Mercy Episode 16 HOUSE #893249 Int'L Edit Page 1 of 41

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HOUSE #893249
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01:00:02 Jimmy Flanagan VO/OC Some more coffee sweetie?

01:00:03 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO All right, wow.

01:00:03 Male In Blue Sweater OC Any more bacon?

01:00:04 Jeannie Flanagan VO/OC You look real pretty this morning

01:00:06 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Okay, guys, I really appreciate the attention,
VO/OC and thanks for coming over for breakfast,
but I’m fine. So we can all just act normal.

01:00:26 Ryan Flanagan OC I love you.

01:00:27 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Oh my God, Ryan.

01:00:28 Bobby Flanagan VO/OC Nice going jackass, you’re freaking her out.

01:00:30 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan No, it’s fine.


01:00:35 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC I love you too Ryan.

01:00:36 Jeannie Flanagan VO/OC We’re all just worried about you hon. A
thing like this can stay with a person.

01:00:40 Bobby Flanagan VO/OC Mom I told you, nothing’s gonna happen, as
far as the police department’s concerned she
acted in self-defense.

01:00:45 Ryan Flanagan VO/OC I don’t think she’s talking about the legal
ramifications dummy, she’s talking about
the emotional fallout from shooting a guy at
point-blank range okay?

01:00:53 Jimmy Flanagan VO/OC What do you know about emotional fallout?
Shut up about things that you don’t know
what you’re talking about.

01:00:58 Male In Blue Sweater VO/OC Is that the first person you killed or did you
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kill people over in Iraq?

01:01:01 Jimmy Flanagan OC/VO Hey. What is the matter with you?

01:01:04 Bobby Flanagan VO/OC If it makes you feel any better Trey Adams
was one bad mope.

01:01:08 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Trey Adams? That was his name?

01:01:11 Bobby Flanagan VO/OC And the guy had priors for B and E,
aggravated assault, even a murder one
charge but DA couldn’t make it stick.

01:01:17 Jeannie Flanagan VO/OC Strike me dead for saying this but you’ve
made the world a safer place Veronica.
Thank God it’s over.

01:01:23 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Hey thanks.

01:01:24 Bobby Flanagan OC No worries. Sure you’re okay?

01:01:27 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Yeah, like mom said, it’s over.

01:01:31 Male In Blue Sweater VO Here here.

01:01:33 Bobby Flanagan VO To it being over.

01:01:37 Bobby Flanagan VO Over and out.

01:01:38 Jeannie Flanagan OC Okay.

01:01:40 Jeannie Flanagan OC Bye.

01:02:02 Trey Adams VO Don’t lie to me.

01:02:02 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Everything’s gonna be okay.

01:02:04 Trey Adams VO Don’t lie to me.

01:02:08 Trey Adams VO Don’t lie to me.

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01:02:09 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Everything’s gonna be okay. Everything’s

VO/OC gonna be okay. Everything’s gonna be
okay. Everything’s gonna be okay. Hello.

01:02:27 Chris Sands VO/OC Hi, sorry I don’t mean to barge in on you on
a Tuesday, I know how you feel about that.

01:02:34 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan No, come in. It’s okay.


01:02:36 Chris Sands VO/OC I know that we said that we’d give it a
couple of days but I just, I really wanted to
see you, make sure that you were okay.

01:02:44 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC I’m okay. I’ve just been sleeping mostly,
besides it’s kind of hard to get a quiet
moment around here.

01:02:51 Chris Sands OC It seems pretty quiet right now.

01:02:52 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Everybody just left.

01:02:54 Chris Sands OC Oh.

01:02:55 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Actually I was just leaving too.

01:02:59 Chris Sands OC Hey, I love you. We’re gonna get through
this you and me, together.

01:03:06 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Okay.

01:03:07 Female Singer #1 VO <Singing> It’s the heart on your sleeve

never making me wonder, it’s the bomb…

01:03:10 Chris Sands OC Can I give you a ride to work?

01:03:10 Female Singer #1 VO <Singing> that’s inside up and over and

under, you’re the sun and the rain and my
grass is always green. You make me happy,
you oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, you make me happy. You oh, oh, oh,
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oh, oh.

01:03:31 Chris Sands VO Wait, wait, wait, wait.

01:03:32 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Chris.

01:03:33 Chris Sands OC Wait.

01:03:33 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Chris, don’t worry, I’m not gonna let some
horrible ending stop us from being together.

01:03:38 Chris OC No, no, I mean I’m, I wanna make sure your
dad is not gonna come home and kill me.

01:03:44 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC I think, I think we’ve got some time.

01:03:47 Chris Sands OC Yeah?

01:03:49 Female Singer #1 VO <Singing> You make me happy.



01:03:54 Female Singer #2 VO <Singing> Move forward…

Taylor Schilling

…fall back, life…

Michelle Trachtenberg

…is like that and we’re just getting started.

Jaime Lee Kirchner

One thing’s for sure, ain’t no…

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James Tupper

…remedy, if you wanna get right then you


Diego Klattenhoff

…get right with me.

Guillermo Diaz

Hey, hey. If you wanna…

James Le Gros

…get right then you better get right with

me. You better get right with me.

Created By Liz Heldens

01:04:18 BREAK 1

01:04:29 Nurse Klowden OC How are you sleeping?

01:04:30 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Fine.

01:04:32 Nurse Klowden OC/VO Any change in appetite, are you feeling
fatigued or depressed?

01:04:36 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC No, I’m doing pretty good.

01:04:38 Nurse Klowden OC Intrusive thoughts?

01:04:41 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC To be honest I’m doing okay.

01:04:43 Nurse Klowden OC Look, we both got better things to do than

sit here and lie to each other. I could send
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you home on a mandatory three week leave

right now if I see fit.

01:04:52 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Yeah, please.


Special Guest Star James Van Der Beek

01:04:58 Nurse Klowden OC/VO When Jerry died on…

Morgan Turner

…9/11 the hospital offered me a six…

Kelly Bishop

…month sabbatical. I couldn’t stay away…

Margo Martindale

…72 hours, people thought I was nuts.

Peter Gerety

But I couldn’t sit home alone with my grief

and my…

John Ventimiglia

…daytime television and…

Geraldine Hughes

…think about the love of my life…

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Johnny Hopkins Ray Ianicelli

…falling from the 100th floor of that


Michael Chernus Patch Darragh

…in the peach shirt and green tie I picked

out for him that morning.

