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Short Questions

1.) What is distribution Management?

2.) What is logistic Management and explain the needs of Logistic?
3.) Define Physical distribution and point out its functions?
4.) What are the elements of total cost in the physical distribution System?
5.) What are the various types of inventory Cost?
6.) What are the Various Types of Channels? Elaborate?
7.) Define Channel of distribution?
8.) What are the objectives of Channels of Distribution?
9.) What are the Patterns of distribution?
10.)What are the benefits and costs offered to intermediaries?

Long Questions
1.) Define Wholesaler and briefly explain the types of Wholesale institutions?
2.) Discuss the trends in Wholesaling and the Special Characteristics of high technology Marketing
3.) What are the factors to be considered for deciding the location of the Manufacturing Plant?
Discuss the Importance of Materials management during this period?
4.) What is Marketing channel .Discuss the importance of Marketing Channel?
5.) How does a Marketing Manager Selects, a distribution channel? What are the various choices
available to him?
6.) What do you means by marketing intermediaries and briefly explain the types of

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