Week 3 Assignment Tufte

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Adrian G.

February 2, 2011
IDE 711
Chapter 6 Summary E. R. Tufte

E R. Tufte has revolutionized the art of visual presentation during the course of his career.

His landmark text, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information pioneered how graphics are

used to tell the story or the data presented. The book is essential to the field of instructional

design in that it gives a clear guide in how instruction can be formatted graphically as well.

Tufte encourages a thick rich description when visual aids are incorporated in the material.

He stresses that every visual point be included for a reason. However he has coined the term

“data-ink ratio” to emphasize that the graphic and information must be balanced in structure. His

techniques are used to minimize “chart junk” which is useless non-informative information

displayed in the graphics.

Lately, Tufte has criticized the use of Power Point in a recent essay. In "The Cognitive Style

of PowerPoint", he stated that Power Point:

 Guides and reassures the presenter rather than aids the learner

 Enforces a linear progression through the material

 Criticizes the reliance of bulleted lists

 Utilizes poor typography and chart layout

Tufte points out that Power Point is a comfortable medium, not necessarily an effective

one. He stresses the use of outlines, that enable the attendee to keep track of the presentation

as well as reflect on previously learned material.

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