And Kate Mulgrew


Produced By James Bigwood

01:05:35 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC To be honest I’m having some trouble not


Producer Matt Ward

01:05:42 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC But with a place to go and knowing that I’m
helping people I think that I can hold on.

01:05:49 Nurse Klowden OC Good.


Consulting Producer Joe Sachs

01:05:52 Chloe Payne VO/OC Mollie, this is Veronica…

Supervising Producer Andrew Bernstein

…she’s gonna take good care of you okay?

01:05:56 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Hey.

01:05:58 Chloe Payne VO/OC Three days of vomiting and right upper
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quadrant pain.

Co-Executive Producer Toni Graphia

This is her father Nate.

01:06:02 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Hi.


Co-Executive Producer Peter Elkoff

01:06:08 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Hey Mollie.


Co-Executive Producers Dan Dworkin &
Jay Beattie

01:06:09 Mollie Singer VO Hi.

01:06:10 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Nice polish choice, we’re twins.


01:06:14 Nate Singer VO/OC I still don’t see why an 11 year old needs a

Executive Producers Gail Berman & Lloyd

Whoever heard of silver nails?

01:06:18 Mollie Singer OC It’s called battle armor.

01:06:19 Nate Singer VO Honey, you feel any better?

01:06:23 Chloe Payne OC Been like that since they got here.

01:06:28 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC V-tach.

01:06:29 Nate Singer OC What does that mean? Mollie.

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01:06:31 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO She’s got an abnormal heart rhythm.

01:06:33 Nate Singer OC Mollie.

01:06:35 Joe Briggs VO/OC I don’t feel her pulse. Charge to a hundred.

01:06:37 Nate Singer VO Oh God.

01:06:40 Chloe Payne OC Charged.

01:06:42 Joe Briggs OC Clear.

01:06:46 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Normal signs. History of intract vomiting.


01:06:49 Chloe Payne OC/VO Strong pulse, she’s okay.

01:06:51 Nate Singer OC/VO What’s wrong with her heart?


Executive Producers Gretchen J. Berg &
Aaron Harberts

01:06:53 Joe Briggs OC Nothing, all the throwing up made her

potassium levels extremely low, add a 40 k
to the bag.

01:06:59 Chloe Payne OC Her labs aren’t back yet, it could be


01:07:01 Joe Briggs VO/OC What’s dangerous is her going into v-tach

01:07:02 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC I’ll push lidocaine.

01:07:03 Joe Briggs VO/OC Good to see…

Executive Producer Liz Heldens
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…somebody’s out in front of this. Let’s

draw up potassium, come on.

01:07:09 Chloe Payne OC Fine, I’m not giving it to her.

01:07:11 Joe Briggs OC You don’t have to.

01:07:12 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Mollie Singer.

Written By Gretchen J. Berg & Aaron

Potassium 2.8. Okay, thank you.

01:07:20 Joe Briggs OC Good, something we can fix. She’s gonna

be fine.

01:07:31 Joe Briggs OC Talk to you for a minute.


Directed By David Straition

01:07:36 Chloe Payne VO/OC I have every right to question your authority
so if you’re gonna yell at me.

01:07:38 Joe Briggs VO/OC Shut it down chatty, you can push me
anytime you want, it just makes me look all
the more spectacular when I’m right.

01:07:44 Chloe Payne OC Then what do you want?

01:07:44 Joe Briggs OC/VO The ER nurse who came up in the elevator
with you, the one with giant fun bags, who
is she?

01:07:49 Chloe Payne OC A kid is coding and you’re rack-checking?

That’s nice.

01:07:52 Joe Briggs OC Relax, I’m not asking you to get us a room I
just wanna know what the situation is,
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married, boyfriend, lesbian, kid in

wheelchair, what?

01:07:58 Chloe Payne OC For the record this conversation is making

me very uncomfortable.

01:08:01 Joe Briggs OC/VO Oh God, are you gonna get a sexual
harassment law suit on me, because honestly
it’s soul-sucking and boring, give me the
goods on your sexy friend.

01:08:08 Chloe Payne OC/VO I don’t discuss my coworkers personal lives,

especially not with skeevy doctors, are we

01:08:15 Joe Briggs OC Fine, but she’s gonna be very upset when
she finds out I asked about her and you
didn’t give me the goods.

01:08:20 Female Nurse In Pink Scrubs VO Doctor Briggs your lap band’s prepped and

01:08:22 Joe Briggs OC All right.

01:08:26 Lauren Kempton OC Oh, what a nightmare.

01:08:28 Sonia Jimenez OC It’s not that bad.

01:08:29 Lauren Kempton OC/VO Really? Would you be caught dead in it?
Throw it away.

01:08:35 Sonia Jimenez VO All right.

01:08:39 Lauren Kempton VO/OC Oh, the Halston caftan. Now that I will be
caught dead in, set it aside for my funeral.

01:08:49 Sonia Jimenez OC I don’t think this is gonna work for a casket,
something more fitted, pants maybe.

01:08:55 Lauren Kempton OC/VO Really Sonia, a pantsuit? I am not going to

go to eternity looking like Hillary Clinton,
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get this thing off me.

01:09:04 Sonia Jimenez VO/OC Hey it’s helping you take deeper breaths.
Doctor Harris prescribed morphine if the
mask makes you uncomfortable, every two
hours as needed.

01:09:10 Lauren Kempton OC It’s needed. I’m not gonna spend my days
yelling like a lunatic over that machine.

01:09:18 Sonia Jimenez OC Here this’ll help.

01:09:22 Lauren Kempton OC Yeah. I’m a civilized woman who does

civilized things, like hand-written
correspondence. My penmanship looks like
a four-year-olds.

01:09:34 Sonia Jimenez OC So where’s Paul by the way?

01:09:36 Lauren Kempton OC/VO We sold the house on the Vineyard, I sent
him up for the closing.

01:09:44 Sonia Jimenez VO You need to keep this on.

01:09:45 Lauren Kempton VO/OC No, it makes me look like Hannibal Lecter.
Although looking like a killer is fitting I
suppose when you’re planning to off

01:09:55 Sonia Jimenez OC What?

