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How does your media product

represent particular social groups?

What representations did you plan to

With the storyline we had we wanted to maintain some of our original content and ideas by
keeping the actors young and having them match the characters well in terms of ability,
height and strength. The benefit of having such a young cast means that the target
audience for this piece not only feels they can relate in more way than one but furthermore
adds vulnerability to match our storyline and vision for this as a final product. One of the
main representations we wanted to communicate was this idea of being out smarted and
almost in add a sense of naivety to the real shocks of crime related incidents in the world.
We also chose to represent the majority of our male leading characters as stereotypical
men to really enforce this idea of murder and the victim, Spencer as an average teenage
guy who falls into the wrong hands.
In your chosen film how did you decide to represent
men, women, teenagers, etc?
Because the opening to our thriller reveals an all male cast we had to consider how we’d
portray both the innocence in Spencer and the male formalities of a killer in the murderer. We
decided to look closer at some of the stereotypes of men in the film industry and select
characteristics in accordance to who we wanted to play. For the murderer character we looked
closely at some of the Jason Bourne films and analysed what style of people were put in his
way in order to stop his mission to find his identity. The qualities we found were that they were
all discretely dressed and not particularly obvious to the audience at first glance. Another film
we looked closely at was Red eye and from the knowledge of analysing it we looked at how the
assassinator was quite mindful of combat and killing whilst at the same time having a
knowledge for concealing what he was doing. For character Spencer who plays the onlooker in
this situation we gathered our ideas from famous films such as the 1985 version of Witness
that entails a young boy who witnesses a murder in Philadelphia whilst travelling with his
mother. There are many more films we could have looked at and analysed in order to address
how we wanted our cast to perform. However, I believe that because we had such a fixed idea
of how we wanted the thriller to look, by adding some freedom for the actors to interpret this as
they see best it allowed for that representation to be more original and authentic.
How and why did you make certain decisions about
who would be the right actors to star in your film?
We cast the part of Spencer to fellow student Elliot Archer who showed a keen interest in
interpreting this naïve and cautious role from very early on in the stages of this production. Our
confidence then increased even further with an agreement from Adam Cleminson allowing us to
use his house and gardens to shot our scenes and location shots. What worked so well was that
Adam also stepped forward to play the role of the murderer which assisted us greatly in the final
production as he was available to go back and amend any scenes we weren't happy with. I think
as a group we’ve been very fortunate with our casting in terms of not having extremely complex
characters in order to find people to play them. Thankfully the decisions for casting have been a
group effort although I feel its because we all shared the same vision for the characters and the
set that this area of things has worked so well.

Aside from the obvious differences in gender, these two

characters play the same style of role in being the victim.
One of the main examples I can talk about is the way start
out un knowing that there in danger and unluckily they
become the centre of all attention which leaves there lives
at risk.
Like the killer in our opening, its been easy to take
inspiration from some of the key blockbuster films that
include this aspect of violence that we've chosen to include
in ours. The character to the right, Jason Bourne, is in fact a
good character in his setup, although i've chosen to wirte
about him due to his questionability as to wether or not he's
trustworthy or  a safe person to be in touch with. Its
characteristics like that we wanted to show in our short and
brief display of a killer.

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