Telekinetic Energy Technique

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Telekinetic Energy Technique

I have known for a long time that we could check the chakra system with the use of a
pendulum but it was early one morning recently the I held my hand out and placed a
pendulum over it to check the flow of energy in the chakra.

After a short time I thought to myself would it be possible to stop the pendulum much to my
surprise when I focused on stopping the pendulum it stopped from there I tried swinging the
pendulum forwards and backwards then left to right.

At that point it occurred to me that energy had consciousness and that I could control the flow
of energy using telepathy. Knowing this I went about my business but held that thought in
mind for the day. As I was thinking about the natural flow of the chakra in the right hand is in
a clockwise motion.

So I thought to myself could that natural flow of energy be reversed? Later that day I tried the
technique below again. Stopping the pendulum moving it from left to right, forwards and
backwards then a short time later I tried reversing the flow of energy and the motion of the
pendulum knowing that its natural flow was in a clockwise motion much in my surprise when
I focused telepathically on the energy in my hand the pendulum slowed and changed

It had started moving counter clockwise and this is how I came to write this technique it is my
belief that if I learn to control energy with empathy and telepathy in mind then I would gain
greater control over my telekinetic ability. Focus on the new clairsentience technique it will
help with both of theses techniques.

Physical Techniques

Moving A Pendulum

Step One
Get comfortable and relax.

Step Two
Now focus your mind on your energy and hold a pendulum in your left or right hand.

Step Three
Then hold the pendulum over the other hand and watch it spin in a clockwise motion just
above the palm of that hand.

Step Four
After a few moments bring your attention upon the spinning pendulum and with your mind
and energy system commanded the pendulum to stop.

Step Five
Once the pendulum has stopped hold it there for a moment then in your own time try
swinging the pendulum backwards and forwards over the hand. take a few moments to notice
the motion of the swing and the energy in your hand.

Step Six
Then focus your thoughts again and try swinging the pendulum across your hand from left to
right and hold that motion for a couple of minutes

Step Seven
Then in your own time stop the pendulum and hold it there for a moment or two.

Step Eight
Now trying spinning the pendulum in a reverse motion to how the chakra in the hand spins in
other words when you start if the chakra is spinning in a clockwise motion then spin the
pendulum in a counter clockwise direction.

Step Nine
After you have spun the pendulum in the reverse direction focus your mind on the pendulum
and return the natural spin to the chakra.

Try this technique with both the right and left hand.

Once you have learnt how to move the pendulum over the chakras in the hands try the same
technique holding the pendulum over the major chakras of the body and see how you go. And
try feeling the movement when changing the flow of energy dont always think about moving
the pendulum.

Important Tip
Make sure you always return the chakra when you are finished working on this technique
back to it natural flow and direction of the chakras natural spin.

Spiraling Technique

After you have mastered the technique above try this technique what we are going to attempt
here is to form a inter dimensional spiral and wormhole in the fabric of both time and space
so make sure you take note of everything with your experience of this technique.

Physical Technique

Step One
Get comfortable and relax.

Step Two
Now focus your mind on the energy in your right hand.

Step Three
Feel the power and the flow of that energy. be that energy, breath that energy become one
with that energy.
Step Four
As the energy changes and forms the wormhole feel the the flow of this new energy breath
this energybecome this energy.

Step Five
Then in your own time expand this wormhole by pushing it out of your hand to a point about
one meter in front of you and hold it there.

Step Six
Now in your own time feel the wormhole expanding till it is the same size as you and when
you reach the apparent size hold the wormhole steady and telepathically command the
wormhole to open.

This may happen or it may not it takes time to open portholes and see them but if you focus
on the subject at hand you never known.

Step Seven
Then in your own time focus on a destination in the same room or a room nearby do not try
any distance to far away and don't worry if you cant see the wormhole because you will know
where you projected it.

Step Eight
Now with that destination in mind walk through the wormhole and notice everything thing I
when i first tried this technique could feel the wormhole as I walked through it even if I didn't
move to the destination that I held in my mind but I at least known that the wormhole had
form and I just needed to develop my technique in opening wormholes

Step Nine
You have finished with this technique draw the porthole back into your hand and make notes
on every sensation and feel that you had when you walk through the porthole. and remember
to have fun with this technique and measure all that you have learnt here and feel free to
leave your experiences on the message board in you wish I look forward to reading them.

And remember this is new to me as well so we all start at the same point. but I have faith in
my ability as a wingmaker

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