01:09:56 Lauren Kempton OC/VO Don’t look so surprised, I’m cleaning out
my closets, writing letters, haven’t you ever
taken a course in psychology? I’ve decided
to end my life, and I need you to help me.

01:10:09 BREAK 2

01:10:20 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Are all immunizations up to date?

01:10:22 Nate Singer OC I’m sorry, I’m not sure.

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01:10:24 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Do you know the name of her pediatrician?

01:10:26 Nate Singer VO/OC I think it’s, who is it baby?

01:10:29 Mollie Singer OC Doctor Ferris. I’m not a baby.

01:10:35 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO BP’s 106 over 64.

01:10:37 Dan Harris VO/OC Good. BP potassium’s 3.2, Mollie’s liver

tests are all normal, no evidence of hepatitis.

01:10:43 Nate Singer OC Why is she in so much pain doctor?

01:10:45 Dan Harris VO/OC Well it could be an unusually bad stomach

virus, although these things resolve
themselves fairly quickly, if not we could
look at an ultrasound of her abdomen,
would that be all right with you?

01:10:54 Tammy Singer VO/OC He has no right to answer that, I’m Mollie’s
mother, I have full custody.

01:10:59 Mollie Singer VO Hi mommy.

01:11:01 Tammy Singer OC Sorry it took me so long to get here honey, I

went home to get some of your things, make
you feel more comfortable.

01:11:07 Nate Singer OC/VO Tammy the school nurse called and said
Mollie was rushed to the ER, the only
reason they phoned me is because they
couldn’t find you.

01:11:13 Tammy Singer VO/OC That’s strange because I was at my job, the
same place I’ve been every day since you
abandoned us for your fancy new family.
Why did you let them bring her to Mercy,
it’s out of my network.
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01:11:23 Nate Singer OC I’ll pay.

01:11:24 Tammy Singer VO We don’t need your charity Nate.

01:11:25 Dan Harris VO/OC Let’s continue this outside, Mollie needs her

01:11:30 Tammy Singer VO She’s never gonna get it Nate.

01:11:31 Nate Singer OC What do you expect me to do?

01:11:33 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan So, what do you want me to do with these
OC/VO guys?

01:11:36 Mollie Singer OC Give them to a sick kid.

01:11:37 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Are you sure? What if your dad comes back
VO/OC to visit?

01:11:41 Mollie Singer OC He won’t, my mom says we don’t want

anything to do with him. I got to be on her

01:11:47 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Whatever they’re discussing out there has
VO/OC nothing to do with you.

01:11:51 Mollie Singer OC Keep the frog, the rest can go.

01:11:56 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Why don’t I help you unpack?


01:11:57 Mollie Singer OC Sure.

01:11:59 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO All right.

01:12:02 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Carrie. Aren’t you like in 5th grade? How
about Nancy Drew?

01:12:08 Mollie Singer OC Not scary enough.

01:12:09 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC What’s so great about scary?

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01:12:10 Mollie Singer OC My parents always fought after I went to

bed and it gave me bad nightmares, the kind
you can’t wake up from.

01:12:17 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC I hate those, especially when you think you
wake up but you’re stuck in the dream and
the monsters are still chasing you.

01:12:22 Mollie Singer VO/OC That’s what’s so great about scary books,
and the monsters usually get their butts

01:12:27 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan I don’t wanna ruin the end of Carrie but you
VO/OC may wanna brace yourself.

01:12:31 Mollie Singer OC/VO It’s my third time reading it, and the
monster isn’t Carrie, it’s the teenagers who
are mean to her.

01:12:39 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC You’re pretty smart.

01:12:40 Mollie Singer OC Well, I’m no Nancy Drew.

01:12:42 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Nobody likes a wiseass. Except for me.

01:12:53 Angel Garcia OC/VO I miss food. I’m only on the second day of
my cleanse, dating a pastry chef made me

01:12:58 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC You’re not fat.

01:12:59 Chloe Payne VO/OC And this is boring, you and your cleanse are

01:13:02 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Come on, it’s my first day back at work
VO/OC after shooting a guy dinner, the least you
can do is drink with me.

01:13:12 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Too soon?

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01:13:13 Angel Garcia OC Yeah, kind of.

01:13:15 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Sorry.

01:13:15 Chloe Payne VO/OC Just because we’re not talking about it
doesn’t mean that, that we can’t if you want
to. Do you want to?

01:13:21 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC No. It was bad but it’s over, I’m good.
Chris and I are good.

01:13:26 Chloe Payne VO/OC Great, so you and Chris are still on?

01:13:28 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Yeah and he’s meeting me at my house

VO/OC later.

01:13:29 Angel Garcia OC/VO Doesn’t your mother live there? Why not
just have him meet you here?

01:13:32 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan I was trying to be sensitive, Mike works

VO/OC here. I don’t wanna be a jerk.

01:13:38 Angel Garcia OC Mike’s not here, Stephanie said he’s off

01:13:41 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Well, then Chris is meeting my mother for
OC/VO no reason, if that doesn’t scare him off
nothing will. Okay can we talk about
somebody else? Sonia, have you heard
from Nick?

01:13:52 Sonia Jimenez OC/VO No. And I am not going to hear from Nick.
He’s an Italian cop, he’s not just gonna
forget about the fact that his girlfriend slept
with somebody else.

01:14:00 Angel Garcia OC You could start with I’m sorry.

01:14:01 Sonia Jimenez OC/VO Yeah I already tried that, it’s over. It’s fine,
it’s what I wanted, it’s what I got, yay me.
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01:14:08 Chloe Payne OC What’s going on with the rich lady?

01:14:10 Sonia Jimenez OC It’s good.

01:14:13 Chloe Payne VO Good.

01:14:17 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Hello. What? Mom? What, slow down.
OC/VO What happened? Oh God. Okay, yeah, I’ll
be right there, bye.

01:14:36 Sonia Jimenez VO What?

01:14:37 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC I got to go, my dad put a pot of turpentine
on the stove and almost burned the house

01:14:43 Angel Garcia & Sonia Jimenez Flanagan down.


01:14:47 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Yeah.

01:14:53 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Dad what happened?


01:14:55 Jeannie Flanagan VO/OC He was so happy about the breakfast he

made this morning he decided to do a little
turpentine flambé. Mike came right over.

01:15:01 Jimmy Flanagan OC So you got to bust my balls?

01:15:04 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Take him in the other room and find a game
on TV or something.

