am bri x RD) Regular bearer, high organoleptic rating, 50 t/ha on M-9, HD-planting
Sunhari (Am bri x GD) Regular bearer, high organoleptic rating, 50 t/ha on M-9, HD-planting
Firdour (GD x Rom e Beauty x Scab resistant, 90-95% red colour, sub-acidic, m edium size
Malus floribanda)
Shireen Scab resistant, sw eet, juicy, m edium size fruits, term inal bearer
Akbar High yielder, sw eet, big size fruit, spur bearer, 90% red, 50-60 t/ha

aroma and long shelf life but an alternate relatively low but they flower at a time University has succeeded advancing
bearer and has become susceptible to that by-passes frost period and give bearing in walnut by using grafted
disease (apple scab) San Jose Scale and reasonable yield. There is urgent need to sampling bearing starts from 3rd/4th year.
pest. Red Delicious is reigning increase productivity of almonds in University has succeeded in having
commercial apple variety which needs Kashmir through intensive R&D specially higher success rate under low cost
diversification, it has low shelf life and breeding and management. polyhouses condition (70-80%) better
also not a regular bearer. University has than using electric operated costly Hot
developed 5 apple varieties. Walnut : It has very good demand in Callusing Cable (HCC) System.
foreign markets and it earns about Rs. Production of grafted samplings of
Almond : It is a high value nut. There 120 crores in foreign exchange. However, identical clones should be taken up in a
were 9361 ha under almond in 1974-75 it is a highly cross-pollinated crop mostly big way to increase walnut production.
with average productivity of 0.16t/ha of seedling origin. Seeded walnut takes Grafted walnut at 8 x 8m spacing can
(unshelled) which has increased to 16, 10-12 years to fruit, too long an yield more than 2.5 t/ha (unshelled).
679 ha with average productivity of 0.86 unproductive period. Hardly any inputs Average productivity of walnut has
t/ha. It is rather too low productivity are given to walnuts, these are defacto increased from 0.79 t/ha (1974-75) to
because it is mostly rainfed. It is organic products. University has 1 . 3 7 t / h a ( 2 0 0 3 - 0 4 ) . Wa l n u t

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April 2008

management especially irrigation, and of Pok has rich biodiversity in apricots Vegetable production
nutrient application need to be and some of the varieties known for their
addressed. quality. The following apricot varieties Dietary awareness has resulted in major
raised in Kashmir Division are : shift in food habits of the people who now
Cherry : It is a fruit crop of Kashmir prefer low fat, low cholesterol foods rich
where it has monopoly in India. It is also a Apricots have varied use as fresh fruit, in vitamins, phytomins, minerals and
dietery fibres thus marked spurt in
1. Double : Larger fruits with dull colour, shelf life are relatively larger. demand for quality vegetables. In Jammu
and Kashmir vegetables are grown on
2. Mishri : Dark red colour sweet fruits 57,300 ha with annual production of 9.96
lakh tones providing 206 g/caput/day.
3. Makhmali : Datrk red colour sweet fruits
Average productivity of vegetables in
J&K is 17.38 t/ha against national
4. Awwal : Early maturing
average of 15.03 t/ha. Higher vegetable
productivity is in Ladakh region (29.5
deciduous of fruit crop. There were 654 sun and solar and osmodehyderated
t/ha) followed by Kashmir (21.56 t/ha)
ha under cherry in 1974-75 with a apricots. Dehyderated apricots are used
and lowest in the Jammu region (13.26
production 510 t, an average as prunes in developed world thus are
productivity 0.78 t/ha which has exportable commodity if hygiene and
increased over to 2531 ha with annual quality is maintained. Sulphiting and
production of 7308 t and an average osmodehyderation yield attractive Though area, production and
productivity of 2.89 t/ ha. However, colour. productivity have improved over the
productivity of cherry in advanced years, productivity in J&K is still much
countries has reached to 40-50 t/ha. It is Solar dryers and sulphiting technique lower than developed nations, 40 t/ha
a fruit with very short shelf life of about developed by SKUAST-K and under open field conditions and 60 t/ha
7d. Gummosis is wide spread and lot of Osmodehyderation developed by RRL on average under protected conditions.
fruit is lost due to cracking in the event of Jammu need to be promoted to preserve
untimely rain. The cherry varieties raised this highly perishable nutritive fruit for Area under vegetable production and
in the Valley are : better economic dividends. Wild productivity break up (2003-04)
apricots are good for soil conservation
Apricot : Apricot, Zardalu (Hindi), and can be raised on hill slopes and
Factors responsible for low productivity
Khoobani (Urdu), Ctcheir (Kashmiri) is undulating areas. Its leaves are good feed
of vegetables include :
major fruit crop of the Ladakh region and to sheep and goats and the wood has
also raised in the valley. It has wide several economic uses, kernel oil is
Non-availability of quality seed, as a
result farmers depend on their own seeds
1. Charmagz : A sweet apricot cultivar raised in the valley, pulp and
kernel both sweet, kernel used as almond substitutes. which are often of inferior quality.
Government and other public sector
2. Kaisah : A sweet apricot cultivar raised in the valley. organizations produce very little
vegetable seed.
3. Gilgati Sweet : Sweet apricot from Gilgit region raised in Kargil locally
known at ‘Bota Cher’
Because of low replacement rate of
vegetable seeds, farmers use (certified)
4. Helman : Sweet apricot widely grown in Kargil region, possibly of
Afghan origin. seed for 3-4 generations by which they
are degenerated genetically.
5. Khantae : Wild apricot having sweet pulp but bitter kernel widely
grown in Leh and Kargil. Kernels are used as oilseed. Low level of adoption of improved
production technologies, usually
adaptation, grows all over J&K except considered of medicinal value, stems traditional, INM and IPM not put to
Jammu and Kathua district. Skardu area yield edible gum etc. practice.

