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Some Useful Tips to Increase your trade

1. On Saturday pick a leaf from a people tree; keep it below your seat in the shop after
properly treating it with the smoke and fragrance of ‘Dhoop’. Continue this activity for seven
Saturdays, every Saturday treating a new peepal leaf. After seven weeks, take these seven
peeple leaves and drop them in a well or tank, this will help in increase of your trade.

2. On a Saturday buy or get some small piece of iron or a small nut from the shop, which is
running well. Put this piece of iron or nut in a plastic or glass bottle along with 10-15 corns of
whole ‘Urad’, treating it with proper fragrance of ‘Dhoop’, keep it at a sight, not visible to the
customers. It will increase your trade.

3. If one is not having a good business and he wants to change the commodity of trade, he is
dealing with or he wants increase in trade, he should carry some iron or wooden good or table
and chair from his old goods and keep it at the new place or shop. After he should buy the
commodity, he wants to trade in and put in the shop. It will help in the increase of trade.

4. For five Tuesdays, one should take ¼ seer ‘Batashae or ‘Burfi’ and drop it in running water.
It will help in the increase of trade.

5. On Saturday, one should get seven green chilies and one lemon; make a garland of this
hang it in the front of the shop in such a way that the customer should see it. If the trade is
hampered due to bad sight of someone, it will make the trade increase. One should use fresh
Green chilies and lemon every week, which will help in the increase of your trade.

6. Get the iron foot shield of a black horse and hang it in the front of your shop or on the front
of the lemon and chilies garland. Be careful, it need not be changed. It is a permanent tip.

Tips for Early Marriage of Daughter

Here under are given some tips to come over the obstacles that come in the way of settling the
marriage of daughter.

1. On Thursday one should get (1) seven supari (2)seven Janeue (3) seven pieces of haldi (4)
seven pieces of gur (5) seven yellow flowers (6) seventy grams chane ki daal (7) seventy
centimeter yellow cloth (8) seven yellow coinds or seven brass pieces (9) one pandreh yantra.
After worshipping Ma-Parvati, keep in your house and wish and pray fro marriage for forty days.
Soon omens of marriage will appear.

2. Get (1) Lal Chura (2) Lal Chunaria (3) Red Flowers (4) Henna (5) Roli (6) Lal Jora (7) Red
Ribbon (8) Seven glass bangles of red color; take it to ‘Shiv temple’ and offer to Ma Parvati. Pray
to virgin Parvati for early marriage and suitable husband. By doing this faithfully marriage is
celebrated within a year.

3. Goto Shiva Temple and worship and pray Shiva Parvati with faith. Put a tilak of the moss of the
water channel and take the water flowing from the channel outside as Prasad.

4. Offering 108 peopal leaves on shivaling everyday in the month Shravan helps in early
marriage of the boy or a girl.
Tips to get rid of long lasting disease
Here under are given some tips to come over the obstacles that come in the way of settling the
marriage of daughter.

The person who has been suffering from a disease for a long time; or one gets involved in another
disease, as soon as he gets free from one; if one does not get relief from disease inspite of efforts,
can be free from disease by adopting these tips:-

1. To get rid of long lasting disease, one should prepare a chapatti (roti) of besan (gram floor) or
makka (corn floor) paste it with sarson (mustard)oil, should take the roti around the patients head
seven times. Make a black dog eat this roti. This makes gradual improvement in the patient

Tips to get Transfer

If someone wants to get himself transferred to a place of this own choice, one should adopt the
following way:-

◊-⇓1. One should take bath in cold water on Friday night Saturday morning and thereafter should
keep continuing praying and worshipping. ON sunrise he should offer the Sun God 21 or seven red
chilies. NO water is to be offered. If the Sun God is kind, the desired transfer will happen in 21 days.
Tips to obtain wealth, victory and success

1. Take horn of a jackal and keep it in the vermillion. If the horn is real the quantity of vermillion will
keep on decreasing. Keep in mind the vermillion remains, it does not totally vanish; so continue
putting vermillion in it. Till that time, you continue putting vermillion, there will not be shortage of
2. The following tips provide you success in your court cases and monetary benefit.
a. Cat’s Nal obtained on Saturday should be kept in the cash box. It increases your wealth.
b. If you keep a one eyed coconut in your house, the goddess Lakshmi is always kind to you.
c. If you get an old white flower – Aak plant, begin to dig it at the root. After digging for about 7-8
feet you will find a seven-par-knot, on which there will be a figure of the god Ganesh. Bring it home,
get it bathed, worship it in sixteen kind and then establish a throne, It always increases wealth and
d. ON Sunday, when there is Pushya Nakshtra, take the nail of right feet of a black crow and keep it
in your purse, cash box or treasury. It increases your wealth.
e. Form the figure of the god Ganesh, on the root of white aak, with a knife and worship it. It
increases your wealth, happiness and profit and brings prosperity.