01:15:07 Jimmy Flanagan OC Ah you might as well put on Sesame Street.

01:15:09 Jeannie Flanagan VO/OC Oh come on.

01:15:16 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC You wanna drink?

01:15:18 Mike Callaghan OC No I got to go by work later.

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01:15:21 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Okay.

01:15:30 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC What?

01:15:32 Mike Callaghan OC/VO Nothing. You guys are gonna have to re-
plaster and repaint. You know, I was here
the other day and that bottle was full.

01:15:41 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Geez, you go through a couple of bottles of

whisky a night and all of a sudden you’re an

01:15:45 Mike Callaghan OC/VO Look, you scared the hell out of me the
other day.

01:15:48 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC I know.

01:15:49 Mike Callaghan OC With what you got going on I don’t think
that’s the solution to your problems.

01:15:56 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC I can’t sleep.

01:16:00 Jeannie Flanagan VO/OC Veronica you have a visitor.

01:16:03 Chris Sands VO/OC Oh, hello.

01:16:05 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Oh boy. Chris, you remember Mike.


01:16:11 Chris Sands OC/VO Hey. What, what happened here?

01:16:13 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Oh my dad had a little accident.


01:16:16 Chris Sands OC Is there anything I can do to help?

01:16:17 Jeannie Flanagan OC We’re fine.

01:16:18 Mike Callaghan OC Well, I guess this is my cue. You kids have
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01:16:23 Jeannie Flanagan OC/VO I’ll walk you out honey.

01:16:30 Chris Sands OC I think she really likes me.

01:16:38 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Let’s get out of here.

01:16:40 Chris Sands OC Yeah.

01:16:41 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Okay, come on.

01:17:05 Tammy Singer VO What do you say to uncle Greg?

01:17:07 Mollie Singer VO Thank you.

01:17:07 Greg VO So you like it?

01:17:08 Mollie Singer OC/VO Yeah, the colors are really pretty.

01:17:11 Tammy Singer VO Yeah, look got pink in there.

01:17:13 Mollie Singer VO Purple.

01:17:14 Tammy Singer OC Yeah.

01:17:15 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Heart rate’s up to 122.

01:17:17 Tammy Singer OC Is that bad?

01:17:18 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan She might just need some more IV fluids or
VO/OC could be running a low grade temp. How
are you feeling Mollie? Are you stressed
about something?

01:17:24 Tammy Singer VO/OC I probably got her all riled up with my
complaining. Just when I thought things
couldn’t get any worse my car up and died.
This is my brother Greg, he’s giving me a
ride to work.

01:17:32 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan That’s nice of you Greg.

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01:17:34 Greg VO/OC Tammy I’ll meet you downstairs. Bye


01:17:37 Mollie Singer OC Bye.

01:17:38 Tammy Singer OC/VO Wish I could stay longer, my boss is being a
real jerk about me coming in late.

01:17:42 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan 100.2, not quite a fever but we’ll keep an
VO/OC eye on it.

01:17:47 Tammy Singer OC Be good honey, I’ll check in on you later.

01:17:53 Mollie Singer OC So lame.

01:17:57 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC You could have fooled me.

01:17:59 Mollie Singer OC Well, my mom’s really big on being polite.

01:18:02 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Uh-huh.

01:18:03 Mollie Singer OC I guess I’m just not in the mood.

01:18:04 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC You can be as grumpy as you want with me.
I brought you something.

01:18:12 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Actually it’s kind of for both of us.

01:18:14 Mollie Singer OC Awesome.

01:18:15 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan The Stand. I know, I’ve always wanted to
VO/OC read it.

01:18:19 Mollie Singer OC You were too scared.

01:18:20 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Well that and it’s like 800 pages. Anyway, I
OC/VO was thinking we could read it together.

01:18:24 Mollie Singer OC Two-person book club.

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01:18:25 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Uh-huh.

01:18:26 Mollie Singer OC I’m in.

01:18:27 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Cool. But hey, hey, this isn’t a race to the
finish or anything okay?

01:18:33 Joe Briggs OC/VO Let me take a look at her records, I’m pretty
sure I can do circumferential pulmonary
vein isolation and linear left atrial oblation
to achieve bi-direction conduction block.
Only like five guys in the world that can
perform that procedure.

01:18:46 Female Nurse In Flowered Scrubs Wow.


01:18:47 Joe Briggs VO/OC I know. Briggs. I, I wish I could help but
I’m swamped. Be right there.

01:19:10 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC 105. It’s been an hour showoff.

01:19:16 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Mollie. Mollie, are you in there?

01:19:25 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Oh my God. Mollie.

01:19:32 BREAK 3

01:19:43 Dan Harris OC/VO She was menstruating, she had the tampon
in for at least a day or two.

01:19:47 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan I’ll send for a culture and sensitivity. So
VO/OC you’re thinking toxic shock?

01:19:51 Dan Harris OC/VO Possible, there’s signs of an infection in the

cervix. Let’s see what kind of bug we’re
dealing with.

01:19:59 Dan Harris OC/VO It’s definitely not toxic shock. It’s a whole
hell of a lot worse.
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01:20:09 Sonia Jimenez VO Hey. You ready for dinner?

01:20:14 Lauren Kempton OC I’ve decided on tonight, I’d like a glass of

Dom Perignon, a dish of chocolate mousse
and Joni Mitchell on the record player, then
you can leave me with the morphine.

01:20:24 Sonia Jimenez OC I can’t do it Lauren.

01:20:26 Lauren Kempton VO/OC I had the most wonderful morning with
Paul. He’s always called me by my first
name but yesterday when he left he said I
love you mom, then walked out the door.
It’s a nice place to end don’t you think?

01:20:41 Sonia Jimenez OC Didn’t you hear me? I’m not helping you
kill yourself.

01:20:48 Sonia Jimenez VO/OC The morphine’s not there. I locked it up.
You have good quality of life left Lauren,
and I’m gonna be here for all of it, I will
care for you, I will listen to you.

01:20:57 Lauren Kempton VO/OC I’m the one who decides what happens
around here, I give the orders, you listen to

01:21:02 Sonia Jimenez VO/OC Not this time.

01:21:03 Lauren Kempton OC Fine, you’re fired, get out of here now.

01:21:06 Sonia Jimenez OC The service won’t be able to send anybody

until tomorrow.