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April 2008

temperatures is better suited in J&K

S. No. Region Area 000, /ha Production 000,t Productivity, t/ha
than other states practicing protective
1. Jammu 30.000 398.00 13.26

2. Kashmir 26.154 564.38 21.56 Popularization of off-season vegetable

cultivation :
3. Ladakh 1.150 33.92 29.50
High altitude areas of the Valley and
Total 57.304 996.308 17.38 Ladakh can produce off-season
vegetables for the plains with great
Source: Department of Agriculture Kashmir 2004,
economic advantage, specially those
Department of Agriculture, Jammu 2004 (unpublished)
areas where protective irrigation can be
Non-adoption of high yielding, resistant be produced in the region and made provided.
varieties and hybrids. available to the farmers as well as seed
producers. Vegetable seed production Achieved and expected yield levels of
Biotic and abiotic stresses. can be taken up in the Valley and Ladakh some important vegetable crops
in a big way.

Inadequate irrigation facility, 60% of

vegetable crops raised under rainfed S. Crop Yield obtained by farmers Expected
conditions. No. (q/ha) yield (q/ha)
1 Tomato 180-200 440-460
Environmental hazards, late snowfall and
incidence of frost damage are not 2 Brinjal 80-100 290-310
uncommon. Due to high temperature low
3 Chillies 60-80 100-110
and RH cucurbits suffer due to poor
pollination. 4 Sweet 80-100 225-300
Financial constraints of many farmers
prevents use of costly inputs. 5 Turnip 180-200 350-470
6 Cabbage 180-200 290-350
Poor marketing infrastructure.
7 Cucumber 100-150 250-300
High post harvest losses due to on-farm
Popularization of polyhouse technology : Though area, production and
storages for perishables.
productivity have improved over the
Vegetables early or late in the season years productivity in J&K is still much
Vegetable production in the region can
fetch much higher prices than main lower than developed nations, 40 t/ha
be increased by adopting the following
season crop. Polyhouse technology can under open field conditions and 60 t/ha
strategies :
help realizing this economic on average under protected conditions.
op p ortu n i ty. Prod u c ti vi ty u n d e r
Promotion of vegetable hybrids :
protected cover is much higher than Leading countries are USA, UK, Holland,
outdoor conditions, a productivity of 60 Japan, Israel, Korea, China, India etc.
Production of hybrid seed locally and
t/ha of capsicum and about 150-200 Within India there are wide variations in
their subsequent cultivation can increase
t/ha of tomato and cucumber. Crop is p r o d u c t i v i t y, t h e y i e l d s o n
vegetable production by 2-4 times. The
protected against insects and vectors of experimental farms with varieties and
seeds of vegetable hybrids developed by
disease. hybrids are 10.22 t/ha and 25.76 t/ha,
SKUAST-K or at national level and tested
on farmers fields or identified under respectively and are higher than
AICRP on Vegetable Improvement need to Polyhouse technology because of low average farm yields.

Epilogue Ø
29 ×
April 2008

Vegetable varieties/hybrids developed and recommended for release by SKUAST-K

S. Crop varieties Varieties Av. yield %increase in Status of varieties/ hybrids

No. (q/ha) yield over
1. Tom ato Im proved 416.00 75.70 Recom m ended for release by RCM
Shalim ar-1 & ZREAC 2005

2. Turnip SH-T-7 311.08 16.08 Minikit trial

3. Potato PP-48 306.60 51.31 Recom m ended for release by RCM
PP-2500 345.19 27.46 & ZREAC 2005

1. Brinjal SH-BH-1 674.07 139.58 Recom m ended for release by RCM
SH-BH-2 503.70 79.68 & ZREAC 2005

2. Cucum ber SH-CH-1 1226.63 179.13 Recom m ended for release by RCM
SH-CH-5 810.64 125.24 & ZREAC 2005

3. Sw eet pepper SH-SPH-1 544.44 99.59 Recom m ended for release by RCM
SH-SPH-5 437.04 60.08 & ZREAC 2005

4. Tom ato SH-TH-1 1088.88 76.88 Recom m ended for release by RCM
SH-TH-3 826.66 34.38 & ZREAC 2005

5. Hot pepper SH-HPH-1 268. 3 76.71 Minikit trial

SH-HPH-2 289.4 90.50
6. O kra SH-O H-3 257.8 29.00 Minikit trial
SH-O H-7 248.9 24.00