Tips to obtain wealth, victory and success

1. Take horn of a jackal and keep it in the vermillion. If the horn is real the quantity of vermillion
will keep on decreasing. Keep in mind the vermillion remains, it does not totally vanish; so continue
putting vermillion in it. Till that time, you continue putting vermillion, there will not be shortage of

2. The following tips provide you success in your court cases and monetary benefit.

a. Cat’s Nal obtained on Saturday should be kept in the cash box. It increases your

b. If you keep a one eyed coconut in your house, the goddess Lakshmi is always kind to
c. If you get an old white flower – Aak plant, begin to dig it at the root. After digging for
about 7-8 feet you will find a seven-par-knot, on which there will be a figure of the god
Ganesh. Bring it home, get it bathed, worship it in sixteen kind and then establish a
throne, It always increases wealth and happiness

d. ON Sunday, when there is Pushya Nakshtra, take the nail of right feet of a black crow
and keep it in your purse, cash box or treasury. It increases your wealth.

e. Form the figure of the god Ganesh, on the root of white aak, with a knife and worship
it. It increases your wealth, happiness and profit and brings prosperity.

Tips to obtain Savings & Prosperity

1. To increase your savings, keep a square piece of silver in honey in a steel utensil, in your
house; it increases savings and wealth.

Tips to get rid of obesity

1. Wearing lead ring on the big finger of your right hand helps in decreasing your fat, the person
appears to be normal.

Tips for Easy teething of infants

1. Here under are given some tips for the children to get teething easily or to avoid delay in

i) A garland of small seashells or the root of Niguni should be kept in the neck of the
child which helps in easy teething.

ii) If we hang teeth of a horse or a lion in the neck of the child, the teething process
becomes easy and without delay.

iii) Put 108 seeds of mustard in a piece of cloth, and bind it, then make a hole in the
piece of reetha, hang both in a thread and put it as a garland in the neck of the child. It
helps in easy teething.

iv) Teething becomes easy if the child is made to wear a bangle of steel or copper in hand.

v) To make a taabeej of a dog’s teeth, bind it in thread and hang it in the neck of the
child. It helps in the teething process.

Tips to bring temperature down of a patient

By binding the outer skin of the snake (live or dead) or a bhanvra on the head of the patient, helps in
bringing down the temperatur normally.

Binding the tail of a lizard on the head or hand on Tuesday, or on Sunday, the tail of a giorgit on head
or hand helps in bringing down the temperature.

Tips to get rid of disease Jaundice

If a person is suffering from jaundice and the medicines he is taking are not effective, the
following tips will help him in getting rid of the disease.

1. Cut a lemon into two pieces, and remove seeds out of them. Roast alum and grind it to
powder. Drop this powder on these two pieces till they absorb it. When the absorption of the
powder ceases, put the full piece of lemon in your mouth and continue sucking it. The second
piece should also be sucked afterwards. Continue this process every morning and evening for
three days. This will help in getting rid of jaundice of blood.

Tips to increase eyesight

1. By rubbing the root of chameli in the juice of chameli leaves and apply it three to four times a day in both
eyes, helps in increasing the eyesight.

2. If the chameli tree is 100 years or more old, the above mentioned process of the leaves juice and the root,
can restore the eye sight of even a blind man.

Tips to decrease Headache

Binding the upper portion of both elbows with a soft rope / a long parings of clothe / or a ribbon,
the headache is cured within 5 to 10 minutes.

Tips to cure the painful eyes

Generally the eyes of children get red and later develop pain and itch. Excessive pain causes the
children to weep. To get rid of this pain one should pronounce the following mantra (hymn)

Om namoh ram ka dhanush lakshman ka baan

Aankh dard kare tou lakshman kumar ki aan.