01:21:08 Lauren Kempton VO/OC Then I hope you enjoy one last night
sleeping on my thousand thread count
sheets. Don’t think I haven’t noticed your
taste in the finer things darling, that’s why
you ditched that poor detective and seduced
my son, am I right?
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01:21:21 Sonia Jimenez OC You don’t know me.

01:21:22 Lauren Kempton VO/OC Oh yes I do. All your efforts will amount to
nothing because you’re halfhearted, you’re
gutless, you’re cheap.

01:21:29 Sonia Jimenez OC Lauren stop it.

01:21:30 Lauren Kempton OC Deep down you know you’ll always be the

01:21:32 Sonia Jimenez VO/OC And you’re just a sad old lady yelling at the
help. So who’s worse?

01:21:40 Male Singer VO <Singing> Up in the club.

01:21:41 Female Singer #3 VO <Singing> Ladies first, ladies first, put

your hands up, it’s party time, a lot of girls
on the cruise are about to shine, lady stand
up because you won’t be long, hey you’re
looking so.

01:21:51 Chloe Payne OC Ow.

01:21:51 Joe Briggs VO Do you have a car?

01:21:52 Chloe Payne OC Yes.

01:21:53 Joe Briggs OC/VO I need a ride, it’s an emergency.

01:21:55 Chloe Payne OC Where’s the emergency?

01:21:56 Joe Briggs OC/VO Filipelli’s <ph> restaurant, I’m meeting

somebody there, do you know it?

01:21:58 Chloe Payne OC The restaurant in Newark? Are you joking?

Drive yourself.

01:22:02 Joe Briggs OC I don’t drive.

01:22:04 Chloe Payne OC What do you mean you don’t drive?

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01:22:06 Joe Briggs OC I’m in a bit of a timeout driving-wise.

01:22:09 Chloe Payne OC Seriously? You’re a grown-ass man.

01:22:11 Joe Briggs OC You have any pull with the DA?

01:22:12 Chloe Payne OC No.

01:22:12 Joe Briggs OC Then I need a ride.

01:22:13 Chloe Payne OC I’m not driving you to dinner.

01:22:15 Joe Briggs VO/OC Nobody’s having dinner, I need a nurse

that’s gonna keep her mouth shut. It’s a
VIP house call.

01:22:22 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Can you imagine that conversation? Asking
OC/VO your 11 year old how she got gonorrhea.

01:22:35 Tammy Singer OC She admitted it. Four boys from sixth grade
were having sex with my baby.

01:22:44 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Did she tell you their names?

01:22:47 Dan Harris VO/OC Well it’s very important that we notify the
public health department, an epidemic of
gonorrhea at the school can’t go unchecked,
that’s what happened with Mollie, the
disease spread from her pelvis causing Fitz-
Hugh-Curtis syndrome.

01:22:58 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan It enflamed her liver capsule causing the
VO/OC abdominal pain.

01:23:01 Tammy Singer OC/VO I’ve just never been around for her enough
you know? Do I wanna be able to sit and
have dinner with her? Yeah. Do I want her
to be able to take Tae Kwon Do after
school? Yeah but someone’s got to put a
roof over our heads so I work, leaving her to
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take care of herself, looking for attention

wherever she can get it, and those boys
taking advantage of her I just, I just wanna
kill them.

01:23:24 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC There’s a lot you two need to discuss.
Would you like me to get the social worker?

01:23:28 Tammy Singer OC No, this is my fault, I’m the one who’s
gonna fix it. I need to start being there for
Mollie, I want her to know that she can
always count on me.

01:23:40 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC I’ll have housekeeping set up a cot in her
room so you don’t have to leave until she’s
released. Do you think that you can get the
time off?

01:23:47 Tammy Singer OC/VO Oh, I’m taking it, they can fire me if they
want. How long should I tell them?

01:23:53 Dan Harris OC/VO Two or three days. I’m going to keep her on
IV antibiotics till the pain resolves and the
fever subsides.

01:23:58 Tammy Singer OC Thank you.

01:24:04 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Battle armor.

01:24:06 Dan Harris OC You all right Veronica?

01:24:08 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Yeah.

01:24:09 Female Nurse In Blue Sweater VO Veronica you got a call at the station.

01:24:11 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Thank you.

01:24:19 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Hello.

01:24:21 Chris Sands VO What are you wearing?

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01:24:23 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Well big guy, right now I’m running my
OC/VO hands down a boxy poly-cotton one top that
turns into a boxy poly-cotton blend bottom.

01:24:31 Chris Sands OC Tell me about the shoes.

01:24:32 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Cross trainers.

01:24:34 Chris Sands VO I called you a couple of times.

01:24:35 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Oh, I think I left my cell phone at your
place, can you look around for it for me?

01:24:39 Chris Sands VO Yeah sure.

01:24:41 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO What’s up?

01:24:44 Chris Sands OC Not much, you were gone when I woke up
and I guess I was wondering if everything
was okay.

01:24:48 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan You had the day off, I didn’t wanna wake
VO/OC you up, I was trying to be a good girlfriend.

01:24:51 Chris Sands OC You know you, you can wake me up, I’d
rather see your face than sleep.

01:24:56 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC I will.

01:24:57 Chris Sands VO/OC Hey what about dinner tonight, I’ll make
you anything you want.

01:24:59 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Okay, beef wellington.

01:25:03 Chris Sands OC Yeah you don’t mess around do you?

01:25:04 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Get cooking honey. I’ll see you around
OC/VO nine.

01:25:07 Chris Sands VO Bye.

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01:25:08 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Bye.

01:25:12 Joe Briggs OC Just keep quiet and follow my lead.

01:25:18 Chloe Payne VO/OC Ah, are you taking me somewhere to kill
me, because I will scream or grab a cleaver.
Oh is that black truffle risotto?

01:25:34 Joe Briggs VO Dom. Tamiano <ph> you in there big man?

01:25:38 Chloe Payne OC/VO Big Don, as in Big Don Fatorgi <ph>? I
swear to God if there is a dead hooker
behind there I’m gonna run down this hall

01:25:47 Big Don OC Get in here.

01:25:51 Big Don OC Who’s she?

01:25:52 Joe Briggs OC She’s a nurse.

01:25:54 Big Don OC You need help with everything? I hope she
doesn’t have a big mouth.