Livestock husbandry morbidity and mortality. In this cattle and 239 sheep per thousand
background maize is a candidate that persons in this region.
Livestock husbandry is source of deserves due attention and animal
livelihood for landless. State has 31.34 shelter and environment control There is paucity of feed and fodder for
lakh cattle (46 crossbred), 8.10 lakh measures become a necessity. the livestock especially during the winter
buffaloes, 39.3 lakh sheep (70% months as a result productivity suffers.
crossbred), 20.0 lakh goats, 0.35 lakh Livestock are of considerable importance University is operationalizing rice-wheat
yak, 65 lakh fowl, 5 lakh duck with 84.6 in Kashmir. The livestock population per rotation in the valley which should
per cent under backyard poultry. Per thousand persons is as high as 911 for the alleviate the crises to a certain extent.
capita milk availability is 330 ml/day State as a whole. The livestock also During winter months most of the
against a national average of 210 ml/day, provide the people with meat and ruminants thrive on dried leaves of
but average productivity is still only 1000 mutton, a valuable source of protein. willow and keekar etc. Being a foodgrain
l/lactation and during winter months The production of meat has been deficit region, feeds largely come from
productivity drops down drastically. reported as 17.6 lakh tones. The the outside, as a result pelleted feeds in
Sheep and goats are reared under semi- production of eggs reported in 2001 is
the valley are relatively more expensive.
pastoral system. However, there is acute about 559 million a year. The livestock
Sabzaar variety of oats is performing very
shortage of meat and poultry. Against a population per thousand persons at 2644
well and it should be popularized and its
demand of 1200 lakh kg, production is is the highest in Ladakh. There are
quality seed made available to the
only 235 lakh kg of red meat, causing around 1128 sheep and 865 goats per
severe strain on state's economy. Poultry 1000 persons. The number of cattle and
has to depend upon imported feeds; yak are also very high here. Kashmir at
severe winter adversely affects egg and 581 has the lowest number of livestock The feed and fodder situation in
poultry production with steep rise in per 1000 persons. There are around 273 comparison to the number of livestock

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April 2008

does not seem to be encouraging. Only 4 In order to meet the increasing demand effiency and ensure sustainable
per cent of the area is under fodder of food due attention is required to be production. Cereal-legume or cereal-
crops. The net sown area is in itself very paid to rainfed areas and turn these so oilseed cropping sequence would ensure
small and four per cent of that is even called “grey areas” into green. The additional income and higher production
smaller and far from adequate to take following approach is required to be of cereals, pulses and oilseeds.
care of the animal feed and fodder. adopted :
However, the land utilization statistics Rainwater harvesting and its efficient
show that the area under grazing land In the areas having high productivity of a utilization should form important part of
and permanent pasture is about 2.8 per particular food crop, the emphasis has to the strategy which shall increase
cent of the total reported area. These be laid on the strengthening of marketing production and productivity. The effort
permanent pastures often take care of and price support so as to maintain the should require adequate financial
the sheep and goats while fodder is given productivity. support for equipment and
to milch animals. The green fodder helps infrastructure.
better milk production as witnessed in
In the areas where the extensively grown
the State. However, NBSS survey has also
crops have low productivity, emphasis Emerging challenges
reported overgrazing and degradation
has to be laid on introducing and
related to overgrazing in some parts of
adopting an improved sustainable In order to achieve the food security in
the State.
technology to increase the productivity. the region in terms of physical,
economic, social and ecological access to
Status of feeds and fodders in J&K
In areas a balanced diet and safe drinking water
Source Availability of Requirement of Deficit Mt where the so as to enable every child, woman and
dry matter, Mt dry matter, Mt c r o p p ed man to lead a healthy and productive
area is less life, the following challenges need to be
Fodder 3.20 4.0 0.75 (19%) and the addressed in future :
Concentrate 0.30 2.0 1.70 (85%) y of crops is Natural resource management : Soil and
l o w , water are two key natural resources in
Total 3.56 6.0 2.45 (41%)
attempts to agriculture and with continuous
replace the exploitation these resources are
The Ladakh region that is naturally less existing crops with more efficient and shrinking. Research on water use
endowed and dry has the maximum high yielding crops need to be given efficiency through in-situ water
number of livestock. The density in priority. harvesting, watershed management,
relation to human population as well as
micro-irrigation techniques and
cultivated area is very high. Again the
Diversion of area specifically growing plasticutlure needs to be strengthened.
livestock are more in the Jammu region,
coarse grain to other high value cereals Land use planning will be a critical factor
compared to Kashmir valley. Severe
need to be encouraged. for sustainable agriculture in future. For
shortage of feed and fodder is seen in the
this soil, plant, water, vegetation,
Ladakh region. Hence more region-
Emphasis on growing short duration crops climatic and socio-economic factors have
specific strategy is needed in the area of
so as to increase cropping intensity is to be considered for drawing a land use
livestock. This is because more than the
needed to increase productivity. plan around arable farming, forestry,
milk economy, which appears to be good;
pasture, agro-forestry, horticulture and
the other livestock probably need more
other uses.
attention, particularly from the point of Increasing the marginal areas under
meat, mutton and wool production pulse or oilseed cultivation to increase
together with enhancing pashmina the returns and ensure nutritional Agro-biodiversity conservation :
production and the livelihood security. Introduction of high yielding crop
alternatives of nomadic people. varieties has increased uniformity and
genetic erosion. Conservation of genetic
In rainfed areas efforts should be made
diversity and gene pools is essential for
Addressing the need of rainfed to promote mixed cropping so as to
future genetic improvement of crop
ecosystems increase the water and nutrient use
plants and to meet the diversified and

