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in pursuit of justice

Two Trees Initiative
“The State of Israel . . . will be based on freedom, justice,
and peace as envisaged by the Prophets of Israel . . .”
Israel’s Declaration of Independence

Mark Israel’s 60th anniversary

by supporting Rabbis for Human Rights’ Planting Justice: Two Trees Initiative.
Your contribution will support the planting of trees on the West Bank and in
impoverished Jewish neighborhoods and other locations in Israel.

For twenty years, Rabbis for Human Rights has worked to realize Israel’s founding vision
by protecting the human rights of all:

Rabbis for Human Rights protects Palestinian farmers as they harvest their
trees and replants trees that are illegally uprooted on the West Bank.

Rabbis for Human Rights advocates for economic justice for all Israelis.

Rabbis for Human Rights teaches the Jewish tradition of human rights in our
Human Rights Yeshiva and in pre-army programs.

Celebrate the vision of the Israeli Declaration of Independence.

Plant justice in Israel for all – Jew and Arab alike – and nurture
the possibility of peace and reconciliation.
Help us to plant trees in Israel and on the West Bank.
Join Rabbis for Human Rights’ Solidarity Mission November 9–19, 2008.

Yes! I want to support RHR-NA’s Two Trees Initiative.

Enclosed is my check for The Two Trees Initiative, made out to Rabbis for Human Rights – North America, in the amount of:
 $60  $120  $180  $360  $720  $1,000  $3,600  $6,000  Other: $

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Please send your donation to: Rabbis for Human Rights – North America If your contribution is in honor of someone, please include their name
P.O. Box 1539, West Tisbury, MA 02575 and a mailing address, and we will mail them a certificate.

For more information, call 508-696-1880 or email You may also contribute online at

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