ADVERTISEMENT Support The War Effort

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ADVERTISEMENT: “Support the War”

US History
World War I

Your goal in this assignment is to research and then create an advertisement to encourage
people to support the war effort.

1. Make a creative advertisement that explains why people should support the war effort.
Your goal is to try and sale the war to American citizens.
2. The advertisement could promote joining the armed forces, rationing food, or
conserving energy.
3. Guidelines for the advertisement are:
a. You must create an 8 ½ x 11 advertisement that encourages citizens to support
the war effort by joining the military, rationing food, growing gardens, working in
a factory, or conserving energy
b. You should have a catch phrase or slogan.
c. Be creative! You have all seen advertisements before! Make your statement
stand out so that people WANT to support the war!
d. Use color!
e. These should not be completely computer generated! Use your own ideas
f. You may work alone or with one other person

Due Date: Wednesday February, 1

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