Epilogue Ø
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April 2008

ever changing needs of mankind. Agro- production system. Rapid urban growth Environmental sustainability : Increased
biodiversity includes genetic diversity of and changing socio-economic factors attention has to be paid to the impact of
plants, livestock, fisheries and microbes. have resulted in escalated demand for agricultural technologies on ecological
Biotechnology : Discoveries in the areas diversity of food and other agricultural sustainability as the farming will
of plant tissue culture and recombinant products. Increasing demand for quality intensify in future.
DNA technology have opened up new products and with globalisation of
avenues and dimension for the crop markets, the post harvest intervensions Diversified agriculture : As a
improvement. It has also helped in warrant high priority. The demand for consequence of the importance attached
reducing the cost of some costly inputs high quality horticultural and food to growth oriented research on
like chemical fertilizers, pesticides etc. products has necessitated the agriculture, which came mostly from
Recent developments in the area of application of protected agricultural crop research, the vast potential
molecular biology have made it possible technology, which will also help available with other farm enterprises, by
to genetically engineer the plants for promotion of agricultural export, and large, has remained under exploited.
ameliorating some of the impediments especially of flowers and high value Diversification of agriculture to include
hampering agricultural productivity. seeds. livestock, fisheries, horticulture and
agro-forestry needs to be emphasized on
Integrated nutrient management : Improved seed and planting materials : the basis of a scientific land use planning
Exhaustive crops and cropping systems Quality seeds of high yielding crop for resource optimization. It would need
have hastened the pace of degeneration varieties have been the primary factor value addition, post harvest intervention
of soil. Use of organic manure and for increasing the productivity. Research and efficient agri-business strategies.
inorganic source in balanced manner priority for characterization of varieties
would ensure sustaining the biological using morphological, biochemical and Epilogue
productivity of the soil. Emphasis needs molecular markers is needed to
to be laid on plant residue management, safeguard the piracy and ensure supply of Experts of national and international
biofertilizers and associated cropping of high quality seeds. repute have expressed the view that
legumes with cereals especially in Jammu and Kashmir is fairly food secure
rainfed and marginal farms. Livestock and fisheries : Livestock is an as far as the food availability is
important component of agricultural concerned more due to better PDS than
Integrated plant protection and pest system of the state particularly that of the complete self-sufficiency in
management : To reduce the losses in small and marginal farmers in Kashmir production. However, the analysis of PDS
production, indiscriminate use of and Ladakh. Research and development data shows that the lowest ten per cent
pesticides is usually made. These efforts need to be integrated and in the rural areas do not consume much
pesticides are by and large non-specific expanded to improve this important PDS grain though they eat well. Probably
and result in environmental pollution, component of agriculture. Fisheries is an they depend upon the subsistence
human health hazards and emergence of area of considerable importance for farm farming or purchase of local grain, better
resistant forms of target species. diversification in the state having large suited to their food habits. If a strategy
Integrated pest management approach number of natural water bodies. The of large scale shift to non food crops is
based on synergistic use of resistant researchable issues include survey of taken, PDS has to be effectively
varieties, adoption of appropriate inland water bodies, potential and extended to the rural lower income
cultural practices, use of bio-pesticides problems of aquaculture, breeding and groups. Since poverty is not of great
and biocontrol agents and disease production of high quality and more concern, and affordability is ensured,
management is essential for sustainable productive fishes, feed formulations, the government should take care of the
food productivity and maintaining eco- fisheries health, pollution of aquatic availability and distribution of food
friendly environment. system, survey and conservation of grains.
aquatic biodiversity, waste utilization,
Post harvest technology and value value addition, domestic marketing and Considering the natural resource health
addition : Large scale post harvest losses distribution, export related management of the region there is large untapped
are a common feature in our food etc. potential to develop horticultural crops

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April 2008

and agro-processing industries. A unemployment situation still prevails. accelerated through actually
systematic shift to horticultural crops reinforcing package of technologies,
and high value crops such as saffron and It is possible to shift to high value crops in services and government policies. The
kalazeera would improve the incomes a group effort. Market linkages and agro- huge difference observed between farm
and livelihoods of the people which will processing linkages will have to be gate prices of agricultural commodities
ensure access to food and nutritional developed. Given the natural resource and consumer's prices needs to be
security. This should be accompanied by base and the human resource base bridged. Fodder and feed banks are
the extension of credit as well as together with ideal climatic conditions essential for ensuring adequate animal
insurance with the insurance linked for growing high value crops, Jammu and nutrition during winter. Steps to
credit cards. Kashmir has the potential to become one achieve 100 per cent literacy need to be
of the most prosperous states of the accelerated.
Unemployment is a problem in Jammu country.
and Kashmir, though Ladakh region has
fewer problems. While poverty measured In Ladakh region the process of ANWAR ALAM
in terms of the bear minimum diversification of farming systems and Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Kashmir
requirements is very low in the State, the consumption patterns needs to be

Centrally A/C Formally
Atmosphere with Hygienic Food
Kitties Parties, Get-together, Birthday