01:25:58 Joe Briggs VO No, I’m here, what do you need?

01:26:01 Big Don OC He’s breathing but he won’t wake up.

01:26:04 Joe Briggs VO What he got hit in the head, what happened?

01:26:06 Big Don VO/OC I think he had a seizure.

01:26:10 Chloe Payne OC Are you okay sir?

01:26:11 Joe Briggs VO What the hell’s going on?

01:26:12 Big Don VO/OC Ah, I must have caught myself on my

zipper. Don’t worry about it.

01:26:29 Joe Briggs OC Come here.

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01:26:32 Joe Briggs VO Come here.

01:26:32 Chloe Payne OC Okay.

01:26:35 Sonia Jimenez VO Lauren I’m going to bed, do you need


01:26:38 Sonia Jimenez VO Oh, it’s freezing in here, you’re recovering

from pneumonia.

01:26:44 Lauren Kempton VO Please go away.

01:26:46 Sonia Jimenez VO I’m not gonna let you catch your death on
my watch.

01:26:49 Lauren Kempton VO So you’ve stated many times. Please just


01:26:59 Sonia Jimenez VO Lauren.

01:27:07 Sonia Jimenez VO/OC This was a new bottle, did you take all of

01:27:12 Lauren Kempton OC I did what I had to do.

01:27:17 BREAK 4

01:27:29 Sonia Jimenez OC Where did you get this?

01:27:30 Lauren Kempton OC The maid keeps her PMS stash under the
powder room sink.

01:27:35 Sonia Jimenez OC Do you know what happens when you O.D.
on acetaminophen?

01:27:38 Lauren Kempton OC I’m hoping death is involved.

01:27:40 Sonia Jimenez VO/OC Liver failure. Jaundice makes you itch
worse than anything, you vomit blood, your
stomach swells till you can barely breath
and all that lasts for weeks. You couldn’t
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have picked a more painful, miserable

drawn-out way to go. I have to call the
paramedics and get you the antidote.

01:27:57 Lauren Kempton OC/VO No, you’re a strong independent woman,

how would you feel if you were trapped
inside this failing body and had no say in
your own fate? This should be my choice,
and I choose not to burden my son, I choose
not to get my food through a tube in my
stomach, I choose not to pay people to bathe
me and wipe my ass.

01:28:17 Sonia Jimenez VO/OC Don’t put me in this situation.

01:28:18 Lauren Kempton VO/OC If I were a sick dog I’d be treated with more
dignity, they, they, they’d put me to sleep
without a second thought. Why am I being
punished? I made the most of my life, my
only crime was getting this disease, please,
please let me go.

01:28:36 Lauren Kempton OC Get me the morphine.

01:28:41 Sonia Jimenez OC Lauren how can I do this for you, it’s illegal.

01:28:44 Lauren Kempton VO/OC I sent you to the drugstore, when you
returned I was unresponsive.

01:28:49 Sonia Jimenez OC I can’t.

01:28:50 Lauren Kempton VO/OC You checked for signs of life, there were
none, since I have a DNR you did not
perform CPR or call the paramedics, an
elderly ALS patient with pneumonia is not a
coroner’s case. It, Doctor Harris will simply
sign the death certificate and the funeral
home will come collect my body. That’s all
you have to do.

01:29:19 Joe Briggs VO Who is he?

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01:29:21 Big Don VO/OC Angelo. He’s the sommelier.

01:29:27 Big Don VO Is he gonna wake up or what?

01:29:29 Joe Briggs VO/OC Does he have a history of epilepsy?

01:29:31 Big Don OC How should I know?

01:29:31 Joe Briggs VO/OC How about head trauma? Sleep deprivation,
alcohol abuse?

01:29:34 Big Don OC He liked the wine a little too much, he went
cold turkey a couple of days ago.

01:29:38 Joe Briggs OC/VO All right it’s probably alcohol withdrawal,
he’s a post <inaudible>, Chloe push two
migs of Atavan.

01:29:43 Big Don VO/OC Is that gonna wake him up?

01:29:44 Joe Briggs VO/OC It’ll prevent him from having any more
seizures, he’s gonna have to come to on his
own. Pupils are equal, round and reactive.

01:29:54 Chloe Payne OC Done. Sir not to be disrespectful or

anything but you don’t look too good.

01:30:00 Joe Briggs OC/VO Dom you may have lost more blood than
you realized, you should probably just let
me take a look at it.

01:30:17 Joe Briggs VO/OC Okay. Multiple full thickness lacerations,

most likely due to central incisor trauma.
Both the dorsal and ventral surfaces.

01:30:32 Big Don OC What the hell does that mean?

01:30:34 Chloe Payne OC Those zipper teeth took a big bite out of
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01:30:38 Big Don VO/OC Well let’s hurry this up all right? What?

01:30:42 Male Voice #1 VO Boss, table seven’s asking for Angelo, you
seen him?

01:30:45 Big Don OC Figure it out for yourself.

01:30:47 Chloe Payne VO Who are you?

01:30:48 Big Don VO/OC So what do we need here, a Band Aid, some

01:30:52 Joe Briggs VO/OC No, we need to prep for a surgical


01:31:06 Chris Sands VO/OC Ah hey, Veronica lost her cell phone so I’m
just retracing her steps from yesterday.

01:31:19 Mike Callaghan OC Have at them.

01:31:22 Chris Sands OC Yeah I don’t wanna pull you away from
whatever you were doing there.

01:31:26 Mike Callaghan OC How does Ronnie seem to you?

01:31:29 Chris Sands OC Good.

01:31:30 Mike Callaghan OC She talk to you about the shooting at all?

01:31:32 Chris Sands OC Not really no.

01:31:35 Mike Callaghan VO I just know how she is. I’m worried about
her, I mean where she grew up they don’t
talk about stuff.

01:31:41 Chris Sands VO Well, she says she’s fine.

01:31:44 Mike Callaghan OC/VO Yeah well, if there’s one thing that girl
knows about is pretending that things are
fine when they’re not.
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01:31:48 Chris Sands OC/VO Yeah I guess you’d know right?

01:31:50 Mike Callaghan OC What’s that supposed to mean?

01:31:53 Chris Sands OC Sorry I just meant that you were together for
a long time.

