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Pennsylvania House of Representatives Republican Caucus

Economic Brief State Representative Sue Helm

January 2011

December Revenues Beat Projections by $176 Million;

Year-to-Date Collections Nearly 2% Above Estimate
December revenue collections show positive signs as
collections in each major category were above estimate for the
month. General Fund collections for December 2010 were $2.3
Billion beating the Department of Revenue’s estimates by $176.9
Million or 8 % for the month.

Due to the above-estimate collections in December, total

General Fund year-to-date collections are $191 Million or 1.7% above
estimates midway through the fiscal year.

One of the most significant numbers found in December

collection figures is the improvement in Personal Income Tax (PIT) EMPLOYMENT STATISTICS
collections which is 12% above estimate. This is promising as it November 2010 Monthly Change
shows a strong turn-around when compared to November 2010 PIT Labor Force 6.362 Million -5,000
collections which were 3% below estimate.
Unemployment Rate 8.6% -0.2
Corporation tax collections were $476.9 Million which is $36
Million above estimate. Consumption tax collections totaled $803 Total Employment 5.815 Million +9,000
Million which is $31 million above estimate. All other tax collections
were $968 Million which is $98 Million above estimate. Finally, Total 12-Month Growth
Non-tax Revenue collected was $42 Million which is $12 Million Total Employment -20,000
above estimate.
Unemployment Rate -0.1


Estimate Actual
Actual Collections

Estimated Collections
Corporation Taxes Corporation Taxes

$441.2 Million $476.9 Million

Consumption Taxes Consumption Taxes

$773.1 Million $803.8 Million

All Other Taxes All Other Taxes

$870.1 Million $968.3 Million

Non-Tax Revenue Non-Tax Revenue

$30 Million $42.4 Million

State Representative Sue Helm

Harrisburg Office District Office
(717) 787-1230 www.SueHelm.net (717) 651-0100

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