Contact us at :
Rehari Chungi, Jammu
Ph. : 2543498, Mb. : 9419143214

Epilogue Ø
33 ×
April 2008

Availability, Accessibility
And Affordability

Arun Manhas

Food security refers to availability of population has to be commensurate with Decrease in population would imply
food and one's access to it. A household is increase in agricultural production and adequate availability of food for more
considered food secure when its also the increase in purchasing power of a people. Inadequate livelihood
occupants do not live in hunger or fear of common man. In Jammu and Kashmir the opportunities in rural areas result in
starvation. As a nation, we have come a causes of food grain deficiencies have household nutritional insecurities. The
long way from an under developed nation been low cultivable area, insufficient planning should be conducive to
resorting to age old techniques of progress in dry zone/rain fed agriculture, fostering job-led economic growth based
agriculture and industry to one capable stagnation in food grain production,
on micro enterprises supported by micro
of launching space vehicles and change in cropping patterns, faulty
credit and inturn increasing purchasing
exploiting nuclear power. Thanks to the public distribution system, inefficient
immense growth in science and institutional arrangements. power of people. The Government should
technology, we could achieve a potential emphasize upon “Universal Access to
leap in the production of food grains food”. The schemes like National Rural
The remedy for having food security
through what is termed as the Green Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), Mid
would be increase in agricultural
Revolution. Food security was once day meal, Food for work should be
production as it being synonymous with
defined as resulting from the interplay of food security. Fruit cultivation is the religiously implemented which will
food production, food availability and only cropping system in State which not inturn provide desired nutrition to the
economic recess in terms of purchasing only helps in impressing biological poor masses.
power. Now it has one more dimension, productivity and nutritional standard but
i.e. food utilization. also assists in maintaining ecological The effect of globalization is also to be
sustainability, earning foreign exchange seriously looked upon Self-reliance and
Agriculture occupies an important place and providing direct and indirect self-sufficiency are now replaced by
in the economy of the State. The share of employment opportunity. Green export promotion policies, i.e producing
Agriculture and allied sectors in the revolution also needs to be extended to for the world market which often leads to
Gross State Domestic Product for the Jammu and Kashmir for witnessing major the negligence in the affairs of our poor
year 2006-07 stands at 28.61%. On the increase in food grain production as population. Currently food Corporation
other hand nearly 70% of the population Punjab and Haryana. Moreover, of India (FCI) plays a role in price
in the State derives its livelihood directly production of coarse cereals like maize, stabilization through maintaining buffer
or indirectly from the Agriculture sector. Bajra and Jawar should be emphasized stocks and supply of food grains for
The total geographical area of the State which are suitable for drought prone distribution through PDS. The role of FCI
is 2.23 lacs sq. km including those parts, areas of the State. and PDS needs to be re-looked upon, so
which are under the occupation of that the subsidized food grains reach the
Pakistan and China. About 92 per cent of The Government through investments in target population. Role PRI's needs to be
the geographical area of the State vital agricultural infrastructure, credit strengthened.
consists of high mountains rugged linkage and encouraging the use of latest
topography and only 5 per cent is techniques should motivate each district
available for cultivation. Jammu and What we urgently need is a dual policy
to achieve self-sufficiency in food with specific short term and long-term
Kashmir is more or less food secure production. Extension of irrigation
because as per Planning Commission of focus along with participatory
facilities and other linkages from
India only 3 per cent of the population is development and good governance to
agricultural and horticulture
poor, but this food security is sustainable solve our miseries, then only we can have
Departments could be instrumental in
or not in the coming years is yet to be Jammu and Kashmir self reliant, self-
increasing the production. High priority
seen. sufficient and food secure in its real
should be given to bridge the gap
between the potential and present yields
The concept of the food security could be of farming system and great attention
related with agricultural productivity as should be given to harvesting techniques, ARUN MANHAS, educated in veterinary
more the food grains means more food storage facilities and bioprocessing sciences, is an officer with J&K
security. Apart from this the growing methods. Government

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April 2008

Roots Of Conflict
And Separatist Politics

Fayaz Ahmad Mir

The politics of separatism got strengthened in Kashmir with the dismissal and arrest
of Sheikh Abdullah on August 9, 1953.

Kashmir is the abode of various races and give the freedom movement of Kashmir a looking for an independent state of
ethnic groups whose history goes back secular character Muslim Conference Jammu and Kashmir. The war of 1947
thousand of years. The Kashmiris thus (framed in 1932) was converted into largely limited their choices. The large-
vitally differ in some respects from their National Conference in 1939. After the scale disappointment of both pro-
counterparts in the sub-continent. It is conversion process the freedom accession and anti-accession forces
the Kashmiri identity and the quest for its movement got divided into secular and contributed to early political separatism
survival and growth which made Kashmiri religious groups. The roots of the finding its foothold in Jammu and
People to resist the Mugals, Afghans, separatist politics in Kashmir can partly Kashmir State. The first anti-accession
Sikhs and Dogra regimes. Due to the value be traced to that split. political group formed in Jammu and
of this identity, it is quite possible that if Kashmir was political conference by G.
both India and Pakistan honourably The roots of the separatist politics in M. Karra.
guarantee not only the existence but also Kashmir partly lie in the sub-continents
the peaceful development of Kashmir, partition in 1947. The indecision of All the events and political developments
most Kashmiri will prefer an independent Maharaja to accede to either of two of post 1947 era taken together should
Kashmir”. dominions by August 14, 1947, because of leave no body in doubt that Sheikh
his own desire of complete independence Abdullah was dreaming of becoming an
Kashmir as it exists today was created by laid foundation for an instable Kashmir independent ruler of Kashmir and the
the British government in 1846 and was polity. The Governor General of India Anglo-US block was at that point of time
handed over to Raja Gulab Singh through while accepting the instrument of encouraging him to entertain such a
the treaty of Amritsar. The treaty accession from Maharaja of Kashmir demand. However the politics of
impinged and sustained a big stigma on assured that in case of any state where separatism got strengthened in Kashmir
the Kashmiri identity and on the state as the issue of Accession has been the with the dismissal and arrest of Sheikh
a whole. The treaty consisting of ten subject of dispute the question of Abdullah on August 9, 1953.
articles makes no mention what so ever Accession should be decided in
of the rights and interests of the people. accordance with the wishes of the people The separatist politics of Jammu and
However, the clash between Kashmiri of the state since the Kashmir situation Kashmir between 1953-1975 was run
identity and Dogra usurpation was did not stabilize even after UN under the auspices of plebiscite front.
noticeable when the treaty met different intervention the separatist politics had The basic objective of the plebiscite
small uprisings and finally the uprising of the fertile ground to grow. front was to press for the demand for
1931. holding a free and fair plebiscite under
Since Accession of Jammu and Kashmir the United Nations Auspices. The Jammu
With the changing circumstances in sub- State to Indian Union took place not only and Kashmir Liberation Front was formed
continent the Kashmiri Muslims in haste but also in circumstances of war, in 1964, which embarked on a campaign
increasingly became conscious. It was in the decision itself left many groups in to push for independence. Another
1931 that the growing dissatisfaction of Jammu and Kashmir State dissatisfied. militant organization Alfata also comes
the Kashmiri people burst into flames Even Maharaja Hari Singh and Sheikh to light. Immediately after the theft of
and led to Kashmir movement. In order to Mohammad Abdullah too were in essence the sacred relic from Hazratbal Shrine, a

