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Polytechnic Institute of NYU

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

CS 6233 Fall 2010
Operating Systems I Professor Katz

Office: LC124
Phone: 718-260-3657
Office Hours: Tuesday 4:30-6PM, Thursday 4-5PM.

Recommended Text:
Andrew S. Tannenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, 3rd Edition

25% Term project
33% Midterm
42% Final

Course Description:
This course provides a study of operating system concepts for uniprocessor machines. It
will examine processes, mutual exclusion, job scheduling, memory management, storage
hierarchy, and file systems.

Prerequisite: CS 590

Late Policy:
Late homework will not be accepted under ANY circumstance; any homework which is
not turned in on time will receive a grade of zero. Make-up examinations will be given
only in the case of emergencies and will require prior approval and verification of the
reason for the absence. .

Examination policy:
A valid Poly ID card will be checked prior to the administration of any exam. Talking
during the exam will not be tolerated for ANY reason! Any student found talking during
the exam will be warned only the first time and will fail the exam for any subsequent
infractions. A student in need of aid should raise their hand and wait for the professor or
proctor to arrive.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

The Polytechnic University policy on cheating will be followed explicitly. A student
found cheating on an assignment will receive a zero for that assignment. Plagiarism is
defined as “To use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own.” One
sentence copied from a book or website does constitute plagiarism. Any student found
cheating on the exam will fail the exam and be reported to the University administration.

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