01:31:55 Mike Callaghan VO/OC Yeah we were, and I know her well enough
to know that she copes by not coping, but
maybe you haven’t met that Veronica.

01:32:02 Chris Sands OC Well thanks but I think I know her pretty
well too.

01:32:04 Mike Callaghan OC/VO You think I wanna talk about this? I’m
trying to move on with my life, and I know
that you guys think that you have this
golden, perfect relationship.

01:32:11 Chris Sands VO/OC Okay, okay.

01:32:16 Mike Callaghan OC Just keep your eyes open okay?

01:32:20 Chris Sands OC Thanks Mike, I got it covered.

01:32:23 Mike Callaghan OC Glad to hear it buddy.

01:32:26 Chris Sands OC Ah.

01:32:30 Chris Sands VO/OC Thanks. For whatever the hell this was.

01:32:38 Joe Briggs OC Approximate the wound with the

<inaudible> and we’ll add <inaudible>

01:32:42 Big Don OC Whoa, aren’t you gonna numb it?

01:32:44 Joe Briggs VO/OC We’re gonna use medical grade superglue to
seal the lacerations, you won’t feel a thing.

01:32:50 Big Don OC I said I wanted to be left alone.

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01:32:53 Male In Grey Suit VO It’s me.

01:32:54 Big Don VO Dad.

01:32:56 Big Don OC/VO Hurry it up, hurry it up, this just keeps
getting better and better.

01:32:59 Male In Grey Suit VO Open the door.

01:33:00 Big Don VO One second.

01:33:02 Joe Briggs OC Try to keep it at the edges of the wound to

minimize scarring. Other side.

01:33:07 Male In Grey Suit VO In three seconds I put my foot through this
door. You’re a liar.

01:33:14 Joe Briggs OC Done.

01:33:20 Big Don OC How am I gonna hide this?

01:33:23 Chloe Payne VO/OC Sit, sit down, put, put your hand in your lap
and, and, and follow my lead. Go.

01:33:39 Male In Grey Suit OC Look who’s here, Doctor Longshot.

01:33:43 Angelo OC/VO What, what happened? Did I do that with

my mouth?

01:33:47 Big Don OC What?

01:33:48 Chloe Payne OC Ah.

01:33:50 Big Don OC No.

01:33:51 Chloe Payne OC Well.

01:33:52 Big Don OC What?

01:33:55 Big Don OC Oh. Sort of.

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01:33:57 Chloe Payne OC/VO See what happened was Angelo got drunk
and he said something that your son took
offense to.

01:34:03 Male In Grey Suit OC Who are you?

01:34:03 Joe Briggs VO She’s my nurse, she’s fine.

01:34:05 Big Don VO/OC Anyway he was cracking wise so I slapped


01:34:07 Joe Briggs VO/OC Human teeth have a lot of germs, you can
contaminate the joint with mouth bacteria,
you could lose your hand.

01:34:14 Big Don OC/VO So I figured, you know with the probation
and all play it safe and bring the Doc down
here instead of going to a hospital.

01:34:27 Male In Grey Suit OC/VO Too bad. Kid knows wine.

01:34:30 Big Don VO/OC I know right? I’m gonna give him another

01:34:44 Joe Briggs VO/OC So, after this I’d say we’re square don’t

01:34:58 Big Don VO/OC You think you got leverage on me, keep
thinking it, your problem with us is gonna
get bigger than it already is.

01:35:08 BREAK 5

01:35:38 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Hello.

01:35:48 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Mollie. Mollie. Your liver is sick, what are
VO/OC you doing?

01:35:53 Mollie Singer VO Doctor Harris said I’m getting better.

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01:35:55 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Not like this, where’s your mom? I’m
VO/OC gonna go get your mom.

01:35:58 Mollie Singer OC No, no don’t get her.

01:36:00 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan Moll, Mollie stop it. Tell me what is going
VO/OC on right now.

01:36:11 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC You’re pimping out your daughter?

01:36:18 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC There are no boys at school, only the men
you brought to the house.

01:36:21 Tammy Singer VO Get off.

01:36:25 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC You brought a John, you brought a John to
see her here?

01:36:30 Dan Harris VO Stop it, Veronica. Veronica, let go of her.

01:36:35 Dan Harris OC/VO All right get her. Let go. Let go, help her,

01:36:40 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO Get.

01:36:40 Dan Harris VO Veronica.

01:36:42 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan VO She’s pimping out her daughter Dan.

01:36:45 Dan Harris VO/OC You could have killed her, are you insane?

01:36:53 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC She’s pimping out her daughter.

01:36:54 Dan Harris VO/OC Well then we’ll call the police, we don’t do
this here, you know that. Sit down. Sit
down. Don’t move until I tell you to get up.

01:37:07 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Where are you going?

01:37:07 Dan Harris VO I’m gonna try and clean up this mess.
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01:37:18 Female Singer #4 VO <Singing> It don’t snow here, stays pretty

green, I’m gonna make a lot of money then
I’m gonna quit this crazy scheme.

01:37:30 Lauren Kempton OC It’s time.

01:37:31 Female Singer #4 VO <Singing> I can fade away. I’ve been

loving you so long, I would.

01:37:42 Lauren Kempton VO/OC I, I didn’t mean a single thing I said earlier.

01:37:48 Sonia Jimenez OC Me neither.

01:37:50 Lauren Kempton VO/OC You can have whatever you want in life
Sonia, you know that right?

01:37:57 Sonia Jimenez OC Lauren I, I’m really glad I met you.

01:38:03 Lauren Kempton OC And I you my dear. Would you be sure

you’re the one to break the news to Paul?

01:38:15 Sonia Jimenez OC Yeah.

01:38:15 Female Singer #4 VO <Singing> Tried hard to help, putting me

at ease, you love me so.

01:38:20 Lauren Kempton OC That’s it I suppose.

01:38:21 Female Singer #4 VO <Singing> Baby we can’t go on, I could

sail away on.

01:38:34 Sonia Jimenez OC I don’t wanna leave you.

01:38:38 Lauren Kempton OC You have to.

01:38:39 Female Singer #4 VO <Singing> This baby that I ever had, I

wish I could skate away on, I wish I had a
river so long I would teach my feet to glide.

01:39:19 Chloe Payne OC/VO You did a nice job on that penis. Clean
work, impressive, anyhow, clearly you’re in
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trouble and I don’t want to know why, I just,

I, I want you to know that I won’t say

01:39:38 Joe Briggs OC Yeah.