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April 2008

politics. Widespread irregularities in the organizations and militant leader defer leaders formed a joint committee to
vote count and mass arrests of MUF to the political figures decisions on the carry the political movement to its
candidates in the elections aftermath non-military aspect of the movement. So destination. The monitoring committee's
fuelled popular disillusionment with the rather than being isolated bands of task was to stop the inter group clashes
electoral politics. The candidates and misguided youth, “the militants took among the different militant outfits. The
the agents of the MUF became the first their cues from these well-established committee consisted of Syed Ali Shal
rank militants and separatist leaders in political figures who are mostly veterans Geelani, Molvi Abbas Ansar, S. Hamid, G.
early 1990's. Moreover the election of of Kashmir politics. M. Batt, Shabir Sadeeqi, Yousef-ul-Umar,
1987 became immediate cause for the Peer Hfiz-ullah Mukadoomi and Molvi
uprising of the 1989 in Jammu and The purposes were that political parties Mobarki. In this meeting another sub-
Kashmir State. guide and unite the militant groups. The committee was also set up to draft a
misunderstanding and group clashes constitution for the new organization.
There was a mushroom growth of should be eradicated. There was strong
militant organizations in early phase of sentiment in Kashmir that political Thus finally the conglomerate of APHC
militancy in J & K. It was estimated that leaders should guide and control the came to existence. On the one hand, it
more than 100 militant organizations militant movement and provide it gave a united political platform to the
operated in J & K. Although this militant guidance and leadership. The high point militants to settle down their inter-group
movement sought to achieve the single was reached when a broad multi group conflicts and on the other the Hurriyat
objective of “Liberating” Kashmir from Azadi movement was launched following could now in a united manner present the
the domain of India, but after the the militant upsurge. The beginning was conflict in Kashmir in proper perspective
mushroom growth of militant groups, made by senior separatist leaders who before the bar of world public opinion.
these become arch enemies of one not only articulated but also The formation of Hurriyat was realization
another. The differences occurred when consolidated the movement in a cohesive of urges and aspirations of the
JKLF and its allies propagated the cause manner. These leaders to began with suppressed people. So the growth and
of total independence from both India came to be known as Pung Group (group development of the APHC can be traced
and Pakistan. on the other hand Hizbul of five persons) while they were being to the 1993 phase of the Kashmir
Mujahideen (affiliated with the Jamat-i- held together in jail 1992. militancy. APHC which claims to be sole
Islami) and its allies favoured the cause representative organization of Kashmiri
of Kashmiri's accession with Pakistan. Thus it was on December 27, 1992 that a people has achieved some success in
The Hizbul Mujahideen and certain other strong need was felt for a broad-based, presenting the Kashmir conflict
militant out fits like Muslim Janbaz ideologically flexible organization for according to their perspective before
Force, Hizbullah, Tehrik-e-Jehad, representing the Kashmiri sentiments in various international forums. APHC
Operation Balakote, Al-Umar etc. at one a proper perspective. It was with this through different techniques and
point of time formed a common apex intention on this day and year that strategies has mobilized people for what
body called “United Jehad Council Mirwaiz Umar Farooq took an initiative they called the final settlement of
(UJC)” in 1990. But since the eruption of and convened a meeting of various Kashmir Issue. In an atmosphere of
militancy in 1989-90, the need of a broad organizations and individuals. The violence and conflict the political space
political platform had been felt. This was second meeting was convened on 8th vacated by established political parties
the necessity of militant outfits also. March 1993 with the objective to have a was occupied by APHC. It has been
Somehow no serious effort was made common strategy for unitedly facing the possible only by the support and co-
towards its realization in the early years situation in Kashmir, In this meeting it operation of the Kashmiri people that
of movement. was decided to have an organization with APHC could emerge as a legitimate body.
different politico-social and religious The APHC was formed with a set of
In terms of progress towards political organizations. The representatives of objectives dealing with how conflict can
dialogue, within the valley itself, different groups invited to this meeting be terminated and peace restored in the
however signs of consolidation and co- expressed grief and agony over the state. The objectives are as under:
operation were seen. The first aspect of situation in Kashmir and condemned the
this was that the top militant groups large-scale killing of the people of To make peaceful struggle to secure for
were all affiliated to the major political Kashmir. In this joint conference the the people of the state of Jammu and