Get this mantra proved by repeating 10 garlands in a temple of Shiva, Bhairav or Ram on the night
of fourteenth day of a dark fortnight, this hymn can be proved on a Holi or on eclipse etc. holiday.

Tips to cure ear ache

1. Apply a little indigenous ghee onn the leaves of desi aak, then warm these leaves on fire.
Rubbing these leaves on the palm of hand, extract the juice. Drops 2,2 drops of this juice
in both the ears. This will remove the pus or unwanted matter inn the ear and ease the
ache. Continue dropping these juice drops in the ear for 10-11 days.

2. Take the juice of green leaves of basil and the juice of green leaves of fig tree in equal
quantity, heat it a little and drop 2-3 drops in each ear from 7-11 days regularly,
everyday. It will cure the ear ache.

3. Take the juice of neem leaves 10 gms., the juice of ginger 10 gms., juice of fig tree leaves
10 gms.; mustard or sesame oil 100 gms. Boil it in iron pot, filter it, fil it in a bottle; drop
its 2 drops in each ear for about 20 days. It will relieve from ear ache or pus in the ear.

Tips regarding health of small children

1. To keep small children in good health and save them from bad effects of every kind, hang
a pendant of silver with pearl or moon stone, in the neck of the child.

2. f the child is suffering from hiccups, make the child lick honey in 2, 2 drops. It will help in
hiccup curing.

3. If a child is suffering from marasmus apply paste of multani mitti on the whole body of
the child. After three hours give him a hot bath. Continue t fro 11 days. It will help the

4. f the child is not sleeping at night, put a small clothe packet of dry goat-dung below his
head. He will sleep well.

5. If a small child suffers from Jaundice, put a whole raddish alonmg with leaves near his
head. If the leaves turn yellow at night, replace the raddish with a fresh one. Continue this
process for four days.

6. Drop 400 gms. Gram dal in flowing water.

7. If your child does not drink milk, or vomits after drinking, on a Saturday or Sunday fill a
earthern small pot with milk, take it seven times around the head of the child, make a
black dog drink it. This will make the child drink milk properly.

8. If your child startles up at night, while sleeping, or begins to weep; put a small iron
sword / knife or a teeth of a pig or a lion; bound in black thread, in the neck of the child.
It will help the child overcome this problem for five years.
9. If a child is frightened while sleeping, take a piece of alum, pronounce “Shree Ram Bhakt
Hanuman ki Jai” and put is below the head of he child. This helps in preventing of the
startling of the child.

10. If a child urinates in the bed, while sleeping, take a rose incense stick, inflame it, collect
its ash on a bhoj patra, mix it with ganga water and make a paste, paste it around navel
and on the stomach of the child. Do it on every alternate day for a week.


Apply a paste of saffron around the navel.

If a child suffers from the bad effects of an evil eye, take a piece of alum, move it around
the child from head to feet, seven times and burn it in the fire.


Take some salt, move it from head to foot of the child seven times, and make it flow in
the gush of water under the wash basin.

11. Go to Hanuman Temple on Tuesday and Saturday, salute the idol of Hanuman
respectfully, take some vermillion off the shoulder of right hand of Hanuman and apply it
on the child’s forehead. It will prevent the bad effect on an evil eye.

Tips to get rid of drinking

1. If a man drinks too much, his wife should play on a spinning wheel, this will help
in reducing the drinking.

2. When a man is badly habituated of drinking his wife should take off her bichuaa,
wash it in fresh water, take some wine out of the bottle and put these bichuaa in that
wine. On the thirteenth or fifteenth put that wine in the bottle again. By repeating this
process for five Tuesdays or Saturdays helps in removing the habit of drinking.

3. Take seven leaves of Palash, apply mustard oil 2-4 drops on each, crush them in
your hand and throw out of the house. Continue this process for 11 days. It will help in
getting rid of drinking.

Tips to cure the diseases of the Liver

1. The Liver patient should draw his legs towards his thighs and then spread them
forward again and again on his bed, every morning and evening. Similarly, he should draw
his body in an uneven-distorted way and then leave it opens in an easy form. By repeating
this process for 5-7 minutes in the morning and evening for a few days makes the patient
relieved of liver disease.

Tips to improve memory and appetite

Taking 20 gms. Fresh juice of simbal root with sugar candy every day helps in not only improving
memory but appetite also.

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