01:39:47 Joe Briggs OC Well I think you talk too much.

01:39:51 Chloe Payne VO Where are you going, this is downtown


01:39:56 Joe Briggs OC For your work.

01:40:06 Male Police Officer VO Okay we got what we need, thank you

01:40:14 Dan Harris OC Tammy Singer was arrested after receiving

six stitches in her lip. What did the police

01:40:23 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC They took my statement and said that I’m
free to go. They think that I’m a hero.

01:40:29 Dan Harris OC/VO The Jersey City police are not the moral
authority of this hospital. What if that child
hadn’t been telling the truth, what if she’d
made up that story, did you ever consider

01:40:45 Dan Harris OC Mollie’s father’s on his way down here right
now, she asked to see you, I told her you
went home, which is what you’re going to

01:40:53 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Dan I can talk to her.

01:40:54 Dan Harris OC No, you’re gonna leave, now.

01:41:01 Dan Harris OC I can’t stand the sight of you.

01:41:22 Male Voice # 2 VO Kennedy Funeral Home.

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01:41:24 Sonia Jimenez VO Hello, my name is Sonia Jimenez, I’m

Lauren Kempton’s home care nurse. Yeah I
just returned from the drugstore and found
my patient unresponsive. She’s an elderly
woman with ALS and pneumonia, I checked
for signs of life, there were none. She has a
DNR, therefore I did not perform CPR, her
primary physician Doctor Harris saw her
within the last 30 days and, and he tested
her condition. Would you please send
someone to collect the body.

01:41:57 Male Voice # 2 VO Yes maam.

01:41:57 Sonia Jimenez VO Thank you.

01:41:58 Male Singer #2 VO <Singing> Do you know you’re all wrong


01:42:07 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Hi honey, I’m home.

01:42:09 Chris Sands OC Hi.

01:42:14 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC It smells fantastic in here.

01:42:17 Chris Sands OC/VO Ah yes well, that would be the beef
wellington that I whipped up, started three
hours ago.

01:42:27 Male Singer #2 VO <Singing> Really too late to.

01:42:29 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Oh my.

01:42:34 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Thanks.

01:42:37 Male Singer #2 VO <Singing> Morning to wake you and it’s

hard because.

01:42:42 Chris Sands OC How was work?

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01:42:44 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Great.

01:42:45 Male Singer #2 VO <Singing> Do you know me…

01:42:46 Chris Sands OC Good.

01:42:47 Male Singer #2 VO <Singing> …as hardly going.

01:42:51 Chris Sands OC Good.

01:42:53 Veronica Flanagan Callaghan OC Let’s eat.


Co-Producer Peter Chomsky

Executive Story Editors Veronica Becker
& Sarah Kucserka
Story Editor Colleen McGuinness
Story Editor Nichelle Tramble Spellman
Co Starring Greg Stuhr Nate Tracy Jai
Edwards Pretty Nurse Nate Lombardi
Angelo Brit Whittle Greg Kate Geller
Casting By Suzanne Smith Crowley
Jessica Kelly
Original Casting By Junie Lowry Johnson,
C.S.A. & Scott Genkinger, C.S.A.
Director Of Photography Russell Lee Fine
Production Designer John Kasarda
Edited By Scott Boyd, A.C.E.
Music By Wendy Melvoin & Lisa Coleman
Unit Production Manager Lori Johnson
First Assistant Director Karen Kane
Second Assistant Director Tom Lee
Costume Designer Amy Roth
Art Director Ted A. LeFevre, Jr.
Set Decorator Susan Ogu
Property Master Ruth Dipasquale
A Camera Operator Niels Alpert
B Camera Operator Jaime Silverstein
Production Sound Mixer Jeff Pullman,
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Key Makeup Artist Felice Diamond
Key Hairstylist Michelle Johnson
Gaffer Gene Engels
Key Grip Kurt Rimmel
Wardrobe Supervisors Barrett Hong
Careen Fowles
Transportation Captain Kenny Gaskins
Script Supervisor Jodi Domanic-Riccio
Production Assistant Greg Gabel
Scenic Charge Travis Child
Script Coordinator Paul Mendoza
Script Liason Joshua Malek
2nd 2nd Assistant Director Matt Lake
Production Coordinator Dawn Murphy
Assistant Production Coordinator Canella
Location Manager Pat Weber Sones
Assistant Location Manager Charlynne
Stunt Coordinator Mike Russo
Digital Image Tech Othmar Dickbauer
A Camera 1st Assistant Chris Trova
B Camera 1st Assistant Keitt
Special Effects Supervisor Connie Brink
Construction Coordinator Ronald A.
Petagna, Jr.
Medical Consultant Jeff Drayer, M.D.
Nurse Consultant Maya Lewis, RN
Nurse Consultant Marion Machado, RN
Nurse Consultant Susan Montella, RN
Post Supervisor Brian Moraga
Post Coordinator Ryan Kennedy
Supervising Editor Scott Gamzon
Assistant Editor Greg D’Auria
Colorist Charlotte Grau
Music Editor Jenny Barak
Music Supervisor Tricia Halloran
Sound Supervisor Richard Taylor
Re-Recording Mixers Larry Benjamin
Kevin Valentine
Visual Effects Producer Chris Scollard
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Visual Effects Artist Jason Fotter

Theme Music By Devin.
Assistants To Executive Producers
Dannah Shinder Gay Armand Hayley
Tyler Hannah Duffy
Filmed On Location In Jersey City
Courtesy Of The City Of The Jersey City
Copyright © 2010 Open 4 Business
Productions, LLC All Rights Reserved.
The Characters And Events Depicted In
This Program Are Fictitious.
No Depiction Of Actual Persons Or Events
Is Intended.
All Countries Throughout The World.
This Motion Picture Is Protected Under The
Laws Of The United States And Other
Countries. Unauthorized Duplication,
Distribution Or Exhibition May Result In
Civil Liability And Criminal Prosecution.
Country Of First Publication: United States
Of America. Open 4 Business Productions,
LLC Is The Author Of This Motion Picture
For The Purposes Of The Berne Convention
And All National Laws Giving Effect
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Selfish Mermaid <logo>
Universal Media Studios
A Division Of NBC Universal

01:43:28 CREDITS END

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