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April 2008

new political party, Awami Majlis-i-Amal eleven years in Pakistan with manifest further widened the negative
was formed with Mirwaiz Molvi Farooq as anti-Indian policies too had an impact on perceptions and created a huge space of
chairman. It also stood committed to internal political situation in Jammu and dissatisfaction in Kashmir which was
plebiscite to resolve the Kashmir Tangle. Kashmir. Internally, centre state immediately filled up by religious and
After the holy relic movement there was relations in spite of 1975 accord would extremist forces. The last nail in the
a phenomenal rise in the separatist youth not always move in right direction, more Coffin was the Rajiv Farooq Alliance and
politics in the state. To start with youth so after the death of Sheikh Abdullah emergence of Muslim United Front (MUF)
politics in the state like the Front and successive central governments as a formidable force in 1987 elections.
other like minded organization had the
slogan of right to self-determination as In the year 1986 a new political grouping
their main plank and their movement was called Muslim United Front was formed in
by and large peaceful, with no trace of
The 1975 Accord resulted in a
order to fight the National Conference
violence in it. The fragmentation of setback to the separatist politics in Congress alliance. The major aims and
youth organization and multiplicity of Jammu and Kashmir but it could objective of MUF centered around issues
their number however infused an such as promotion and protection of
element of militancy in some of them.
not mark the end of the separatist
Islamic solidarity, adherence to the
From that point of view these militant sentiment in the state. There were fundamental principles of Islam
organizations can be compared to some elements in the plebiscite maintaining its cultural distinctiveness,
present organization which too are precious heritage and traditions
largely manned by young leaders.
front which were opposed to this
promoting co-operation among Muslims.
accord. Mahaz-i-Azadi launched
The 1975 Accord resulted in a setback to by Late Sofi Akbar, Jamat-i- MUF's entry into the election in 1987
the separatist politics in Jammu and changed the entire complexion of the
Islami, People's League and
Kashmir but it could not mark the end of electoral politics in the state. It made
the separatist sentiment in the state. JKLF were important the contest quite tough and close in the
There were some elements in the organizations, which questioned Muslim dominated constituencies,
plebiscite front which were opposed to especially in the Kashmir Valley. It was
Kashmiri Accession to India and
this accord. Mahaz-i-Azadi launched by for the first time that national
Late Sofi Akbar, Jamat-i-Islami, People's emerged main anti-accord conference after its revival in 1975 had
League and JKLF were important organizations. From 1977 to faced a real challenge to its hegemonic
organizations, which questioned position. After the elections the coalition
1982 the separatist youth
Kashmiri Accession to India and emerged government headed by National
main anti-accord organizations. From movement virtually died down. It Conference increasingly turned hostile
1977 to 1982 the separatist youth was only after the death of Sheikh towards political opponents. All the
movement virtually died down. It was candidates of the front who were
Abdullah that the separatist
only after the death of Sheikh Abdullah defeated were arrested along with their
that the separatist groups started gaining groups started gaining strength prominent supporters immediately after
strength and intensifying their activities. and intensifying their activities. the results were announced. Some of
them were arrested right inside the
After the death of Sheikh Mohammad counting hall and were beaten up
Abdullah political scene in and out side publicly by the police and N.C.
the state under went great especially during congress rule created candidates jointly. Most of them were
transformation. Externally former Soviet impediments in the centre state detained under public safety act to
Union had intervened in Afghanistan relations. The manner in which Indira different jails of the state.
giving rise to Islamic forces. There was Gandhi tried to coerce Farooq Abdullah
Islamic revolution in Iran as well, which during 1983 elections and launched a Thus the denial of democracy witnessed
had its impact on worldwide Islamic communal campaign in Jammu against in 1987 was the last straw that broke the
groups and organizations. Further, Zia- him and finally unconstitutional camels back. In this way the elections of
ul-Haq's consolidation of Power for dismissal of Farooq Abdullah in 1984 1987 marked a watershed in Kashmir

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April 2008

Kashmir the exercise of the right of self- specified above. highlighting what they call the
determination in accordance with the UN fraudulent occupation of the state by
Charter and the resolutions adopted by After the examining the set objectives of India. Sixth, while recognizing the
the UN Security Council. However, the APHC, The broad perspective that Muslim majority character of the state
exercise of the right of self- emerges is: the APHC maintains that such a character
determination shall also include the right of the state the APHC maintains that such
to independence as explained hereafter First, though APHC emerged as the a character of the state needs to be
in sub-clause (ii) political face of the militant movement it preserved. It asked for preservation of
nevertheless stressed upon the peaceful Islamic values but at the same time
To make endeavors for an alternative means to be employed for attainment of safeguarding the interests of the Non-
negotiated settlement of the Kashmir objectives. Second, it still feels that Muslims. The very fact that Non-Muslims
Dispute amongst all the three parties viz; dispute can be resolved by implementing could not join the APHC, and APHC failed
(a) India (b) Pakistan (c) People of the UN Resolutions on Kashmir, it needs to be to have a concrete programme for
state of Jammu and Kashmir, under the mentioned here that the UN Resolutions religious minorities, reduced it to a
auspices of UN or any other friendly provided only for two alternatives i.e. Muslim-Kashmir centric Organization.
countries provided that such settlement accession to India or Pakistan. Third, The organization also could not reach out
reflects the will and aspirations of the conscious of growing urge in Kashmir for to other regions and communities of the
people of the state. an independent state the APHC in its state.
constitution clarified that right of self-
To project the on-going struggle, in the determination would also include the The ideological differences within and
state before the nations and third option of independence of the between constituents of the APHC came
governments of the world in its proper Jammu and Kashmir state. One can also to the surface with the commencement
perspective as being a struggle directed add that inclusion of third option was a of 2002 Assembly election. The State
against the forcible and fraudulent way of reaching out to Jammu Kashmir Assembly Election 2002 placed APHC into
occupation of the state by India and for Liberation Front, a constituent of All the cliff-stick situation. The
the achievement of the right of the self- Parties Hurriyat Conference. Fourth, conglomerate was not in a position to
determination of the people. conscious of changing political situation clarify to the people whether they should
in India and Pakistan after 1971 breakup boycott these elections or not. This time
To make endeavours in keeping with the of Pakistan and emerging international the leaders of the APHC were not
Muslim majority character of the state realities APHC does not close its eyes to unanimous to launch a door-to-door
for promoting the building up of a society any other alternative settlement of boycott campaign against this election
based on Islamic values, while Kashmir conflict provided aspirations of which otherwise they used to do in the
safeguarding the right and interests of the people are taken into account. It was elections of 1996, 1998 and 1999. The
the Non-Muslims. partly in recognition of changing geo- hardliner leaders led by Syed Ali Shah
political situation in sub-continent. Geelani of this apex body openly
Fifth, APHC believes in presenting the denounced the process of holding
To make endeavors for the achievement
Kashmir Issue before the Nations of the elections and thus asked for a complete
of any objectives which may be
world in proper perspective, in boycott. Most of the APHC leaders
ancillary or incidental to the objectives

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April 2008

particularly from moderate camp Kashmir Liberation Front led by that the APHC will have to make use of its
remained tight lipped about these Mohammad Yasin Malik has not allied mobilizational skills in order to make
elections and did not utter even a single with either of the two groups, so far and itself relevant in the changing situation.
word whether the people should boycott thus adopted an attitude of impartiality. The Hurriyat will have to function in a
or participate in these elections. This Apart from other things the Assembly fast changing regional and international
ultimately created a deep conflict Elections of 2002 also created an political climate. It will have to make
between the leaders of the conglomerate element of dissension within the APHC as fuller use of different strategies to reach
and they began to level serious charges already discussed. To conclude it remains out to different sections of the society.
against one another. to be seen how far efforts towards The international order in the aftermath
unification will succeed and how of 9/11 peace process in South Asia has
Not only this, the hardliners and the provided new changes to the APHC. Even
moderates blamed each other for a otherwise the domestic political space is
sellout on Kashmir. The final shot was witnessing a lot of political
Not only this, the hardliners and
fired when Syed Ali Shah Geelani of comprehension with concerns of the
Jamat-I-Islami blamed Sajad Gani Lone the moderates blamed each other people becoming acute.
of People's Conference for fielding proxy
candidates in these elections and thus
for a sellout on Kashmir. The It seems that the APHC is passing through
bartering the Kashmir Cause. He asked final shot was fired when Syed a difficult phase. First the split of
for strict action by APHC against Sajad organization into two factions, second
Gani Lone but the plea was rejected by Ali Shah Geelani of Jamat-I- the improvement in the Indo-Pak
majority of the APHC Executive members relations and the likely fair that it may
Islami blamed Sajad Gani Lone
and thus giving a clean chit to Mr. Sajad overshadow Kashmir issue. The third
Gani Lone by its newly elected Chairman of People's Conference for most important point is that the coalition
Molvi Abbas Ansari. The response to the government has high-jacked the agenda
election process proved a destabilizing fielding proxy candidates in of Hurriyat conference. The People's
factor for the APHC which got divided Democratic Party (PDP) also made
these elections and thus bartering
into two groups. One led by Molvi Abbas extension use of the separatist discourse
Ansari is known as APHC (Ansari) and the the Kashmir Cause. even while making on attempt to make
other group led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani inroads into the political constituency of
is known as APHC (Geelani). Both the the national conference. It even uses
factions are trying to secure points over green flag and the pen and inkpot (the
each other and thus claiming the real All effectively the APHC can mobilize public electoral symbol of erstwhile Muslim
Parties Hurriyat Conference. So far every opinion for the same. On the other hand united front). Thus above mentioned are
effort made by some top most separatist the very relevance and legitimacy of the the important challenges before Hurriyat
leaders, eminent citizens, journalists All Parties Hurriyat Conference will be conference and the conference has to
and academic intelligentsia have failed tested in the wake of multiple challenges overcome these challenges and make its
largely to unite two factions which have emerging in and around Kashmir. Apart presence relevant in the present
adopted parallel lines. Jammu and from other things one thing is certain changing political scenario.

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April 2008

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